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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! a good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters in new york, welcome to alex witt reports . after a wild week of testimony, the anticipation is building in the donald trump hush money trial in new york. jurors will hear testimony on monday from a name that rings a bell. >> the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen , expected to take the stand. >> star witness, michael cohen. >> michael cohen. >> michael cohen, maybe the
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most dangerous higher of donald trump. >> donald trump complained about his gag order and the judge and said he would be willing to go to jail. >> he wants to put me in jail. that could happen one day. i would be very proud to go to jail for our constitution because what he is doing is so unconstitutional. never been anything like it. >> this week, stormy daniels gave testimony about a 2006 sexual encounter with donald trump. others testified about phone records, checks, invoices , ledgers as prosecutors say they could rest their case by the end of next week as donald trump a 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a reimbursement to michael cohen for a $130,000 payment that michael cohen made to daniels donald trump denies the charges and the alleged affair. a beachfront rally for donald trump today new jersey as supporters lined up on the
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boardwalk on thursday before the speech. we have several correspondence and analyst covering the new angles. we will go first to wildwood, new jersey. a pretty day. donald trump did not venture far from the courtroom for this rally today. how is the turnout ? it looks pretty deep red, lots of maga representation with hats and shirts? >> reporter: not far from the courtroom but a different backdrop as this is one of the bigger rallies in a long time. besides what is behind me, a line of people waiting to get in. court cannot be far from his mind because we know that his former fixer turned critic is going to be testifying next week . michael cohen will take the stand on monday after a week of salacious testimony from stormy daniels, the woman at the center of the alleged hush money scheme. michael cohen could be the
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linchpin but he does come with some baggage. whether or not the jury finds incredible could be make or break. multiple sources telling nbc news that prosecutors will call the star witness, michael cohen, on monday. the former fixer for donald trump turned critic unleashing on his old boss in his book and on social media, spotted online this week wearing a t-shirt depicting donald trump behind bars. the judge on friday directing prosecutors to inform him that the judge is asking him to refrain from making any statements about the case for donald trump. not placing a gag order on michael cohen while donald trump is in place barring him from attacking witnesses and the jury. >> it is a disgrace it is not a case, there is no crime. and they failed to show a crime. >> reporter: michael cohen is an anticipated witness for the prosecution as the jury has read his text messages, heard
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his voice, and seen evidence he paid stormy daniels $130,000 just days before the 2016 election to protect the campaign. the defense says her story of sex with donald trump was false, a shakedown for money brokered by michael cohen, making his testimony and credibility on the stand essential. donald trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges of illegally disguising his reimbursement checks to michael cohen as legal expenses to cover his tracks. the face-off between the presumptive gop nominee and michael cohen will be one of the most dramatic of the trial with a grueling cross- examination. michael cohen comes with baggage, previous convictions for campaign-finance violations and lying under oath. the jury friday hearing from a former donald trump aide who confirmed donald trump met with michael cohen at the white house in 2017 , where prosecutors say they devised the reimbursement scheme.
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but she testified the former president signed checks without reviewing them first, contradicting what donald trump said in his book and other witnesses set on trial. why rally in new jersey? this is a pretty red area of the blue state not far from me all-important philadelphia suburbs. also, this is an area and a state the former president has been bullish on winning, they are hoping to win over some voters in left-leaning states like new jersey and new york. >> who knows, maybe he will play golf later on. thank you. joining in studio is a political investigations reported with the guardian, and attorney and host of the katie phang show, katie phang. custodial witnesses, stormy
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daniels, you were there in court , give us a sense of daniels' demeanor, the reactions from donald trump, and how engaged the jury was listening to stormy daniels as compared to other witness testimony. look, the salacious nature of her testimony cannot be ignored. >> she testified for two days and the first day was very informal, and that had an effect of humanizing her and making it accessible. on the flipside, it made it sound like it was a gossip session she was trying to trash donald trump. on the second day on the cross- examination, the lawyer for donald trump was so aggressive and try to poke holes in her story, almost as if her sympathy goes back to stormy daniels. she was pressing stormy daniels on, did you have dinner with donald trump? a long time on that.
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that had two effects, for the jury, it may stormy daniels more sympathetic. second, it opened the door for the district attorney to start questioning stormy daniels on things the defense was not expecting. >> interesting, katie, the prosecution got into these lurid details of stormy daniels alleged sexual encounter with donald trump in 2006. when she was 27 and he was 60 years old. he wrote about the ick factor of the testimony and you say it is relevant. why did it have to be so detailed? >> the headline is misleading, when i say the ick factor, not her testimony but how icky it felt when a 60-year-old man is answering the door inside pajamas and is in boxers after
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she comes out of the bathroom laying in wait for stormy daniels. the ick factor, even if you didn't want to hear it, you heard it. nobody wants to be running for president of the united states and have possible voters here that. the timing is important, this conversation, this incident did not happen in a vacuum. in terms of when it was leaked. we have the access hollywood tape that comes out in 2016 on the eve of the november election. that is when stormy daniels is paid to be silent because donald trump and his campaign did not want people hearing what the jury heard. everybody knew that stormy daniels was going to be a part of this case for the prosecution and waiting to hear from her. she delivered to the prosecution. susan, the donald trump lawyer, did not deal with that ick factor , she leaned into it as
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there was a mistrial motion made on tuesday at the close of this testimony of stormy daniels on how it was presidential about donald trump telling stormie that he reminded her of his daughter, gross. instead of staying away from it and focusing on the fact that stormy daniels did not have personal knowledge about the falsification and not personal knowledge about communications from donald trump to michael cohen , they leaned in, the defense leaned in thereby highlighting it and that is what the purpose of my article was, to say that you did not object if you were the defense, they ruled against the defense for a mistrial and the failure to object is a problem for the defense coming out of the stormy daniels testimony. >> does the jury need to believe stormy daniels had sex with donald trump for him to be found guilty? >> no, they just need to believe that the idea of him having sex with stormy daniels and a getting out motivated the trump
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campaign to pay off stormy daniels through michael cohen. that provides the bridge. >> this is like the doorman story. which was false. but they paid to make sure it did not get out. >> yes, a great example. the doorman, the even said it was not true, but they paid him to shut up. if stormy daniels story was not true, they still paid her to shut up. you are paying people to shut up so they don't talk about you in a way you think will be negative. not because, he did not tell her to become mitchell in 2006 when they had sex, not worried about his wife, as he said they lived in separate bedrooms. on the eve of the election he said, shut up, don't talk about it. >> in the cross-examination, of stormy daniels, a attorney for donald trump really tried to
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paint stormy daniels as seeking money and fame, referencing her memoir, a comic book, merchandise, a saint of indictments devotional candle with her picture on it. celebrating the items from the store, she responded, not unlike donald trump. describe the defense team captains -- tactics and how stormy daniels handle those questions. >> the tactic was to say that the story had changed for stormy daniels first told in 2011 through may 2018 interview she did with anderson cooper. look, your testimony has changed so often and this is the problem with clients who tell their story over and over, defense lawyers love it because they can pull up inconsistencies. one through line in all of these instances, it has been consistent, she has had sex with donald trump. the
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inconsistencies were minor in comparison. she was getting called up, your 2011 interview with a magazine, you did not describe certain details. you didn't describe, in your trial testimony, that you kissed donald trump. that shows that you've been making up your story. the lawyer said, you're making up the story, stormy daniels said, absolutely not. these inconsistencies were tiny and don't matter to the main story and what was revealing. you look at what the magazine story was, small sidebar imprint , it says it has been edited for clarity and length. >> the defense drilled in a heart on stormy daniels and one point in which the lawyer asked , you were selling yourself as someone who hated president trump, someone who can get president trump indicted, right? she answers, i was not selling myself to anyone. overall, was this a winning
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approach for the defense? was the prosecution correct in bringing stormy daniels to the stand? >> yes, the prosecution was right to bring stormy daniels, the failure would have been a problem, not calling karen mcdougal, which the prosecution announced, makes sense, the crux of the families donald trump is charged with the with the payments to stormy daniels, not to karen mcdougal. karen mcdougal is an example like the doorman, another example of a silencing of people that have done harm to the trump campaign in 2016. the defense, the strategy to slot game -- shame stormy daniels, donald trump is the king of grift. he sells bibles for $59. that is a part of what the jury already knows, as a trial lawyer, do not insult the jury do not insult the common sense of a to make it seem like stormy daniels is doing thing your client doesn't do. stormy
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daniels had the benefit of the break on wednesday, no trial on wednesday, so donald trump 10 campaign. the break from tuesday to thursday regulate brand-new stormy daniels on the witness stand on thursday, composed and measured, zingers that were good to counter what the defense was trying to do on cross. when she left the stand come on redirect, she said i did not make it up. to hugo's point, the consistent point, she had sex with donald trump. >> we had the custodial witnesses this week, a few paralegals, a couple of telecom employees and the like. let's talk about michael cohen and the way he has been depicted in the trial. hugo? >> we have heard and seen snippets of michael cohen invoices he submitted to the trump organization. so, i think
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when michael cohen finally testifies , we expect next week , monday, tuesday, it will be a big moment and a big moment in multiple ways because it ties the final piece together, but because michael cohen is a crucial witness in this case. the information that michael cohen can provide in this testimony is going to be the link from the falsification of business records to trump. we have not had a witness to say i have dealt with donald trump and he said, enter these as legal expenses falsely come at michael cohen is the witness that can provide that bridge. the falsification of business that you basically makes it prior for someone to make or cause someone else to commit a false entry in business records
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if michael cohen can provide that link and say, i arrange this with donald trump so i would send these sham invoices and donald trump would record them on the general ledger and the donald trump organization would put them on the ledger as business expenses, michael cohen provides the crucial testimony. >> thank you for joining me in studio. katie, thank you. watch the katie phang show saturdays at noon eastern on msnbc right before the show. coming up, mary trump will join me with her reaction to the testimony and one, her uncle made outside the courtroom. deeply regrettable is how one u.s. official describes the situation that desperately needs a solution. we are back in 60 seconds.
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breaking news the thousands of palestinian refugees are being forced to evacuate rafah as israel prepares to go into the southernmost city, the israeli military issued an urgent warning to citizens with a map showing the sections of the city that are now considered dangerous combat zones. this is just hours after the state department released a report to congress saying there is reason to believe israel may have violated international law in gaza. we have a team of reporters covering these making the elements from the u.s. and overseas. from cairo, joining us,
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described the situation in rafah , how chaotic is it? >> reporter: it is chaotic and desperate for many people. also, this is coming just a few days after the collapse of negotiations, negotiations that took place in cairo where i am coming to you live from, alex. panic among the million people in the crowded part of gaza and the southern part of the strip to the israeli military has ordered hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate overnight in anticipation of a strike on rafah . the israeli prime minister openly defying the united states after the biden administration publicly came out against that assault on southern gaza. to paint a picture, this latest evacuation order affects 400,000 people, many of whom are now crowded into sandy areas
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, one is called -- there is no sewage and the water, no electricity, some of the people packing up and leaving have been displaced multiple times. for many people, this is a worst-case scenario. >> hala, any hope for a cease- fire deal in the future? these talks broke down but other discussions about trying to resurrect them? >> reporter: i will say there is not a lot of optimism. a few days ago, as a reviewer is no, there was celebration in the streets of gaza when hamas says it signed on to an agreement. the israeli government says those were not the terms they agreed to. john kirby, the national security spokesperson, was asked about whether the u.s. government believes there is hope and this is what he said. >> we do not have a deal.
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that is deeply regrettable giving the amount of energy that was applied in trying to get us there. we still believe that a deal as possible. we still believe, as i said the other day, the gaps remaining can be surmounted. but it will require to require leadership it will require moral courage and it will require continued ability to compromise and negotiate in good faith. we are not giving up on that. >> reporter: alex, as you can imagine, this is a setback for the u.s. as the administration expended a lot of energy, sending bill burns, but the really government is going ahead with this offensive. president biden has said publicly he does not support this. alex? >> hala gorani in cairo , thank you.
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we go to mike traveling with the president in seattle. let's talk about this new report from the state department. why did the biden administration choose not to disclose its findings and was the motivation to release the report political or diplomatic? what do you think? >> reporter: alex, this report was prepared under a memorandum the president signed in february. that memorandum was responding to political pressure coming from even senate democrats on capitol hill calling on the administration to consider conditioning aid to israel is on the humanitarian situation on the ground. that has been a growing divide within the democratic party, the president has been grappling with it. the report said that it was highly critical of israel saying israel has the tools and knowledge and experience to implement best practices to avoid the humanitarian crisis, but did find evidence that some
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of these weapons the u.s. has been providing to israel were resulting in the death of civilians. it said that the flow of aid would continue. take about the balancing act the president has been striking. on display just this past week. the president, other white house officials, or hopefully cease-fire deal would come together, he gave a powerful speech on capitol hill at the holocaust memorial service talking about the fact that many americans seem to have already forgotten what happened on october 7th. the atrocities committed against israeli citizens. in the span of 24 hours, an interview in which he said that the u.s., he made the decision to pause sending offense weaponry to israel because of concern about what a further incursion into a ground invasion into rafah would mean. the president in this report is leading to criticism from both sides of the administration
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and the democrats who said they want to see the present condition the aid saying it is a step in the right direction, but does not go far enough. democrats supported the president in his strong support for israel and republicans criticizing the president for the mixed messaging. the president is in seattle on fundraising, protest continuing outside his events and the first lady is speaking at a commencement address in arizona and we are monitoring to see if there are disruptions. the present continues with less than six months before the election to walk this difficult political tightrope on an issue very close to his heart. >> he is pausing offensive weaponry, not defensive weaponry. glad you made that point. nobel, no personal chef, donald trump said he would be very proud to go to jail for violating his gag order. could he handle being behind bars even for a second? his niece, mary trump, gives us an idea coming up next . e freaki
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donald trump and his discomfort in sitting to testimony at his hush money trial may only be a prelude to the potentially embarrassing details of his personal life to be revealed. on monday, michael cohen will take the stand whose testimony about his duties as the fixer for donald trump may possibly overshadow stormy daniels' details about the alleged 2006 sexual encounter. the former president railed about the gag order imposed on him by the judge, saying he would be happy to be paying the price for violating it. >> the articles are unbelievable, i would head to the article that i'm not allowed to because if anything is mentioned against certain people, you know who they are, certain people, anything even mentioned he wants to put me in jail. that could happen one day
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and i would be very proud to go to jail for our constitution because what he is doing is so unconstitutional. there has never been anything like it. >> a lot to get into and joining me right now is psychologist and author, mary trump. she is donald trump apologist niece and host of a podcast. a big welcome to you. stormy daniels testified about her alleged affair with donald trump. was she credible? the part of her testimony using donald trump cared about most? do you think he felt embarrassment or shame or the adulterous and explicit story that she shared? >> first of all, great to be with you today. i think it is important to be clear about this, part of the reason we are here, donald trump is incapable of shame or
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embarrassment. he is capable of humiliation but the kind of details that were revealed in the courtroom are not really the kind of details that bother him. he has no problem being seen as somebody who is sleazy and does not treat women well. unfortunately, he takes it as a badge of honor. having said that, i thought that stormy daniels was incredibly sincere and i thought she came across very well. there was no reason to think that she was making up any of what she says. at one point, she said to the defense attorneys come if she were making it up, she would have made it a better story. i thought she was incredibly credible, and i did not see any reason for the jury to doubt her. the point remains, if donald trump believes that she is lying , there is one very simple way for him to set the record straight, that is not to break his gag order outside the
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courtroom, it is to testified in his own defense, in his criminal trial come inside of the courtroom. >> what about him saying he would be proud to go to jail because of the violation of the gag order? do you believe him? would he be scared or comfortable playing the martyr in a jail cell? >> i think it is absurd for anybody to think he would willingly go to jail even for a night, even for an afternoon, honestly. hopefully, if you sent to jail for breaking the gag order, which he has done 11 times, it is for real, not he is going to a fancy hotel that is just guarded, he is in a cell without his phone just like any other american would be.
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i don't think he could handle it , he would love the martyrdom, but don't think he is for real willing to go to jail. >> with the exception of your cousin, eric, who has shown up occasionally, no one in the family has been there, what does it tell you that the first former president in u.s. history to be criminally prosecuted and faces four years in prison, has little to no family support in the courtroom and why not? >> i think, to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, another way that donald changed people's expectations and warped what is or expected, his family is not there. people who support him don't make anything of it, but extremely unusual. they are not there because he does not care if they are there or not.
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his relationship with everybody , including his family, are very transactional. i don't think he gets anything out of having them there. he is much more concerned and angry and disappointed that he does not have thousands of supporters picketing outside for him. last i checked there were two yesterday. >> you revealed what pet name donald trump call stormy daniels ? what was your reaction when you heard about it? >> the nickname used in my family mostly by my two uncles, donald and rob, and my aunt liz, honeybunch. they used it for everybody, i thought they forgot my name, they called my grandmother honeybunch.
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i first heard her make this reference a couple years ago and it sent a chill down my spine. that he used it so indiscriminately with nieces and his mom, women he has randomly hooking up with for sexual encounters very disturbing. >>'s legal tactics of delaying the trial as much as possible, it appears to be working with the florida classified documents case and the georgia election interference case, both cell rulings this week making it nearly impossible for them to go to trial before november 5th. are you confident your uncle will be held accountable in court? would losing the election the accountability for you? >> i have hopes that this trial will result in him being held accountable but juries are inscrutable and it is impossible
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to know. it doesn't not matter how we judge the evidence, it only matters how they are. it may well be the only trial that starts before the election, and indictment of our legal system. it may come down to the election , which is not how it is supposed to work. the american people needed to see these trials finish before the election so they have the information they needed. not everybody pays attention to what is going on politically every day, having these cases adjudicated before the election would have mattered a lot to a lot of voters. unfortunately, we are going to have to figure out other ways to get voters the information they need about one of their two candidates. >> let me ask you about the
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story from yesterday about 18- year-old barron trump going to the rnc as a floor delegate. milani of said he was not going -- melania said he was not going because of prior commitments. did his father promote this and if so, why? >> i don't know but i can speculate, it reminded me of donald's installing his daughter-in-law as one of the heads of the rnc. he is trying to make this another family business that would likely fail, if he is in charge. if that is the case, another way in which donald is always putting himself first. barron is 18 years old and has not graduated from high school yet, he needs to be out of this
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, thankfully somebody came to their senses and pulled the idea. it never should have happened in the first place. we can get the sense of where donald is heading and making sure all of his family members are in key positions politically. >> last question, next week with michael cohen on the stand , given the fractured history between your uncle and his former fixer, somewhat in lockstep with him for many years , what is he most concerned about with michael cohen and his testimony this next week? what will rattle him the most? >> honestly, what will rattle him the most is the fact that he will be in the same room with michael cohen without any ability whatsoever to respond, no matter what michael cohen says. that is going to be challenging for him. we know that, during the
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testimony from stormy daniels, donald was wildly inappropriate and got admonished by the judge , and safe to say michael cohen is much more triggering for donald trump than stormy daniels. important to remember that one of the reasons we are here, michael cohen committed crimes on the behalf of donald trump, he was punished and donald wasn't. no daylight until michael cohen was no longer useful for donald and donald decided not to take michael cohen to d.c. with him. they were on the same page for years, including for this alleged crime. >> good to see you, my friend. a time of tears, applause, heartfelt speeches, and protests, a lot of them, next.
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>> jill biden is in arizona where she finished delivering the commencement speech at the mesa community college in tempe, arizona. a day after several teachers walked out of the camp and that she held for educators in phoenix. that walkout among the latest flashpoint between educators and the white house over the israel-hamas war arrests for palestine campus protest across the country, now
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just short of 3000 arrests. we are at the university of texas at austin were commencement will be getting underway later today. walk us through what happened with the first lady last night. what she met with the same kind of hostility in her commencement speech in tempe earlier? >> reporter: last night it was a part of the presidential campaign, it was different but everything is combined at the moment she spoke with educators in downtown phoenix. this was to talk about the challenges that teachers are facing in the state of arizona and looking for support. of course, this is not the first time we see educators or professors side with the protesters across the country. as you mentioned, some educators got up and left when the first lady spoke. let's hear from a teacher who walked out yesterday. >> i watched every single day,
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children getting blown up by bombs, my taxpayer money goes to. i go to school, i see children who are under my care for the day, i am responsible for their well-being. i just cannot live with that anymore. i don't mean disrespect to her. i just cannot be in that room listening. >> reporter: now, as we saw in the video minutes ago, the first lady today is speaking at a commencement, no reports of issues happening today. i will say, alex, something not talk about enough, we have seen professors and members of the faculty at different universities support a lot of the protesters. at the university of texas at austin, i have been here for a few weeks speaking to students and educators, many protest, professors say they have joined
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the protest because they do not agree with what is happening with the war. some of the protest were led by professors and members of the faculty, so there has been support from the teaching community to the protesters protesting on the palestinian- israeli war. >> thank you. i appreciate the wrap up on that called a remarkably blunt and transactional pitch, what we know about a billion-dollar proposal from you know who. ! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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donald trump bells to withdraw environmental penalties if big oil executives help him raise $1 million to his reelection campaign as the washington post says the conversation happened last month during a meeting at mar-a- lago and stunned several of the ceos in the room. peter baker joins me, political analyst, chief white house correspondent for the new york times and co-author of "the divider." before we get to this billion-dollar proposal, i want to ask you about the breaking news, a story from colleagues about trump tower in chicago and reported that donald trump may owe $100 million from double-dip tax breaks, what can
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you tell us? >> a fascinating story. we have reported about donald trump's tax issues, he refused to release his tax returns and when we got them, we saw how we used the taxes and to avoid paying any tax in many years and this is an example where they double-dip, they claimed the same exemption more than once and therefore you are not allowed to do that, that will be a problem for him you would presume in terms of the irs. donald trump has avoided accountability of the very issues he has had with taxes over the years and that is private so it is possible there are things we don't know about. any other american would face some real issues if you had tried to claim a credit twice for the same deduction. >> this is a deep dive, interesting article for anyone interested in reading it. let's move to the oil executives meeting, how unusual is this
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kind of blatant and significant pledge while campaigning for president? >> in the system, people giving money, large amounts of money to candidates, have some expectation that the candidate they are giving to will favor them in policy but usually not put in such a brazen a way as reported by our friends at the washington post and my colleagues at the times have matched this story. he says out loud what you're not supposed to say, if you raise $1 million for me, you can afford it, i will make sure president biden's climate initiatives you don't like go away. that sounds transactional because he is a transactional kind of guy. he is the one who seemed to link the campaign contributions to the policy outcome they would desire, even people in the room who desired this policy outcome.
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they found it disturbing enough to tell reporters. >> i am curious what effect this could have on the oil industry, a deal like this, what could be the political implications? >> it will confirm for a lot of people already suspicious of the fossil fuel industry, they have over the years bought off washington writ large. that has been a longtime conviction on the part of the people who think the energy industry has too much power. in that sense, the energy industry in the sense, that they , you know, does not like that image, it will be hurt by it. it will cause a lot of cynicism. especially if donald trump wins and tries to rollback these climate initiatives. it will have some evidence to back up he is doing so in exchange for large contributions from an industry affected by it. >> let's move to the breaking news, one of the breaking news stories, the biden
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administration admitting that israel may have violated international law in gaza. a new report from the state department to congress and was the white house expressed concerns about the number of civilian casualties, but stop short of saying israel violated its weapons policy. peter, did this report influence the administration withholding offensive artillery to israel? could it affect u.s. support of the offensive plans for israel going forward? there has been no change in u.s. support of defensive measures in israel. >> exactly right. adding fuel to the fire, obviously, people on the left who think israel has gone way too far and save war crimes or genocide, not happy with this report as they think the administration is trying to whitewash it and not been strong enough in the clearing there were violations. the pro-israel side of the equation, very angry at the
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president for holding back the shipment of bombs. they are saying this is an example of him not backing up israel, not understanding their particular security needs and being more critical of israel than he is of hamas the president has been very critical of hamas over seven months, but this is a dynamic moment, a moment where he has reached a turning point in his handling of the gaza war and support for israel. we will see where it goes as it depends on whether or not the israeli government launches a full- scale invasion of rafah as the president has warned him against doing and if they don't do that, they probably can find a way to repair the relationship. >> peter baker, but having one. thank you. some incredible sight in the sky, why it could impact the power grid. first, a taste of summer, look at the beautiful water. this is myrtle beach where the high today will be 71 degrees.
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