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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  February 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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change course, this is a sort of ideal time, because of that trajectory. and you wonder, whatever happens tonight, is another nudge in that direction. a direction, i think, they are already moving. the trump people are like, they are going ahead. like, everyone, it's just, they are behind the wheel with a blindfold and a fifth of vodka, and everyone is just -- in trouble. >> -- he has his hands on the wheel. >> everyone is troubled. i would be more stressed out, but they are not stressed out. >> donald trump is not stressed out about this clear schism that is happening within the republican party, to clear dissent that exists. we are seeing it proven out in the polls. and look at that. we have an election -- it is almost, in a matter of seconds, it is going to be 9:00 on the east coast. and when that happens in five, four, three, two, one, the polls will have close, as they have right now across the entire state of michigan. at this time, nbc news projects
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that donald trump will win the michigan republican primary. r. that is our election projection, donald trump, the projected winner of the michigan primary. donald michigan primary. donald -- msnbc news can also project that joe biden will win the michigan democratic primary. joe biden, projected winner of the michigan democratic primary. steve kornacki, as always, his post at the big board. what's the big numbers here? >> you can see, if you've been following the last hour here, the story has been the difference between the polls being open and close in michigan. it is -- i.r.a., dickinson -- together, a combined 0.5 of the -- combined 0.5 of the -- border counties are closed, we can make that projection. but it's been evident, as well, if you've been watching, for the last hour what's been happening here. and one of the things as, more vote has been coming in, it was initially very concentrated right here in southeastern
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michigan. but more votes from the rural areas, up north, are starting to come. in some of the upper peninsula started to come in, and that haley numbers continuing to take down and down everest as lightly. now, she just over 31 30%, at 31%. and -- donald trump -- over nikki haley. we mentioned, a few minutes ago, if you are watching, southeastern michigan, the two counties where we think haley's got to do the best tonight, and if she wanted to have a strong showing statewide, really need to show, was oakland -- she's barely above 30%. this is a county, frankly, for haley to be making a statement in michigan, she would need to be winning. and what should be her best county in the state, quite possibly, would be washtenaw county, university of michigan, eastern michigan university, and even they, are now 70% of the vote is, in and she's losing by almost 12 points of donald trump. so, everyone else around their, and certainly the rest of the state, gets worse and worse for haley. and it raises the question of whether she is even going to be able to finish, i, think about that 30% number. remember, she got 43 new
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hampshire. she got 40 in south carolina. what could still buttress haley's forte would be, we've mentioned this. this corner of western michigan around kent county, where grand rapids is, around ottawa county. this is where holland, michigan is. we see we have a little bit of voting. it's almost nothing. but i can show you front of ottawa county, we do have an initial 1% in. if it is a hard one hard on harbinger for haley, it would be a terrible one. -- five county region here, it's about 17% of the statewide republican primary vote total. and this five county region, down trump did not win a single one of them in the 2016 primary, in michigan. in fact, in this, one including the one we just highlighted here, he finished in third place in 2016. this is has he was winning the state at iwg margin. so, again, if haley wants to get that statewide number up, or once really stabilize it where it is, i think this area is really going to have to come in for her. one other sort of a big outstanding slice of vote in
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southeastern michigan, we are still waiting on livingston county. nothing there. but again, especially once you get north here, basically, we could see saginaw, it's a bit arbitrary. but once you get north of there, it is basically trump country. in small, rural counties with large populations of non- college white voters, the core trump base. you can just see what is happening here, as they start to report it. and you are going to see margins like, that cumulatively. they're going to add. up and they're going to buttress that trump number statewide. now, taking a look here at the democratic side overall now, 10% of the vote, uncommitted, at least for the moment, that 15%. mark 15% statewide. 15% in congressional districts in michigan is the threshold on the democratic side to begin collecting delegates of the democratic national convention. now, with a margin like, this biden is going to take the lion's share of delegates here. but the possibility of uncommitted delegates is certainly alive in the returns. nearby basically, the uncommitted story on the democratic side that we are following for the rest of the night is gonna be concentrated in a few places. the first is right here in wayne county. this is the biggest of the big,
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this is detroit here. but it is also home of dearborn. and you had the mayor on from dearborn a few minutes ago. dearborn, with a majority arab american population. so, we have, obviously, 85 votes only from wayne tonight. there is going to be far, for more coming. in but that is going to tell a big part of the story here of whether uncommitted is registering with that large of american and muslim american -- i'm committed, substantial vote start to come in. and then the other type of vote, the other demographic that uncommitted might be drawing support from, we said, college counties. college students, maybe college faculty, for that matter. we certainly got indications on college campuses have a lot of dissent toward joe biden's israel-hamas policy and -- eastern michigan university, about 40% is in right. now at that uncommitted number continues to hover just below a quarter of the vote right there. the other major places to watch, then, for this uncommitted factor, it would be college counties, really, in the rest of michigan. so, places you would look, this
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is isabella county up here. this is where central michigan university is this is kalamazoo county western. , michigan is here. go broncos, or go up to marquette, beautiful county. marquette is on lake superior. it's also the home of northern north michigan university and that's where -- tech is in. we do have some vote in isabella, and kalamazoo. i don't believe it's much. yeah, isabelle is just a scattering. and kalamazoo is also just a scattering. but wayne county, with that large are of america th that large are of america arab america hi arab america h -- where it ultimately lands here. and a little bit of a question or to a visit getting some delegates, that would be more of a symbolic. but that would be interesting if uncommitted is collecting delegates. >> fascinating stuff, here's steve. thank you for that. we will be back to you. soon today, volunteers were out on the streets of michigan, not canvassing for any one particular candidate. but canvassing to get
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michiganders to vote uncommitted in today's primary. it is a protest vote, a vote to send a message to president biden that's -- and they do not approve of his handling of the war thus far. the organizers behind this effort had aimed to get 10,000 uncommitted votes today. that would narrow the 10,000 vote margin by which trump beat hillary clinton in michigan in 2016. it is a relatively low bar, which is when they clear just minutes after polls closed tonight. michigan has more than 300,000 arab america arab america arab american residents -- the large muslim population per capita in any -- washtenaw, home to the university of michigan, and eastern michigan university. both the state arab population
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and its college population -- on the israel-hamas war. there is not the only typically democratic votes we are going to be looking at tonight. exciple show that in 2020, union members in michigan backed joe biden by a 25 point margin. a fox news poll this month showed biden's lead among the states union voters has fallen to 12 points. and that is outside the fairly whopping seven point margin of error in this poll. so, there is a lot of vote that democrats will be looking both at and for when the results come in as far as what might happen in november. joining us now is michigan's democratic senator, debbie stabenow. senator debbie stabenow, it is exciting to have you with us. thanks for joining us. as we get these vote totals, and i want to first ask you about the uncommitted vote and how you think the biden campaign should be reaching out to these voters tomorrow. >> it is great to be with you again. and let me say, this is an
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important group of people who want to be heard, and are making themselves heard. and it is very important. and i know that president biden is listening, as he should be, and is moving forward to do a number of things that need to be done in terms of cease-fire and addressing what has been an incredible loss of life of innocent citizens, as well as have bringing hostages home. so, it's important. i think it is also important to say there is another piece of the story in michigan. i think, that is not yet focused, on which is the fact that people came out to vote. people came out to vote. we worked really hard to move of our primary because we are a very diverse state, both economically, ethnically, and in every possible way we represent america. and we saw more people a vote before today, in absentee ballots and early voting that
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did before in 2020. people were -- and people are voting today and so that's important to focus on as well. president biden will overwhelmingly win michigan. but he needs to be respectful and pay attention. i'm confident he will and -- a very strong message about their concerns. and i should say also, this is not new to michigan, back in 2012 with president obama we had about 10% of those who voted in the primary, that voted uncommitted for various reasons. this will be more than that tonight, certainly. but it is important to pay attention to, that would also pay attention to everyone else who was voting overwhelmingly for president biden in a very large coalition. people are working in michigan, and they know it.
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and good paying jobs, and they appreciate taking on the drug companies and women in our state certainly understand what is at stake in terms of our freedoms to make our own reproductive decisions -- and they are, frankly, horrified after alabama, about what comes next with ivf. so, we have a broad coalition. everyone needs to be respected. and, certainly, the president needs to be respectful of those who were voting uncommitted as well. >> senator, given the extraordinary amount of support that the president has offered union workers, both on the picket line, and through legislation, are you at all concerned about some of this polling that shows that his support among union workers may have softened between now in 2020? >> you know, alex, i just don't believe that. i have been all over the state. i have been campaigning with the president, who gets
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overwhelming positive responses. we went to uaw hall is a couple of weeks. ago i've been with our building construction workers and their leadership in the last two weeks. they are working. they are working overtime. they know where that is coming from. they know that the fact that we are rebuilding michigan and creating more manufacturing jobs, and bringing jobs home, they know that. so, the polls are the polls. but i can just tell you, with all the bad polls we hear, all the time, the reality is we've won every special election as democrats. we have beat the polls, it seems, like over and over and over again. and so, michigan's a purple state. we are going to have to work really hard. but i don't believe for a minute that he has lost support, given what he has been doing to support workers in michigan. >> senator stabenow, it's chris hayes here. just a follow-up on that, it's interesting to hear you talk about the sort of economic status of folks in michigan. for so long, i think, despite
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all the truly remarkable macroeconomic numbers, the cost of living and inflation tended to cloud that out in political discussion, in the punditry discussion. >> right. >> you think that's turned the corner in your state? do you feel like all of these numbers -- record low unemployment, investment in manufacturing -- is impacting folks that you are around and campaigning? >> you know, chris hayes, that's a really good question. i do think we are turning a corner. it was frustrating for a long time, when we are seeing these numbers, 15 million new jobs, and the best economy, more small businesses. the lowest black unemployment forever, ever, ever. and yet, people weren't feeling it. but i see a change, i really do. and when i say to folks that are -- when i'm in the union halls, and these are construction folks, doing all of the great work, and i say, oh, how are you doing? oh, great. working overtime? yeah? do you know who did that? and now, they are saying joe
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biden and democrats. prevailing wage. the efforts. they saw the president on the picket line for the first time, ever a president out there. and they know that donald trump, then, went to a non- union place, and paid people, to pretend they were union workers. so, he can say somehow he supported auto workers. they are not fools. they know what is happening. and we are beginning to see it in other ways. i talk to people who are seeing their prescription drug costs go down. or somebody, a union member who said to me, you know, my mom is insulin and it's now $35 a month. and man, that's made a difference for her. so, it is starting. and that is why i am actually very confident. i mean, we've got work to do. we've got to tell the story, for sure. we have to all tell the story, and not listen to every single poll. but yeah, look at what is happening on the ground, which is that i'm doing it every single day. and i can tell you that i'm
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optimistic. i really am. and i think tonight is a part of. that think tonight is a part of. that the great state of michigan with some real talk for us, and your time tonight, we really appreciate it. >> thanks. >> this is, you know, it is great to hear from the senator about what is really happening on the ground with issues that you and particular have been talking animatedly about for sometime. we've atutgot more special cove of the michigan primary coming up right after the break. >> i think the reason why we got trump in 2016 because people did not vote. and i understand uncommitted, but this is too important an election to be uncommitted. be xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o! xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied, and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your doctor about a 90-day prescription and pay as little as $0.
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activists with the listen to michigan campaign or calling on democrats to vote uncommitted instead of voting for the incumbent democratic president, joe biden, in order to register
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discontent about the presidents policy in the israel-hamas war. heading into them to tonight, listen to michigan was going to garner at least 10,000 uncommitted votes, roughly donald trump's margin of victory in 2016 against hillary clinton. right, now there are at over 20,000 votes, that is almost 16% of the vote across the state. listen to michigan now expects they will even receive a delegate to send to the democratic convention in chicago this summer. joining us now is leyla a lob, campaign manager for the listen to michigan campaign. thank you so much for joining me tonight. it's a big night for grassroots organization. can i first get your thoughts on the numbers we have thus far? i think our official count is over 20,000. we have some reporting that says it could go as high as 100,000. we know that joe biden beat donald trump by 154,000 in the state. is there any chance listened to michigan gets to that number? >> i mean, that would be amazing for us to get that number. but right now, we know that we are emerging victorious
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. we had a modest expectation of 10,000 votes and we have already doubled that just in the short time after polling locations have closed. so we feel really good right now, and it would be amazing to reach those numbers as well. >> there is some talk that you may earn a delegate to the democratic convention. i wonder if you kind of had a strategy of what you might do with that delegate and what the future of that delicate might be . >> yeah, right now is just really exciting to really think about the prospect of sending a delegate and having that. and we will talk about that as our next steps. right now, we are celebrating this victory and the palestinians are in our hearts and prayers right now. and we know that we are doing this in order to have a permanent cease-fire and put pressure on joe biden to change
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course now. >> you talk about a permanent cease-fire, i wonder if you can tell me a little bit more about the coalition. because it seems as if if there is not two factions, there's two signs of it, in so far as there are one group of people who want to see concrete action from the white house, but also another subset of individuals for whom the biden administration has effectively cross eight redlined, that they will not vote for joe biden in november, they may settle the election entire. is that an accurate assessment and give us sort of a breakdown of -- and sort of what people expecting as an action and message from this white house? >> the listen to michigan campaign has been slowly focused on the primary to send that resounding message to joe biden that we need a cease-fire now. we need to listen to his core constituency, his base that put him into office in 2020, and he needs to listen to us when we say we need a permanent cease- fire in order to save as many lives as possible.
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and michiganders, especially within our community, the arab american and muslim american community, this aggression has affected us directly. and so, when we talk about these factions within this movement, this pro cease-fire movement, i think that there is going to be come november there is going to be folks that can't bring themselves to vote for joe biden because of that deep betrayal, not only as muslim americans and arab americans that have direct ties to palestine and that region, but also it feels a betrayal to our democracy that we would align ourselves, the united states would align themselves with netanyahu and his right government over the people that have been saying since october we need a permanent cease-fire right now. >> is there conversation inside the coalition about the possible scenario in which the
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sitting out of the election hands a victory to donald trump? is that something that is actually discussed within the listen to michigan group? >> well, we know that our community that has supported listen to michigan, that have worked on listen to michigan, they are not going to vote in a monolith. so i can't speak for everyone that is part of our coalition. but what i do understand is we know this coalition knows that donald trump and his presidency was not a friend to the muslim american and the arab american community. but most communities that were part of this coalition . but what we can say right now as we focus on the primary to send this message to joe biden that he needed to listen to michiganders when we said we need a permanent cease-fire now, and come november is gonna be joe biden and the democratic party that are gonna be held accountable for handing the white house to someone like trump. >> layla, i love that.
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thank you so much for that time tonight, we'll be watching those returns, appreciate your time. let's head back over to steve kornacki, who is back at the big board with more information and results. steve, what do you got? there >> is a striking that story, there the uncommitted vote. really, it's 15% right now statewide, we are looking at select kind of counties in areas where you really want to see what the impact here. one of the big -- college county it has ticked down the uncommitted totally bit. it was running about 25%, it is -- half the vote has come in here, but again, the votes are coming in from a variety of places in the county. so keep an eye on that one. that right now is the high water mark for uncommitted. and we are starting now to get a little bit more out of wayne. detroit, the big easy here, the motherlode. but dearborn here, for the purposes of trying to get those uncommitted levels of support, the big we're waiting on. on the republican side, just to update you, haley has now fallen under 80%. we talked about just how based on what we saw in
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iowa, new hampshire, south carolina in the types of voters choose drawing votes from in those states, she would've expected, i think you would've expected her to be doing better in the southeastern part of the state here, where she's losing all those counties, including that could be the best of the state. and i said keep an eye on this zone here, right around grand rapids, these are two big counties. canmore is in ottawa county, five assigned the vote in this whole state in this primary is going to come out of ottawa county right. here it is early, but we do have some percent. we told you ottawa, one of the worst counties in the state for donald trump in 2016. he came in third here, he only got 19% of the vote. let's see if this is any kind of a harbinger, this early vote. haley right now though, i think honestly, she wants to crack 30%. this area has got to deliver for her, because trump is just racking up huge margins in all of the rural, areas with low concentrations of college degrees. and again, haley mists terry mark here in southeastern michigan. 40, 43%, she was getting other
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primaries. looks like she's getting under -- 30% is the question. >> thank, you steve. i'm really interested in if nikki haley stays in this race for many reasons. her rhetoric around donald trump, a clear mccaskill said early in the hour, has gotten sharper. but we're not talking about the essential sins of donald trump inside the republican primary yet, that's not part the conversation. >> yeah, no, but he's too unfocused, as you pointed out the other night. >> yeah, lack of focus. and joe biden's failures and donald trump's lack of focus. one wonders if this is her conscious keeping her in the race, if she doesn't actually have designs on the nomination and a convention floor fight. whether she actually does speaker truth in a meaningful way in the closing hours of the campaigns. >> the question i've asked myself throughout this entire race, specifically with regards to chris christie and some of
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the things he said after he dropped out of the race, which is who are the sliver of persuadable voters that we are talking about? people who have voted for donald trump, consider themselves republicans, partisan republicans, who almost certainly have a low favorability of joe biden and democrats, but who could be moved off of voting for donald trump. they exist, they're showing up, i think, in what we're seeing. and the question of, like, what arguments are they listen to, right? the man is sort of a sociopathic menace who represents the worst challenge the constitutional republic since the confederacy, which i think is a true statement, is not the argument that winds with them. and i guess i have a hard time figuring out what that right argument is. >> it's a thanksgiving dinner table argument with your uncle. >> totally, and we're watching her, i think we have watched her workshop this argument. and it has had some effect. this is better and more's suggested and ron desantis's argument, which is donald trump's too soft on trans kids,
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which did not work. so there is something to it. she is speaking to a certain portion of that party. the majority of the party wants donald trump, and that is clear. my question is, does she start to unlock something that is an argument that can be -- because i think the sort of january 6th democracy things which are suppressing, i do think of those -- if that argument worked on those folks, it probably would be on the trump train already. so i do think it is interesting to watch her rhetoric, because it is a little bit of a realtime experiment of what can reach those people. >> yeah, there is a question though, can the party actually move beyond him, unless they address the central -- >> that i totally agree with. >> if you just keep saying he's not a winner, we'll see what that is. >> he's not a winner, and he's unfocused. that's the thing, people say what's the first thing you say about donald trump, on focus, insufficiently focused. >> it may work for some. people more ahead, we will be back soon with some special coverage of the results from the
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michigan primary. stay with us. >> i'm hoping this uncommitted vote will at least let him know that in michigan, it's not a wrap here, it's not a lack here, there are a lot of people here not happy with the job that he's doing. happy with th that he's doing. ll? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ever notice how stiff clothes jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash
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would you just go for? what did you just go? for >> non committed. >> why? >> because i don't like either candidate.
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one is a little too old, and trump's two far-right, extreme, for me. >> that was a voter inventory, michigan, earlier today explaining his uncommitted vote in the state's democratic primary today, not because of president biden's handling of the conflict in gaza, but because of his age. joining me now is democratic michigan state senator mallory mcmorrow. senator, thank you for being here. tonight we've been talking a lot this evening about the war in gaza. even talk about trump v. haley and the schism within the republican party. i am really interested to hear from you how new acts factors are influencing the michigan electorate, and specifically the questions of reproductive freedoms. ivf, because of the alabama court ruling, has become a national issue, and i want to you can give me a sense of how that is playing out in your state in terms of animating independents, democrats, and even maybe republicans. >> look, i can tell you heading into this election year i think
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a lot of people felt a lot of fatigue at the thought of a rematch of 2020. but in the wake of the alabama ruling and a state representative here who has gained a lot of attention in the republican party recently who's called for an outright ban on contraception, it has fired people up. there has been phone banks and events organizing all around the state because this was an issue that michigan lead on harvard in 2022. women mobilized extremely hard to codified abortion access and reproductive rights in our state constitution. and we will be dammed if that gets over done on the federal level. so it is going to be a huge issue heading into november. >> senator, chris hayes here. just a follow-up on that, you talked about phone banks. i'm just curious that there was a tremendous and tremendously effective statewide organizing push around that statewide constitutional amendment that secured abortion rights. are those organizations, those
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folks, still in touch? is there is still the capacity that was there, the connections that were made, the volunteer bases, all the things made to mobilize in 2022, is that still extant and will it play a factor in november? >> 100% it is. this is something i've to give credit where credit is due on the right, that the antichoice movement did and did successfully for a long time was attempt ballot measures even though they knew it wasn't meant to be successful because it mobilized volunteers, allow them with contact information. now we're doing it on our side. these people are engaged, connected, we have organizers in all 83 counties and they're ready to go again. >> i just want to ask a little bit about how the prosecutions of donald trump are playing out in the state of michigan, where you have an attorney general who's actively pursuing fake electors that try to interfere in the 2020 campaign, where there's a plot to eliminate the governor's state, where there's a strong militia presence. does that animate the republican side as equally as it does the democratic side?
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can you talk just a little bit about how that all plays out in terms of the internal michigan politics? >> you know, it's interesting because the republican side is going to a bit of an identity crisis right now. there are two competing state gop parties potentially two competing conventions. there is a court case playing out in just today to decide which convention is the actual gop convention, and it is this schism of people who will willingly fall in line behind donald trump, despite the fact that, yes, there was a plot to potentially kidnap and kill the governor. i was on the senate floor below -- in carrying ar-15 and full tactical gear. and most michiganders just want to move on. but it's really hard to let go of a war of some people for donald trump, who demands nothing but 100% loyalty. >> can you talk to us real quick about the young people of michigan, which makes me sound like very much an old person, but as we get this vote infer
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on committed, there is a sizeable portion of young voters in the ann arbor area and it's slanted who are voted uncommitted as kind of a sign of distrust or distaste for the upcoming president. and i wonder how much of an issue think that is in terms of the general election in november, how much biden has shored up support with michigan's young? >> i was this at the university of michigan last week, giving a talk to people there. and i think there was a real fear that higher this campaign on a knife, that young people were just going to stay home for that election. so the fact that we do have people turning out and making their voices heard, there is a long time between now and november. i know that the administration has worked hard well before this primary to reach out and connect, particularly on the issue of the war between israel and gaza right now, what we're seeing happen. hopefully the news of a brokered cease-fire
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comes to fruition. but engaging young people, in my mind, in michigan is a great thing. that is exercising your right to vote now. that is meant to pave a path november that we desperately need. >> michigan state senator mallory mcmorrow, for it heavy on the program, thank you so much, appreciate your insight. i think it's so valuable hearing from people saying -- first of all, what she's saying about leave us fracture that's been built up in and around the question of reproductive freedom. when you talk about with the whole ball game might be in november, could be ivf, could be abortion, could be the sort of freedom of bodily autonomy. >> and i also think the last point was actually a really important one, and i haven't thought of it this way. and i think there's something to be said of the way the listen to michigan campaign is gone about this. which is there are some folks that have run a campaign called abandoned by them, which is it's done, it's over, it's whatever. the prospective listen to michigan are these are people who have real complaints, substantive complaints,
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disagree with the presidents policy. how do we engage them in such a way that keeps them in an act of political dialogue and actively politically involved building towards something, as opposed to feeling completely alienated and rejected? and her point there of, look, active is better than inactive. invested is better than alienated and diffident. i think it's actually a very important one for thinking about what the next five or six months into november look like. >> and that's represented democracy. >> completely, that's what it should be. >> we believe that we can see change if we did speak loudly enough. all right, we will have more of our continuing special coverage of the michigan democratic primary coming up. stay with us. with us. >> absolutely, we voted uncommitted today, again, to put that pressure on the current administration to call for a cease-fire so that we can see peace and -- yeah, just
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bit more ottawa county where holland is, getting 10%, she's at 30%, cannes county where grand rapids, we've got about a tenth of the vote in there, and haley down, these should be her absolute best counties in the states. these counties i just showed you in washtenaw in oakland where i was showing you earlier, and again overall state line she is sitting at 29 right now. democratic side, again, take just under 15% but we're looking at particular areas here. we're waiting on dearborn, we're also looking for college counties, we're also looking at the county where watch an eye county in michigan is. we're showing you the result within the county. let me take the marker. off -- 21% but here's the interesting thing. number specific to the city of ann arbor. that's where the university of michigan's and in ann arbor the number right now is 63 to 32%
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for biden. uncommitted is hitting 32% and probably the most uncommitted friendly part of washtenaw county. the most and committed friendly of perhaps the most and committed friendly county in the state right now, running at 32%. in all other areas of washtenaw county that are not in ann arbor right, now biden is running 77%, and uncommitted is running at 18%. with half of the vote in it's a mix of early vote, absentee vote, same day voting, none of these municipalities, none of these towns or cities or completed their count, but there is a disparity there. that's what it's running at right now. again, ann arbor, outside of dearborn, as good as it gets for uncommitted tonight. >> police commit and the least committed. steve kornacki, thank you, as always, my friend. earlier this morning on the day of the michigan primary this is what former president donald trump had to say about the president of the auto workers union. >> and the autoworkers, i love
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the autoworkers, and i think they're gonna vote for me, even though the head of the union was just absolutely, just so stupid. >> that would be the republican presidential candidate, donald trump, calling the president of the uaw, shawn fain, stupid, on the day of the michigan primary. almost 13% of workers and union in michigan are union members, that's three points higher than the national average, union workers in the state are expected to lean left this evening especially after president biden's concerted efforts to strengthen that support. he received uaw endorsement in january, and he joined the uaw pickle on picket line outside detroit less have number and he's passed legislation that created 30 new clean energy projects in michigan along with a three fold increase in private manufacturing construction. tonight we're going to see if all that worked from team biden has paid off at the ballot box. joining us is josh marshall, founder and editor in chief of talking points memo.
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thanks for being here. what's the strategy behind calling the president of the uaw stupid on the night of the michigan primary? >> i wouldn't say there is much of a strategy. that's pure trump. if you don't like trump your stupid and an idiot and a loser and all that kind of stuff. i have to imagine that trump is going to be play into whatever dissident vote there is within the uaw. so he's not really playing for that audience. but i don't think it is strategy. its personality. that's who he is. that's who trump. is >> when you look at the number of things that biden houston for the labor movement on the whole, for union workers in the state of michigan, it's astounding. we were talking to debbie stabenow, the senator, earlier this evening, and mallory mcmorrow, and they sound bullish on biden's chances in the state, notwithstanding legitimate concerns that are being aired this evening with the uncommitted vote. but his economic record, the
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work he has done to champion labor rights, workers wages, what he is done on the economy writ large. when you look at the sum total of all of this, do you think the narrative of trump's cultural poll on the white working class may be grinding to a halt in a state like michigan? >> not sure it's grinding to a halt. he definitely that is, that is a certain kind of hold he has. it tends to be elements of the white working class that are not unionized. there is a whole literature about the change in that vote over the last half century that is about the decline of unions, the rise of other ways that the cultural and social life of white working class voters exists when there is no longer a strong union president. that's different to a significant extent in michigan. i think democrats have reason to be fairly bullish about michigan. i saw a comment a few days ago
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that they don't have a chance without a radically different policy in the middle east. the race is about tied with a slight leaning toward trump right now. michigan is always going to be close. it's certainly dramatic. biden's record is a dramatically different one than clinton had in the 90s and to a great extent that barack obama had a decade ago. even though, obviously, obama rightly got a lot of credit for basically saving the auto industry for unions. his union organizing and labor movement, his record was more mixed. so biden has gone all in on this issue that is not just about michigan. that's something that really informs his whole policy across everything the administration has done. so i think that will have a positive effect. but michigan is always close.
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and i think what we seem to be seeing with this uncommitted vote tonight is enough uncommitted to feel good about the results but also biden doing well enough to not feel like he's caught out or something. so i think overall for the democratic party, this is a pretty good result out of tonight. so i think they have reason to be bullish. >> when you look add the lines in the sand, as it were, josh, when it comes to the republican side of the aisle, nikki haley not doing as well as she did in previous primaries, donald trump seemingly consolidating support, what's your expectation for the republican race? >> my expectation as of a year ago was the dondra trump was understands the nominee. i never had any question about that. i do think that out of iowa and new hampshire and even into south carolina there was that fairly consistent 40% of
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basically knows. nikki haley is a place holder candidate. she is consolidating the republicans and republican- leaning independents who don't want to or aren't ready to get on board with donald trump. it doesn't mean most of them won't vote for him in november, but this is a better result than donald trump got in the first few contests. and i would say he should be happy, a little happier about that then he has been about the results of the first three or four contests. >> maybe he can lay off calling the uaw president stupid next time. might do better. >> yeah, my two even. better >> thank you for your time. we'll have more of a special coverage of the michigan primary right after this quick break. >> i can understand where they are coming from. i don't support that. i feel like -- vote uncommitted ends up hurting the democratic party more than the republican party. so there's a danger to that. to. science that matters.
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>> if you are just joining us, in tonight's special election coverage of michigan's presidential primary, nbc news is projecting donald trump to win 16 of michigan's 55 republican national convention delegates. the other 39 will be awarded on saturday during a gop state party convention, or maybe possibly conventions plural. because if you have not yet heard, the michigan republican party is currently a bit of a goat rodeo, fighting literally and figuratively over who their leader is. either trump loyalist an election denier kristina karamo, or pete -- a faction of the party voted to replace karamo. today a judge of michigan ruled that hotter is the rightful leader of the republican party the state, and judges -- from accessing the bank accounts.
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i'm not don't know what i'm gonna. so this is what happens when you have election deniers in your power party. they don't like ceding power. >> also the people attracted into the infrastructure in the trump area. we all saw in arizona when they were doing their forensic audit and they had the ev to find the chinese bamboo paper in the ballot. those are the people that show up. so those are the people that would take down these parties and big question for me is in nevada arizona michigan, all of which have truly dysfunctional republican parties, how much is going to matter. how much is that gonna matter on the ground come november? maybe it doesn't matter in the presidential, maybe in the congressional district level. but those parties are wild, wild situations. >> it's a wild situation led by a wild individual. that is going to do it for us tonight. msnbc's coverage of the michigan primary continues on the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, alex. thank you alex and chris for this mini coverage.
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