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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  May 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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graduate. her family accepted a posthumous degree on her behalf. >> she got a standing ovation. and she deserved it. >> reporter: that spot, that only part where reagan lost her life, that has been transformed and is now a tranquility garden in her memory. >> i choose to believe in my heart that her presence is still here. her legacy gets to be that she is still here in this world, changing this role, and making a difference. >> reporter: that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm andrea canning. thank you for watching. hello, i'm andrea canning, andhad just got home.."(on i and i opened the door, and my husband's dead on the floor!
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i opened the door and my husband is dead on the floor. >> reporter: a husband and father suddenly gone. >> i said, something is wrong. >> reporter: then they found the bullets. he was shot with two different guns. >> reporter: does that mean to shoot is correct >> one could argue that. >> reporter:'s plot went back month? >> month. there was hatred. >> it was a game. everybody else was collateral damage. >> it just destroyed my heart. hello and welcome to "dateline." in the eyes of his daughter,
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randy baker could do no wrong. he was her rock and mentor for countless others. randy dedicated himself to a deeply personal mission. counseling others to overcome addiction. it was a battle he waged as a young man. so when randy was found dead, investigators wondered did someone from his past put an end to his future? or was her trouble closer to home? here is keith morrison with the secret keepers. >> reporter: it was a warm colorado morning when the right side of summer. the road beneath his wheels, the blue canopy above. renewed possibilities in his heart. randy baker recovering heart patient proves -- better now, back to sweet routine. so, why this fatigue? randy felt the warm day wrap his body like a sleeping pill. he struggled to lift his
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eyelids. tired. so tired. >> but was told to me that he probably fell asleep and swear. >> reporter: it could have been catastrophic and it wasn't. his pontiac to dating and the cops responded that he seemed okay. >> these officers that he was all right and essentially let him off with a warning. >> reporter: perhaps those cops didn't know it was the fifth time he dozed off at the wheel. his fists brush with death in a month. lucky? for a moment. here on the last day of his life. >> 911, what is your name? >> kelly baker. >> reporter: the next morning, 8:30 a.m. >> tell me what happening.
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>> i just got home and i opened the door and my husband is dead on the floor. >> reporter: the officer from the greeley colorado police were called and a shaken kelly baker was waiting. >> when i got here, kelly baker was sitting on the steps over there. i asked her what happened and she said her husband randy baker was that in the house. >> reporter: she was away overnight. when she opened the garage door, there he was. >> randy baker is laying right here. his torso was laying in the hallway and his head was inside the doorframe here. in front of that thing. in a pool of blood. obviously dead. he had a bag of fast food and a drink from a local fast food restaurant. >> reporter: like he just picked up dinner? >> that is what it looked like to me. his cell phone was laying
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there. >> reporter: kelly, the victim's wife, gave the officer randy background. he was falling asleep at the wheel. >> i continue to talk to kelly and randy sister arrived. >> as the women huddled with the officer trying to make sense of it, the investigator arrived. >> i told him of the health issues and i believe he spoke to kelly baker as well and did a cursory examination and he told me he thought possibly he died of natural causes with all the health issues. >> reporter: did that surprise you? >> well, i wasn't sure. it was possible, but i didn't know at that time. it could be anything. >> reporter: indeed. kelly called randy's's daughter, her stepdaughter, and they knew that his heart would eventually give out. >> you can never picture it.
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i was angry. i didn't think i would be angry, but i remember yelling at my husband to get there faster. because i didn't believe it. >> reporter: is trying to put into context of what it was like for you. >> i put on my strong face. for people, because there was kelly and my aunt carol was there and the police were there. i broke down for a split second and then compose myself. >> reporter: she had to tell her mother about randy's death. it wasn't easy. they had divorced years before but she still loved him. >> i could tell that she was crying and i said, what's wrong? and she said, dad is gone. and i said, no. no. she says, mom, they found him this morning. and i said, something is wrong. something is wrong. >> reporter: the thing is, the
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officer was thinking the same thing. especially after kelly told him that the pontiac was missing. along with his keys and wallet. it could be an innocent reason, of course. maybe he had taken it in for repairs. >> i asked kelly if there was a mechanic that randy used and she named a local mechanic. i called him and said, is his car there? and they said no. >> reporter: so where was it? had he driven it home? did he have it when he bought his mexican take a? >> the owner of the restaurant showed me the video surveillance and they find a car that appeared to be randy's going to the drive you matching the food i found next to him. >> reporter: now you know a lot more. >> i knew the car made it to greeley. >> reporter: and probably all the way home but after that, -- >> i had no idea.
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>> reporter: two days later, they got the news. during the autopsy, the medical examiner had taken a closer look and scrape the blood away from randy's head and soldiers. what do you know. >> my phone started ringing. the investigation notified me that randy died from two gunshot wounds. >> reporter: what did you think when you heard that? >> i thought, i was right. >> reporter: natural causes? please. this was murder. >> who would want randy baker day? questions for his loved ones reveal a dark time from his past. coming up. >> -- >> when "dateline" continues. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ )
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ok, but why is shaq coming too? to show you how it's done. ♪♪ for a great low rate, go with the general. for a great low rate, keith morrison: betty winick's father at a very bad heart. she knew she could lose him soon, thought she was ready. her father had about heart and she knew she could loosen soon and thought she was ready but she wasn't. not at all. grief like a sledgehammer. >> i don't know if you watch "grey's anatomy," but that was my person. i went to him for anything and everything. >> reporter: of course, police knew randy was shot to death and his killer must've taken his car.
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but they didn't tell betty or the rest of the family. not right away. >> they kept asking about guns and i was like, this is weird. then they told me my father's case was considered a murder case. i think in the back of my mind i knew it wasn't a natural death >> reporter: the police had collected security camera footage showing randy leaving work about 5:35 p.m. and the video from the mexican take out place at 7:30. the restaurant is a 10 minute drive from the house meeting randy must've been murdered around 7:45. but by whom? the answer police knew might depend a lot on randy himself. something in his behavior. his life. which betty told them have been rough sometimes. >> i -- he was a counselor since i was 4 or 5.
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>> reporter: what did you know about that? >> not a lot. he didn't like to talk about it. just that he almost died. >> reporter: when randy was 28, six feet 5 inches tall, he was a lineman for the local power company. betty's mother and randy's first wife, -- >> he was on the light and he got a jolt and was electrocuted. >> reporter: he was never the same after that. heart permit me damage. terrible pain. depression. the next part, he tried to escape his misery with drugs. >> there was just so much pain there and he didn't know what to do with it. >> reporter: he wallowed in his addiction. it got so bad he was even dealing drugs. but then after three hug years, he cleaned up his life no more drugs or dealing.
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that is when he promised to help others get clean, too. that's what made him a committee counselor. >> pretty much. pretty much. >> reporter: randy helped a lot of people. strangers, friends, family. one of his nephews was troubled with drugs himself and text said him this father's day wish in 2015. my dearest uncle, not only have you been a role model and inspiration to me but the closest person i've ever had to a real father. randy triumphed over that and got his health back. then one day the local hairdresser named kelly entered their lives. >> we lived a few houses away from each other. >> reporter: tell me about her. very cute, very sweet and quiet and when i saw kelly look at my husband, with a look i knew i was in trouble.
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>> reporter: what was the look? >> she was gaga over my man. and i said, it's over. >> reporter: she was right. she found herself replaced by kelly hairdresser. >> it broke my heart. i was very depressed. >> reporter: were you angry at him for a while? >> i think i was young enough that i did not understand it. we were pretty close. they were married 18 years and i called her mom. >> reporter: kelly set up her new hair salon in randy's basement. and randy reveled in his new life. kelly, her kids, his kids, and the other love of his life. his harley. >> harley-davidson. i think in 1995. he did not ride it often, because he was sick. >> reporter: his heart again. cardiomyopathy. it wasn't easy for him or kelly. he >> he was on medication and the
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house was pretty big and you know, you should be the caretaker even though he didn't need one. >> reporter: but betty said randy wanted kelly to care for him and she did, for years. until she just couldn't anymore. >> she is 11 years younger and i think it was starting to get to her. she was still pretty young. >> reporter: it was the spring of 2017 when randy was recovering from open-heart surgery and kelly said she couldn't take it anymore. then she moved out. >> at first i was like, i can kind of understand that. >> reporter: two months later, randy was dead. and police were calling and family members to tell them exactly how he died. kelly had trouble dealing with it. still, they asked for her help. >> i can't do it. i just can't. >> reporter: she mentioned
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randy dedication to his job. >> he was a very good counselor, and he wanted to change and help these people. >> reporter: but she said he was one of them once so maybe he had some enemies. then, they looked at the bullet that killed randy baker more closely. he wasn't shot with a gun, there were two. two guns. so, a drug-related hit? maybe kelly was onto something. >> coming up, another side of randy baker. >> i just couldn't take it anymore. >> and another man enters the picture.
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>> have you been seeing anyone else? >> do i have to answer that? >> when "dateline" continues.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo! keith morrison: randy baker's life began in the same random way all life begins. randy biggers life began in the same way all it begins but its end, that was no accident. somebody or somebody's made double sure with two bullets from two different guns.
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does that mean two shooters? >> one could argue that. >> reporter: you didn't know? >> no. >> reporter: the detectives were assigned to the case. it was still early. a lot to figure out. >> we are still trying to get ahead of the ball game or catch up and find out what the statements are and where were they in what issues are there. >> reporter: first i had to clear the usual suspects. they brought kelly in and she was the spouse. so, which he benefited from his death? >> did randy have any, light, life insurance policies or anything like that? >> yes. there were actually two. they were 5000 each. >> pretty nominal. >> reporter: not worth killing somebody. right? >> yes. >> reporter: as for the relationship, kelly offered a different view of randy. >> so you were separated? what was the reason?
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>> randy was just kind of mean. and i just couldn't take it anymore. >> she explained that randy was not necessarily nice to her. but he was volatile and she moved out of the home and was staying with her friend terry. >> reporter: an hour and a half into the interview, the detective of headley f kelly a question and she clearly did not want to answer. >> have you been seeing anyone else? >> do i have to answer that? >> what's that? >> do i have to answer that? >> you don't have to. >> reporter: that was interesting. and not answer like a neon sign. could not ignore that. >> i don't want to be a or anything, but it's just that -- so, is there someone we need to talk to? >> yes, terry's brother clint ledger. >> reporter: what did you think when you heard that? >> it's not an uncommon thing. she's having an affair and does that mean clint could be a suspect? we will talk to him.
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>> reporter: and they did. and clint admitted to the affair. he kelly work together the night her husband was murdered. kelly baker told her stepdaughter betty what it was like to get what felt to her like that 3rd degree. >> they treated me like a suspect. i guess that's normal though. i'm was almost the ex-wife and had leopard >> reporter: betty's head was in a haze after the fuse -- first few days after his death and wanted something to remember her by. she asked if she could have her dad's harley. it was a shock when her stepmom told her it was gone. >> she said that he sold it and it is not in her hands. she knew nothing about the sale, essentially, is what she told me. >> reporter: odd. why would he sell his price spike.
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then just that the taxes were starting to dig into that puzzle, what you know. five days after randy baker was murder, somebody found his missing pontiac. >> this is randy baker's pontiac. it was the one he was driving the day he was murdered. >> reporter: how does it get here in this lot? >> somebody spotted in an alley by the college. the license plates were removed and the key was locked inside. on the floorboard. the car was wiped down. >> reporter: who ditch the car? they didn't know. but the police asked the public for help. and a few days later, a tip came in. randy's pontiac had been listed for sale on facebook. >> with followed up on that post and tracked down this female. she was trying to offload randy's car.
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>> that led to yet another career criminal to another to another. >> reporter: a motley crue and they brought them in and asked questions like, where were you when randy was shot? how did you get the car? that is when this band of walking felons offered up a shocker. they got in the car, they said, from someone close to randy baker. someone not named kelly. >> coming up, cell phone secrets revealed a loved one with no love lost for randy. >> the phone records were confirming that there was a hatred between the two. >> when "dateline" continues.
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israel's military issuing an urgent warning to evacuate hearts of rafah saturday signaling and expansion of its military campaign. more than 1 billion palestinians are sheltered in the most city.
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thunderstorms and strong winds have left a path of destruction in florida. cities like jacksonville and tallahassee saw multiple thunderstorms. four people died in the southeast as a result of severe storms. now, back to "dateline." welcome back to "dateline." i'm andrea canning. five days after randy baker was murdered they made an intriguing discovery. his car that was missing showed up in an alley and was was it online for sale. after questioning a parade of career criminals connected to the vehicle, detectives learned the person behind the car sale was someone close to randy. they were bound by blood. almost all of it bad. once again, here is keith morrison with "the secret keepers."
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>> reporter: families, such a fascinating study. most are warm, protective and loving. but randy baker's family, well, consider this. the person who gave randy baker's car to those pivotal bottom feeders was none other than his big sister, carol. >> she received the car within two hours of randy's murder. >> reporter: she has to be involved somehow. >> right. >> reporter: how did she get her dead brother's car? >> investigators did note that they reach one conclusion. >> carol is a little simple. she answered questions fine but at one point she was a little slow. >> reporter: then there was something else. >> we were learning that randy and carol's relationship was strained. so much so that they preferred not to be around each other. >> reporter: eddie said the tension went way back.
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to their childhood days. >> he would talk about how she secretly love being an only child and once he came she hated it that was his version. she would talk about how she would pick on him. >> reporter: not the best sibling relationship. >> not what i would want my kids have. yep. >> reporter: randy end up in college and carol did odd jobs. both married and started families but, said randy's first wife, dori, she could not leave it alone. carol was the one who introduced kelly, the hairdresser, to randy. betty was a little kid when her father married kelly. but she was old enough to see her dad's relationship with his sister did not improve. >> it was kind of kelly and
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carol versus my dad a lot. i remember all of us kids were out of the house. >> reporter: that caught the detective's attention. carol did not like randy and carol had access to his house. who was the last person known to be in the house before the shooting occur? >> carol. >> reporter: that's right. she told detectives she went to the house to do some chores for kelly. >> she was the last person at the house. roughly an hour before randy was murder. she put the dog in the kettle and then left. she drove to an aunt's house a couple blocks away and she was there for the rest of the night. >> reporter: so they thought. all they needed further granular details. and that is when the investigation took a deep dive into the greatest keeper of secrets in the 21st century. the cell phone. >> i have to have those phones. and what's inside. what stories they tell. >> reporter: the detective's
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specialty is phone forensics meaning he can coax those phones to give up who was calling him and went and where they were and what they said in text messages. the detective hunted down in his cubicle. how much time did you spend? >> somewhere 12 hours a day seven days a week for a month. >> reporter: the detective had seen his share of lessie intrigues over the year but never anything quite like the story told by those cell phones. that spring and summer, kelly and carol exchange roughly 4500 text messages. in an average of 15 a day. how close were these women? >> the text messages alone is mindnumbing but the constant exchange of i love yous and i love you sister, and i love you, sis. >> reporter: kelly was also texting her husband randy who was still recovering from open-
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heart surgery. no heart some flowers there. >> she's telling carol that i love you so much. >> reporter: that was two months before the murder, right wing kelly moved out of the house. through text messages, you can plainly see that randy still had hopes of salvaging the marriage. >> it was difficult to read through his feelings for her. he did not want her gone. he wanted her home. >> reporter: right here at his desk, he was seeing what looked to him like motive. >> reporter: the phone records were confirming that there was a hatred between the two. towards randy. >> reporter: still, both kelly and carol had unassailable alibis. kelly was with her aunt at the time of the murder and kelly was mile away with her lover. then, the detective found this. >> this message carol sends to
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kelly baker where it said, put it under sonja and a phone number. >> reporter: put what under sonja? >> 10 minutes after that message, kelly baker added this phone number under the name sonja. >> reporter: who the heck is sonja? >> coming up, an arrest in the case. who was the killer? >> i remember him telling me. >> when "dateline" continues.
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ask your doctor about hormone—free veozah... keith morrison: all those hours spent poking around kelly and carol's phones all of those hours spent poking around kelly and carol's cone was yielding splenda results like the name sonja. who was she? well, in fact, she was a he. and not exactly a guy you would bring home to your mother. >> he had ties with supremacy gangs and prominent in colorado. a prison gang. >> reporter: he goes by -- but his mother named him kelly. and who would his mother be? >> he is a biological son of kelly baker. >> reporter: not a nice guy? >> no. >> reporter: he had a long prison stretch for attempted murder and on close examination
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had a significant presence on that string of text messages that were uncovered. >> i realize that carol was forwarding text messages from him to kelly baker. >> reporter: messages to do it? >> it was certain to me to murder randy. >> reporter: policing greeley had never seen anything like it. a wayward wife, a dimwitted sister and a gang banger nephew. and they all conspired to kill their uncle, brother, husband? five weeks after randy's murder, police brought kelly back in and she was chatty. she offered up more theories about the murder. >> i leave my garage door open. what if somebody was in the garage when i left at 5:45? >> reporter: at this point, detectives did not show their cards. they had a plan. >> i wish you guys look. >> i'm glad you're doing really well. all things considered.
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>> reporter: next, they brought in carol. randy sister. they let her believe they connected her son to the murder. and then they let her think that kelly had just sold her out. and that is when carol pulled it like a tent. said the mastermind behind the murder was kelly. >> why did she feel she had to murder randy baker? >> she said she'd never leave her alone? >> reporter: after implicating her sister-in-law, she gave up her own flesh and blood, kelly raisley. a.k.a. grits. -- griz. >> reporter: they arrest the kelly that same day and charged her with murdering her husband. and after, they gave randy's
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daughter becky the news. >> i remember sitting down and him telling me that they arrested kelly and carol. >> reporter: like falling off the bench? >> yes. i stared at my phone for quite a while shaking. >> reporter: and griz? he was holdup at a friends house near denver. >> the house was surrounded and he ran into the garage and had a 357 revolver inside of it. he came out and surrendered. >> reporter: he was in jail for seven months and then he wrote to the prosecutor rob miller. >> he wrote a letter exaggerating how he committed the crime but ultimately admitting to it saying i have been played by these two ladies. >> reporter: pretty soon he was cutting a deal. >> arrangements were made for griz to vest the entire murder in exchange for the state not pursuing the death penalty. >> reporter: griz was specific.
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his mother and kelly pushed him to do the killing. mom drove him to the scene, dropped them off, and he shot randy as he walked in the door. >> did you honestly know you hit him in the head when you fire? >> i seen it. >> reporter: to solve the mystery, the two guns equal two shooters? no. >> why did you bring two guns? >> i always have two hands on me. >> reporter: that is just how he rolls. after the killing, he explained, he drove off in randy's pontiac. there was one more revelation. remember randy's harley? the one he supposedly sold? >> were you approached ultimately and talked about what you get paid for doing this? >> kelly wood gave me $10,000. in the motorcycle. >> reporter: griz really wanted that harley but also wanted something off his chest. that part is still hard to
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figure. >> it was important to him that people knew that randy was a great guy. >> reporter: he was, in fact, the same nephew who said randy that nice father's day text. not only a role model and inspiration to me, but the closest person i've ever had as a real father figure. how did he explain the fact that he could kill someone after he had this great relationship with him? >> he believed that kelly and carol baker manipulated him and fed him information he now knew was not true and that randy was abusive to both carol and kelly. >> reporter: police developed a solid theory about motive. kelly told the police the life insurance was only about $10,000. as you dug in, what did you find? >> we found six policies totaling more than $100,000. >> reporter: who was the beneficiary? >> kelly. >> reporter: the house, also,
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but at the end of the cul-de- sac, lots of equity. >> she was looking at somewhere near $400,000 with randy did. >> reporter: so, i murder mystery solved? no, indeed. kelly said she was innocent. victim herself. the detective didn't buy it. >> this woman could enter a room and whisper light to every ear in their and turn everyone against everyone else the kelly. she would control the room with her life and remarkably, no one caught onto it. >> reporter: now all she had to do was work her magic on the jury. >> coming up, the widow baker spends a frightening tale. >> he slammed his hands on the table. look me in the eye and said, i will kill you and then i will kill myself. >> she is a manipulator.
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nexgard® plus. welcome back. randy baker's nephew struck a plea deal with prosecutors. in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table, llwelcome back. randy baker's nephew struck a plea deal with prosecutors in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table. he admitted to killing his uncle in a murder for hire plot. hatched by his mother and randy's wife kelly.
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now, a defiant kelly baker was ready to share her own story on the witness stand. here is keith morrison with the conclusion of "the secret keepers." >> reporter: at the colorado winter melted into spring, a cast of characters file into the weld county courthouse. here was a family turned secular firing squad, finger- pointing blame for the event that ended randy baker's life. >> sometimes, life is stranger than fiction. >> reporter: kelly baker pleaded not guilty and denied she had anything to do with the murder. well, armed with confessions and plea deals from carol baker and her sun griz, the district attorney and the ada aim to prove that in fact kelly was the ringleader of this gang of deadly relatives. >> randy baker's on wife and his own sister were plotting with his own nephew to give this woman the day she waited
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far too long for. >> reporter: there was some planning and work here. >> for quite some time. >> reporter: for three long months. plan a was, odd. remember those falling asleep car accidents? the prosecutor said kelly spiked randy morning smoothies with overdoses of his own medication hoping an accident would kill him. randy's nephew griz thought that one up. >> anyway, he wouldn't take them and won't be looking for it. >> reporter: when that didn't work, griz finish the job with two bullets. now prosecutors needed him to say all the same things to the jury. a fine plan, but listen to what happened. >> do you recall having discussions with your mom or kelly baker about a plan to
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harm randy baker? >> no, i don't. >> reporter: griz was planning. >> he knows how prison works and he knew if he snatched, it would be a rough rest of his natural life in prison. >> reporter: over and over, griz play . -- played dumb. the prosecutors did what they could and plate the confession tape for the jury. >> kelly would give me $10,000 and the motorcycle. >> reporter: his mother was a little more talkative. how -- >> we talked about how she could not believe he was still alive and he doesn't want to be here anymore.
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>> we got to know the real kelly baker. what became clear to us was she was a manipulator >> reporter: they called her a puppet liar, the puppetmaster, a liar, and now the defense got its turn. the attorney turned loose his best counterattack to kelly baker herself. >> kelly baker in my view was part of this case. >> reporter: the jury was about to get a firsthand look at a different kelly baker. hers was a very different story. about herself not as a killer, but as a caretaker. she talked about randy in the early days. >> what was her life during that time period? >> it was great. he was a really good therapist and counselor. we had our small issues with blending our kids and disciplining our kids, but
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other than that for ourselves, we loved each other very much. >> reporter: but then her life she said began to resemble the sad bits of cinderella. but randy was no prince charming. >> he was somewhat controlling and wanted to tell me who i could be with and how i could do things. going out to eat with somebody else or movie night or just having the girls over. i was never allowed to do anything like that. >> was there ever any violence in your marriage? >> there was a small amount. yes. >> what kind of violence? >> he wanted to physically stop me from leaving if we were having an argument. >> reporter: and that summer she just needed a change. but when she talked to randy about it, -- >> he slammed his hands on the table and scared the crap out of me and looked at me and said
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, i will kill you and then i will kill myself because i have nothing to lose. >> reporter: with her friend carol at her side, kelly fled and was moving on. but that decision weighed on her. >> am i doing the right thing? am i making the right decision? >> reporter: despite her plan for a new life, she insisted that she loved randy and she did not kill him. >> she did not know anything about the murder. kelly baker just found the body that morning. when she came to the house. >> reporter: really, what physical evidence in in the case? one little something. a mistake, and impatient greed. so they get the check. >> the check was a huge piece of evidence in the case. >> reporter: here was there proves that the prosecutors. you didn't need to believe carol or griz, just follow the money.
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and pay attention. >> there were two text messages from randy where he told her he was coming home with the $400 check. >> reporter: the day he was murdered he told her that he would have the check in his wallet but remember, he left his wallet in the car and griz killed randy and took the car and drove away with the wallet in the check. >> on august 16th, the same day kelly baker found randy's body, she cash the check. >> reporter: how did kelly get that check? in her final moments of cross- examination, they laid up the prosecution's theory. >> that mean you deposited a check from a dead man's wallet, right? a wallet that was missing, right? from a car that was stolen? >> correct. >> sola by a killer who shot your husband in a murder you
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claim you had nothing to do with? >> yes. >> i am done with this witness. >> almost like you were disgusted. and i think the jury whispered to her it was a game. >> reporter: when the game was over, kelly lost. >> we find her guilty of murder in the 1st degree. >> reporter: guilty. kelly was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. despite his witness amnesia, griz got exactly the same sentence. carol baker got 30 years. at sentencing, betty brought the court the namesake randy baker never got to meet. >> this is randall james. >> reporter: betty clings to her baby and her daughters and her husband. but it's hard, she says. missing her dad. >> the situation has made me like i am not in control of anything in my life.
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the one person who made me feel like i could be in control was him. and i can call him to see if i am handling this the right way or -- >> reporter: as you are sitting here talking, you have been calling on him again and again. >> i like to think that. >> reporter: in the end, randy baker's daughter is just as tough as he was. maybe tougher. maybe she just doesn't know it yet. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm andrea canning. thank you for watching. watchin


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