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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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attention, a long time and a lot of resources to keep people's attention. trump saying stuff like this ultimately doesn't energize new democrats, but does remind people what is at stake. it reminds them without the dnc having to pour a bunch of money on it because the media continues to cover the crazy things that he says on abortion, ramadi women of the time they did not have bodily autonomy rights. >> welfare. as always thank you so much. i hope to see you next sunday. i do know it is easter. take it up with the bookers. thank you guys. thank you guys. in moments, what to make up vladimir putin and his spin about who was behind friday's terrorist attack. a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters in york.
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welcome to "alex witt reports". we begin with the concept of double trouble for donald trump with new york state ceased to poise his ethics tomorrow unless he comes up with more than $454 million. trump prosperous bank accounts and properties could be under control of the courts by the end of today. and trump will attend tomorrow's hearing and has many case where stormy daniels says that she is ready to testify. a case that can make trump the first former u.s. president to face a criminal trial. >> this is not about party this is not about politics. this is about corruption and criminality. we are talking about an individual who ordered essentially a terrorist attack on the capital of the united states in order to retain power. that is not about being a republican. it is not about being a democrat. it is about being and make an ethical individual. also knew today and trump's
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fulton county election racketeering case, the ones involving when he describes as a perfect phone call to the georgia election officials. they find him over that found him over 1000 votes. the district attorney says things about slow down to disk location hearing. she has a new warrant for trump and his codefendants. here's what she told cnn. >> i do not feel it might trepidation needs to be reclaimed. with it for the record. i am not there is anything i have done. my greatest crime as i had a relationship with a man. it is not something i find embarrassing in any way. i know that i have not done anything illegal. while that was going on, we are writing responsive reefs and doing the case in the way it needed to be done. i do not like we have been slowed down at all. i think there are efforts to slow it down, but the train is coming. >> tony finau is charles coleman, former brooklyn, new york prosecutor and civil rights attorney, msnbc analyst
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and host a podcast and a really good friend. let's start with a warning from fani willis. it comes as donald trump is only focused on the next 24 hours. what do you make of her statement and the timing of it? >> she is doing her job. when you are prosecutor, there are certain number of prosecutorial initiatives. essentially keeping your foot on the gas. even though donald trump may have been feeling really for the skating opinion released by the judge after this hearing regarding the comfort of interest or potential comfort of interest. she is letting him know, we have been working and are ready to pick up exactly where we left off and move forward with the case. she is doing her job. she is keeping her foot on the gas. there is a certain level of public reception she is managing. she is also an elected official . she does not necessary want
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to walk out with her tail tucked. she wants to appear strong and in control. that is ethically what she is doing with her comments. spatulas move on to the $454 million. what comes the judgment against trump there is one prominent new york person calling for equal treatment. this is a congressman. >> i think attorney general james has been handling this case with tremendous skill. it is ultimately up to her determination. it is my belief that all people should be treated equally under the law. if the seizure of assets would be pursued to any other american , then donald trump should be treated the same. >> you worked for a long time and a new york justice system. do you think donald trump is helping emmett appeals court
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comes to his rescue and you think they do >> yes and no. i think he is absolutely hoping that because of the size of the judgment in the case that he gets bailed out, at least to some extent, by emmett appeals court. i don't think that will happen. at least without a significant showing of effort on his part to get the funds. part of this is a situation of his own creation. not only the case itself, but boasting about the amount of property. the amount of hash and will then you have in your portfolio. >> he says he has half $1 billion in cash. >> exactly. you cannot make these claims and bombastic declarations, even though he is prone to do so . and then expect a level of sympathy from the court, particularly when appealing to the very dutch heard the case. i think this is very unlikely. >> if you default, what do you think the ag move is? >> that is a good question.
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at that point, letitia james will have to look over the entire port folio of donald trump's holdings and make decisions about what you want to seize. she does not necessarily want to get into the business of taking mar-a-lago or casinos or other properties because that means you had to run them to make sure they are viable. as the state attorney general, she does not do that. she is not in the real estate business. liquidating those property is a headache. that is why cash is so valuable in this situation. it will be interesting to see what properties and what assets she goes after from the seizure standpoint first. and whether she looks to obtain all of the judgment from his real property or tries to get some in cash. >> the hush money trial happens tomorrow. some say it could be into the election interference trial. yes stormy daniels, michael cohen and others that will have to testify. this is not the one that analysts figured would go first. they did not necessarily think it would be one that could hurt him the worst. do you think this one actually
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has some teeth to it and donald trump should be concerned?! i actually think donald trump wants this case to go first. if he cannot get the case in mar-a-lago in front of judge cannon, which although has been home field advantage for him, this is the one he is least concerned about. number one, to be fair, it is untested legal theory in large part for the reasons you've talked about. when you get into the notion of election interference, that is what i am not certain will hold up. it is also one that i do not necessarily know if convicted, he will face a huge penalty. for him, if he beats the case, he gets to further his image as the teflon don. the gingerbread man, catch me if you can. if he loses, he gets to say, look at all the resources they put behind trying to convict me for what was ultimately a slap on the wrist. i think he feels very comfortable taking his chances here, even though he does not necessarily want the sordid details what happened regarding him and stormy daniels to come
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out in the public more than has . >> what do you think the chances are that he pull something out of a hat tomorrow? do they get as possible? if so, what would it be? such a great, the most interesting thing i have seen is the consolidation of his media company and then going public around the owners of truth social. i am curious to see if they will waive the notion of being able to use his ownership stake as collateral. he will be able to sell his ownership stake this early after going public. it is possible that they may waive his ownership stake used as collateral to get the actual cat -- cash. it will be down to the wire as an endeavor. >> that is something that the board of truth social would have to vote on. the board consists of family members and a few others. >> after that, he still has to get a guarantor that is willing to put up cash in lieu of ownership stake. they may not want to do that.
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>> charles coleman, i always want you on the show. coming up, and said into what trump me be thinking today as he is ready for his day in court. a former president trump staffer will be joining me in just a few minutes. let's go to capitol hill were congress is left for easter break after passing a $1.2 trillion spending bill averting a government shutdown. the president signed the measure yesterday. it will fund the government to inspect issues among house republicans with the majority voting against the bill earlier today, texas congressman chip roy said he did not support it. >> i wanted some sense of sanity on spending. some sense of sanity on the order. some sense of sanity on any of the issues there are people actually care about and we got none of that. >> when the house returns next month, republicans will face several challenges, including 81 vote majority once mike
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gallagher leaves. plus, they will have to decide on the fate of house speaker mike johnson after marjorie taylor greene filed a motion on friday to oust him. let's bring in nbc julie tsirkin on capitol hill. how are lawmakers reacting to the new bill overall? >> reporter: bipartisan majorities in the house and senate are thrilled that they finished the appropriations process. it has been a long one and they finally funded the full government by accomplishing what they did overnight friday. they don't have to talk about government shutdowns again until october. certainly, you have hardliners and conservatives in the house like chip roy, in the house freedom caucus. you heard him there. he is still weighing whether to support the motion to oust speaker johnson that marjorie taylor greene filed. it should be known however, that she did not file the privilege resolution, meaning there is no timeline or requirement for house republican leadership to put it on the floor marjorie taylor greene repeated that today, seiji is holding it over speaker johnson's head serving it as a warning to see what he
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does next including an ukraine aid. here's what she had to say this morning. >> they did nothing for the border. they funded full-term abortion clinics. they funded horrific trance policies that target children in this country. this was not a republican bill. it was a democrat bill. >> reporter: there is so much to unpack. let's start with the border. republicans rejected bipartisan legislation that would have enhanced security measures at the border a couple of weeks ago. they cited former president trump saying they should not do anything on it until the election. now, they are demanding the provisions to be tied to aid overseas, including ukraine. you heard marjorie taylor greene talk about how the bill funds full-time abortion centers . that is just not true. she is talking about earmarks. in congress, especially the senate, you are lawmakers that can and provisions to a bill that will fund certain centers or facilities or projects in
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their home states. you had two hospitals that do provide some abortions and reproductive care axis up to 22 weeks. certainly not late-term. they were funded as a result of the bill she talked with the transgressors as well. by large amounts, this was bipartisan product and had moderate winds sun and losses republicans and democrats. that is what happens when you have a divided government. it is something that speaker johnson tried to inspect with members especially as the majority is getting smaller and smaller, as you rightly point out alex. are down to just one seat in april with mike gallagher the chairman of the china bipartisan select committee leaves, survey. in part because of the chaos we are seeing. >> i do not envy on capitol hill having to watch the scrutiny. coming up next, the tears and mourning after the worst terrorist attack to hit russia in 20 years. and the disinformation that started less than 24 hours after it happened. r it happene. h and 24/7 sensitivity protection.
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i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. today, russia is holding a
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national day of mourning for the victims of the terror attack at a concert hall outside of moscow on friday. the death toll today rising to 137 people as crews worked to recover the bodies of those killed tournament out from london is nbc matt bradley. the latest about the moscow of education into the attack and how the country is honoring the victims today. >> this is a solemn day and moscow and across russia. this was an official day of mourning. the country has just entered his deadliest terrorist attack in two decades. flags flying at half mast and vigils held that a particular the large one you are seeing at crocus city hall where gunmen went on a rampage two days ago. even president vladimir putin was seen playing a flower in remembrance of victims this was outside moscow. this is the number of dead rising to 137, with 154 people left injured. many of them
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critically. and, there is thought to be more than 80 people who are still missing. here is one of the mourners explain what the moment means to russia. to russia. ú alex, rescue workers are pouring through the burned-out wreckage of the concert hall. about a third of the roof collapsed after the huge fire friday night. emergency workers are coming to the ashes for bodies by the
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way, the rescue effort for live victims and did yesterday. this is a recovery effort. investigators are combing for clues. russian officials, even with all of this said yesterday, that they had arrested all four perpetrators of the crime and none of the actual assailants are still at large. they said they arrested a further 11 people that they believe are connected to the attack. excuse me, four out of 11. 11 people total. despite the fact that isis claimed credit for the attack and went so far as to provide their own gruesome video shot by the attackers himself. the kremlin still seems determined to blame ukraine. that is where russian troops have been fighting for the past decade. ukraine and its western allies about pushing back forcefully against the claims. likely will not stop russian president vladimir putin from exploiting this tragedy to his own political ends. >> is a grim story from every angle. thank you matt bradley. tony finau is john seifer, former senior cia officer in vendor of spy craft entertainment welcome back to
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the broadcast. despite isis k take a responsible day for the attack, which u.s. officials have a confirmed, russian president putin and russian media have ignored her cast doubts that it was indeed carried out by the islamic states. vladimir putin is adjusting ukraine was involved and a charge that kyiv totally denies . what you make of his attempt to spin the narrative and link ukraine with terrorists? such it is part and parcel to how he has always rolled., to 1999 and apartment building attack. the sinking of the curse summering and other terrorist attacks. mh17 shootdown over ukraine. the invasion of ukraine. the seizing of car maya -- crimea. all of these things, they lied about and try to use information propaganda to push their narrative of whatever they are trying to do internally. either to lie to the people so
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that they look more competent that they are, or to use for foreign-policy purposes. i think most people that follow the kremlin expected him to find some way to turn this. you have a guy in power 25 years. what he offered his people for 25 years is security and confidence. when you show this let's incompetence over and over again , you do everything you can to deflect and blame someone else. >> i want to build on that. the confidence, to use your word. despite russia being an adversary, u.s. officials warned russia i.s.i.s. was planning an architect in moscow. and yet, vladimir putin dismissed the warnings as an architect to intimidate and destabilize russia. what does this indicate to you about his psyche and the nature of his regime? is he denying i.s.i.s. k responsibility just to save face? >> more than to save face. to save power. when dictators are in power,
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they had to put up a false narrative. if you rule by fear, you live in fear of your people. your role is legitimate and you do not have elections to get a sense of what the people are thinking. the rule by corrosion and lying and helping the public does not start to realize your incompetence. one of the other things we have to remember is for regimes like vladimir putin, it is not regime security versus national security. to them, their security services are huge and powerful and there about keeping vladimir putin in power. not so much about protecting people from terrorists. they are about protecting vladimir putin for people like opposition us such as alexey navalny. they have declared lgbtq groups as terrorists. it is about protecting the kremlin, not protecting the people. >> you mentioned 25 years in power. a week ago put two was rubber-
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stamped into a fifth term as president and then russia severs his deadliest terrorist attack in 20 years despite the warnings. as the war in ukraine is grinding into its third year, how much do you think the russian public is going to buy into his promise that vladimir putin has the country's security interest at heart? >> and narrative has built up that vladimir putin is winning in ukraine. and sanctions are not as good as we thought they would be and the counteroffensive in ukraine has not been as successful.'s economy is better than we thought it would be and he is working closely with china. if you are the dictator in charge for 25 years, you have failed miserably in ukraine. your volunteer army which is supposedly big and strong, has not moved more than a few meters in two years. you have over 300,000 people killed and injured. you have lost over 10,000 armored vehicles. you know have to conscript another 500,000 people just to keep the war going. he remembers very well he was in the kgb.
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he remembers the years in soviet union when the war in afghanistan went on for 10 years and killed 15,000 people, much less in ukraine. he has the worry that the mothers and fathers that have kids called up and the conscript themselves and others- at some point, there is a limit and he does not over the limit is because his rule is legitimate. he has not had real elections and doesn't have any way of testing the support he has. he has to be a little scared right now. especially after the failure with a terrorist attack. >> you bring a very valuable perspective. a new revelation about a former president and how he was afraid he would only last one term. which former president? not that one. the other one, next. next. a. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday.
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giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. donald trump has hours now to come up with more than $450
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million judgment in the new york city fraud trial. york attorney general letitia james says she is prepared to start seizing trumps assets if he does not, but the money by tomorrow. joined me now as peter baker, msnbc political analyst, chief white house course on it for the "the new york times" and co- author of the terrific, " the divider ". welcome my friend. peter, we note that trump's properties are huge point of pride for him and his family. the possibility of losing those properties, how is he reacting to it ? >> i think you are seeing him react to it. he sends message after message. were not getting trump tower. they are coming after trump tower. he is focusing strongly on the possibility and he is trying to protect the empire that once made him a force in american politics because he is a good businessman.
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he russian president putin rev up his base by saying look what they are doing feeding the conspiracy theory that he likes to promote. it is a witchhunt out to get him. >> let's take a look overseas. right now, thousands of russians are mourning the -- the victims of the concert hall shooting. let's look at the growing memorial for the 137 people killed. despite i.s.i.s. k claimant perceptible to you have heard russian president putin blame ukraine for it. ukraine denies any of vomit and there is zero evidence to support the claim. do you think russians are buying what vladimir putin is trying to sell them peter? >> some of them will virtually because he controls the media environment in russia pretty singularly. i was based in moscow back in the early part of his tenure. there is a lot of terrorism at the time. i remember every single time the playbook was like this.
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they did not tell the public the truth and they used it at the time to make political changes to enhance their own power in the kremlin. after the school massacre in 2004, vladimir putin used that to cancel all government elections across the country. not temporally and not just in the region, but permanently. from that on governors were appointed by his administration. you will see that kind of excuse used to take whatever political advantage he wants to hear. in this case he is using it to generate anger against ukraine to stir the public which is two years into a war they are not winning. such a blessing to israel. this week, secretaries' day antony blinken sat down with prime minister netenyahu and other high-ranking officials in the region. a cease-fire plan remains elusive. how frustrating has this war-and
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benjamin netenyahu in particular, become for the white house? >> there are a lot of reasons. the toll in gaza humanitarian crisis there and trouble getting in supplies has complicated the american plan. they had hoped the war would be brought to an end or temper a cease-fire and they could find ways to get more food and other humanitarian goods into gaza. that has not happened at the rate they wanted. they are frustrated by the public defiance that you are seeing from prime minister netenyahu. part of the challenge for president biden is that prime minister netenyahu, while not necessarily popular among his own, does represent a consensus right now when it comes to military alterations -- operations among people in israel who were not his supporters as a strong sense in israel to continue this operation until they have
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debilitated hamas and they do not as they have done that yet. hostages are still held by hamas . it is a challenge for president biden. it is not just about israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, even though there is personal friction growing over the past weeks and months . >> let's move stateside. this saturday, president biden, former president obama and nancy pelosi celebrated the 14th anniversary of the formal care act. in you know article you reflect on how obama feared he would be a one term presidency after passing the health care law. it actually became his most important and perhaps most celebrated legislative achievement. is there a lesson we can take from that amid concerns about the biden reelection? >> it is an interesting question. there is an oral history put together by columbia university and they released a number of transcripts the past week of obama aides and allies who worked on a formal care act. part of what we learned is how president obama realized or thought it was a political
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liability that may result in a one term presidency, as he put it. he told his aides, that is fine as long as i get done what i want to get done. it does tell you how politics shift. at the time it was a political liability and did cause democrats the midterm in 2010 and control the house over time, support has gone for it. republicans have tried time and time again to repeal it support for it has gone up. you never know today, the way things look politically a decade or 14 years from now. you are right to say we also do not know what will happen seven months from now. things could change. president biden is trailing former president trump in most polls. we are in a very volatile and uncertain moment right now. >> thank you for coming on and try to get a straight with even keel in the water. thank you peter. how would you be spending the weekend if you come up with $454 million tomorrow? freaking out, playing golf or
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right now, donald trump is preparing for two critical legal events tomorrow. first, he has to pay 454 million civil fraud judgment. trump will appear in a court hearing in his separate hush money trout. alex talbot is dennis now.
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how is trump appearing ahead of the hearing tomorrow? >> alex, trump has been quite active on the social media platform, truth social, over the weekend. attacking new york attorney general leticia james. criticizing judge chutkan and posting clips of migrants pushing through a fence. and uploading a video of himself golfing. oh, nice. great shot. >> you got that one on camera. >> yes, i did. >> never a dull moment for former president trump who has a huge day on two eagle fronts tomorrow. trump is expected to be in new york city monday morning for a hearing that could determine when the first of his four criminal trials begin. that trial related to alleged hush money payments to stormy
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daniels was supposed to start tomorrow. but judge chutkan granted a delay until at least april 15th. monday's hearing, we are expecting to learn the new trial date for the case. completely separate to that, tomorrow is also the due date for trump to post appeal bond of more than $454 million. after the judge found him to have engaged in financial fraud. there is a a chance and appeals court could delay the deadline, but it has not happened quite yet. on monday, it is really shaken out to be a hugely pivotal day for the former president. >> it absolutely is. there is on the golf course with lionel richie saying in the back round as he is playing. joining me now is former director of medications for the office of public liaison in the trump white house, omarosa manigault newman. she of course starred in the former reality show tournament the apprentice " and she is a
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best selling author of unhinged. tournament welcome back. and has been too long. i could talk to every weekend. let's start with today. what do you think is trump's mindset ahead of his double trouble day tomorrow? >> it is so evident that donald trump has his back against the wall. at the tell you, a stressed out trump is a dangerous trump. i would not be surprised if he did not try to seize the spotlight with one of his famous antics or doing something to distract from the incredible and precarious legal situation he faces. >> what kind of answer could he pull off? i was asking that of an attorney. what do you think he could do tomorrow? >> last week, when he also was faced with another stressful situation he equated immigrants to animals. he said there was going to be a bloodbath. who knows what this week will bring with donald trump.
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i can tell you, the video of him golfing and try to play that he is cool, calm and collected. i have got this man and is difficult to tweet and golf at the center or cheat and golf as he often does. what we see him doing more than swinging a golf club is tweeting-rage tweeting to get his thoughts out. >> is a little locked off balance by the big swing. i am just saying. he has made the case in court about being forced into a fire sale of his properties. although he must know his cash and liquid assets are likely to be targeted first. is there one property that is most dear to him? his crown jewell. is trump tower, 40 wall street or what do you think it is?! i have to say it is trump tower. it was the centerpiece and backdrop of " the apprentice " . shown to millions of people that tuned into the show every week. it is where we lived for months we were shooting donald trump loves trump tower. if the age he went after this
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particular property it would hit him where it hurts. >> he is in court tomorrow in person for the has many case. the last few days, nbc news got a video of stormy daniels at the manhattan da office. she also appeared on " the view. " >> people think i did it for the money. what they do not understand is as the >> of document you are going on a show at this or 60 minutes which is where chosen, the first time, i made zero. i did not get paid anything, but it cost me everything. i wrote the book because i wanted to get my story out and that alyssa lang people do not read i should've made a picture book. no, i should not have. >> nobody wants to see that. will she be a credible witness? how do you expect trump to react in court when she takes
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the stand? would he be cold and steely stare with crossed arms. will he be whispering to his attorney and scribbling notes will he leave the court in a huff? >> you know what is really weird about donald when it comes to stormy daniels, he is actually proud he had this affair with his star. even though he acts like it is something he did not engage in. he has always bragged about his relationship with these folks. his ability to get these types of women. this case is embarrassing but because it feeds into his attempt to be macho-he will be sitting there. the truth of the matter is he has a gross fascination with stars and playboy bunnies and these are the temple women he has been with the last couple of years. >> the "the new york times" points out tomorrow he is facing two of his greatest fears. a criminal conviction and public perception that he does not have as much money as he claims to have. the has many case could make
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him the first former u.s. president to face criminal trial. from your interactions with him over the years, how do you think he views all of this, as it relates to his legacy? >> the interesting thing about these two cases is that they all point back to michael:. his legacy will be forever tied to michael:. michael cohen is the one that disclosed he inflates the values of his properties. to get these types of beneficial rates. michael: is that the central -- center of the servant in this case. his legacy is tied to his fixer who retreated terribly. as a result he is now in this legal peril. >> let me ask you one last question. you have taken issue with trump's daughter-in-law taking leadership position and currency . why? >> i worked with her for all of those years we were very close. the truth of the matter is she was placed there strategically
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to continue the drift. she is there to make sure donald trump gets all of his legal fees paid. in fact, the agreement she put in place on day one was that trump's legal fees are paid before any instances related to the campaign are paid to. my issue is there are americans on that side door donating $25 and $30 to help support the campaign. in fact, they are being taken advantage of. she is taking part, a big part in exploiting those people. >> duly noted. was good to see you, as i said at the top. thank you is more to impact. york times investigative reporter suzanne craig will join us to discuss what would happen first should donald trump missed tomorrow's deadline. omorrow's deadline. that's me mr. cole. oh... ♪♪ [door slams] [sniffs] mmmm! let's talk about a raise. ♪ old spice whistle ♪
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we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) new today, the white house is sending a strong message to israel about the growing humanitarian crisis in gaza this comes as the identity administration is trying to move forward after a pair of unsuccessful attempts at striking a cease-fire deal. aly raisman is at the white house. >> reporter: vice president harris in interview delivered harsh criticism of israel's actions in gaza. she once again called attention to the worsening humanitarian crisis there. she was also asked whether a ground invasion of gaza, where we have reported over 1 million
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palestinians have been displaced , are continuing to shelter. she was asked whether the invasion would be a red line for the biden administration. >> we have been very clear. it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any military operation. >> a mistake, but would there be consequences if he moves forward? >> we will take it one step at a time. we have been very clear in terms of our perspective. >> are you doing out there would because it is from the united states?! i am really not nothing. >> the vice president not elaborating, the consequences could be. >> reporter: her tough talk is, at a critical time. we know prime minister netenyahu in recent days has renewed his pledge to invade rafah. he is also keeping these plans for an israeli delegation of
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military and intelligence officials to come to the white house this week to meet with u.s. officials about what u.s. officials say are alternative plans to accomplish israel's goal of defeating hamas. and doing that without invading rafah. this is setting the term for the high stakes talks. coming against the basque drop of what we've seen in recent weeks as u.s. officials try to channel the criticism and the pressure they have been facing over the president's handling of the israel hamas war. channeling and into u.s.-led effort to achieve a cease-fire deal would allow for the release of hostages still being held by hamas, as well as working military aid to flow into gaza. we saw the u.s.-led effort and a major shift against u.s. policy in the past to reach a cease-fire deal at the u.n. only to have it fail. and secretary of state and the cia director trying to pressure israel and hamas to come to an agreement on the deal. officials hope it is done by the time the meetings have been. >> trick is much allie raffa.
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wrap your head around this fact. apples market worth is larger than the gdp of 100 countries. next, we'll talk about why the doj is suing the company. first, a trip to june 2007 on the launch of the very first iphone. >> is this first generation- is this going to be something they will improve upon again and again? if you're not all about getting it right off the presses, hang on. >> if you do not $500-$600 to get the four or six gig model there will be an update at some point. point.
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new questions this weekend about the future of smart phones as apple faces a landmark antitrust lawsuit by the doj. the civil suit, joined by attorneys general of 15 states plus washington d.c. accuses apple of restricting its own operating system, driving up
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costs for consumers and monopolizing the market. tournament out is nbc business reporter rob take us through what the doj is accusing apple of. , the chances have in court? >> the doj is accusing apple of monopolizing not just the apps or the system, but the entire smart phone market. it says apple does this by not making a superior product, but by making other company's product worse by putting restrictions on what smart phone developers can do to develop apps that work across different iphone platforms. they say drives up costs for consumers and developers alike. it creates unsecure environments for smart phones. the big takeaway as it is not just about an app here or there out there, it is the entire smart phone market that the doj is accusing apple of monopolizing. >> that is huge. to have a chance in court
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>> a lot of people are comparing this to the microsoft case that dragged on for years and years. ultimately, it led to the ousting of bill gates as ceo. this is just getting started. apple is likely to appeal it. once there is a decision made, is likely to go to trial. we are at the very beginning of this. in masters implications for apple. the doj did not rule out breaking up apple or possibly spinning out the smart phone business. apple stock actually fell 2% already when this was announced. in apple terms, that is billions of dollars in market share. in hamsters impact on the company. >> in fact, it is the third time and the attorney general has gone after apple. it is the first time the allegations have been this broad. apple said it will vigorously defend itself. they added, " this lawsuit
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threatens who we are and the principles that set apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets. " goes on to say, time and it would also set a dangerous precedent empowering government to take a heavy hand in designing people's technology. " this is not a surprise coming from apple. the statements here. does the doj have to be careful to not restrict market? >> yes, absolutely. we know they are going after these big tech companies. their cases on the hopper against amazon, facebook, google and big tech is try to push back about these types of actions. there currently facing the brunt of the biden administration. apple has a lot of power in the market place among consumers. it is not clear at all whether this case will pay off. we know the microsoft case did not work out either. they remained intact. to a lesser and more diminished degree for a while. it is not clear given the scope
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of this. we are in uncharted territory about how it will pay off. >> and i asked about the big picture? it is part of a larger antitrust crackdown of tech companies under biden. doj is already suing google for monopolizing and services. the ftc has a case pending against the parent company meda another case against amazon. can he be successful raining in big companies or is it too late? are they too big? >> they are enormous. this case will probably be the one that sets the tone for the rest of them. it is the entire smart phone market we talked about. about. even google, we are seeing the rise of you know, ai companies coming in, and taking


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