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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. stomach on this new hour of aymin, rnc is in a cash crunch unable to spend money on political operations. can you guess why? for democracies steak we speak
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to one of the journalist who is exposing companies that have donated millions to election denying members of congress. and the white house says and islam of a big smear campaign is underway against the first muslim american nominee to the federal appeals court the nomination in peril thanks to republicans and democrats. let's do it. in the race for campaign cash, donald trump is the one thing he hates. a loser. the disgraced ex-president is set to hold a big-ticket fundraiser next weekend at his mar-a-lago resort/residence. the event hosted by hedge fund billionaire comes on the heels of a massive haul from trump's 2024 rival joe biden. the president raked in a record $26 million at his new york city fundraiser last week which featured a star-studded lineup of celebrities, not to mention former presidents bill clinton and barack obama, trump is
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pledging to break that record for the meager cost of $250,000 per person. you can attend the event saturday and mar-a-lago. if you have an extra $800,000 you could earn the coveted title of german contributor. in exchange, guests walk away with a personalized copy of our journey together, trump's coffee table book of photos from his administration. financially speaking is a crucial time for the ex- presidents campaign. has far outpaced from when it comes to fundraising and cash on hand, and the grass isn't much greener at the republican national committee. according to newly reporting the fundraising whole is even deeper than it looks on the surface because the committee's recent fundraising is unusable for political spending due to various federal election commission rules and regulations. instead, that money must be designated for other expenses, as trump's luck would have it, much of it is allowed to be
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spent on his mounting legal bills. in the new york times, the republican party to quote wake- up and smell the graft. since it trumps chaos the rnc desperately needs in this moment, rarely has a political party been more desperately in need of a leader who can calm the waters, and charm the money men and women. republicans have fallen in line behind the guy who has your loyalty to the party, who cares only how it can serve him, and who would rather strip it for parts then invest in a nickel in its general well-being. kicking us off this hour, jennifer horn, of the new hampshire republican party, she now hosts the aptly named, is it just me or have we all lost our minds podcast. also with his former republican congressman carlos cabello of florida who is a msnbc political analyst. great to have you with this. i'll start with you, trump team
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claimed the fundraiser has surpassed $33 million. we're going to wait for the disclosures to see if that is true, but how badly does he need this cash injection right now? >> obviously, he needs it vastly, the rnc needs it more. what's outrageous about this whole story, is how much of this money is being funneled to a packet whose sole purpose is that's never been done before, or a dnc, and what people should understand about that, the money doesn't go at the end after all the candidates, have been financed, it's going at the beginning. the first $6600 at these group fundraisers like this one will go to his campaign account.
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the next chunk of money goes directly to his pac that funds his personal legal fees. that's before the rnc gets a dollar, that's before any state committee gets a dollar, before any candidate gets a dollar, it's going to go to his legal fees, and it's legal, but it's incredibly unethical, and we've never seen it before. >> on a personal level, how do you think these types of headlines week after week showing biden outpacing truck on fundraising, and have an impact on the way the race plays out? >> it certainly demoralizing and destabilizing trump in 2016 was fortunate, that is very rare in politics, the financial
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strength of the campaign is the greatest indicator of how successful it is. trump and his team understand that this is a major disadvantage and some of the big donors on the republican side are still hesitating to support him because they know was made earlier that a lot of these funds are going to pay for his legal fees. the trump committees really has become a legal defense fund for donald trump, and generally speaking, his political operation is basically a division of the trump family business, so this has made a lot of traditional republican donors apprehensive, because of the way this is structured. off the top of large dollar donations to the rnc. that is is he in the party can
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match their fundraising numbers from four years ago. what you make of that? how bizarre is that? >> i don't know how to measure bizarre but this would be the maximum of whatever bizarre is. but, i think we should not assume that he won't be able to make those dollars. or want to be able to make the amount he's made in the past. even though he's way behind in the dash for cash right now in this cycle, those large dollar donors, a lot of them if not all of them will eventually come around. because just like the members of the party want to be on the side of the nominee so that they can have their influence within the party, these big donors who write these types of check, they want access to the oval office, and the one thing everybody knows about donald trump is that money opens the door for him. we shouldn't assume that he won't be able to eventually get really close to hitting his
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mark. >> carlos if you were a down ballot republican how bad are things looking financially for the moment? they may not seem interconnected, but at the same in the same vein they are interconnected, you want to have a strong rnc at the top of the ticket so you can ride the coattails. >> there's a lot of concern in the republican party, because unlike past republican presidents, unlike republican congressional leaders like mitch mcconnell, paul ryan, kevin mccarthy, donald trump really doesn't care much about the republican party as an institution. donald trump cares about himself, about advancing his own political and personal interests. the party always come second, third, or fourth, and that investment in helping down ballot republicans, is it really a focus for donald trump? his focus is how could he get enough money for his campaign and his legal defense, a lot of these republicans feel like they're going to be left behind
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like they are not going to have the opportunity to rely on a big party infrastructure of the way they have in the past. >> jennifer, it seems that i could be wrong but, a lot of the big donors to the rnc are people who probably are not the extreme election deniers, that trump has made the republican party in his image. the newly appointed cochair, lara trump, told nbc that that was in the past, the election denying was in the past, 2020 was in the past, it doesn't seem to be true considering the rnc has not committed a lot of time, money, and personnel to so-called election integrity efforts. >> when they say election integrity, it's important to understand what they mean by that. by that phrase. they've been bringing in a lot of attorneys that were associated with the 2020 efforts on the trump side, into the rnc, only bringing in staff
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who are, people who are at least willing to say, openly, that they think the 2020 election was stolen by joe biden. and the reason for all of that is because they're not actually setting up a campaign operation, as much as they are setting up and election disruption operation. you've got to watch closely what's happening, they are, over the next weeks and months, they're preparing themselves to be able to question and to challenge as many votes as necessary, as many states as necessary, after election day if they lose. that's something with all this talk about fundraising, and a lot of other things that are going on right now, people might not be missing. they've got to look closely, how the rnc is building their operation and who they're bringing in. as far as trump is concerned, she's doing her job, she's
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saying what she has to say. part of her job is to be able to convince and comfort those big dollar donors, so they've got somebody in a position of authority that sounds a little bit closer to what they're hoping the republican party will be. that's not what she believes and donald trump himself makes it clear every time he campaigns that it's not what he believes, either. >> jennifer, carlos, thank you to the both of you for starting us off this hour, greatly appreciate it. next up, the gop islamophobic smear campaign against judicial nominee adeel mangi, khizr khan knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of similar attacks, he joins us live, next. next. 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) this thing? it's what's going on inside of me. it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. it wasn't always this calm uc went everywhere i did.
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president biden nomination of the first muslim american to the federal appeals court is in peril. wednesday, senator jacky rosen of nevada became the third democrat to publicly oppose adeel mangi's nomination to the third circuit court of appeals. democrats only pulled a three seat majority in the senate meaning they'll have to depend on republicans to confirm mangi, but of course that's easier said than done. his confirmation hearing in december senate republican showed little attention to the harvard and oxford education did qualifications a better litigator, unanimously rated well-qualified by the american bar association, they chose to smear him as an anti-semite despite him having the backing of several jewish groups, including the anti-defamation
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league. >> do you believe that zionist settler colonialism was a provocation that justified hamas atrocity against in israel? >> my question is simple, do you condemn this event that was celebrating palestinian islamic jihad? yes or no? >> after that disgusting display, mangi received a swell of public support including from khizr khan, khan is a gold star father who rose to prominence after giving a speech of the 2016 democratic national convention, he knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of islamophobic smear campaigns, because that speech made him a top target of then candidate donald trump. khizr khan, lawyer and president of democracy and constitution institute joins me now. mr. khan, thank you for joining us. i'm curious to get your thoughts on why you decided to speak out publicly in support of adeel mangi. did the vitriol republicans spew at that hearing resonate with you or feel familiar to
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you? >> aymin, thank you, happy easter to you and your audience. some of us still continue to believe in american fairness, and it is that concerned that some members of our senate are not displaying that fairness toward this candidate. and it becomes necessary for all of us who believe in american fairness that we must speak when the need arises. under that sentiment, i spoke. >> and i want to be clear, here, is not just the republicans that are blocking mr. mangi's nomination, his future on the benches in jeopardy due to the refusal of three democrats to support him. two of those senators are doing so over debunked claims that
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mangi is somehow anti-police. what do you make of the position, and the role these democrats are playing, here? >> i hope they will reconsider after watching your program. that is that our senate, our congress, especially our senate, is custodian of america's democracy. american constitution. our founding values of fairness, equal dignity, and what they are displaying, it has a chilling effect, at several levels, that i'll explain further, that these senators about, democrats and republicans, will reconsider what impact they're having on
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america's fairness, america's judicial system. it is creating an environment that somehow if you see and read the hearing of his confirmation, in senate, you get an impression, as if doing pro bono work is something that a lawyer should reconsider. and i'll explain further that pro bono work is really something that all lawyers take pride in doing, and establish law firms, revolve their members to do this pro bono work, so all of this criticism from both republicans and democrats is on his pro bono record. >> do you believe, mr. khan, do
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you believe that the white house who nominated mr. mangi, are they coming to his defense enough? are they trying to exert enough pressure on these three democrats who have not yet supported mr. mangi's nomination to the appellate court? >> no, i have all faith in white house sincerity that when a purpose and is nominated by the president, they wholeheartedly and fully support the candidate, and especially a so well qualified candidate as mr. mangi is. academically, they could not find any flaw in him, experience wise, his, philosophy wise, that's why they have resorted to his pro bono work. as i mentioned, the profession
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of law, the legal profession, is administered by, and is managed by the state bars. a state part requires their members to spend a certain amount of time on pro bono work, and lawyers take pride it's considered the most honorable thing that lawyers do, and for our senators to object to his pro bono work, i can further explain his law firm, takes pride in being a prominent pro bono firm, and the only objection they are having about mr. mangi is that there law school center for security rates and rights, he was on advisory board where he attended once a year meeting for four years, and without any
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administrative responsibilities, or any other involvement. the second was his representation of a mentally ill man who was killed by prison guards, and because of the representation, such a powerful representation by mr. mangi, the state of new york agreed to a record settlement for the family, and more importantly, in that representation, he was able to make new york, make changes in the prison protocol. meaning that he was able to insist, and receive that demand that prison facility will have cameras in all of its facility, so that not only prisoners, but guards and officials are also protected. some time, we get, these are
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the two objections. >> i appreciate, i appreciate you clarifying the record on these two important issues, i wanted to ask you, broadly speaking, we're almost out of time, we have about 30 seconds, you've spoken about your grandson who wants to be able to lawyer as well, how do you think he and other young muslims hoping to get into the legal field may feel watching how this nomination process unfolds? >> we firmly believe in american democracy, american constitution, and american rule of law. we will encourage that, watching this hyper bipartisan back and forth in congress, in the senate, should not discourage any of us. we are not, we are encouraged to come forward to stay firm and continue as we do, we
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strongly stand with democracy, with our values of fairness and equal dignity. so, we are concerned, but we are firm in our belief. >> mr. khizr khan, thank you for setting the record straight for us on this program and thank you for making time for us. >> thank you. >> next up, 50 big companies have thrown millions of dollars at election denying members of congress. we're going to talk to the journalist who is exposing them. them. prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects
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deniers since january 6, 2021. we're not talking about small corporations. we're talking about household names, big names, big company names, among them at&t, microsoft, walmart, comcast, the parent company of nbc universal. join me to discuss this is the author of the subject popular information. i want to start by saying, asking you, who exactly these corporations are sending funds to, republican congress men a notable election denier is one official you highlighted in your report, but who is receiving these hunters of thousands of dollars from these top companies. >> what we looked at, is not only the members of congress who voted to overturn the election, up 2021 famously, the
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many officeholders in statewide office, candidates for statewide office, who have adopted these lies as a central part of their campaign, so overall we were looking at 170 officials and candidates, members of congress, and candidates. >> let's zero in on a company for a moment, at&t, who you found it to be the number two donor to election deniers, right behind coke industries. he reported that after dinner he 20 21 they released a statement saying that they suspended contributions to congress members who voted against certifying the election results. that did not last long, tell us about what you found, is there any reason for this about-face or this change in position? >> not that they've articulated. they started donating to committees that supported election deniers literally the next month, after they issued
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that statement. that was accelerated in the latter part of 2021, and by 2022, they were donating directly to the people who voted to overturn the election, and the statewide officials, who've adapted the same positions, what we found is that they've donated over $1.2 million to 120 election deniers, they didn't respond to us for this story, but in response to previous stories that we've written, they've said that they didn't donate to these election deniers for almost a year, and one of the important things to realize is this is a two year election cycle. if you wait a year you haven't given up anything. >> besides the election deniers club that they were donating to, i guess the theme among all these candidates, is there a central objective in donating to them? are they donating money to
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candidates who also happen to be election deniers, or they donating the money knowing very well that these are election deniers and that's central to them? >> i think it's really about power, and what you have to remember is, these are companies that voluntarily, no one forced them to do this, but voluntarily after january 6th, made a big show of saying that they were cutting off donation, i think that's because of the time they were saying that the democracy and rule of law are important to them and they have, we don't know why, but i think one of the reasons is that these companies are very conscious of who has power, how you get influence, and once they see republicans gaining power and the potential second trump term, members of the republican party who voted this way are already in charge of the house, maybe they get the senate next year, they want
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their bases covered. >> do you have any sense at the end of the day how much these revelations may change corporate behavior, if they may feels any sense of shame about pivoting or about facing from standing up for democracy, to then funding election deniers? >> i think that we saw the potential for that, right after january 6th. certainly there are a handful of companies that have maintained their pledges since then, or shut down their packs altogether, but, i think what we've seen, is this ingrained sense especially among the people who were lobbying congress of how business is done in washington, is very difficult to shake, and even a violent insurrection and someone who was trying to hold onto power, even though he lost the election. that really hasn't changed things for very long. that's the take away that i took
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from looking at all these contributions. >> thank you very much for your reporting and greatly appreciate you coming on the show to talk about it. as millions around the world mark easter, palestinian christians are facing restrictions and simply trying to survive. to survive. here's charmin ultra strong! my bottom's been saved! woohoo! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. what's everybody waiting for? this? we all go, why not enjoy the go with charmin. and for a shower-fresh clean feeling try charmin flushable wipes! i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. is easter sunday, a small community of about 1000 christians is on the verge of being eliminated in gaza. since the beginning of the war, palestinian christians have suffered israeli bombardment alongside their muslim neighbors. in october the israeli military claimed responsibility for bombing the historic greek orthodox church in gaza city. 18 people were killed sheltering there, in december, a woman and her daughter were shot dead while walking inside the grounds of the holy family church, gaza's only catholic church. the church office said israeli snipers were responsible. israel has denied this. the targeting of christians isn't isolated to the gaza strip. february, two israeli men were
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arrested for allegedly spitting on a christian priest in occupied east jerusalem. last week israel presented palestinian christians from entering jerusalem and participating in palm sunday celebrations. if you think christian conservatives in the u.s. have rallied behind this ancient community on the verge of extinction, think again. many have actually remain silent or worse, according to his website, republican congressman tim walburn of michigan served as a past and the manager of a bible institute for entering into politics, and yet, here is what he said just last week. >> we shouldn't be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. it shouldn't be like nagasaki and hiroshima. >> earlier today i spoke with the reverend, pastor of the evangelical lutheran church of bethlehem.
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>> reverend, thank you so much for joining us today, first off, happy easter to you, and to the entire congregation, christians around the world. many might not know this, but gaza is actually home to some of the oldest christian communities in the world, there is a lot of worry right now that israel's ongoing attacks could lead to the complete elimination of palestinian christians in gaza. how real is that threat, based on what you're hearing from the community, there, and is there a way to preserve the christian identity and community in gaza without international intervention at this moment? >> unfortunately, there's a very, very real threat right now, and i'm really concerned whether this can be addressed, actually. the fact is, the majority of the christian community right now have lost their homes. they tell us that their homes
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are destroyed. so, we're hoping first of all that they survive, we're hoping that they get through this alive, they're stuck in the middle of gaza and the two churches, the orthodox and the catholics, they're very close to a hospital, so they are at great risk. but hoping they survive, their homes are destroyed. they face the unknown, they are very traumatized, it's been more than 176 days, and they tell us at the earliest opportunity, they have to leave after this war, they will. because, it's just been so hard on them. let's not forget that many were killed from the community, in this war as well. and many elderly died because they couldn't get to any hospital. the tragedy right now in gaza, if you get sick chances are very high you will not survive. this is the real tragedy right now with very little access, not just to medicine but to food and water. they're really fragile right now. >> and what would that mean for
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palestinians, for christians around the world that one of the oldest christian communities anywhere in the world specifically in gaza would effectively be destroyed following this war. >> it's really sad, to be honest. human lives matter, more than anything. but, it's really sad, as you said, one of the oldest christian communities in the world, and at the time it was a thriving christian community. the number of christians in gaza have been declining since the siege began. life, then, was already difficult before october 7th, as a result of the brutal siege that gaza was under. many people forget that this is the home of christianity. christianity came from here to the west, and it's really unfortunate that we're getting and closer to a time when even the holy land, and this is our biggest nightmare, might turn
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into museums that speak of ancient times without the testimony of the people of the land. we're struggling to survive right now, under these very difficult political realities of occupation and oppression. >> you mentioned how christianity spread to the west, christianity is considered one of the most prominent religions in the west, yet many conservative christians in america and western europe have remained quiet when it comes to what palestinian christians and palestinians broadly are enduring right now. how do you view the silence and this support for israel when it comes at the expense of palestinian christians? do you see this as a hypocrisy of your faith? >> there were some that we wish were quiet, actually, some evangelicals have supported this genocide from the very beginning, even calling for israel to turn gaza into a parking lot.
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it's shocking to us to see the obsession of some evangelical questions with war and violence, and, it's not just, it's unconditional support without any reference to context, or to the situation on the ground. when you have someone like mike johnson who says as christians, the bible tells us that we should support israel, and he disregards any reference to the context, the fact that israel is imposing a system of apartheid, it's hard for us to understand that. and i think they have sold us at the altar of racism, in the past, that dealing with years of anti-semitism in the west they've exported this problem to us, this is why many christians who understand the situations, many of our friends who come here, who know what's happening, have been, i would
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say, more hesitant or silent, because of the history of christianity and anti-semitism, sadly, it seems to me that this raises him now is targeted toward muslims and by association to middle eastern christians. we were frustrated by the lack of support, but let's be clear also that there are some who have been calling for a cease- fire, there are more voices recently that even called to halt weapon sales to israel, until israel brings food to gaza. things are beginning to change. my fear is that it's all a bit too late. >> let me ask you finally, before you go, reverend, it's obviously easter sunday, what is your message to anyone who might be watching this right now, given everything that's happening to palestinian christians in gaza, in east jerusalem, and elsewhere in the
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country? >> faith in god is an important component of our fabric, and i've been saying that in this war, we lost so much that we cannot lose our faith, and we need to fight hard just to keep the faith. it's really hard, it's very difficult, but, for us as christians, when we look at easter and what it means, the resurrection of jesus, to us means that the concerns are the final word ultimately begot belongs to god, and we should not and cannot accept that tyranny and injustice and oppression, and we cannot give into despair. we need to keep this faith and at easter we are reminded that the final word belongs to god, it belongs to life, to justice, and love. and as hard as it is right now, we cannot lose this faith in a good and just god.
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this is my message on this easter. >> a very important message it is indeed, reverend. thank you so much for joining us on this very important day. >> thank you for having me. next up, the new scandal that is triggering a worthy debate about betting in our sports. sports. [♪♪] did you know, many moisturizers only hydrate your skin?
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way to bet on your favorite players. >> a chance for you to win big. >> make every moment more this nba season with and will sportsbook. draftkings. i know it's the super bowl, but everyone gets a free bed? >> ludicrous. >> please, i ain't no undertaker. >> in case you haven't noticed, sports betting in the u.s. has exploded since 2018 when the supreme court effectively legalized gambling in professional and amateur sports. in antiquity once confined to nevada now is legal in 38 states. the surge is fueled by a multibillion dollar industry and massive companies that allow fans to virtually bet on teams and individual outcomes, and according to the american gaming association, americans bet a record $119 billion in sports last year, 24 million more americans say they are open to betting on sports now than they were a few years ago, back to 2018. as dave writes for the nation, faced with an aging and
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fragmenting television audience, the sports world turned to partnering with legal gambling operations to fill its coffers. from a dollars and cents perspective, this has been wildly successful, but in the process, sports executives ushered a fox into the henhouse. he's talking about gambling scandals involving the athletes themselves. look at what is happening right now with baseball megastar shohei ohtani. recently signed the biggest individual contract in sports history, $700 million, with the l.a. dodgers. he is now caught up in major drama that has rocked the mlb. this month the dodgers fired ohtani's longtime interpreter who is accused of stealing $4.5 million to pay an illegal bookmaker. federal law enforcement and mlb are investigating it, and for his part, ohtani made his first public comment last week , saying he has never bet on baseball or any other super sport, and he is shocked by his
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interpreters actions. espn is reporting the nba's investigating toronto raptors forward jontay porter after spotting multiple instances of betting irregularities. the question to tackle, is gambling corrupting the games and how we do sports? let's ask the author of that piece in the nation sports editor and good friend of the program, dave, it's great to see you again, thanks for coming back on the show. talk to us about the stakes, how much do the scandals in the betting industry as a whole jeopardize the integrity of professional sports in this country? i know it's heavily regulated, but there is part of it, given how fast it is moving that it seems like the wild wild west. >> the stakes are incredibly high. first of all, pete rose must be somewhere saying i'm not in the hall of fame why? in just a few for decades from seeing betting as something that would make you absolutely radioactive as an athlete to something that is now accepted throughout the sports world and being promoted by the biggest personalities in sports.
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so the stakes are incredibly high, because it becomes a question of whether or not people will continue to see sports as a legitimate form of entertainment or something where the fix might potentially be in. as long as there's been organized sports there's been gambling but there's also been that question of will we be able to sell on the up and up, if we can't sell it as an entity that's above the level, they are going to bleed their audience and effectively eat themselves. >> there is the psychological impact of what we're seeing right now, young kids watching their favorite athletes, their role models, in gambling ads, young men are frequent users of online sports books, what risk does it pose to young fans who love sports that are now being intertwined with betting. >> huge, addiction is ripping out in this country among young people, the statistics of the people who are calling the
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gambling help hotlines has exploded among the ages of 25 to 34, but it's even younger than those numbers. i have a son who is in high school, he talks to me about kids who think that their parents fan dual apps, taking bets in schools, we are raising a new generation of bettors in the united states because of these apps, it has changed everything, this is about personal responsibility and self-control, i would say there's a big difference between saying don't go to the store and get ice cream and somebody coming to your house and placing it in your freezer peer >> that's a very, with the technology it's a good comparison, and it seems like it's not just with the technology but now there's another gray area that's emerging, sports media companies have partnerships with online betting companies, and raises a new dynamic about journalism, how could all of the sports betting get complicated, for the journalists who are trying to
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report on sports for what they are, sports, not as a betting business. >> sports media is an incredible trouble across the united states, departments being cut, magazines being shuttered, so they are turning to sports gambling as a way to fill those coffers. the problem is that we depend upon sports media to be able to investigate these stories. you mentioned the dante porter story in toronto, that's being broken by espn, at the same time the biggest personalities at espn, people we consider to be journalists, are encouraging people to get on with their new program, called espnbet. in the same segment you might have a tragedy in toronto, as the gambling scandal spirals out of control, and by the way the parlay tonight is this. it's just not a credible way to do the news, and it hurts what credibility we do have in the world of sports media, which is dwindling for some time. >> and again, there's another
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dynamic to this, we're dealing that layers to it but your article mentions an nba coach who said he received threatening messages from sports gamblers. how likely is it that there are people out there, maybe not the famous players, the lebron james, but players who get in a few minutes or can impact the outcome of the game perhaps a kicker or field goal kicker, being subject, or even a referee, doctors, who can get caught in these betting scandals and be subject to this type of coercion. >> that's the prospect, it only takes one person who is a desperate person who does something horrific, then we start asking ourselves the question, the cost of betting, the social cost, the safety cost for players. therese halliburton, the all- star guard for the indiana pacers, said he now feels like a gambling problem. jason tatum of the celtics says fans yell at him that they're not making their parlays. this is ridiculous situation
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and we have to stay on this story because i'm scared that the sports media will not be. >> absolutely, important story that we will stay on top of. thank you so much for your reporting on it and we will continue this conversation whenever you have new reporting that advances the story. thank you, dave. >> thank you. >> thank you at home for making time for us, make sure to catch a train to every saturday and sunday at 7:00 p.m. eastern, follow us on x and instagram, until we meet again, in new york, have a great night. night. it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley power e*trade's easy-to-use tools make complex trading less complicated. custom scans help you find new trading opportunities,
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