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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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of this. we are in uncharted territory about how it will pay off. >> and i asked about the big picture? it is part of a larger antitrust crackdown of tech companies under biden. doj is already suing google for monopolizing and services. the ftc has a case pending against the parent company meda another case against amazon. can he be successful raining in big companies or is it too late? are they too big? >> they are enormous. this case will probably be the one that sets the tone for the rest of them. it is the entire smart phone market we talked about. about. even google, we are seeing the rise of you know, ai companies coming in, and taking some of
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their market share, but again the smart phone business is a different animal. you know apple is a big player there. we will have to see how this plays out. >> tbb. thank you very much for joining us on that. the supreme court is gearing up for new arguments this week in the most significant abortion case since roe versus wade was overturned. good day everyone from msnbc. welcome to alex witt reports, we are beginning with the deadline approaching for donald trump to pay his more than $450 million bond judgment tomorrow. he claims he has the money but he wants to spend it on his campaign but not offering any proof that he has the cash. also tomorrow trump will return to a new york state court in a hush money case where stormy daniels said that she is where
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-- ready to testify. suzanne craig will talk to me later. some house republicans are upset with johnson saying there's not enough order funding in the bill including congresswoman marjorie taylor greene who is moving to oust him as speaker. >> we cannot have a republican speaker of the house that is willing to do the bidding of chuck schumer and not allowing any of us republican so do our jobs, speaker johnson's one chance, his one chance to truly secure the border is with the power of the purse and that's in these funding bills. also a day of mourning and rush after the deadly terror attack that killed at least 137 people. isis k claiming responsibility. lawmakers sparring over whether the biden administration should
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-- whether the withdrawal from afghanistan has led to this islamic state. >> the way we left it, it puts us in danger where this is a new battleground from isis. >> the withdrawal was put into place by the former president and in fact, minutes before president biden took office, he withdrew more and more troops in afghanistan. so that kind of an argument is so simple and simplistic. >> we have a number of reporters covering all of these new developments. first, tomorrow is payment day for trump's half billion dollar judgment. von?
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>> reporter: tomorrow will mark a big day for former president trump here in new york city, not only for himself but his family and the family corporation that bears his name. tomorrow is the deadline for donald trump to post that appeal bond. he's had several weeks to do so now. yet his own attorney this last week writing in a motion to an appeals court that donald trump has been unable to find the appeals on, they've gone to 30 different surety companies and none of them have been willing to put up this bond, saying that they cannot use his properties as collateral but instead, they need cash to put up the bond, and so far, donald trump has been unable either himself or with others, to post that. the issue also is the fact that just the other morning donald trump undercut his own attorney's claims in social media post claiming that in fact he did have half $1 billion cash on hand. tomorrow, the new york attorney general has already begun to go
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through the process to begin seizing his assets including his properties right here in new york city as well as in a county north here in manhattan which includes his seven springs estate. this is a moment for trump of big unknown, if in fact he's not able to put up that appeal bond or get an appeals court this week to delay him having to find that $464 million. the other part that is big is the fact that trump is going to be here in new york city on an unrelated matter, one having to deal with what will be his first of four criminal trials, this is the alleged hush money payment trial related to the payments to stormy daniels around the 2016 election. the trial date was to begin tomorrow but it's been delayed up to april 15th at this point. the hearing tomorrow will likely be determined by the judge of when that trial will actually commence. now to the new fallout over the government spending bill.
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julie, what are you hearing about the bill and also this motion against the speaker? >> the motion against the speaker came as a surprise to many of us who were standing outside of the chamber. even her communications director had no idea what his boss, the congressman was even planning on doing and she did lay down the motion to kick effectively speaker johnson out of the job though the motion has no timeline attached to it. she defended the move earlier on fox news, something that not only democrats have criticized but also republicans because when the ouster of kevin mccarthy happened, that led to a lot of chaos in the house, a lot of closed-door speaker battles and in the end johnson came out and he really is according to republicans, he's doing the best that he can including passing this funding bill that would fund the rest of the government for the rest of the fiscal year. and we don't have to talk about shutdowns again until october
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but that doesn't mean that democrats, some of them said they would not save him. >> take a listen to alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> i'm inclined to vote for a speaker johnson, i'm not inclined to vote for an individual who doesn't believe in women's rights, doesn't believe in rights to bodily autonomy, who has supported overturning presidential elections. i might, my vote would most likely be for a speaker jeffries which becomes an increasingly likely reality. >> if this really did happen on the floor, if marjorie taylor greene really did force a vote to oust speaker johnson. the rules that mccarthy negotiated to get the gavel in the first place, she would only need about a handful of
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democrats, so certainly progressives like congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez wouldn't be a part of that group . but jeffries did receive in the past, more votes than some other republican candidates going for speaker because all democrats were united behind him while republicans were split and that is a fear that congressman mccall actually floated on the sunday show. it's certainly something that republicans are watching. >> thank you very much. let's go to matt bradley who's in london with the latest on the attack in russia. what can you tell us about how russia is dealing with this aftermath of the attack? >> this is a solemn day in moscow and really across russia. the whole country, just adored the deadliest terror attack they've had in two decades. there were flags flying at half
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mass. putin himself, was seen laying a flower in remembrance of the victims. the number rose once again to 137, and it's now 154 left injured, many of them left injured critically. here's one of the mourners, explaining what this moment means to russians. >> [ speaking in a global language ] >> [ speaking in a global language ] but many families are still looking for their loved ones. more than 80 people are thought to be still missing. as that's
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going on, rescue workers are still combing through the wreckage of the concert hall. about a third of the roof collapsed during the fire and even as emergency workers were combing the ashes for bodies, the actual rescue effort, investigators are also combing for clues. russian officials said that they had arrested all four of the perpetrators, and they also said they arrested a total of 11, four were from that. there were other people suspected of having been connected to the crime. despite the fact that isis has claimed credit for that, the even went as far as to provide their own gruesome video themselves. the kremlin seems determined to blame ukraine. ukraine and its western allies have been pushing back forcefully against the claims
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but that likely won't stop putin from exploiting this tragedy to his own political ends. up next, judge cannon in the classified documents case, the head scratching, and the questions about what jack smith might do next. we are back in 60 seconds. this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. more now on the countdown to the showdown between donald trump and new york attorney general letitia james. in 24 hours, james can begin seizing trump's assets if he does not come up with the bond in the $454 million fraud judgment. he also plans to attend a hearing in the hush money case
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in person where he might hear directly from a judge if he will become the first former u.s. president to face criminal trial. joining me now, dave amber, former member of the florida senate, now state attorney for palm beach county. welcome. i'm glad to talk with you. first question here, i'm curious what you are hearing in trump's home district there. any concerns over whether new york could acquire ownership of mar-a-lago? and if that were to happen, would your office be involved? >> our office would not be involved, and i think mar-a- lago could be on the table but that is the last place trump would ever allow anyone to get their hands on because that's where he lives, it's his baby, pride and joy, he would lay his body down in front of the gates so no one gets in. i do think james will put everything on the table as a possibility but, i don't think that is the top priority. i think she's going to go to the assets that are in place, in new york, such as the one on wall street, or in westchester county, first but it's not out of the realm of possibility that one day, the collectors are coming to the doors of mar- a-lago. >> what would new york's attorney general be focusing on today and what could she do,
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first, if trump defaults tomorrow? >> she's already started to put things in motion in westchester county, filed the paperwork to put liens on his properties, she didn't have to do that in new york city because the judgment was there and so it's executed automatically there but in other communities outside new york city, she has to file the liens and she's already doing so but on monday, tomorrow, if trump does not come up with the cash or the surety bond then it's game on and she will move ahead to start the process of seizing the properties. it's a huge day tomorrow for donald trump. this is his brand, this is who he is and that's why i think he's going to try everything he can, that's why we have to nervous about whether he seeks foreign intervention here. the one thing on that is that there someone named farber jump, she's the caretaker of the company for the judge, she
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is being paid by donald trump and she is a court a side babysitter for donald trump's company and she is now empowered to let us all know who is funding the surety bond, so that's important for full disclosure. >> you've seen him make a series of somewhat conflicting claims, first, he doesn't have enough cash, then he can't make the bond because 30 companies won't work with him and then he said he's got half $1 billion in cash. does any of this surprise you considering the wealth that he attracts at mar-a-lago to the point you were just making, there could be people there who might pull their money together and bail him out. >> anything is possible. this is why being his lawyer is so manic because on one hand, his lawyers are at the appeals court saying, please give us more time to come up with the money because we don't have it or lower the bond amount so
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that we could post 100 million instead of 464 million and on the other end donald trump is saying i'm loaded, i've got 500 million, i'm all good. you know his lawyers are pulling their hair out right now and that's part of the frustration. i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but i know from what i hear, he is working the phones to try to get that money because if he doesn't, he either has to put up the cash or a surety bond or else letitia james can move forward. no matter what happens tomorrow, trump can continue to appeal the judgment but he just can't stop the seizure of the properties from taking place. >> the new york times is pointing out that the hush money kate and the frog judgment, they both represent two of donald trump's greatest fears, a criminal conviction and secondly the public perception that he does not have as much cash as he claims. i'm not even sure that is in the proper order there. do his political and personal fortunes hinge on what happens in these cases? >> i think the civil case
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matters more because his whole brand is that he's the successful billionaire, let's run the government like a business but what if you have to declare personal bankruptcy, what if your claim to be a billionaire is not true and you don't have enough money to post the bond? i think that hurts him more than if he's found guilty in the hush money case which a lot of the public hasn't bought into yet and i think he will be able to spin that. part of the problem in new york is that there are no cameras in the courtroom. he will be able to spin a yarn that his supporters will still believe. i'm not sure the criminal case will hurt as much as a failure to post the bond as the impact of the civil cases. >> do you expect him to come up with the money tomorrow? do you think he will show up with that? >> i thought about this a lot. i don't know. i think he likes to have
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surprises at the last minute. he likes to pretend and say no. and then here it is, victory, he's in conversations with jeffrey yost, that's the major tiktok investor and all of a sudden donald trump switched his position on tiktok. he also spoke with elon musk so he is working it. i think it's possible he could come up with the money. although i don't think the hush money case may hurt him as much at the civil case, if he's ever put on trial in washington, d.c. for the election interference case, the one that's put on hold, then i think that could really hurt and because that is a case that resonates with the american people because we all saw what happened on january 6th. >> point well taken. we have to see what's going to happen on that one as well. a former supreme court justice weighs in on the dobbs decision as the nation's highest court gets ready to tackle a new abortion case this week.
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? the supreme court is gearing up to hear arguments tuesday in the most significant abortion case since it overturn roe v wade. an antiabortion group wants to restrict access to mental press down. the decision could have massive impacts with medication abortions accounting for 63% of all abortions in 2023. training is mary ziegler, a law professor at uc davis, also the author of dollars for life, the antiabortion movement. mary, welcome to you first of all, what are you watching for tuesday and what all is at stake? the court completely ban
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mifepristone? >> what i'll be watching for is whether the court is looking for some kind of procedural offramp. we know well the litigation has continued, the court has let the status quo remain in place and that means the justices probably have some kind of -- or that they waited too long to bring this case. mifepristone was approved almost 25 years ago. so it will be interesting to see if the justices want to wade into the substance or they are looking for a way to make
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this case go away on procedural grounds. >> studies show that fewer than 1% of patients who take mifepristone require hospitalization. the fda reported 28 deaths of the 5.6 million people who have taken the drug. so, how can the plaintiffs argue the dangers of mifepristone, if that is at the root of their case? >> the plaintiffs are doing a combination of things. essentially they are saying, there isn't enough research, the fda didn't look closely enough. this is a strategy that we've seen, groups have used this for a while saying there is uncertainty and if there's uncertainty, scientists didn't.all their eyes, and the courts can come in and second- guess what scientists have determined, it's striking, mifepristone is so much more studied than other drugs. it's been controversial for decades so it's not as if scientist having been careful,
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concisely because of this controversy. it means if this could happen with this drug, it could happen with any drug. >> so, an ap poll found that 64% of adults inc. that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, meanwhile the former president trump say that he supports a 15 week national abortion ban. what happens with the courts and the public politicians, when they are out of step with public opinion? >> it depends. one of the things that we've seen is that antiabortion groups are seeking out places to succeed, where there's less accountability to voters. so one of those of course is the federal court, there's quite literally never been a supreme court justice in peach's so the court can do what it once seemingly, without a lot of accountability to the american people. we've also seen antiabortion groups outlining plans for a future trump presidency that
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would involve congress. we've seen antiabortion groups saying let's look at a law already on the books and treat that as a federal ban. the reason for that is if trump were elected he wouldn't need congress and he could direct channels to voters. really, if you are looking at this the question is how healthy our democracy is. when there isn't backlash, it's because the decision is being taken away from voters and given away to other people. >> there's another recent poll and it's from kf health and it found 86% of adults support protecting abortion for those who are experiencing pregnancy emergencies come, can these bands make sure that these abortions are protected. >> in any case you will have
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felony, criminal consequences including up to life in prison. so a lot of physicians are interpreting laws that have unclear terms, they are not medical terms and doctors are being asked to basically wager their medical licenses and liberty on having the correct interpretation. and we've seen since the supreme court overruled it, that doctors are not willing to do that. even when states want to protect access, doctors are too afraid of what would happen if they are wrong. so they are not going to invoke these exceptions anyway. >> former justice breyer spoke about the leak of the court's decision for overturning roe v wade. let's listen to that. >> it's unfortunate. >> were you angry? >> you try to avoid getting angry. you try to remain as calm, reasonable and serious as
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possible. i think it was unfortunate. >> so justice breyer retired just after the ruling. does this court still have a measured reputation and if not, what is the danger there? >> i think the courts reputation has really taken a dive, since dobbs and we've seen gallup and other pollsters document that. the courts reputation still has not recovered after the overruling of roe. i think the danger is that if a number of americans question the legitimacy of the court, or the neutrality of the court, that can create a crisis of confidence when the court does need to intervene. if there's a question about the
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2024 election, if a lot of americans don't trust that they will handle the question fairly, that could create a crisis for all americans, democrats and independent voters as well as republicans. it's unfortunate that the courts reputation is where it is. >> thank you so much, we look forward to talking with you again about this. my next guest has said we might be seeing a version of an obituary of the trump organization very soon. she will explain. off for all the un-boring things we do. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. taking chances is for skateboarding... and gas station sushi. not banking. that's why pnc bank strives to be boring with your money. the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring.
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donald trump is expressing his love for true social after investors approved a plan to take a social media company public but there may have been some love lost. the price for the shell company that merged with truth social, digital world acquisition dropped 14% in the hours following the announcement. trump stands to make as much as $3 billion on paper, from the deal. it's a potential financial windfall as all of his legal bills are piling up a joining me now, suzanne craig, author of the new book, lucky loser, how donald trump squandered his father's fortune and created the illusion of success. it's out this september. that will be a great read, he won't like the word loser. >> we are excited about it. >> let's talk about truth social, he's created this illusion of tremendous success around truth social. is it really worth billions, is
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that something that could help his legal bills? >> it has a high stock market value but it may not have a high stock market value in a year or six months. his problem with accessing that, both his shares are locked up, in order to get them to potentially pledge it if anyone would take it, you would have to get waivers from the board and there's probably other things i don't know about that could be going on behind the scenes. so that's tricky, not to say that it's impossible but a bank who would be landing against that would be worried about its future value down the road when they might have to collect. >> to that extent, is it a worry? you think about a couple of years ago, truth social was hanging on by a thread. >> it's got this big valuation but it doesn't make money. so it's definitely a concern about what it might be work. the stock market is often seen as irrational and you see these startup companies that get high valuations and then they come
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down. i think that's when we are looking at, can he access this and could he get the money out in order to use it for the bond that he has to post tomorrow. >> it's something that has value now but this is for those who are thinking oh, he's going to be the president, this is the way he will communicate. if he's not reelected, doesn't the value just implode? >> i think that would be something i would think would go into that, yeah. i mean, a lot of things could happen that could cause it to collapse. and there's also things that could happen that could make it go up. it's a young company and it's not making money. right now there's a huge valuation, supporters buying the stock and there's a bit of an odd frenzy around it. he has to have a very unique
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set of circumstances. >> judgment day tomorrow, $454 million, this of course in the bond in his civil fraud case. so, attorney general james will began seizing assets but in what order do you think she would do it? does it make sense to go after properties or is it easier to just go after inc. accounts and freeze those assets first? >> to be clear, these are always frustrating because we don't know the order and she's probably got a team ready and she's probably got her eyes ready on different things but i would have to imagine taste on human nature and sort of you've seen these things happen before, everybody wants cash, the bond companies that he's gone to to get an appeal bond, they want cash. i imagine she's looking at is cash. we should also be thinking, she wants to see how much cash she has but if she just goes in and
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sees -- seizes all of the cash account, she could freeze payroll, she could freeze the company up and maybe she doesn't want to do that. so maybe she will go after some cash and then real estate as well. he may not have enough cash to meet the whole thing so we don't know, she may be just looking at a combination of things because we know that he probably doesn't have enough pure cash to meet this appeal bond that he has to put up. >> and there's 24 hours left, that's it. so what do you get a sense of what he might be doing at this point, 24 hours ahead of time. i make the point that he was out playing golf yesterday. so, is he the one that has to make phone calls to people to say hey, i need money, or can anybody do that on his behalf? >> he will be involved in there are lawyers and employees working on this this weekend and also i will note there are
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people fundraising in the trump world off of this today. i just looked at my email before i came in, and the top for email's work, they will cease trump tower and don't let them and give me money. so that is going on today but i think tomorrow, when i think about it, we don't know what is going to happen but it could play out, you know, he doesn't just have to put up 500 and some million dollars, to do this, you know, he can get a combination of the cash and a building, and in a filing this week, you know, on monday, we talked about it, he came forward and said there's no way i can get this. nobody's ever done a bond that big and the attorney general came back in a filing midweek and said, you know, they said if you don't come up with a bond, i just want to read the language. you could consent to have the
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real estate interest held by the supreme court to satisfy the judgment. so i don't know if that's appealing to them to consent to have their real estate held by the supreme court but the point of filing was to say, your hair is really on fire but there are a lot of options or some options, short of just that. and you can also break it up and get several bonds. so i don't know what we will see tomorrow. it may be, the other option is, when we haven't heard from the appeals court, there's been motions in front of the appeals court donald trump is hoping to stay this. and we haven't heard anything yet from them. we may tomorrow, we may not hear anything. they are not obligated to respond at all and from donald trump's point of view, if he does come up with something, it could just be one or two things but it could satisfy that by doing several things. >> you have said that we are
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going to be writing a version of an obituary of the trump organization if letitia james starts freezing trump's cash. why would that be an exit essential threat to his company. you mentioned payroll. >> it could be. and the reason is, is you know, once you start freezing cash, you start seizing payroll, his ability to meet his interest obligations on his debt, he's got to pay staff and vendors and so, we don't know what it is going to look like if she moves forward with the seizure but she could also start seizing his rent rolls, it depends on the approach that she takes and she may just decide that real estate is enough and she doesn't want to do that. we don't know. but these are all of the options , if he doesn't come forward tomorrow, you know, that you
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have to be looking at as a reporter, covering this, if she decides to take a hard line, and she decides that she wants cash, she will go in and start seizing all of the cash, he has to run a business. he can't run a business without cash. >> we are very glad you are a reporter on this. thank you so much, looking forward to talking with you in september about your book and hopefully many times before that. some help and hope for those struggling in an impossible situation but is it enough? it enough pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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new developments in haiti as some u.s. greene card holders and others will now be able to escape the virus, the haiti based sunrise airways that it will operate three flights to miami starting tomorrow. and today we learned another flight headed in florida late last night. allison barber is in the dominican republic on the border with haiti. good to see you again. there is some good news apparently for those able to leave but for those who must stay, they are facing dire conditions. what are you hearing? >> reporter: you mentioned the flights leaving out of k patient, it's welcome news for people but one thing to keep in mind, that's 5.5 hours by car from port-au-prince. the area that people are trying to get out of and in order to leave, oftentimes they will have to drive through roads, highways that are controlled by gangs and hope they will maybe
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take money so they can get to safety, fleeing so often, it's a privilege because it's still incredibly dangerous and even if the flights are free, getting there, people are on their own figuring out how to do that so that makes it difficult for a lot of people. some of the people that we have met who are haitian, they say they've had opportunities to leave, many opportunities over the years but they choose not to, in part because they say they still believe in their country, they believe in the people and they want to be a part of making a change. these people, they are taking bananas, food, basic necessities, that's what we see, people are just taking food, clothes, back into haiti but before they can cross from the dominican side to haiti, whatever they are carrying, the trucks, motorcycles, they are
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searched first i guards with the dominican republic before they can go. there are so many steps people have to take to just get to safety and also just to get food back to people who needed the most. one of the people who we spoke to earlier today, he was telling us he has been running an orphanage for many years for a u.s. nonprofit. he's a pharmacist by trade. when i was talking to his colleagues they said he is someone that really has had a lot of opportunities to leave and come to the united states to work there. but he chooses not to and when i asked him why, he said it was because of the children that he cares for, essentially, if he doesn't stay, who will watch for them? listen. >> why is important to say? it's important because the society needs people like me because when we look at haiti, there are a lot of good people in haiti. there are a lot of creative people in 80, so, i would love to change my country. so i create things that could
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change the community. >> reporter: when we are looking around the international community and saying what are you going to do to help these people, one thing we have to remember is the history of this country. a lot of patients are skeptical of outside help because they've been burned so badly really sensation revolution when they got their independence from france and then they were forced to pay reparations to france, millions of dollars for 70+ years. there was an occupation in the early 1900s with u.s. forces and they don't often trust outside help because when it has come in the past, it hasn't really helped them but they do say, still, they believe that with a new government, there could be hope on the horizon, and a chance for asians particularly children in haiti, to maybe, not only survive, but thrive in a better nation and that's what they so desperately want, alex? >> but us hope. that man you interviewed, so much respect for him. he is doing incredible work. as are you, my friend, you too, well done allison.
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we are getting a new glimpse into efforts to get president biden reelected and the private concern from democrats, some biden allies telling time the white house and campaign team have fumbled the job. charlotte, you say biden's inner circle is defiantly optimistic citing the strong economy, cash advantage over trump, also a strong record but in this political environment, is that enough? >> i think that's the big
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question, and one of the things that makes many other democrats we spoke to nervous, is that, it does seem as if the biden campaign is planning to run a very similar playbook that they ran in 2020, and a similar playbook that won democrats a lot of key victories in the 2022 midterms focusing on democracy and reproductive rights. and i think the thing that is making some of the presidents allies is this idea that they are worried that the president's campaign is essentially running the same campaign they ran last time but it's a very different environment. so, that is one of the reasons that some people are concerned. >> charlotte, biden does have a lengthy record of success. it includes the bipartisan infrastructure bill, historic climate change bill, billions in student debt relief. lowering drug costs and also gun safety legislation but he's losing ground with some key
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democrats -- demographics. and now he trails trump among hispanic voters. why hasn't he won their support ? >> this is one of the things that's making democrats nervous, you know biden's coalition, the groups that helped him when that presidency in 2020, that coalition seems to be crumbling and again, trump doesn't need to outright win young voters or win voters of colors, he just needs to run up the margins, and right now, according to this very early polling, he seems to be doing that. and so, one thing i think a lot of people are waiting to see and i think the biden campaign is also waiting to see this, is, you know, there is a little bit of a sense that people are tuned out to politics right now. and that come late summer and fall, people will really start to pay attention to this
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presidential election which, by the way, is a contest between two familiar entities that have very high negatives with a large portion of the population. so, there's a sense that people are tuned out to this election but that once the fall rolls around, they will sort of remember what america was like under trump and hopefully come home to biden. >> along that vein, howard, biden has lost support amid muslim and arab voters over the support of israel. will be voters come around? could it cost biden swing states like michigan? >> it certainly would cost biden michigan but i think they will come around. i mean this president has already moved the united states into a position which is much different than any previous president of either party. he gets a big assist from benjamin netanyahu who is probably the most inept prime
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minister in the history of israel. he's like trump with brains, all he cares about is himself. i think biden is moving. we've not seen the u.s. put forth a resolution, it was so good, for the palestinians. basically said that we need a palestinian state and we should have a cease-fire and it should be now. that's never happened before. so i do think that muslim americans will come back, especially given the alternatives. when you have an outright racist who tried to ban muslims as his first act of his presidency. >> how much do people go to the polls and say, we are not going to vote for the president but we will vote for everything else, how much does that happen, howard? >> well, this is an unusual election. you have one of the people who
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inspires, is a real danger to the united states and democracy, which is trump, and you have a guy who, i don't fully understand why he gets such negatives but my problem probably is that i'm 75 years old and he's not that much older than i am but i don't get why anybody would consider voting for trump if you are a student or african american or if you are a latino considering all the things that he's had to say about latinos or if you are young. i mean, this is an election between two people and a crockpot if you want to include bobby kennedy, and there's one that's much better and has a fantastic record. look, i'm not particularly close to biden but i'll tell you, i think he has the best domestic record of any president since johnson, the kind of stuff that you had on earlier. >> i was going to ask another question but you bring up bobby kennedy, does he have the potential to be a spoiler? >> he does, i don't think he will get anywhere close to 10 to 14%, but i do think he will take votes away from trump, too. the only problem is, he may take, i mean, there are a few conspiracy theorists, that
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might vote for him. i don't think those people were ever going to vote for biden, the question is, would they vote for trump and maybe he will peel some people off of trump but i think when people get to know more about bobby kennedy, unfortunately for the kennedy family who have a lot of respect and sympathy for, he will,, the name of the kennedy family will be drug through the mud when he gets done with his campaign. >> thank you both so much for coming on. good to see you both. and for all of you, that will do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports, we will be back at 1:00 eastern and in the meantime, msnbc prime weekend is next. is next.


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