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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  March 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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poland, and your family's hometown, 300,000 juice at the start of the war, only 300 survived out of that, the fact that your family was able to survive is just extraordinary. >> yeah, they truly were a statistical anomaly, and when i first set out in my research, i think that was one of the things that struck me the most was just how unusual their story was. that is all the time we have for today, but we will be back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern, up next it is the weekend, with michael steele, alicia mendez, and simone sanders townsend. send. good morning. it is saturday, march 30th.
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today, deranged and dangerous, donald trump's new attacks on president biden and the judge in one of his criminal trials made a stark reminder that none of this is normal. congressman eric swalwell discusses the violent threats targeting election workers. the biden campaign's campaign manager talks about the iconic fundraiser with president obama and clinton and their team's push to reach nikki haley voters. get your coffee and settle into "the weekend." . donald trump is embracing depictions of political violence while he thumbs his nose was of justice is no. on friday, trump posted on social media video depicting an effigy of president biden bound
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and restrained in the back of a pickup truck. the truck is emblazoned with the words "trump 2024". we are choosing not to show you the video. at the same time, vinyl -- donald trump is attacking the judge in the criminal hush money case. they have been repeatedly called out by name by trump since the judge imposed a gag order on the former president. trump's legal team is now defending his attacks in court and arguing that the judge patients daughter is not and should not be part of the gag order. this, i will remind you is the presumptive republican presidential nominee and a former commander-in-chief. joining us now is political strategist lucy caldwell who served as campaign -- campaign manager for joe walsh's 2020 campaign. >> what do you make of this latest program by donald trump to sort of bring his vile behavior again into the court system. but this time threatening a
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judge patients daughter. his lawyers making the claim that that is no problem. is there any connection you are hearing from people in public in circles that this is a problem? the potential for violence is there, particularly given how rabid some of donald trump supported can be? >> i think it means, what does it mean to be in a republican circle anymore? is a people whose background is like yours or mine, michael or people like the deranged cult members that champion this kind of language and champion language like american carnage and like to talk about killing shoplifters and applauded last week when he said it would be a bloodbath if he was not elected. donald trump has a very high floor of these people who just helped him run away with the nomination. he has a very low ceiling.
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while he is not doing things like working to appeal to moderates or reconnect with people who didn't vote for him in the primary, he is doubling down and violent language that is sure to continue throughout the cycle. >> in that vein, the attacks. and dependence, it turns them off. i have talked to a lot of them. you have probably talked to a lot of them. how do they feel about how this will impact them in the congressional races and state races even? >> especially because it has taken all their cash. >> or prevented them to get any cash to begin with because the rnc and republican powers that be have just ceded the responsibility of helping candidates. lara trump has set herself that it is not a priority. they are singularly focused on electing donald trump and as you say, paying his legal bills.
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it is tough for those republican members of congress does there are almost 20 of them. i think there is 17 of them. they are republicans that were reelected last cycle but are in districts that joe biden won. and those congressman, some of the more people who are trying to -- but a person who is an extremist and toxoid donald trump talks while still thinking about a state like pennsylvania, how to see in that district, turn around and say to moderates, this isn't my jam. >> it is 8:00 in the morning.
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i don't want to sit in the donald trump attacks for too long. because they are so ugly and vicious and unbecoming this early in the morning or anytime of the day. but i want to be clear that the stakes cannot be higher. and even though we have become accustomed to his calls for political violence, it should never become normalized. i don't know if you remember judge solace when she was on, talking about misogynists that came after her and ultimately killed her son. she has been doing a lot of work to make sure that the judge's personal information is not readily available. she was very clear about what is at stake at the moment. >> how do you fix the political culture so that there is a political punishment and not a political word when a prominent figure like donald trump attacks the judge she will have his case? >> at the end of the day, i think we can start changing the
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way we give that news and how we cover it and how we talk about it. i like to think -- i read a book called "the four agreements." it talks about the rules. one of the first rules is to be impeccable with your word. and i try every day to be impeccable with my word. >> what does that include when that happens? what is that look like? >> i think about what i'm going to say before i say it. everything. >> imagine that. >> that is something. that concept is way above donald trump's paygrade or intellectual capacity. he is a visceral animal politically and in business. he feels that what he says is true. and i think that is part of the problem in this environment. he thinks it is truth, what he is saying. the court system wants to give
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him the latitude that it would give folks out there, do not stifle their free speech. but he has shown his capacity to not give a about that. it still amazes me how much the system bends itself over backwards. you have adam reese and lisa rubin and tuesday patients order did not mention juan merchan and his family members. a loophole that trump seized on wednesday. so you are sitting here going, don't you know who is sitting in front of you? make it clear. how many times before we get to this moment did the judge not see that donald trump is a bad actor in this space? i don't get it. i'm confused about how the system does not respond to the thing in front of it. >> and i think the other thing we are seeing that is really frightening is that you can see
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how come you say, whether it is 8:00 in the morning or 8:00 at night or whatever, it is very disturbing but we are again, getting into this moment where we are normalizing the kind of language he uses. and i think in recent weeks, as he has doubled down on the language, you see the way in which other people around him are creating a permission structure and saying things like, he doesn't really mean that. so well your right that he is a visceral guy and reactive, i think he is extremely intentional in his language. he knows exactly what he is saying. even people that don't condone the language at all, we almost have a tendency to let him off the hook because the volume of the attacks and of the violent language is so massive that we think, surely a person who is saying would not talk that way. he just must not be careful. i think that only does he mean it but we should want a person who was a presumptive nominee for the presidency of one of the two major parties to be circumspect and careful with what they say and not a person
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who is fomenting rage. >> for nearly a decade, we have been trying to translate what donald trump is saying and trying to understand, he is saying this but maybe he means something else. i think what donald trump has shown us again and again is that he means what he says and he is doing it on purpose and he knows the loopholes so he doesn't get into trouble. he is pushing the limits of every aspect. the country, legal, cultural and political. and the inability for the republican party to find a way to stop that, and more importantly, finding ways to prop that up. you are talking about folks who, even with the 2020 election, you have people who didn't say the election was stolen. but said there were irregularities and that is what he's talking about. and donald trump was like no. but even the people trying to translate him to the american people have again and again been thwarted by him. >> you look at his words and it becomes even more.
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let's listen to a campaign out from the biden campaign. >> nikki haley has made an unholy alliance with rhinos. americans for no prosperity. >> she has gone crazy. she is a very angry person. >> i don't need votes. we have all the votes we need. >> she has gone haywire. >> how do you bring nikki haley voters back? >> i'm not sure we need to. >> do you think that appeals for a nikki haley voter? >> i don't think it appeals to a nikki haley voter but i think donald trump has decided he's not even going to try to grab that audience. >> i mean as it relates to joe biden? you think joe biden can bring in nikki haley voters with an ad like that? >> i think it is possible. but is hard to know who nikki haley voters were. because some of the big numbers to put up, i loved to see it.
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>> to lucy's point, the nikki haley voter is the democrats and independent voters that make up a sizable portion of the vote. republican turnout for her was not at 50%. it was not those big numbers. >> i was at her election party. walking around and sneaking around the campaign talking to the people who are they are. and they are like, we are democrats. we voted for her. we supported her. we wanted her over donald trump. i think the independence definitely feel like that is a smart way for them to go. however, the person who is not is nikki haley. she said she will vote for donald trump over joe biden. she has not endorsed him but she thinks joe biden is more of
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a danger to the country. >> you don't think there is room for her to revise and extend? >> let's just -- i'm sorry, nikki haley or any other republican out there. donald trump is more dangerous than anything in politics right now. there is bad policy and then there is authoritarian leadership. the question for all of us right now is, what are you more concerned about? a policy you disagree with or a man who wants to take your rights away? because that is with the selection boils down to. people need to stop acting stupid on this and stop negotiating with themselves. you know the truth. you know the facts. own the country instead of giving it to donald trump. sorry. it is 8:00 and i have not even had anything in my coffee. >> we are just getting started. lucy caldwell is sticking with us.
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a new culture of the rnc 2020 election is in the past. why are they asking about the big lie. congressman eric swalwell will respond to trump trump's attacks on judge juan merchan. you are watching "the weekend." you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪
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the republican national
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committee is asking job applicants a very important question. was the 2020 election stolen? seriously, they are asking that. the reporting from the washington post confirmed by nbc news suggests it is a test for new hires at the rnc and they have a lot of positions to fill after michael watley took over as chairman the last month and fired dozens of staffers. our political strategist lucy caldwell is with us to. >> a takeover of the republican party has been going on for a long time. this is the nail in the coffin. >> the cochair is his daughter- in-law. watley is clearly doing all the things he wanted getting rid of those folks. but they are also trying to have it both ways. they are talking to these people and interviewing them and saying, was the 2020 election stolen? that will probably decide whether or not you will get in here. you are republican and have been republican your whole
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life. talk about the concept, one the parties are doing. and how that determines how you get into the job. >> the nail in the coffin was actually shortly after donald trump was elected. he did something very unusual which was made sure that the state party chairs of the republican party were basically anyone who was not a hard-core donald trump loyalist assured out. and by a few years later, around 2019, something like 80% of the state party chairs have been turned over. that is a very unusual thing to do when you are victorious. you don't go clean house. thanks for helping me with the election. let's keep doing what we are doing. and instead, donald trump has completely remade the rnc in his own image. one of the problems is donald trump's campaign, he arguably has a slightly better campaign team.
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they are more organized. but they are people who do not know what they are doing historically in 2016, he had the golf website guy, that was the person running the show. and the reason donald trump won in 2016 is because at that time, the rnc was making huge investments in infrastructure and volunteer cultivation. they were my client at the time. i know this is the case. when donald trump became the nominee, he walked into a whole set of assets of people who know what they are doing. that is how he was able to win the presidency. now, the person in the drivers seat is his daughter-in-law who moonlights as a tom petty cover singer. this is not a serious person. so you are right. there is michael watley, the chair who we know never hear anything about which is very odd. but in the service of the donald trump show, they stopped doing the things that a political party those that the
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republican national committee is meant to do, not only to deliver the white house but to deliver those down ballot races we talked about earlier. >> that is the critical thing. the one note from me is -- in it. one? >> one. >> your first note. >> first note, who is the chair of the rnc? is it lara trump or is it michael whatley? i can't tell because i haven't heard the chair of the party speak on everything. and lara trump is the one giving the interviews and making the claims. for example, we have lara trump -- let's play this nbc news interview she did recently. >> is it going to be the position of the rnc in 2024 that the 2020 election was not fairly decided or that it was stolen somehow? >> i think we are passed that. i think we learned a lot. the past is the past and
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unfortunately, we had to learn some hard lessons in 2020. >> why is he asking her? why is that interview not with the chairman of the party? nobody cares what the cochair of the party thanks. i'm sorry but that is just the way it works. that is the reality of it. the reality is the chairman is the one who sets the policy in the direction of the party. so everyone stop pretending, to your point. this is trump's party as manifested by his daughter-in- law running it. so the reality of it is, you have a cover banned singer with no political experience directing resources of the party and sitting her saying that the past is the past. no, it isn't. because when donald trump calls you and says to pay a bill, you are not going to pay it, lara? you are not going to pay it? is this how it is really playing out? >> i would ask if people who
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are not former republican party insiders could name the rnc cochair. traditionally things like making people feel good. schmooze at the winter convention. michael whatley is a person who has serious credentials. >> he is a serious chairman of north carolina. >> north carolina. incredibly important state and a state that the republican party has done well and in recent years. i think lara trump, not only being the public face but perhaps setting the agenda -- and let's be real, lara trump is not setting the agenda. the donald trump show is setting the agenda. i think that just reflects that we will continue to see the rnc that is focused on a cult of personality and not building a base at all to appeal to a larger swath of voters. >> why would we do that? i just don't know?
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>> point number two. >> thank you for coming in this morning and being at our table. next, we will talk to the biden 2024 deputy campaign manager about efforts to recruit nikki haley voters. and be sure to follow our show on social media. our handle everywhere is@theweekendmsnbc. to mo not on you. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and get 20% off your first order. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? (♪♪) it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start... crest.
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national spokesperson, its leader effectively for donald trump. it just boggles the mind. and they wonder why they don't have cash in the coffers. they obliterated in the ground operations. by all the people that put the infrastructure in place and know how to run it and are not there. now tests to higher new people whose first and foremost goal is, what does donald trump want? not, how does this candidate win? >> i'm not sure if you saw the headline in your own paper but the political headline, vulnerable republicans. the 70 republicans represent districts trend that biden won. and have endorsed trump. >> what are you doing? >> it is that fear of what he is doing to the judges and what he is saying on true social.
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even though less people see it then when he was on twitter. one question i always have republicans and i have yet to get back in answer but what was it about the republican party that was kind of prime for a takeover from someone like donald trump. the best of gotten is people who are former republicans. who say that we spent a long time playing ftse's with the elements and now have taken over. none of us thought even in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, that it would bite us and it has it. there is a reason i gave a national speech as national chairman, that the southern strategy of the republican party was over. we would no longer, as a national party, play ftse and we have been doing that -- we have had moments where it was either the society in the 50s and 60s and the southern
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strategy of nixon and the more majority bargain reagan made and it has given us other issues that have put this sort of the neo- christian value thing into politics. and then of course tea party and trump. it is something we always sort of danced with. and i never really understood why. we look at the history of the party and the march toward individual rights to liberties, civil liberties and all of that to then harbor for political purposes -- and that is really what it was. harboring these elements inside the party. that strategy was trying to get white southern men who were mad that johnson decided to embrace civil rights. and so richard nixon figure, at that time, the only time -- only way you could win the presidency is go through the
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self. so kennedy went to texas that fateful day and destroyed the base in texas because the democrats were losing strength among white southern men. and so that element has always been there. it has been frustrating to watch the party capitulate to it. donald trump seized on it and magnified the role in influencing the party. >> one thing that fascinates me is that the party and trump sometimes feel like separate entities. he will say something and they try to have it both ways. and lara trump saying, the 2020 election, we moved on and have learned lessons. donald trump is not done that. if that is what the apparatus of the party is telling people to say come one man who was not going to be there is the man at the top of the party. >> it is telling that you have lara trump saying, the 2020 election is in the past at a moment when she knows they are actively asking reports --
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pneuma. >> she is having that conversation at home but family members, her father-in-law, saying the exact opposite and is not going to say anything different. they have done this over and over again, republicans come where they say they are going to move on from the more racist things donald trump has said and the misogynistic things. and he continues more importantly to say it over and over again. with the biggest microphone in the country. >> a final quick point before we move on, the whole idea with the judge and going after the family members and going after the clerks and all of that, what is it that our legal system doesn't get at this point to shut this down? i said it very clearly and it kinda became a meme on twitter, what i thought judges should be doing and that is to put this behind and i will be polite so kyle doesn't lose his mind. but to put his behind in jail. but they won't do that.
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are we missing something with this impunity, gets to go after family members and judges and think that it's okay, it's normal? >> legal experts would tell you they are worried about the impact of putting donald trump in jail. we saw what happens when donald trump supporters feel grieved. i talked to lawyers and former judges. what they say is that those people are thinking through the political blowback that would happen. the violence. in d.c. and around the country. >> they subject themselves to violence because that is what he is out here doing. next, we will go live to baltimore to get the latest on the bridge collapsed as president biden prepares for a visit to that city. and we have an incredibly great piece about how immigrants will play a crucial role rebuilding from the disaster. this is on the friday edition
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president's visit to baltimore next week? and what should we expect from that? >> michael, the president returned to maryland from his trip to new york yesterday and said that he would be coming to baltimore next week. we expect that we could see him here as early as tuesday. likely in a flyover of the wreckage of the remains of the bridge and the ship that parts of the bridges lying on. we expect to the president would flyover and meet with some of the team that is assembled here to try to remove this wreckage from the river and try to reopen the port of baltimore. i want you to hear a little bit of what the president had to say when he spoke about the tragedy earlier this week. >> we are going to work hand- in-hand to support maryland, whatever they ask for. we will work with our partners in congress to make sure the state gets the support it needs. it is my intention that the
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federal government will pay for an entire cost of reconstructing the bridge. >> reporter: to this point, we know the department of transportation has already allocated $60 million in emergency funds for the state of maryland as it works on the salvage operation and reopening the port. obviously, that is a drop in the bucket. the transportation department called it a down payment on what will be a very expensive and lengthy repair process and rebuilding process for the key bridge. >> thank you very much for your coverage there. >> this tragedy for me, his home. unfamiliar with that bridge and that area. and the work that i did working with the governor back in the time revitalizing our port and making that not just a big economic hub but a big part of the community. and you could tell from the response that people had to
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that. what was so frustrating for me was the response of others to the crisis. the fact that we have republicans now saying that, we don't know about paying for this. >> republicans that were in districts that have resources that traveled through the port. >> so this sort of, this fallback, falling down into the politics in a critical moment like this, again, just wake up america. these are the leaders that are supposedly leading us to crises. he were making political calculations as opposed to calculating, how do we help the city and how do we help the state and how do we help each other to your point, alicia. because guess what, the cars sitting at that port should be in our showrooms in mississippi and in north carolina but they are not because of this
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accident. >> it's almost like an extension of america first which is like without an understanding about what happens in baltimore affects it. not being able to connect the dots and wanting to create this isolationist domestic strategy inasmuch as you do. >> and also, the politics here, if republicans can say that this happened in mississippi doesn't get those cards, they can blame president biden. that is something we will see. we have seen this play out over and over again with different tragedies around the country. i will say that is one of the reasons president biden will be going there next week. he is going to call out congress, largely republicans, to pay the bill. he says he wants the federal government to pay for it all. he also is going there because they want him to be seen as the person who tries to be above
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that political bs. the person who will flyover but also be on the ground as close as they possibly can probably talk to families that are impacted by the tragedy. and say to them, we are the ones fighting for you. so that they can pressure republicans and try to do that work with the politics here. but they are not going anywhere. and it is unfortunate because it is not just six migrants who died, but also all the people that can't use that bridge and all the things that can no longer be used as long as the issue will be dealt with. >> are you finding any response from folks, just everyday folks come from your reporting, you get the political folks and what they are thinking. what are we hearing from people out there, marylanders and those looking at this narrative unfold and seeing the political response to the crisis? >> they are frustrated. it's like they are frustrated
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and maryland and frustrated around the country. usually what i hear from those folks is that congress or d.c. isn't working. and really we are not hearing any democrats say, i don't know if we should pay this but it is not coming from democrats but from republicans. that is something democrats have had to deal with and will probably continue to have to deal with. everybody is one thing that all together and i don't know that will stop anytime soon. that is something president biden and democrats have to continue to work on. >> be clear about where the dysfunction is coming from. marking one year since a journalist was detained in russia. diane foley made it her mission to bring home americans held hostage abroad and will join the conversation after a quick break. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase.
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now, save $1,000 on our most popular sleep number smart bed. plus, special financing. ends saturday. shop now at at this very moment, nearly 5000 miles away, wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich is spending his 366th day and russian captivity. he was the first american journalist arrested on charges
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since the cold war. the headline here, his story should be here. i want to bring in diane foley. her son was killed by a terrorist and syria in 2014. diane has devoted her life to advocating to americans. as founder of the james w fully foundation, she is also the co- author of "american mother." thank you for being with us. >> thank you, alicia. >> thank you also for being here. i would like to play can pull up quickly, a quote from the white house from president joe biden on the wrongful detention of evan. noting, "journalism is not a crime and evan went to rush it to do his job as a reporter risking his safety to shine the light of truth on russia's brutal aggression against
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ukraine. we will continue working every day to secure his release. we will continue to denounce and impose costs for russia's appalling attempts to use americans as bargaining chips. and we will continue to stand strong against all those who seek to attack the postwar target journalists, the pillars of free society." your work, the president's statement, are a powerful reminder right now of what journalists face. not just in russia but around the globe. talk about where you see things now? how these efforts are actually coming together largely behind the scenes. the public facing statements notwithstanding. what is your assessment of the work you are so engaged in? >> i applaud the leadership of president biden. and certainly the wall street journal, for having the back of their brave journalist, evan. in many ways, he reminds us of
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our son june. and our country must value the work of brave journalists. they are in fact the cornerstone of our freedom in our society. so i applaud that. and the foley foundation has been working tirelessly with the hostage enterprise and the wall street journal. the reality is, captors like vladimir putin hold us hostage to some extent in this kind of a situation. so we must do two conflicting things at once. we must prioritize the return of innocent americans who are targeted simply because they are americans. we also must work collectively with our western partners to deter the practice of taking people as political pawns. and this is something that is essential at the same time as we want to bring important people like evan, paul whelan
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-- there are others in china. for 10 plus years. this is something that i really hope all americans can become more and more aware of. it is truly a national security risk. >> one of the things that i think has changed. it is the politicization of these kinds of things. it used to be, like when your son was taken, everyone seemed to agree that this was bad and we had to do everything we could through all the channels we could to figure out how to handle this. that seems to have changed and there is often a conspiracy theory connected with these kinds of things. they are often people who say to us as journalists that this is an elite person caring about elite things and for whatever reason, evan gershkovich is seen as this example of the elitism of this country which is not true at all.
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but thinking about these moments. >> i feel very strongly that the bringing home of innocent americans is a nonpartisan issue. we have support on both sides of the aisle and the foley foundation works very hard to make sure that all americans see this as an issue that could potentially affect them. when jim was taken, our country had no hostage enterprise at all nobody was accountable for bringing him home. president obama at that time abandon him really because he was afraid to engage with the terrorists. now we have a president who is publicly prioritizing the return of evan and i see that is a step forward. however, more and more countries are seeing this as a way to hold our country hostage. it is becoming more of a threat
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to any american who travels internationally for work or pleasure. it is something as americans that we must continue to lead the fight against. the taking of innocent citizens for political reasons. i strongly feel that it must stay a nonpartisan issue. it is a basic issue to us as citizens to have the courage and to have the back of brave americans who are out there in the world doing important work. >> i want to underscore a few things. one, it used to be rogue actors that engaged in this type of hostagetaking. it is no state actors which make it more complex. also, as you know better than anyone, a symmetry between the president of the united states and the president of russia. some great reporting in the wall street journal. the title says it all. a secret game of prisoner slob,
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putin has held most of the cards. great reporting about the fact that negotiations for paul whelan and evan have come close and then stalled out. your sense of why that is. >> people who take our people are shrewd actors. as a government, we have to pay attention and use the very best of our people to be equally shrewd and punitive. hold people accountable. like putin and terrorist groups like hamas who blatantly take people and hold them hostage. but it is difficult. it is a real challenge as the country to do that because we are working with people -- we are trying to deal with people who are irrational and have no value for human life. so we continue to work on strategies. we will not give up. we will continue to persevere. we have an outstanding
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presidential envoy for hostage affairs. a wonderful team of people. it is difficult. as americans on both sides of the aisle, we must help these families. yes, evan is a more prominent figure things to the wall street journal who tirelessly has his back but the foley foundation works with many more quiet families that don't have that support but are equally as important. like mark sweden from houston or kylie who also is being held in china. and others in syria and iran. these families need every bit as much support and they are getting it from smaller ngos like ourselves. thank you for your coverage because we need to bring this issue to the public. >> and as you know better than anyone, feeling heard and seen as half the battle. so thank you for the work you do and for being with us.
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we have another jampacked hour of "the weekend" straight ahead including a legal analyst, congressman eric swalwell and biden deputy campaign manager quentin fulks. that is all coming up at the top of the hour. stay with us! ♪♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ]
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