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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  April 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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empathy and people feel included? >> this may still happen. the talk is scheduled for may and the school board will reconsider this. it would be my advice to everyone in the community to undertake a small act of courage and get maulik pancholy back as your speaker. congratulations for everything you have done. thank you for continuing to be brave and thank you for being here a second time. >> thank you for having me back. >> the author of our book club feature, the best at it. before we go, my new book, small acts of courage comes out on tuesday, may 7th. i'm hitting several cities in the next few weeks. my book launch kicks off in philadelphia on may 7th. and then i will be in washington d.c. and in baltimore right after that. i will keep you "the katie phang show" begins right now. >> i am katie phang.
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live from telemundo studios in miami, florida. here is the week that was. this morning in new york city, history in the making with jury selection beginning in the first criminal trial against donald trump. one juror who was dismissed described it as a surreal selection process. >> it is like, oh, this is just another guy and also he sees me talking about him, which is bizarre. my predecessor promised infrastructure week, after week, after week for four years, and never built a thing. nothing. is really forces striking back, targeting a military base near a nuclear plant. retaliation for 's attack this weekend. that is more than 300 drones and missiles launched at israel. speaker mike johnson preparing to defy his most conservative house colleagues and called votes on a series of
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eight packages for israel, taiwan, and ukraine. this, despite worries that some may try to remove him from his speakership. >> i am not resigning and in my view, it is an absurd motion that someone would bring a vacate motion. we are simply here trying to do our jobs. the senate dismissed impeachment articles against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas brought by house republicans over his handling of the u.s. border. the indiana fever select caitlin clark. >> women's sports for too long has been undercovered, undervalued, and this is our ticket. the court's decision on the motions is clear. the court's decision to the on the best motions is clear. there is nothing else to clarify, there is nothing else to argue. we are going to have opening statements on monday morning. this trial is starting. judge juan merchan rejecting donald trump's last-minute
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attempts to delay after a jury has been selected and seated and on the eve of opening statements. the wheels of justice keep turning in the people of the state of new york versus donald j trump heard. it is a working saturday for lawmakers today as the house is expected to move forward on votes for related bills to foreign aid. after failing to call a vote on the senate passed package, on the table now are four bills for aid for israel, ukraine, the indo pacific, and a fourth bill that could ban tick tock in the united states if it does not divest from its china based on her. right now, members of congress are debating the bills ahead of the vote this afternoon. to get to this point, though, republican house speaker mike johnson had to get by with a little bit of help from his democratic friends. after months of delays and partisan fighting, yesterday,
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the house voted to move forward with a procedural rule to set up the votes for later today. but, that 316-94 vote tally was made up by more democrats than republicans. once again, showing that it is the democrats who are the adults in the room. now, johnson is also facing calls by another member of his own party for him to hit the road. joining me now is nbc news capitol hill correspondent, julie sirkin. julie, i know it is a little bit crazy right now, but get us up to speed with where we are on the votes in the house? >> reporter: a rare saturday working session for the house as they try to cleave yours, many of which could have been done months ago when the senate passed that foreign aid package of $95 billion that would aid all of those countries you just mentioned. now, the house re-crafting that package, if you will, sending individual votes in part to make it more easy and palatable for their members, specifically republicans on ukraine aid to decide if they want to support
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or pass on supporting some of these measures. within the next hour and a half or so, we anticipate the house will start voting on these bills. the order, a little bit unclear, still. they will take up israel aid, ukraine aid, the indo pacific. there is also $9 billion for humanitarian aid, which democrats said was a redline for them. some of that money would go to civilians in gaza as they are experiencing those strikes from israel after that hamas attack on october 7th. overall here, the overarching story is of kos -- of course after they are clearing these bills with the help of democrats especially when it comes to a two ukraine, the senate will take this up as a package. they are working out an agreement there, katie, so it is not sure when they will bring this up. by next week, we do expect this package to land on the president's desk. there is also a measure tucked in here that would effectively ban tick tock if the parent company, bytedance, which is owned by china, a chinese company, does not sell tiktok within a year. but of course, over all of this
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is johnson's job. it is his job on the line especially after republicans, three of them had said that they could potentially force a motion to kick him out. i talked to one of them yesterday, congressman thomas massey, who gathered with reporters just a couple minutes ago, as well. he is looking to have speaker johnson resign on his own. a part of that is because of the drama that they faced in the fall when the ousted kevin mccarty. you saw joachim jeffries, ended up getting more votes than a republican speaker candidate did. that was an embarrassing moment for republicans, one that they do not want to repeat. overall here, it is just not clear to see what happens in terms of what marjorie taylor greene is going to do later on the floor today, if she is going to do any glenn beck on the floor to force a vote on this, but johnson, so far, avoiding us as we have been trying to find out him all day long, does not want to face us ahead of these critical votes. both for the first time as i
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can remember as a speaker, he said is critically important to the national security and i'm talking about the a two ukraine here. >> julie, i want to thank you for getting us caught up to speed and i am going to let you go so that you can actually catch up on what is going on behind you. julie sirkin, thanks for being here. i appreciate it. as we await those votes that are expected to come in later today on the house foreign aid package, house minority leader hakeem jeffries gave a preview of what to expect from democrats when it comes to voting on these bills. >> democrats will provide a majority of our majority as it relates to funding israel, humanitarian assistance, ukraine, and our allies in the indo pacific. it remains to be seen what republicans will do. >> joining me now is congresswoman susan wilde, a member of the house foreign affairs committee. we are getting her mic'd up, it is a cake. congresswoman, when you are ready to hear us, let us know. can you hear us?
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well, it looks like we are having some tech issues, to be able to hear her right now. but, what we are waiting for is congresswoman wild to be able to join us to talk about what is happening with the foreign aid bills that will be going to a vote this afternoon, as we heard from julie sirkin. it sounds like we have the congresswoman with us now. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. listen, congresswoman, i know it is kind of wild right now -- no pun intended -- we are grateful for you to join us right now. i want to ask you straight out of the gate, can you share with us how you plan on voting on these particular foreign aid bills this afternoon? >> i am happy to share with you. i will be a yes vote on those foreign aid bills, each one of them. i am hugely relieved that we are finally getting this to a vote, and particularly that we will be getting a two ukraine as a result.
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>> it took, as we know, bipartisanship. i know that sometimes becomes a journey word in d.c. for the republicans, but it took bipartisanship to get these even to a vote later today. what does it say to you that a simple rule vote yesterday caused so much upheaval with your republican colleagues across the aisle? >> first, let me just say, i am very proud of democrats for saving today and for working in such a bipartisan manner. it is something that i think we need to do a lot more of, and people are acting like this is such a shocking thing for democrats and republicans to come together on something, but i say, more of it, please. it is a shame that the gop is controlled, quite frankly, by a small number of extremists, who have really just created such a logjam in this place. so, i am really happy that the speaker has overcome that, and is working in a bipartisan manner on this. i think it is so important, and the people have been saying
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that this is a congress that hasn't gotten much done. but obviously, an incredibly important issue, multitude of issues. we are getting it done and we are getting it done on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis. >> and to your point, congresswoman, a lot of people are applauding house speaker johnson to actually help this get to the point where you need to vote on these necessary and critical foreign aid packages. but in the wake of getting these bills to the floor, we know that paul goes-r has now joined with marjorie taylor green and thomas massey in supporting a motion to vacate a speaker johnson. i have to ask, if the motion eventually comes to the floor, can speaker johnson expect your support to save his job? >> let me just say, i am not about to reward extremist politicians who want to punish the speaker for working in a bipartisan manner. and that is exactly what we are seeing. but, from the three who have
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already announced that they will join in the motion to vacate, certainly not going to reward them for that. obviously, this is still a hypothetical issue, but i do not see any reason that we should reward them for that. >> one of the aid bills, congresswoman, that will be a part of the vote this afternoon is a $23.68 billion in aid to israel bill. this week, we saw israel respond to iran's multiple airstrikes from last weekend. the united states, to be clear, not involved in those military operations, whatsoever. but, what are your thoughts on the role that the united states is now playing in that region? >> so, let me say, people really need to understand that there is a whole lot in that israel aid package. first of all, much of it is for the defense of israel. as you pointed out, with the recent attack by iran, we have seen proof that israel is very
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much in need of defensive weaponry, and in fact, the iron dome needs further funding. in addition to the defensive portion of it, there is a huge amount of humanitarian aid. in fact, it corresponds exactly to what i requested of speaker johnson in a letter last week, when i asked him to make sure that humanitarian aid was included and it is in there, at $9.2 billion. but, that is not, by the way, just for one country. it actually -- and many people don't understand that the humanitarian aid is also for other ravaged countries like lebanon, and afghanistan, and sudan, and countries that just really are in terrible shape. so, i think there is a lot of good stuff in the israel aid bill. one other thing that i think is really important for people to understand is that there are guardrails on our aid to israel.
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first of all, on the offensive portion, the offensive weapons that are a piece of the israel aid bill, none of those will be available for at least a year and a half, and many of them, much longer than that. that is number one. but, there are also guardrails because not only does the administration have the ability to dictate when and how much is actually sent to israel, but there are additional guardrails here in congress. we call them the four corners. the ranking member and the chair of house foreign affairs and of senate foreign relations have to sign off on every single weapons transfer to any foreign country. in fact, there has been some discussion in the press about the fact that both representative gregory meeks, who is the ranking member on the house foreign affairs, and senator cardin, on foreign relations in the senate, have for now put a hold on some
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weapons transfers that have been asked for. so, people need to understand that it is not just a shipment of all kinds of weapons and money to israel. it is a lot of other things, as well. >> and this is why it was so important to have your voice. not only are you on house foreign affairs, but to have you explain to our viewers that it is not just a blank check that is being filled out to be written to be able to send this aid, that it has been thoughtfully done. congresswoman susan wilde, i know you are busy, my thank you to you for joining us and getting us started. >> thank you, katie. >> thanks. coming up, trump on trial, the jury is ready to go in donald trump's new york election interference trial. new york southern district of new york joins us next for what to expect on monday's opening statements. there is so much more to come this afternoon on "the katie phang show", only here on msnbc. msnbc. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy.
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the jury in terms new york election interference trial has been selected and sworn in. the jury selection process made for an eventful and emotional week inside the courtroom with two prospective jurors breaking down in tears and three being excused after expressing anxiety about having to serve on the case. but, arguments quickly got underway under the sandoval hearing, which establishes what trump can be asked about if he
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is cross-examined if he takes the stand, with the prosecution arguing that trump's extensive legal history is all fair game as they hope to impeach his credibility. judge juan merchan is set to rule on what can be used by the d.a.s office and we will get that ruling on monday, which is also when opening statements are slated to begin. joining me now for more as former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. listen, let's talk about jury selection. i know it has been chatted over quite a bit, but i did want to ask you specifically about this angle. there are two lawyers that are on this jury. your thoughts about whether or not that was smart to seat two jurors -- let me be clear, excuse me, two lawyers on this jury. let me be clear, they are corporate lawyers, et cetera. but, your thoughts? >> first of all, it is great to be with you, katie, on this saturday. i have a very strong view about lawyers. people would come in the office and talk about the kind of jury they have ceded. when i heard there was a lawyer, or god for bid more than one lawyer on the jury, i
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became concerned. maybe those concerns are a little bit overblown, but my view is it is not that a lawyer will be pro defense or pro- prosecution, with any other facts of the case. except, i have an aversion to having on the jury, someone who has more influence than anyone else. the worry would be is that if the lawyer is not on your side, that is a problem, because it might be the case that other jurors would defer to that lawyer's knowledge and understanding, even if the person is not involved in criminal law. they went to law school, they did substantive criminal law, criminal procedure, and it may be the case that now you have two, it may means they may balance each other out and no particular lawyer on the jury would predominate, but i don't love it, i don't know that you don't love it, either, probably. >> i am on the fence but i get your point it is not zero, maybe. it just depends on who has the bigger personality. let's talk about opening statements. we are all looking forward to see what happens on monday. my question to you is very
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specific. what kinds of themes will you be looking for from the prosecution and defense in their openings? >> that is an interesting question. i think we have had a preview of the theme from the prosecution, and that is the emphasis on how this is a serious and important case. you don't have to prove motive in most criminal cases. you don't have to emphasize why a case is important. why is it important to the state, to the country, to the rule of law, and to the doing of justice? i think the d.a.s office feels some obligation and need to emphasize that, which is why they don't like it being called the hush money case, they don't like it being called a simple documents case, but in fact, an election interference case. you will hear them sound over and over again, the importance of why this is significant and why the jury should care, and why this was a serious crime. >> and in terms of witnesses, we did hear from the d.a.s office at the close of business on friday, that they should be
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able to put on a witness that they won't actually get to cross examination on monday, considering it is a truncated day. it ends at 2:00. if you are prosecuting this case, who would be your first witness and the last witness you would put on in this case? >> so, i will answer by saying who i think it should not be, and who it should not be, is michael cohen. difficult, controversial, potentially not smooth witnesses and i think michael cohen falls into all of those categories. not at the start. it could be somebody who could give an overview of what the case is about and those details get filled in along the way. you always want to end strong. so again, not michael cohen. not a difficult authority witness, but a general, overall summary witness, if you can, at the start. then, you tuck those cooperating witnesses somewhere in the middle. >> talking about thorny witnesses, donald trump declaring when he was leaving court on friday, confirming that he will testify. he didn't make it equivocal in
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any way. do you want to take a bet? what are we going to bed? is he going to testify? >> i will bet. >> you will take the bet? which side? >> i would put a lot of money on that. listen, he has said this before, in multiple contexts as you and i have observed over the years, beginning with the investigation by robert mueller. he likes to show that he is not fearful, that he is a strong and aggressive, and that he can testify and prove his innocence and exonerate himself. he never ends up doing it. it is very, very rare. he did it in a civil proceeding recently and it didn't go well for him. his lawyers, certainly -- and i guess you agree with this -- are telling him, do not testify under any circumstances. part of the reason to that is he subjects himself not only to withering cross-examination and scandalous details of this payment and the relationship with stormy daniels and everything else, but also to cross-examination of the bad axiom committed. you made a mention of the sandoval hearing. that hasn't been decided, yet. but, when someone decides to
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testify, the judge can allow the prosecutors to bring in a whole host of other bad acts and salacious activities on the part of the defendant that otherwise would not be able to be brought in. i do not think trump would perform well in cross- examination, either, in terms of his comportment and his respect for the judges and questioners. we have seen that with ireland, he has been admonished for that in the courtroom. to go even further south if he takes the witness stand, so i don't think you will do it. >> later on in the show, i will talk about the contempt hearing that is coming up on tuesday. taking a deep dive not only procedurally, but substantively, what to expect. i will ask you this because you have been in new york for a long time in the legal system. what could juan merchan do more than a $1000 fine for that gag order? >> look, the most serious penalty available within the discretion of the judge is to put the defendant, in this case, donald trump, behind bars for a period of time.
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i think for all the reasons that people might guess, it is an extreme thing to do in a case like this where you have somebody who has already complained that he is not able to campaign, he is not going to go on the campaign trail, he is not able to go do other things, he can't watch and participate in other legal proceedings related to him including the united states supreme court. i think he is going to try really hard to estimate the penalty up to but not including putting him behind bars. but, that remains an option. i just think that would be a very significant thing to do. he will threaten it. i don't think in the immediate future that will be something he does, though. >> what about the logistics? before i let you go. i'm out of time, but i have to ask. people are saying, you can put the former president of the united states with his secret service detail in jail. but, speak to the logistics of that? because you have had officials that have been in and out of the fdny in the time you were there. i mean, there is some way of
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being able to accommodate somebody like donald trump if he is incarcerated, correct? >> look, presumably, yeah. there has to be some way to accommodate. but, my office prosecuted many high-ranking officials in office, but never someone who was the former president of the united states who had secret service protection. so, it becomes collocated. i guess another midway point is if the court decides, as the court sometimes does for defendants who are pending trial, to have a form of house arrest. that way, the person can't leave their home, they can retain the secret service pretension and there is some punishment there, and doesn't allow mr. trump to go do the things he wants to do in his spare time, including evenings and weekends. but, the question you asked, and the answer is unclear because it is totally unprecedented to have somebody
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who has, by law, secret service protection paid for by the taxpayers of this country. you put them in a cell and have secret service agents in an adjoining cell? do you have them sitting outside? does he have to forcibly waive his right to secret service protection? those are complicated questions, but i think that is a reason why the judge will be ultimately reluctant to impose that kind of punishment. >> the only thing i will say before i say goodbye, is something is unprecedented until it is precedence. right? >> that is true. >> maybe judge juan merchan will create precedents for a former president of the united states on tuesday. thank you so much for joining us, especially on a saturday. it is good to see you. >> thank you, katie. good to be with you. still to come on "the katie phang show", a trail of two campaigns, president biden on the campaign trail this week while donald trump reportedly dozing off in a manhattan courtroom. the impact of that split screen. could it have as big of an impact as we think on voters and the lead up to decision 2024? don't go anywhere. go anywhere. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals.
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this week, president biden
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had the campaign trail all to himself, capitalize on that opportunity. he hit the critical battleground state of pennsylvania three times this week, talking about issues that actually matter to voters, like the economy and reproductive rights. while he was there, biden also picked up a key endorsement from a democratic dynasty. 15 members of the kennedy family through their support behind him in a clear rebuke of their conspiracy theorist family member and independent candidate, rfk jr.. meanwhile, biden's gop opponent, criminal defendants donald trump, spent the week seated in a manhattan courthouse. how did trump use that precious and limited time in between his mandatory court proceedings? the usual. he attacked the legal system, spread more lies about what he is being prosecuted for, and promised retribution against his political enemies. what a waste of time. joining me now is democratic pollster and a political analyst, fernand r monday. let's start with that split
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screen. your thoughts about biden on the trail, trying to do good, spreading that messaging on reproductive rights, and the economy, and trump -- allegedly -- nodding off, maybe some flatulence, something going on in his criminal case? >> katie, it certainly is the split screen that the biden campaign wants america to think about and focus on. when you have the incumbent president in essence doing the work, telling the story of all they have accomplished in these last 3 1/2 years. meanwhile, former president trump sits in a courtroom, credibly charged with having committed crimes and potentially other felonies in the state of new york and you can't ask for a better stark contrast. i think the one concern about that is, though, as things become normalized, katie, the abnormal we have seen in this country in essence becomes somewhat normalized.
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whether or not that image is just something the american people get used to and they are just trying to say, that is just politics in 2024. it is up to biden to make the case -- i think he is doing a good job so far, and i think that is why it is important that the other trump trials come online before the election if they want to have the american people with the idea that this potential convicted president could very well be the next president. >> so, let's talk about the kennedys throwing their weight behind joe biden, endorsing him, not endorsing rfk jr. we are also hearing from media reports that the trump campaign is awful -- also focusing on rfk jr., as well. is there just too much credit being given to the rfk campaign by both sides at this point? >> i don't think so, katie, because it is about the polls. the polls speak very clearly and right now in some polls, rfk jr. is getting 12%, 13% of the vote in some of these battleground states. >> from whom, though, is he pulling? >> that is the question. i think there is a case to be made that he could be pulling for both sides. right now, if you are the biden
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campaign, you cannot have any potential biden supporter -- or, biden voter have an offramp and think about somebody like rfk jr., especially for those people who aren't as aware of the issues and debates going on. that is why you see them on a full force offensive to try to administer that. they have maintained all along it is the third-party candidacies that really keep them up at night because as we have seen in the 2020 election, some of these battleground states, katie, decided by 10, 20, 30,000 votes. that is much less than 2% or 3%, in some cases. so, it could be a spoiler effect and i think that is why you are seeing it go so hard now to try to administer that impact as we go closer to november. >> i want to play some quick sound, a political ad released by the biden campaign and it is blanketing the airwaves lately. take a listen. >> i have been a factory worker for 23 years and i know hard work when i see it. i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because when you meet him, this guy is as sharp as a knife.
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they have nothing else to attack because they can't attack the things that he is doing that are so good for this country. i see people going back to work, jobs coming to the area, infrastructure being fixed up. joe biden gets things done. that is just who he is. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. >> fernand, joe biden gets things done, that is what we are hearing. this is a part of a big spend on the biden campaign to be able to push ads like this out. again, i guess the juxtaposition of biden doing this, having this type of ad campaign while donald trump rails against the judicial system in a hallway in a manhattan courtroom. you heard, though, in his ad talking about joe biden being sharp, right? so, is this this new wave of biden surrogates? is this the way that biden is attacking certain points of criticism that people think our weaknesses, by using and deploying these types of ads? >> clearly so. right now, you see the biden campaign trying to frame this narrative. as we get closer -- the voting
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really starts in october and november, trying to take on where the attacks are. right now, joe biden is the stool in the oval office, but nothing could be further from the truth. biden himself really diminished that narrative during the state of the union speech. as long as he sticks to his strength, which is how he has presided over, katie, this historic economy that is the envy of the world right now in terms of how it is performing against the backdrop of the pandemic after he inherited this economic disaster from the trump years. and what is on the line? going back to trump, the man who basically brought the economy to its knees, or continuing to progress. that is what we are seeing in those commercials. i think as long as the economy is the main issue, which the polls say it is, that will be a very effective method for team biden. >> reproductive rights, though, gives economy a run for its money when it comes to importance to voters. we have this information, the biden campaign releasing a memo from north carolina ahead of trump having remarks there.
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donald trump, this is governor roy cooper, donald trump is responsible for north carolina's abortion ban, that restricts women's freedom to make their own health care decisions. since donald trump stands between a woman and her doctor, north carolinians will stand between donald trump and the white house this november. i mean, that is some strong messaging. is it enough to be able to say that reproductive rights are on the ballot in november, when you have donald trump waffling on whether or not he supports the national ban? >> we know that the abortion issue is bedeviling republicans. we have seen a trail of republican losses since the overturning of roe v wade. i don't think by itself, it is enough. i think it has to be done in complement with the economic accomplishment story. and also, frankly, the threat to american democracy that the maga republican project led by donald trump represents. but, that trifecta, the economic progress, the dangers of the freedoms that are going to be overturned and have been overturned on abortion, reproductive rights, and the threat to democracy. that is the trifecta that i think the trump campaign is fearing the most because there
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is no answer to it. it is true. >> fernand, thank you so much for being here, as always, for giving us some really kind of clear insight on what is going on out there in decision 2024. coming up, we are going to have equal justice under the law. that fundamental principle of our justice system will be put to the ultimate test on tuesday, when the judge overseeing trump's new york election interference trial decides if the former president, once again, violated his gag order. i am going to explain, coming up, next. up, next. yeah. i mean, he does look happy. when you've got questions, chewy's got answers. too happy? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? chat with our vet team for free. [thud] [purring] that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? (♪♪) it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start... crest. ava: i was just feeling sick.
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ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [♪ music playing ♪] what is cirkul? cirkul is
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the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and we have breaking news from capitol hill. the house has actually started early, they have started the vote on those foreign aid bills. we are going to continue to update you throughout the day with the breaking news, but the house has begun the vote process for those foreign aid bills. and moving on, no one is
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above the law, including donald trump. that principle will be tested on tuesday morning, when judge juan merchan conducts a hearing to determine whether trump should be held in criminal contempt of court for willfully violating the april 1st, 2024 expanded gag order. that, among other things, prohibits trump from making public statements about witnesses and their involvement in the trial about prospective jurors. the manhattan d.a. alleges that trump knowingly violated the gag order 10 different times. here is the critical timeline for you. march 26, judge juan merchan enters that original gag order. april 1st, judge merchan enters an expanded judge order after trump attacks judge merchan family online. april 8, trump seeks appellate relief from that gag order. but, on april 9th, an appellate court justice relies -- denies and that really spread on april 10th, trump attacks michael cohen and stormy daniels untruth social. on april 13th, attacking true
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social. two days later, the d.a.s office files its first motion to hold trump in contempt for his alleged april 10th and april 13th violations. on the same day, judge merchan sets the contempt hearing for april 24th at 2:30 and orders trump to respond to the allegations by 5:00 p.m. on friday, april 19th. now, judge merchan later changes the date and time of that hearing to april 23rd at 9:30. that is this coming tuesday. but, on that same day, trump attacks michael cohen on true social and so does his official campaign website. the next day, april 16th, trump attacks michael cohen untruth social and so does the official campaign website. on april 17th, trump reposts untruth social, fox news' host jesse watters' claim about prospective jurors. on april 18th, the d.a.s office files its supplemental motion to hold trump in contempt for all of his alleged gag order violations to date. new york judiciary law section 750 states that a court of record has power to punish for criminal contempt, a person guilty of willful disobedience
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to its lawful mandate. and in order to prove criminal contempt, the prosecution must establish beyond a reasonable doubt the existence of a lawful order, expressing an unequivocal mandate, a violation of the order and that it was made with knowledge and is willful. according to the prosecution, trump's repeated complaints about the gag order is evidence that he is aware of that order and what it prohibits him from doing. in fact, in trump's civil fraud case, trump violated the gag order there on two different occasions. the justice held him in civil contempt and find trump in both instances. the d.a.s office says those violations are also proof that trump knows when a gag order restricts them from saying and doing certain things, that they are also proof that trump knows what happens when his public statements violate a gag order. judge merchan even made it crystal clear to trump earlier this week that the court would not tolerate his gestures and statements to jurors and the courtroom. and trump, he can't claim
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someone else's bad behavior as he has never denied actually making those posts and she has actually acknowledged that he is the author of his truth social posts. the timing of the violations may also be an issue at this contempt hearing. the d.a.s office included the dates and times of offending posts, some of them suggesting that trump was actually posting from inside of the courthouse while the trial was proceeding. those of you concerned about the timing of this hearing considering jury selection and opening statements on monday, new york judiciary law seven 51 states that if the contempt is committed in the immediate view and presence of the court, the defendant may be punished summarily. were not so committed, the defendant charged must be notified of the accusation and have a reasonable time to make a defense. so, to comply, judge merchan set the hearing for tuesday morning at 9:30. that will be that reasonable time for trump to make a defense. but, remember how judge merchan ordered trump to file a response by 5:00 p.m. yesterday. well, that time has come and
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gone. listen, we haven't seen anything, yet. maybe we will, but that april 1st gag order clearly put trump on notice that if he violates it, he could be sanctioned, pursuant to new york judiciary law 751. let's go back to section 751. it states that punishment for a contempt may be by fine, not exceeding $1000, or by imprisonment, not exceeding 30 days, or both, in the discretion of the court. the prosecution seeks a $1000 fine for each violation and for trump to have to remove the offending post. in the original motion for contempt, they asked the judge to warn trump that if he continued to violate the gag order that trump could be put in jail for up to 30 days. there is also the request for "other such relief" as the court deems just and proper. that opens the door for judge merchan to craft creative penalties for trump that would send the right message. on tuesday, judge merchan has the opportunity to protect the integrity of this trial. trump should be punished for his flagrant disregard of the court order. his willful violations but lives at risk and threatened the order the administration of justice. for someone like donald trump,
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spending even one night in jail may be enough of a deterrent to keep him in line. cicero said, let the punishment be proportionate to the offense. i guess we will have to wait and see. coming up next, closing the gap, five-time wnba all-star, angel mcallister, on west wnba rookie, caitlin clark $76,000 salary reveals about the massive pay disparity between the men and women's leagues and what can be done to level the playing field. we will talk about it after a quick break. quick break. and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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this week, college basketball phenom, caitlin clark, joined the big leagues as the nba's -- wnba's new draft pick, but this also fueled a firestorm around the pay gap between men and women in sports. clark is projected to earn over 338,000 dollars in her fourth year contract with the indiana fever, which is in stark contract to the nba's number one draft pick, whose four year contract netted him $55 million. of course, the difference in pay between these two rookies is staggering but there are a number of other factors at play. joining me now to talk about some of those factors is angel, 2009 wnba draft pick, five-time wnba all-star and two time olympic gold medalist.
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, are we in the presence of greatness. angel, thank you so much for joining us for this important conversation. i want to be clear, the league has responded to the criticism over caitlin's starting salary. the league saying that she stands to make half $1 million or more in wnba earnings this coming season and over $3 million through endorsements and partnerships. but, not all wnba players are similarly situated by caitlin., so what is your reaction to that response from the wnba? >> everyone is mad about what caitlin are receiving, but there were other girls drafted just like caitlin, under her. the top draft is about $70,000- $75,000. what about the girls under that? their salaries are even lower. the main thing we have to do is the marketing and storytelling. do you really know caitlin clark's story? you just know she is a girl who played for iowa just like steph curry. you don't know her story, how many siblings she has, what it took for her to get where she is at.
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we know the stories of nba players, we know all of their stories. that is the thing, the marketing of the storytelling for who these girls really are. >> so, caitlin clark and the other new wnba players are under a 2020 collective bargaining agreement, which did double the max salaries and did have an increase in comp. now, it was a major step forward, angel. but, why can't we just rest on those laurels? because that agreement is going to run out. >> yes, the agreement will run out, but this has been similar in every industry with women, we had to fight for equality. why are women still fighting for equality in the workplace? what is going on? that is what i'm trying to figure out. when i invite people to again, people want to know who they are going to watch. they are not going to go to an nba game if they don't know who they are watching. i say, hey, if you don't like it, i will refund your ticket. i have never had to refund a ticket. the game is fun, it is exciting. you might say, you guys don't dunk, but there are some girls that don't. you guys missed me in my prime,
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i used to dunk and it is an exciting game and people love it. we don't have nearly the marketing our male counterparts do, but look at where we are. 25 years in the wnba, we are further along than where the nba was after 25 years, so if we get the marketing dollars and support, it will work. i have had 40 point games on espn, and i will call my friends like, did you see that? i just hit the game-winning shot. they would be like, are you on espn tonight? they didn't even know that i was on tv playing one of the best games of my career. >> and the visibility is important, to your point. not just from the marketing and help, but the see her, be her component of inspiring other women to do it. i want to talk about the fact that other players across the league have to take up other sources of income to increase their pay, most notably, for example, brittney griner, traveling to another country to play. you are currently playing with the athletes unlimited league, which also includes many other wnba players. talk about the effect as an
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athlete it has on you, having to worry about your finances and how that can affect your game? >> let me tell you guys, i was drafted number one in 2009 to atlanta and got $44,000. when we started fighting, people would get mad at us so we fought for caitlin to have the $70,000. we want them to have those contracts. i played overseas for 10 years straight with no break. that sauna you see behind me that i relax in, is because i got a wnba salary in one month overseas. i played in russia, turkey, spain, i played in some places where for some reason they valued the women's sport and we got played what we deserve. it is sad to say that we had to go overseas to make more money then in our own country. but, like we see the u.s. national team, they won how many gold medals in a row? they have never had to redeem anything. our men's usa team, not to put them down, but they had to redeem themselves a couple of years. give these women what they deserve. let's value every woman athlete! they work so hard and they are exciting to watch. >> absolutely.
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angel, thank you so much for joining us and for fighting the good fight. i appreciate you very much. >> thank you for having me. thanks to all of you for watching. you can catch me next saturday at noon, but don't go anywhere. "nbc reports" with my friend, alex witt, coming up, next. nex t to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief.
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in this hour, another late trump defense hail mary falls short, we will tell you what it was and a view from inside the courtroom from someone who watched it all unfold,


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