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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  April 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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so if you are looking at a refund, if you do a direct deposit, that is quicker than if you wait for snail mail. so it could be a matter of weeks. >> all right. good luck to everybody who has waited until the last minute. we can check the box. brian, happy friday. and that does it for us. thank you so much for being here. have a wonderful weaken. i'll see you weak here on monday same time same place. and for now, i'll hand it over to josiaz-balart who i'll be having special coverage with on monday. have a great weekend. good morning and it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific.
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we begin with the latest drama surrounding former president trump. today the judge overseeing classified documents case against trump here in florida will hear motions from his co-defendants. trump and his attorneys are not required to attend the hearing. this as the prosecution and the defense teams in trump's new york city hush money case are making their final preparations. jury selection set to begin monday morning. donald trump has been trying to delay the start of the trial, but so far has been unsuccessful. with us now to talk more about all of this, ken dilanian. and also our reporter for the "washington post" who covers the justice department. and also katie phang host saturdays at noon here on msnbc. so what can we expect at today's hearing in the classified documents case? >> reporter: good morning. typically these have been all
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about donald trump. he has been attending them and when he does there is a strong of supporters usually on the street behind me. today he is not here. some about the supporting cast respect the two co-defendants, his employees walt ngata the valet and also the property manager, both accused of conspiring to obstruct justice, specifically to attempt to delete video footage that showed mr. ngata moving boxes. today their lawyers will argue that anywhere charges should be dismissed because they were not aware of a pending criminal investigation and they were not fully aware of the significance of what was in those boxes. and therefore they couldn't have committed the crimes. jack smith's attorneys, special counsel's office will argue that that is really a fact question, not a legal question and that motions to dismiss are about whether the law appies to the fact and judge should assume the facts as alleged are true. so that is the argument today. and motions to dismiss are very
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difficult to win. but the judge has been sympathetic to arguments by the defense. so anybody's guess. and last night mr. ngata's attorneys made public a redacted transcript of his initial voluntary interview with the fbi an interesting to see how the fbi explained why it was important that they understand what happened with the classified documents at mar-a-lago. they told mr. ngata, a navy veteran, that for example the navy needed to know whether there was secrets about capabilities of shifts that got it to the hands of foreign adversaries. to this day we don't fully understand whether the intelligence community knows what happened and who saw the classified documents that donald trump took to mar-a-lago. >> ken dilanian, thank you so very much. and i want to turn now to the new york hush money case. jury selection expected to begin monday. how is that process going to work and how long could it take? >> if i had that answer, i'd bottle it and sell it. we don't really know how long
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jury selection will take. i can tell you the estimate from the court is about two weeks. but it could be faster. and the reason why is if you get enough jurors, and there have been 500 that have received those jury summons that we all get, randomly selected, 500 people that will show up monday and file into the big courtroom and 18 at a time will be led in. and they will be answering aloud next to the people sitting in their fellow new yorkers and as well as donald trump, they will answer the 42 questions part of the juror questionnaire released to the public last week. some of the questions are very basic. like what area do you live, what is your job, have you ever been a litigant in a case, have you ever been prosecuted for a crime. standard questions that you would get for jury selection. but here is where they get really drilled down. they do ask things like have you ever attended a pro trump rally or campaign event. have you ever attended an anti
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trump rally or campaign event. these are the types of things that are asked. but what is not asked? they will they ever ask what is your political affiliation. they will not say are you an election denier, are you pro biden. you will have to discern that as the lawyer based upon the responses. but after the first 18 are questioned and then defense, the striking of the jurors happens. meaning if there is a for cause challenge, say you say i can't be fair and impartial, i'm always going to vote against donald trump, i will always find him guilty, you are immediately stricken for cause. that doesn't involve a lot of analysis. but it is the pre-everier to challenges. and they are interest because there is only ten.
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because you don't need a decision. you can say i think guys with blue tires are normally too conservative and i don't want them. but if the other side says i think there is an ulterior motive, i think it may be based on jose's race, religion, his national origin, then there has to be more of an inquiry made by the court. but once those ten are done, it is done. and once you get 12 jurors and six alternates, that is who will be the jury for donald trump. >> and is it possible to find a juror who doesn't have an opinion about donald trump? >> no, you make a good point. unlike most cases, criminal cases, that is not something that they can reasonably expect. especially in what was once donald trump's hometown of new york city. he has a long track record in new york and everybody knows him and people have strong feelings about donald trump even before he game president.
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the "washington post" we have a storygame president. the "washington post" we have a story about how do folks in manhattan and elsewhere feel about potentially having to sit in and be a juror. these are not necessarily those who will be called, but what do ordinary new yorkers think about donald trump. and that will inspire a lot of emotions. so it will take a lot of work for the prosecutor to work through the jury pool. >> and so what is it that donald trump's team -- what is their best case scenario? >> best case is they get jurors who say that in their minds, because they don't say out -- that is the danger. you want to look for the jurors that you believe are telling the truth. not like they are strapped to lie detectors. but part of the body language, there is a whole sire inside science that comes to jury selection. and my understanding is that
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donald trump will have somebody assisting him with this process. consultants help you figure out the body language or help you look the their social media history. you may say one thing but if your social media suggests owes, that could be a strike for cause. you want jurors that think that this is a totally nothing burger case that has to do with payments by michael cohen is you say is a liar. you want them to look at the facts and drown out the white noise and listen to the witnesses but more importantly, there are documents that corroborate and substantiate what michael cohen and stormy daniels and others have to say under oath and those documents don't lie. >> there will be a lot of white noise and more. there is a list of potential witnesses. is there someone you think could be the big star witness here?
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>> well, we know certainly michael cohen, trump's former aide and who is going to prison connected to this very case, is essentially one of the key witnesses. and his testimony which the defense will try to impune as partial and not reliable, given that he himself as been convicted of a felony, certainly going to be among the key witnesses. stormy daniels of course with the hush money payments to her is another one. but cohen is the key one because of course the federal government looked into this very case and elected not to prosecute it i think in part because they were concerned about his reliability as a witness. so trump's lawyers will be eager to kind of take him on. it will be interesting to see him in the courtroom with donald trump there. trump is required to be there. and so i think a number of the witnesses will be interesting. interesting too though because some of this will be highly technical tax related matters. of course charges donald trump is facing here really are highly
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technical, relating to bookkeeping, records fraud, financial fraud. but of course then there is the more lurid aspect which of course is the connection with which he is not being charged to election fraud. trying to keep it from the voters. so this is high lsh slow issues. >> and you wrote about how other countries have prosecuted leaders accused of crimes. may be new to us, but not new to other countries. >> this is one of four cases where the president has been -- former president has been charged. but we did look at other countries, france has prosecuted former leaders.
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a number of countries have dealt with this. some have emerged stronger including in south korea where a number of former presidents have gone to prison for fraud and abuse. and i think that is the question here. certainly trump like sarkozy has talked about a witch hunt and a number of leaders use that to maintain their political power. and what i've been told by experts though trump currently running for re-election and sewn up the republican nonl nation. he has much more control of his party. and the united states has not faced this. so it will be a test for us as a country and judicial system starting in new york and certainly this may be the only one that takes place before the election. we'll see what happens. but the fact that the former president trump is facing four different prosecutions certainly
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adds to the questions here. >> and i'm thinking berlusconi or peru, now for example what is going on in ecuador. they arrested the former vice president going into the mexican embassy there. but thank you both. i appreciate your time. please make sure to join us for our special coverage on monday of trump's first criminal trial. it all begins at 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific right here on msnbc. up next, vice president harris is out west, she is heading to arizona. just days after that state's supreme court ruled on 1864 near total abortion ban is
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enforceable. a bit of a preview what she will say today. plus new reporting on what could be a consequential meeting between former president trump and house speaker mike johnson. what the biden administration just did also that could be good news for hundreds of thousands of americans. hundreds of thouss of americans ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. ask your provider for cologuard. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide.
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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. the white house announced that it is canceling another $7.4 billion in student loans for 277 thousand borrowers. most will benefit people enrolled in the save repayment plan. it sets monthly loan payments by earnings and family size. other borrowers will get relief through a new rule on income driven repayment plans and either remainder will go to public servants on the government's loan forgiveness program. the president now canceled $153
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billion in student loans for nearly 4.3 million people. any moment now vice president harris will head to arizona days after the state supreme court there upheld the civil war era near total abortion ban. harris expected to lay blame for the ban squarely on former president trump and warn voters a second trump term will only bring more restrictions. joining us now, our washington correspondent in tucson. what are people saying there about their state becoming essentially the center of this national debate? >> people really are reacting strongly to the idea that this 1864 near total ban on abortion might be put into effect here in arizona. we've been talking to people on both sides of the aisle, in particular a doctor providing abortion care. and he said that he is shocked had this state could be thrown back in time to 160 years ago. he finds his work very, very --
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he finds it to be his life's passion because he feels as though he is giving women autonomy on their own bodies especially during times when they are dealing with addiction and domestic violence and sexual violence. and also anti-abortion activists are pushing back on a ballot initiative to put the issue to voters in november. take a listen to what both told me. >> just struck me when i was very young and very early in my career that this care is just so necessary to provide the type of autonomy to women that men have enjoyed historically. >> 80% of voters say they want limits on abortion, so they don't want unlimited, unrestricted abortion in arizona. and that they want to see common sense health and safety standards in place. >> reporter: while the doctor is
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hoping the issue can be resolve ed, you heard the anti-abortion activists are trying to get people to rescind their signatures. they have enough to put it on the ballot but they are trying to take some of the signatures back. and of course the vice president expected to come here and deliver a fiery campaign speech. aides tell me she really wanted to do it on the campaign side. she wanted to really at that time gloves off and go aggressively at donald trump. we expected her to say a number of things according to prepared remarks, saying that donald trump is the architect of the health care crisis she will say. and she will say that he would sign a federal abortion ban if he was elected. this as former president trump is trying to distance himself from the ban in arizona and that he would not sign a federal abortion ban. but the vice president today in front of a number of organizers here say that he can't be trusted on this issue. so a lot to watch here and we'll be watching it.
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>> thank you so very much. and in a couple hours here in florida, speaker mike johnson will appear alongside former president trump at mar-a-lago where they will deliver remarks about election integrity two sources tell nbc news. it comes at a critical moment for johnson whose future as house speaker is in question amid scrutiny from the more conservative flank of his conference. and joining us now is ali vitali who is near mar-a-lago. very near the water. anything the speaker can do to salvage his standing among the skeptical republicans? >> near mar-a-lago, near the water. and as close as i've been to you in many, many months. this is unfortunate i think. but proximity is actually the argument for speaker johnson even being here. at least as my conversations with his republican colleagues on capitol hill would show it. they see this less about the policy that is in play here
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which is supposed to be centered around election integrity and specifically the idea of noncitizen voting. if you are wondering whether or not this is something that needs to be legislated around, technically no. because it is already illegal and the bar for prosecuting those who would vote as noncitizens is actually quite low. it only further underscores the reporting done by the brennan center for justice. when they looked at the 2016 election and found that we're talking about something that is 0.0001% of people who voted in that election, nevertheless listen to speaker johnson talk about why he is coming down here today. watch. >> we want to make certain that anybody who votes is an american citizen. in some states it is too easy, you just check a box and you can vote. so we need to make sure that federal law is clear on that matter. >> reporter: so sounds like we'll see something to that effect on the house side of the building on capitol hill.
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but this is a real moment where something that speaker johnson wants to work on is a pet plonlg for the former president, someone who claimed there was fraud where there was one in the election that he lost. >> and the house is debating a national security program bill. how is that going? >> reporter: yeah, that is one of the things that might delay speaker johnson getting down here as early as he might have planned to. but this is an ongoing battle and the way that differing pins can really grind things to a halt because there was momentum for this foreign intelligence surveillance act renewal of and also reform. now we're watching it be done on a friday morning on a flyout day. but there is a lot of questions about an amendment specifically put forward by congressman biggs and jayapal and nadler. and it could make it more difficult for government
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surveillance agencies to be able to being a he is is the data of americans who are in some ways swept up in already existing probes that are happening on the foreign front. it is something that the biden administration and intelligence officials warn about passing. but that is the amendment vote that we'll watch just in the next hour or so unfold on the floor as they continue their work forward on this bill. it has been something that again marjorie taylor green says something that she could trigger a motion to vacate over. that list of vacatable things seems to be growing. initially just about how he handled ukraine aid. then earlier this week greene added fisa to that list. if not that, probably something else. but another reminder of the way that it is very, very difficult to be speaker of the house right now. >> it is indeed. you know, we're just about an hour away drive. and it will be like 85 degrees today.
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so i don't know which have the two of us could, but someone should. great seeing you. thanks. >> i agree. and joining us now with more, danielle moody and else brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today?brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today?more, danielle mo brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today?else brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today?lse brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today?se brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today?e brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today? brendan bucks. what do you expect out of this meeting today? >> i think there is more to be gained by mike johnson. i'm actually surprised donald trump is giving him this audience. mike johnson is in pretty big trouble in his conference. standing next to donald trump is helpful for him. i don't know that it is enough to save him, but certainly helpful. i'm looking at it more curiously, what does trump get out of it. he is very transactional.
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so i'm curious the interaction between the two on the bigger issues that are in play, namely the aid to ukraine. is donald trump going to pressure mike johnson not to pass that aid. and so while they say what it is about on the face, i'm curious what issues they will get into. >> is there anything that the speaker could do to get out of what you describe as big trouble? >> i don't know. it all comes down to the whims of marjorie taylor greene and i'd hate to get in her head. i don't know if trump giving the bear hug to mike johnson is enough for greene to back away. what might get her to back away isrecognition that she would lose on the floor. we haven't seen any other members on the floor come out and back her up and we've seen democrats say that they would vote to save mike johnson. so i don't know if green oig wants to get herself in the situation where 430 are voting against her in a lonely bid.
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but johnson will have to tread lightly. >> and kamala harris is heading to arizona to try to pin the new abortion ban on donald trump. even as he attempts to distance himself from it. how effective could this message be? >> i think it will be just as effective as their recent ad that they put out that said trump did do this. donald trump owns the fact that we know it longer have abortion in this country. he appointed three members of the supreme court who he knew would overturn precedent. and he's said he is proud of that record. and so the vice president pinning this on donald trump on the republicans and saying that we have a patch work of protections right now for women
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in this country because of the republican party and donald trump and that they won't stop if gets in to the white house, that there will be a national ban, this is going to be a message that resonates. >> yeah, and it resonates no doubt throughout the remainder of the season going into november. >> absolutely. because this is going to be the thing that i believe that will bring people to the polls. there are a lot of things that this administration is doing. you talked about more student loan debt relief which is absolutely necessary and critical. but autonomy is up there that people will lose if republicans gain the white house. and what donald trump is coming with the back and forth, we know you can't trust this man because he lies as often as he breathes. >> and so could who wins arizona come down to the issue of abortion? >> sure could. we've seen that is this a real
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motivator. the issue will turn out democrats in a way thatthis is motivator. the issue will turn out democrats in a way that is central for biden. he has been strugling for a lack of enthusiasm. and so he could outperform on an issue largely unrelated to him. but i don't know that it is sufficients on its own. the biden campaign still will have to figure out an economic message. the issue with dobbs has been going on for months and months now and still plenty of polls show donald trump winning. so it is important that they turn out their core supporters and if they can use the issue, great. but there are other issues that they will have to figure out namely inflation and the economy where donald trump still continues to have a large lead not to mention issues like immigration. >> danielle, brendan, thank you both. and we're showing live pictures in maryland where the vice
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president is saying hello to some of the folks there. and she gets ready to board the plane to arizona. you see the senate candidate there. and the vice president will be heading to arizona shortly. she gets up the steps there into the airplane. still ahead, the warning u.s. officials are giving government employees in easy really as the threat of an iranian strike looms. plus a major update overnight, what happened after nbc news ran a piece about the man on the terror watch list roaming free in the u.s. g free .
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31 past the hour. this morning we have exclusive reporting on a national security case here in the u.s. late last night, officials say an afghan migrant on the terror watch list was taken back into u.s. custody. his arrest came just hours after nbc news published an exclusive report that the man spent nearly a year inside the u.s. after he wasapprehended and released by border control last year.
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julia ainsley is joining us. so how did this happen? >> this is third time that the 48-year-old afghan man has been taken into u.s. custody. he had been out of i.c.e. detention after released on bond at the end of last month. we understand that this operation happened late last night. of course that is just showers after nbc's reporting and of course the agencies does have the head's up about our reporting. so all of these details remain true in terms of how he came into the united states. but viewers should know that this man as of late last night is now in i.c.e. custody. an alarming development in the border crisis, among the record number of migrants crossing the southern border was the member of an afghan terror organization released in to the u.s. by border agents according to u.s. officials. 48-year-old illegally crossed
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into california in march of last year. and his name is on a terror watch list identifies him as a member of a terror group that killed americans and afghanistan. border agents suspected that he was on the watch list but lacked corroborating information. he was released without contacting the fbi or immigration and customs enforcement. and allowed to apply for work authorization and board planes in the u.s. after almost a year, i.c.e. arrested him here in san antonio. when he went to court u.s. officials tell us that ice officials withheld classified information about his terrorism ties. a judge ordered him released on bond which he posted and was freed. and this is just one of at least three incidents in the past two years involving suspected terrorists being released by customs and border protection.
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this is as president biden faces fierce criticism of his handling of the border crisis including from former president trump. >> many terrorists, many drug dealers at the heist level are all coming into the country. >> reporter: and knows on the terror watch list is a small fraction of all migrants. >> any terrorist or terrorist linked individual trying to come to this country is unacceptable. >> reporter: and we pressed a former top i.c.e. official in the biden administration about how a member of a terror group could be released in to the u.s. by dhs. >> this is very rare. there is a large capacity and capability for both border patrol, i.c.e., federal law enforcement and the inner agency to identify and vet these individuals as they come to the border. >> reporter: but there are fears about tens of thousands evading acts. the border patrol chief recently calling it a national security threat and the fbi director
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warning about smugglers. >> there is a particular network that has where some of the yoefrp seas facilitators of the smuggler network have isis ties that we're concerned about. >> so what we're also learning is that this man was placed on isis alternative to detention program when released by skrchlt cdp but he remained to be able to live free. and a u.s. official believes on information they know know that this man was not on a terror mission when he crossed the border. >> julia, thank you so much. after the break, how israel is bracing for a potential retaliatory strike. and akron police officer striking a teen and the family wants action. ng a teen and the y wants action
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right now we're closely watching the middle east where there is growing concern over a potential iranian strike on israel. the u.s. state department warning employees and families to restrict travel outside several israeli cities.
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central command is there to help coordinate if iran launches an attack. and this is as the head of the u.s. aid agency says that they there are credible assessments that famine has begun in northern gaza. joining us now, josh lederman and also jane harman. and so josh, what do we know about how the u.s. and israel are coordinating and talking about any potential retaliation from iran? >> both the u.s. and israel are signaling that they believe that an iran strike in israeli could be imminent. secretary blinken has been working the phones with countries that are perceived to have influence with iran like saudi arabia and china to tell them to tell iran not to escalate. but u.s. officials telling our
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colleagues that the u.s. does believe that iran may strike inside of israel. a potentially with a swarm of drones and missiles. and really the big concern here is two fold. first of all, if iran strikes inside israel, does that set off the escalation that everybody is so scared with. israel says it will respond by striking in iran if iran strikes in israel. so you can see how that can quickly spiral out of control in a tit for tat escalation. and second, if easy israel is f to respond, will the u.s. participate. the biden administration has not said explicitly, but president biden has said in the context of a potential strike on israel that the u.s. support for israel is ironclad. >> josh, thank you very much. and so jane, wondering your thoughts if iran does indeed strike in israel, what would
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things look like after that? >> let's start with the observation that israel has a very good strong missile and drone defense system, the iron dome, which could be swarmed, that is what your reporter just said, that means that so many drones that the response would be overwhelmed. but i think that israel's prepared for this. this is their sweet spot. we have very good intelligence assets and i'm sure that we're sharing whatever we can find. and the goal here is to prevent this from happening. this would be an escalation in this war and iran's proxies are already surrounding israel and making mischief in the middle east, think yemen and the red sea. so i read and hear that iran doesn't want us to get engaged. it will be hard for us not to get engaged if it becomes bigger. so i'm worried about it. but i do think that the systems that israel has to defend itself
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against attacks by drones and missiles are really solid and impressive and the u.s. has helped over the years israel build the iron dome system. >> and iran has so many of those drones that are being used by the russians in ukraine. i want to turn to ukraine and the effort on capitol hill to pass a new aid bill. you've written a new op-ed calling on speaker johnson to pass this aid package. why is this so important right now? >> well, i was in kyiv with members of my commission on national defense strategy last week. and we saw ukraine's indigenous drone and tank manufacturing capacity. extremely impressive. but those things are vulnerable pl just what we were talking about with israel, ukraine doesn't have an iron dome system and they don't have enough patriots or other long range favors to defend against a
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russian attack. and russia right now is attacking ukraine's electric grid as well. so people are dying while the house -- and i have to read this to you. i'm stunned. on the agenda for the house rules committee, things come up in the house, and for next monday are, not making this up, hands off on the home appliance act, will i bely and laundry apgt, clothe he is driers for leicht, refrigerator freedom act, affordable air conditioning act and stop water -- really? come on, let's put the important things on the floor. i know he is trying to get section 702 of the intelligence surveillance provision passed right now, but next week, ukraine aid has to be there, the senate acted two months ago, and they passed their version by 79 votes out of 100 with 22 republicans included.
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and it is just unfathomable that the majority of house supports aid to ukraine and he thinks i guess his survival might be more important than this bill. so mike do the right thing and your survival is more likely. >> jane harman, thank you so much. up next family of 15-year-old boy shot by police just held a news conference after body cam video of the incident was released. what they want to see happen next. plus a. for every american diplomat accused of spying is facing a judge today. t accused of spying is facing a judge today. [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking.
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bodycam footage was released. that video from april 1st, which police have edited and blurred, shows the officer shooting him in the wrist seconds after telling the teen to put his hands up. some viewers may find this disturbing to watch. >> where are you coming from? can i see your hands quick? >> shots fired! >> it's fake. it's fake. it's fake. >> drop to the ground. >> it's fake. >> drop to the ground. drop to the ground. >> shaquille brewster joins us from chicago. what did the family have to say today? >> reporter: they said they are heartbroken and outraged. he survived. you saw bandages on his wrist. they say trauma has taken over his life. he is struggling to have a full night of sleep. they are having specific demands. they want the officer to be fired. they want the city and the doj
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to step in with a pattern and practice investigation. they want a full investigation into the shooting. i want you to listen to what we heard from his mother. >> akron police department needs to be held accountable for the excessive force that you use on our black babies. it is not okay. we are sick and tired of watching our babies die in the hands of people who swore an oath to protect and serve. it has to stop. because it won't just be my child. it will be yours next. >> reporter: an independent state agency is investigating the shooting. the fraternal order of police is saying that that officer acted within policy and procedure and according to his training. >> shaquille brewster, thank you very much. a former american diplomat accused of spying on the u.s. for cuba for decades is just
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hours away from appearing in court. we will tell you what is expected to happen today. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. o. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only...
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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57 past the hour. in florida, a former u.s. diplomat accused of spying for cuba for decades is expected to plead guilty today. he was u.s. ambassador to bolivia. he served as an official with the national security council. sam brock is outside the federal courthouse in miami. what is expected to happen today? >> reporter: good morning. he is expected to plead guilty. by the department of justice's own characterization, this is one of the largest national security breaches in history. he spent 20 years working for the state department in multiple administrations, under both presidents clinton and former president george w. bush. in a post-government life he was consulting with the u.s.
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southern command, which includes cuba. the federal complaint against him, according to federal prosecutors, he had conversations with an undercover fbi agent where he admitted to decades of work with the cuban government and praised fidel castro. garland in december when the charges were filed did describe the situation as the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltration of the u.s. government in years. he said those who have the privilege of serving in the government of the united states are given an enormous amount of trust by the public. to betray that by falsely pledging to the loyalty to the united states while serving a foreign power is a crime that will be met with the full force of the justice department. that sentencing is expected to happen in 90 minutes. originally, he pleaded not guilty. then informed the judge he was going to change his plea. now we will see if he has anything to say and what details might be disclosed about what information he passed along to the cuban government. we will find out shortly.
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>> 40 years. incredible to think how much damage this guy committed. sam brock, thank you very much. that wraps up the hour for me. see you tomorrow night. you can reach me on social media @jdbalart. watch clips from the show on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. peter alexander picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," all hell breaks loose. that rhetoric from the trump campaign days before the start of the former president's historic hush money trial on monday. we monitor new developments in the classified documents case in florida. in florida today, speaker johnson heading to mar-a-lago. that will happen after his house republican caucus, the conference there taking a key step to extend a critical and controversial foreign surveillance program. we will take to you the middle


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