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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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on the campaign trail, abortion is a top issue among voters as reproductive rights are being stripped down in many states across the country. in our focus group, chelsea spoke with a young group in wisconsin about how abortion could impact votes.>> i talked to 16 wisconsin independent voters under the age of 30 who are all college students, the majority of them told us abortion would have be a big factor in how they would decide to vote in this election. majority support access to the procedure, they were very concerned about efforts to restrict access around the country. they also blamed trump for roe v. wade being overturned, as he appointed the spring court
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justices who took away that federal light right. >> when he was in office, the people that he chose to give positions to and elect to the proceeding supreme court overturned roe v. wade.>> it should be a woman's choice, the government shouldn't be voicing what we can do with our own bodies. some of those comments, as the issue of abortion remains top of mind. we saw florida's new six week ban on abortions go into effect, that is going to have sweeping consequences across the southeast. we saw arizona lawmakers repeal an 1864 near total abortion ban. voters have views on these issues could help resident biden's bid to be re-elected. seven out of 16 said they would vote for biden, only three said they would vote for former
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president donald trump, six said that they would stay home, so that tells us there is a lot of work to be done by both candidates in this race. alex?>> thank you for that report. we are learning about what happened at donald trump's big gathering with his vice presidential hope wills, what someone in the room where it happens told von hilliard. welcome to alex witt reports. it is official, six months to go until election day, with former president on the trump spending the weekend with donors and potential vice presidential picks. biden went to delaware, tightening the pitch to voters with sharper, shorter speeches, and more digital engagement. some of donald trump's vice presidential hopefuls went on sunday talk shows, not giving away much.>> in mar-a-lago this
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week, did trump bring up you being his vice presidential candidate? >> what really came out across to me was how unified the republican party is. >> i hope the president will choose a person that helps the country unite and heal. i certainly expect to have a decision from president trump in the next 60 days or so. he did not bring it up, i certainly did not bring it up.>> here's what von hilliard had to say on meet the press. >> there are individuals we had on stage that made references to being potential vice presidential picks. i talked to two people in the room last night, notably they mentioned that jd vance, an ohio senator, was welcomed on stage and praised, he also made reference to the fact that vance had made bad past statements about him. go back to 2016, he called home
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donald trump an idiot, he called himself a nether dough called himself someone who would never go trump. >> his hush money trial resumes tomorrow after explosive testimony with hope hicks. in the meantime, at the university of southern california, police surrounded a pro-palestinian student hank ammon in the middle of the night. protesters were told they could face arrest if they didn't leave. they left peacefully, but many vowed to return. joining me now to talk about trump's criminal trial, joined by sophia chai, national politics reporter, and catherine christian, analyst and former d.a. at the manhattan district attorney's office. the jury heard about scandal
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after scandal. what stood out to you?>> this week we heard from hope hicks, she was very close to trump, she was very emotional. to the jurors, those emotions may be made her a little bit more credible. with her testimony, we are getting closer and closer to the hush money payment. she talked about the reaction inside the trump white house in 2018 to the repayment, and she really connects trump to the repayment, saying she said trump told her michael cohen paid daniels out of the kindness of her heart, and that one moment a prosecutor says do you really think michael cohen would do this out of the kindness of his heart? she admits no, probably not. that was a moment that stood out to me.>> heading into the trial, people were questioned on whether this is a hush money
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case or an election interference case. has the testimony built out that part of the case?>> it has built out the rationale for hushing up miss daniels was to keep this information from the electorate, so far, that has been confirmed. what has not been confirmed yet is that donald trump directed michael cohen to make the payment. this is excellent for the execution. who is in a better position to know about the access hollywood tape, and the devastating crisis and impact on the campaign? that gives a rationale about why it was so important for donald trump to silence stormy daniels, because they could have one more thing happened before the election. the position is being forceful,
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deliberate, and piece by piece, they are building up to the 34 counts in each case, and each of those counts, 11 checks, 11 invoices, 12 invoices, are these 34 business records unlawful?>> look, sophia, that's exactly what the prosecution is going to try to get to, it may happen as soon as this week. if you have a paper trail, how damning might these ducats be when presented in court?>> i think the paper trail is really important, i mean we saw that all the way back in week one, where we heard from david packer, he talked about seeing with his own eyes donald trump signing checks in invoices presented to him by his former assistant, and that's the
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foundation that prosecutors are building in order to establish that yes, there were these paper trails, these are the types of paper that trump was involved with.>> donald trump himself has fashioned himself as being very on top of things, that he ran this company, and testimony has very much pointed to that as well. after all this intrigue, how is the prosecution going to bring documents into the trial without putting the jury to sleep? this part of the case can be really comp located, right?>> most white-collar cases don't have the salacious nests, you just have the documents, because this jury notice, those are the only charges, those 34 documents, they are going to pay attention, they are going to look at each donald trump
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signature check. i think the jurors, they are not to fall asleep, they are going to be paying attention, the whole ball game, those 34 ball games. you have there been any risks to the prosecution strategy so far?>> no risks, they still haven't, other than michael cohen, who donald trump said directed him to do it. of course donald trump directed him to do it, just by what other witnesses have said, and the documents, the fact david pecker said he was detail oriented and a micro manager, hope hicks said he was very involved, of course he knew, that's what the prosecution is going to argue. >> michael: is certainly going to be a key witness.
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take a listen.>> it means more to us than just a boss, he is a mentor, he is a sage, he's like family.>> trump was sentenced to three years in prison. how is the prosecution painting this arc? the description of his characters by witnesses have not been particularly flattering. will that matter to this case?>> i think that is up to the jury to decide. the prosecutors have painted him as a real central
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character. a meeting was detailed very specifically by david pecker, and what i expect from michael cohen is for him to get up there when he is called, and say look, i've done all these things that are horrible, i have lied, and she really own up to it. whether or not you believe me is up to you.>> that up to you part, how do you expect this to be received by the jury? is it problematic if they don't trust him? does it undercut the prosecution's case?>> the hope is that you have witnesses and built up the fact that michael cohen is not the most trustworthy person. the fear is that the jurors are already prepared, well, he's a liar, i don't believe what he's going to say.
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you hope the jurors will say okay, he has lied in the past, now he's telling the truth, it could go either way. you can have jurors who don't really trust the guy and hope hicks saying he needs to fix it, he broke things, he would never do anything out of the goodness of his heart, you are hoping that the jury will take what he is testifying to in the trial and look at all of the corroborating evidence and say he didn't lie to us about this.>> you are also covering the presidential campaign. is this trial impacting the trump campaign as all these scandalous stories resurface?>> it is absolutely impacting the campaign. my reporting shows that everything had to be shifted. three morning meetings on the campaign side.
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they also had to refer to trumps legal folks about how and when he could approach the case. the campaign has also had to really fit all his campaigning into weekends or wednesdays, a day where there is no court hearing, for him to it out there and go to the swing states. that makes for a very long day for trump. on the campaign side, they have to manage trump, and fulfill his wishes of seeing crowds, being out there and getting a pat on the back. it has been a very stressful time for them, and they are working for a candidate that is in criminal trial.>> to your point, and i want you to elaborate, the campaign has to check with lawyers about what he can and cannot say about this. trump paid $9000 on friday for nine violations. we are waiting to see what the judge will rule.
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how is donald trump pushing it? how has the judge been handling it?>> trump is very cognizant of this gag order, he talks about it all the time. he mainly complains about how unfair it is for him to have to campaign under the gag order, this past week the judge really clarified, to say hey, look, this gag order doesn't prevent you from testifying, it doesn't prevent him from making any campaign speeches. the judge has made it very clear, and the judge has also said if $9000, $1000 for each gag order violation is not enough to deter you, the judge is willing to go even further and consider jail time, and
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trump understands that and he doesn't want to spend a single second in jail.>> we will see what happens, ladies, thank you. college campuses are still on edge. we will take you to several different schools, we are back in 60 seconds. seconds. zzzquil. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wayfair's biggest sale of the year is finally here. it's way day! right now you can save up to 80% off at wayfair. ooo, yes. plus score free shipping on everything. [ grunting ] [ bell rings ] and surprise flash deals. all way day long! wayday ends soon. shop wayfair's biggest sale now through may 6th. ♪ wayfair. every style, every home. ♪
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(ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. chaos on college campuses this weekend as police were called to break up several pro-
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palestinian encampments. police cleared and encampment for a second time this week, in the wee hours, this morning. protesters did promise they would be back. in charlottesville, police in cat tactical gear arrested 25 people after removing demonstrators from the campus lawn. you can see them using chemical irritants on many of them. they say the tents violated school policy even though the 10 to - - even though protesters acted peacefully. our reporters are on college campuses across the united states. adrian is joining us from usc in los angeles. adrian, they are gone, you were there to witness it, i applaud the fact that you were up and at it, give me a sense of the students and how resolved they seems to be about returning and
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consuming these protests? >> they left peacefully, but they weren't quiet. they were chanting, some were reluctant, and they did vow to return. as they marched along the thoroughfare, they said we will come back, we don't care, we will come back, arrest, attack we don't care, we will come back. lapd moved in at the request of the university. this happened about 12 hours after students inside that account meant were warned that they were violating the law, and essentially campus policy. we have heard from a spokesperson here at the university where they issued a statement saying in part "the university of southern california and department of public safety successfully removed the illegal payment rebuilt on the university campus. it was necessary to request the los angeles police department to respond to provide security,
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as this was carried out peacefully. no arrests have been reported." i want to underscore the line that says rebuilt. this is the same encampment that was here last month, about two weeks ago. lapd also moved in to assist. there were more than 100 arrests made. after they left the encampment, of course they blocked a portion of the roadway for about 15 minutes, some drivers became agitated, blowing their horns, no serious delays. some students did say that they were shoved, as those tents were being torn down. overall, quite a different scene compared to the turbulent week that we saw here and in other schools in california.>> we go to jay gray, where a
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stand with palestine made a demonstration has just wrapped up. how did it go today? >> all peaceful right now, no arrests at this point. we tried to show you some of the police presence in this last hour. they create the units here, blocking the roadway, with those buses, we didn't see any of them today, it was a very peaceful demonstration. what you did see as a part of the crowd that was gathered here, 200 or so people that were part of the demonstration, they were in yellow vests surrounding the lawn, where this was going on. many of them, professors here at the university of texas, who said they needed to be here for their students.>> they need to be here to protect the
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students. constitutionally protected free speech, they have really been besieged by state troopers and militarized forces that are unnecessary, and our students, we care about them, we want to protect them in a way the university is not.>> there was certainly a show of force, but we didn't see the horses and the right gear. we did see a post from texas governor greg abbott that said the only thing that will happen is that the university and the state will use all law enforcement tools to quickly terminate illegal protests taking place on campus that clearly violate the laws of the state of texas, and policies of the university. again, we did not see anyone taking into custody today, more
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than 100 protesters have been arrested, a majority of those are not students, according to the university. the majority charged with criminal trespass had those charges dropped, nothing was pursued as far as those are concerned. protesters are not going to let this die, they are going to continue pushing their message. they want the university to divest, companies that sell to the israeli defense forces, he has brought police to the campus, and they want him to resign.>> understood, jay gray, thank you for that assessment of things. let's go to george in philadelphia, where a rally wrapped up just a short time ago. what was today like in adelphia, george?>> it was a
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bit of a contrast to what we saw on the west coast, and in texas. this encampment is now in its 11th day. there is a police presence here. no indication that they are going to move in. an important reminder, equipment for camping and other non-permitted events will be seized and subject to discipline. these universities are taking a very hard stance, once they are able to remove these in chemnitz. whether or not that will play out here remains to be seen. one of the things that is happening right now, we are in the midst of the graduation season, it is very interesting as you look around the campus here, you see that
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juxtaposition of the campus that exists here, and other students that are posing for photos, wondering whether or not a commencement will even happen, which is the case in columbia, where we have been, the university reporting that it may reconsider. alex mentioned a rally that happened a little bit earlier, we did see some students and faculty members, some outsiders also participating. we've heard from multiple in chemnitz across the country, they are asking the universities to cut any ties to israel, to divest, their words here. here's a little more from the faculty members who attended the rally this afternoon.>> the overwhelming majority of the faculty, the demonstration was made to negotiate in good faith with our students. i fully understand that this is a very complex situation.
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we want them to come to the negotiating table with the best intentions for the students.>> right, alex, as these cameras are taken down and arrests are being made, as police detain some of these demonstrators, the question is, how many of these were students, how many as police or outside agitators that may be stirred the pot here, and maybe usurp some of the causes here in some of these in chemnitz? again, 11 days this came and has existed, with commencement around may 20. whether we see a crackdown or any kind of movement here, it remains to be seen. >> we will keep a watch for it all, with your help here george, thank you so much. coming up, we will take you to a desperate situation that is unfolding in texas, and then later on, i'm going to speak to the author of this article about rfk junior's running
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the rain is starting to come down, are you feeling it now?>> alex, the good news is, while it was starting to drizzle the next hour, it has remained a drizzle. we are still seeing some alerts, houston is sprawling and other areas may be getting
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rain. the rain, while it might be a lot of rain, it would come quickly, and it would stop. the concern is that it would stay and add to flooded roads and businesses that have been getting rain over the past several days, leading to dramatic images that we've seen of homes underwater, cars that are floating down the street, and i actually spoke with the fire chief in one of the hard- hit areas not far from here about what he was hoping for today, and how concerned he was. i want to play a bit of what he had to say.>> i'm always concerned. several years ago when the fire station flooded, the storm stalled over our area, and that can happen again. that's what happened the other day. nobody really knows. regardless, we are prepared. this is probably one of the best incidents that we worked
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together jointly on that i have experienced in my 43 year career. police, national guard, texas task force, the resources were plentiful.>> that joint effort may be the reason why we have not seen any fatalities or major injuries as a result of this severe weather. there would be hundreds of evacuations and not seeing those deaths, not seeing those injuries, because this rain has been going on, a lot of those people have been able to get out on friday, the one thing at that officials are saying is just because it is cleared up, those flood affects are still in effect for 10 million people until 8:00 p.m. tonight. do not try to go back to your
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home, you may be encountering roads like this. you may end up having to call 911 and first responders to help get you out, they do not want to see that happen. they are urging people to wait, get through this, people are eager to get back to their homes and see what they are dealing with. alex?>> do not enter the water in your car if you cannot see the depth of it. priscilla, thank you so much. the widespread ripple effect of a new banner, we discussed that in just a few moments. moments. we replaced his windshield.. . ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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brace yourself for congressional chaos that may strike capitol hill, marjorie taylor greene is planning to force a vote to oust speaker mike johnson, but she is facing pushback from fellow republicans. what are you hearing from the members in general? is there and even divide between republicans and democrats who feel like they are against this motion?>> certainly, it feels like marjorie taylor greene is on an island, on her own here. she said this at a lengthy press conference last week, you see some of that on your screen, she refused to say who she wants to replace speaker johnson, we all remember that
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drawn out weeks long fight, closed-door, the house couldn't function, couldn't do any business, all republicans and of course the majority on the floor, nonetheless, she vowed to call this motion and force it. aquatic leadership vowed to save johnson, and there are many moderate republicans, from conservatives to moderates, who want to save johnson and think he's doing a good job here that includes the person on top of the conservative house freedom caucus. bob good, a congress and from virginia, he chairs that caucus now. what's this.>> i don't want to predict what she will or won't do, she is pretty much operating on her own. she doesn't need anyone, she has always been about herself,
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primarily. she has some animosity, there's no idea what she may or may not do, but if she were to move forward, she's been hearing as the rest of us have, the time to have a speaker battle is after the election.>> that vendetta there is of course the aide who voted to kick speaker mccarthy out in the fall. she told me this week mccarthy has moved on from the job. alex is refusing to tell me if not johnson, then who? they namely put a to ukraine on
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the floor. they don't think it is a good idea to kick the speaker out at this juncture, credit critically, months before the election. it could be a bad look for republicans who have caused chaos of their own making.>> this chaos would be on display for all to see yet again. returning to florida, already coping with the fallout from a six week abortion ban, the band has exceptions only in the first 15 weeks for rape and vague exceptions for abnormalities in the life of the mother. a proposed amendment to the state constitution would protect the right to an abortion. powell is running against senator rick scott.
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let's talk about florida, accounting for one in 12 abortions nationwide, more than 80,000 per year. what is the impact that you are seeing so far of pregnant women and others now that the florida ban is in effect?>> it was a very dark day in florida last week when this extreme abortion ban, with hardly any exceptions, it went into effect, and i heard a story of a woman who came to the clinic, and she was told you were one day too late. because of a law that rick scott passed as governor that mandated a woman to wait 24 hours before having to get
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critical healthcare, she was denied care. we heard of another clinic where they were receiving phone calls, asking them where do i go to get this critical healthcare right now? they were being told look it up on google, or maybe the closest place to go is going to be virginia. we know that we are going to see a high rate of violence against women, with hardly any exceptions. we are going to see high rates of mortality that disproportionately affect black women and latina women in the state of florida. this is a very dangerous situation for women living in the state, i'm very concerned for my daughters and the millions of young women that are now going to be denied this care. it is because of extreme politicians like rick scott. the man wants to push for a national abortion ban at the federal level. we can try and pass this amendment in november. it's not going to mean anything if rick scott gets his way, goes back to the senate, and pushes for a federal ban.>> i want to look at donald trump's
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time magazine interview, where he said he would leave abortion policy completely up to the states. he approves monitoring pregnancies to prevent abortion access. how far would states be allowed to go?>> i think it is time for every american watching and listening to pay attention, because he means it, when he says leave it to the state, rick scott said leave it to the states, which he celebrated when that draconian law was passed a few weeks ago. they needed total ban on abortion, and this is going to take away all our freedoms, it is center to the dignity and healthcare of a woman. it's a fundamental civil right for them to make that decision on their own with the doctor,
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with their family, with their faith. this is not a partisan issue, we seen over 200,000 signatures from republicans who signed on to put this ballot amendment to protect access to abortion. we know that it unifies, it is an issue that unifies men and women, it unifies floridians from across political spectrums. i know that we are going to be able to win in november, people in the state of florida are rejecting these extreme laws, and we have been ground zero for these attacks on our freedoms and on our democracy. >> do you think you have the votes for it to pass by november?>> absolutely, and remember, we have a groundwork operation in the state that has been here for months, they were able to obtain over the amount of signatures, and one of the things that we've been hearing, and i've been traveling the state, floridians think that this is a step too far, they truly believe that it is an
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attack on their freedom, this is a state where we continue to see seats flipping here, the democrat won it by three points. the main issues were affordability because of failed policies.>> running for senate against rick scott, i'm sure you've heard a lot about this in the sunshine state, we look forward to seeing you again, thank you so much. a new warning about the state of things in gaza, and why the latest cease-fire negotiations ended without a deal. [ music ] ] did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke.
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reef leadership on negotiations, they have a positive approach and arcane for a deal. they want an end to this war, they want the complete removal of idf truth from the enclave, they want displaced people to be able to return back to the community. we've heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, doubling down, essentially saying that ending this war is off the table. we also know that he said deal or no deal, planned ground incursions into rafah will be happening. u.s. senior administration officials have said that israel has indicated that they are open to a six week cease-fire, but at this moment there is no deal, there are some discrepancies as we continue to watch this closely. alex?>> megan fitzgerald, the you for that. rfk junior feeling new pressure to get out of the presidential race. his running mate is m.i.a. what gives? the answer is next. next.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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in just six months, americans will choose between presumptive major nominees have already served as commander in chief, but there's another name floating around that is right now qualified to appear on the ballot in several states come november, robert f kennedy junior. a recent nbc news poll finds is for their campaign may end up hurting trump more than biden, but that's within the poll's margin of error. and that's if he can get on every ballot. joining me now is the staff writer of the washington post, who has written about the curious route to the campaign that the campaign is using for access. tell us about the we the people party, and how it's affecting the campaign. >> the candidate has many barriers to getting on state ballots, between now and september, we will see how he
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does. we are watching him closely. if he can get on more state ballots through the warty he farmed, - - he formed a party called we the people. he's working for those who have ballot access to get them to nominate him. >> i understand that you spoke to a supporter of rfk junior, who had no clue who his running mate nicole shanahan is, and it does seem strange. talk about that reaction when you ask people about her.>> that wasn't the only one, i've gone to ever - - i've gone to several events recently, since he announced his running mate, nicole shanahan, an attorney from silicon valley, not a nationally recognized name and not as well recognized as the kennedy name, while voters say they plan to vote for him, and
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recognize his name and history, they don't know as much about her. i hear that again and again. that's partly because she's not on the trail, she's not attending these events that icds voters at, she is not taking media interviews and answering questions, which is unusual for a vice presidential candidate. throughout history, vice presidential candidates have gone to events and met with voters to try bolster their running mates campaign, and we haven't seen that with nicole shanahan.>> what is she doing, and what does she bring to the ticket?>> nicole shanahan, just to give you some background on her, she is a patent attorney from silicon valley. her ex-husband is one of the founders of google, and we know she has a lot of money, she has historically donated to democratic campaigns, she's getting a lot of money to the
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rfk and campaign and super back, she helped fund the super bowl commercial, and as a running mate she can get unlimited amounts of money to the campaign, within just a few days of her announcement, she made $2 million. we will see how much more she's able to get. that money means a lot to a candidate, that's an expensive task. she is going to be contributing a lot of money to make that happen. >> okay, she is a bank account or a wallet. give me a sense of rfk poses a greater threat to trump or biden. give me about 15 seconds of what you are feeling is on that.>> it is hard to say. i find people who are republicans and democrats in between, the


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