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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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with violent crimes now the u.n. says 5.5 million people half of the country's population are in need of humanitarian aid. the prime minister fled to u.s. soil as people are calling for his resignation and the latest reporting the u.s. conducted a military operation to evacuate non-military personnel from the embassy in haiti which remains hope. >> u.s. officials have taken that in response to the violence and is it all officials? the non-essential at the embassy? all we knee it's non-essential personnel. in terms of the u.s. and the relations between haiti they are walking a fine line in demonstrations we've seen that have a haitian population including miami they have been asking the u.s. not to intervene
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and the u.s. is not calling for the resignation of the prime minister. instead calling for a transition. they are being careful and they have said they are not intervening they are specific about their words saying they are evacuating the personnel. which we talk about the evacuation our understanding is flights have been canceled and people are stranded. we are trying to confirm. and we know for people trying to get in and out it's difficult if not impossible without evacuation which we saw with the americans being evacuated. >> thank you for that breaking news update. >> to ban or not to ban? on the issue of tiktok in just a few minutes. good day from ma world headquarters in new york welcome to the report. we are beginning looking ahead
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to the first full week of campaigning with the unofficial start of the general election under way. president biden and former president trump attacking each other duelling rallies in georgia saturday. >> celebrated contribution of immigrants to our country our economy and our communities. donald trump calls them ver mon. poison the blood of america. >> do not doubt where my heart is. unlike donald trump. >> he was an inlegal ailient he was an illegal migrant and he shouldn't have been in our country. and biden should be apologizes for apologizing to the killer. >> the president's campaign says it brought in $10 million in fundraising after the state of the union and an abc poll shows 29% of the americans thought
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biden performed better than expected. and he told ma in an interview saturday. here is what he said if he has a red line when it comes to israel. >> what is your red line with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ? do you have a red line? would invasion of rafah which you've urged him not to do would that be a red line? >> i will never leave israel the defense of israel is critical. there is no red line i will cutoff all weapons. they don't have but there's red lines if you cross them and if you cannot have 30,000 more palestinians dead. >> and just a minute, jonathan will join me to talk about this interview. it comes amid criticism to develop a corridor to ship aid into gaza. >> the efforts to build a pier
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in to get aid in that way are not exclusive. the president and others continue to urge israel to open up more corridors into gaza and crucially within gaza to make sure their systems to deliver that aid. so you have to do a lot. the air drops are another piece of this. but it's part of a larger strategy to get more aid into gaza. >> let's go to alley with the president in delaware. we have the president hitting the campaign trail already and we did get insight into the appeal that holds with his interview. talk about things he said in that interview? >> no shortage of headlines out of this interview between jonathan and president biden while in georgia yesterday. and several of them as you laid out were related to the
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israel-hamas war. the president continuing to use the sharper language when talking about prime minister benjamin netanyahu's handling of the war and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in gaza. the president saying he is hopeful a that a sear fire deal would be able to be reached by ramadan which is very, very soon. he talked about being willing to go to theness set to peek with israelis about the humanitarian crisis in gaza and we've seen since the war began this war becoming more and more of a political vulnerability for president biden. especially as the general election campaign really kicks off in earnest. the president talking to jonathan about the reelection efforts. here here is what he had to say. >> the only time i get out of the cloiter of the white house where i look people in the eye and listen to their argument ps
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and the pain and see the pain in their face and what they need to have relieved. >> the president and his team are preparing to fan out across the country to build on that momentum from the widely praised state of the union address and try to get that messaging out on the road. we expect the president to go to new hampshire he will be in michigan and wisconsin. and the biden campaign telling nbc news that the 24 hours after the state of the union speech they raised $10 million the largest 24-hour fundraising haul since last april. >> thank you for that from delaware. right now we will bring in my colleague who conducted that terrific interview, jonathan host of the saturday and sunday show here on ma. welcome. nice get. let's talk about the soundbyte
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that gave us a glimpse were the president may be running again what was your takeaway about the approach of the interview in demeanor and the mood of the campaign and how engaging was he on your questions? >> so in terms of the mood of the campaign, the mood is how should we say, it's buoyant especially after the president's very strong very well received state of the union address. i think in the clip that you played you could hear me you love campaigning and it's clear. he loves being able to get out of washington now that the campaign is on, he is very excited to get out and prosecute the case for why he should get a second term and why donald trump shouldn't be president of the united states. he views this as not so much of
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getting him another four years he views this as protecting american democracy and the country's standing in the world by preventing donald trump from getting into the white house again. so he is in a very good mood. he is looking forward to getting on the campaign trail. in terms of answering my questions, as you recall i interviewed the president in october of 2022 and we had a nice back and forth this back and forth, alex, was a lot more brisk before the interview he said to me listen if i go on and on in an answer, feel free to cut me off. i'm serious. i asked him 14 questions in 13 minutes. i went back and koumented the questions i was able to, yes, yes. so this is a man who is
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incredibly on message and disciplined. but also wants to be able to say all the things he wants to say leave enough time to get to the next question, because the man's got a lot to say. he has a record he wants to run on and he wants to talk about why donald trump doesn't need to be in the white house again. >> sounds like a blistering pace. so, i know that you asked about the president about the backlash against his support of israel and the belief what is happen something a genocide. let's listen that. >> what is your response to that widely shared sentiment? >> it is not widely shared. you make judgments you are not capable of making. that is not what the people said. they are upset and i don't blame them from being upset. people are dying they want something done about it and joe, do something do something. but the idea that they all think
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it's genocide is a different situation. >> look, we've heard from voters who do hold this view he is funding a genocide. how much is he aware of the level of backlash and how much risk does it pose to his reelection? >> he is very well aware. the administration is very well aware. the campaign is well aware. and everywhere they go, there are protestors. the motorcade was pulling in to the rally spot there was a knot of protesters loud and vigorous and waving their signs and chanting as the vehicles went by. talking about palestinianians and gaza and wanting the president to change policy. and you know, it's interesting political europe is reporting that benjamin netanyahu has said
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he will plan to invade rafah and as you played, the president said that innovation of rafah would be one of the red lines and the distinction the president was making is because in the question that i asked it was is there a red line for his support of the prime minister? not for his support of israel. and he made it clear. when it comes to israel i will do everything to protect it. when it comes to the nation's prime minister, i've got limits from innovation of rafah to seeing another 30,000 palestinians killed. i think we're about to see a big clash between the leaders of these countries. >> this brings me to this question because you asked it. the one about the hot mic moment at the state of the union and saying he and benjamin netanyahu will have a come to jesus meeting. you asked him what it looks like.
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here is what he said. >> he has a right to defend israel, a right to continue to pursue hamas but he must, must, must pay more attention to the innocent lives lost of the actions taken. he is hurting in my view, he is hurting israel more than helping israel by making the rest of the country what it it stands for. and it is a big mistake. >> look, that statement was heard in israel. benjamin netanyahu pushed back against that. how much private frustration do you sense in the biden administration over israel's actions benjamin netanyahu actions inside of gaza? >> oh, they are not private so much anymore. they are becoming more and more public. and what is interesting and this is why i asked the question about whether he would how some people said he should go back to israel and address theness set. the israeli parliament and my
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shot in the dark question but i was surprised by the response when he said flat out yes. he would like to go back to israel. he would like to go back to speak and what would make it interesting, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's standing within israel is very low. he is incredibly unpopular now. remember, one of the ministers in his work cabinet more popular than prime minister benjamin netanyahu was in washington met with the vice-president, met with the national security adviser was in europe in the middle part of the week. if the president of the united states were to be invited to israel to speak to theness set and he goes, you can only imagine the speech he would give to the israeli people about the united states' support and his view on their prime minister. >> we'll see if he gets that
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opportunity. one more question. you talked about the president's confrontation the amarjorie taylor greene. do you sense he enjoys engaging with her and with the other right-wing republicans? does he like this combative and clever back and forth? >> oh, absolutely. he absolutely loves it. one, he is a people person. and he loves interacting with people but he loves interacting with adversaries especially when he knows he has the upper hand. with greene she is so easy to read she is so easy to bait and she is so easy to run circles around for him, you know, it's fun. >> i got to tell you, you are the man of the weekend and then some. we are playing the interviews for anybody who wants to see more, you can see jonathan's interview on the sunday show
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6:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. thank you. >> a tiktok ban is not all talk. my conversation with congressman ro cana next. we are back in 60 seconds. it her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once.
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and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. this week the house is expected to vote on a blil that could ban tiktok in the united states if the giant refuses to divest from the chinese company. we are on capitol hill with the latest. how do the chances look for a ban on tiktok? >> well, it's possible. this is the closest the u.s. has gotten to this point in years. former president trump tried to ban tiktok and it never ended up happening. it's two fold. first it's because of tiktok and allies lobbying members of congress hard on the free
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expression that taking away tiktok would take away american's freedom of peach and the impact it would have on the people that use the app. think about the chefs, the lifestyle creators and the dough medians that have not left their jobs because of how successful they have been doing and financially making on this app. it could go either way. here is what members of congress have to say on meet the press. >> do you support banning tiktok? >> the goal is to make sure that american data that tiktok collects doesn't fall in the hands of the chinese party interest i have not supported a ban on tiktok when it comes to a platform or vehicle for speech we need to look for the least restrictive means of meeting our objectives. >> the house will vote this week and then it goes to the senate for action there. the president signalled he will
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sign? >> joining me i have democratic congressman ro cana. it's the first time we have met. >> i'm excited to be in sued yo. >> let's talk about this situation regarding tiktok and what is happening on capitol hill. first of all, how do you feel about this? would you also support this ban and do you think there are serious national security concerns through tiktok for the united states? i'm leaning to vote no. i don't support a ban on tiktok for first amendment reasons you have the left and the right on a platform that is anti-establishment that is offering views that you don't often hear in the mainstream media. is there a concern about our data taken that could get to the chinese communist party? yes. it's on platforms that sell to
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data brokers why we need a bill of rights to address that problem. >> how about your constituents how they would react to a ban on tiktok? . the younger folks are opposed to it. and people who used this for making a livelihood are opposed and used it for political expression. there are concerns about data not getting into the wrong hands. but then the answer should be tailor legislation to address that issue. >> do you think that will be forthcoming? >> i voted for a bill of rates in 2017 and we have not passed something that protects our data. the question is if you are going to tiktok your data shouldn't get into the wrong hands then address that. we don't want the 170 million on the platforms to have a say. >> let's talk about the war on gaza. after the president's state of the union speech i want to read the quote you gave to the "new
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york times." you can't have a policy of giving aid and giving israel the weapons to bomb the food trucks at the same time. talk about the tensions that you are seeing within the biden administration as it looks the this war. >> president biden was strong in the state of the union on gaza. he was strong over all but this is the most he talked about palestinian suffering. he you had said 30,000 palestinians have been killed. and said that the killing has to stop of civilians and calleded for a cease-fire on the condition of the release of hostages. we can't continue to give weapons. it's reported over 100 times the united states has shipped weapons. we can't be giving the weapons and trying to get aid when israel is launching the weapons on the people trying to give aid to. >> were you aware that the united states was delivering the
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hundreds of times of giving military aid to israel? we you had it was conveyed to congress in a classified briefing but were you aware? >> i was not. and look, i heard i'm on the armed services committee i heard the interview with the president and he said what is the red line? and he he wants to give iron come. we support iron dome. most of the 100 shipments were offensive missions the missiles israel is using to kill people in gaza that is what needs to stop. >> into a sound by the that he gave i will give the quote that the president gave to jonathan and he said that an israeli invasion of rafah would be a red line but he would not cutoff all weapons so they don't have the iron dome to protect them. should there be a red line?
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>> yes. you can't define the united states and create more of a humanitarian catastrophe with 500,000 people are starving and babies and children being malnourished and killed that should be clear. no weapons offensive weapons for launching strikes. that doesn't mean israel cannot have iron dome and protect them against iran but we should not be giving the government which are 10 degrees times to the right of donald trump. let's understand this person. they are far to the right. we shouldn't be giving them a blank check to go into gaza. some people want to annex gaza. >> what do you make of the hot mic moment of the biden state of the union he was going to have a come to jesus moment to benjamin
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netanyahu. what does that mean to you? >> i think the president was speaking honestly. the president is frustrated with benjamin netanyahu he has been ungrateful to the president. the right has been as the president said hurting israel's own standing. many of us believe in the relationship and have a voting record of supporting the relationship. bb benjamin netanyahu is destroying support and the president is speaking honestly he should be grateful to the president instead of contradicting and insulting him and his cabinet. >> what about the border fight? that became a central issue in the state of the union address. we heard marjorie taylor greene shouting at the president about that. while the president maybe winning the moral argument here is he winning 0 and this issue politically? this is a top issue for
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votersism it is and the president needs to keep saying he is the one who wants funding for border patrol agents and funding for technology. he is the one who wants us to process folks before they come to the border. and the most important thing we have to reduce some of the crippling sanctions on venezuela we are creating economic parity what do we expect? if we don't have a solution on haiti. the president is proposing solutions and the republicans want the political issue. >> what do you expect from speaker johnson who will be meeting with donald trump to discuss the border issue and others? >> look, i came into congress with mike johnson he is a personable individual but he is not going to take a move in congress that isn't calculated to advance trump's interest. if he did he would have put the
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border bill for a vote. but right now his focus is how do i elect donald trump president. >> is it fair to say that donald trump has gotten into the ear or if the face of republicans who said we're not going to vet for this bipartisan border bill passed by 77 votes in the senate? we don't want to bring this to the house because donald trump doesn't want to give joe biden a win he wants to make it a political issue on which to run? >> that is right. in terms of why this bill isn't coming for a vote because donald trump doesn't want it to come for a vote. here is how donald trump strong is today. he is stronger than when i got elected to congress. then you would hear supreme court nominee snekerring about trump. no one criticizes him. he doesn't need to make phone calls. >> i've gotten time and time again from democrats and
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republicans saying what is said in the private offices or between friends about donald trump is usually not flatterring and they won't want him. >> that has changed. no one but few do. the vast majority of the republican caucus is much more aligned with donald trump that wasn't the case in 2017, 2018. donald trump doesn't need to make phone calls. this is his party and i think the president is right in the way he framed it in the state of the union. these are two visions of america we're running against donald trump and his party. this is his congress his folks in the senate he pushed out the liz cheney and petitioning out the mcconnell's and you have this is what is scary if he wins the presidential election. >> i look forward to seeing you again. >> i appreciate you having me. >> less money more problems a financial deadline donald trump has to worry about next.
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. >> we are two weeks away from the defining date in dobb don't legal entanglements. the yuri selection begins in the new york hush money case and the deadline for the former president to come up with $464 million to post bond in the trial. that payment will be on top of the $91 bill bond that he posted friday in the defamation case it was needed to keep carol from collecting while he appeals the ruling. joins me is the former assistant attorney general for new york and the lead in the investigation and author of taking down trump 12 rules for prosecuting donald trump by someone who does it successfully. tristan welcome. let's begin with the $91 million that trump posted. how did he get the bond?
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and does it matter who he got it from? >> everything in this case matters. and everything should be explored by the court appointed monitor. and everything should be explored by investigative journalists. because it was clear that we were down to the wire in this one on whether or not donald trump was going to be able to come up with the money he kept trying to get extensions on it and he is doing it with the new york ag case putting up 100 of the four r 464 million. he is having trouble coming up with cash. he has the possibility of becoming president of the united states again. the possibility of interests whether domestic or foreign trying to buy the next president of the united states possibly by ingratiating themselves by coming up with the money to pay
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off his debts or cover them while he is trying to appeal the judgments this is a image problem and something that that everybody needs to be looking at very carefully. >> tristan, trump called carol a liar in the georgia rally. you would think that $91 million later he could keep from denaming her does he face legal woes by continuing to trash her? >> yes. the more he does this, the more that she is going to come back and keep asking for additional money. that is going to keep happening. if he can't keep her name out of his mouth frnlth, he will have to continue paying. it's almost a game for him where he is daring somebody to continue coming after him. he doesn't want to back down. he has painted himself into the corner where he feels if he stops mentioning her n. his
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head, he thinks that that is going to mean that he gave in that he surrendered. he will keep on doing this to himself. it is pathetic frankly. >> trump having this other nearly half a billion dollars more coming due in the new york civic trial on march 25 it's safe to assume he does not have that money in cash. where could he go to get that money? investigative journalists need to stay on top of it, on the top of your head half a billion dollars. where does he go? >> some people noted that it looks as though elon musk may have paid a visit to donald trump at mar-a-lago. we don't know if that is true and we don't know what they spoke about but it's worth noting. again we come back to there are people both in the u.s. and
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abroad who definitely would find a political interest in helping donald trump if not a financial one. let's be clear. he is a terrible financial bet now. he is not you are not going to make your money back by lending donald trump money or doing him a favor. you may be able to recruit that in political favors. and that is the thing we need to worry about. let's be clear this is why they asked about people's debts when they do security clearances for top secret and other classified levels of security for the federal government. this is why they do that. because somebody who has major debts is somebody who is vulnerable. because they need to go find the money somewhere and that is somebody who might be compromised. this is something that needs to be looked at. >> i want to say that for the record, elon musk has said he is
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not going to do campaign donations this year. this would not necessarily be a campaign donation. >> no. >> you know you know musk at this point. let me ask you about the criminal trial that begins on march 25. he was charged with falsifying the business records related to the hush money payments made to stormy daniels and this should be election interference case. but this may be the only trial before the presidential election. how sequential could it be? >> well, i don't think it's going to be the only trial. one of the biggest things that happened that got missed with everything going on, is the doj announced the 60-day rule where they don't want to go after poll decisions does not apply when someone has been it indicted
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the. the federal trials could start or go on in september and october which increases the odds that the federal trials could occur before the election and the new york criminal trial. people have been sleeping on it. it's going to be a trial i do believe there is a stigma attached if he is voted by a jury to be a convicted fellion and let ebe clear they are qualification of business records it is a slam dunk. the issue here is whether or not it was done in service of another crime. and there's multiple angles the d.a.'s office can pursue. what people are looking for the was it actually falsified. we will hear a clear compelling case that yes, they took these payments to daniels they ran it through michael cohen and
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papered it later to look like it was legal fees to michael could cohen. you will hear it from other people and you will hear it from the person that received the payments. you will hear it from daniels's attorney at the time. it will be open and shut. there is only a legal issue that we need to hear about. and the entire thing will be todd dry for trump. it will probably make it worse he if takes the stand. >> we will see more of you. thank you so much. and there are a lot of opinions about this headline. why some democrats see polls as overestimating trump's strength. a closer look, next. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app
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. >> new insight from a poll taken after the state of the union with the election under way, americans are split on whom they trust to do a better job leading this country. and on the state of the union
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29% president biden performed better than expected. 12% said he performed worse and 35% said they did not read about his address. time to bring in the founder and director of the university of virginia center pour politics. let's get into the poll. it has two numbers that jump out. 35% saying they neither saw, heard or read about the address. and this when it comes to trust. 30% said they trust neither biden or trump. how do you explain these numbers? >> well, both biden and trump have been around a long time they've had lots of opportunities to make enemies. there's also an intensely negative veneer to politics today and most of the supports for candidates comings from strong party identifiers. most of the opposition comes
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from the other party hating the candidate of the opposite party more than they like their own candidate from their party. so it's a mixture. but i also have to tell you i don't put stock in the polls close to eight months out. you cite ip possible poll there, credit to them. eight months in advance of a general election when you do an average of all the polls. the polls are off at this point between 6-7%. that is the election. it's not until the week before the election, the week before the election that polls can come reasonably close they are within 2 points of the results. and 2% can be the difference in a close race. so i tell people read them and forget about them. worry about what is important which are the issues and the candidates. >> i have a broad question,
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larry. because you are asked to do predictions. how do you predict a presidential contest when one of the leading candidates has legal entanglements? >> it is unpress dended i don't want to give away my crystal ball secrets but we throw darts on a board and that is a piece of what we get. but don't tell anybody. let me tell you one thing that i have not heard mentioned yet, there have been seven rematches presidential rematches in american history. the most recent one being dwight eisenhower and stevenson. i remember those two in 1952 and 1956 and the one before that was william mckinlay and jennings bryant. mckinlay won both and icer hour won both. and they did better the second
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time around. eisenhower and mckinlay they carried more states and the interesting thing to me was i've gone back and looked at each one of them, the issues were similar. there was always a new issue gaza was not on issue in 2020. a lot of the issues are the same and the character attacks are also the same and people the voters ended up in most cases not all, making the same judgment that they made the first time. >> okay. let me ask you about a new headline and that is this. that rfk jr. faces tough joyces. he is struggling to get on the ballot in bigger states leaving him with this choice of joining the libertarian party. do you see this happening? what would be the impact on the race if he were to do that?
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>> well, it's possible it could happen. because the libertarians are an established third party and they can insert him on their line and most of the states i don't think they are in all 50 states. rfk jr. has gotten on swing states. arizona he got on utah first. georgia and arizona these are being mentioned i don't think we've seen the signatures yet and they will be checked. being on one or two swing states for rfk jr. can affect the results of the election and spin the electoral college say to trump. in the end, he is going to hurt biden more than trump. that is true for all of the others that green party cornell west and if that no labels group follows through and has a ticket. these are additional concerns for the biden campaign as though they needed additional concerns.
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you think that rfk jr. and others might consider that but they rarely do. >> and about 2016 when a lot of the pollsters got it wrong with regard to donald trump versus hillary clinton. there is a poll when it comes to donald trump showing a lot of strength, a lot of people think it may be overestimated by the poll numbers democrats in particular. what do you think? >> absolutely. look, joe biden has been governing for more than three years now. and anyone in the presidency makes a lot of enemies and alienates pieces of the coalition they had. but that can change during at campaign because campaigns focus on the seg. s of parties. that is what briden is doing now and he did in the state of the union address. this is a perfect time for donald trump if there is such a thing facing with the legal
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challenges, because amazingly, alex, and this is disturbing. i would say if not a majority a large pleasure rattle of americans don't remember much of the trump term. they forgotten about the controversies. they have forgotten about his insults and rudeness and tweets. you know what? that is what tv advertising and social media are for. they will remember a lot of this. and they will be new examples between now and november. a lot of them. >> i was going to say we have eight months to be reminded we will be aptly so. thank you. next, new fallout from a mid-care scare. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs
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. >> new fallout from that mid-air scare onboard of the alaska airlines aircraft.
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the goj opened a criminal investigation and we are here with more. what do you know about the investigation and the focus? >> this was important brought by the "wall street journal" that says that right now the doj opened the investigation in tandem with the ntsb into the mid-air square one of the worst we have seen in recent years. right now they are looking to see if boeing violated the terms of the settlement related to the crash in 2018 and 2019 that 300 people lost their lives. whether or not this is a continuation of that investigation or this is a new one remains to be seen. but our experts are telling us this focal point on boeing is important to see if there were missteps and anything the company has not done here is more with our conversation with aviation expert dr. john cox. >> all of the investigations are
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look the aat the culture of boeing for the bolts not have have been installed on the alaska airplane. that raises questions about how does a lapse like that occur? and you have to look beyond just the event. but as to the culture as to the safety and quality assurance and inspections all of those processes. >> captain that you heard from, and this happens as there's scrutiny on airlines and one thing he says is that you can't pin everything on one company there are a lot of things that go into whether it's negligence on a pilot or an airline specifically but this investigation a lot of eyeballs on it. and it doesn't help when you have a company saying we have documentation. >> and thus the investigation. >> how history might get made in a few hours.
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12:58 pm
. >> glitz and glamour at the academy awards in los angeles. the stars are starting to hit the red carpet. and we are in los angeles joining us. welcome. who are the frontrunners tonight and what can we expect? >> remember this has basketball a tough year for the film industry with that four-month long strike and now hollywood is back in business and everyone is ready to celebrate. the red carpet is rolled out as stars will descend on hollywood. ♪ &$sm this year's biggest blockbuster competing to take home an oscar. oppenheimer is leading the pack with 13 nominations giving it the potential to set the record for most oscars won.
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critics predict the bioplik will win best picture and best director but the star is facing tough competition for act of best actor from the hold overs. >> i can tell by your faces that many of you are shocked with the outcome. >> as for hollywood's ladies for her role in the hold overs. >> this is the last place my baby and i were together. >> while lilley blood store could make history as the first native-american woman to win an oscar for best actress. >> you talk too much. >> i don't talk too much. >> some say couldn't count out emma stone. while barry raked in 1.4 billion
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in the at box office this year, the movie's star and director were both shutout of the categories. this year's host jimmy kimmel poking fun at the snunth this promo. >> good thing greta has a director in the bag. >> ryan? >> what? >> but don't worry barbie fans it did receive eight nominations including the screenplay and both in the supporting acting categories. >> that is a relief we appreciate that. that will do it for me. enjoy watching the oscars we will be back next saturday and sunday. prime weekend is next.


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