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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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welcome back to the weekend, donald trump has just hours to gather the $440 million appeal bond in his civil fraud case, if he fails, the teacher james says she is ready and willing to seize his assets. frozen bank accounts, a sheriff
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at the door and maybe even a private plane put up for auction, donald trump could soon face any of those scenarios. according to bloomberg, james is eyeing his properties in westchester county which include a golf course in the seven springs estate. joining us to discuss it all, andrew weissman, author of where law ends, and also with us, msnbc political analyst, tim o'brien, the senior executive editor for bloomberg opinion. greetings to you both.>> good to have you both. andrew, the trump indictment is bedside reading, let me tell you, it is really important stuff to layout the truth and the story lines that are involved. i want to focus on an interesting aspect that developed this past week, the reality of all of this has come home to roost with trump. the bottom line, he broke,
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let's just go with that of. effective last thursday, you have the judge putting in a monitor to oversee the finances, barbara jones, a retired federal judge has been overseeing the trump organization finances since 2022, she is now installed for the next three years to oversee this coming of the washington post headline talking about bankruptcy as one way out for donald trump's financial jam. but the reality, trump don't want to do that because he doesn't want to give the impression to his supporters that he is not the big billionaire that he claims to be. so you have this cross current of trump trying to fake the image, this is all about the fake billionaire stuff but the reality that he broke and the finances that are being overseen are not necessarily in place. his options are outside sources, foreign governments,
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what are his options here?>> before we get into the weeds, it is worth remembering, this is not normal. in the details, sometimes we forget to step back, and the major candidate of the republican party tomorrow has got to pony up basically half a billion dollars or they are going to start taking his assets. or, the neighboring court is going to have a judge decide the trial date for his first criminal trial. that is sort of the big picture, two things that are happening tomorrow. just getting into the weeds of the judgment, it is worth also remembering where we are, in the last week, what we have seen is his lawyers telling the appellate court, please give
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him relief because he is broke, he cannot pay this money essentially. sort of skipping over some things, but basically we need help because we can't post it. and you have donald trump saying simultaneously, no worries, i've got the money. so again, just in terms of the leading republican candidate who is sitting there saying something that his lawyers are saying is not the case and have represented that to a court. so, that is a remarkable situation. i think that bankruptcy is the one thing he is definitely not going to do, for a variety of reasons, not just because politically it might be bad. if you go into bankruptcy, a trustee is appointed and that means there is a complete open kimono about everything that he has done and seen and all of his finances, he loses complete
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control. there is a waiver of attorney client privilege, that is the biggest disaster both legally and politically. so i just can't see that as an option. i think that we should expect some sort of backup from some third-party coming in and he will, i think he will really have to come up with some way of cobbling together, whether it is sort of stitching it together with little pieces, but paying everything because otherwise i think it is a political disaster. >> so, we all understand he's going to find a way to come up with this money, we will talk in a moment about how he does that. let's just play out the hypothetical of what will happen if he were not to come up with the money, you would have a search and seizure, this is how the teacher james would go after his bank account for limited means for appeals, what does it mean for the trump
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organization and the trump political branch on that topic? >> it will freeze the ability to do business initially because i think she is going to issue a sweeping attachment, she might kick off certain properties, but the reality, i think her office, because they have been prosecuting him on this issue has a fairly good sense of what kind of debt he has against each property, which properties offer the most liquidity to settle their judgment. i don't think most of what he has in new york will get there. remember, a german family owns the land on wall street, ge owns the building, he has his equity, that can be liquidated to settle this judgment might be really incremental in each property, so she's probably going to go after everything he's got. she is not limited to new york. she needs to get permission
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from other jurisdictions and other states that i think that is a fairly routine process as well. so, this also won't be a dramatic event as some people think, there's not going to be a large chain put around trump tower, you know, bring it on. most of it is going to be paper shuffling and digital. nonetheless, for somebody that prizes his independence and prizes the idea that nobody gets in his way, this is the financial equivalent of an examination and it ties him up and embarrasses him publicly, regardless of how he funds his estate. it's an existential moment for somebody who has tripped through time and again financial embarrassments.>> by the way, they could take all of the income streams he has coming in, so rent, royalties, interest, all that can be
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attached, so the incoming money to him can all be diverted to a way that letitia james says wait a minute, we get that.>> i think it is something like $20 million per year from income on wall street, they will grab that as quickly as they can, but that doesn't go anywhere close to settling the $440 million judgment. they are going to be putting their hands in every single pocket that he has.>> you all literally preemptively answered the question i was about to ask, because i think it's really important that you noted, this isn't going to be like when the fbi executed their warrant at mar-a-lago, this is a seizure of assets,
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this is not line order, they are not kicking down the door with their jackets and coming to take over the office and the attorney general, you talked about the money coming in, but he also has properties in other countries. politico has reported that she could seek those assets as well. this all just cuts into what donald trump thinks will play to his advantage. he thinks the seizure of his assets will play to his advantage because he thinks this is reality television or an episode of law and order where they are kicking down the door in jackets.>> we have seen this come up in the public sphere, he routinely lagged the court and the process and at the end of the day, his lawyer was not competent enough to get him through that trial and you have a massive judgment against him that his complicating his life.
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i think he thought that courtroom would be another platform and showing himself as a victim and this idea that he's going to let his entire business portfolio get seized by the government, i just think that is definitely not where he is. this is representative of him being failed to his own actions, and there is a certain reckoning occurring right now. >> can i go back to a point that we slid over a little bit? and i think a lot of folks have been sliding over the last few days, and that is, you have his lawyers making the case that he broke, i can't keep emphasizing that enough. that he doesn't have the money. but donald trump saying i have $500 million in cash. what signal does not send to
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the courts at this point, and what potential legal jeopardy is donald trump creating for himself if not his lawyers, when you have these two different stories being told the court?>> two things. one, just imagine you are in charge, hearing this appeal and you have gotten all these legal papers saying we need relief, and they have all these affidavits and arguments about why they cannot pay the money, a practical impossibility. and the client is publicly saying i've got the money. so, in terms of the merits of that, if you are a judge, i have two words for you, denied. it's just not going anywhere. but, just to be clear, in any other case, anyone at this table doing that, we would be called into court to explain
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how that happened and the judge would be very seriously considering contempt of court. because either the lawyers are lying, or the client is lying but one way or another, there has to be accountability. so, that is what would normally happen as we have seen, one of the reasons that donald trump has gotten away with this is he is not treated like anyone else. he is given advantages. in contrast to what he says, it's not that he is given disadvantages, he is given leeway that would not obtain by anybody else. >> stick around, we have a little bit more we want to talk to you about, specifically getting into alvin bragg's new mesh an for -- message for the
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hush money trial, enough is enough. and later, we will stick with the national cochair for the biden/harris campaign, mitch landrieu. mitch landrieu we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? tomorrow isn't just the deadline for trump to pay nearly half $1 billion in his civil fraud judgment, he also has a hearing in his criminal hush money case, the trial was supposed to begin tomorrow, but
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it was delayed related to the back-and-forth. getting to the bottom of that document issue is a part of the hearing tomorrow but also when both sides will get to argue in the trial should start at alvin bragg is saying, enough is enough with the delays, the trial should start as soon as possible. andrew and tim are back with us.>> andrew wiseman, you wrote a piece, what we should expect on monday, you say that on march 25th, look for the d.a. to show that he asked for exculpatory and impeachment information, had turned over what he had been given, and not been working hand-in-hand with the fbi. you wrote this i think a little over a week ago, so is that what you are still looking for, what we should expect by tomorrow? and are we going to get any resolution tomorrow on any of
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this? >> starting with maybe the last point, that is the most interesting, are we going to get a definitive answer on the trial date. remember, the judge had said that he was getting 30 days to both sides from the date of his order, so that is 20 days from tomorrow. so, that gets us to the 15th, as the earliest it can start, which is ironic, given all of his financial issues. i do think, there's no guarantees, but i do think that tomorrow the judge will make a decision on whether that is the date that it is going to start. and i think the key issue for the judge is going to be looking at the defense and saying, tell me what is new and material in the information that you received in the last month and why you would need more time than april 15th to go
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to trial. what is it about those documents that would in any way be so unusual that you couldn't prepare in that time? and we don't know exactly what is in the documents, we don't know definitively what the answer is, but from all the papers that have been filed back-and-forth, it seems unlikely that the defense will have a good answer for that as to why this material is something that they needed months to prepare. i'm sure they are going to say that of course because donald trump doesn't want to see the inside of a courtroom. but, i really do think the judge will pull the trigger tomorrow on that. and finally on the papers that went back and forth, i think the d.a. has done a good job of giving chapter and verse with sworn affidavits, exactly what is happening and sort of where the mistakes are made and how it is that the defense only got certain documents at certain
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times in the last month.>> tim, i want to dance with you a little bit on something that michael cohen said yesterday on our show, he was complaining about the department of justice saying there has been absolute silence for his request for documents in the case, while trump makes a request and all of a sudden all these documents appear. let's listen to michael cohen on the documents.>> those documents belong to the people and they should have been released because i will tell you what those documents are going to show. it's going to show that donald trump through a willing and complacent attorney general weapon iced that united states department of justice and unconstitutionally remained a united states citizen.>> does he have a point? >> there is a point, that donald trump is treated differently by the law than
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average citizens like michael cohen, that he was in a position to use his own attorney general possibly to intimidate or silence a potential witness. those are real things, that has been one of the problems with trump as the nation's chief law enforcement official and donald trump as president. michael cohen has to be taken with a grain of salt when he is talking about what documents are out there and how incriminating they might be. but of course he has a point. and some of this is going to come home to roost in the prosecution, you mentioned at the top of the show about trump, that he broke. he's also, he dumb, and what we found out over this past week, this cash situation, under oath a year ago, he said i have $400 million and i'm adding to it monthly and suddenly you come up to this judgment and you say actually, i don't have it. and he then takes to social media and said actually, i have
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$500 million, that had to make his attorneys pull out their hair, that is because he is unsophisticated and not a good person, now in a courtroom where he is going to be put on the stand and held accountable for the fact that in this particular case, there is a tape recording of him directing michael cohen to get the money from the cfo so they can pay hush money, when he's on the stand, he doesn't stick to the script that he tends to brag, that is going to hone them during this court proceeding. they have to be worried about that.>> i want to come back to the point you made at the top, none of this is normal, you have a former president who has a multimillion dollar judgment that he has to come up with and he's out there saying i have the money, and lawyers saying no, he doesn't. you later on to it, the alvin bragg case, it is fundamentally
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an election interference case, we talk about the schedules colliding. we are watching tomorrow in real time the way that all of this is coming into focus at the same time.>> just remember, the judgment as a result of fraud, that's been found by the judge. the criminal case that we are talking about the schedule of is also about false business records and just remember, about a plan that was a catch and kill with a media outfit, that was being partisan and was hoping one political candidate and that was all part of the scheme that is alleged there. it is more fraud, but with a media outfit trying to help him win the election. and we have somebody who has also paid $95 million in a pond for sexual assault and repeated defamation. as nancy pelosi says, this is
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somebody you wouldn't allow in your house, and is the leading candidate for the presidency which is a real sign of where we are as a country.>> i'm going to make you sit here with us for as long as humanly possible. another quick break, there are concerns about trump's ability to trigger a violent attack on the 2024 election. this is the weekend. the weekend. it says right here, old spice has ridiculously long lasting sweat protection! ok, i lied. noooo! aaaah!
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a federal judge who presided over cases involving january 6 defendant is concerned that donald trump might trigger another attack. during a sentencing hearing this week, a trump supporter who stormed the capital said he thought he was answering a call to battle. in response, the judge said trump spurred the insurrection and expressed his worry that trump supporters will respond
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again if a similar call is issued. it doesn't take much imagination to imagine a similar call coming out in the coming month. andrew weissmann and tim o'brien are still with us. so, tim, on this particular point, that is the rub. at the end of the day, all these trials, all this money, all these cases still boil down to the fact that donald trump having, as i have termed it affectionately, pumped the system, both the political and judicial systems over the past few years, still has the power to call up the arms, to call out the troops, they will hear what they want to hear and that at the end of the day remains the risk regardless of what a judge decides. >> that is what makes him so profoundly dangerous, and one of the core dynamics of trumpism is this anti-
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institutional animist toward authority, toward the rule of law, tore the process, because that allows trump to fill the vacuum, you shouldn't trust the media, don't trust the courts, don't trust science, only trust me. he has been playing that game for a very long time. he said when he was campaigning against hillary clinton, i think he didn't think he was going to win that election, but he was saying in the run-up in november of 2016, and this is rigged, i think this whole process is rigged. he said it from the very beginning. and obviously the first reason is because it adheres to him and his own empowerment. it's also because he enjoys it. remember on january 6, he was in the white house watching the insurrection on television and he didn't lift a finger to stop it. and it's because he likes
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seeing people lay seized as his enemy or opposition, even if that comes with torching the democracy and torching the law.>> and they felt they were doing that for him, that was the key thing.>> and they were because he asked them to. first of all, the federal judge, judge contreras who made these comments, i think it shouldn't even be news because it is everything that we know, but to michael's point, because the systems have made so many concessions for donald trump and he has incessantly ran us over with his extremism and craziness, it has become commonplace for us. to be very clear, he invited the people to washington, d.c. on january 6 with his tweet. he told them he was going to address them and he did, he told them to go to the capital allegedly, according to cassidy hutchinson, he tried to join
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them at the capital and was rebuffed by secret service. and in his re-election campaign, he has made the attack at the capital on january 6 a cornerstone of his re-election. andrew weissmann , he is literally standing with the insurrection is. so why would anyone think he wouldn't do it again? >> he's definitely running as an outlaw, he doesn't care about the law, he is saying that people are in jail and they are hostages and he's going to free them, this is definitely somebody who is attacking the rule of law. i think that statement by the judge is so fascinating because i think we are seeing what is happening in the judiciary, that is one of the last, maybe even the final frontier in terms of checks and balances on the former president. and i think you are seeing a lot of judges standing up and in d.c. in particular, rudy contreras is a district judge,
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you are seeing judges at the district court level, appointed by republicans and democrats speaking out in those cases to condemn what they have seen and the kind of false narratives that are promulgated by donald trump. but i think you are also seeing signs of the breakdown in the judiciary, whether it is the supreme court, having a very lax schedule for hearing the immunity case, which basically gives a veto to the d.c. january 6 case ever going to trial before the election or judge cannon in florida who is clearly slow walking that case. you are seeing judges really splinter in terms of the ones who are holding the rule of law and others who are cratering to the political pressure.>> speaking of the supreme court, our colleague, tristan walker had an interview with stephen
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breyer, they talked about democracy in this moment.>> do you worry that too many people have lost the ability to listen in this country?>> yes.>> what does that potentially mean for the state of this country's democracy? >> look, there's two sides to many things, one says the united states of america, this is in part the united states of america, so we used to think, and i still think that maybe we are not listening as much as we should.>> the one word answer, i can imagine from your perspective was not ideal. i remember when i first came on
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air and i could see the look on her face, you know the way it works, i ask the question and you give a fulsome answer. it is hard when you are in front of the supreme court justice.>> he is very careful on a question that shouldn't be that complicated. >> to his credit, i do think he is an institutionalist. he is seen of course what is going on in this country, he is seeing what is happening to the supreme court since he left it. but if you are a part of the judiciary, there is a sense of what you can say and can't say. when i was in the department of justice, there's things that you understand your role and the self-restraint that you have to have, and he's not a legal analyst on tv. so i think he was trying to stay within this guardrail of somebody who used to sit on the
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supreme court.>> but he still pulled the constitution out of his jacket. >> and as gop members, i actually believe he has read it. andrew weissmann, tim o'brien, thank you both so much for being with us, and i want to say because i gave andrew so much attitude the last time, he brought me a copy of his book this time.>> andrew, i will be at 30 rock on monday and tuesday. and, as the now spokes president for michael steele, i look forward to collecting the books. i want my digital book. i want my hard book signed.>> i want a hard copy with the
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signature.>> deal.>> be sure to listen to the trump indictments, it is a special series on msnbc. we have key excerpts from the new york hush money and other cases. and we focus on the georgia and florida cases, scan the qr code on the screen to listen now. much more in the big week ahead, this is the big weekend. d they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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but he broke and he dumb. >> those are my words, too.>> and the fact it seems we are getting closer in multiple venues is particularly interesting, just given how long we have followed these stories. he's going to have to come up with the money tomorrow, he's going to have to do it.>> but, look at all the damage that has been done. >> of course, of course.>> and that is the point, donald trump, he's looking at the landscape, like i'm good at what i do, and he has done it well, and that is going to be, i think, the last part of our conversation is going to be the continuing test of this whole process, that he knows, he doesn't want to put up $400 million, he ain't got it. but, if you look at the damage
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that he's done, the waste he has laid to the land, that to me is the most important part of this and that is the accountability. >> to your point, he hasn't been made accountable to that piece just yes, yes, i will believe it when the funds clear the account, just like the banks do. we are going to put a hold on this until we are sure that we have it, then we can talk about that little bit of accountability on that. but, the broader peace about what he did to contribute to and the aftermath of january 6, the things that he's saying about the selection right now, those are things, i mean, the lack of accountability, i would be remiss if i didn't say, had the senate voted to remove him, we would not be having this conversation about him being in
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office, coming back to office. so there's that piece. you know what, we are going to talk to somebody that might have something to say about this. the biden campaign cochair, mitch landrieu. you are watching the weekend. td we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit,
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president biden is bringing in the big guns to boost his campaign efforts, on thursday, bill clinton and barack obama will appear alongside president biden in new york city. joining us now, former senior adviser to president biden, now the national cochair for the biden/harris campaign. good morning, sir.>> doing good, my friend, good to see you.>> before we start, can i just say, when you were thinking about when president biden is going to look under his couch and find a nickel, i just kept hearing, show me the money.>> the campaign doesn't want the allies talking about illegal things, can you clear it up or just let us in on the president's thinking, the senior adviser's thinking
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around this because there are folks out there saying no, people should be talking about the criminality. >> first of all, a couple things, the jury that matters the most is the american people on election day and joe biden is going to take donald trump and whip him where it matters. the legal matters have to take their own course and they have to get where they are getting, however, people can take note that donald trump is out on bail right now and he's trying to find bond. and while we are talking about how he's going to do that, people should not forget the reason why he's out on bail is because he has 88 federal criminal indictments against him and on top of that, with the bonding he is trying to find, it is the result of him having been declared a sexual abuser, a defamer of the person that the court found that he essentially abused and the business fraud. those are all to -- things
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people can think about when they tried to determine whether or not they are going to vote for joe biden, and donald trump, who basically his entire life, whether in politics or private business, has used his power to abuse people, hurt them, seek revenge against them and help his rich friends and that is the choice and it is going to come into clear focus as people start paying attention to the campaign that is imminent and on us right now. joe biden is not waiting. you all remember that three weeks ago, you had him halfway in the grave and he showed up. >> i didn't have him halfway in the grave, but they did, they did.>> let me finish, let me defend my candidate, he showed up real time and basically said i'm here, where are you all at? and since that time, he has traveled the country to wisconsin, arizona, georgia,
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he's out there swinging with the big stick and actually bringing receipts, he's not just talking, he's walking. he went to phoenix the other day and worked with intel and basically said i'm delivering on the promise to protect the national security of this country and create manufacturing jobs with products that are made in america and making sure we create thousands and thousands of really high-paying jobs. he's out there again, yesterday was the anniversary of the affordable care act which both he and president obama not only helped create but also increase, donald trump us to take that away. they want to try to repeal all the protections that were in place, that joe biden used to reduce prescription drugs and the choice is going to become clear as people start to focus on the election which is imminent and honest.>> mitch, you nailed it in the first part, especially in the
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characterization, the real-life characterization of donald trump and i think the american people need that context. on the back end, you come around and you talk about the accomplishments, i want to put up nbc news headliners that had been hitting the streets over the past week, biden cancels nearly $6 billion in student debt for 78,000 public service workers. united steelworkers union endorses joe biden. and the u.s. crime rate is still dropping. that is banner news, it is good news for any campaign. riddle me this, why don't the american people either believe it or feel it?>> first of all, i think we have been through a very difficult time. you were talking a little bit earlier about the insurrection, just think about what happened to this country when donald trump was in office, he lost 2.5 million jobs, as we got into the last half of his presidency, it was nothing but chaos, that's why i like to refer to him as king chaos, he
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enjoys it, it is good for him and bad for everybody else. millions of people were struck with covid, with the economy was crashing, wall street was crashing, and the president after he lost and continues to refuse to concede, actually instigated an insurrection. then we had the war in ukraine and now we've got the challenge , joe biden has come into office and stabilized all of that, creating 15.5 million jobs, the lowest unemployment rate we have had in the last 50 years, passing four major pieces of legislation that any president would be proud of. but people are still feeling anxious and until it gets crystallized about the choice they have to make between king chaos who basically wants revenge and wants to take us back to a time that never was, that he wants to say was good for them but it wasn't, and joe
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biden that is going to create a vision for the future that he can deliver on, we feel like we are going to be in pretty good shape. be clear on this, this is going to be a very close election, it is going to come down to the swing states and we've got a battle. the point is, joe biden is battling well and raising money, and donald trump is sitting in his basement looking for nickels.>> i wonder, given that you are from the great state of louisiana, if you paid attention to the results that came in from that primary, we have seen a lot of states where there have been really strong protest votes against former president trump. out of louisiana, i wonder if anything about them stood out to you? >> a lot of times when people are asking me questions, we talk about the weakness in the poll numbers that we see, but really they should be focusing on him. when you look at the places that nikki haley took him out at the knees and you look at her votes when they were coming out, they have some real challenges.
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every campaign does, this is not anything that should surprise anybody. this is not 2020, the electorate is in a different place. in louisiana, we go fishing. you have to go fishing where the fish are. you have to understand where they are, understand their pain and just bring the facts and at the end of the day, you've got to trust the american people. and i really do, i think it is going to be hard, i think everybody in the country is in a strange place but when the choice is clear on election day between joe biden, to give people a chance and believes that diversity is the strength, and donald trump wants to convince people that all is good for everybody, that everybody knows it is a lie, i think they are going to go for joe biden. >> always a pleasure, good to see you, thank you for coming on. absolutely. coming up at the top of the hour, me, i will be on to discuss democratic groups
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boosting far right and extremist candidates in the republican primaries and whether or not that is a good idea. more of the weekend right after this. after this business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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stroke full, that doesn't for the weekend. we will see you back here next saturday, and be sure to follow the show on social media. later today former national security adviser susan rice will join us to talk about why
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donald trump's cash problems actually make him a national security risk. that is a 6:00 only on msnbc. in the meantime this starts right now. we like the jacket. they are mad because i just talked about the target drop yesterday, and i secured the drop. >> i love that, and i love watching the show, but i did watch somebody from the weekend, and drew me to talk about a topic today, and he did put up his hand. i am not trying to make trouble. >> it is women's history month. i will definitely take the flowers and go home. >> good to see you all. have a great rest of the weekend. do not go far because i'm going to talk to you very shortly.


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