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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  March 5, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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that means a lot of people will start coming here to enjoy the snow. the officials, though, do have a warning, which is watch out for avalanches. if you are coming here, you better know what you are doing. >> i guess the silver lining for those shovellers are the biceps they are developing. thank you for joining us. we will have special coverage of tonight's super tuesday results. you can catch our show online around the clark on youtube and other platforms. "josé diaz-balart reports" picks up our coverage right now. good morning. it's 11:00 a.m. eastern, and 8:00 a.m. pacific.
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i am josé diaz-balart. it's super tuesday, and right now voters are casting their ballots in 16 states and one u.s. territory. it could mark a decisive moment. nikki haley is looking for an upset. trump's name will be included on every republican ballot, 24 hours after the supreme court handed him a victory saying no state can bar him from the ballot because of his actions on january 6th. we begin with our national correspondent, steve kornacki, at the big board, and vaughn hillyard covering the trump campaign, and ali vitali joining us from the road covering the
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haley campaign. >> the big picture to keep in mind, yellow, you see the republicans, and 1215 is the magic number to win the nomination. the big thing to keep in mind are the rules in the states, they are designed to determine a winner. demographically there are a lot of suburbs, big sprawling suburbs in california. nikki haley has done well in big, sprawling suburbs. you may say this could be a reasonable target for haley, but the rules in california, it's a closed primary, independents and democrats can't vote, and haley, that's the back of her support, it has come from independents and democrats so far. the rules also in california, a
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simple majority, 50% plus one, you get all the 169 delegates. texas, 161 delegates. it's not quite winner take all officially, but winner take almost all the delegates. between the two states, trump could get 300 plus delegates don't just between the two states. you can see he's taking a giant step towards 1,215. oklahoma, arkansas, alabama, the demographics here, trump's base, rural, blue-collar white working class, white voters without a college degree, and they dominate in the states here on the republican side.
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pretty close to winner take all. trump padding his lead there. where could haley make noise tonight? a couple places to look. first, vermont. trump only got 32% of the vote when he first ran, and no party registration in vermont. if you think of yourself as a democrat or independent, you are free to vote in that primary. and then outside washington, d.c., huge concentrations there, suburbs with white college educated voters, and they have been friendly to nikki haley so far. if haley cannot win statewide, she can collect delegates in virginia and minnesota, and could be doing that in vermont as well. vermont and -- colorado as well. even if she's doing that, making noise in the states, and the rules in the other states and
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the democratic nature of the other states, unless haley pulls off monumental upsets and outright wins in trump area, she will get buried in the delegate math by the end of today. >> how is the nikki haley's campaign feeling about the burial super tuesday? >> they are not looking at the burial prospects, and instead focusing on the optimism they are seeing on the ground. the fact they see those voters that said they would go to biden or just as soon stay home. if that kind of general election calculate, and they are staying in the race through super tuesday in large part because they think trump is not
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electable in a general -- >> just lost ali vitali, who is on the road. we will try and re-establish communication with her. but i want to go to vaughn, because trump was handed a victory by the supreme court yesterday. what is trump looking at super tuesday with? >> reporter: if i may, josé, offer ali defense, she's putting more miles on the car than any presidential candidate this super tuesday, so kudos to her for the work. trump has been hanging out at mar-a-lago since he got back to town on saturday. he had two super tuesday rallies in north carolina, and last night he went on a right wing outlet in which he took questions and largely focused on taking on joe biden and the
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democrats this november, and he phoned into fox & friends this morning where he shoved aside a peace making deal with haley. i think it's important for americans to understand that the trump campaign is largely -- has largely looked past the primaries. and they believed their data showed they would be able to wrap up the nomination with enough delegates to meet that threshold, but now they are looking at march 12th. if you go back to eight years ago, donald trump, he had to
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square off against ted cruz all the way into may. it was states that are voting today where donald trump lost, and that included places like texas, arkansas, colorado, maine, minnesota, oklahoma, utah. compare that to where we find ourselves today, and nikki haley is barely able to compete, and as steve outlined is looking to compete in congressional districts, like northern virginia, and it's not a matter of winning states. >> trump's campaign and the campaign style includes the rallies where he continues to express all kinds of -- well, for example, just on the issue of immigration and the humanitarian crisis at the border, he's bringing up issues that are geared toward who?
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>> reporter: they are geared toward turning out a part of the american electorate he thinks he can win with. let's be clear, josé. donald trump, at least according to his data, doesn't see any major pushback to the nearly year and a half campaign rhetoric he has deployed to date including saying that immigrants poison the blood of america, and the trump campaign likes exactly where they find themselves in the head to head with biden, and they feel they will be able to appeal with the independent voters that also have concerns over the migrant crisis and concerns over the way they view the economy, and they believe they will be able to turn out even more voters, those trump-loyal voters that maybe did not come out and vote in 2020. when you are looking at the swing states like michigan and wisconsin and arizona and georgia, they believe there's an
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untapped part of the trump loyal electorate this go around, and it's that rhetoric, donald trump being donald trump that could win him the election and he doesn't have to go and placate the likes of nikki haley voters, and he could be eager to see them over to joe biden or a potential third party candidate in november. donald trump has shown us how he has run over the last year and a half, and there's no reason to suggest he will change course. >> we have re-established communication with ali. where is the haley campaign heading tonight? a lot of it must have to do with resources? >> reporter: we are out here making the case for why infrastructure is so important and why the investments in rural
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broadband needs to be amplified. we are going to charleston, because that's where we are told haley will be spending time in today, and we think it's the final rally she will give, and i say that because it's the last public thing on her schedule that the campaign has told us about. we believe she will be taking in the results somewhere in charleston, likely where she has a residence, and what happens after that is anybody's guess. the point of resources, that's something that could end a campaign. for haley, she's in an interesting position -- >> oh. oh, just that interesting position, and then we lost her. she's literally on the road. this is live television.
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thank you, steve kornacki, vaughn hillyard, and ali vitali. we will take a short break, and later we will go to california and break down the state's most hotly contested race in decades to replace the late senator feinstein. in alabama, the drama is in the judicial races, and several of the supreme court justices that made their ivf ruling are on the ballot. now, a quick look at what is on the mind of voters in utah. >> we're here in utah, home to brigham young university. the republicans are gearing up for caucuses tonight and we want to talk to young voters about what matters most to them, and then religious leaders and how
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13 past the hour. today virginia is holding an open primary, which means people can pick what party they want to vote for when they show up at the ballot box, and it's a state where haley is hoping to beat expectations. and gary is traveling and joins us. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: josé, we are heading towards response veina. here's what one voter i talked to had to say. what candidate do you think is best suited to deal with the
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issues -- >> i don't know at this point. i just really wish we would focus on the issues and not all the other stuff, so that's kind of what is blurring it for me, and up to this point i feel like we have not been focusing on that and i want to see more action, you know. that's it for me. >> reporter: now, this frustration with the democratic party may help nikki haley, because as has been mentioned earlier in the show, the areas of virginia that nikki haley can do best in will be the suburbs of richmond and the suburbs of washington, d.c. and the area around charlottesville. that's an area where if she picks up anything in virginia, it's going to be there. as we are looking at who is supporting the two candidates, donald trump or nikki haley on the republican side, both candidates were in the commonwealth of virginia this past weekend, and the get out of the vote campaign has not been
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there, that is nowhere to be seen these days. it will be interesting to see how much of the republican party does get out to vote, and who will be voting for nikki haley. >> thank you so much. we got you covered with even more states on this super tuesday. up next, one governor's race in north carolina could make history. first, let's check in and get an update in vermont. >> vermont is one of the states nikki haley is hoping to do well in today. it has an open primary, meaning anybody can participate. besides new hampshire governor, the only sitting governor to endorse nikki haley is vermont's republican governor scott. why always the couch?
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spotsylvania. 28 past the hour. we are following breaking news. meta says facebook and instagram users are having trouble accessing those services. brian cheung joins us. what is going on? >> it appears to be messenger as well, this on the morning of a very important super tuesday. i want to read to you a statement that facebook put out just in the last hour. they posted this on x, formerly
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known as twitter, and the communications officer said we are aware people are having trouble accessing our services. we are working on this now. that's all we have at this time. i tried to log into instagram and it appears that is down. facebook, it appears a number of people, including myself, have been logged out of the app so getting back in is having issues. facebook outages reported, over half a million as of a few minutes ago. it appears to be a widespread issue. no resolution at this point and we don't know why it's happening or whether or not that resolution will come anytime soon. a major social media platform -- several social media platforms disrupted this morning. >> thank you. now shaquille brewster
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joining us. how are voters feeling about this race? >> reporter: well, this is a race that is expected to be one of the most competitive gubernatorial elections, and republicans see this as an opportunity, especially during a presidential election year to flip control of the governor's mansion. the state that has gone republican in the past presidential cycles, so a lot of attention is being focused on that, and today is the primary so this is the opportunity for both parties to have their say and put up who they believe would be the best candidate to go on and take on the opposite party in november. i will tell you, based on the conversation i have been having with voters, while that is a focus for many of them, a lot are talking about the top of the ticket. you have folks saying they are
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backing nikki haley, and donald trump, and some coming in and supporting joe biden, although it's not a democratic race. >> i think trump is a special guy at a special time. >> why nikki haley? >> two reasons. i think, one, she would do a good job. and two, i think donald trump is a threat to the well-being of our country. >> reporter: why president biden? >> he is the right man for this time. he has -- we couldn't have wished for anybody better in my mind because he has tremendous experience. >> reporter: there's over lap in the presidential primary and the governor's race. former president trump just this weekend putting his thumb on the scale of that, backing and
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giving robinson a full endorsement. he's an outspoken here in north carolina, and some voters are uncomfortable with him being on the ticket in november, thinking it could help democrats in november. it's a sign that it's not just a presidential but lots of races folks are coming out to vote on, josé. >> thank you so much. voters are also heading to the polls in texas today. we are keeping a close eye on the primary for the 18th congressional district. and our next guest is facing a serious challenge today. lee has more. >> for 30 years, sheila jackson lee has become a household name
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and hero for many, fighting for equality, black progress and reparations. >> i introduce this to make juneteenth a federal holiday. >> reporter: but she is now facing a challenge. jackson lee will be up against former houston city council woman, amanda edwards, and she was once jackson lee's intern, and it's a close race. >> it's okay to have competition but i am sheila and i am the sheila that will deliver. >> recent polling shows men, latino and independent voters favor edwards, who has spent months laser focused on the race. >> i think it's time for a
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change in the election. everybody in the district wanted change. >> jackson lee spent last year running for mayor of houston, losing that race and the time for fundraise for her re-election. >> so here i am in 2024 reminding my constituents they have not seen me take a misstep from serving them. that's what i like most, for them to know the work we have done and the work we are going to do. >> at the same time, a local scandal. secretly recorded video of lee berating her staff, and the point was to undermine her not by edwards but who she calls
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maga democrats. >> this 18th congressional district street belongs to the people of the 18th congressional district. when they say it's time for change, that's when change will result. >> the political implications of the race are huge, and perhaps historic. >> our thanks for that report. up next, we will go to california where big names are running for seats in the senate and the house. plus, donald trump ramping up his anti-migrant rhetoric, this time comparing them to hannibal lector. nice cruise will sort you right out.
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you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. we continue with our super tuesday coverage, watching races across the country and looking at what it means for november. joining us now, the political strategist and host of the cycle and author of "hit them where it hurts: how to save democracy by beating them at their own game."
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and kasich and castro, msnbc political analysts. we're not looking or talking about a normal open primary. we have two incumbents running, right. maybe a little separation on time, and what we will see on super tuesday, is a exclamation point. it doesn't mean that nikki haley will go away. i think she might be more likely now that all the cases seem look they are not going to get to trump in time for the november elections, but we will see what happens. >> if nikki haley doesn't get any states, is there a future for her? >> she's not going to win any of these states. it's not going to happen. i mean, a future for her, sure, but in terms of what does that
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mean? will she stay as a candidate? it begins to be tough and people scratch their heads -- i understand she feels strongly, and i am not going to disrespect her because she feels she has to carry on. i look at my own situation when i was facing trump and it got to the point where he was going to win, and there was no way for me to stop him, and at that point i delivered what i felt all the messages i needed to deliver. by the way, i never endorsed him. you know, maybe there's something for her to say when she's finished with this. my whole concern for her is instead of a whole attack on trump, i wish she would articulate a vision for the future that could get americans excited about the possibilities here in the 21st century. at this point, she's not doing that but if she is going to continue, that's what she needs to do. really tough to continue, and
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the koch brothers took their support away, and that makes it tough. god bless her. >> standing by with adam schiff, gottie? >> reporter: yeah, this is a contentious race with a lot of stakes, and two colleagues as well as you, vacating the house to run for this seat. >> i have two house colleagues running, and the principle distinction is california is looking for two qualities in a senator, they want somebody that can lead in big fights and protect our democracy no matter what comes. i have been in the middle of the fight and will do everything i
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can to make sure we remain a strong democracy, and i have a strong record of delivering mass transit and a early emergency notification system, and it's a record of getting things done and that sets me apart from my colleagues. >> on the ballot today, besides the presidential and besides your race, what was the most important thing to vote for today? >> the ballot measure we have in california, address the mental illness crisis we have. there are so many folks without shelter and have substance abuse problems or mental health issues, and it's an economic issue, we have to build more housing and we have to make sure we have the treatment beds and facilities for those that need acute care, and that ballot measure that a lot are not even aware of is super important.
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>> prop 1. >> yes. >> the race with steve garvey, and a lot of people saying this is a race of reverse psychology, and your race is spending money attacking steve garvey saying it's a nudge nudge, wink, wink, trying to turn out the republican vote. >> people outside the state don't understand what it's all about. we don't have a closed my -- primary, we are all on the same ballot. there are four of us that qualified to make it on the debate stage, including steve garvey. he's on fox all the time attacking me, and i am distinguishing my record on leadership and effectiveness, and steve garvey is out of step
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with california, and he will never protect reproductive freedom or stand up to the nra, and he is so far out to the right that he is not what californians are looking for. >> thank you. >> thank you. back to you. >> thank you. please send my regards to the congressman for me. appreciate it. i want to go back to the conversation and bring in julio castro on this. donald trump is moving closer to the anti-migrant rhetoric -- well, take a listen to some of the things he said just in an interview last night. >> they are coming from places unknown and they are rough people, in many cases from jails, prisons, mental institutions and insane asylums, "silence of the lambs" stuff,
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hannibal lecter. anybody know hannibal lecter? we don't even have languages -- it could be from the planet mars, and nobody knows how to speak it. >> languages from mars and immigrants from mental institutions. what is this -- do you think -- who is this rhetoric geared towards? >> well, i mean, this is hateful, it's hurtful and it's even hitleresque rhetoric at times and it's geared towards a crowd that loves this stuff. this sounds like what he said in 2015, when he came down that escalator, and look what happened in 2016. he was rewarded politically for this rhetoric, and he went on at the border and did family
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separations and he thinks he can win on that again. when democrats present a positive alternative, they win. if there's anything benefiting donald trump winning the primary early, we can then rally, and he's talking about rounding up immigrants and jailing them, the same old cruelty. that's the best hope democrats have of actually rallying around joe biden and winning in november. it's hateful and cruel rhetoric, but democrats have to respond to it. >> i mean, john, does anybody else have to respond to that, too? >> first of all, look, i think
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julian is trying to make a good point. i don't have talking points, but the biden administration and democrats were a day late and dollar short when it comes to the border. this issue has risen temporarily to the top of the list, and in the end people will vote on the basis of how they feel about economics. at the same time, i have to say to my evangelical friends, this is not the kind of rhetoric that is expected for us to hear or support. remember what st. paul said about compassion and love and kindness and self-control. you got to look and see whether this kind of divisive language serves anybody. it's true, we have a problem at the border. it needs to be fixed. the republicans have just blocked the most important border bill in a long time, but let's not lose sight of the fact that the democrats were behind on this.
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can they make it up? i think maybe they can, but it's really, really tough. they should not have ignored this. part of it is because they were afraid of their base. biden has a real problem. i mean, he has a real problem. everybody knows it. we saw the sienna poll, and happy talk is not going to fix the problem. >> but there are two different issues, really, and rachel, i want your thoughts on this. there's the issue of the humanitarian crisis at the border that now has become a humanitarian crisis throughout the country. then there's this specific talk of the people that are coming from mental institutions and hannibal lecter and poisoning the blood of the united states, and this language, from mars, and there are two different things here, racial? >> they are, but they are not, right? they are connected. julian was right, it's
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hitleresque speech. yeah, the language is off, and it's tempting for us to focus on the rhetoric, and i think it's mostly important that communities of color hear about the platform, and republicans are not sharing that platform, but that's a very, very aggressive anti-migrant platform where they are talking about mass deportation on day one. arizona went through this in 2010, arizona and alabama, some of the southern states with the show me your papers law. what is coming to the latino community of america will be catastrophic, and let's not make it about rhetoric and character but make it about the tangible threats, and we are going to see a lot of the tuned out people
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don't get it and it will come to them. we will see what happens. i would push hard back on governor kasich, who i admire greatly. the number one issue in this election will be i am a half citizen now, and we are going to be living under a national abortion ban, and it will give women in blue states nowhere to hide, and the asylum process is being abused by the criminal gangs and it's a call to a humanitarian crisis, but what is coming under a trump dictatorship, and a man that did not want to leave once will not leave a second time, folks, and that's going to be bad for communities of color, specifically latinos and communities of color. >> thank you so much for being with us this morning. we will have much more of our special super tuesday coverage ahead. first, we are tracking new
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developments in an effort to get a cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. what a senior hamas official is telling nbc news this morning. plus, a fatal plane crash in nashville. stay with us. ith us are—ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.
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47 past the hour. as we keep an eye on the super tuesday races, let's get you caught up on some of the day's other headlines. the u.s. supreme court temporarily blocked the new texas law that allows state and local police to arrest migrants that illegally cross into the united states from mexico. the law is now blocked until at least march 13th, giving the justices more time to discuss their steps. overnight, traffic cameras
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caught the moment a small plane crashed near a highway in nashville, tennessee, killing all five people onboard. the pilot requested an emergency landing before going down. jury selection is under way in the father of the oxford high school mass shooter. it comes one month after his wife, jennifer crumbley, was tried on the same charges. gangs tried to take over the main international airport on monday in haiti, and it's unclear if they were successful. in israel, the israeli hamas war this morning, secretary of state, antony blinken is responding to a senior hamas official saying it's op to the u.s. to pressure israel into a
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cease-fire before the start of ramadan. meanwhile, the u.s. and jordanian armed forced carried out their second humanitarian aid drop into southern gaza. joining us now, nbc's raf sanchez. >> reporter: secretary blinken was at the state department and department. he was hosting the prime minister of qatar who has been a key mediator. the secretary repeated a point we have been hearing from senior administration officials over the last couple of days, which is from the u.s. perspective, they believe there could be a cease-fire immediately if hamas would agree to the framework that was hammered out in paris the other weekend.
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listen to what the secretary had to say. >> here we have an opportunity for an immediate cease-fire that can bring hostages home, that can increase humanitarian assistance getting to palestinians who so desperately need it and set the conditions for an enduring resolution. it is on hamas to make decisions about whether it is prepared to engage in that cease-fire. >> reporter: hamas not surprisingly sees this differently. they say the ball is in the israeli court. they have responded to that framework agreement. we don't know exactly what is in their response. jose, these talks seem basically stalled at this point. it's looking increasingly unlikely a deal will be in place by the time ramadan starts on sunday. two israeli officials are telling me that amid heavy american pressure, they are looking into a plan to open a new border crossing into
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northern gaza to get additional humanitarian aid in. >> raf, israel's defense forces released new audio recordings that they say allegedly show u.n. employees participating in the october 7th massacre? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. these are allegedly employees of the troubled u.n. agency for palestinian refugees. nbc news has not been able to independently verify the recordings. the israeli military you say you hear teachers talking about kidnapping israeli women on october 7th. these troubling allegations have led the united states and other countries to withhold funding. they say they fired the employees who israel brought to its attention. it's begging the u.s. and other countries to restore the flow of aid saying they have simply no chance of keeping up the humanitarian operation in gaza
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where famine is looming unless that aid is restored. >> raf sanchez in tel aviv, thank you very much. up next, how the efforts of alabama's supreme court ruling on frozen embryos could impact the ballot box today. first, let's go to nashville, tennessee. >> i gotta tell you, it's been a slow but steady stream of voters. it's one of the few more democratic-leaning counties in tennessee. the state is pretty solidly red. this county is where nikki haley may be a bit more competitive. watch here to see how many voters, after they leave, are willing to share if they bought into her argument she may be the best candidate to defeat current president joe biden. we will be right back with more special election coverage after
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57 past the hour. voters in alabama are heading to the polls today for super tuesday as the state legislature returns with a pivotal agenda. lawmakers still need to vote on an ivf bill after alabama's supreme court ruled frozen embryos are considered children. five of alabama's nine supreme court seats are on the ballot. dasha, how much is this weighing on voters today? >> reporter: given the importance that we have seen that state supreme courts can play, the critical decisions they can make, it's important. this is the thing, jose. we are in alabama. this decision, this supreme court ruling on embryos came out of alabama, which is a deep red
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religious state. a lot of the voters we have been talking to aren't necessarily disagreeing with the supreme court decision. some do disagree. others agree but want access for ivf and others really do believe embryos are children and they should be protected as such. listen to some of the conversations we had. >> supreme court got it wrong. >> reporter: you believe the supreme court -- the embryo decision? >> because they said embryos are humans. how can you freeze humans? you can't freeze me and have me come back. >> reporter: do you think people who want access should have access to ivf. >> i don't know about that. i believe god put them where he wants. if they supposed to have a baby, let god do the work. >> reporter: nationally, polls have shown that ivf is overwhelmingly popular, not just
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with democrats, but republicans. the thing i'm learning from voters is the connection isn't necessarily being made between that supreme court ruling and putting ivf under threat. if democrats are hoping to use this rally voters to their side, they need to make clear how this is an extension of the fall of roe versus wade. >> thank you, dasha burns. you can reach me on social media. you can watch clips from our show at youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. ♪♪ right now on super tuesday, a special edition of "andrea mitchell reports." in the republican race, 15


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