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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  March 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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the president of the united states is in several months. so we're just going to have to wait and see. but i do think that his best ticket to staying out of jail right now, however you want to interpret that, it's sort of unfortunate, may be waging war in gaza. >> michael crowley from "the new york times." always good to have you on the show. thanks, michael. we have a lot to cover in our second hour of "chris jansing reports." right now, a dramatic twist in donald trump's georgia elections case. why the judge just dropped three counts against the former president. mind-numbingly dangerous, that's how the feds describe a january 6th defendant they're trying to keep behind bars. what he's accused of doing. fortifying the blue wall. wisconsin voters with some advice for joe biden if he wants to win that battleground state. and rfk jr.'s vp short list. will he pick a famous nfl quarterback or former governor who once starred in "predator"
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and "demolition man"? our reporters are following the latest developments. let's begin with nbc's katie phang who has more. what happened and where does it all go from here? >> reporter: yeah, so now that the dust has settled a bit and we've had a chance to look at the order that judge mcafee ordered this morning, i want to start by saying to viewers this is not a ruling on the disqualification of fulton county district attorney fani willis. what it is is something that happens in common course in any type of case, civil or criminal. in this particular instance, when the district attorney gets an indictment, the defense can seek to dismiss certain counts on legal grounds. what judge mcafee has done in fulton county has said that because the state says in its indictment that certain of the defendants including donald trump relied upon violations of the united states constitution and the georgia constitution, because there's so many different clauses and so many
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different amendments that are contained within both of those constitutions, the defense in fairness needs to have with specificity from the state which of these specific kind of clauses are alleged of to been violated. that's it, chris. the entirety of the indictment otherwise remains intact. the rico count which everybody is looking at as being the meat on the bone, it's still there. donald trump was originally looking at more than ten charges, and with the reduction of three of them, he still has ten left. and judge mcafee made sure it was clear, chris, that should fani willis seek reindictment on those charges, she could go to a grand jury and get it cleaned up. so really the way to look at it to make all things kind of a long story short, this is an attempt to clean up the indictment that according to judge mcafee needed to be done so that the defendants at issue in fairness and through the concepts of justice could very much understand what they have to prepare a defense for.
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>> katie phang, always good to see you. thank you. a january 6th defendant accused of firing a gun during an attack appeared in court today. i want to bring in nbc's ryan riley. so fired a gun, right, january 6th. what more can you tell us about this suspect? >> reporter: yeah, it's a wild story because this footage really only emerged last month. actually this individual, john bandelos, had been identified by nbc two years ago as a man who was armed with a gun at the capitol and had it on him, and he wasn't arrested until the image that you're seeing on the screen there, footage was released last month, at which point some of the online sleuths were able to find other footage that showed the same incident. after he was initially -- he was initially identified to the fbi in more than three years ago in 2021, but then the fbi actually went to him in 2022 after nbc's reporting. and then asked whether he went inside the watch will t -- capitol, he hung up on agents,
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then called back making out-there claims. he's harassed a number of the sedition hunters who identified him. this is an individual who's out there and really kind of off the rocker in terms of his beliefs and thinking that the election was stolen and also that sort of a lot of other conspiracy theories that go along with it. ultimately today he was ordered detained until trial. so now he's in that narrow category of january 6th defendants who have actually been ordered detained before their trial. it's probably only around two dozen people who are in that category. while more than 1,300 have been charged and prosecutors secured a more than 950 convictions, as well as sentences of prison for about 500 defendants that have ranged from a couple of days in prison all the way up to 22 years in federal prison for an individual from the proud boys who was convicted of seditious conspiracy, chris. >> ryan, thank you. right now, president joe biden is heading to battleground wisconsin. his first stop after clinching
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the democratic nomination last night. nbc's shaquille brewster is in milwaukee. what are the voters telling you ahead of his visit? >> reporter: they're telling me they want to see president biden fighting for their issues. of course, that means different things to different people. you have president biden here in milwaukee today announcing more than $3.3 billion in investments for projects across the country including more than $36 million for a project here in milwaukee. that's intended to connect black and brown neighborhoods and help rebuild those communities. but look, there are the raw politics here, as well. a day after president biden was officially named the democratic presumptive nominee, he's trying to activate and mobilize key voters in key parts of the country. i want you to listen to some of the conversations i've had with those voters here in milwaukee. what do you want the president to know when he comes to visit wisconsin? >> i want the president to know when he comes to wisconsin that
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people like me are in supports of what he's doing 100%. >> i think i would just like him to be maybe more assertive. >> reporter: if president biden were able to hear you right now, what do you want him to know about what it could take for him to earn your support in november? >> i guess like, you know, be more positive i guess, to the public. make it so that we believe in him, that if he gets re-elected he'll do good things for america and for us. >> reporter: and there's also a campaign element to this, as well. the president will be visiting a campaign office later today. that just opened up in milwaukee. it's headquartered here in milwaukee for the first time in more than two decades. and you also see the president out in michigan later this week. he was in new hampshire earlier this week. the vice president is out on the road, as well, part of a five-state swing. you're really getting the sign that the president and vice president are not only kicking
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off what they expect to be that re-election campaign, but really doing what they can to tout their message to key voters across the country. chris? >> we see the president's plane, air force one, taxiing before takeoff heading to where shaq is. shaquille brewster, thank you so much. now to rfk jr. and his upcoming vp pick with nfl quarterback aaron rodgers on his short list. vaughn hillyard covering this for us. i mean, presumably he -- guy's got a day job. what can you tell us about all of this? >> reporter: look, he only actually took four snaps last year before getting injured and going out the rest of the season. aaron rodgers is the 40-year-old quarterback for the new york jets. he says he intends to play this season, the season set to kick off in september. but aaron rad injuries has waited -- rodgers has waded into discourse prominently the last four years. he is a covid vaccine skeptic. he was opposed to shutdown efforts -- he is somebody who is allied and endorsed robert f.
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kennedy jr. so we have learned that kennedy has not only rodgers but also jesse ventura at the top of his life. of course, folks will all that jesse ventura was a famous wwe wrestler before he ran on the reform party ticket line for governor of minnesota serving one term in the early 2000s. he's been out of political office for now two decades. yet, he has openly expressed interest in getting back into the political fold. he was at a campaign rally for kennedy in tucson last month. and so for robert f. kennedy jr., look, he told me more than a month ago that he had intended to announce his vp pick by march 5th. of course march 5th has come and gone, missing his own self-imposed deadline, which opens up the question who wants to run with kennedy as he is actively trying to run across the country. there could be a serious third-party independent run by kennedy, but he's going to need a vp pick. could it be a quarterback or wwe
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wrestler? as for now, they're at the top of his list, chris. >> thank you. in 0 seconds, is tiktok -- 60 seconds, is tiktok toast? what's next for millions of users after the house passes a bill that could ban the app from the u.s. app from the u.s. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain,
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fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. the fight over a bill that could ban the wildly popular app tiktok is moving to the senate after sailing through the house this morning. driven by national security concerns, the bill would require the app to cut ties with its beijing-based parent company or face a u.s. ban. president biden backs the bill, but with 170 million americans including a lot of young voters on tiktok against it, could that be a huge political misstep? i want to bring in democratic congressman robert garcia. he represents california's 42nd district and voted against the bill in the house today. it's good to have you back on
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the program. this one wasn't even close, as you know. 352-65. why are so many of your colleagues worried about this, but you are not? at least not enough to vote for it. >> look, i am very, very concerned. i think it's very important to remember that 170 million americans, one-third of all u.s. adults, use tiktok. they use it to communicate, to get information. ven million americans use it as their main business where they're entrepreneurs and business owners. and this idea that we're going to treat this app differently than all the other apps that also have privacy concerns, whether it's apps on facebook, x and twitter, i think is a huge mistake. a lot of us including myself and 50 other democrats feel this process was rushed through the house. they're not really understanding the impact this is going to have to so many people across this country, especially young people. i also think it's quite unfair from a free expression perspective to punish tiktok.
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i share the privacy concerns, but there's a better approach than this. >> what is the better approach? because you're not arguing about the fact that china is able to collect a lot of data on americans, use it to influence public opinions. we've got a reasonably important election coming up. so what's the alternative here? >> i think first it's important to remember that will there is no public evidence that right now china is somehow acquiring data from tiktok and using it to manipulate whatever their purpose is. so that have not been presented. the second thing that's important is data manipulation and the selling of our data is actually happening every single day. so the best way to approach this is to take on the issue of data, to protect our data from all platforms. to single out what's been the fastest growing platform because sometimes people don't like the content, i think is a huge mistake. it's also, in my opinion, i agree with the aclu, this is a
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huge issue when it comes to freedom of expression and the third amendment. people are not understanding that 170 million people use this. and it is going to be incredibly disruptive. you talk about a disruption to the political process, not only is this bad policy, the politics of removing an app like this where young people are engaged i view as a huge issue that we're not thinking about more thoroughly. we should have slowed this down not pushed it. >> one republican social media consultant also, by the way, a trump ally told "politico," "it is foolish to go after tiktok in an election year. there is a political element to this potentially. i want to play what some users have expressed about this legislation. >> the message that i really want to get home to the american government and everybody that is trying to pass this bill is you will be destroying small businesses like us. this is our livelihood. if you pass this bill, you will be destroying the american dream
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that we really believe in. >> do you believe this could have bad political implications and potentially for the president? >> i think it could have bad political implications for the country. i think that's why, what, 65-plus members who understand the danger voted against this bill including over 50 democrats. but i think it's also important, we share the privacy and data concerns. i actually believe that tiktok has misinformation, that there is data concerns around tiktok, but that also is data concerns around other social media platforms. so i think that is the bigger argument is the singling out of this one platform, i think is a mistake, and i think it could have political consequences. i'm hopeful this has slowed down in the senate and they take their time and explore what the other options could be. >> before you go, i want to talk to but your colleague in the house, republican ken bach saying he's frustrated with the current state of politics. many others are doing that
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although they're waiting until the end of their term. i don't have to tell you about the razor-thin margin that republicans now have in the majority. one democratic operative even texted my colleague, sahill ka pur, and int just give us the majority for the rest of the year. good grief. do you see this as an opportunity for democrats? but do you think there are people on both sides of the aisle who are just sharing an incredible amount of frustration that may lead more to decide it's just not worth the headache to do this job? >> i mean, first, look, representative buck, i have a lot of respect for the fact that he often tries to work with both sides of the aisle. he's incredibly us from tratsd with his own -- frustratesed with his own conference and party. you have essentially a republican party that does not function, they barely have a majority. they have voted on numerous speakers. they're run by folks like green and lauren boebert -- marjorie taylor greene and lauren boebert
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who tries to impeach about everybody in the government. i understand particularly on the other side folks wanting to retire and that want to leave. but it's a huge disfunction that house republicans have created. and so we're happy to take the majority over. we're ready to take the majority over. and to actually deliver for the american people. so i wish him the best, but i don't blame his decision. >> congressman robert garcia, we appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. new today, hunter biden says he will not go to the public house oversight hearing set for next wednesday. in a letter sent to committee chair james comer, biden's attorney says "the hearing is a blatant, planned for media event," and says he would consider attending if the committee holds a hearing with relatives of former president trump. people like jared kushner. comer claims the committee has, quote, called hunter biden's bluff and is moving forward with the hearing as planned. still ahead, the double haters. will voters who dislike both biden and trump ultimately decide the outcome of the 2024 election?
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don't want is putting a spotlight on voters who say they've got big problems with both joe biden and donald trump. in the battleground state of north carolina, nbc news put together a focus group of african american constituents as part of our ongoing deciders series. their views on biden and trump are brutal. >> first thing that comes to mind? president biden. >> old. >> frablg i'll. >> incompetent. >> president trump. >> divisive. >> crazy. >> we have more on this. >> reporter: this was a group of 14 black voters in north carolina who told us they really aren't looking forward to a rematch between president biden and former president trump. they frankly don't like either candidate. now president biden has always massively outperformed trump among black voters. but biden's numbers are starting to slip. some of these voters told us they see biden's stated achievements for black voters as, quote, political mumbo-jumbo. others said even if economic numbers have improved on paper, many people's lived experiences
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have not, and that many people struggle to pay for groceries or buy homes. still, these voters left their most byting crimp for -- biting criticism for president trump. people like him more because of his indictments and mug shots, some say, and they called it racist. >> he thinks we're all criminals. you know, that we all have mugshots. we all have friends with mugshots, so that would appeal to us. >> we all fall into this bucket of indictment. because of that we should feel closer to our overly indicted president. >> i think low key wear laughing at him by buying those t-shirts and wearing them. i feel like he views us as like just a joke. >> reporter: so very harsh words for trump as most of these voters say that he was insulting them with his outreach. that said, 12 people in this focus group said they voted for president biden in 2020, now just nine say they would vote for him again. in a tight race, those margins matter, especially in a swing
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state like north carolina. president biden is going to want to grow his numbers to ensure victory. >> thank you. from north carolina to nevada and a critical purple county that has been hotly contested in the last couple of white house races. steve patterson is on the ground in reno for us. so that's the seat of washoe county, a key battleground. what are you hearing from voters there? >> reporter: you could call it violent purple, and it is about whether and it is a key blase that will largely decide this state. i got to be honest with you, a lot of what we heard i think could also be misconstrued as apathy. you have to remember that voters have a very independent spirit, that they're proud of. still hearing disenchantment hearing from both leaders, biden and trump, from both leaders, everybody we spoke to. again, these are folks that don't necessarily believe in voting the party line. this is a place where nonpartisans in this state outnumber both republicans and democrats as a block. this is a place that in the last
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preferential presidential primary that people voted for none of these candidates over nikki haley. these are people that will not simply vote based upon the fact that their beliefs might loosen the line with the party line. so that's what we heard from people on the ground here. a lot of disenchantment. listen to this. >> i'm guessing the next eight months is going to be tremendously ugly for both the candidates. we're already seeing some of the commentary for former president trump, and we're seeing some of the backlash against biden in some of the things he's done. we're going to keep an open mind. >> reporter: are you leaning a certain way at this point? >> no. >> reporter: no? >> because i'm not happy with either one, and i've not seen anything from either party that makes me feel confident or happy. at this point it's a lesser of two evils.
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and that doesn't make me happy either. >> reporter: are you leaning a certain way, no. it's what we had heard from more than one person on the ground here. we spoke to a block, maybe about five people who agreed to go on camera, largely from the gop, some independent and some democrats, as well. but all of them were waiting to be swayed. we also spoke to the gop in the county, the apparatus that is trying to get out the vote, and they said that the key issue is trying to sway that key voter block that is in the middle. these independents that haven't decided which way to go, they're large and proud of not being decided because they want to hear more from both candidates. chris? >> steve patterson, interesting stuff. thank you. still ahead, closing arguments in the james crumbley case. the chilling evidence prosecutors presented as they try to convict him in his son's mass shooting. people who feel ld by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control,
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he didn't take the stand, talking about the defendant at the manslaughter trial of james crumbley whose son ethan murdered four of his classmates. the defense in fact put up just one witness today, that's crumbley's sister, karen. here's what she had to say about buying a gun for a child. >> i mean, if you're getting a gun specifically for your child to use at his leisure, that would be wrong. but with adults supervision and
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i don't see any problem with it. >> unlike his wife, who was convicted, james crumbley decided not to testify in his own defense. late yesterday a video from inside the school during the shooting brought a number of jurors to tears. joining me, criminal defense attorney and msnbc legal analyst danny cevallos. we're in closing arguments, the defense has begun theirs. but this was the michigan county prosecutor just a short time ago. >> it is not the case that finding james crumbley of criminal negligence would results in a criminal charge for every parent who doesn't know what their child is doing at all times. and it is not the case that he was faced with the same normal challenges as parents that we all go through and suddenly found himself in a court room being charged with involuntary manslaughter. >> sounds like a prosecutor who to me is anticipating the defense will say, well, if you convict james crumbley, anybody, any parent who isn't on ton of
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ever -- on top of everything at every second could be in trouble here. >> you're right. such an effective argument. essentially the you're not going to open pandora's box. this is not a slippery slope. this is a narrow set of facts. she wants the jury to not be fearful that by their decisions if they vote guilty that they're not making a statement that any parent who has a firearm in the home is absolutely liable for anything that their child may do. that is a real concern. we are in the state of michigan. i am a michigander. there are many hunters, not me, in the state of michigan, many firearm owners, and so for that reason she needs to speak to the jury. undoubtedly either they are firearm owners or they certainly have a femme member or friend who takes -- family member or a friend to takes a week off in the fall to go hunting. she's saying a vote of guilty doesn't mean that every firearm owner is going to be on the hook for every shooting by every child. >> rule of thumb, i don't have to tell you this, is you don't put a defendant on the stand
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unless really you think that's the only way you could possibly win the case. it obviously didn't work for jennifer crumbley. what do you make of this decision by her husband? >> it is the risk-averse decision to make. i don't know how james crumbley would have testified. but if his wife is any indication, she didn't do great but she had an uphill battle. here's why -- she basically had to say in her testimony, and this is what james would have had to say, is these things, drawings, diary entries, we didn't see any of it. that's a difficult needle to thread because you can't express regret, you can't say, oh, if only i'd done something differently because then you've proved the state's case. jennifer crumbley was criticized for seeming, well, cavalier about her son's mental health issues. but in a way she had to be. that was the only path to acquittal. if she recognized red flags, then she's on the hook. james crumbley's team probably thought this is just way too complicated for this client to handle, better that he doesn't testify.
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>> and obviously when you say listen i didn't know that he wrote these things, probably believable, they certainly can't prove that the parents did. let me read from some of the journal entries that were entered into evidence. made by the shooter before he killed his classmates. he writes, "my parents won't listen to me about help or a therapist. i want help, but my parents don't listen to me so i couldn't get any help." "i have zero help for my mental problems, and it's causing me to shoot up the school." the defense in closing statements argued simply the dad didn't know about that. but how damning could that be? >> very damning because it's possible that the jury, right or wrong, may infer that merely by putting it in his journal, there's a risk they may take it for its truths, if he's putting it in his journal he told his parents. he didn't take the stand, but whether or not jennifer crumbley denied having this information about her son. all of those journal entries are
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incredibly damning, then you might have parents who would think, well, hey, if he didn't know about the journal, it's kind of your job as a parent to be aware of what's going on. now whether that means going through a child's journal, i don't know. people have different view on parenting. you might have a case where mom was convicted and dad is acquitted. >> danny cevallos, we'll continue to watch this, all this should get wrapped up today. the jury should be instructed. thank you so much. there's even more turbulence with boeing. sources now telling nbc the company recently failed the dozens of faa production audits. we've also learned that an alaska airlines flight was due for a safety check on that very same day that a door plug blew off the plane. i want to bring in nbc senior correspondent tom costello. what else are you learning? >> reporter: there are a couple of headlines here. let's begin with as you said the fact that this door plug -- rather, this airline, the plane itself was supposed to go into maintenance with alaska airlines
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on the very evening that the door plug blew out. what is that relevant? because inside alaska airlines, engineers had pushed for that plane to be taken out of service, concerned that there were warning lights popping up in the cockpit. but the airline decided to keep flying the plane three more flights so that it could end the day in portland where the company has a maintenance base. the question is should they have ever allowed that plane to keep flying after their own engineers were saying we want to pull it out of service, and then, of course, on that flight, they had the blowout. thankfully nobody injured. now to boeing's part of this whole problem, as you know the focus has been on the failures within boeing's manufacturing line, quality control failures, that may have led to this door plug being installed without bolts. well now today the ntsb chief has sent a letter to boeing and critical members of congress saying that boeing has yet to produce documentation or names of people who worked on the door plug itself to the ntsb
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investigators. and that even video surveillance of the production line, that that video was erased. so the ntsb chief is suggesting boeing has not been forthcoming in providing the necessary information the ntsb needs to find out what happened, why was there a breakdown in quality control, and how did this failed door plug end up in the plane to begin with. boeing for its parts is saying that it has been cooperating fully, and if it doesn't have documentation provide the ntsb, it's because there is no documentation. so there's an awful lot of back and forth between boeing and the ntsb. the ntsb also telling boeing today we are the ones who provide information on the status of this investigation. you as a party to that investigation should not be speaking publicly about this investigation. that's up to us. she's right about that. the ntsb under law is the sole voice on an investigation. >> tom costello, thank you.
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now to another scary moment on an alaska airlines flight. a person tried to storm the cockpit. 19-year-old nathan jones made three separate attempts to go to the front of the plane and open the cockpit door. he told crew members he was merely testing them with the dangerous stunt. jones now faces up to 20 years behind bars for alleged interference with a flight crew. coming up, the brutal attack on a close aide to the late putin critic alexei navalny. what he says happened outside his home. pened outside his home st. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. (music) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms,
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we'll walk you through all your coverage and benefit options to help find the right plan for you. just days before the russian presidential election, the widow of late opposition leader alexei navalny is calling on the west not to recognize vladimir putin's all but certain win. in a "washington post" op-ed, yulia navalny wrote that to defeat putin one must realize who he is. putin is not a politician, he's a gangster. asking why do fairly elected world leaders put themselves on the same level as a criminal who has for decades falsified elections, killed, imprisoned, or forced out of the country all his critics, and now has unleashed a bloody war in europe by attacking ukraine. she goes on to say that refusing to recognize putin as the legitimate leader deprives him of the thing he craves most of all -- status. in the meantime a close ally to navalny is recovering after a
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brutal hammer attack that he blames on putin's henchmen. sky news has the details. diana? >> reporter: the former aide to the late alexei navalny's anti-corruption foundation has been attacked outside his home in lithuania with a hammer and teargas leaving him with a broken arm and severe bruising. he said it was a typical gangster greeting from vladimir putin, and it goes to show how the long arm of russia's security forces or those who act for them operate well beyond russia's borders against people who are considered enemies of the russian state which, of course, all of navalny's associates are. we've also seen quite a significant uptick in the last couple of days of attacks from ukraine on to russian soil. the russian army, ministry of defense saying they intercepted 58 drones from ukraine overnight, and we saw a quite
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significant armed incursion across the borders in both the belgrade and kursk regions on tuesday. >> thank you. the u.s. is sending a new team of marines to haiti to help guard the american embassy amid escalating gang violence. the announcement comes just one day after the country's embattled prime minister said he would step down. that crisis is sparking major concern in south florida, especially among its large haitian population. nbc reports on this from miami. and i know that the mayor of miami-dade has made a direct appeal to president biden to brief local leaders on what is happening. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: authorities here want the federal government to create a group that would communicate with the community here. we also have a l of local officials, especially in north miami beach, that are of haitian descent, that are in touch with the community. and to start off, they want more communication with the federal government to see what can be
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done. as we've had conversations in the last two days with members of the community here, we've encountered people who as they spoke to us were making lists of things that they were sending to haiti to help some of the relatives and friends who are now stuck in their houses, telling us that because of what's happening many of them can't even go outside. earlier today we spoke with a man who was born in haiti, came to the u.s., joined the military. he's now since retired, and he's a private citizen. member of that haitian american community. and as many others, he's very upset at what has happened. this is what he had to say -- >> some of them are going to the dominican republic. couple friends i had. but my family, yeah, they're pretty much staying steady and trying to be as vigilant as possible. it's still dangerous because as long as you are in the vicinity of port-au-prince, you're in danger. haiti will always be home. my mom, she loves the country to death. she -- she comes here and visits, but her heart is haiti. she says that no matter how it
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is here, it will never be home. >> reporter: now as someone who served in the military, he has some understanding of weapons and what can be happening in haiti. so we got into that conversation because nearly everyone that i have spoken to inside of businesses on the street, they always bring up the weapons, chris. they say that one of the biggest issues with haiti are the gangs, but the gangs have a lot of weapons. this is something that's getting a lot of attention because many of these weapons come from the united states. we know that local authorities have been overpowered by the gangs not just because of the members but also because of those weapons and ammunition that they have to attack the police stations, to attack the airport, and to gain control of more than 80% of port-au-prince. so the community here, they've all told me they want more attention to be paid on the fact that more weapons are going into haiti and giving these gangs a lot of power. all of them also telling me that they believe that chaos will continue, and they don't really know what will happen now that
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this new presidential council is expected to name a new interim prime minister that is now going to work on having elections. they haven't held elections in years now, and that's what a lot of gangs and private citizens have been asking for. they want security, but they also want to have elections to elect their next leader. >> thank you. now to the uk and a majorstician regarding puberty blockers for children being treated with gender identity issues. matt bradley is reporting on this from london. what's the decision, matt? >> reporter: it's a stark decision, chris. britain's national health service, the nhs, has decided that they're no longer going to give puberty blockers to children who have a condition called gender dysphoria. children and young people who are currently taking such treatment, they'll be able to continue. and others will be able to receive the therapy in they're taking part in a clinical trial. but the number of children currently taking puberty blockers is really fewer than 100, so it's pretty rare. but what are these puberty
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blockers? these are medications that do exactly what's on the label. they prevent patients from developing the traits that make us mature men and women like growing breasts or facial hair. so this is typically prescribed, as you mentioned, for children who have this condition called gender dysphoria which the nhs describes as a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. now let me tell you, this top sick as sensitive and controversial here in the uk as it is in the u.s., and this decision came after a report published two years ago by the nhs found that there were, quote, gaps in evidence as to how effective these drugs really are. and it comes as the number of young people with this conditio children to care for this, has surged. there are 5,000 young people waiting on a list for gender service. that's distinct from the ones who are receiving the puberty
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blockers but that's still 20 times more than ten years ago. so a lot of people, a lot of young people are seeking treatment. a lot more than before. those who have championed this decision, including the uk government it marks their evidence-based care for this condition but those who are against it say the medications are harmless, reversible and effective when administered by a medical professional. so they should continue to be prescribed. chris. >> matt bradley, thank you. an attempt to put japan's first satellite into space didn't go as planned. the space 1 rocket just had taken off when it burst into flames and exploded. it left behind a large plume of smoke. officials say it appears the rockets self-destructed after the systems on board detected an abnormality. no injuries were reported. still to come, inside the crackdown on retail chest our
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cameras are rolling when they have a ring of stolen goods on amazon. but first, big news about d.c.'s famed cherry trees. the national park service says it will have to cut down 274 of those iconic beauties whose blooms bring visitors from around the world. it's part of a plan to fortify the crumbling sea walls. it won't happen in after this year's cherry blossoms and all of them that come down will eventually be replaced. ver, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol
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we're just getting word that the judge is reading instructions to the jury at the trial of james crumbley who is the father of the michigan school shooter ethan crumbley. the jury will decide if he's guilty of involuntary manslaughter. the jury and trial for crumbly's wife on the same charges took 11 hours to reach a verdict. we'll keep you posted as the case develops. to an aggressive and nationwide crackdown on organized crime rings that target the country's retailers including right here in new york where the governor is now pushing a $45 million plan to fight back. in california, cnbc got exclusive access to the highway patrol as officers there set up theft rings to set up thriving
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businesses and steal them online. here's cnbc courtney reagan. >> reporter: a convoy of vehicles is about to descend on an you unlikely place a mansion in san diego county. police believe it's also the headquarters for a lucrative 24e69 ring that steals beauty supplies from ulta and others and sell them on amazon. authorities have the suspected ringleader in handcuffs. according to the search warrant, she's accused of giving a dozen women across the country a list of stores and merchandise to target. this list of beauty projects ending up on an amazon digital store front with deep discounts. and chp officers, $387,000 in stolen items.
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>> i think people feel like it's helpless. i want the retailers and victims of this to know that's not true. >> reporter: for months, we got exclusive access to the california highway patrol. watching up close how it fights organized crime. retailers specifically pointing to theft as a growing problem in recent years include target, foot locker, walgreens and ulta. >> we're absolutely fed up. ulta ceo dave campbell spoke to us in an exclusive interview about the issue. what do you think about the case we're speaking of, in california, that amazon could have done to know these are stolen goods? >> what i would say, more broadly, there is technology available. there's use of advanced analytics and data capabilities to try to understand behaviors that are indicative of reselling stolen goods. >> reporter: amazon declined an on-camera interview. but a spokesperson says we invest more than $1 billion annually and employ thousands of
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people to fight fraud. adding it uses sophisticated conventions and solutions. as for michelle mack, she's pled guilty to grand theft and receiving property. others were also charged and pled not guilty. courtney reagan, california. that's going to do it for this hour. thank you for joining us make sure you join us for "chris jansing reports" every weekday 1:00 p.m. here on msnbc. our coverage continues with "katy tur reports" right now. ♪♪ good to be with you, i'm katy tur. if you watch the show or heard me frame the 2024 election, you know that my big question goes something like this -- who is the voter who did not vote for donald trump in 2020 but now wants to vote for him in 2024? it's my big question, because if this race comes down to a handful of districts and a


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