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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  March 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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other social media platforms are completely unregulated, uncontrolled, because congress has failed its basic duty to pass privacy legislation. until we do that, andrea, the way the europeans have, the way the state of california has, we're not in a position to be overly preachy about the dangers associated with social media. like i said, spend ten minutes on twitter/x, you'll see we have a lot of work to do before we get high and mighty about one in particular. >> well, we have to leave it there. thank you, as always, such a great conversation. appreciate it. >> thank you. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." "chris jansing reports" starts right now. did day. today donald trump is back in
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court. his team is making high-stakes arguments trying to get the documents case thrown out. the change in the plans for the judge and what clues it may give us. the highest ranking official in the senate, chuck schumer calling for elections in israel to replace the prime minister. what it could mean for u.s./israeli relations and the war in gaza. and a small city in oklahoma elected a white nationalist into office. now, it faces the question of whether it will be able to vote him out. this hour we'll take you inside that recall effort. we start in a florida courtroom, where judge aileen cannon has heard arguments to get the case dismissed.
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they cited no precedent for a former president. the special counsel's response, quote -- there's never been a situation remotely close to this one. a second motion will be argued today, that the president has virtually unreviewable authority to designate president atrecords as personal, and stash them in unlocked rooms at mar-a-lago. >> i took them very legally. i wasn't hiding them. we had boxes on the front of -- and a lot of them had clothing. unfortunately, we're moving out of the white house. i had the right to do it, in my opinion, and in my lawyers' opinion, and everything else. >> that was trump last night. in his response, special counsel smith argues that the reasoning is flat-out wrong to think that, as a former president, the nation's law that govern every other citizen don't apply for him.
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jonathan demire is here, paul butler, a former prosecutor, appeared msnbc legal analyst. with me elise jordan, a former aide in the bush administration and state department ken, i think we're in a lunch break. how do things stand? >> reporter: that's right, we're on a break. the most important thing for people to know is judge cannon is burning a day-long hearing on two motions that most experts think are frivolous. we heard earlier that no judge would have had a hearing, they would have disposed of them on paper. they're arguing the espionage act that's been used hundreds of
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time that that law is unconstitutionally vague, and that mr. trump was not on proper notice that he couldn't take home classified information, even though -- if you wall back in 2016, the judge promised to infers the laws, and said no one was above the law, and at the civil presidential act essentially moots this prosecution. they argue that he could deem any document, just deem that a personal record, take it home to his house and store it in the bathroom. that's their argument. of course, special counsel jack smith says these are ridiculous notions not supported in case law, but they're spending hours arguing a case, in a case where one of donald trump's top strategies is to delay and hope the case doesn't get to trial before the election. today is another day that makes
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it less likely to happen. >> paul, let me actually read what in a filing is what jack smith had to saying or his team had to say in response to the second part. it says the pra does not exempt trump from the criminal laws, entitle him to unilaterally declare highly classified records as personal records, yet alone allow him to obstruct a federal investigation with impunity. are you one of those legal experts that thinking it's at least borderline frivolous? >> i wouldn't say that. it's downright frivolous. he isn't charged with violating the presidential reports act. that's not the problem. he's charged with violating the espionage act and obstruction of
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justice. what the presidential records act said is many documents used by the president for the purpose of carrying out his official responsibilities belong to the public, and they have to be turned over to the national archives when a president leaves hive. trump is making the same tired claim that he declassified the documents that he took when he was still president. so he's arguing that they're personal and that they belong to him. chris, that claim doesn't even pass the basic test. >> most judges would dismiss this without even holding a hearing. >> i thought it was particularly interesting and worthy of a legal response to what donald trump had to say last night in
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that interview. not only that he took them legally, but he wasn't hiding them. they had other stuff like clothing, and they were moving out of the white house, so in his opinion and his lawyers' opinion, it's legal. >> again, that's not correct. he's charged with 32 counts of willfully retention of documents. prosecutors have to prove that the documents relate to national defense, and that trump was unauthorized to possess them, and that he failed to deliver the records to the appropriate government officials after he left office. that's what the prosecutors have to prove. so far, trump has not come up with a compelling defense to that charge. >> one defense, at least at one point seemed to be that trump seemed to want to blame the
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national archives, like they're the ones who should be tracking these documents, who should be keeping control of them and they didn't do it. as someone who worked with classified documents, how does it work? >> it is shocking to me that those documents ever left the premises of the white house, even having such documents in the private areas, the personal part of the white house where the president live is not -- it's pretty shocking. there's plenty of career officials who work at the white house, in the situation room, who staff the security council, who track the documents. i don't know what went wrong with the system the white house was using. the documents were just apparently waving around and being scrambled, and not taken back in an orderly fashion to
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the scif. i heard there was a long lag time, that the white house knew the documents had been taken, and it did take a lot time for them to get all of this in motion where they got the documents back. >> just to be clear for how it works within the confines of the white house, one staffer said to me, i never left my office with classified documents on my desk. if the president called me in, it got locked away, appeared then i went to see the president. >> that might have been someone in the west wing where your office wasn't a scif. literally every office door in the eisenhower building, virtually every office is a scif. it was very regimented. even at the very end of the
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administration, when everyone was packing up, there was so much care taken to -- if you had taken notes in a meet with the president, you gave those up. any meetings that were deemed presidential property or even adjacent, you gave it up just to be safe. >> jonathan, this particular judge has seemed to suggest in the past that trump's status as a president does set him apart from others. that seems to be carrying over to not just what he has to say, but that is his defense case. >> oh, yeah, that has been his argument all along. the normal rules don't apply to him. he's president of the united states. his team in another related matter have suggested he has total immunity. he could have s.e.a.l. team 6
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kill someone, and has community. there's no sense among most constitutional experts that presidents have immunity. we know, of course, this case is going before the supreme court, or arguments in a month or so to see if indeed trump is. this is, for many legal experts the most open-and-shut case of the four facing trump. he's been caught red-handed. he obstructed justice and wouldn't give them back. that won't occur if the trial is delayed beyond the election and trump were to win. at that point, he could make it go away. there are reasonable causes for delays in this case because of a number of classified documents, that's fair, but it seems this judge is particularly sympathetic to trump's lawyers' arguments to slow things down, and certainly at most, even if there's a trial date on the books for later this summer, i
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know many people believe it would get pushed further and this won't be a case before the jury before voters go to the polls. >> this is a political argument, as you well know basically saying these charges are proof of a two-tiered justice system. in their words, biden did the same thing and got away with it. take a listen. >> donald trump is being prosecuted for exactly the same act that you documented that joe biden committed. >> the law must apply, you know this, to everyone. the standard behind the decision not to prosecutor joe biden, especially in light of special counsel jack smith's decision to prosecutor president trump for similar conduct, is the real appearance of two standards. >> biden and trump should have been treated equally, they weren't. that is the double standard that i think a lot of americans are
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concerned about. >> 100% agreement by the maga base, but there are polls that suggest there are people who believe now, they've said it so many times, they put it out there so often, there are people beyond that 30%, 40% base that thinking there's a two-tiered justice system. >> most persons, through no fault of their own, are not paying attention as we do. so the same thing should happen to both, but of course it's very different. joe biden, first of all was vice president when he had these documents. mind you, mike pence did the same, and pence and biden both gave them back as soon as the classified documents were discovered. trump, first of all, took them, held on to them, many, many more documents than either pence or biden, but when the national archives tried to retrieve them,
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they stonewalled and didn't give them back. trump is the mast offer saying things over and over, he knows his supporters will believe it. he and his allies can just make things cloudy enough that other americans, even non-maga americans who were just not paying attention, thinking this is just too much, i can't follow it, it seems like donald trump is getting the raw deal. stay with me. we do have another development in another one of donald trump's cases. alina habba filed the bond. with the bond now secured, it will shield trump from any
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efforts to collect those damages while he appeals the ruling. in 60 seconds, the highest-ranks jewish member of congress takes aim at benjamin netanyahu. the major changes he's calling for now, that's next. r changes g for now, that's next breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. fair, freckled, or melanated.
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israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past. joining us is matt bradley, senior national political reporter sahil. i would say he's become increasingly vocal, but leader schumer definitely goes beyond what we have heard before. >> very significant, possibly even an inflection point. remember who we were talking about here. it's not only the senate majority leader, not only the prominent jewish elected official in the eunited states, but schumer is one of the most prominent pro-israel democrats going back years. he's an arden supporter of israel aright to exist as a state, but he believes that netanyahu's actions are stripping away the support that israel needs to continue
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surviving. >> i also believe that benjamin netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survive to take precedent off the best interesting of israel. he's done the visionary work to pave the way for peace, even before this present conflict. israel cannot survive if it becomes a pa rya. >> reporter: he identified four different culprits, clung hamas and the people who support hamas. he said right-wing radicals are also to blame and, of course, prime minister netanyahu. we heard from republicans, including mitch mcconnell, who said it was grotesque and hypocritical for americans who talk about democracy at home to try to interfere in a
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democratically elected foreign leaders. progressives as well agree. this is not enough in their view. and that the u.s. needs to withhold aid and weapons to israel unless it changes court. we are in an election year. president biden is trying to engage young and progressive voters, deeply unhappy about the conditions in the middle east. president biden has reluctant to change policy. the big question becomes what does president biden do? >> that's the question, jonathan, has schumer opened the door to a larger shift. this cements particularly fraught to call for a change at the top of the government of one of our longest and closest allies form. >> yeah. what remains to be seen is if schumer saying things so biden doesn't have to, or whether biden will follow up by echoes
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those comments. i don't think we should expect that anytime soon. but the president and senior aides, their frustrations have only grown, and they're starting to spill out in public. we've heard president biden cease that israel's response was over the top. we heard him say that a fullout invasion of rafah would be crossing a red line. it supports targeted strikes, but not a massive ground invasion because of the humanitarian toll. the president was in michigan, he's head to michigan today. we know that state in particular has an arab american population that seems to be turning away from him because of his bear hug with netanyahu i reported earlier that sr. aides are considering additional aid, and we'll see if the president follows through. it is on the table and
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reflective of the changing politics, the changing calculation many months into this war, and certainly the speech from majority leader schumer today, cannot be overstated in its important? >> thank you so much for that, jonathan. matt, what are we hearing in reaction from there, particularly from leaders. >> we haven't heard a lot so far. you can bet this silence is masking from an israeli public official, top-level people, it's got some deep concerns and probably feverish conversations behind the scenes talking about what the israeli media has referred to as a watershed moment. the significance of this isn't going to be lost on the israeli side just because we're not hearing them blasting back quite yet. also particularly from far-right israeli lawmakers. schumer didn't just glancingly
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reference, he called them out by name. we also heard that this cements netanyahu's poor standing in the democratic party. we did hear from the leader of netanyahu's opposition, writing on x that schumer's speech is proof, one by one, that netanyahu is losing its bigger supporter in the u.s. he's causing heavy damage to win the war and maintain security. he is the leader of opposition to netanyahu. it's likely reference to a perception among netanyahu's opponents, that he's enduring criticism from the biden administration in the hopes that biden and hi alliesing, like schumer will be swept out of office in november. it's clear that elections in
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israel could sweep netanyahu out of power. so it's another source of worsening relationships between washington and israel. >> let me ask you quickly about an incident yesterday, because it kind of underscores why one reason israel is under such scrutiny. the idf confirmed it bombed a u.n. aid warehouse to kill a commander. what can you tell us about that? >> this plays right into the sense of, the record of starvation that we're seeing. we're seeing people dying of malnutrition, and we're seeing them in the dozens, this according to the hamas-run gazan ministry of health. we heard from the united nations at least one employees was killed and others injured, after
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the raid on the white house. now, israel's military said that strike was successful, aimed an a hamas commander that was hiding out there. this deepen the growing division between israel and washington that we were just describing, that will not help, either. >> thank you, guys. much appreciated. today a major reality check of what a trump-dominated rnc looks like, including the decision to close voter outreach centers. and china lashing out with tiktok in limbo. that's all next, our watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about.
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and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology,
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which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. in just days sun new leadership was installed, the rnc is suing michigan secretary of state over accusations of inflated voter rolls. there are also reportedly shuttering ought community centers for outreach. that's what two people briefed on the plans told "new york times." this is the new rnc, is it the improved rnc? >> it's the rnc of a wartime
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footing, as a source told me. they're moving into the real phase of getting serious about streamlining operations and prioritiing what needs to get done. this is fairly standard. usually a party is completely aligned with the president -- trump isn't a president, but kind of like an incumbent because of the situation. i remember back in 2004 the bush campaign and the rnc, there wasn't daylight between the two entities. that's basically where they're trying to get, i think. >> if you want to talk about being reflective, suing makes all the sense in the world, but does it make sense when you're shutting down minority outreach nationwide when trump says we made gains, but does that make political sense? >> i wonder if it's been deemed inefficient and duplication of
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effort. the rnc source i spoke to did not say they're -- for whatever reason, perhaps it's not i way they want to do it. the rnc was pretty top heavy, and if i'm the democrats, i would be concerned. if the rnc gets their business in order the way trump campaign has gotten their business in order it's going to make him a formidable source. >> where did ronna mcdaniel go wrong? the wos reported that the rnc is also going to shutter a program that's dedicated to mail-in voting. that was something that ronna mcdaniel pushed very hard. that's gone now. >> i still think they're going to pursue early voting. perhaps it will just have
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another name, new vendors coming in. the new guard is putting their people in position. i think she gets aed about rap, though, because it was a difficult time. there was still a primary going on, even though trump was obviously the clear winner, so maybe fund-raising now improves, but you look at the numbers and how the dnc outpaced the rnc last year, they have so much more cash on hand. >> and they have more in september and october. >> we know a number of republicans that said there's no space for me anymore, i'm too moderate, so i'm gone, ken buck just decided he's leaving at the end of next week. but the annual retreat for republicans, which was often a big deal, a gop source tells
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msnbc that nearly half went. is that about the speaker? what's that about? >> it's about the party, in the house especially, being divided over so many major policy issues. there's so many different factions. to turn down a free trip, that doesn't make sense, as my good mother would say. i think the fighting is so intense. you look at the pro-ukraine and then the antti, and then the foreign policy has seeped into the general battle with the republican party. >> elise, always good to see you, especially in person. >> thanks. china is now lashing out as tiktok's future in the u.s. rests in the hands of the senate. the chinese foreign ministry accused leveraging power, despite failing to provide evidence that tiktok is a threat to national security. a spokesperson said, quote,
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an urgent evacuation miss is underway as armed gangs have seized most of the capital. million of civilians are trapped, including an unknown number of american citizens after gangs closed the airport and the seaport. while people can't get out, food and aid can't get in, raising fears of a humanitarian catastrophe, which long has the poorest country in the western hemispheres. gabe guiterrez is repeating from the dominican republic on the haitian border. i know official i bracing for a
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surge. >> it is a busy one, and has been for the last several hours, standing here across from the haitian border, further down that way, you see people walking back and forth. authorities have clod off the border here but they are allowed to come into this open-air market. there's another gate right over there, they're now allowed to go past that to get supplies. we have seen over the past several hours, teak back food respect clothes, anything they can get shows a desperate need we need. a much more rural that is port
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aprince, where they were about 80% control by gangs the u.n. announcing today it's opening up a kind of humanitarian corridor. we are learning that the biden administration is considering housing some of the them at gait tan mo bay. this is something they have done before. they're looking into it. however, so far -- i want to be very careful here. it's a very busy scene. so far they haven't seen that mass exodus. >> gabe guidier, thank you.
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>> an up date sharing his story with us of the heartos escape. that's coming up in the next hour. after months of historic rain, a terrorizing landslide demolished and home and threatening the safety of two others. one house under renuation is now just a pile of lumber. colorado state patrol is warning against any travel, saying troopers are trying their best to rescue stranded motorists. dozens of cars and trucks slowed
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by heavy snow, closing interstate 70. all denver-area schools are closed. official say they mobilized 36 snowplows starting at 3:00 a.m. in the midwest, reports of possible tornadoes in kansas today, storms also forcing a ground stop. nbc ace dana griffin is reporting from boulder, colorado. that's quite the scene. >> high, guys, we have we've seen several others right-hand side trying to get this heavy snow from the tree branchs.
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what makes this snow so different this is really compact, dense, heavy with water snow the concern is they way down the power lines and trees. a lot of state workers are also taking a snow day. there'sle other dangerous weather happening out of colorado several airlines are off free rebooks for people who booked travel to colorado, also, kansas city had hail the size of golf balls overnight.
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a lot of people are being advised to stay home especially here in colorado. >> dana griffin, thank you so much. stay safe. residents are trying to oust a white nationalist after they elected them. cord roomy former is trying to get his documents case dismissed. we're live outside the courthouse. snowe 0e courthouse snowe 0e
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you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. a potential brackthrough in screenings for the second most common cause of cancer, colorectal cancer. the fda is expected to consider a bloods test which shows that 83% effective in detecting colorectal cancers, the hope this could increase the number of people, because it only draws blood. it could be recommended starting at age 45. in a small town of enid,
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oklahoma, a big decision. >> reporter: it's an unusual meet-up. the location is secret. somebody minds the door for security. a small group determined to change their city. >> everybody in this room played a role. >> reporter: among those her are 69-year-old connie vickers. >> i was born and raise here. >> reporter: and 74-year-old nancy pressnel. they're democrats in a deeply conservative county. how many doors did you knock on? >> i don't know. >> reporter: enough to get a recall election. this is judd blevins. tiki torch in hand in charlottesville, virginia.
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>> i saw a picture of jed blevinss. i was shocked. >> reporter: he had been an active leader in the white nationalist group europa. he hid behind the moniker conway, in private online forums, blevins as conway posted racist messages. yet when the former marine ran for city commissioner. >> he won by 36 votes. >> reporter: now they're part of the enid social justice committee, vocal opponents. the group minces no words on the website, saying he has a nazi problem. >> a lot of people don't want to say the word "nazi" but when you see what he's involved with,
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it's not name-calling. it's what he is and what he believes. >> reporter: we wanted to ask blevins ourselves, but we tried once more outside a city council meeting. you have a leader in an oklahoma white nationalist organization. i want to know if you have any explanation of that. why did you -- >> excuse me. >> why dishold a tiki torch and march -- >> i've been a conservative all my life. >> cindy allen wassed editor of the newspaper. her paper published a front-page story about his past. blevins called it a hit piece. >> we followed up several times, and he wouldn't answer. there's an opportunity to address what kind of tolerance of extremism this community is going to have.
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>> enid's mayor, also a conservative says behind closed doors blevins admitted to -- >> my follow-up question was, are you still volume with those groups? he told me i do not have to answer that question. my thought was, you just did. >> reporter: his opponent in the recall election is a republican too. she didn't want to talk about the race with us, a race that most here see as squarely about blevins. >> vote him in a second time, that probably says a lot about who we are. >> reporter: that identity is exactly what vickers and presnal are working for. organizations have called you outrageous antifa commandos. >> a badge of honor. >> reporter: what happens if you don't win? >> we keep putting up a fight. we're not going to put up with it quietly. >> reporter: fighting, they say,
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for the soul of their city. nbc news, enid, oklahoma. and new information just moments away from the fort pierce, florida courthouse. why our team inside the room sense judge cannon appears skeptical of the trump team's arguments. first, watch the best parts of our show anytime on youtube. stay close, more chris jansing reports just after this. lose, mg reports just after this. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want,
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11:00 am
wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. thanks for joining us on this second hour. ahead, donald trump back in court for a critical hearing. is the judge buying his argument that the case should be thrown out? plus, michigan county with a track record for picking presidents. the challenge for joe biden in a place he last won by just 300 votes. breaking news. does bob menendez want to run as an independent? the world's m


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