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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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welcome back. we start this hour with the deadline facing donald trump this week after a partial victory from an appeals court. donald trump has until thursday to pay $175 million to cover his bond in the civil fraud case. it feels familiar, right. another deadline before letitia james comes for trump's assets. and just last night, donald trump claimed on fox that he can pay it. at this point, i think it is safe to say that we will believe it when we see it when the funds clear. >> joining us is to discuss is
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attorney mike cap ia wylie with the leadership conference of civil rights. and we have a former republican congressman out of virginia. he was a senior advisor on the generally sixth select committee. let me tell you all, a committee. >> welcome to the table. in the last hour, the three of us were having this pretty intense conversation around this idea of accountability. we are not trusting the accountability issue when it comes to the judicial process donald trump is involved with right now. i want to play for you something liz cheney had to say about trump and his accountability. >> i think it is very important that the supreme court recognized that what he is doing is a delaying tactic.
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and it cannot be the case that a president of the united states can attempt to overturn an election and seize power and the justice system is incapable of holding a trial and holding him to account before the next election. that cannot be the case. >> the last part for me is absolutely the point. it cannot be the case that our justice system is incapable of holding a trial and holding him to account before the next election. given the work you did on january 6, you have seen the evidence. what is it that is making it so difficult for people to say, yes, that. and donald trump should be held accountable for that if he is able to bend the system to his will in some cases and if not, i'll right twisted into pretzels. >> there is the protection of
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the former president. he has woven this of ignorance and hyperbole and people react to it. i think that is what we are having to deal with. and what scares me is that it is not just trump. i was thinking about the things i have seen and the evidence i have seen. we talk about clark and eastman and all the individuals under trump. have we still not gotten to the fact that mike lee was the first to mention it was eastman. and whether it was scott perry or jeff clark. i find it amazing that we have not gotten to the root cause. trump has been able to wrap this around a radicalization of people with thoughts and beliefs from conspiracy theories. my fear is that the courts don't know how to react and i think there is so much data. we had a 30 million lines of data. we looked at 5 million pages of records and text messages. i don't think the judiciary at
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this point with how vast this was could get their arms around the moving parts. >> that is the dij@ vu of it all. will he be able to pay his bond? the fact that we are talking about him attacking not only judges but their family members. part of it is that this is a pattern of behavior and what i think is challenging is you both want to situate the pattern of behavior without saying that it is all the same. don't worry. nothing new here. look away. >> this is such an important point. when you think about what is at the root of the january 6th insurrection, it is donald trump and his accolades, acolytes telling the big lie. and it is this fraud on the american public about whether or not we had a legitimate election in 2020 and that is a fraud. that is a lie that you know to be fact list and baseless.
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that is the underlying point of the criminal charges. here is the thing. he has such a long history of doing just that. and that is the link between the new york state attorney general's case and what we are seeing and hearing january 6th. and the connection between the two. remember that the trump organization itself was convicted of fraud for 10 years of tax schemes. to evade taxes. donald trump was held liable for sexual assault on e gene carol and then lying about it. that is the root of defamation. all the financial issues he is facing in his attempts to delay paying, and frankly making different statements about whether he can pay, to symone's point, he is either really wealthy or he can't get a loan from a 6-year-old patients piggy bank. either way, it comes down to
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the same thing. he says what is useful to him without regard to the consequences either to regularly folks or the democracy and that is why accountability matters. accountability right now means a fair hearing in court which he got in the fraud case which he will get in a d.c. trial and we have to get to it. >> accountability. d.c. trial. what he got in the hearing in new york. what about the comments that he continuously makes? last hour, we noted that if donald trump or anyone else, if it were someone else, he would not be out on bail with the comments he has made. andrew wiseman has thoughts particularly in the wake of the attacks against judge mercan patients daughter. he warned that jail will result from threatening anyone while
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out on bail. and three, in force, which means the foundation of the rule of law. i'm skeptical. because this is what accountability is supposed to look like. i'm skeptical. he has yet to meet this kind of accountability yet. >> symone, part of what we are seeing happen here is there are some folks trying to protect the institutions of our system. and the institutions of our system worry about things like balance and fairness and not going too far and not violating people's first amendment rights. and those are critically important to our democracy. then we have donald trump and those that support him. and i want to reinforce that those who support him, because a big part of him getting away with this is we have people elected for office. we have people that are very
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wealthy and powerful. we have people that control social media platforms who are all in. and that means that it creates an environment where you have some folks trying to do what is normal and say, we don't do that in our system. and anyone asking for people's votes shouldn't be endangering the lives of anyone, particularly a judge just doing his or her job we have seen a pattern of this. people that work for the court system or a family member, that is not done. but you see a system that keeps trying to maintain some form of balance and concern for democracy with too many people who are not and that is a problem. and we need accountability as well in order to protect the institutions and systems. >> there was a piece written about a lot of what we are covering right now. to the idea that the system is not
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necessarily built for this. he notes, one thing we learned in the age of trump is that the institutions of our federal government are either unable or unwilling to apply the rules, the law and the constitution to trump as they with the rest of us. another thing has become clear. no one institution or prosecutor or no one criminal case will save our democracy from the likes of trump. so what will? >> the voters. the saying, the marcus of queensberry battle, like fisticuffs. we have rules. there are no rules on the far right. i was there. you know this. and i think people say, if i bring facts and sanity and data to the argument, somehow we will convince these mouth breathers that the facts and data should stand up. the issue you have is that there is now such an appeal to conspiracy theories that we have to actually have some kind of offensive move where we use data and technology to push back. but we can't push back overall,
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the facts and the data and people that don't believe anything real. we have to attack specific individuals. i think it is time to drag those vampires into the sunlight and really pummel them with common sense and data. >> what is the data? >> for me it is the financial support that some of these bad actors are getting. i think we break down and almost use the al capone methodology and break down lines of data. we start ripping them apart. that is what i'm trying to do now with my company. also, there is a movie called "against all enemies." it was a documentary where we talk about the veterans involved with this. and all of it leads back to the data. who was behind this and what are the mechanisms and what is the coordination? i think we identify those people and go out to the press and the media and we identify those people, whether money is coming from the people behind it. i think the only way to convince the american public is that they are being had. it is the only way at this point. >> stick around.
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we have more. while holding donald trump accountable might be hard, it seems to be easier for his former colleagues. you are watching "the weekend." you are watching "the weekend." that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. had one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing,
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clark found themselves a few steps closer to being disbarred. both have been identified as co- conspirators and trump's federal election interference case. >> we talk about the lack of accountability. as alicia noted, there are some of the foot soldiers and the lieutenants, if you will in the donald trump maga army that are seeing accountability. this too is an important piece. >> it is an important piece. and we were talking about the court system earlier. this is the bar association. we all have to have law licenses to practice since it is the bar association that decide that we are working in accordance with those. that includes an oath very similar to the oath of office. this is one of the reasons why this matters. trump attorneys are making decisions that are in the benefit of trump that have nothing to do with the law or
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the appropriate behavior of the lawyer. it is because we have this kind of process where the bar association's themselves make the decisions about the accountability we are seeing and we saw it with rudy giuliani as well. here is the thing. this should shock us in the sense that so many of the lawyers engaged with donald trump are looking and facing down losing their bar licenses. this is unprecedented. there is nothing normal about it. if you take 2021, where at 1. 5 million lawyers, 500 lost their law licenses. 500. this is a very small club. it is not a club anybody wants to be a member of. and donald trump head legal teams are outpacing everyone else. >> that raises for me a very
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interesting point. because, as noted, you have the lawyers for donald trump getting caught up in his lies and being disbarred and otherwise going to jail and having all these other legal problems. i suspect from your work on january 6th in the committee, my thinking would be that there has to be some congressional folks whose hands are not necessarily clean and all of this. what can you say? what about the other side of the coin where the accountability is out there for the lawyers but i watched the whole thing unfold. i listened to certain members. i know that there were finger prints and places by what they were saying publicly. what say you to that side of it? >> it gets me. we talk about accountability. these people whose moral compasses are broken and the lack of talent which means they support trump. looking at the text messages alone and the roadmap of those
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text messages, is how many times these individuals like sidney powell, were invited to places like the conservative partnership institute like mike lee. we have talked to senators and congressmen on the way forward. that was between november 9th and the 24th. 30 or close to three dozen congressional leaders talking about how to strategize and overturn the election. the number of conspiracy theories and frankly all the talk that came over was so insane. i talk about bourbon texts because i had to have a drink after reading them. you have these congressional representatives that were pushing this are going to encrypted chats. saying, we have to discuss this on signal? why are you an elected representative and having to go to encrypted chats talking about overturning an election. to know what their one hope is? that donald trump gets reelected. that is there one hope. i don't know, after three and a half years, are we at that accountability stage?
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we have the 1200 or so charging documents for those that rated the capital. how about the people and the judgment they had? whether they broke the law or not, doesn't mean they want pushing really bad radicalizing stuff for the american public based on a coordinated effort. that is the stuff that makes me angry after all this time and we have not reached into how awful the text messages are and how awful the things were on those text messages. >> go ahead. >> obviously, this is all very important and true. i also want to link it to why. why do we have all these smart -- many of them are very smart, electives that, at one instance are saying, january 6th was horrible and violent and it should have never happened, and then very quickly shifting back to supporting, protecting donald trump. not the republican party per se but donald trump. we have to go back to the fact
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that the supreme court right now is talking about voting rights again. and in it gerrymandered district, we started seeing in 2010, efforts to control statehouses to deny access to the polls and make it harder for people to vote. there is a reason why we have capture that has nothing to do with common sense of what the problems are and how we solve them together. there is a root cause connected to saying, people want to stay in power versus serve the people. and i think we have to call that out right now. because none of this is normal but none of this is about actually solving people's problems. and politics are supposed to be all about that, earning people's vote. we have that deep state conspiracy theory. the heritage foundation has a plan for how to create a deep state that will do the bidding of the president donald trump.
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>> that is what they are up to. thank you for getting us started at this hour. after the break, congressman jamie raskin, the conversation will continue on accountability. that is next on "the weekend." u boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it.
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impeachment congressmen in the trial. >> this situation has carried us for the last few bits of our conversation around accountability. it is something very important. something you emphasized a lot during the impeachment trial. something that you have emphasized as recently as a few weeks ago and all the noise around the judges. how do you assess the accountability for donald trump versus the rest of us? >> let's start with the rest of us. i know there are so many people in the country that are just enraged about trump's houdini -like ability to get out of all these scrapes. when you actually bear down on it, there is a lot of accountability that is in place, like with the lawyers. like with eastman. like with chaz borough.
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these people have fundamentally endangered their careers. even with trump, he is an adjudicated rapist and adjudicated defamer of women in new york city. he also has his half-billion dollar price tag outstanding in debt that he owes for having engaged in banking fraud and insurance fraud. the problem is that he has been doing this over the years and people have seen it and the justice system moves slowly because we believe in due process and people have an opportunity to be heard. accountability is coming every single day and the bottom is falling out on donald trump. he is going down in court. whether it happens before the election or after, to me, it does not make much of a difference. because the public can see what he actually did. >> go ahead, alicia. >> i was going to say that while there is this quest for accountability from donald
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trump, you have this entire slideshow going on with house republicans. finally it seems representative james comer is admitting that he has no evidence in his impeachment inquiry into president biden although he has invited president biden to testify in impeachment program. i'm not sure how both things can be true at the same time. your sense, is this finally heading toward the ultimate dead end? >> yes. it will end not with a bang but a whimper. they are calling for joe biden to testify. i would recommend that he rsvp no to that. there have been 20 witnesses that come in. each one is supposed to be the star witness in the breakthrough witness and they turn out to be a chinese spy or russian spy or a guy in prison testifying from behind bars because he has defrauded indian tribes out of tens of millions of dollars. none of them have laid a glove on joe biden because he hasn't done anything wrong. that has been the overwhelming
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weight of the evidence. i think this is the most colossal and spectacular failure in the history of congressional investigations and it is an absolute embarrassment to the gop. it is one of the reasons all of these republicans are heading for the exit including most recently, ken bulk and represented gallagher. they say they are down to a one- vote margin. it is quite possible that if we get one republican to change his or her baseball cap, that we could end up in the majority before this wreckage of the congress is over. >> what you just described is such an unlikely crazy scenario. but it is true. literally. there is one same republican and the house of representatives. perhaps we can see speaker jeffrey sooner rather than later. congressman, you made the point that does whether donald trump goes to trial and is convicted before or after, it doesn't
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matter because the people will be able to see it. there is a real chance that donald trump could win reelection. i think the biden campaign has more money and a better message and a better candidate and a better record. they have done real, tangible things for the american people from internet access to expanding childcare and infrastructure. donald trump has promised for four years. joe biden brought infrastructure week. even still, there are people out there supporting donald trump. what happens if, in fact, he will win and you have things like james comer saying, now they moved from, we want to hear biden testify and either way, we will recommend criminal liability to the justice department in hopes that trump will win and take it up. diabolical. >> a criminal referral requires a crime. if they found a crime, they would be impeaching him for it.
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they did not find a crime. the only crimes identified were their own witnesses across the country. one of the guys is a chinese intelligence asset on the run from american justice. the whole thing started with this guy who just repeated lies repeated by rudy giuliani and we have his right hand man coming in to say that they did everything they could all over europe and all over the world to find dirt on joe biden and they couldn't find it because there is nothing there. and giuliani's walter ito -- alter ego said it is time to call off the wild goose chase. >> i want to step up the level of accountability in this narrative. in the last few days, you had the trump campaign and trump himself putting out a violent image of president biden and
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abc reported trump shared the video image depicting biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. the biden campaign responded to this violent truth social post noting the image from donald trump is the type of stuff you post when you are calling for a blood bath or you told the proud boys to standby. trump is regularly exciting political violence and it is time people take him seriously. just ask capitol police officers that were attacked protecting our democracy on january 6th. that is in in-your-face response which i thoroughly appreciate. but a more serious tip is, you have a former president posting a picture of a current president in a violent situation in which, given some of his supporters, may actually go try to actualize that. two parts.
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one, what accountability should donald trump and his campaign be held to one that and two, what, if anything, should secret service be saying to trump as opposed to if i or symone had posted the video? >> the laws against making threats against president candidates also apply to presidential candidates. just because you are running for president doesn't mean you can't be held accountable for violent threats. but the accountability has to be by the american people fundamentally -- fundamentally. we know trump will drag that out. what we have to see is that the characteristics of an authoritarian or fascist political party are right there now. number one, they don't accept the outcome of democratic elections if they don't go their way.
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number two, they embrace political violence or refuse to renounce political violence as an instrument for obtaining political power in maintaining it. and three, they are organized around a cult of personality of a charismatic or allegedly charismatic political figure whose word is elevated above the rule of law and above the constitution. i think that in the first instance, the political accountability must be directed at members of the gop who have not fled for the exits like gallagher and ken buck who are saying, i don't have anything to do with this. i have a career and a family and i don't want to be associated with the political party that is going down in flames like that. >> i have one final question for you, congressman. reporting this week from politico about house democrats pushing for a hearing on jared kushner's business dealings. they make the argument to me that even if trump doesn't win a second term, this is still important if democrats win the majority. >> the cardinal principle that was put into the constitution
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that we have not had to talk about much the last few centuries is that it is not a moneymaking operation for the president. the president does not go into business which is why we have the clause that says a president or any other federal official cannot accept a payment , or office or title of any kind whatsoever from the king, prince of foreign state, without the expressed consent of congress. there is also a domestic clause that says that the president is confined to his salary and office and cannot collect other money from the federal government and other kinds of sources. of course donald trump and his family say, he didn't accept the government salary. i'm sorry. that is all you are allowed to accept. it's not like you can say, i'm not going to take my salary and then get on the payroll for the chinese government or the saudis or the arab and. but that is what he did. we documented $8 million of documented receives that he got from foreign governments which
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just scratched the surface because it was for two years and four businesses out of more than 500 that we were able to get the data on. if god forbid he were to get back in, it would be all bets are off. a complete moneymaking operation and he would loot the entire u.s. government. we have not even gotten to the domestic government side of it. that is what we are talking about. the election is about two fundamentally opposed public philosophies. one says government has to be an instrument for the common good, the public interest of all people to advance the well- being of the people. the other says that the government is a moneymaking operation. it is a for-profit business for the guy who gets in and his family. that is what america has to see here. >> he is literally selling bibles. crazy. >> congressman jamie raskin, you are sticking with us. we want to talk about the baltimore bridge collapsed and the impact it is having on the state you represent.
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we will return to the other top story. the one that donald trump has yet to recognize and that is the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore and the maryland long road to recovery. >> congressman, you recently were out with the coast guard and governor moore and mayor scott to see the wreckage up close. what can you tell us and do you have any updates on what congress is going to do? >> it is staggering to see what happened. people need to understand the magnitude and the dimensions of this nightmare. the ship is as long as the eiffel tower is tall. and it is heavier than the washington monument. we are talking about tons and tons of accident wreckage and debris that need to be extricated in order to safely cut the bridge in different places and remove the ship.
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so we have been acting in a very strong and bipartisan way under the leadership of governor moore in maryland and the entire maryland delegation including our gop colleague andy harris who is determined to move quickly to deal with this. obviously we would like to think that when it comes to a disaster, whether it is an earthquake or hurricane or terrorist event or bridge collapsed, we are one country and partisanship stops there. despite what we are hearing from some people on the maga side, we believe congress will do the right thing and will move to revive this essential node in our national commercial transportation network. we are talking about wood and steel and cars and just the basic ingredients of the american economy that move through the sport. >> literally, we are talking
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about americans and what is good for america. praying for baltimore. praying for maryland. thank you for joining us today. next, president biden's senior advisor and assistant to the president, tom perez, on the larger issues that come with this bridge collapsed from supply chain problems to rebuilding the infrastructure. you are watching "the weekend." s . >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop.
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the federal government will flip the bill for rebuilding the francis scott key bridge. the question is if republican members of congress will be on board and praise spots mobilize fast enough to avoid economic disaster? we have tom perez, senior advisor and assistant to president biden. good morning. >> good morning mr. secretary. we had the good fortune of having governor wes moore on a little bit ago. here is what he had to say which i thought was a very important message to the congress into the country. >> the reason we need bipartisan support and the reason we need congress to act, don't because you are doing maryland a favor, we don't need your favors but we need the american economy to continue to grow and thrive and step up and take leadership in this moment. >> that is such an important piece here. i don't think people fully appreciate how deeply rooted
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this port is in the supply chain network of this country. everybody things, you have the eastern seaboard. their places across the country in the south and the midwest. talk to us about the supply chain impact right now and what the administration is looking to do to help maryland and baltimore recover. and to keep the supply chain process going. >> as the governor and you correctly point out, and obviously we know this firsthand. the port of baltimore is an asset for the country, period. there are more cars both imported and exported that come out of the port of baltimore than any other port in america. agricultural impact. other critical necessities that the entire country needs. not just the state of maryland. we have a supply chain disruption task force. we learned about supply chain
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over the last four years. we are working with other ports in the region. the reality is that we need to complete the salvage operation and this is just a herculean undertaking. we have nine barges and seven cranes that will be there. some are already there. and we will continue to work with neighboring ports that can temporarily -- and baltimore will be back. the port of baltimore will be back. the president has said this. we will move heaven and earth to make sure we rebuild the bridge and clear out the debris as soon as possible so that we can minimize the disruptions. >> mr. secretary, and i know you are all saying, why are you calling him mr. secretary?
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on friday, president biden told reporters that he plans to go to baltimore this coming week. do you have any updates on when the president is going? and we just had the congressman on saying he went out with the coast guard and the mayor and the governor to see the wreckage up close. is the president going to do that? >> he indicated he will be involved more -- and we are working out the final details. from the moment we learned of this tuesday morning, the president said, we will move heaven and earth to make sure that we help the residents of baltimore and help the family members. let's not lose sight of the humanity at the moment. and you haven't. and i appreciate that. six families lost their anchor. it is profoundly sad. four of the bodies have still not been recovered. mother nature was not cooperative to us this week.
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the weather made it very difficult for first responders. the president said we need to move heaven and earth. within hours of requests from wes moore, who has done a great job by the way, the the department of transportation gave a $60 million down payment. the small business administration approved an emergency declaration. the department of labor is working 24/7 to make sure we are helping displaced workers. not only dockworkers but the truck drivers. they are independent contractors. we need to make sure we are working with them because we need to use a different tool in the labor toolbox to help them. and again, i want to come back to the humanity at the moment. the president is no stranger, as you know, symone, to personal tragedy. when i first met with him,
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hours after the tragedy, that was the first thing on his mind. how do we help the families? these folks are working at 1:00 in the morning. hard-working immigrants. by the way, 25% of construction workers are immigrants. mostly latino immigrants. this is the second incident we have had in maryland in the span of a year where construction workers were killed in the line of duty. the most fundamental right you have is for workers to come home safe and sound. the president looks forward to assessing the situation with his own two eyes and talking to the first responders and talking to the people leading the salvage operation and making sure we never forget the families. >> it just occurred to me, secretary, how this is a strange venn diagram of your life and experience, a labor
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issue intersecting with this immigration issue. the six men in the collapse. there from mexico, honduras, el salvador. i know you met with some of the families. what did you hear from them and what did they tell you? >> it was profoundly sad. i appreciate your question. the foreman of the group was the father of four from mexico. the first people were asking for the word for family in spanish. those are the first things they wanted. they want their loved one back. a number of them have relatives overseas. they would love to come back. they relatives and they want them to come in. this is easter sunday as you know for our communities. not just latino communities but so many communities. such a day of excitement.
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but they are bearing a heavy cross today. i quite frankly did not sleep well that night and i still don't sleep well. this is where michael and i, both as marylanders, the venn diagram does run deep. but we don't sit here is republicans or democrats. we sit here as united states residents who care deeply about everyone and one of the silver linings, if there is one, is the generosity of people who stepped up. baltimore strong. maryland mighty. and across the country. these families took a gut punch and we must never forget the humanity. that is what i love about joe biden. joe biden, whether it is a natural disaster or whether those you know, we have
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encountered so many incidents of gun violence or maybe it is this incredible tragedy, he never loses sight of the humanity at the moment. we will rebuild. we will get congress to help us. the $60 million was a down payment. when minnesota's bridge went down, the house voted 421-0, to appropriate funds. i don't know if we will get there but we will get a strong bipartisan majority and we will never forget the families. that was a number one take away from the time i spent there. we cannot forget them. they are the heart and soul of america. >> we have about one minute left. i want to round out this conversation. we talked about supply chains and we talked about what the administration is going to do and all of that. what is the time horizon here? this is always about expectations. people expect this to just turn around, whether it is the appropriation dollars or the rebuilding of the
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infrastructure. what is a realistic time horizon? >> the largest heavy crane vessel in the eastern seaboard is already there. as i said, we will have many more in the coming days. we have to remove the wreckage. remember, as the congressman correctly described a few minutes ago, this is a very heavy vessel. and so, it is not going to be overnight. and because the wreckage is amid the vessel, it makes the job that much harder. we are working 24/7 to make sure we get this done. we recognize, the president recognizes that we need to move heaven and earth. and there is such a unified command here. the federal, state and local authorities, and i want to make sure that we give a shout out to the mayor of baltimore, brandon scott and the executive of baltimore county. these folks, the american
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people should see that in a tragedy like this, we are in lockstep. thank you governor moore and thank you to the mayor and to the county executive and to the federal, state and local responders. we will get this done. i cannot give you a specific time because it is a process. >> it will be as soon as humanly possible. >> we appreciate it. tom perez, thank you. we will be right back! [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine.
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one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing.
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marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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