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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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good evening, i'm live in new york, we are following breaking news in the middle east, and unprecedented moment. iran launching missiles into
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israel, a declaration of war. they will respond to iran's unprecedented airstrikes. iran firing more than 300 drones, crews, and ballistic missiles 99% of which were intercepted according to the idf. the attack was a respond to the april 1st israeli strikes that killed two of iran top commanders. isaac herzog made it clear that his country will take the necessary steps to defend itself. >> this is a declaration of war, because we are restrained and because we know the repercussions and because we have the liberation with our partners. we are considering all options and i am quite confident that we will take the necessary steps to protect and defend our people. we are not war seekers. >> here in the united states,
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the president convening a beating -- meeting of g7 leaders for diplomatic response. with all members unanimously condemning the attack of israel, biden is urging benjamin netanyahu to avoid retaliating. a white house official telling nbc news that the u.s. will not take part in any offensive operations against iran . they do not want escalation in the region. the united nations security council wrapped up an emergency meeting which we heard from both iran and israel. israel requested the council condemn iran attack and condemned them a terrorist organization. i will bring from tel aviv live, nbc news international correspondent. where where -- are we at the hour when it comes to word of retaliation? >> and israeli official told me just after the israeli war cabinet finished a seven hour
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meeting, israel will respond. the question is the timing and scale of that response. we might have gotten a clue at least to the timing in just the last hour or so, the israeli military has lifted a number of restrictions in place of civilian population here in israel, schools which were close today will be open again tomorrow. that is significant i think for two reasons, one it indicates that israelis believe this iranian attack is over which as you said, the iranians themselves have said publicly. to me, it also seems to indicate that israel is not planning immediate retaliation. it is very unlikely that the israeli military was -- would allow children to go back to schools, would allow large gatherings to resume if they believed there was more escalation in the hours and
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days ahead but the israelis are clear. they will respond and that is not what president biden wanted to hear as you said, he directly urged prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the phone call saturday not to escalate further . that was the message from the secretary-general of the united nations beaking in new york at a security council meeting a little earlier. he said the middle east is on the brink now is the moment for maximum restraint and maximum caution. the israeli ambassador at the u.n. repeating what is now becoming a pretty familiar message from the israelis. iran is not just a threat to israel, it is a threat to the region and a threat to the world . he did not address that april 1st attack, widely attributed to israel on the iranian embassy complex in damascus that killed seven
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senior members, it is the spark that led to this. we also heard from the iranian ambassador who said iran was taking legitimate military action. from their perspective, this phase is finished. >> is there any sense that israel is drawing this out, not retaliating immediately to keep iran on its toes? i go back to what you talking about, iran was done unless essentially israel retaliates and then what? >> that is possible, i can tell you this time last night, nobody in this country knew was -- what was happening, there was a rave -- a wave of drones and missiles and nobody knew what the skill of the damage was going to be, what kind of loss of life there would be, here we are 24 hours later, the
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damage very minimal to one air base, there is a seven-year-old girl in the hospital right now who is fighting for her life after suffering head injuries. following an interception overhead there has not been a large-scale loss of life, i do think that gives prime minister benjamin netanyahu some breathing room as he makes a decision here in tel aviv at least, one of the most liberal cities. there is no clamor on the streets for retaliation, people are deeply relieved that this attack was not worse and i think though, had there been larger destruction and more loss of life, israel might feel under more pressure to attack and to attack immediately. >> rafael sanchez. i want to bring in white house correspondent, monica dobler to talk more about this. there will be some type of response, the question is how much, how severe, right and when
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, what are you hearing from the administration? any kind of follow-up plans for a conversation between the president and prime minister to talk him down from this option to try and get him to reverse? >> we know that of course u.s. officials and israeli officials have been in touch with you much constantly all of yesterday and today as well. we know they continue to share information. it is a key conversation the president had with the prime minister words possible this was raised in terms of some type of retaliatory strike israel was planning. we know the president was clear that if they decide to go ahead , the u.s. would not be a part and we know from u.s. officials today, the president really stressed the notion the prime minister need to think very carefully and critically about what a response could do to widen this war, to really also
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thrust more nations into an already very broad conflict and situation which is of course what the u.s. is trying to avoid, that's a message we heard repeatedly from the national security council's spokesperson, john kirby today. take a listen. >> whether and how the israelis respond is up to them, we understand and respect that, the president has been clear, we do not seek war with iran , we will continue to help israel defend itself. >> i can tell you that there is a concern among some top administration officials that whatever israel does decide to do in response could drag the u.s. deeper into this conflict and that is something that is can turning to the president so i think you will continue to see him and his other top aides communicate that effectively to israel. >> what are the details we are learning of the president meeting? >> they spoke earlier this afternoon, the president from the situation room and they
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issued a statement condemning iran's unprecedented attack and demanding they cease any attacks that might come in the days ahead and also kind of hinting at possible further action that these major countries could take if they determine iran is taking other steps that would destabilize the region that would again plunge this into a wider, deeper broader conflict, they are implying there could be sanctions or more on the economic front that these leaders could come together to announce, it was clear that the president is pleased with how israel's defense operation really did go which of course did include the u.s. role in anticipation as well since we know several of those fighter squadrons participated and helped to shoot down dozens of those missiles and strikes coming and not just from around
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-- iran and from syria and yemen bound for israel and the u.s. was able to disrupt and that's why the president called several members to commend them for their chairmanship and for their skill. >> monica alba, the president spoke to the big four congressional leaders in a phone call this afternoon, iran attack is creating new pressure on congress to pass a foreign aid packet that includes funding for israel. speaker johnson is putting the aid package this week, we want to get congresswoman dean. it is a pleasure, talk to me first about what you know this phone call between the president and congressional leaders this afternoon. >> actually, i would like to say i don't know much and i have been in conversation with ranking members uncle many affairs, he's in conversation with leadership and has classified briefings last week leading up to this and we will
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get more, he shared some of that information in a classified setting, i know there will be more but -- briefings, what i do know is that number one, iran set up more than 300 drone and missile attacks , one on israel, the proper land that is israel is unprecedented, extraordinarily dangerous, take a look at the response. as the president said, israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend itself. none of the drones or missile strikes got through as a result of iron dome and the other system, arrow three, it is remarkable what happened there israel's superior military might , also the extraordinary support of america as we have passed aid, defensive aid to israel year after year. this is what it does. it saved countless lives.
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i hope to your question about this week, i hope what happens is what should have happened weeks ago, bring up the national security supplemental exactly as it has been passed by the senate, that is the quickest way to get aid to israel, ukraine, palestine, gaza, humanitarian aid, and to taiwan. >> part of the pushback was because of what was happening in gaza, that position from israel has not changed. >> no, well, it has in some ways. we believe there has been reporting that more humanitarian aid is getting in, let's talk about the problem in gaza, israel had every right to defend itself against hamas's terrorist attack but it is now time for hamas to surrender, to return all of the hostages, because in the prosecution of this war, what has troubled me and many members of congress is
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the extraordinary cost of civilian life as well as the failure to get adequate humanitarian aid in, just last week in foreign affairs committee, samantha power talked about the presence of famine in northern gaza in this way, the presence of famine in southern gaza, we are talking about millions of palestinians at risk of famine. >> i don't mean to step in, israel has not changed their posture in fact, benjamin netanyahu has said they will move into rafah . that is happening, that was -- i know the hold up amongst many of your colleagues in getting passage of some of this aid, whatever has happened between israel and iran, that seems to be a separate conversation than what is happening between israel and gaza. >> i think mr. benjamin netanyahu makes a mistake when he continues to say that, you
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will see that on the ground what has happened has been the withdrawal of idf troops, while benjamin netanyahu may claim he's doing that, i think the world community has told him that would be a grave mistake . the other thing i believe has changed in the course of the last two weeks as a result of the phone call with president biden two weeks ago is more humanitarian aid in when i was in israel, in february we met with on route doing god's work, the same kind of work that hosea enters people are doing and those aid workers so previously killed, when mr. biden spoke with mr. benjamin netanyahu, he warned him that you have to open more routes for aid and more trucks have to get in following a phone call through -- troops have been withdrawn, more aid is getting in. when i was there, the chief in rafah, an american military veteran, the director in rafah said he had three days were no trucks got in and on a good
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day, he was getting 170 trucks, we know following the call with president biden, as many as 300 trucks were coming in a day. not nearly enough, what i ask of mr. benjamin netanyahu is de- escalate , there is no reason to escalate this middle east greater war, it will be catastrophic and it could be extraordinarily dangerous. what needs to be happen is a focus on de-escalation and facing what we need in gaza which is an end to the suffering, the hostages home yesterday, and humanitarian aid only in. hamas must surrender. >> if you want de-escalation, what do you make of israel vowing to retaliate? >> i don't know what to make of it, i'm not in those rooms all the way to meet with the ministry of defense gallant, and ambassador charmer in february.
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one of the war cabinet folks, what they have to say, that is on israel. i hope that they will heed the warning of the international community that to escalate this risks catastrophe far greater war with loss of life to many people. >> congresswoman dean, thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> jury selection set to get underway, a really big day in this country, donald trump's historic criminal trial in new york, we will break down what to expect. then we will look at key players involved, we are back in 60 seconds and watching and -- msnbc. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp?
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i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] welcome back, where less than 24 hours from the first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president, let that sink in . tomorrow morning here in new york. jury selection begins in donald trump's hush money trial and
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could last until early may, he's required to be inside the courtroom every single day. he's charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records, a low-level final any in new york -- felony. he said he will testify in his own defense, will he go? here's a preview of other witnesses from stormy daniels, michael cohen to the former white house spokesperson. e spo >> the trump hush money case is the first of four criminal cases to move the trial, former president donald trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying records in the first degree but trump is not the only one involved, michael cohen will likely be the star witness in the hush money case and was donald trump's lawyer and fixer on august 21st, 2018 he pled guilty to a counts in manhattan federal court and he alleged donald trump directed him to make illegal payments to
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influence the 2016 election which trump denies. >> added at the direction and for the benefit of donald trump. >> he was sentenced to three years in prison, he alleges he orchestrated payoffs to two women who said they had affairs with donald trump including stormy daniels. he says he sought reimbursement from trump and even recorded one of their conversations about it. the fbi seized that tape in a raid on his residence and office, his attorney release it to the media, stormy daniels also known as stephanie clifford says she met donald trump in 2006 at a celebrity golf tournament when he was the host of the apprentice. stormy says they had sex that night and he offered to castor in the apprentice. >> she says she gave a interview to a tabloid magazine
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for $15,000 that remained unpublished until 2018, two years earlier when donald trump was running for president, a tape from access hollywood. leaked, which prosecutors say cause panic within the trump campaign. two weeks later, stormy daniels was paid $130,000 but trump's attorney. michael cohen. karen mcdougal is an ex-playboy model and says she had an affair with donald trump. they allegedly met in 2006 at the playboy mansion and she says they dated for nearly a year, donald trump denies they had a relationship in 2016, when he received the republican nomination, her story leaked, ami, the owner of national enquirer offered her $150,000. >> they wanted the story. >> michael cohen says he orchestrated the deal to buy mcdougal story but never published it to help trump in the 2016 election. allegations trump denies, alan
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weisel berg was the organization's chief financial officer and was mentioned several time as being a part of the hush money plot. >> i've spoken to . >> allen weissellberg were indicted for scheming tax authorities at the federal state, and local level. he was sentenced to five months in prison and agreed to plead guilty and be a witness against the trump organization. >> they are looking to squeeze him to possibly get to donald trump. >> on march 4th, 2024 allen weisselberg pled guilty to perjury and lying under oath. a deal that sends him back to prison but does not require him to testify in the hush money case. he's not been charged in that case, currently serving five month in prison. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and his team are
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the prosecutors, he's a harvard educated democrat and former assistant attorney general of new york. on december 6th, 2022 d.a. bragg secured the conviction of the trump organization and payroll for conspiracy, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. >> the focus has been almost exclusively on trump. >> then on march 30th, 2023 donald trump was indicted by d.a. alvin bragg in the manhattan court days later, he was arraigned. >> now you know the players, looking to break down what we can expect, my legal panel join me next with their thoughts on how this high-stakes trial could actually play out. we will be right back. back.
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the wall street journal's headline summed it up, trump tried everything to avoid a criminal trial, the day has arrived. msnbc formers -- prosecutor charles coleman. and -- msn bd catherine, the assistant attorney in the manhattan d.a. office, start us off, if we think back to the trump civil fraud trial throughout this trial, the former president along with his attorneys continue to try to delay it and it did not work, the delay tactics happened. are we expecting the same thing considering what the last week has looked like?
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>> they will try it but it won't work, the appellate court in manhattan has a judge on duty every day, adjusting this. they are prepared for emergency applications and prepared to deal with it, this judge shuts them down very quickly. so, barring some unforeseen legitimate issue tomorrow like an earthquake, or someone legitimately getting sick, this case will start tomorrow. >> i think the juror questionnaire was very interesting to me, and different i would say than the defamation case because the questioner seemed more politicized, one of the questions i believe asked was do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? to kind of figure out who in fact supports the former president or listens to the former president and what he has to say. here it is a little different, right, some of the questions they may ask our for instance
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what news outlet do you get your news from, is it emmett -- msnbc, cnn, fox news and also are they a member of the proud boys, it seems more indirectly they are trying to figure out the background of some of these potential jurors although not fully politicizing as we saw in the defamation case. >> i would agree if you are looking through the questionnaire, you see a distinction between those outlier groups like the proud boys, q and on, antifa, then the more standard questions which i have seen on a number of different trials as to where you get your news from, i think part of it is without asking you who you voted for or what your beliefs are. there's another question on whether you donated to donald trump's campaign brother that -- other than that, they are aligned russian her to do what it does in terms of giving the attorneys to make every
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primitive challenge they need or strikes for cause in order to get to the jury that both of them can ultimately live with for this trial. >> how long are you expecting the jury selection to go? >> i think one of the most important things that the judge decided to do is that for jurors going to self identify, he's not going to interview each of them, that's important because if you have jurors who stand up and say i cannot serve for whatever reason. it can take a long time to go through all the questions necessary in order to determine whether you will keep that person or whether you will let them go or send them back to serve for another jury, the fact that the judge has cut that process out will expedite the process significantly, i'm still anticipating this is not going to be an easy jury to set , it would not surprise me to see it take over a week. >> we looking at 6000 potential jurors tomorrow, not just for
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this case but you think about the number of folks they will have to sift through before they are able to settle, i want to play a sound from sit -- two separate individuals, key witnesses not back-to-back, i will play some sound of the president last night at a rally who has said he can potentially justify and he talks about the case, calling it a quote unquote garbage case. that is what -- >> what alvin bragg is trying to do is enforce federal campaign finance law which he does not have any authority whatsoever to do, he's not allowed to finance. the federal government looked at and turned it down, it is a garbage case he himself rejected a year earlier. >> is going back to this kind of idea that alvin bragg built, basically saying he committed a crime to pull off another crime, what do you make of what donald trump is saying?
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>> first of all, most defendants do not testify and i anticipate donald trump will not testify. if he does, he will be a gift to the prosecution. what i'm also looking to see tomorrow, new york in state court, there's something called the sandoval hearing, the prosecutors have to tell the other side and they already have of what prior vicious immoral criminal bad axe they intend to cross-examine the client about. the judge will decide that because determining how much the judge says the prosecutor asked the defendant, donald trump that may determine whether or not he will be testifying. that is what i'm looking for, typically done in normal cases in new york before jury selection and we have not heard anything about starting up tomorrow. i don't anticipate donald trump will testify, he will not be allowed to do what he did in the civil case when judge and
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goran was first upset. because there was no jury, there is a jury here, the judge, this judge is a very strict, good judge will not allow a defendant, any defendant to pontificate, you will have to answer questions. >> let's remind folks he was out of stanford in 90 seconds, he was on the stand for 90 seconds, i want to play sound of someone who could be a key witness as well, michael cohen. listen to that. >> he's not a good witness, he's not going to take the stand in fact, i hope that i'm wrong. i think that would be absolutely classic for america to be able to see donald trump on the witness stand trying to defend himself in a case that is indefensible. >> he's agreeing with catherine christian saying it would be a gift, as you put it if he would
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offer up testimony before president, weigh in for me on michael cohen as a witness, the real question is the credibility but i harken back to the judge's judgment from the trump civil fraud trial which he said for bait michael cohen to him was a credible witness, this time it will be in front of a jury. >> i think that is something as a prosecutor you just become accustomed to dealing with, you will never get a nun with a clear past who saw everything with their eyes in broad daylight up close. those things just don't happen. your witnesses are usually going to come with some degree of challenge, if you're a prosecutor, you are going to make the case that who better to know what was going on with respect to donald trump and someone actually in cahoots with him and conversely if you are donald trump, you will say eichel: has an axe to grind, he only had this epiphany of truth, morality and justice after he got convicted and had
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to go to jail. the thing that makes this a little bit different is this is a case that involves a lot of documents in terms of pointing the direction to where the money went and how it moves hands, that will be able to cooperate michael collins testimony in a way that helps us light off some of the doubt of credibility that will be placed on him by the defense, ultimately i think he's not necessarily the ideal witness but there is no ideal witness, that is the thing the public needs to understand because there are so many documents that will speak for themselves, it does not hurt as bad as it would if this were another type of case the jury was hearing. >> charles coleman, catherine christian. thank you to you both, we will see a lot of you for sure. you can catch everybody's special coverage starting tomorrow 10:00 a.m. eastern with ana cabrera and hose ideas. -- things -- coverage will
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continue starting 10:00 a.m. eastern on mb -- msnbc. more breaking news out of the middle east as israel vows it will respond to the attacks from iran while president biden urges benjamin netanyahu not to escalate, we discussed what could happen next. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. you know that thing your family does? someone made it a thing, back in the day. but where did it come from? and how did it get aaaaall the way to you? see for yourself at ancestry. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures.
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we are back with the latest
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from the middle east, israel vowing to respond to iran unprecedented attack as other countries urge restraint, the u.n. secretary general condemning iran strikes , while calling for both countries to step back from the brink. president biden and other leaders met earlier today and said they are working to avoid further escalation in the region according to a senior u.s. official, biden has told israel he will not back any counteroffensive against iran. the more cabinet deliberating for several hours in the idf saying operational plans have been approved however, nbc news reporting israel has not reached a final decision on retaliation, i want to bring in david to talk more about this, all the reporting indicating we do not know when, we do not know how, we don't know to what degree but israel in fact will retell a rate -- retaliate and respond, what do you see as the
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objective in this response and the ultimate goal? >> >> that's an excellent question and really what is going through the mind of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this can range from the sort of smallest response and it could be a cyber attack which the u.s. has carried out as well against israel which was very limited, the most aggressive attack would be a massive israeli airstrike designed to take down the facilities in iran where iran has been developing the components needed, the enriched uranium needed for a nuclear bomb. that would be aggressive and that would be a very large operation involving many aircraft. we do not know, the united states hopes it is something on the smaller end of this, it is very much a domestic israeli political question, you have a divide already emerging in the war cabinet about how aggressive the response should be, it will be fascinating to see in the days ahead what you
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see in terms of polls and other expression of opinion. >> you talk about how the response and where the response would be, how it would, and i think for instance about a more rural area of iran, a site where they develop nuclear energy. i can imagine that would feasibly be a surrogate -- a target of cyber attacks. however, if there are real casualties for retaliation from israel. that could really not things up in this conflict to a degree in which i don't think anybody wants to see. >> that's the issue for iranian leaders and israeli e leaders, they want to step up and they all have constituencies to worry about, benjamin netanyahu is under pressure to show israelis to be fair, this is an unprecedented attack, there's a shadow war that many people have talked about, this was the
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first direct military attack by iran and israel in the history of the jewish state until now, iran has tried to do this through proxies, the issue is how does iran respond -- israel respond without putting iranian leaders in a position which if there were number -- a large number killed, there would be pressure on iran leaders to respond and this is sort of the guns of august, the famous book about world war i, leaders misinterpreting each other, overreacting, and spiraling into a war that at this point i hope and think both sides do not want. >> whatever one may think about the iranian regime and what they want to happen to it and about israeli leadership, there has been talk the biden administration should be drawing a red line with iran in this conflict and where it's going. should that redline not also be
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drawn with prime minister benjamin netanyahu considering the numerous conversations with the president in which he's asked him to scale back in gaza for instance and he's not listen? >> >> yes. in terms of a very live issue in the american presidential election in 2024, you have republicans come out to say that the united states should back and assist any sort of israeli attack on iran , there would be a need for u.s. planes to help refuel israeli jets if there was an attack on some of the nuclear facilities so, donald trump and marco rubio have called for that backing of anything israel essentially wants to do but then for joe biden, there is enormous frustration among many democrats particularly younger democrats, particularly palestinian americans and native americans
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for house efforts to get benjamin netanyahu to back off have failed . here we are again, the core question again, i think this will be of a major impact on the u.s. election, will benjamin netanyahu defy biden again as he has regarding gaza? >> thank you, great to talk to you. coming up, where the conflict between iran and israel had the next, the response and what it looks like, the war with hamas, you're watching msnbc. we will be right back. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer.
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if you look at last night, and incredibly in successful evening, it demonstrated israel can feel comfortable they are not alone, also that they have superior military capability to defend themselves and their citizens. one of the messages we delivered was be proud of what you were able to accomplish because that itself sent a strong signal not just to iran but to every other bad actor in the region. >> that was john kirby with msnbc earlier today, like the president, he's urging israel to be satisfied with how it repelled attacks, israel is poised to retaliate, let's bring in mark, a former member of the cia, and an analyst, author of the book clarity in crisis leadership lessons from
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the caa, those are lessons we could all use. let's talk through -- i'm really interested in their presence on the ground, what type of presents they have and what you think they will try to gather right now in light of this latest attack and what could be a retaliation once again from israel. >> i think that is a great question because when president biden asked israel to call it a day, they have succeeded. i think he's saying don't do anything overtly. i think all eyes should look to the israeli intelligence establishment. this was covert action. that's where i think this is really retaliation is going to come either in the form of assassinations or use of surrogates to blowup iranian infrastructure or cyber attacks. this is back to what israel is
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good at, something that is not attributable. something that may not push the! tori letter. they are good and they are extremely capable inside of iran extensive human intelligence networks. that's where israeli national security efforts will live. >> how entangled are they and how can that not push the latter because it would still be retaliation but a covert retaliation and if they went for a target pretty high up on the wrong, that would certainly anger the iranians. >> two things, one is they do not take credit for it something blows up, and official is assassinating, i'm not condoning this, and in essence, they give iranians and out, israel will not brag or publicize, something will happen, they will know it is the israelis but they will not publicize it in that case, israel goes to this cost- benefit analysis, one of the things we have talked about, they are deliberative in covert
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operations, they will do something and understand there might be a cost but they do this in a very smart process, that's what you will see no. the world right now, for the state of israel is a different place than it was several days ago. there is incredible sympathy. it does not make a lot of sense for them to have an overt attack on the iranian infrastructure military, that will not serve their purpose, they will reserve a time and place of their choosing, i think the israeli war cabinet is likely approving this course of action because you see individuals like benny gantz, defense minister gallant saying they will take time and wait. >> we talked about how as we were awaiting these drones to head, if there was in fact a big loss of life there would be a major retaliation that could escalate things quickly, that did not happen thankfully. if this retaliation from israel to iran also results in high
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numbers of civilian casualties. what type of defense systems does iran have on hand and how worried are you about what could happen then? >> i don't think israel will take any operations that cause civilian casualties, that is not there modus operandi, that is -- >> i don't mean to step on your words, you know oftentimes in war and conflict, mistakes happen and it's often those mistakes that set things off, not the intention. >> i think they will be deliberate, just like i think the reason why israel did not respond last night was because of the lack of casualties, it was going to be the response was going to be casualty driven, the fact there was only one israeli young girl injured, really that i think is the decision-making deliberative process that allowed for us to be in this position where we are standing, similarly, i
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think the israelis will be careful on what they do inside iran. the targets the israelis are going to really look at are really more of the military and intelligence major, i don't expect a lot of civilian casualties. >> mark, thank you. great to talk to you. we will be back with more news after a quick break. break. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space?
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4:00 pm
tomorrow, folks, is the day. donald trump's hush money trial beginning. we will have special cover ledge tomorrow morning and throughout the afternoon. i will be down at the courthouse. that is tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. that wraps it up for me right now. i am back at 9:00 p.m. i will see you then. we have more breaking news. my friend, every time you and i are together we are on the brink of a new conflict. >> i hope you don't say


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