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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. >> it's time for donald trump to put up or shut up. as the self-professed billionaire this is a major cash crunch there on the hope for his legal bills. speaker nancy pelosi has never held back her true feelings, and something tells me she will
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have a lot to say about this. with just one more day to come up with nearly a half $1 billion, trumpet since he has property seized by new york attorney general letitia james point and after a deadly i.s.i.s. terror attack in russia, vladimir putin tends to pin the blame on ukraine. mike mcfall is here to discuss what it could mean for the war. plus, kara swisher has covered tech giants like elon musk for decades and she is not pulling any punches in her new book. >> [ music ] one thing that has become abundantly clear is that the republican nominee, who also is the self-professed billionaire that is an important part donald trump has a substantial cash problem and a big one. to start with, this year's federal campaign filing shows that biden campaign has $77 million cash on hand while trumpet has only $33 million.
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it is not just that, trump has amounted of label expenses he will need to pay, due to four criminal indictments and multiple civil lawsuits. and he is using his campaign apparatus, this is part of the crazy part, and his supporters donations, to pay for his presidential run, as well as his legal bills. just this morning on meet the press, former rnc chair donna mcdaniels said it is fine if trump asked his donors to pay his legal bills, as long as the donors know that is what they're doing. i am really not sure about that. but also, do these donors really know that is what they are doing? just last year, trump's pack spent $50 million on legal expenses, and a chunk of that came from small dollar donors. so, people who donated not to the facts, but to the trump campaign. that means people who might have thought, hey i am going to get five dollars or $10 to help pay for rallies or stoppers all
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the normal campaign stuff, were actually paying for his personal legal expenses. for instance, just an example, 10% of donations made online to the trump campaign are automatically directed to the save america pack. that means $10 -- going to pack that is primarily used for paperless personal lawyers but if that doesn't sound bad enough, and that is all pretty bad, we are also learning that his newly formed joint fundraising agreement with the republican national committee now that he is the nominee, will prioritize paying trump's legal bills above typical investments, like the down ballot races and state party programs. that money will first go to the trump campaign, then once a donor hits their campaign contribution limits, the rest of the money will go towards trump's legal fund, and get a load of this, only once a donor has maxed out to those two entities, including his legal fund, while their money go to
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the republican national committee and state parties. it is all pretty telling about trump's priority is, and is literally making sure that donations go to his legal bills before they go to his republican party. but then again, stopping for state parties, resources for down ballot races -- while trump campaign donors are financing his legal woes, he is also facing a major financial crunch point tomorrow is the deadline, tomorrow, monday, for trump to secure a bond for the more than $450 million he owes in the new york civil fraud case, otherwise new york attorney general letitia james is going to start seizing his property, she has made that crystal clear. so, just a recap, massive legal bills, big ones, monumental civil fines, not to mention his campaigns fundraising disadvantage. and another very important contextual thing to note is however trump comes up with all this money, the last place he
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wants it to come from is his own pockets, because if there is one thing that donald trump loves, it is other people's money. don't just take my word for it, listen to him. >> it's called the op on theory of money. it is called other people's money. i do that all the time, other people's money, there is nothing like doing things with other people's money. >> i love other people's money. >> so, opm, this isn't new. this is the same graft that he has read again and again and again, using other people's money for his own benefit. while often leaving his donors high and dry. i mean, just ask the stockholders of his atlantic city casinos were the students of trump university or anyone who donated to his now defunct charity foundation. giving nothing in return.
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it is exactly what donald trump is doing right now. joining me now is house speaker nancy pelosi, it is so great to see you, thank you for taking the time. lots going on. let me start where i ended, because you have been saying, you have been ahead of the curve , that trump is a con man, for a long time. the fact that he won't pay his own legal bills despite claiming he is a billionaire seems like a pretty in-your- face example of this. i know your concern is not all the republican donors, are they being duped here? >> well, i think that it's very clear that trump is a grifter, that's just the way it is, and integrity, which is something that we all want to always deepen in politics and in government, has just flown the coop with him. these people were so happy to get the money to pay his legal fees should at least be told that's where they're spending their money, but you know what? it's sunday morning, let's talk
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about what means something in people's lives. if you want to make a contrast between trump and biden, president biden has the million and a half donors, under $200. so much of his campaign is feel that the grassroots people who believe in him, because he has made their lives better. and one of the things that we are doing this weekend, we started thursday actually, which was gavel day, the day that we gobbled down the affordable care act, and yesterday, with president obama and president biden in the forefront, i joined them to celebrate the signing of the bill. and what's happening now, more important than grifter trump and his exploiting hopes of people, with other people's money, rather than that, what the republicans are doing now is putting forth a budget. a budget should be a statement of our national values, what is
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important to us as a nation should be reflected in how we allocate our resources, and their budget conference committee, whatever they call it, they now have taken away the $35 insulin that was reduced from $500-$600, taking away the ability of the secretary to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, reducing the affordable care act, the list goes on and on, and why? to get tax breaks to the richest and biggest corporations in america. so, we have important work to do, yet this weekend, we are celebrating the affordable care act where tens of millions of people access to healthcare. where having a pre-existing condition was no longer an obstacle to getting care. while being a woman was no longer a pre-existing condition. where young people can stay on their parents' plans until 26 if they want to continue to their education, if they want to start a business, if they
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want an internship that may not have healthcare, but can advance them to their career goals. and so, there is so much positive contrast between these two. their budget, our healthcare plan. the honesty and integrity of the system that we -- it's called democracy, the rip off of the grifter, donald trump. so, my frustration with all of this is spent so much time on him, we have got to get to the kitchen table issues of people, whether it is a woman's right to choose, whether it is raising minimum wage, whether we are talking about access to quality healthcare, whether we are talking about clean air, clean water, environmental justice, let's talk about what it means to people in their lives to have a grifter or to have the patriot as president of the united states.
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>> i completely agree with you, and i think as you might agree, it is also important for people to know about the grifter and what he's up to, but let's talk about the 14th anniversary of the affordable care act, something that would be an existence without your role, i can speak to that and confirm that. i was in the obama administration at the time. one of the things i think people might be taking for granted as it remains at risk, trump would love to do away with it, the biden campaign has a new ad reminding people of this risk. let's play that new ad and i want to talk to you on the other side. we are going to play part of it. >> obamacare is a disaster. what i would like to do is totally kill it. >> i mean, as i just said, and this is fact, he repeated it if trump succeeds, 45 million people could lose their healthcare, but the other thing is six in 10 people have a favorable view of the affordable care act. isn't overturning it -- it's
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bad policy, obviously, but isn't it pretty bad politics? >> let me just say, for a president who rarely has any affinity for the truth, this is one of the times when donald trump is telling the truth. he wants to terminate the affordable care act. in fact, in his crude mouth, he said obamacare sucks. no, it doesn't suck, it cares. but he is making it very clear. just a reminder, when we won the election in 2018 and took back the house and saved our country from him, people said to me, aren't you lucky that healthcare became such an important part of the campaign? i said no, we were lucky, we made our own luck, we had 10,000 events at which people told their stories. told their stories, thousands more people told their stories, and that is how we won back the house in 2010. so, as you indicated, the
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affordable care act -- people understand what it means in their lives and it is very important, so that is what's on the ballot and that is a freedom issue. the freedom to have good health, but also to have financial health and not be subject to bankruptcy because you can't pay your bills. but believe him when he says that. that is one of the only truths i have heard him say. believe him when he says that. your healthcare is on the table. believe him when he says he is proud of taking out a woman's right to choose, how proud he is of that. your personal decision-making is on the ballot. that yes, he is telling us exactly what he is going to do. before i let you get back to your day, speaking of the house, you need them to get rid of the affordable care act, marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to vacate the speakership, as you know, in response to comments
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keeping the government open with a funding bill she didn't like, but there has also been two more house republicans have announced they are leaving early and recently, it all feels very chaotic and crazy. after mike gallagher leaves the mother is going to be a margin of one. could you see a scenario where democrats take majority even before election day because it is so dysfunctional? >> well, i told that to hakeem jeffries when he became a leader and we are very, very proud of him, and the whole leadership team, anyone of them could be speaker, hakeem jeffries will be next and sam. now, that could happen. but the fact is that the disrespect for the institution with these motions to vacate, the disrespect for the republicans in the congress with the departure of these republicans, takes them to a precarious place. but i remind that i at the end had only a margin of two, because of one thing and another, and when we had the majority, and we still got our
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work done. we passed a historic agenda under the leadership of president biden and working with the house and the senate in a very, shall we say, respectful, collaborative way. so, just because you have a small margin doesn't mean you can't get the job done, but you have to have unity to do it. and i say to the members, our diversity is our strength, our unity is our power, and that's how we got our work done. but just if i make it back to the affordable care act for a moment, under the leadership of the inspirational visionary leadership of president obama, we were able to get this done. for 100 years, presidents have tried to do that. and again, the crunch of the house democrats and the strength of harry reid in the senate, and then under joe biden, to improve it. to have many more people insured at lower cost. he has been great. but we have to finish the job, and that's why this election is
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so important. so, if what's his name wants to use his donors the money to pay his legal fees, that is his problem. our problem is he wants to have a budget that gives tax breaks to the wealthiest people at the expense of the well-being of america's working families. >> unquestionably, what a perfect place to end. i will just say, speaker mike johnson is not the speaker married nancy pelosi, the margin may be a little harder. thank you, as always, for joining us and taking the time this morning. coming up next, as russia warns the victims of friday's terror attack, vladimir putin is baselessly accusing ukraine rather than isis for their involvement. we will discuss the implications of that attack after this quick break. x [ music ] dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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american officials have confirmed that the terrorist group i.s.i.s. k is responsible for the attack that killed people at a popular concert hall just outside moscow on friday evening. it is important to note that in vance of that attack, the united states did privately warn russian officials that one was coming, and yet those warnings were dismissed by putin and other pro-kremlin
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forces as an attempt to scare russians. putin gave a national address after the fact, without any evidence, that the perpetrators had tried to escape into ukraine , notably he did not mention i.s.i.s. wants. state news broadcasters in russia have followed suit since then, largely ignoring or casting doubt on the role of i.s.i.s., while instead suggesting ukraine and its supporters in the west are responsible. we have seen a version of this movie before, unfortunately. joining me now is the former ambassador to russia, michael mcfall, who knows a lot about the thinking there, i'm so grateful for you taking the time. i don't want to over crankiness, but it's important to talk about. putin didn't mention i.s.i.s. k . why did you make of putin's initial response? what was obviously a horrific attack were over 100 lives were lost. >> first, it was a horrific attack, and i want to express
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my condolences to all family and friends who lost loved ones, terrorism is never justified and this was a horrific terrorist attack, the biggest one in 20 years in russia. second, the thing that was very striking to me about putin's reaction is how long it took. he didn't come out right away, he took some time to figure out the way they wanted to spin it. and then when he did make his statement, just as you just reported, he didn't mention i.s.i.s. k, he didn't talk about that particular organization, which by the way, dave had troubles with for a long time, it would have been easy to explain to the russian people why that kind of terrorist group what have attacked them, but instead, to this signal, this window is open for them to leave to ukraine. i think about how strange that is, for a window to be open, that means a window would have to be open to russia's military forces on the front line for them to pass, and subsequently, there is this echo chamber to
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blame ukraine. and i find this just absolutely disgusting. to use an event like this to politicize it, it's truly disgusting. >> it's absolutely disgusting, and it's so important to talk about, because this probably isn't the end. that's what i wanted to talk to you about, and you expect him and other pro-kremlin voices, to escalate this ukraine blame game? is that what you anticipate in the days and weeks ahead? >> yes. and you know what else is happening, tragically, on social media? americans are echoing this propaganda, this disinformation, so they feed it in, and that kicks around, and without any information, without any data whatsoever, i won't name them now, but love, prominent people, social media influencers, are repeating this lie, and that's exactly what putin wants to have happen. and it comes against a background -- i'm so glad you
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mentioned the american warning, because one, i think a lot of people might be surprised that even during these adversarial times between the united states and russia, this intelligence channel keeps open because we have a common interest in fighting terrorism. but second, that the state department where i used to work, issued a public warning. that is a really high bar, jen, you don't just do that on the fly in summit meeting on a friday night at the embassy, that means that there was really credible information, and we were trying to help russia. and instead, putin rebuffed us, he blamed us, and that may be part of the reason why he is bending over backwards to blame ukraine, and by implication, if you are blaming ukraine, you are blaming the west, you are blaming the united states. but that is such an important point. i also spent some time at the state department, it is a very high bar and important to know that but in the 60 seconds we have left, i'm going to ask you a hard question, which is the domestic impact here.
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this was a terrorist attack on russian soil, lieutenant kind of runs as a person who is keeping the country safe, maybe this is why he's doing what he's doing on ukraine, but is is going to impact him at all within the country in terms of his domestic politics? >> probably not. there is a rally in around the flag that is going on in russia, state media is saying that, there is also an undercurrent, there is another story that i see on my social media channels, which is to say you are supposed to defend us and you are not. you are calling lgbt activists terrorists and you're not fighting the real terrorists, it is a counter narrative, it is a minority narrative, but it will linger and it is already lingering in social media channels, independent media channels, it is a problem for vladimir putin. >> thank you, ambassador michael mcfall, as always, for breaking it down for us, what a tragic event. our thoughts also go out to those who lost loved ones.
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coming up next, donald trump is staring down a big deadline tomorrow to put up a bond of 1,000,000,000 1/2 dollars. if that happens, attorney general letitia james could start seizing his assets , and she has made it clear she plans on it. i have a lot of questions, as i am sure you do, coming up after this quick break. >> [ music ] free at visionworks. see the difference. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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okay, here's the thing, no one likes the mondays. most of us get the sunday scary is as we anticipate another busy week ahead. but if i had to guess, donald trump has major sunday scary as today, worse than all of you. that's because a massive deadline is rapidly approaching. if he doesn't come up with the money to pay his $464 million penalty by tomorrow, new york attorney general letitia james could start seizing his assets. she has made it pretty clear he intends to do that. he is clearly taking all of this very well. he has been posting on truth
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social at all hours of the day and night, assuring everyone he has almost $500 million in cash. i have a lot of questions about how this will all play out tomorrow and over the coming weeks, i'm sure you do too. which is why it is a perfect day to talk to our in-house law firm, the coauthor of a brand- new book you may have heard and you may have even purchased, given how well it is doing, called the trump indictments, that is directly charging documents with commentary. okay, neil, lots to get to, let me start with you. james has already filed a judgment westchester county, where trump has two properties. this is a two partner, does this mean the seizures are imminent? and what else do you expect to see tomorrow if trump doesn't deliver on the money he owes? >> so, jen, there is a reason why i think some people are calling for donald trump 'don poorleone' right now, and it is because he is talking out of
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both sides of his mouth. his lawyers say he can't get the money in time. he is getting on truth social, his social media platform, and saying he can. these things don't make much sense together and it is kind of a microcosm of what got trump in trouble in the first place, which is lying about his assets, and now he's kind of doing the same thing just over the last week, so i think tomorrow, look, this is not some immediate process where letitia james is going to walk until 48 wall street on tuesday and change the locks or something like that, the procedure process takes a while, it doesn't happen overnight. i expect lanes filed on any other properties that she hasn't already sought leans on, she has already done so with westchester properties, then a process to begin. she will also, i expect, file bank levy is to take trump's bank money.
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that process can occur quickly. what trump is going to do in the interim, he is going to try to go to the new york appeals court to stop this. i don't expect that to succeed, but he will try. he also may try a federal lawsuit, that will go nowhere fast. that's a lot to have -- watch tomorrow. andrew, as neil just alluded to, i mean, trump has been posting on truth social at all hours of the day about how he has almost $500 million, that he has the money in cash. with undercuts that his lawyers claim he can't comply with this judgment. i mean, there are lots of ways to get a bond, to pay this, but is there any way he would have to fork over that money if he actually had it? >> well, he does have a pending motion in court where the court could lower the bond amount, but you know, if you actually have your lawyers and court saying you need to do that because they can't pay, but you are publicly saying you can't pay, just imagine if you are
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the judge in that matter what you are going to do. you are not going to say, gee, maybe i should lower this amount because he can't pay when he is publicly saying the opposite of what lawyers would say. any other person, there would be sanctions here. and just to neil's point, i totally agree with what you said, but one other thing letitia james can do is she can attach incoming money to donald trump. so, a lot of what he has is rental income, royalty income, but those kind of income streams, and if you think about that in terms of the human body -- >> she can see is that? >> she can take that immediately, so those income streams, instead of going to donald trump, they could potentially go to the new york fisc, which is what she represents. that is like taking sort of the arteries and clogging them off, so there is no money flow into
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the trump organization. instead, all of that money, what he says is sort of other people's money that is coming in from his licensing deals, all of that gets restrained and can go to -- to pay off the judgment, and that is money that really may be very necessary for donald trump in order to continue sort of leveraging all of his other assets, because he has all these outstanding loans. and that is something that could happen quickly. >> he has crunch problems, that is a really interesting detail i didn't know. neil, one thing we almost forgot, even though there is so much to watch tomorrow, the first criminal trial was supposed to start tomorrow, it was postponed because federal prosecutors gave a new pile of evidence to trump's teens just weeks before the trial was supposed to start. i don't know if you can answer why they waited so long, but how long do you expect -- we could learn the new trial date, so how long do it spect this to be pushed out? how long do they need? >> i don't think they need very long, it's true there was a huge number of documents, maybe
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100,000 that were turned over. almost all of them were irrelevant, according to the prosecution's filing in the case, it is just a couple hundred pages, so i don't expect a long delay in this process. johnson lawyers [ inaudible ] but i don't think it is going to go anywhere and i suspect we will see a trial beginning in about a month by the manhattan district attorney, and that is a criminal trial against donald trump for the payments to stormy daniels. >> all right, we are going to go to florida before we go here. andrew, there is a question about trump, that he mishandled classified documents. the judge presiding over this case, aileen cannon, flummoxed judges and lawyers this week when she gave them two weeks to draft jury instructions. explain to us why that is so peculiar and tell us -- what does it tell us about where judge aileen cannon stands right now?
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that's the backdrop, remember, is that she has been reversed not once, but twice by the 11th circuit for getting the lot wrong, and consistently the lot wrong in favor of donald trump. here, leaving aside that she is asking for jury instructions, but she hasn't set a new trial date, so neil can attest and i can't that that is very unusual to be asked about formulating jury instructions when you don't even have a trial date, but leaving that timing aside, her two options that she proposed were both legally wrong. and they were both requested by donald trump at the hearing, and she then said, okay, government, you have to give those two alternatives. both of them are legally wrong. he is charged with a criminal statute, and what she asked was for the government to create a civil presidential records act statute, which is a civil statute that has nothing to do with the criminal charges here.
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the main issue is, for jackson it, is where does he think he has the best shot to get back to the 11th circuit? because this really cannot go on any longer. >> and neil, andrew, thank you as always, we went quite around the world there, appreciate you joining me this afternoon, so much as always. coming up next, billionaire elon musk thinks he is being serious about who he might indoors for president or support. he is really fooling anyone. kara swisher shows some fascinating insight about him and the tech world in her new book. that conversation is coming up after this quick break. next [ music ] but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin.
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billionaire elon musk recently made what i would consider a pretty disingenuous statement about the 2024 election. >> so, you are not going to endorse a candidate? >> i may in the final stretch endorse a candidate, but i don't know yet. i want to make a considered decision before the election, and if i do decide to endorse a candidate, then i will explain exactly why. >> but come on, i mean, really? are we really supposed to believe that elon musk doesn't gnocchi it who he is going to
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support for president? there is either a red wave this november or america is doomed. very subtle. this administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unpadded illegal immigrants. or if democrats win, they will grant citizenship to all illegals and america will become a one-party deep socialist state. we know what that language echoes. just scrolling through his feet, it is clear he is obsessed with immigration just like donald trump, and just like trump, elon musk keeps pushing this racist anti-semitic conspiracy theory, the democrats are using immigration to engineer favorable electoral outcomes. not exactly. so, when he claims he doesn't know who he will support in the final stretch of the campaign, kind of rings a bit hollow, because almost no one has shown more support than elon musk himself. joining me now is kara swisher, the host of the podcast on with
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kara swisher and the co-host of the pivot, she has got 100 podcasts and the author of a new best-selling book called brenda. i tech love story, which i love for many reasons, including i can hear your voice as i am reading this book. it's very good. let me start with elon musk. there are few people who have covered him as much as you have. text no longer. >> fair, but over the years, of course. one of the chapters in your book starts with an email he wants sent you with you are an -- a word i am not going to include right now because it is a family show on a sunday, but it is pretty clear to me that he is trump supporting >> 100%. hello, he lied. that's pretty much what he does all the time, he is doing all kinds of signaling and stuff like that. he thinks he is being subtle. he calls me karen, which is in the best insult you can come up with. i don't think he is trying very hard. he does it late at night. that's the way he has, he is as
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subtle as a brick. that's why doesn't he say he supports trump? >> because he wants to create drama, the same thing trump likes to do. why are we asking him what his endorsement is, he is a businessperson. so, he has made himself into a nonsensical figure that a lot of people do care about and he has a lot of money, i think that is really more to the point, trump would like to get his hands on his money and he likes to play games and it amuses him. that's i want to ask you about truth social going public. trump possibly gaining billions from it. there have been some ups and downs in kind of the stock prices, there are restrictions, he can't sell his share for about six months. maybe. so, tell me about that. is this his financial lifeline? people worry about that. >> it is a financial lifeline, but these are meme stocks. remember again stock went up? the company is not worth what it was worth.
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there will be people who love trump, so they will buy it, and that's why they will do it, but there is no financial underpinnings here, this is a noncompany, i don't know what else to call it. it's not a business, it is a meme stop, which means it could go up and it is worth that, it is worth whatever it is worth when it goes public, the issue is when he can sell it, which is in six months, but the board can allow him to do so, and the word has his son on it, so they could do it, but then they face lawsuits. if they sell, the stock could go down and it is not worth as much. the whole thing is many lawsuits waiting to happen. >> people out there freaking out, trump is going to pay all his legal bills with us and have all his money. he could, but then will be subject to lawsuits, no question. the s.e.c. has got to be sitting there, waiting for this to go down. >> i know you talked to a lot of people, but you know more about ai than i do, who are very freaked out about ai. people are freaked out about the impact it could have in november. it is an unformed freak out.
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are you freaked out about that? >> it is just stronger tools. i am already freaked out about what happened before, and he is are stronger tools. you have to think about what it could do. one of the scenarios is what if ai generated messages started to say one of the candidates was dead on election day? it takes a minute for real media to catch up, that is a minute we can't afford in that case, or it could start to shave videos, if the republicans want to push that biden is old, they could shave them even more and they could look older or something like that. all kinds of tricks they could do. and then there were the robocalls, a very crude version of that. over and over again, they could do all kinds of targeting that they weren't able to do before, and in mass and at yale, but you didn't make me any less freaked out. i want to read a passage from this book, as again, you can hear your voice, you clearly wrote it. you say, there is no question that kind of wealth does inevitably work tech titans as
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they navigate the frictionless world that allows them to go from private plantar regard to a home office on and the island. and while these overbreadth poodles can be luckier on this planet at this moment in time, there is laptop and in the constant din cycle, pitting themselves often as victims. you are not someone who ever holds back, it is one of the things i admire so much about you, but you also talk about your own journey here point what have you learned about kind of how you approach journalism from how you have covered the tech industry? >> i have become more of a commentator, too, because i have spent a lot of time being a reporter and i don't think you can do any kind of good commentating without having some kind of basis and reporting and knowing what you're talking about. it is sort of a disease of this era, if everyone has an opinion, including all these billionaires who go on and on, the ukrainian visions of adventure capitalist point one of the things i'm trying to do is figure out people, what their agendas are, almost
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constantly, and sort of articulate if you report an analysis, this is what you are doing, this is the impact, i think it is much more powerful. and of course, the effects of too much wealth and too much power without accountability is something that is a lot of time writing about and worrying about, so if you are a reporter, you have to hold power to account no matter where it is, and i think that's critically important. >> and you do, i have been interviewed by you, i know how it goes. kara swisher, this book is so good, thank you so much for joining me today. i encourage everybody to go out and buy it. next, i sit down with amy, the mastermind behind a new tv series called the girls on the bus, which follows four journalists through a crazy presidential campaign. turns out amy and i have known each other a very long time. we will talk about it all after a quick break. let's music
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core. here is a clip. surprise, surprise, no vegan options, good thing i always roll with a backup. use my discount code for 10% off and subscribe to my newsletter for more nutrition tips. >> what is she doing? >> she is paying her weight for sponsored content. behold, the brave new world of campaign recording. >> making yourself a discount code while promoting the socialist candidate is hypocrisy. does she know anything about journalism? >> it doesn't matter, she has more twitter followers and the washington post. >> i have recently sat down with the shows creator, my friend amy, to talk about the inspiration behind it. amy, it is so good to see you, we have known each other a long time. >> it is so great to be here. next we were sort of girls on the bus. next we were og girls on the bus, we both got engaged on the obama campaign. >> and we were even at the wedding dress store at the same time. we were girls on the bus in the sense that you were already getting journalist/reporter
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covering the campaign. i was a spokesperson, and what i always found to be misunderstood is you are living this kind of circular life together because you are all on the bus, you are wearing old, ratty clothes, trying to brush your hair or whatever it may be. what i loved about the pilot is you are you start to talk about or show people how there is a bond among these reporters. reporters who are trying to get stories, trying to make their careers, but they have a connection, that might be surprising to people, why was that important for you to show? that's i think that's what drew us to the story. the ideas of a family and fema friendship, making friends with people you would have never met in normal light, and putting all these different types of women -- you are forced together, eating the same turkey sandwiches so normally, you run into each other and say i am the carla character, the esteemed veteran is never going to be friends with the influencer, but you force them together and that just made for really interesting storytelling.
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you have to give up your entire life for the job, you are living out of a bus, a suitcase, you're neglecting your family, all of their personal lives are just don't deserve fires because they are committed to the job. that helps journalists go on to incredible things, as we have seen. that's another thing you experience and it is also portrayed in the show, is there is this pressure, an important one, for journalists to be completely unbiased. and that is important, so that there is credibility and trust. you show that it is not always possible. how do you, and this day and age, if you were advising younger journalists, how do you strike that balance? in the age of trump, there are people running for office out there who are attacking the industry. that's i think this was really one of the resident themes that we explore, this objectivity versus authenticity. i also think we are living in a world where consumers are really smart. do they believe people don't
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bring their personal bias into a story? i don't have the answer, but our fictional characters are grappling with that. is authenticity more important than objectivity? be honest about your bias going into a story, and you can still be hard on a candidate, but this idea that we have no emotions i think it's sort of a myth. that's the title of the show is obviously a play on the book chapter and yours as well, but a book about the 1972 campaign, boys on the bus. a lot of things have changed, obviously, for women in journalism and women in lots of industries, somethings may have not, which i think is important for people to understand. how has it changed and how has it not? >> i love that book, it is a classic, but really, women are making meatloaf to welcome their men back from the campaign trail. something that is not set in the show but i think that a lot, is by the time women reach these industries, they are in decline. the boys on the bus could buy once a day, there was no internet, they were drinking with the candidates, they had so much access to their news organizations were economically
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healthy and fast forward to today, it is predominantly women, the candidate hardly speaks to you. there are a lot of differences in that way, and i think girls on the bus, on my bus, they aspired to be like -- sadie, the lead character, certainly aspires to be like one of these great men, then she realizes the girls can't be like them, we have to be better. >> thank you to amy chozick talking about her new show, the girls on the bus is now streaming on max. we are back after this with a preview of who will be joining me tomorrow night. >> [ music ] ♪ ♪ next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore.
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>> that does it for me today but we have some exciting guests joining us tomorrow night including senator al franken. join us tomorrow night and if you are around later today, don't miss the sunday show with jonathan capehart. he will interview former national security advisor, susan rice. for now, stay right where you are because there is much more news coming up on msnbc. on this new hour of ayman, former president trump embracing the attack he triggered, hopefully thinking rewriting history will help you win again.


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