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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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on this hour, outside agitators. are they true nce nce stagators or not. talking about fairness, there is a new film talking to us about what trump and the supporters did after the last election. let's do it. pro-palestinian protests spread, there is one phrase
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that kept popping up. >> outside agitators. >> those outside agitators >> those outside agitators. >> outside agitators. >> paid outside agitator. >> law enforcement officials, politicians, have all said that, the so-called outside agitator. accusing professional organizers or foreign actors of hijacking student-led protests and encouraging the participants of more aggressive tactics. calling on the fbi to investigate those supported shadowy figures, similar sentiment shared on line by the nypd chief of patrol.
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an unknown entity of radicalizing our students and taking advantage of their young minds. he urged them to follow the money. we should be clear. some of the hundreds of people arrested at campuses across the country have not been students, including at columbia university. 29% of those arrested last week had no connection to the school. but as the "new york times" reports, there is little evidence that those so-called outsiders in any role in organizing them. only a small handful of the nearly three dozen lacked ties to the university had also participated in other protests around the country. a blow to this professional protester narrative pushed around by law enforcement. the times examination revealed far more of the affiliated
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protester his no such history. they arrived there in response to social media posts or word- of-mouth invites. that including matthew, a 72- year-old computer programmer who has lived within half a mile of columbia university for most of his life. he was outside of the school and stood in the middle of the intersection and refused to budge. he dismissed that outside actors were pulled the strings. members of the community. folks from the neighborhood. not a foreign element that snuck in to sap our city's vitality. >> reporter: i really struggle a lot with the whole narrative of outside agitators because i see it as a means through which to justify violence. and to claim that, because individuals are not students
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they are deserving of police brutality. eliminating outside actors establishes another goal. distraction, distracting from their aim which is to bring attention to the war in gaza. we should call out this bogeyman narrative for what it really is. an effort to discredit, marginalize a movement. it was evoked during the civil rights movement, used to imply protesters were driven by the sinister agendas of unknown shadow figures as opposed to be motivated by their own personal beliefs and concerns. civil rights giant martin luther king was labeled as an outside agitator since he was called in to assist with dem strags across the south. not only did he re-- demonstrations across the south. not only did he reject it he rejected the even idea. he famously wrote from a letter
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from jail, quote, we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single gar met of destiny. whatever effects one directly effects all directly. never again can we afford to live with the narrow pro virnl outside agitator idea. anyone who lives inside of the 'cause never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds. kicking off this hour a professor at princeton university and the author of the new book "we are the leaders we have been looking for. professor, great to have you with us, thank you for making time with us. so, you know the subject better than i do. but this trope of outside agitator. talk to us about how it has been used to undermined movements for decades, nothing new >> absolutely. first of all, that was a
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wonderful lead into the conversation. you know, outside agitator plays both roles as a student rightly noted. the distraction from the issues at hand and a justification for pressure. look at it across the 20th century. look at it in the communist scare, right? that most of the activism in the north and urban city among black folk were driven by communist and it gets amplified in the context of the cold wear. we can think about the way the civil rights movement as you rightly noted was thought about. not only king, coordinating committee. remember, all of this is occurring within the context of the mcarthur era. why is that important? because, to, to identify these outside actors then is to say they are the reason for the disturbance and by virtue of that connection now we have an
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enemy within. as you then right flee noted justify the repression. got the justification of repression by denying agency to the students and to the activists by attributing the cause to these folk who are outside agents trying to undermined american society. so, this is really as you rightly noted. the effort not only to delegit myself the protest and the issue. but also to justify violence in this way. >> and one of the reasons i wanted to talk to you professor this week, you teach college students, interact with them on a day to day basis. what is your reaction that the officials are saying young minds taken over by a outside force. it is a narrative. hard to believe young people could be spurred into their onconvictions and beliefs under their own according. coming into a world seeing it for themselves, understanding it for themselves.
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without an outside influence that we say, hey, our kids are being radicalized and that should scare us and the parents are to blame or the university are to blame. and the same thing said about beak boomers in the context of the love movement. to tell what is happening in the world. some ways, these students of the day really attuned to how broken the world is. the u.s. is, coming of age in the midst of the crisis. and then they noticed people are throwing spaghetti against the wall. higher education in the united states, right? because it is dei. it is a formative action. it is wokeness that is driving these young students to then hold these folk accountable and then of course, they are just privileged white students who are trying to virtue signal. they don't know what they are
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talking about. we saw all of the excuses and now outside agitators. young people not thinking seriously about their commitments and not bringing the commitments to bear on the moral issue that confronts them, confronts their generation, they are making the choice that the united states should not be committed resources to the mass murdered of folk. these people don't want to accept the view. in fact, the view is thought out. you know this, the movement among students has been going on since 2005. and this is an extension of that. but, no, these folk are just moved about by outside agitators this is how you delegit ifiy it. >> first, ivy league, rich folks, then saw it move, and realized that narrative does not work. they had to modify the accusations and allegations. i wanted to share with you this
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quote from a columbia professor, she told salon magazine the real outside agitators are the conservative congressional members that showed up to campus. singled out eric adams the mayor, doing nothing but stir up volatile emotions on this campus as set by the example of our president. how has it be activated by those putting their own thoughts on these movements and are they successful in rewriting the narrative to push others to follow suit? >> i think so. we have to be honest. just look at how the president of columbia responded after her testimony before congress t. is right after that, we then see the escalation by the invitation of the new york police department on columbia campus. we have to see the role of
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conservatives pushing this. and the role of democrats pushing the narrative as well. it has something to do with the vex way with the way the nation rapels with israel. when we see our language boxed us in. we can not talk about israel without it being kind of assumed let me say it differently. can not criticize the policies of the state of israel without it being read as anti-semitic. it intensifies it. i experienced this as the president of religion once, we had a panel that was supposed to be boy scotting investment and all hell broke loose. it was a nonviolent gesture. and every time there is a nonviolent gesture, bds or the return the march for return it is met with this intense response which then boxes us in
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how folk talk about self- determination among palestinians. so, the conversation kind of spirals and the debate spirals in this way, it seems to me. >> let me pay this sound bite t touches on that. it was just this morning. there was a foreign funding piece that is very important that we get to the bottom of, if it is the foreign funding flowing into the middle eastern studies programs at these universities propping up anti-semitic professors we need to not provide that funding. in addition any individuals who are part of the pro-hamas encampments on student visas they need to be revoked and those individuals need to be deported immediately.
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>> the sitting congresswoman admonishing, calling on universities to deport foreign students is it an attack on protesters or extension on the far rights attack on higher education. to try to narrow the conversation about foreign policy and specifically israel. >> absolutely. we heard the talking points, qatar and funding programs and alive. there are these bad actors behind-the-scenes. you have to understand this. and the attack on american higher education. seeing it in the context of reagan when he was governor of california. so such that you can defund it. you read people's work we see the wholesale attack on higher education and middle east study
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programs after america study programs that the humanities become the boogie pan that is in some ways corrupting the minds of our students. then, this gets linked to the critique of israel the outcome of what is happening with american higher education, the irony, the irony of it all, if these are the same folks trafficking and anti-semitic tropes, again, the globalists are at the heart of wokeness, we heard that during black lives matter movement. they were funding the black live matters protests. and now, these same kind of bad actors are buying tents even though folk can find them for $15 at 5 below. it is as if people are stupid. >> when they are pleating with holocaust deniers it is lost on the republican party and folks
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like her who will not condemn it. it is a stretch to take them seriously about any of those matters. it is a pleasure, thank you very much as always. knocked to the ground, zip tied, arrested. dartmouth professor is here to discuss it. that and more sor is here to discuss it. that and more can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory.
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. crack downs on propalestinian anti-war
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protests, shocking videos showing faculty members zip tied and thrown to the pavement and arrested by police officers. those clips have gone viral including this video of dartmouth professor. filmed by a reporter for a tv station wmur. in it you can see the 65-year- old, who taught dartmouth for three decades knocked to the ground. zip tied. charged with criminal trespassing and banned from campus as a condition of her bail. she once served as the head of jewish studies said she watched confrontations with student protesters at other campus demonstrations, she wanted to be at dartmouth's protest because as an older jewish professor she believed her presence could help keep students safe. professor, thank you very much for making time for us.
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talk to me about what happened in the moments leading up to that video and what happened in the aftermath. the moments the police arrived. there has been a small encampment established four or five attempts. started as a pro-labor strike. student workers on strike for a living wage. then it developed into a divestment rally with students calling for dartmouth to divest from companies that engaged in making and selling of munitions to israel. then what happened was a peaceful rally became something violent. not as a result of anything that the students did but as a result of these heavily armed
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riot police being called into our peaceful campus. within a matter of minutes they had pulled campus security, they told them they had to leave and began arresting people like many professors who have gotten themselves beaten and arrested. i simply wanted to record the arrest of my students especially because sometimes those arrests that night were quite rough. and, after i think the third student arrest that i had recorded. i felt this ram behind, i was body slammed by these guys in body armor. i flew across the green, landed at the feet of the protesters. they took the phone. i picked up both of my arms and slammed to the ground and dragged across the green. at one point, there was a police officer with a knee on my back. held down by three officers,
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zip tied. put in dartmouth college vans with the logo on the side of the van covered over to not be identified as those vans and taken to jail with my students. these local jails are so small they had to find several for us because so many were arrested that night and people were not told where they were going. difficult to find the students. that is . >> no worries i appreciate that. i wanted to ask you about, why did you feel the need to be down there as a professor. what compelled you to go down there, simply document it? did you feel your presence might deescalate the situation? >> i was hoping that it would. the administration of the club sent out strict rules earlier in the day about what was allowable. no speaking through it, no being on the green after an hour. no sleeping on the green. no hate speech. i was worried there is going to be a reaction.
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never occurred to me. yes, i was with a group of older jewish professors and we thought they are not going to hurt us. as we stand between the students we were not by the students in the encampment. if we stand between them and the riot police that our students would be safe. that was not the case and i was not safe. and, you know, i am still, i am still recovering from some of the injuries they inflicted that day. >> can you reflect just as somebody who participated in this? documented this in a negative way. you are watching the national discourse around protests, you are seeing the police reaction to it. what is it that we are getting wrong or the narrative is misunderstanding about what you and other professors are going through on these college protests. it is described as you saw, outside agitators, pro hamas sympathizers, hamas supporters, it is not that from your
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experience? >> no. this was, this was the sweetest most peaceful rally. it was an interfaith rally. clergy from muslim, buddish and jewish denominations. the chants were very mild for the most part. there was nothing that could be seen as aggressive, although the president of the college disagreed with me about that. and, and i think what the community is getting wrong is that there is a sense that they are violent. that they are harassing jewish students. i have friends and colleagues at ucla. all of violence with the new york police department coming on campus with columbia the day before. and, horrific images coming out of ucla the day after. the one thing not realized apart from the peacefulness of the demonstrations. there is one study that said they are 99% of them completely
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peaceful. and, as with any movement, historian and social movements there are a handful of people who behave in ways that might embarrass the movement. shooting rubber bullets at students. coming in with trenches. one of the women that i was with was 82 years old. they were sticking it on her ribs and we were worried her bones were break. the students were traumatized by seeing what happened to me. i think what we are getting wrong is that these, this was -- this is a beautiful powerful largely peaceful movement. most of the people who are involved are actually 22 women, a smaller number of men. they are students. they are protesting around what they feel is the moral issue of their day and they feel like they have no choice, they have to do this. >> professor -- now what
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happened is it is criminalized on campus now. it is criminalized and it is punished by force, by violence, by injury, by expulsion, by arrest. >> it is a dangerous moment, it may start with this but not end with this issue. professor, thank you for your time. we are glad to see you are doing okay and hope you will be back on the program. we will continue to cover this story. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. up next, christian leaders issue a call to the president over israel's war on gaza. is he listening? israel's war . is he listening? with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪
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. 2024 global report on food crisis lays out a terrible look. the gaza strip has the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever reported. the executive director of the world food program said this today on "meet the press."
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>> there is famine. full blown famine in the north and it is moving its way to the south. >> reporter: remember, the u.n. accuses israel of blocking aid from entering gaza. israel denies the claim. for months they have been calling out the dire situation. christian leaders are joining those calls from the united states and beyond. in a letter, more than 140 bishops and church organizations called for a permanent ceasefire and for world powers to halt arm sales to israel. we repent of the ways we have not stood alongside our palestinian siblings in faithful witness of their grief, agony and sorrow. the wholly scriptures teach uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. joining me now is executive director of churches for middle east peace. it is great to have you with us, doctor. let me get your thoughts on you and your fellow christian leaders are calling for and why
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the global church could not remain silenced in this. >> we have been horrified by the admission of the biden administration, and taking so long to respond. calling for a ceasefire since day one. an end to all violence and lamace will lay down their weapon and the attacks -- hamas will lay down their weapon and the attacks from the people of gaza was a crime against humanity and then the death toll, you know, became hundreds and then thousands. no one thought at christmas time that then by easter this war against now, a war against gaza and civilians in gaza are paying the price. now we have a death toll at 14,000 children. that is not counting the children who are going to be permanently damaged because of not getting adequate nutrition. so, we have been saying enough, enough killing, calling on the
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biden administration. i wish the white house was having conversations the way that you are on your show. you are having robust discussions about real issues and that is not happening with in this administration. >> addressing how world leaders are talking about rhetoric and volleying about addressing the humanitarian crisis in gaza while ignoring the cause of the catastrophe. why do you think that is? why do you think leaders are reluctant or unwilling to address the root issue and try to bring it to an end? >> well, we have been having regular meetings with the white house. they are saying they made progress by how many trucks are being allowed into gaza. the issue should not be how many trucks are allowed in, the issue is that it is against international law to cut off water in the first place or humanitarian access in the first place. why is the united states building a pier two miles off
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of the gaza, you know, mediterranean coastline that is only going to allow 150 trucks a day into gaza when there are miles and miles of trucks ready to go if israel would only allow them in? so, it seems that they are missing the main point. we know throughout history wherever the american president and the american government puts their money where their mouth is, when they say enough to israel, israel stopped. we saw this during the war, lebanon war, wherever a president said enough, israel has listened. we hear the white house now saying don't invade rafah, don't invade rafah unless there is a plan. then they are we don't have a plan. and saying there can not be an adequate plan. what are they saying that is what is incredibly frustrating. we are calling on them to stop
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this empty rhetoric and to actually do not send weapons and don't say end the war and send billions worth of weapon. for those that follow the prince of peace and christians, there are millions of christians that are against what is happening. not in the best interest of palestinians, not in the best interest of israel. let alone the united states. >> you described to "usa today" how many church leaders are reluctant to talk about the war in gaza fearing it might have divisions among their congregations, they are immobilized by fear. why is that fear prevalent? you talked about christians in this country, there are also millions of christians that support israel and think it is completely justified and has the right to do everything they are doing and want them to do more. those on the right side and the conservative movement in this country. how do you explain that.
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>> i think most people don't understand what is happening. they don't see it or understand it. when i first went to israel i had three master degrees. i went in from jordan across the bridge and a border patrol personned are you going to the west bank. i was very well educated. my first book coming out. more than, you know, a decade, 15 years or so. are you going to west bank and i said no, and i was in the west bank. most americans do not know the geography, don't know the history of the conflict. forgive me but most americans are ignorant of the history of the geo politics of the israeli- palestinian conflict. i was. some of what we need to go is to show if you really care about the future of israel you can not ignore the suffering, the blockade of gaza, the occupation of the palestinian people. it is in the best interest of israel and best interest of the
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palestinians to stop bombing gaza. every day that the bombing of gaza continues you have growing anti-semitism and israel becomes more of a of [indiscernible] state. >> a new film that might reshape how you view the january 6th riot reshape how you view the january 6th riot that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ -dad, what's with your toenail? -oh, that...? i'm not sure... -it's a nail fungus infection. -...that's gross! -it's nothing, really... -it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. -mom, come here! -don't worry about it. it'll go away on its own! -no, it won't go away on its own. it's an infection. you need a prescription.
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. today marks six months to the 2024 election. there are still republicans who refuse to say trump lost the last one. here is my friend and colleague kristen welker doing her best with a plan who donald trump says he is considering for vice president. >> senator will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024? bottom line? >> at the end of the day, the 47th president of the united states will be president. i am excited to get back to low inflation and low employment. senator, yes or no. will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter who wins? >> that is my statement. >> just yes or no. accepting the election of 2024. >> i look forward to president trump being 47th president. >> you can ask me. >> senator, just yes or no
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answer. >> it is elected officials like him and cowardes like that keeps the big lie alive. the ex-president is planting a seed with his base sewing doubt how fair the next election will be. as we reported on last night's show he told the sentinal if he, if the election is honest he will absept the results. if it is not, quote, you have to fight for the right of the country. which sounds similar to what he told supporters before the january 6th riot to fight like hell. and fight like hell they did. as you will see in a new documentary. it is called the sixth. it is a unique play-by-play of the attack on our capitol. told by six people who were there. a photographer, three officers, congressional aide and a member of congress. >> i am like reliving it in my brain right now. i have all of the frames just
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going. in my head. the look on this man's face was i am allowed to [beep] die. you don't see police officers look like that very often. police officers are stowic, proud, in control. this officer was not in control of -- [beep] -- anything. if they wanted to kill him they would of killed him. >> so, why tell this story? why tell it now? the award-winning filmmakers join me next it now? the award-winning filmmakers join me next it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪
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. nobody ever. >> nobody said it would be easy but effort begins with the truth. there was an effort on us instantly to bury and rewrite the history of what happened on january 6th. you don't almost knock over the government of the united states
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by accident. it is not an impulse move. this was an organized attack on the government. if you allow for their to be confusion, propaganda, disinformation about is, that is very dangerous because it conditions the society to accept it. and it licenses political violence in the future. >> that was a clip from the powerful a24 film "the 6th" it dropped just as we mark six months to the next election that donald trump is sewing doubts over it the way he did in 2020. with us now the creators of the 6th. it is great to have both of you with us. powerful documentary, a timely one. andrea, i start with you, you put the events in order in a way we never seen. that seven for us who have
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covered it every single day, investigation, congressional testimony. all of the footage to sift through, all of the interviews you did. what stood out to you about all of this? about january 6th and the making of this film? >> hi, thanks have -- for having us. even though you felt like you knew the events until you walk in the shoes of the people who were actually there, i never understood the sheer scale of violence of what happened. and i think, and i think now more than ever these events need to be dopily understood. it is honestly not about party. it is honestly about what we as americans are needing to look at. this is a piece of really important history that we have to own and really understand how important it is that when this gets to this level of violence and now it is revised
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as to what happened. it is deeply troubling for our country. >> how do you counterwhat we have been hear something they were a group of tourists going through a stroll in congress and it was a fine day, peaceful demonstrators. when you guys have witnessed and seen this and documented it. how do you document the narrative? >> i would have them watch the timeline of what ensued that day. i would have them look at the footage that is in our film. i don't think that, i don't think that i can look at what happened and hear from the people that were scared for their lives that day. you can see that or see the footage and think this was, this did not happen. and what our film tries to do is look at pieces of that day
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that i think get overlooked. i think the front, the front of the capitol, in front of the tunnel where people are trying to get in. there is, there are sledge hammers in the crowd. i don't know, you know, how a sledge hammer comes to a peaceful demonstration and why it is in the crowd. people had weapon, people were so fired up and angry that i think if you watch our film especially the section in front of the tunnel, the way that the dc police defended that section. those people had gotten in we would have a very different conversation. i think people would of -- a lot more people would of gotten injured inside. it was a riot outside full blown riot. >> i don't know if we would have a functioning democracy if they disrupted the vote count. let me ask you, andrea, about the sentiments that you documented that day and whether or not those same animated feelings that you captured with the protesters and what they
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were setting out to do on january 6th, based on what you have seen, you know, we near a decisive election year where we were 2020, six months out. trump is still very much an animating figure within the republican party. have the sentiments that animated that day gone away or are they still very much present in our body of to politic? >> i think it is clearly those sentiments are there. i can't imagine that anybody would of thought they would have gone anywhere else. this has been looked at and people brought into court and tried and convicted of these things but more importantly it is to look into the aspects of like what is causing such a rift. it is a day that americans were ripping each other apart in front of the capitol building and it almost stopped a peace of the transition of power, i would not call it peaceful at that point. i think there is a lot to learn
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at this point about at first coming to terms with what happened that day. i think it is very, these sentiments it is coming across with this film, what it is about is six people that came to serve that day. you have journalists, you have representative of congress, staffers, and police. all public servants. in this way this film, deeply troubling it is a love level to public service. we want people to watch this. anyone who thinks they understood how terrifying it was that day and the sacrifice people made that went to work that day need to see this. then you can decide yourself on what you think happened and why. i think understanding the colossal tragedy that happened on the steps of our government and how we handle that going forward is really, it is right now americans deciding who do we want to be and go forward. understanding what happened and coming to terms with it is where you start. >> shawn, andrea brings up an
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important point about the importance of watching this movie and this film about giving it maximum viewership. i wanted to ask you about this. about the roll out that it deserves. an individual or someone that spoke to politico. they are only making it available to buy or rent. they would not comment about this decision. as filmmakers and the importance and weighing the importance what do you make of that? >> i mean, i want to be clear first of all. a24 funded a very expensive documentary on this. they believed in this from the beginning. we were making a document on the peaceful transition of power. we had a crew there. it was a horrific thing to live through. we wanted to switch the documentary to this. okay, we believe in you guys
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let's do there and they supported us. i think where it got odd for us is when we were told it was going to be on a streamer and now all of a sudden we were told a few weeks before it was going to -- be on that streamer it would obvideo on demand to pay for it. from our standpoint that is really difficult. i said it before, we are artists, make the film, all of the characters, you know, they enter into this film knowing it will be out there and they trust us. so when we have to go back and tell them, hey, this film will not be out the way it was told to us. we don't have a reason to tell you why, i think that is really odd. it is a strange place that we are in right now. >> but the difference, you know, when you have something on like prime video and it is streaming like that with your membership, that is a 200 million audience viewer base.
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coming from their own, press release last month. lasay huge number? we will never know how it shifts and change. it could be put on later in the year but it was just the fact that we need to get this out, we need everybody to understand. i think it is required viewing as a civic history lesson for what is going on. >> we have people that watch our film and said i saw civil war but this is the real thing. this is amazing, gripping. i am like okay if it is like that and yeah, we are documentary makers but we want people to see our films, a24 wants it to make money. for me we don't understand we are in the dark about it. >> let's hope people are watching tonight will go and stream and watch this movie it is absolutely a must see for the sake of our democracy. i think it is mandatory viewing of every one of our voters in this country. thank you to the both of you.
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