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tv   Prime Weekend  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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welcome to primetime weekend, i'm rachel maddow. let's get right to the week's top stories. >> donald trump has not come up with the magical solution to prevent new york attorney general, letitia james, to prevent the process of attaching his assets, to pay the $454 million judgment against donald trump. the announcement today from trumps social media company, with a much higher company called the digital world acquisition corporation can do nothing to change donald trump's financial capacities on monday. when donald trump it's the deadline for satisfying the judgment against him. if donald trump had $464 million, he could just post it with the court as a guarantee that he can cover the judgment, if he loses his appeal of the
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case. but, donald trump does not have that much money, despite claiming to have much more than that, for many years now. and donald trump has not been able to get anyone to lend him that money, so that he can post bond with the court for the judgment, which would then protect his assets the court gave donald trump 30 days to figure this out, and he has not been able to. so now, as financial reality closes in on him, donald trump goes to bed lying and wakes up lying. last night, he posted one of his familiar lies on social media, saying that the judgment against him was unconstitutional, and unfair, and that it was designed by the judge, to, quote, not allow me to use any of the large amount of cash i have built up over the years through hard work and diligence on my political campaign for president.
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so, the lie there is that donald trump does not have hundreds of millions of dollars, he just doesn't have it, and the lie that he was going to spend that money on his political campaign. that is a complete and total lie. donald trump has never spent one penny of his own money on any of his political campaigns, in his first campaign for president, after promising that he would finance his entire campaign himself, and he would never ask anyone to donate to his campaign, donald trump loaned a total of $10.8 million, to his campaign, to get it started, and then he quickly began begging for money every day of his life, online, to his supporters. and, when his supporters sent in enough money, donald trump paid himself back the $10
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million that he loaned to his campaign. so, no, donald trump is not hoarding large amounts of cash, hundreds of millions of dollars, so that he can spend that money on his political campaign. as he said, just before 2:00 a.m. last night, and then, when he woke up this morning, if you slept at all, at 7:14 a.m., donald trump repeated that lie, saying, i currently have almost $500 million in cash, a substantial amount of which i intended to use in my campaign for president. no he did not. he has never intended to use one penny of his own money in his campaign. saying that he now has almost $500 million in cash, would mean that his lawyers were lying when they told the judge at the beginning of the week, that it was, quote, and impossibility. that was their word, and impossibility, for donald trump to come up with $500 million in cash. trumps lawyers actually called that quote a practical impossibility. the trump
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lawyers explained to the court just how thoroughly donald trump failed in coming up with the money. the lawyers said, quote, these diligent efforts have included pushing surety company through four separate brokers but a bond requirement of this enormous magnitude effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion is unprecedented for a private company. so, in a manhattan courtroom on monday, the foundational lie of donald trump's image building, as a politician, will be exposed. >> i don't need anybody's money, it's nice. i need anybody's money. i'm using my own money, not using the lobbyists or donors, i don't care. i'm really rich. >> that was an enormous part of donald trump's initial appeal. when he began as a candidate he amounted other appeals, but
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many trump voters in iowa, believed and said, then, in interviews, that the trump wealth that they believed he had was a virtue. they believed that he would be incorruptible because he had too much money already to be corrupted. donald trump was lying about that. and, his voters were wrong to believe it. but, they have forgiven or overlooked every trump lie that has been exposed , and at the end of the day come on monday, most of them might still be willing to believe that donald trump is as rich as he has always pretended to be. but, donald trump knows better, and donald trump has proved how rich he isn't to anyone who can think. the world's famous billionaires have no problem coming up with $500 million. just razors has that in his pocket. bill gates has given away more money than donald trump has
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ever had in his life. bill gates has given away billions of dollars. and the real billionaire politician, former mayor of new york michael bloomberg, who has also given away billions of dollars never brags about his wealth. he could easily cover a sudden bill of $500 million, at any time, from his current holdings of $106.2 billion. mike bloomberg started with nothing, grew up in suburban boston, moved to new york city, he had to work to make every single penny he has earned, he had to do it on his own. donald trump hates billionaires like mike bloomberg, who came to the big city where donald trump was born rich, and left donald trump far behind in the building of important businesses
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, and the accumulation of wealth that staggers donald trump's imagination. donald trump has never dared to even pretend that he is as rich as mike bloomberg. nevermind the younger men, like bill gates or jeff basis, you have hit the stratospheric level of wealth that donald trump see this with jealousy about, every day of his life. the drama donald trump is living through, now, the drama he is living through, tonight, the drama we are all watching was foretold, when the presidential election was called for joe biden, and donald trump officially entered the history books, as a loser. on that day, peter marks, the drama critic of the "washington post" wrote, i imagine it as a chilling final turn of the
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plot. this world is coming to an end, he will never have another good day. the loser label will haunt him, the law will pursue him, mental illness will hobble him. his properties will bankrupt him. leading off tonight, tim o'brien, senior executive editor for limburg opinion, and author of, trump nation, he is the host of the bloomberg podcast crash course, and legal analyst. also joining me is andrew reisman, former chief of the criminal division in the eastern district of new york. he is the co-author of the "new york times" best-selling book, the trump indictments. andrew wiseman, as we close in on monday, what will you be looking for, on monday? >> the trial date. you know, looking at the papers,
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leaving aside one caveat, which is that one of donald trump lawyers is really a superb ethical lawyer, so you never want to count her out, i will be interested in seeing what susan has to say, the arguments she makes, but having read the papers on both sides, this really looks like it is a minor kerfuffle, i think the judge will be focused on, is there anything there that is going to take more than the 30 days that he is granted, and whether the judge will stick with, essentially, this trial starting on, ironically, given your opening and what you talked about, april 15th. but, i sort of expect that we will get a trial date that is, if not that date, shortly thereafter. >> tim o'brien, in the civil case, now, which enters this new zone of the $454 million collection period , we get the
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feeling from the outside, you have dealt with donald trump up close, he sued you for telling the truth about how rich he wasn't, you one, of course, you get the feeling, that he doesn't actually feel -- he cannot anticipate danger properly. that is why he went bankrupt. the ability to anticipate risk is what saves businesses from disaster, it saves all areas of life from disaster. he seems surprised that it has come to this. >> yeah, you know, business is risk management, banking is risk management, managing money is risk management. i was walking around mar-a-lago once in 2005, talking about when he almost went personally bankrupt in the early 90s and he said, you know, my father always said to me, never personally guarantee any loans, and i made a mistake.
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i personally guarantee to too much money in the early 1990s. i didn't think it would catch up with me, and it did, and i learned my lesson, and i decided to never personally guarantee a loan again, after that. i later found out that he was lying to me in that very moment. i didn't know it, but it turned out he had personally guaranteed some of the loans on a new building that he was developing in chicago, that only came out a few years later. so, he goes through these searing moments where he loses almost everything he has and he says i have learned these lessons, i should have listened to my father and lo and behold, he is doing the same thing, and now, here we are, you know, in 2024, and he is about to get exposed, it is going to be a slow grind, i don't think there will be a lot of drama on monday, but the process of opening, and discovering that donald trump has no financial clothing, at least not the kind he has claimed he has had begins, and it is a demonstration, that he doesn't learn his lessons, he doesn't
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anticipate problems properly, and he doesn't do it because he's a juvenile delinquent. he lacks the maturity and wisdom in strategic insight of an adult. >> andrew, barbara jones's role in this has been expanded by judging aaron, and includes the following, it says that, she should monitor, in advance, any effort to should secure surety bond. that would mean, if anything was going on this weekend, he would have to go through her first, or in the last few days, and it says, she also has the authority to examine any representations made by the trump organization, in connection with securing such bonds. so, andrew, that seems to indicate that whatever goes on here, cannot be done secretly. even some magical multibillionaire angel who wants to come in and drop that
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money in donald trump's pocket, it seems barbara jones would have to know about that. >> that is absolutely right. so people understand, barbara jones is a former federal prosecutor, who, for years, served as an article 3 southern federal judge in the southern desert of new york and has been engaged in oversight of the trump organization in the civil fraud create case, and has expanded her role, exactly as you said, making sure that there are no financial shenanigans going on, because the judge has found that there was a history of fraud and financial shenanigans, and so he is trying to make sure that he does not repeat itself. he will be overseeing weather, for instance, there is a reported sale of an asset not really at market value, making sure there is no fraud going on at the last minute, to somehow
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manufacture those sums of monies that donald trump needs. i would also like to point out the stupidity of donald trump's saying, today, that he actually has the money. he has, pending before the court, an application, where the application to the court is, please lower the bond amount, because i cannot pay it . at the same time, he has said, i can pay it. just put yourself in the shoes of the judge with that application before them. do you think they would grant that, based on the defendant now saying, oh, i can actually pay it? one way or the other, somebody is lying about that. >> i've never seen a stupider litigant in court on a very consistent basis, let me take you back to the criminal prosecution you're talking about in manhattan, which will obviously be the first criminal prosecution of donald trump and
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it's pretty clear that it is going to happen, not april, certainly by may, and with the latest pleadings we have seen in this case, the concern of recently developed evidence, the district attorneys saying look, there isn't much there, it is largely duplicate of, it does not require a lot of time, to modify the defense in a way that includes that new evidence. so, we are going to know. do you expect that we will have a trial date set soon, or mike the trial date discussion be continued for a bit? >> it is possible, but you know, this is a serious judge, and he was clearly not happy about this predicament. i would be surprised if we don't hear something, on monday if not tuesday about the trial date. i just think the papers
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submitted by the das office are so thorough, because they laid out, they gave so many affidavits as to what precisely happened, i just think that it narrows the issues for the judge on monday, and i would be surprised if he does not just you know, here from the defense, rule on it and then say, this is the trial date, and give everyone advance warning but that is what i would anticipate. >> and to donald trump, apparently, his mind works like a junkies, you know, he only deals with what is in front of him at the moment, when we get past the issue of, what is happening with the collection of the $500 million, the looming criminal criminal trial which is right behind him, it seems like his rain won't even start to worry about that until it is a couple of days before going to trial.
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>> in which he might have to testify, and he is a lawyer's worst nightmare understand. he is -- he bloviate, he lies, he does not stay on script, and undoubtedly, he is not listening to any advice he is getting right now. it is the legal equivalent of what he does financially and in his business life, which is to not anticipate the freight trains rolling towards him in an existential way and he doesn't know what to do. >> stick with us to guide us through more of this, andrew weissman, thank you very much for starting off our discussion tonight, a podcast note, as donald trump's first criminal trial in manhattan approaches, you can now listen to the key excerpts of that indictment, read by tony, emmy, and golden globe winner, glenn close. on the hush money payments, the defendant, donald j trump, repeatedly and fraudulently falsified new york business records to conceal criminal
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conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election. one component of the schema was that, at the defendant's request, a lawyer who then worked for the trump organization as special counsel to defendant, lawyer a, covertly paid $130,000 to an adult film actress, shortly before the election, to prevent her from publicizing a sexual encounter with the defendant. >> the special two-part trump indictments edition of the prosecuting donald trump podcast, covering all four criminal indictments, led by glenn close, liam neeson, peter coyote, rene foals barry, is available now, wherever you get your podcast. coming up, what is going to happen on monday. where is attorney general latisha james going to send the sheriff, literally send the sheriff, to begin collecting
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from donald trump. that is next. at is next. . boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it.
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accounts but she can do the same to anyone who owes mr. trump money, essentially collecting rent from tenants, in his building. here is what former new york assistant attorney general adam said, last night on this program, about what we can expect to see next week. >> what we should see after the expiration of the deadline, is a few devices used to enforce the judgment, one is bank executions, the attorney general, and was the sheriff, or the marshall, wild west meets new york city, to go execute on banks, assets held in financial institutions, -- >> what is executing? >> execute, nobody is dying, but assets get seized by the sheriff, and turned over to the attorney general's office, to the state of new york. >> right away? >> right away. >> new judicial process involved? >> the statute says forthwith.
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>> of politico reports that after going after transparent accounts, attorney general james would then likely move on to seizing either transpersonal property, planes, cars, jewelry , artwork or real estate, such as trump tower, or the trump national golf resort. joining us now is a veteran new york business litigator who has secured many bonds. mark, the sheriff is coming. literally, the sheriff is coming. >> welcome he doesn't wear a hat. we picture in our minds, if there is no bond posted on monday we will have little people running around the city from the sheriff's office putting padlocks on real estate and that is not going to happen. we will have a lot of paper shuffling. as your guest said last night, there are processes there, but it will take a little longer, i believe, then was outlined. so, these devices that were
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referenced could be used simultaneously. so, let's go after the low hanging fruit, that is the bank accounts, right? well, here is what happens. so, you deliver a piece of paper to the sheriff, it is called an execution, a levy goes to the bank, that secures the attorney general's position. on those accounts. order from the court that sought to turn over the proceedings to the attorney general. so, it does not happen in a nanosecond. at the same time, she will be turning her attention to real estate. remember, she can only get her hands on it and order the sale of the interest that mr. trump has. take 40 wall street, for example
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.'s name is on the building, he is a ground lease. he leases the ground the building is on. >> he leases it -- yes, the tenant is the owner of the building. so, she can come in and foreclose on it, so to speak. the sheriff will levy on it, and that will be put off at auction at best value, who will buy it? how much will they pay for it? she might get an order from the court called a charging order where she can keep, temporarily, the fees coming in from the tenant, the building owner, but he doesn't own it. in other situations, the real estate is owned by various corporations, and he has interest in those corporations, have interest in those corporations, you cannot get real estate sold that way. all that can happen is the attorney general -- >> they don't want to
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transition that located? >> yes, they don't even want a minority interest or stock in some company that may have liabilities, you don't know. you want to buy an asset that you are not going to buy stock. liabilities go with the asset, so it will take time. >> tim o'brien, i am shocked donald trump does not own what he says he owns. i am shocked, i thought he owned 40 wall street. he has got this new deal, he is happy about, this merger with his website, his website is worth nothing on the day of the merger, -- there is no way that is going to affect corrections budget absolutely went. he is locked up from shelling for six months anyway, the value of the shares will be variable over time. so, anyone attaching that asset, it will not be attractive to them, because they cannot actually predict what the value of it will be over time, once it is publicly
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traded. and, they have all been full of speculative collapses. the operating members of this particular company is not great, as marcus pointed out, trump's name being attached to something does not necessarily mean permanent value or ownership. there is a number of trump buildings, a german family owns the land under 40 wall street. trump tower, mostly, is owned by condo owners who own apartment and that our. he controls some of the commercial space in the basement, and his own condo but he does not own the whole building. >> of the to ask you about this, we've been talking about donald johnson ability to anticipate risk, to anticipate danger, to anticipate what he will run into. you have resented clients in situations like this where the judgment has gone against them. at what point in the proceedings, do you tell your
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client, if this judgment goes against you, here is what the proceedings will be, here is what you will face? i would suspect you tell them that early in the process, like somewhere in the first week or so, so they can think about, is there a settlement? there is a lot of things to think about when you understand what the risk is. >> 100%. is probably the first conversation, after you get your retainer. absolutely. >> what would you have said, in a case like this, okay, there's business fraud here, the attorney general has what they have, if the judge finds against you, what would you have told your client early on in a case like this. >> i would tell them what would happen, it would go through the steps, if you lose i would try to give an honest review of the case as i understand it and sometimes a client will ask, if i lose, can they get my assets? can i do anything about that? and i said, that is not what i am are present in you for.
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if he wants to do things that involve planning to get his assets out of jurisdiction, some clients do, i don't get involved with that. i am sure mr. trump has had extensive counseling about his assets at this point and by the way, on monday, this merger where he gets stock, it will not do him any good. the current won't take it, the court only wants cash for a bonding company is not going to take it, can't issue a bond, because it's speculative, if they took it in two years from now they had to pay out, what would it be worth? if so, -- then finally, it will be attached by latisha james. the money will go to her. so, it is nothing. primetime weekend continues , ahead, with rachel maddow. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning.
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reporter justin lutz reports on election officials across the country in republican controlled state and counties, who, since the 20/20 election have refused to certify the election results. they have demanded the things like hand recounts, they have demanded that resultantly not be certified. he describes it as what appears to be a sort of constellation of local events, but posing a real challenge heading into 2024, for what will certainly be a contested election at the presidential race and potentially other levels, also troubling, because it appears that some of these are separate discordant efforts, may be linked, at least by perpetrators of these events, who are taking funding from the same sorts of people, attending the same sorts of conferences, and ascribing themselves to the same conspiracy theories about elections being fraudulent. joining us now is just in blocks, the reporter of this piece for the rolling stone, and also, writer at rolling
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stone, a newsletter on sub stack. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. how much commonality is between the different types of incidents you found, and the 15 different incidents you reported since 2020, in which local republican officials have refused to certify election results? >> the commonality is that they are not based in reality. they are carried out by people who believe lies and conspiracy theories about widespread election flood fraud. >> reporter: in terms of where this is coming from, is it essentially organized centrally? you do describe some links and network patterns between these groups, in some cases they seem to be funded by the same sorts of entities, attending the same sorts of conferences, subscribing to the same sorts of sources of information, but are they effectively working together to try to cede doubts about 2024? >> only in that they are reading and observing the same materials about, you know, election fraud and conspiracies as a lot of other americans
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are. you know, it is sort of like decentralized coordination, i guess, where they are involved in these networks, they are eating this up, they are listening to what trump says about it, and they believe him. >> one of the experts you cite in your piece from the renin center says, part of the strategy is to create chaos, to create a false basis for trying to find some way to challenge the outcome. is part of the threat here that you can create smoke for any number of reasons that as you say are not based in reality, and if you create enough smoke you can convince people that there is a fire? you can use disparate false claims of irregularities to create a sense that there must be something wrong, otherwise i wouldn't be hearing about all of these controversies. >> i think that is definitely the case, the thing that you can look to that executive order you talked about earlier, that seizing voting machines,
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mentioning one of these instances of refusing to certify as evidence of this phenomenon of creating smoke and then saying there is a fire. and you know, so, they did that last time around, and said reviews to certify in coffee county, therefore there is fraud. >> justin gauff, this piece is called 2024 chaos, election deniers are fusing to certify results, i feel you have done a really good job of putting the pins on the map, here, which will end up being really important over these next eight months, as we can see this inevitably spread. justin, thank you for your reporting. primetime weekend continues , ahead. coming next, striking new data showing that abortions are actually at the highest level of more than a decade, to medication, something that the supreme court could restrict nationwide, despite claiming
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they would leave abortion up to the states when the overturned row. stay with us. ay with us. detect this: living with hiv, robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms,
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it has been two years since the conservative supreme court decided that women in america are second-class citizens. since then, about half of american states have patagonian forced birth abortion laws that tell women and doctors what they can and cannot do. in january, we got a sense of the trauma these laws are inflicting on women. there have been roughly 64,000 pregnancies caused by assault, in states with total abortion bands. 64,000 forced births. yesterday, the guttmacher
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institute announced that more than six in 10 abortions in 2023 were performed by medication, which is a significant jump since 2020. the increase is due, in part, to the supreme court overturning roe v wade, shuttering clinics, and leading to more need for telehealth abortion care, and abortions through medication, which explains why the forced birth party now wants to restrict access to those indications. next week, the supreme court will hear oral arguments from right-wing groups claiming the fda illegally accelerated approval of mifepristone, one of two umber available medications to assist in abortions, and that the distribution of that medication violates comstock laws, 19th- century laws that analyze obscene materials. just to make it clear for you, republicans want the supreme court to effectively band the most popular form of medical abortion for every single woman in america, regardless of where they live, red state or blue.
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and this comes after justices samuel alito and brett kavenaugh assured us that abortion should be left up to the people and state represented as. now, if by some miracle the supreme court does not ban abortion nationwide, and you shouldn't hold your breath on that one, forced birth republicans have a backup plan, which is donald trump. the adjudicated sexual assault or who said that women should be punished for having abortions, and he is making it clear that he, too, has decided what is best for women, and it is looking for him like a 15 week national abortion ban. apparently when you are the president, they let you do it. women of america, you better wake up, because the cavalry you are waiting for is not someone or something else, it is you. the only way to save us from our republican orchestrated handmaid's tale is to get out and vote for candidates who actually respect a woman's right to choose. to that point, a number of
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activists in various states are trying to pass ballot initiatives which would enshrine abortion access into various state constitutions, such as arizona, which has an 1864 abortion ban on the books, which some are asking the arizona supreme court to put into effect but the problem is that women have been deemed secondary to guns, corporations, and religion. decisions affecting women's health are being drafted by a republican party dominated by right-wing christian men. on monday, democratic state senator ava burch shared with her colleagues something that no one should feel the need to discuss in public, her need for an abortion. >> we had determined that my pregnancy is once again not progressing and is not liable. once again, i have scheduled an appointment to terminate my pregnancy. right now, the safest and most appropriate treatment for me, and the treatment that i choose is abortion.
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about, the laws that this legislature has passed has interfered with my ability to do that, along with countless others and i want to explain what i mean and why i am still pregnant. first, i was required to have another ultrasound at the abortion clinic. i did not have an abortion ultrasound because my doctor thought i needed one, i had one because legislation has forced me to. then i got to sit through an exhaustive list of disinformation read off to me. i was told that there were alternatives to abortion, parenting or adoption among them, as if delivering a healthy baby is an option for me . >> senator birch joins me next.
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there is no one-size-fits- all solution for people seeking abortion care and the legislature has no right to assign one. i am choosing abortion because i am pregnant, and for reasons that i should not have to explain to you, or to the church, or to the state of arizona. i need to not be pregnant anymore. is the best outcome for me. >> senator ava birch joins me now but thank you for being here. i wonder how it felt to have to disclose your personal medical information, to your colleagues, just to be able to
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express your right to have healthcare. >> thank you. thank you for having me. it is never easy to share the most private moments of your life, at a time when you are feeling lost, and feeling vulnerability, but i knew that this was a unique opportunity. right in the middle of what is one of the most critical conversations about care and access to abortion. i have been a patient seeking abortion, i have been a medical provider in the reproductive healthcare space, and now, a lawmaker. so, i have experienced, firsthand, from every angle how our decisions have failed the people of arizona, and i have an obligation to those who elected me, to do what i can to be an advocate, and i felt i had to take the opportunity. >> when i watched your speech, what struck me was the infantilization of women involved in this process. you had to watch a video about
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adoption as an option, you have a nonviable pregnancy, there is no adoption option, is this what the status is, women have to be lectured by the doctor? who is giving this speech? >> just to clarify, it is not a video i have to watch, it is my medical provider who is required to say a number of things, regardless of the circumstances the individual is in. what we really should have as a stakeholder process, when we are creating laws about reproductive healthcare, which would include medical organizations and doctors, people who are working directly in their field, but they are just being legislated against.'s extremist politicians with no background in healthcare, who are essentially writing these scripts for the doctors, they are not interested in patients having good outcomes, forgetting high quality care. transparently and openly, they wants to manipulate and frighten patients. they are using laws to try to
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coerce doctors into changing their patient's mind, with no regard for their circumstances. in my case, yes, i was told a number of things that do not apply to my situation. i was told that i could consider parenting, or that i could consider that option, which is really an unkind and cruel thing to say to someone who is really experiencing a pregnancy loss. i was also told that if i chose to continue my pregnancy, that the father would have to financially support me, which, in my case, of course, is my husband, and that's a ridiculous thing to say. they really don't have any regard for individuals or consensus, they are just being told what to say. >> you are somebody who has been pregnant before, you have had children, people are assuming that, you know, people in the situation getting abortions or people who do not want to be a parent, you are a parent, no? >> i am a parent, i have two little boys that i love, and i
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am so lucky to have. we have actively tried to get pregnant, for a long time. this time, we were not actively trying to get pregnant, but we were definitely not actively trying to not get pregnant, we were just, you know, letting things happen, and we will see when we cross that bridge. when we found out we were pregnant we were very excited, but i think there is this narrative, that people who are urban against abortion are trying to push about who the abortion patient is, and i felt like it was really important, to me, that i had to show, that the abortion patient can come from anywhere, and can be in any different circumstance. what is happening to me is really common. pregnancy failure, pregnancy loss is incredibly common. we are patients, too, and all of our rights deserve the same regard. >> absolutely. arizona is one of the states along with arkansas, colorado, florida, nebraska, and new york
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considering laws that would enshrine a woman's right to abortion. as someone who has had three children, the idea of forcing someone to do this, whether the child is nonviable, or even more horrifically, in the case of assault or incest is such an affront that i cannot believe anyone would do it. is this going to be a voting issue in arizona this year? >> it absolutely is. there has never been a more critical time for families in arizona. we are closer than ever to restoring access to abortion and restoring choice. we have a ballot initiative that folks are currently collecting signatures for that would enshrine abortion access into arizona's constitution. so, because we are a battleground, our state has an opportunity to flip both the house and senate in november. >> absolutely. arizona senator ava birch, wishing you well, for your health and also what you are
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trying to do for women, thank you so much. this has been primetime weekend, i'm joy read. please tune into the readout at 7:00 eastern, and all of our prime time shows, weeknights, on msnbc. on msnbc. ep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. ♪ ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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