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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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different judicial systems, depending on whether one has money and access to a litany of private attorneys. also, based on social status. all of those things. each of the categories, trump comes up in the positive side. >> i am glad to speak to you about this and we will have you back to speak more about what you are writing back there i appreciate it. stephen still -- stephen sills saying that he cannot be with when you love can't be with the one you're with. there interview with the sitting federal judge about donald trump's social media comments. it is worth your time. good day to all of you and welcome to "alex witt reports" . we have breaking news.
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cranes will begin removing records from the baltimore bridge today. this afternoon governor wes moore that it is a remarkably complex and difficult operation. multiple people are working 24/7 to get the channel open again. welcome again julie and what is the latest on the recovery efforts? boy, we have had trouble with the shot all day long. a little bit of the weather right there. we'll take a soundbite listen to wes moore. we heard him earlier in the press conference just under two hours ago. >> this is not just about maryland. this is about our nation's economy. the port handles more cars and farm included- more than any other port inside this country. at least 8000 workers on the docks have jobs that have been
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directly affected by this collapse. maryland's economy and maryland workers rely on us to remove -- work quickly. it is not just maryland impacted . i am talking about the farmer in kentucky. i am also talking about the autoworker in ohio. i am talking about the restaurant owner in tennessee. this is impacting all of us. in the nation's economy and the nation's workers are relying on us to move quickly and to move together. >> an important thing the governor said earlier is that it has been declared a disaster declaration by the biden administration. he said it took hours to reach the status. i am told that the shot of our reporter is good now. welcome my friend, it is good to see you we have had trouble with your camera. talk about the recovery efforts and that they are trying so
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hard around the clock to get the ninth largest port in the nation open again for business. >> reporter: it is especially great to see you here. as governor wes moore noted, this is critical to get the channel reopened. we will see a key step in making that happen today. that crews have been arriving to the north portion of the rich has been cut and is set to be removed at some point tuesday. we are told it is not a piece about the bridge on top of the vessel. rather, it is in a place where eventually part of the channel could get cleared for more tugboats and barges to come in to help accelerate the salvage operation. it is full steam ahead on the water. we are told there is no timeline for how long the first removal will take. the priority is safety. safety first and making sure it happens in a way
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that protects all of the workers and responders on the water. it is great news for everyone who wants the port of baltimore to reopen. as the governor noted, it is not just about the port of baltimore, it is not the nation's economy which and not get lost is are the workers impacted from baltimore? this story is hit close to my home and community. my cousin is a worker at the port. i have friends really involved in the shipping industry as well. for these workers, there are 15,000 impacted surrounding the port. it is good news to hear the small business administration has approved an emergency declaration to allow local businesses affected to apply for up to $2 million in loans in the meantime, state lawmakers are really working to ensure that workers stay afloat during this crisis. they learned a lot of lessons during covid. they realized it is better to
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prevent employees from having to lay off workers and not be able to hire them and get them back later once activity returns to the port. they are trying to stabilize things right now to avoid a little bit of a scramble in the future. we see what is happening on the water and we also are able to see how the community will be taken care of and there will be an economic disaster in addition to the tragedy that happened in the river. >> let me ask you quickly about your cousin. i was not aware you had a cousin that works there in the port. is your cousin concerned about job loss or a temporary layoff or anything like that has your cousin been told it will be okay and things are underway? where does his or her emotions stand right now? >> reporter: there is a lot of concern over the uncertainty. it is the uncertainty that is scary for everybody. the international
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longshoremen's association has been working closely with state lawmakers to make sure these workers get their salary. a lot of the jobs are daily hires. the shop and get the orders and benefits the following year depend on the number of hours they work this year. there trying to ensure there are not long-term ripple effects . in the meantime, the union is encouraging workers to call their car lenders and mortgage lenders and say, can you defer payments while we work this out? not all workers are eligible for an employment. that is where the state is stepping in to pass legislation so that workers that typically would not be eligible can get some form of an appointment. there are a lot of conversations happening.. emergency meeting monday with local chapters of the union to make sure everybody is taken care of. that is first and foremost priority. everybody wants to work. the port did not even close during covid. it is unprecedented. there is no work to be done. it is an uncertain time.
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the port of altar itself has said there is speculation about when they will reopen. we do not know either. >> julia, thank you so much. we hope everything stays okay and smooth sailing ahead. decision 2024 and president biden at camp david this week and have it wrapped up a record- breaking fundraising swing in new york city with former presidents obama and clinton. bringing in $26 million in one night. more than trump and rnc combined raised the entire month of february. and, new backlash as donald trump shares images of president biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. on tuesday, primary voters in connecticut, delaware, york, rhode island and wisconsin get their turn to weigh in on the presidential race. on thursday, trump is facing a deadline to post $135 million bond in new york. we have reporters and analysts with the new developer's will
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start with nbc gary graphic in washington d.c. the president is trying a new strategy. >> president biden, over the past several months and years quite wrinkly, has stayed above the fray and focus on the policy issues in the debate against donald trump. that may be about to change. as we have reported over the past 24 hours, we have seen in recent weeks a real change in public and private of what president biden is saying he is calling don auld trump a rogue dog. he has made about his appearance. he is talking about his legal troubles much more publicly at fundraisers and events. he is making jokes -self-deprecating jokes about his age. sometimes it is the elephant in the room. here's what president biden had to say at a fundraiser and if there's reason he is doing all of this.
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>> i think our democracy is at stake. it is no joke. accuracy is literally at stake. i watched what happened down in virginia when folks came out of the field carrying torches and .co flags -- nazi flags. a woman was killed, a bystander. when trump was asked, he said there were really fine people on both sides. an inflection point in history. things are changing. >> a story we heard over and over again as the reason president biden chose to run in the first place. he firmly believes the american people will see a difference and make a choice in november. >> indeed, gary, i am asking you to stay with me. also joining the conversation right now is national political correspondent for political meredith mcgraw. donald trump does not have the money to hold those massive
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rallies that he revels in. his campaign and super pac have spent less than $1.5 million on ads since super tuesday. the biden campaign has spent $6 million you said trump's campaign is not panicking, but should they be? >> biden and the dnc have a major cash advantage over trump in the republican party right now. $41 million. part of the advantage president biden has is from being the incumbent. he did have serious challengers in the primary. trump had to fend them off. also, trump is having to spend a lot of money to cover his legal fees for lawyers and all of his court appearances that he has had over the past year. the biden campaign raised $26 million this past week. and a star-seven appearance. the trump campaign will try to make up ground next week with
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their own big fundraiser. with hedge fund manager john paulson where they are cited to raise $33 million. they have a lot of ground to make up. the trump campaign had a call with reporters yesterday. they admitted they are going to have a hard time catching up to the advantage the democrats have. they said billionaires donate to biden. billionaires also donate to donald trump and they do have a lot of ground to catch up when it comes to the cash game. >> gary, can fundraisers make up for not reaching voters in rallies that donald trump loves? >> it depends which side we are talking about. on the donald trump side, absolutely donald trump supporters are donald trump supporters that group of people, as we have seen over the past several years, the core group does not change. they love donald trump no matter what he posts on truth social and no matter what he
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does there is no private. as it relates to president biden, the folks that attended the rally thursday night at radio city music hall are not the people the campaign is most concerned about. the folks inside will vote for joe biden. it is the folks outside the rally. the hundreds protesting his policies as it relates to israel . those of the folks they need to reach out to. there in michigan and battleground states around the country. those of the folks the biden campaign should be concerned about. >> meredith, he is trying to get under trump's skin. saying a defeated man had approached him. biden said, i have to say i am sorry donald, i cannot help you. could this be an effective strategy against trump, who so driven by ego? >> i have seen in the past that it can get under his skin. the democrats have tried to use some of the taunts against the
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former president. whether it is ads focused in palm beach to get his attention . what we have seen in the past few days and weeks even is a real ramp up of rhetoric from the former president against president biden. as we head into the general, i think it will be really ugly. and we have only seen the beginning of it. >> gary, what about trump not pulling punches posting the image of biden tied up? can we expect rhetoric from him to continue to ramp up? >> what meredith just said, i think it will be a very ugly next few months. there are lots of articles that say there could be a pivot in trump's speech and what he believes . it has been different than the past several years and it will not happen. at every rally, he makes comments that make headlines. his supporters go out and do
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not care. they are supporting trump because they believed they were better under donald trump and administration and they believe they will come january 25, should he be reelected. >> a person you spoke to set trumps ability to command the new cycle and generate free media makes up for the cash disadvantage. does not imply there is a tricky balance for the media between covering a major party candidate for president and giving him the attention that he craves? >> donald trump has universal name i.d. his campaign has pointed to that. donald trump does not need to be introduced to the electric and neither does president biden. that is part of the regulation and strategy. in the past few weeks, we have seen trump has not been on the campaign trail. he was in ohio for a rally to support senate candidate bernie
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moreno. he has not been out competing because he has been in court or making phone calls to fundraisers and top donors to try to catch up a little bit. we will see trump on the campaign trail this tuesday in michigan and wisconsin. the trump campaign does think when it comes to introducing trump, people know who he is. they know what the man stands for. and that is all part of their thinking. >> one more question meredith. because he has not reached out to make peace with nikki haley voters. the biden campaign is actively converting them with this ad. >> i call him bad brain. nikki haley has made an unholy alliance with rhinos, never- trumpers and no prosperity she is like, she has gone crazy.
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she is a very angry person. >> does ass really not want or think they do not need nikki haley voters? could that backfire? >> the biden campaign is clever. they are reportedly sending $1 million for the digital ad by highlighting the moments trump has disparaged nikki haley. his comments to donors that they would be blocked out. i reported that trump's campaign has not made any -- have not exited any olive branches or reach out to nikki haley in any serious way. for joe biden they are looking at haley's supporters and independents that voted for her. they played a role in the 2020 election. it is probably a smart strategy for them on their part.
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we will see f trump and haley have any contact that comes in the next two weeks. it has been striking there has not been any outreach and that they have not spoken as far as i know. the trump campaign has had a lot of nikki haley supporters are democrats and people not going to vote for him anyway. they say a lot of republicans that did vote for her will eventually come home. we have seen an internal evidence of that some of the big donors for nikki haley have said they plan to support trump. whether they support him or into financially backing him as yet to be seen in some of those cases. the trump campaign remains confident that the republican nikki haley voters wind up backing him. but we shall see. meredith mcgraw and gary gump rock. federal federal prosecutor kristi greenberg joins me.
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plus the reaction to trump's attacks on the judge and his daughter after a partial gag order later, the trump stock bubble in houston in may hop.
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breaking news and the israel-hamas war. nbc news confirming that biden administration signed off on sending aliens of dollars in bonds and fighter jets to israel despite the administration's deep concerns over anticipated invasion in southern gaza that could threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of palestinians this coming as the second ship carrying aid to gaza moves up from cyprus today. carrying 400 tons or so of food as famine is threatening the enclave. meghan fitzgerald has the latest. what are you hearing out of the white house? tragic president biden has been very clear that israel invading
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profit more than 1 million people are seeking shelter is a redline. israel has been clear that they will proceed as they wish. meanwhile, nbc news has been able to confirm that the united states continues to provide deadly and powerful weapons to israel, despite international condemnation of the war in gaza. all of this as the united states and allies continue to drop dozens and dozens of food into gaza as you monitoring a organizations say gaza is on the brink of famine. i want you to listen to what a u.s. air force member had to say. >> over 200,000 meals and 40,000 bottles of water. well over 500,000 block aid. almost 1 million pounds of aid we are dropping. tragic also aiding and humanitarian efforts.
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the world central kitchen has launched a second shipment from gaza -- cyprus to gaza loaded with food to help the millions of people who are in dire need. >> meghan fitzgerald, thank you for the report. my next guest was in the courtroom monday when judge merchan denied trump's lawyers request to delay the trial. kel. -that's wayfair... saving time saving money. you wayfair'd your whole bathroom?! even the vanity - when i wayfair, i wayfair ya know? oh i know. this is nice. another wayfair day! you know it. new couch in just two days the wayfair word is out. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ l've always wanted to do that.
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new today, manhattan prosecutors are asking the judge
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overseeing the hush money case to clarify his gag order after donald trump unleashed a series of alarming attacks on the judge and his family. judge merchan put limits on who trump can attack ahead of the april 15th trial. not the witnesses, not the prosecutors or the jurors. trump took to social media in the following days repeatedly slamming the judge and his daughter who are not covered by the gag order. in an explosive claim, trump said the judges -- judge's daughter had used a profile on x. this post was and said the post was wrongly attempted to hurt. we are joined by former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. the da is asking the judge to clarify or confirm the gag order and that it applies to family members of the court, the da and all other individuals mentioned in the order. the asked the judge to tell trump
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to immediately desist. i do expect the judge to respond? >> i think the gag order itself, as you said, i do not think it applies to judge merchan family members. specifically prohibiting donald trump for making statements about family members of any counsel or staff member. it does not mention exclusively family members of the court. i don't think it applies to him and i do not see the judge clarifying or expanding the gag order so that it will apply to the court or his family. why is that? because with the judge is trying to do with the gag order is balance donald trump's right to free speech versus the harm to witnesses and various members who will participate in the trial from having a free and fair administration of this trial. is trying to talent those interests. i think the judges
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made a determination that the public figures, judge, district attorney and others are fair game for witticism from trump. doesn't extend to his family member? his family member-spacer his daughter is an executive and president of a political consulting firm that has represented vice president harris and adam schiff and various other democrats. the criticism that donald trump is making is that the judge is compromised and should recuse himself because of his daughters politics again, it is attenuated. i think the judge is unlikely to expand the gag order to apply. i feel it is within fair criticism of the judge. i think he will be loads to expand it to insulate any harm to himself. whether or not that should be the case, i do not know. that is how i expect the judge
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to treat this. i think he is going to perhaps have a warning. do not go too far in this. did not do anything threatening or inciting violence. if you're going to criticize me confidence because of my daughter's politics, i do not like it. but, i will not expand the gag order to prevent it. >> can i ask, when you are off- camera and walking around your home, do you think about this and go, how crazy is this that we have to be discussing a former president of united states. this level of court issues. you had to say is the gag order covering enough. he might believe this person or this person's daughter. how unprecedented is this? >> some defendants will criticize the judges. >> this is the president of the
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united states and we know the power that he has an social media. the ability to talk and have the media pick it up. it gets everywhere. >> right. it is unprecedented for any criminal defendant to have this platform. and for a criminal defendant to make statements that he knows his followers will act on. again, we have seen the attacks on judges. there is a criminal case now where judge chutkan was the >> of vile death threats. it is a criminal case. we sing a bomb threat on another judge and threats to his law clerk and family members. donald trump knows full well when he attacks, in particular his mo to attack women. the wives of the law clerks and the people close to men and ministering justice in his cases. he knows what will happen. we seen again what he did in the
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e. jean carroll trial. all the disgusting posts that were made after he made comments about e. jean carroll. he knows what will happen, and yet, he does it anyway. why? that is what he wants to happen. it is an open invitation from his followers to harass these people. you are right. it is disgusting. i don't think anything will happen as a result. it is file. >> it is unprecedented. back to the trial, some of the key players that could testify include the adult films are star medallions and his former attorney michael:. both of whom say donald trump should be worried. >> he should be worried about me. he should be worried about the manhattan district attorney. the district attorney of new york prosecutors. he should be worried about the documentary evidence he should be worried about all of the witnesses that are going to be coming in to the trial. >> i am hoping with all my heart that they call me.
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as i said to michael avenatti, i do not need someone to pick -- speak for me. i relish the day i can speak my truth. >> do you expect them to be called to the stand and should trump worried about their testimony? >> absolutely, expect both stormy daniels and michael: will be called as state witnesses. i think the district attorney was putting together this case, he obviously knew these witnesses had made statements before. he knows there are issues with a number of his witnesses. perjury in particular with respect to michael:. he knows that and yet, he dropped his case anyway. he has to be confident the witnesses will cooperate each other and more prettily, there are documents to cooperate their witnesses and the testimony they will provide. they will testify and expect it will be much more than stormy daniels and michael:.
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we will hear from the publisher in the case. we will hear from other witnesses that were privy to potentially what the circumstances were of the hush money payments and the cover-up. the cover-up of those payments. >> kristy greenburg, good to see you. in the meantime, the rnc loyalty is a required job for job applicants. job applicants. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it.
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new questions around if and how much republican national committee will embrace 2020 election loss in the bid to retake the white house. >> is it the position of rnc and 24 that the 2020 election was not fairly decided or that it was stolen from him? >> i think we are past that. it is in the past. we learned a lot and took a lot of notes to right now we have 23 states that have lawsuits to enter it is harder to cheat and easier to vote. every single person, whether republican or democrat should want that. we want fairness and transparency in our elections. the past is the past. >> recently appointed rnc cochair lara trump that they are done litigating the election. contradicting a report that candidates interviewing with rnc are being asked if they think the election was stolen.
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as well as her father-in-law's incessant public claims of a rigged election. and is now a strategist renishaw. how convinced are you that the rnc and trump's campaign are putting accusations of a stolen election behind them? some republicans are not. take a listen to what congresswoman audrey taylor greene had to say this week. >> when president trump got on the phone with the secretary of state brad raffensperger and said, can you find the votes. where are they? he was looking for balance. these ballots have been lost in the mail. there was nothing wrong with what president trump said. as a matter of fact, i think you'll be vindicated easily by the work i am doing and the proof i am showing soon. >> i mean, okay. is it just a strategy to make the rnc appear more forward-looking in public and to what extent do you
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believe embracing the rate election is trump's litmus test for loyalty but i must say now vice chair of rnc seems to be speaking for herself. lara trump is saying their past litigating 2020 election. that is a personal opinion. everything we see coming out of rnc or out of republican congressional leaders at large says they are not over it and they want it baked into who the republican party is these days a party that wants to be annoyed and have grievance politics characterize the day from here on out. this is completely bizarre to me that lara trump would venture to say something that is absolutely riveted and falseness. you can see everybody in rnc continues to talk about 2020 and propagate the myth that there was fraud in the election because they realize when i put the question into the mind of
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voters, voters say maybe there is something there. that has been the strategic playbook and as elementary as it sounds. >> rnc under the new trump selected chairman laid out dozens of staff. and are deciding whether to rehire them. instead of asking if the election was stolen applicants are asked about what should be done about election integrity in 2024. what does this indicate to you about the rnc greater strategy going into november? what are the chances they hire someone that says the election was not stolen? >> they could not hire someone who says the election was not stolen because they have to look at the data. the data point to the slim percentage of fraud. we are talking margins of error that are so big here. it cannot make sense. the math will not math. if they try to talk data to the younger rnc staffers. they have to go on a feeling.
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that is all it is. gop apparatus the hopes to win back the white house assault will continue to talk to voters about their feelings are you mad enough about biden? are you mad enough about the change for you? economically and socially are you mad enough to turn out therefore, you cannot see them going to the rnc because they have to decide a pledge to have allegiance to one person. we talk about this so much over the years. so visible and part of the presidential election strategy which is so very nonsensical to >> the washington post reports that a trump ally, former diplomat and until official is traveling around the world as a shadow secretary of state for trump. he refers to richard grenell as his envoy. reading with far right leaders and groups
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pledging support. reportedly interfering with elections. reportedly worked against government policy how unusual is it for a former diplomat to continue meeting with foreign leaders and promote a presidential candidate and his agenda? given trump's history sympathizing with authoritarian leaders and threatening to blow up u.s. alliances, are there concerns global security is being undermined in service of trump's personal agenda? >> there are serious concerns in the national security community. since richard grenell left the official post. he is a private citizen just like donald trump and he walks around doing exactly what trump wanted to do. trying to make abnormal seemed normal. it is who he spent time with. richard grenell is a topic i so comfortable and so in bed with far right authoritarian figures, i would venture a guess that he is up to no good already.
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this is a guy who goes after anybody that was for something ill of him. he is somebody devoid of any compassion and empathy. any virtues that are good like wanting inclusion. he is in it for himself. he is a dangerous figure because he has high access to top-level information. i am sure he is one of the former trump administrators out there wanted to sell it. a desire to sell it and wants to enrich himself. guys like richard grenell should never come off the radar because he is exact type of person that trump would bring back to power in a minute and he is dangerous. he will sell out our country in a heartbeat. >> an extraordinary conversation. thank you for that. it is breaking records and only out one day. the inspiration behind beyonci's country music album
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stories. several people were rushed to hospital after turbulence on an united airlines flight. the airplane was traveling from tel aviv to newark when he encountered high winds. seven people were hurt, although none seriously. structure incredible bodycam footage shows means right out of the wild west take a look at officers on horseback chasing and alleged shoplifter in albuquerque. police were able to arrest the suspect and he is facing several charges now. static pope francis residing over today's easter vigil service after he skipped a good friday procession as a health precaution. the 87 old pontiff will preside over easter mass tomorrow. music superstar beyonci is making history after dropping her first country music album. cowboy carter became spotify's most strained album of 2024 in a single day. a whopping 76 million streams. we have a closer look at the album.
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>> ♪ we want to welcome you to the beyonci cowboy carter act to ♪ musical >> tragic beyonci asking her fans, if this ain't country, what is? the 32-time grammy winner, overnight dropping her a studio album, cowboy carter. a sweeping expiration of country sound and the genre at the heart of american music. >> genres are funny little concept, aren't they? tragic featuring some of country's biggest names. willie nelson, pioneering black artist linda martel and country music queen dolly parton. >> hey ms. honey bee. >> reporter: who introduces beyonci process version of the iconic hit " jolene. " >> ♪ tragic dolly posting, wow, i just heard " jo ling. " beyonci is giving the girls
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in trouble and she deserves it beyonci is a texas native with louisiana roots putting her powerful mark on the genre built by black artists, but has not always embraced them back. the trackless artwork referencing the network of venues where black musicians could safely perform during the jim crow era. beyonci herself writing, the criticisms i faced when i first entered this genre forced me to propel past the limitations that were put on me. the album single " texas hold 'em " is topping country music chart. the album features post-malone and miley are -- miley cyrus. cowboy carter's youngest collaborator is her young daughter. the major musical project proving beyonci as an american
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artist in a category all her own. >> ♪ ♪ with tom llamas reporting. the bigger they come, the harder they fall. where trump social is going. you may notice while in charge of filling up easter basket this weekend. ♪♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪♪
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over-valued company on the stock market. tournament was editor in chief at investor media caleb silver. i am glad to have you here. trump media product is truth social, which has a tiny user base few advertisers and no real aspects of challenging the dominant social media companies . how unusual is it for a company that made only $4 million in revenue last year against more than 49 million in losses, is valued today at over $8 billion? is there any basis for the way it has been trading other than a frenzy of trump fans and opportunistic traders buying up shares? >> that is exactly what it is. if it smells like 2021 and the meme stock era, this is similar. the key difference is this company is backed by ex- president donald trump and he is a lot of fans and people that want to support the venture, even though the venture is a money-losing venture. investors are not betting on truth social taking over
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snapshot or instagram one day. they are betting on his popularity and the fact that he may get back to the oval office. that is why you see the enthusiasm that is made trump a lot of money on paper. that is just it. this money is on paper until he cashes it out. >>, to pick up on what you said experts are calling trump media meme stock and are comparing it , as you reference, notable bubbles like game stock and mc. it! what a meme stock is and why trump's media valuation on paper and when he is actually worth may be two different things. is there any chance a call -- the company will be profitable? >> they need a lot of users to be profitable a meme stock is when retail investors get behind and make individual stock or several stocks like gamestop, amc or blackberry and bed bath & beyond, and they pump up the value of the stock and encourage each other to purchase it.
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whether social forms like truth social or others can encourage each other to keep buying it and it does boost the stock price the digital world acquisition corp. , a special acquisition company that bought trump's media company has been up to 50% in the past year . the enthusiasm is there. the thing is trump cannot realize the wealth until he sells his stock it just went public last week and all insiders that received the stock before he went public have to wait six months in lockup expiration before they sell, unless the board of directors grants him a special -to sell the stocks. it would be very strange not to change if you think about who is on the board of the company. >> and a stocked up with a bunch of trump fans. let me ask about a commercial on a much lighter note. tomorrow is easter sunday. the cost of filling a basket with chocolate bunnies caleb, and eggs, has gone up because of the price of cocoa soaring to a all-time high. why is that?
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can we expect higher chocolate races? late races? in the past year, way out pacing inflation. cocoa prices have doubled in the past four months. why? most cocoa produced on the planet is from west africa. they had incredible floods earlier this year at the end of last year. then they had a big drought and wind. cocoa crop decimated deliveries of cocoa down some 35% in the past quarter. these prices have been up. that's why you are paying more for chop late afternoon. we have el nino to blame. >> thank you so much. that will do it for this edition of alex reports. see you tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. welcome to the


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