tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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in baltimore, the tragedy remains emblematic of the difference between democrats and republicans in this election year. yesterday, president biden toward the wreckage and the recovery effort, spending time with the families of the men who lost their lives repairing the bridge before its collapse, reaffirming his pledge that the federal government will pay the full cost of the rebuilding. but, this weekend, hard- line republicans in congress are playing politics with that recovery. placing conditions on bridge funding, just weeks after conservatives blamed the collapse on everything from terror to black political leadership. we will hear from one of those black political leaders, who stood with the president yesterday at the key bridge, maryland governor wes moore joins me in just a moment. and our talk with the
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communications chiefs for the biden campaign, with strong numbers and fundraising numbers roll in for the president. but, polls still show him trailing donald trump in key battleground states. how does the campaign expect to close the gap with seven months to go? i asked him about all of that, and the trouble comparing himself -- ready -- to nelson mandela. all of that on "politicsnation" tonight. let's begin. joining me now, maryland governor wes moore, a democrat. governor moore, thank you for joining us tonight. you joined president biden yesterday as he visited the key bridge collapsed site. he also met with the families of the men killed just hours after the body of a third missing worker was recovered. he also reiterated his pledge to rebuild the bridge with
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federal money. watch. >> we are going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge, as rapidly as humanly possible. and we are going to do so with union labor and american steel. >> what can you tell us about your conversation with the president yesterday, and where does the rebuilding efforts stand at this point? >> thanks, rev. the first thing i can tell you this the president started where we all started, which is with the families. understanding that they are families who are very much mourning and there is an entire state that is mourning right along with them. yesterday, when the discovery of the body of maynard sandoval was discovered and the family was notified, knowing that the closure and also the comfort these families deserve, they are going to get and the president was with us lockstep.
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the other thing we know about the president was, he didn't need to be fully briefed on everything going on because he has been involved with us every step of the way. i got my first phone call from the white house at 3:00 in the mourning, on the day of that tragedy, of the bridge collapsed. the white house has been with us every single step of the way, ever since. the white house, the department of transportation -- and so, the president coming and getting boots on ground with what we are seeing and the level of tragedy and disaster that we have down here was important. but, the reality is, is that the white house has been with us every step of the way ever since the bridge first came down. >> now, baltimore was a favorite target of donald trump, as president. yet, he has been conspicuously absent and silent on the key bridge collapse, as many of his conservative allies blamed the tragedy on terror, on migrants, on black leadership. what you take from this sign that is coming from the
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presumptive republican presidential nominee? >> i take the fact that baltimore, even though we just took a blow, that baltimore stands more united and stronger than ever. before the bridge came down, it is not and should not be lost on anybody that baltimore is, in terms of homicides and violent crime rates, that we went eight straight years with 300 plus homicides in the city of baltimore. now in the last year, our first year, baltimore now has the lowest homicide rate we have had in nearly a decade. baltimore has the eighth fastest growing economy in this entire country, maryland's economy has finally started moving again, so it is very difficult to take steps, at a city or a state that all the data shows is actually on the move. when i was first inaugurated, we were 43rd in the country for unemployment, now for the fifth straight month in a row, maryland has amongst the highest unemployment rates in the country.
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what we have seen even since the bridge has fallen, we have watched a community not just rebound, but watched a community take care of each other. democrats, republicans, people who were in the state who understand that you cannot have a thriving state if the largest city is not thriving. so, we have united in such a powerful way. so, for anybody who wants to come and use this as a moment to divide us or use this as a moment to separate us, i would give them very clear advice. do not come here, because in the state of maryland, we are unified and we are moving forward together, and we understand the importance of baltimore in our larger regrowth. >> republican hard-liners in congress issued a set of conditions yesterday. they say they must be met before they will approve bridge funding, demanding the administration and its paws on approving natural gas export projects, and forcing the port of baltimore to exhaust federal funds already available before supplemental money can be considered. your reaction to that, governor?
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>> my reaction is, just look at what the state of maryland is doing. if you look at our delegation -- and our delegation is both democrats and republicans -- our delegation consists of people from jamie raskin, to andy harris. you know what we have in common? we are very unified on the idea that this has got to be funded and the federal government has got to do its part. all very united and lined up with exactly what the president of the united states said yesterday. if you look at our general assembly where we have introduced something called the ports act, making sure we can take care of our workers in this time of need, we have personally introduced legislation that makes sure we are providing scholarships to the children of the workers, that we are providing additional flexibility to my cabinet and my department to know that we can have a chance to react even after our legislative session is complete. what we know about the port act? right now, it is on pace to pass, bipartisan.
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so, the thing that we want for congress to remember is maryland is leading the way. maryland is showing, what does it mean to actually have a direct focus and a bipartisan focus on meeting people where they are, addressing the measurement of human need, and not allowing politics to get in the way of that? the president has been very clear and full throated, and we applaud the fact that the president has continued to lead on the role the federal government needs to play not just on the reopening of the port but the rebuilding of the bridge and we are just hopeful that congress can actually follow that and understand that this is not a catastrophe, an economic and human catastrophe for maryland, it is an economic and human catastrophe for this country. >> finally, for the governor, the white house has called on major employers in the baltimore area, including home depot and amazon, to keep jobs in the predominantly black city after the key bridge collapse. some polling suggests that president biden lost some
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footing with black voters ahead of the election. does this economic outreach along with the administration's pledge to rebuild the bridge undermine the argument from some of those voters that democrats don't work hard enough for majority black communities? >> i do think it is important because when we are talking about elections, there are some that matters and those are facts. facts matter in elections. just yesterday, we stood with the president announcing something called the maryland tough, baltimore strong alliance which was an initial investment of over $15 million that went toward supporting port workers and people who were working on the ports, many of whom, african americans, many of whom, people of color. in addition to that, we have over 70 employees in the maryland tough, baltimore strong alliance. we are saying things like, we are not going to wait lay off our workers. if we have to move business to
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another court, that will be temporary because as soon as the port of baltimore gets reopened, we are coming right back to baltimore. we want to bring our businesses and bring our work to the city of baltimore, and to the state of maryland. and so, we are absolutely seeing that in this case, facts matter. so, when you are addressing things like the unappointed rate in the african-american community, addressing things like the racial wealth gap -- which we are in the state of maryland with our housing policies and employment rates -- you see people are going to understand that the policies are being put in place are making a market difference in people's communities, and people's lives, and i think that is going to translate in the way people are voting into november. >> all right. thank you for being on tonight, and i know at this week's national convention, there will be young, and they will be baltimore strong, i just feel it in my bones. >> you know it. >> governor wes moore, thank you for being with us. joining me now is michael kyler, communications director for the biden-harris 2024
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campaign. thank you for joining us, mr. tyler. we appreciate you being here. now, you heard the maryland governor just now. so, let's start briefly with baltimore, which is rebuilding after the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. his presidential opponent, donald trump, has said next to nothing about the tragedy, despite verbally trashing the city when he was president. your comments on the contrast, michael? >> yeah, well, thank you so much for having me, reverend al, i appreciate it. i think it shows donald trump doesn't care about communities like this and it stands in stark contrast to president biden, who cares about every single community in this country. i think the people of baltimore and the people of maryland are lucky to have a governor in wes moore who is fighting for them and we are all very lucky to have a president like yamiche alcindor is fighting for the people of baltimore and the
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people of maryland. both the governor and the president understand the necessity of bringing people click -- together to rebuild from that tragedy. that is what the president was there talked about the fact that we are going to rebuild the key bridge and do it using union labor and american steel. i think that stands again in stark contrast to donald trump, who is openly telling you that he is hostile and he doesn't care about certain communities, certain cities. so, that is a message we are going to carry forward throughout the duration of this campaign, and understand that they would have a very stark choice between a president in joe biden who wakes up every single day thinking about how he is going to bring people together to solve our problems and somebody like donald trump who is running a campaign based on, as you know, revenge, retribution, and service of himself, not for others. >> the biden campaign team announced today it ended its first quarter of 2024 with a combined $192 million cash on hand. $90 million in march, first two
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months of this year and posting its strongest month of grassroots fundraising. the trump campaign and the rnc raised nearly $66 million in march, ending the month with nearly 93 million cash in hand, comparable with campaigns raising money. >> yeah, well, i think what is important is not only the money we have raised, but how we have raised it and what it is funding at this point in time. you mentioned the grassroots component, the first quarter of this campaign, the majority of the money we raised was actually grassroots donations, people like nurses and teachers who are going to joe biden's website and giving five dollars or $10 at a time because they understand what joe biden has done over the course of the past few years and they understand what is at stake in this election, what we can achieve with another term in office. we have doubled the size of our
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email list, for example. you have those teachers and nurses who are able to give that $10 but they are able to do it every single month now and continue to contribute as we build and scale the operation. what that money is going toward is reaching the voters who will decide this election. that money that we have and that $192 million war chest is what is allowing us to open up over 100 field offices since the year began. it is allowing us to have a staff in all the battleground states on the ground, knocking on doors, calling voters, having conversations in communities, making sure our digital organizing capacity is allowing us to reach voters across a whole range of medians so that we are able to have conversations every single day. i think it stands in stark contrast to the lack of fundraising you see out of the trump campaign. as important as how they are raising it. he is down to mar-a-lago tonight with a bunch of billionaires, people like john paulson who not only wants to cut social security, but he is famous for, as a hedge fund or, rooting against the american economy, betting against the american economy, so i'm not surprised he is reading in
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donald trump, who wants the economy to customer but a bunch of billionaire scammers, extremist, and racists, that understand if the fund trump's legal fees, he will cut taxes as well as social security so that is to define the medical trust you have between the fundraising operation that we are building up and how it is allowing us to communicate with the voters and the money trump is raising from a bunch of billionaires that is doing nothing more than paying off his legal fees right now. >> let's talk about the economy. fresh numbers released yesterday show 303,000 jobs were added in march, with unemployment dropping to 3.8%. the u.s. economy saw its 39th consecutive month of growth last month. what more can the campaign do to translate these strong economic indicators into votes this november? >> that is a great question. i think what we have to do is fully tell the story. you talked about the 300,000 jobs that were created this past month. donald trump asked recently, were you better off now than we
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were four years ago? you look at the jobs report four years ago, the american economy had just lost 700,000 jobs. we have now created 15 million jobs since joe biden took office, over 800,000 of those are manufacturing jobs. we have a president in joe biden who is bringing american manufacturing back to our shores. he is doing all of that while he is continuing to lower costs for the american people. capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month for our seniors. so, our campaign will continue to relentlessly tell the story of what we have accomplished since joe biden took office and we will continue to remind people of the disaster that donald trump left us, when he left office. the only president since herbert hoover to leave the office with fewer jobs than when he first took office. so, we have a very good story to tell and we will tell it every single day from now until election day. >> i am concerned about a lot of things going on in the world, haiti and others. but, i must ask you about the situation in the middle east. more than three dozen democrats
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sent a letter to the president and secretary of state blinken, asking to halt the weapons transfer to israel in light of recent events there, the strike that killed international aid workers and the ever worsening humanitarian crisis. how concerned are you that the deteriorating situation in gaza and the u.s. involvement in it is going to turn democratic voters away from the president, come november. >> well, listen, i think what the american people are going to understand is that they have an apparent american president that knows that the violence is on acceptable and has to stop, like he is working relentlessly towards that end every single day. it is why he is working relentlessly to make sure we get the rest of the hostages out, but when the violence ends, we get to a cease-fire and most importantly, we get to a lasting peace in the middle east. he is looking for that every single day as president and every single day as a campaign, we are doing the work of
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telling the story of what he is doing, doing the outreach to communities every single day, reminding people that they have a president who takes this very, very seriously. the fact that the american people elected him in the first place because he has the wisdom, the judgment, and the temperament to take on difficult, complex situations like the one we are facing in the middle east and we believe that stands in stark contrast to donald trump, who we saw the way that he covered, we saw the way he is campaigning and he is not demonstrating the temperament, the judgments, the wherewithal to do anything like handle situations like this, whether it is abroad or here at home. so, that is a contrast we will present to the american people everything all day between now and november. >> last question, this one about former president trump. there is too much going on with his different legal issues across his multiple trials. but, what caught my attention today is trump ranting on social media, referring to himself as "a modern day nelson mandela.
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i am quoting him. he wrote this. he says he is willing to sacrifice his freedom for the cause of saving our country from these political operatives, masquerading as prosecutors and judges. trump was referring to the gag order imposed on him for, well, yapping too much. is the biden campaign planning to counter trump's verbal attacks on the legal system? >> only donald trump in the span of a week could compare himself to both nelson mandela and jesus christ, which is about as self-centered as it gets. that is who donald trump is, though. you made the jesus comparison -- i'm not quite sure what scripture he is reading because i have read matthew five and nowhere in that does it say, blessed are the bullies and the hateful, it said blessed are the poor, and the meek, and the
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hungry. that scripture, those are the values that joe biden leads with every single day. he knows that we are at our best when we are lifting people up, not when we are putting them down or dividing us. so, what you see out of donald trump is again somebody, whether it is on truth social or at his rallies when he does step out of mar-a-lago running a campaign based entirely on revenge, about retribution, it is about himself, and what he is going to do, whether it is this comparison or his promises of a bloodbath and political violence, he is presenting a very, very, very dark vision for what this country is going to be if he is able to regain power. so, on our side, we are going to campaign with joe biden's vision of more freedom, of more democracy, of an economy that grows middle out, bottom-up, and we are going to reject the extremism and hatred that we see from john -- donald trump every day. >> use of matthew chapter 5, i wonder if it reads the same in the trump bible. michael tyler, communications director to the biden-harris 2024 re-election campaign. thank you for being with us.
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donald trump is teasing a major announcement from his campaign next week, on the topic of abortion. for months now, the former president has been publicly and privately waffling over whether he would support a 15 or 16 week ban. whatever he proposes, you can bet trump will try to portray himself as the dealmaker, for forging a grand bargain between republicans who want to federally outlaw the procedure without exceptions, and democrats. he falsely claims want to legalize abortion, even after birth. but, none of this is true. trump has never sought any
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middle ground on abortion. as president, he managed to undo half a century of reproductive rights. when he is talking to his own base, he even brags about it. >> well, i did something that nobody thought was possible, i got rid of roe v wade. and by doing that -- by doing that, it put pro-lifers in a very strong negotiating position, for 50 years, they were trying to get roe v wade terminated and i did it and i am proud to have done it. >> 4 in 5 americans agree an abortion issue should between a woman and her doctor, not the government. since 2022 when roe was overturned by the supreme court, trump packed with conservative justices, six states have already voted to protect abortion rights, including republican dominated states like kansas and kentucky. at least 13 other states will
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put the issue on the ballot this year. the federal ban on abortion of any kind is not compromise. it is an escalation of trump's war on women's bodily autonomy. he has carried out, on behalf of his most extreme supporters, since the moment he wrote down his golden escalator into presidential politics. and if he is successful, there is no telling who's rights could be targeted next. the dogs president could be used to target contraception, marriage, and that could just be the beginning, putting reproductive rights back in the hands of donald trump. that is like sending an awesome is to put out a house fire. that is why we need to turn out against him in november, to make sure america doesn't get burned again. i got you. i was talking about .
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"politicsnation". new fundraising numbers out today are giving us a clearer picture of the money raised between president biden and former president trump, with just seven months to go before the 2024 election. let's break it down with our political panel. democratic strategist, juanita tolbert, and republican strategist, susan dell presque isle. both are msnbc contributors. wanita, biden and the democratic party raised $90 million in march. you heard the biden campaign communications direct from michael tyler, talking about it earlier this show. that total includes $26 million from the be three big president's' fundraisers in new york city. but also, small dollar donations, 96% of the nearly 2
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million contributions were less than $200. what do these figures tell you about the health of the re- election campaign? >> they tell me that team biden has to be riding high around these numbers, rev. these are great numbers to put up in a quarter. i also think it tells me two specific things about the people contributing. one, you have voters who are absolutely believe biden, think he is doing a good job, then you have voters who are highly motivated to keep trump from ever reaching the oval office again and that can expand beyond democratic voters to some independents and republicans. so, those voters were enamored by biden's state of the union address back in march. they were motivated and mobilized by that and ready to contribute. i think on that second group of voters, that mobilization also increases when we see the biden campaign emphasizing trump's own words about wanting to be a dictator on day one, the harm he will cause in terms of
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abortion rights. that is the framing we are seeing from the campaign and the voters are responding to it in a massive way. >> susan, earlier this week, the trump campaign and the republican party announced it raised about $65 million in march. while it is well below the democratic figure, the rnc has managed to double the amount of cash it has on hand since the trump takeover. and tonight, they are holding a gala at mar-a-lago and $50 million, total. do you expect the gop to erase the finance gap with democrats up to this point in the 2024 campaign? >> i won't say it will be a race, but i do think both sides -- and we knew this a year ago -- that both sides would have plenty of cash. but, it is not just about money, rev. if so, we would have had president jeb bush or
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president mike bloomberg. it matters how you spend the money. for trump, it is on legal fees. the other thing, and that biden has done very widely, he made a big media buy, he has targeted those, and he set up field offices. michigan, there gop chairman saying, we don't have anything, especially now that the rnc is just another arm of the donald trump campaign. the democrats are putting boots on the ground in the communities they need. >> i was disturbed this mourning that lawmakers and activists are once again worried about mail-in voting due to slowdowns at the postal service, which remains other -- under the leadership of trump loyalist, lewis to joy. the postmaster general is the same postmaster general who was criticized for his handling of mail-in ballots in 2020 during the pandemic. we already know trump will
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seize on any irregularity to call into question the results of this election. how concerned are you at the post office, it once again seems to be a concern. >> i am deeply concerned, rev. activists around the country are concerned and i appreciate you putting this in the context of 2021 postmaster to joy, as you pointed out, was a trump appointee, it will document the trump funder, tried to intervene with massive cuts to the u.s. postal service. i am talking about removing the mailboxes at corners, closing post offices early, cutting overtime pay for postal workers. that type of harm is coming back up in 2024. sadly, rev, i think the mandate again for organizers is going to be to try to out organize and out of voter turnout this type of systemic approach to voter suppression. i don't expect this to go without some kind of court challenges, from postmaster to joy. >> susan, this week, no labels
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said it was abandoning a presidential candidate to run in 2024. you wrote about their failure to launch on can you explain why this third- party, if it didn't work out, even though polling suggests americans are eager for another option on the ballot. >> sure, read. thank you for mentioning the piece. the important thing about the failure of no labels was, one, transparency. they never said what they were about. they tried not to be political, but be political. not importantly did they not have a candidate, they did not have a movement. you know what it takes to spark a revolution on the streets. they had nothing, there was nothing to get behind with no labels. they falsely thought that if i just put up a name that is not
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donald trump or joe biden, that they would have a viable candidate to run in the center. it just doesn't work that way. that is not how you build a movement. that is basically how you raise a lot of money and pay yourself a lot. >> thank you, both, as always for being with us. up next, a republican push to change the rules just before the election has been beaten back. it has been beaten back, this attempt. for now, it is not there, but i will explain after the break. dove men body wash, with plant-based moisturizers in harmony with our bodies, for healthier feeling skin. all these details add up to something greater. new dove man plant powered body wash. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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welcome back to "politicsnation". this week, lawmakers in nebraska be back a trump endorsed effort to change the way nebraska allocates its electoral college votes, from a proportional system to a winner takes all. after an overwhelming vote against the plan on wednesday, the bill's sponsors said yesterday, there was no time left in the regular legislative session to reconsider the proposal. joining me now is nebraska democratic party chair, jane fleming. thank you for being with us today. jane, for our viewers who may not know, nebraska is 1 of 2
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states to award the elect harel -- electoral college votes based on electoral district, which in 2020, meant that even though trump won the state popular vote, biden was awarded one electoral delegate. this push came from the trump campaign in an attempt to prevent president joe biden from winning one of the states of five electoral votes again. can you explain why some republicans in your state want to change this? or, whether there is any chance they could still alter the rule before the next election? >> yeah, well, right now, rev, if you cue the hamilton music of i don't want the votes, that is where we are in this moment. we do have a unique system in nebraska, where it is unicameral, so it is one house and nonpartisan senators, so they do form deep relationships across party lines.
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this bill was stuck in the committee a week ago, it is still stuck in the committee, but because trump has essentially stuck his online attack dogs, more like a chihuahua, his name is charlie kirk, i am sure folks watching know of him. he is essentially threatening and trump is now calling senators in our state, believing them, telling them that their political career will be over unless they change this. our governor has began to talk about maybe calling a special session. but in the end, they don't have the votes. in our state, you can stop a bad bill from getting over the finish line with 17 votes. we have those 17 votes locked, i am confident of that. now, if they try to do something we haven't even thought of yet, that is clearly may be in the cards, but we are very confident in the systems that are in place right now. they will not be able to change the fair, electoral vote system we have which gave us that blue dog that we love.
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we are so excited and we are confident that we are going to be able to. >> now, let me go over to a point that you made because the nebraska examiner is reporting former president trump personally called a state senator to try and revive the winner take all system, citing multiple sources. the trump campaign denies the call took place. in 2020, trump and other republicans rejected to expanding mail-in and absentee voting during covid, arguing against any change to the rule in an election year. isn't this proposal the same kind of late change they objected to without even a pandemic to justify it? >> there is no question. they are simply trying to change the rules because they know that they are in trouble. the republican party in nebraska, for example, has zero money. they basically have a part-time staff person. the individual that trump bullied is a decorated veteran, native american, republican senator.
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this is what the trump campaign does. they thrive in chaos and division. what is interesting is, with nebraska's system, we were able to secure that one vote. you don't hear them doing this in maine, trying to meddle in the electoral process in maine which has a similar split electoral process. again, we are very confident that we are able to hold the line here, but for me, this is just a snapshot of what americans can expect another trump, four years. >> that one electoral vote that biden got was decisive because if you are in a tie in the electoral college, a one vote from a state like nebraska breaks the tie and elects the president so that is why this is a big deal. i also want to ask you about ohio. yesterday, ohio's republican secretary of state sent a letter to the democratic party chairwoman warning president biden may have trouble getting on the general election ballot because the democratic
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convention is scheduled after ohio's certification deadline. the secretary says democrats will need to either reschedule their convention, or ask the republican-led legislature in ohio to make an exception. i know this isn't directly related to nebraska, but do you see a bigger strategy happening here? are republicans trying to use every legal strategy they can think of, to limit voters' choices in november? >> there is absolutely this thread going through nebraska, ohio, and i am sure we are going to start to see it in other states or maybe even at the county level where the trump team is going to try to use election-year maneuvering to make sure that trump gets over the finish line, because they know that he is so popular not only with democrats and independents, but also with his republican base. i mean, he was only able to get 60% of the republican base vote
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in the primaries. so, i am confident that biden and the dnc legal team will have this covered, that we will come to some solution that biden will absolutely be on the ballot in all 50 states. but, you know, this is yet another time where the republicans are constantly trying to cheat the system, that is what they are known for. >> your work includes outreach to rural communities in nebraska and throughout the midwest. voters that the democratic party has struggled to reach in recent years. can you talk about some of the messages that would resonate with these groups in 2024 and beyond? >> i was just in north dakota last night, rev, and i go up and down the midwest corridor, as well as in the south, visiting with rural voters. i was at a manufacturing plant actually just a couple weeks ago visiting with workers, and their main problems right now, is workforce development which is common even in urban cities, and rising healthcare costs. that is obviously a message that president biden is able to
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deliver, but for us, we have to be very specific. sometimes, it is less about the message and more about the messenger. so, when you have somebody like me coming into a manufacturing plant, they know me, they know i have worked to protect property rights and worked against land being taken by him and a domain, it is very important you start to connect the dots for folks. when i was talking to these workers, what they were bringing up is, we have to start thinking about how we can withstand public education. can we start public education in pre-k and go all the way to two years of community college? that would really train a work force and be able to provide them with the employees that they need. that is the kind of thing that we, as democrats, need to start talking about. get specific, really make sure that we are paying and training the messengers, which means making sure that our state and county parties are well resourced. just making sure we have the resources on the ground to deliver those messages. >> i am out of time, but i must
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ask you this very quickly. on wednesday, nebraska state senator mike mcdonald, who spent 40 years as a democrat, announced that he will be changing his party registration to republican. this is someone who spent his tenure being referred to as the kingmaker in the democratic party politics. he said his exit was driven by fellow democrats punishing him for his religious-based profile position. your thoughts on this, briefly? >> i grew up in a pro-life, catholic home. we did not censure senator mcdowell because he is a pro- life catholic. we believe people's religious views should not go into the electoral he voted against women's reproductive rights in the trans healthcare bill. so, it was not an easy one, but we decided to take a very clear stance that we are going to be a party that stands up for women's reproductive health and the health of our trans kids.
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that doesn't mean that we don't realize that we have pro-life democrats in our coalition, of course we do. it is just you can't use your religious views to legislate against women's reproductive rights. >> jane fleming, thank you for being with us. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. is fresh f with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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this week, i, like many around the world, was stunned, shocked, and dismayed when seven workers of world central kitchen were killed in gaza trying to feed and bring food to people that, according to many reports, or on the brink, in some areas, of famine. i thought about it also as a personal hurt to me, because chef andre has been on this show with me, more than once. but, even more than that, during the pandemic, i and
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national action network worked with them in many cities, giving out food in our headquarters in harlem. they gave out food for some 14 months during the pandemic. six days a week, with national action volunteers. i was there many days with them, with detroit, as well. in fact, one of those killed in detroit, we believe was one of those who worked with world central kitchen in detroit national action network, with reverend charles williams. to think that people that volunteered to help feed people who need it, that do all that is necessary that make sure this is one of world central kitchens vans and they were doing the humanitarian work and they were still attacked and killed. is it excusable? we hope that their memory brings some level of humanitarian concern in the region, and action on behalf of
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the united states of america. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i will see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for another by the power of "politicsnation". "the saturday show with jonathan capehart" starts right after a short break. at the top of the hour. hour. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks.
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