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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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(man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon.
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get ready, because there are several key deadlines coming up fast in donald trump's legal life. >> jury selection starts april 15th. this thing is happening. trump tried to appeal. there are no appeals.
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>> lisa rubin unpacks all of them including the one request from a florida judge that has legal experts asking why. hearing from the last driver to make it across the baltimore bridge before the collapse. plus on this easter, trumping the gop kicking up dust over a culture war crisis that was not. very good day to all of you. happy easter to all of you here celebrating today. we begin with decision 2024. a new video released in the last couple of hours from the biden-harris campaign showing former president obama making the case for joe biden at the record-breaking fundraiser here in new york city. >> who was it that really sees you and cares about you?
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i can -- i'm pretty confident the other guy doesn't. this guy does. that's why we are going to have to fight so hard to read >> meanwhile, donald trump hopes to address biden next saturday. ed has big mar-a-lago fundraiser. before that, he is staring down deadlines in civil and criminal cases and one fellow republican weighing in on a key trump decision facing the supreme court. >> do you think the president deserves total immunity, congressman? >> no. all americans have to live by the law and we are all accountable for our behavior. especially after you leave the presidency. everybody, any individual can be held accountable through the legal system. >> also new this hour, reaction from capitol hill left mike johnson attacks president biden for observing transgender visibility day today which happens on march 31st and also
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happens to be easter sunday. senator raphael warnock. >> apparently the beaker finds trans people a point. march 31st has been a day to lift up transgender people who endure violence and bigotry. this is just one more instance of folks who do not know how to lead us trying to divide us. this is the opposite of the christian thing. >> all these new developments for us and getting new word from the administration on efforts to clear away the collapsed baltimore bridge. let's start in washington. gary, welcome. what are we hearing from the white house about plans to assist baltimore after the catastrophic bridge collapse? >> the administration is fully aware of the importance of getting the bridge open as quickly as possible. it very much a whole government
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approach here with dozens of agencies involved. you've seen already $60 million going into the bridge collapse. this is a drop in the bucket to what it will end up costing. we are talking upwards of $1 billion over the next several years the be needed to get everything back to normal in baltimore. there is economic impact. secretary pete j. >> dealing with the supply chain implications in the meantime and getting the bridge open as soon as possible in dealing with the traffic implications in the meantime. these four lines of effort will support the u.s. department of transportation and the entire federal administration. >> the white house sent out a statement that they're marking march 31st as transgender visibility day. that's today, march 31st.
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it has been celebrated for 14 years now. some of the online conservative circles in right-wing media are saying they've decided some sort of conspiracy to tarnish their real meaning of easter sunday which is also today. that's simply not the case. the white house has put out a statement to that effect sitting in part it is unsurprising that politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful and dishonest rhetoric and president biden will never abuse his pace -- faith for political purposes or profit. >> even on a sunday, the easter holiday. thank you so much. let's go to julia jester in baltimore for us with some breaking news from right there on some of the progress with the bridge. welcome to you. what is the latest? what are you hearing or seeing? >> you can see just behind me the scene of the bridge collapse. today, we see more action from these cranes and boats than we
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have in quite some time. so the governor had his daily briefing this morning and learned that a 200 ton section of the bridge has successfully been lifted and removed. that's rate news. they were hoping it would happen yesterday. they just got confirmation that that did get completed. they are looking at how to open a draft auxiliary channel so that more ships and barges can come through to assist in this effort. they're also looking at the dolly vessel, making assessments on how to lifted up out of the sea floor. we are hearing from officials that this is going to take quite some time, but this is good news in the process as we are seeing the coast guard and the delicate task of having to cut pieces of the bridges in order to left them and remove them, alex. >> there is something incredible. as you know, nbc news spoke
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with one of the last drivers to cross the bridge before the collapse. what did he say about the experience? >> reporter: alex, my colleague aaron gilchrist had with the interview with larry desantis, the head bigger at herman's bakery. a local staple here. take a listen to the moments when he realized that he may well have been the last driver to ever drive across the original key bridge. >> i really wasn't paying attention to much of anything going on other than watching the road. and i got off and then i got a phone call from somebody saying you know, where you at? i said i just went over the bridge. they said well, the bridge collapsed. probably around 3:00, one girl came in and said i was so glad i saw your truck here because the bridge collapsed and i do come over around that time. i started looking on my phone and i saw it. if i had been one minute later, i probably would not be here.
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>> it's a miracle that this man survived. it speaks to the quick work of officials that there were not other cars stuck on the bridge, that he was able to cross the bridge and no one else behind him was stuck on the bridges of collapse. of course, that's no consolation for the six construction workers who were unfortunately lost in the collapse, but it could have been much worse and larry's tail really underscores that. >> i got chills listening to him thinking of what might have happened. and first responders had 92nd to close that bridge to traffic. they did it. and they were trying to get to those construction workers that were at the mid point of the bridge. tragically, as you pointed out, six of them were not able to make it. thank you so much for that story. we will check in with you again. breaking news overseas with israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu undergoing surprise surgery today. this as thousands of israelis take to the streets today, protesting his handling of the war in gaza and calling for the release of the remaining hostages there. meghan fitzgerald is in london with the latest for us. what can you tell us about his condition if he is in surgery yet and the very latest on the war in gaza? >> what we know is that yesterday, netanyahu went in for a routine checkup when this hernia was discovered. it was then decided that after he was scheduled it today, he would go into surgery for the hernia and be put under anesthesia at which point the deputy prime minister will step in. we heard moments ago from prime minister netanyahu, who was speaking about the war in gaza. he praised his forces for the fighting that they've done that's been ongoing at the hospital in the north. he talks about the rafah ground
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offensive that will continue. something that's very controversial. he says the plan is approved and that they will be going ahead with that and meanwhile, we know there was an airstrike conducted by the israeli air force that they say was this precision strike intended to minimize harm of uninvolved civilians in the area. they said they went after a command center operated by the palestinian islamic jihad. they say that in fact there's a number of people who were wounded and killed that journalist intends people taking shelter inside the hospital with this strike took place killed and wounded. all of this on to the controversial backdrop of the cease-fire where there is international condemnation for what is happening inside gaza. of course, we are hearing them in the morning shows and i will play for you the soundbite from senator chris van hollen
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earlier this morning on abc. >> we have this situation where the netanyahu government continues to rebuff the president of the united states time and time again. ignores reasonable requests and what do we do next we say we are going to send more bombs. my view is that a partnership needs to be a two-way street. not a one-way blank check with american taxpayers dollars. this is not about saying that we will not provide any more weapons. it's about saying hey, we have requests. don't let people starve to death. >> that of course leads us into this catastrophic humanitarian crisis that people on the ground there, humanitarian organizations are saying that gaza is on the brink of famine. we know the united states along with several of its allies have conduct did dozens of these eardrops with food for people in gaza in desperate need. just yesterday a ship from a
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chef sailed to gaza. the second shipment on board there. but these organizations say well this is a positive sign, more needs to be done. >> there is a lot that needs to be done for sure. meghan fitzgerald, thank you for that. the warning from a judge to donald trump's lawyers and the hush money trial. we are back in 60 seconds. seco. anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. [music playing] speaker: it all starts here, by uniting the world in passion, commitment, and care. we turn the impossible into possible. celebrate every triumph. the last day of chemo, one child's life being saved. at st. jude children's research hospital, because of you the impossible becomes possible for kids
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everywhere. st. jude. possible starts with you. become a monthly donor today. two big deadlines this week and the trials of donald trump. tuesday is the deadline for jack smith and trump's lawyers and the classified documents case to submit what experts described as bunkers jury instructions requested by judge cannon. thursday is the deadline for come to post a reduced $175 million bond in his appeal of the new york civil fraud judgment. deadlines come as trump dust
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really sees any possible avenue of delay in the hush money trial, set to begin on april 15th. the enemy now, lisa rubin. msnbc legal correspondent and a good friend to us. things for joining us. let's go through the hush money trial. trump is seeking a delay based on pretrial publicity. let's let that sink in for a moment. he is citing statements made by michael cohen and stormy daniels. he is the one blasting out attacks and drawing attention to the case. the question is will the judge agreed to a delay? >> i doubt that the judge will agree to a delay on the basis of pretrial publicity for the reasons that you just noted which is although michael cohen certainly has not been silent about this case, nor has stormy daniels, who participated in a documentary that was aired on peacock. i don't want to call it our sister network at an affiliated network recently. donald trump is on his truth social account every day multiple times per day talking
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about this and the other cases facing him and in particular has gone after this judge and even one of his relatives with a -- and aggressiveness that i think belies what we ask backed of litigants. this is not like me to succeed. >> the judge i'm not a requirement that the party sick remission before filing any new pretrial motions. jonathan alter told me yesterday there were no appeals in this thing is happening on april 15th. what are you, lisa, hearing about any further attempts to derail the trial? >> i think, alex, when you look at his post over the last few days, his suddenly talking about marchand again. and in other places, allies are talking about a recusal of the judge. they made a recusal motion last year, denied by the judge. on the same basis that we are hearing from talk about right now. that his adult daughter runs a digital strategy firm that offers consulting services not
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only to the biden-harris campaign but several other democrats. on the basis of that interest what they characterize as an interest and an out come, they say marchand should recuse himself. the reason the aunt appeal his decision denying the motion from last year is because it not eligible for what they call mid case review. so look for the next few days to see whether they seek pre- motion permission essentially to file another recusal motion. again, i do not think this is likely to succeed. it's another one of those hail mary efforts that we have to try to delay this trial. >> was selected tuesday because that's the deadline for jack smith to deliver those jury instructions that judge cannon will rested. here is what our colleague joyce vance says could be a problem for jack smith. let's watch. >> this is a judge who refused to rule on trump's motion to dismiss the case because of the
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presidential records act but has now given us reason to believe that she is, in fact, accepting that defense and we have to be concerned that if this case does go to trial, judge eileen cannon will take it away from the jury and dismissed charges against donald trump. if she decides to dismiss the case before the jury renders a verdict, the case is over. >> many experts believe smith should try to get cannon off the case. what are his options? >> i think recusing judge cannon requires more than just believing that she is in the tank for donald trump. to joyce's point. i think the jury instructions that were asked to deliver this week are odd and suggest that she could dismiss the case posttrial which would prevent the government from trying the case again. on the other hand, i do not think that eric is a motion at this is likely to succeed if the government were to make one at all. it would likely be on the basis of a decision that we've not
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seen yet. the government asking judge cannon to reconsider an earlier order that she provided, asking them to unseal the names of most of two dozen witnesses in the case and reveal in some cases the contents and substance of their testimony. they have a motion for reconsideration of the order currently pending. if judge cannon does not reconsider and hold her ground, you could see an immediate appeal to the 11th circuit and eric west to reassign the case. >> last question for you, trump faces a new deadline after the 11th hour and $454 million of an asset to appeal the fraud judgment. what are you going to be looking out for? and i think you are going to question the calendar, as well, right? people saying thursday but you are hunting or dates a little differently. >> it's funny because the way that the order is phrased it says within 10 days of the decision. that's the decision that they
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rendered last monday, march 25th. in 10 days. whether it's wednesday or thursday, i think it does not matter. we should ask backed donald trump to let the appellate division know how he intends to post security well in advance of wednesday or thursday. that is possibly because he might not just be providing one single undertaking but a group of undertakings. he wants to make sure that those are going to pass muster and essentially stay in forcing the judgment pending his posting his bond. i think everything is on the up and up. i think we can learn more about how he will post the bond tomorrow or tuesday. not wednesday or thursday. i will be looking for that soon. >> we will be counting on it and you are the best. thank you, my friend. have a good one, lisa. you knew it was only a matter of time and conspiracies over the baltimore bridge collapse.
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the impact of the francis scott key bridge collapse. joining me now, democratic congressman from -- --
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is sending more weapons to israel. congress' approval years ago. given the dire humanitarian situation, where do you stand on this? >> i think the timing of the announcement of new military resupply to israel is really bad. we are facing a humanitarian
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crisis in gaza. from my point of view, this is what me -- was -- must be addressed immediately. we still have over 100 hostages being held by hamas. that must be addressed immediately. we are still in negotiations for a cease-fire. that to be concluded. i think the timing is really bad and we have to continue to support israel as an ally. but not without any interest pending between us and the israeli government with respect to rafah and opening borders to allow the free flow of humanitarian aid in the midst of what is universally recognized now as a potential human catastrophe. >> let me pick up on the word understanding. in that fundraiser thursday at radio city music hall, president obama came to president biden's defense over his handling of the israel- hamas situation. you can read it right here. is there a way to explain how impossible a situation it is for a president to manage both the diplomatic and political
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perspective? >> well, the relationship between the united states and the netanyahu era in israel has been trump. president biden is not the first resident to have issues with netanyahu. bill clinton certainly did. president obama certainly did. the george h.w. bush administration had problems with the government of israel at times.
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in coordination and in trying to make sure the american perspective was respect did and heard. we don't dictate to allies, but we have a right, especially in our relationship of supply. that's to say israel certainly relies on the united states for a lot of it on security. we have a right to express our concerns and to insist on them. and i would hope that the biden administration is doing that vigorously. >> on ukraine aid, a number of democrats say they would help congressman mike johnson remained speaker if he brought a ukraine funding bill up for a vote. where do you stand on that? >> i'm not one of those democrats. i believe to make that is to turn a blind eye to the history. mike johnson is a christian nationalist reportedly. not only voted to decertify president biden's election after the insurrection, he litigated. he litigated with conservative group of rights. he has opposed lgbtq rights. this is not somebody to rats want
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the president for signing a proclamation friday for transgender day of visibility, which is observed every day on march 31st. it happens to fall today on easter. what can democrats do to counteract the gop constantly stoking these culture wars? >> i think we have to remind people of the better part of their nature as lincoln referred to it. let's take today. this is the day of resurrection and redemption. it's a day for christians to celebrate not only their religion, but their values of inclusion, values of tolerance
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and except's. not values of harsh judgments and exclusions and condemnations. i think there is an opportunity here to reflect on everybody as part of the human family. and everybody deserves acceptance, tolerance. today, march 31st, as the day designated traditionally for trans-visibility day. they didn't deliberately pick easter. it happens to be easter. let's all take a deep breath and remember we are talking about human beings struggle with something profound and they deserve our except and tolerance, not our judgment, not our condemnation. >> i think it is apropos that i follow that up to and amen to that last question and answer. thank you so much. enjoy the holiday. next, new november warning
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signs for donald trump and let talk about this article and talk about why primary results for more than 1000 counties might be making his campaign staff uneasy. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here.
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donald trump returns to the campaign trail this week holding rallies and two states that may decide this year's election. michigan and was constant and this comes as the former president prepares to post a $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud trial and
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prepares to stand trial in his hush money trial two weeks from now. welcome, jillian. what developments should we and you be watching out for this week on the trump legal front deck >> that's right and armor president trump set to post bond in his civil fraud case early this week to the tune of $175 million. the former president has been railing against not only that
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at all of his legal cases, recently calling them a witchhunt and saying that they are examples of election interference. i want you to hear from the former president on fox last night. take a listen. >> it's a shame that it again, third world countries. therefore up and i said the and of justice. the weapon as if the eye, rated my house. they found nothing. look how well i'm doing. the people understand, look what's going on. i have fanny. well, fanny. >> former president trump is now just a few weeks away from the start of jury selection in his hush money case, set to kick off april 15th here in manhattan. this is all laying out as we continue to see the elysian of trump campaigning with his legal calendar. >> 100%. is also going to be campaigning in michigan and wisconsin. what will his message be to voters and those states? >> is visiting to midwestern battleground states. michigan and wisconsin. in grand rapids, michigan, his remarks will focus primarily on border security. he's coming after a 25-year-old woman who was recently held there by allegedly an undocumented immigrant. following this remarks he is heading to green bay, was constant for a rally tuesday night. wednesday, he will be back at mar-a-lago for a
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thanks for joining me on this holiday. i appreciate you taking the time. a new report sheds light on the challenges donald trump mice case motivating members of his own party. politico is reporting voters. didn't want trump and right- leaning counties. while largely voting for him in 2016 and 2020, have remained resistant to his takeover of the republican. her concern and should this be to the trump team? >> user voters that in turn distract and publicans got lucky last time. if you look at the most recent district, george santos'
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district, district 3, the republican candidate asked trump not to come. wouldn't say if she even voted for trump. trump is toxic in those areas. especially with her this morning congressman mike lawlor on another network who represents west chester area that he won't even say he is endorsing trump yet. all the republicans them are. statistically, many of them will go home. this is a group of voters that may have ideological reservations. either on reproductive freedom or the question of abortion.
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this and they want to see more moderate policies on immigration. the support order security but they also want to see the human side addressed and pathways to citizenship or permanent residency. also indicates among this group for second-degree analysis. this is not a reflexive group. should they would have been with. the second analysis really gets trump in trouble because there is a better understanding of the threat that he is to the country, the threat roedema rissi. we decided the election and sevens dance will be the setting among 6% of the voters to decide which way to swing. this demographic could absolutely have the presidency back to joe biden or back to donald trump. >> republicans are slamming president biden for declaring today transgender day
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visibility. every year in march 31st. this year it happens to fall on easter. take a listen to what congressman marsha blackburn had to say this morning. >> i think everyone should be insulted by this. they are insulting every christian who holds this day is a sacred day. >> susan, why do republicans constantly latch onto culture wars? >> because that's all that got left, alex. it's the culture war fight and that's what we've seen in state after state, issue after issue. and they think it's working. it's not. those suburban voters we were just talking about, they're not returning to their publican party. just turning back to those nikki haley voters, they are devoted to joe biden in 2020. those were the five assumptive republicans that voted for joe biden over donald trump and the question is in joe biden keep them and get them to come out to vote? >> okay. i appreciate that there.
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even donald trump's campaign is winging, calling president biden's remarks the administration's years long assault on the faith this talk like this going to help trump get any votes? >> i would remind mr. like friend from tennessee that the god she celebrates today with love the transgender and the out of their bravery and support the current efforts. i think if this is a shameful
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moment. it's right to be questioned on moral grounds. let's move to political grounds which is the question. is there any benefit? no. this is a stupid site to pick. why would you want the face of your party to be someone actively trying to deny equity and polity to follow america? go back to these haley voters we've been taught about this is the type of moment that they say why would i want to affiliate with senator black and or donald trump? >> another former trump white house staffer has come out against their former boss. let's listen to what former defense secretary mark asper said on friday. >> i think there is a lot to be concerned about. i believe there is a threat to democracy and we should be very mindful of that. >> so you will vote for biden? >> well -- i'm not there yet. i'm definitely not voting for trump. >> that was funny. how impactful, david, could his words be when it comes to the general election? and don't worry, your next on this, susan. >> it is impactful because it's permission to withhold your vote. i've made clear folks like asper, liz cheney, kissinger, others need to go one step further and say will vote for joe biden. to these folks and others, i would say it's not going to determine if you spend the afterlife and have it or not the weather your kids getting
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to school, but president biden might just save the democracy that you care so much about what a president who wakes up every day trying to do right by all america, not looking out for himself. give the old guy a shot. >> susan, what will it get her former trump allies speaking out against him to actually say they endorsed joe biden? >> i will be time, alex. the probably didn't want to go out there this early and get harassed for so many months. you could see secretary asper, maybe in a sober, which is just fine. sorry, i went back there. trump voters who are reconsidering, they don't want to be told to vote for biden. they know that can't support trump, but they're not quite there yet and i understand the secretary's comments. >> okay. so glad you guys joined me. thank you so much. i appreciate you on this holiday coming to see us. >> coming up the reverend al
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sharpton to talk about donald trump selling bibles and you heard that right and plus, his easter message to an angry and divided country. in the meantime, the sun might be shining where you are. out west, it's quite a different story where drivers are being stuck in snow with april ritter on the honor. hono. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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today's other top stories. despite the calendar saying it is spring, blizzard like conditions have turned roads into massive snow trap in the san bernardino mountains. many cars getting stuck, spinning out or crashing off the road. the rain, snow, and strong wind again today. dramatic video of bystanders rushing to help trapped inside the car following the crash in daytona beach, florida. those good samaritans also helped turn the car back on four wheels and remarkably, no one was serious he heard. busy weekend for both royals and pope's. controls the third and queen camilla attended any stress service in his first major public outing since his cancer diagnosis last month. and pope friend us -- francis conducting easter mass among his own health concerns. some of these might be on your radar. some might not the results can impact every american. the key senate races to watch knack. knack.
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york times looking at 10 senate races to watch. 23 democratically held seats up for grabs including three states that voted for donald trump in 2020 and more in state president biden won by less than three points or even less than that. by comparison, republicans are not defending and seats in a single state that voted against trump. jonathan, glad to talk to you about this. some of these are really exciting. let's go first to arizona and kerry lake. she is a prominent election denier. still considered a close race against congressman ruben gallego. >> an actual open seat held by kyrsten sinema. she was in trouble. she turned to an independent, renounced her democratic citizenship and
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party in a state that's one of the pure battlegrounds for the presidency. so it's really as the presidential race goes, maybe as close as the arizona race. kerry lake has lost already. the governorship in 2022. together the coalition that katie half the current governor put together in two years. >> as you put it there in this one, sharon brown has embarked on the race of his life in ohio, which will almost certainly go for trump and what
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does he need to do to win? >> sharon brown is one of the two democratic senators. one of two republican states at this point. to win, they need the voters that came out last year to approve a resolution making abortion unique ident tea. he is really an uncontested champion of union voters, working-class voters, he just needs to bring them out and his
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big, big challenge here is that he is going to have to run many points ahead of president biden. certainly not going to win ohio. obviously going to be brown- trump voters. he just needs a lot of them. >> john certainly has a lot on his hands in montana which trump won by six 10 percentage points in 2020. >> again, a guy with a really good personality for the state, got his lab, and he has shown before in 2012 for instance the he cannot run the demo residential nomination. but he's going to have to really exceed expectations. he will probably need as a percentage more of trump's tester voters than even brow


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