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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  May 25, 2024 10:00pm-12:00am PDT

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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. assistant da gunned shell. down near the courthouse-- woman: we've got a gentleman that just got shot. andrea canning: --but it wasn't over. the dead man's boss and his wife were next. jolie stewart: whoever went in there had a mission. did you start to think that there was a list? a top assistant d.a. gone down by the courthouse but it wasn't over.
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did you start to think that there was a list? >> no, sure. i don't think there was any doubt in my mind this was a serial killer we were dealing with. >> someone had declared war on law enforcement and their families. >> i have kids. my husband, i can't keep putting them at risk. >> my wife had two guns out. i said unless you know it's me coming through the door, be ready to use them. >> is there some sort of antigovernment militia group? i had no idea what we were dealing with. >> before leading investigators back home. was he living a double life? >> i think he was. >> you're making him sound like hannibal lector. >> it's just wild. >> the courthouse. the moral center of every american city and town.
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the place we go to settle differences, resolve disputes, find justice. it is the place where the story usually ends, but not this time. not in rural kaufman, texas, where life is leisurely and no one is a stranger. >> oh my god, someone just shot someone. they are laying on the ground. >> this time, it is where the story begins. >> somebody was trying to send a message, it was just so bold. >> a story that quickly got too big for this texas town.
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unlike a prairie fire, spread across the nation. >> we have some new information this morning on a manhunt for a killer who gone down a district attorney. >> in this tale, the hunters became the hunted. >> that is what was so scary is that it's not just me anymore, i have young kids. my husband. my family. >> my wife had two guns out. i said unless you know it is me coming through the door, be ready to use them. >> shannon hebert never expected to be in danger when she started the career she always wanted, practicing law. >> why did you want to be a lawyer? >>, gosh, in second grade, a judge came to my class and i wanted to be a judge or a lawyer. >> her dream came true.
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by 2008, shannon had passed the bar exam and got her first job as a prosecutor with the kaufman county district attorney's office with the second floor of the courthouse in the center of town. >> i love the office, the people around me were so knowledgeable. they were almost all from dallas. >> one of those lawyers from dallas was mark hasse, an experienced prosecutor and guy who loved his job. >> we would go to mark for almost everything. >> that is because over the course of his career, mark had prosecuted some of the worst criminals in texas. >> he was tenacious, intellectual and very quick on his feet. >> marcus bush is now an assistant u.s. attorney. back in the 1980s, he was a young gun working in the crime session of the dallas d.a.'s office. >> mark was not afraid of taking on a fight. some of the defendants were very bad people and mark had the personality to stand in the breach and prosecute the worst of the worst. >> why did mark move out of dallas? >> he wanted a place where he
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had some room so he bought a house on 80 acres. he loved being around animals and he left the space. >> besides animals and wide- open spaces, mark had another passion, flying. back in 1995, it almost killed him. >> mark did have a bad accident. >> mark had a terrible accident. >> a fly flying commemoration of robert's and. >> mark was part of the serial armada of vintage planes when something went wrong. >> i believed the atlantic -- engine had failed. >> did he decide to flag in at any point? what you think he wanted to fly again? he almost died. >> it's like being thrown from a horse. he wanted to be the person he was before.
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he did, but it took a long time. >> reporter: it took years but mark did recover from his injuries. colleagues in the d.a.s office admired his strength to fight through adversity but also got a kick out of his weakness, his love for sugary snacks. >> he had a sweet tooth and he would eat everyone stuff so we would have weekly prosecutor meetings every monday and we would get donuts for them and he would always get there first and still have a donut. >> in 2011, mark and shannon got a new boss who seem to fit right in with their office family, newly elected district attorney mike mcclelland. >> i am the criminal district attorney for kaufman county. >> mike's stepdaughter, christina foreman, said he loved the job. >> i think he really did embrace his role as a leader and enjoyed the people he was with and he would talk about this person did this and i was really proud of them. everything was new to him. he came in and just took it over. >> was he tough? >> i would not say he was tough on us at all. the greatest thing about him was he let us do what we do best. >> make quickly formed a bond with mark hasse, the experienced prosecutor. >> mark was his best friend in the office. they were very close.
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>> marks wife, cynthia, fit right in around the office. she was almost like a den mother. she worked as a nurse but found type -- time to bake cakes and cookies for the staff. she was also an avid quilter who would like to make gifts for her husband's coworkers. >> he would make fabrics and to show me you know, is this going to match the nursery and then she quoted it for me and it was just stunning. it was very beautiful. >> that is how it was, happy, humming office in a quiet small town. until january 31st, 2013 before 9:00 a.m. at that moment, the calm, serene morning and the lives of everyone in the d.a.s office would be shattered. >> i heard what i thought to be gunshots. >> police officer jason were a few blocks from the courthouse investigating a burglary when
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something big caught his attention. >> it was a slow and methodical five shots. it was just bam, bam, bam, bam, and a little pause, i guess you would say, then three more shots after that. >> shannon was inside the courthouse when she heard the sound of sirens. >> that is not unusual because there is a police station a block away. there is a hospital a few blocks down the street. >> that siren was jason's squad car. >> i hollered at my partner and said hey, those were gunshots so we packed up real quick and hopped in the car. >> the car camera was rolling as he and his partner drove toward the gunshots. >> about halfway over, the dispatcher came across on the radio and told us the man had been shot. it gave us a location. >> we have a gentleman on grove street and madison that just got shot. >> just a block from the courthouse. shannon noticed that her
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secretary was looking out the window at some commotion on the street. >> my secretary was crying and i can imagine what she was crying about and she turned from the window and said it's mark. my natural instinct was hit by a car and she's like no, he was shot. >> who is it? >> it's mark hasse. >>, god, it's mark hasse, the assistant district attorney. >> coming up , a dedicated prosecutor shot right outside the courthouse, stunning onlookers and place. who would even attempt such a brazen attack? did that tell you that these two knew each other? >> that seemed very personal to me. >> when dateline continues. y, it can still be beautiful.
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because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this.
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dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision
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and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and m in [inaudible chatter] a beloved prosecutor, mark hasse had just been shot outside the courthouse in kaufman, texas during the morning rush.
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904, can you check a plate? andrea canning: officer jason stastny was one of the first on the scene. a beloved prosecutor, mark hasse, had just been shot outside the courthouse in kaufman, texas during the morning rush. n officer jason stasney was one of the first on the scene. you are seeing the dramatic images from his onboard camera. >> a woman looked like she was doing cpr. >> that woman had witnessed the shooting from her car, saw the shooter flee then tried to help mark. now, stasney was taking over, going on instinct and adrenaline. >> this is one of the scenes when you pull up it's nothing you could prepare for. >> he knew right away it was bad. >> he looked at me and then he stopped breathing. that's when i started cpr. i got him to take seven breaths. i do remember that.
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>> as his car camera kept rolling, his body mike picked up please for mark to hold on just a little longer. >> you know, i tried my best to tell him you're doing good, you're doing good. keep breathing. the ambulance is coming. >> officer stastney had been at the scene for five agonizing minutes when the ambulance rolled up. back at the courthouse, shannon was getting updates on mark. >> i don't really know how many minutes passed by one another prosecutor came into the courtroom saying how bad it was. >> about an hour earlier, shannon had walked from the parking lot to the courthouse.
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that is the same realtor friend and colleague, mark hasse, was walking when he was shot. now, too afraid to go anywhere, she stayed inside, praying for him. >> we are now just waiting to hear if he's going to live. >> but, bad news traveled fast. it didn't take very long for his partner to walk into the courtroom shaking her head and crying and at that moment he was gone. >> it's horrible. it will be in my brain forever. >> is not a day that goes by that i don't go by here and think back to that day and what i saw. >> mark hasse was dead at 57, gunned down on his way to work a block from the courthouse. >> people in kaufman are shot by the deadly attack out in the open in town square. >> i just never in years would've expected one of our prosecutors, but for someone i knew personally, to be lying on the ground dead. >> with one of their own down,
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lieutenant stewart from the county sheriff's department, quickly joined the swarm of law enforcement jumping on the case. >> we did not have time to grieve about it. we did not have time to talk about our feelings. it was time to go to work. >> lieutenant stewart and others canvassed the area, but solid information was hard to come by. witnesses said the shooter hopped into the passenger side of the getaway car as it sped away, so there had to be at least two people involved. they also said the car was silver, or was it gray or tan? a four-door, maybe a ford taurus but with no license plate. >> the rest of that day we were just going around looking for the car. >> i don't think i've ever noticed how many silver or white colored four-door sedans there are. >> even though the killer had brazenly attacked during the morning rush, witnesses said he covered up. >> one witness described him as wearing a hoodie that was black
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and covered his face and then another person who saw him from a distance said you know, all black dark clothing. >> but, there was something more. a witness in a garage right across the street heard the victim's last words. >> mark said no, no, i'm sorry. and that was after a little bit of kind of a shoving match. >> said that tell you that these two know each other? >> that seemed very personal to me. >> no weapon was found at the scene and no shell casings either. did that tell you anything that there were no shell casings? >> yes, he told us there would have to be a revolver. >> that is because revolvers keep bullet casings inside the gun after firing. i can only imagine how terrified mark must've been in those final moments. >> mark was doing what he did every day, just going to work. >> now, fellow prosecutors feared he died for that work and they could be next.
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no one felt safe. >> all of us were scared. we did not know if there were a bunch of people waiting to try to shoot us. >> the courthouse was locked down in the morning then closed for the day. prosecutors and office staff are given extra security. >> they were walking us to our cars carrying huge rifles and guns. >> when did it start to sink into you that it could've been you. you walk in to work with mark. your office is right there. >> i think that was the immediate fear. it could've been any of us. >> we lost a really good man. >> district attorney mike mcclellan stood tall when he addressed the media about the killing of his good friend. >> i hope the people that did this are watching because we are very confident that we are going to find you. we are going to pull you out of whatever hole you are in. were going to bring you back and let the people of kaufman county prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.
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>> mike's stepdaughter, christina, watched his take no prisoners press conference with immense pride. >> that is not an unusual thing for him when he really and truly felt deeply about something that he was going to make a stand for it. he was going to make a stand with his beliefs and really try to do the right thing. >> but, bringing this killer or killers to justice would take a lot more than tough talk. this was just the start of a crime spree that would terrorize the very people who protect us. now, no one was safe. coming up, that investigation would also present an overwhelming challenge thanks to the suspect list including hundreds of defendants mark and put away. >> i immediately started taking about people in murder cases we had all prosecuted who are starting their parole now.
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>> anyone in particular stick out in your head? when dateline continues. head? when dateline continues. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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i mean, we really did love him. it was devastating when he was gone. andrea canning: monday morning, four days after the murder of mark hasse, fellow prosecutor shannon herbert returned to work with a heavy heart. i mean, we really did love him. it was devastating. >> monday morning, four days after the murder of mark hasse, turned to work with a heavy heart. >> of course our whole office was devastated. i mean, his door was closed. >> security remained tight in and around the courthouse, and everyone was still on guard as the paid respects to their worker. >> folks are trying to deal with what happened. nobody has ever done this before. this is new territory for everybody. >> his colleagues were terrified and many wanted to carry guns for protection. district attorney mike mcclellan made it easier for
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everyone to get concealed handgun licenses. >> we could take the course for free and start getting a handgun license in case we needed it. >> did you get a gun? >> no i didn't. >> did you think about it? >> yes. >> it is the kind of thing people do when they are scared and panic. the murder brought an all-star army of law enforcement to the case. the sheriff's training center was turned into a command post. it was soon buzzing with the local police, texas rangers and local agents from the atf and fbi. >> that is what is amazing about this case is you had federal, state, law enforcement all working together in a team. >> advising this team, toby shook and bill wirskye, veteran high-profile attorneys from dallas who were quickly named special prosecutors.
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>> once you get over the initial shock and disbelief that a prosecutor and someone you know has been murdered, your professional training kicks in and that's where toby and i stepped up and volunteered to help in that role. >> the crime seem to be whatever he prosecutor fears, revenge hit for putting away a bad guy. that struck a cord that reverberated from kaufman to dallas throughout texas and beyond. >> i think every judge, every defense attorney every prosecutor has that in the back of the mind. >> does is send a chill through everyone when one of your own is killed like that? >> it does. whoever did this cross the line other people rarely approach and makes you start think of what you do for a living and your family members and your own personal safety. >> initial theories were numerous as the hundreds of cases mark hasse had prosecuted. the first place to look was right in kaufman county where mark was a felony prosecutor for three years. >> the big questions we had were who did he prosecutor recently? >> sheriff's investigator julie stewart was involved from day one.
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>> was there prostic -- something recent he prosecutor that has somebody upset so we started jumping off into his caseload. >> investigators looked into every local case mark had prosecuted. there were robberies, drug prosecutions and even a theft that involved an elected official who stole office equipment. they did not immediately find anything that led them to a suspect. u.s. marshals pulled and anyone with an outstanding arrest warrant. nothing there, either, so the task force widen the scope of the investigation beyond kaufman. >> we don't have a lot of violent crimes and kaufman. i mean especially murders, so we eventually assumed it was someone from dallas. >> dallas, the big city less than 30 miles but seemingly a lifestyle away. remember, back in the 1980s,
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mark and fellow prosecutor marcus busch locked up some pretty tough customers there. >> i immediately started thinking about crime cases in murder cases we all prosecuted. many of those people received life sentences and were starting to parole out. >> someone held a grudge, got out of prison and wanted him. it was a personal vendetta against mark. >> even though investigators were convinced he was murdered because of his job as a prosecutor, they did not stop there. >> you still have to interview friends, family members, associates. >> mark was a teetotaler who is not married and did not have children. extensive checks and his background came up empty. >> there just wasn't anything there. he loved his mother who lived in dallas and spent a lot of time taking care of her. >> all of the checks into mark's personal and professional life were not panning out. frustration was setting in because cases get harder to solve after the first 48 hours. two days in, mark's murder had reached that crossroad and investigators were searching desperately for a break. >> investigators tell us type there are no promising leads right now.
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>> any assistance anyone can give us in finding the people who did this will be greatly appreciated. >> d.a. mcclellan touted particularly tough. he had an office to run while morning a good friend. how hard was it for mike to come back to the office after the shooting? >> with mark store closed and his buddy gone, it was very difficult. he talked a lot about the case. >> and, the case was about to get a lot bigger with another brazen murder, only this one crossed another line, a very sacred line. coming up, another member of law enforcement gunned down. >> the colorado head of the department of corrections was shot here at his front door. >> had mark hasse's killer struck again? when dateline continues. gain? when dateline continues. [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though
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severe weather is trending parts of the u.s. for memorial day will and -- weekend as they travel for the holiday. meanwhile tsa setting a new record friday for the most travelers screened in a single day. on mount everest, at least three climbers are believed to be dead. at least one is missing. officials say 450 climbers scale the mountain the spring season. for now, back to dateline. emotional afternoon and kaufman county were hundreds of people attended a memorial service for slain prosecutor mark hasse. >> he was constantly begging for he or of my wife's cookies. she makes cookies for the office about once a month and
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he would run out in about 12 minutes. mark's longtime friend, marcus busch, also memorialized him. >> this world is a better place because of mark. so are we. >> the world lost a good man, somebody who was resolute, always new the difference between right and wrong and would fight for that. >> now, special prosecutors toby shook and bill wirskye were fighting for mark, searching for his killer, but not coming up with easy answers. because he was so close to his friend and employer, d.a. mark mcclellan had to bow out of the investigation. he and his coworkers were doing what they could, opening the files to investigators. checks into mark's personal background had gone nowhere, so the task force continued to look at his professional cases from 30 years ago to the week before but it was slow going.
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how do you sift out well, it could not have been this person, but maybe it was this person. >> first of all, you see if they are still locked up, their whereabouts, anything unusual or specific about a case that would give someone cause to have a grudge. >> four weeks into the investigation, a tip came into the county crime stoppers anonymous tip line that looked like a big break. >> the tipster said they had been in a bar in a small time in kaufman and had overheard two white males talking about the killing and taking responsibility for it. >> the tip lacked the kind of detail investigators needed to follow up, and using the crime stoppers system, this tipster remained anonymous. if this is going to be the game changer, investigators would need lots more information or a little more luck. >> we're still hoping for the big break, maybe a lucky traffic stop or someone who knows about this murder is going to pick up the phone and
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call in. >> there was something that might lead them to the killer, the way mark had been murdered. the killer had been lying in wait. mark was shot at point-blank range, execution style. this led investigators to think this could be an organized crime hit. >> we are open to every avenue right now. >> and besties channel 5 in dallas cover the case from the beginning. >> mexican drug cartels were subject to meet -- suspect immediately because of the fact that mark hasse had been involved in drug cases over the years. >> investigators also suspected another group less publicly known, but very dangerous, the aryan brotherhood of texas.
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i was that a potential group that may have done this? >> there had been some threats that had come out at that time. the aryan brotherhood said they might want to get even with people in law enforcement. >> it even because less than three months before mark hasse's mother, officials announced that gang members had been indicted for racketeering. the feds thanked, among others, the kaufman county d.a.s office for its role in the investigation. >> a lot of people were trying to put two and two together. >> prosecutors, not just in kaufman, but across the state were terrified that if this was the aryan brotherhood, we are all targets. >> seven weeks after hasse's murder, another assault on law enforcement. it looked like it was open season on the criminal justice system. >> the colorado head of department of corrections was shot here at his front door on tuesday night. >> the man's name was tom clemens, the highly regarded
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head of colorado's prison system and like mark hasse, a public servant. >> with more than 20,000 inmates in colorado's prison system, tom clemens may have had a lot of enemies. >> it was another bold attack. this time a inside the front door instead of outside the courthouse. this time, it pointed to evan able, now on the run from colorado authorities, armed and dangerous. two days after the murder, a sheriff's deputy in texas would find out just how dangerous period of violent attack caught on dashboard camera. the deputy stopped this car because the license plate did not match the vehicle. he had no idea the driver was evan able. as you are about to see, abel had no hesitation about using his gun again. the unsuspecting deputy shot in the face, would survive.
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ebol was quickly chased down by law enforcement and died in a shootout in wise county, texas . it would grab the attention of investigators in the mark hasse murder. wise county is just 100 miles from kaufman. could evan ebol have killed another public servant in texas weeks earlier? >> the fbi is now investigating this case. two public officials gone down in two states. someone seem to be targeting law enforcement at point-blank range. coming up, as the investigation grows more urgent, sudden concerns about d.a. mike mcclellan and his wife cynthia. >> i tried his mom and she didn't answer so i tried mike and he didn't answer so i said okay, i will go on over there.
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>> at that point, something is really wrong. >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters.
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the shooting of colorado's cprison chief at his home,. allegedly by a white supremacist, had given texas investigators a fresh angle in the murder of prosecutor mark hasse. ken kalthoff: it's another strange attack on law enforcement in a small town. andrea canning: nbc 5's ken kalthoff says the suspected murderer ending up in texas the shooting of colorado's prison chief at his home allegedly by a white supremacist have given texas investigators a fresh angle in the murder of prosecutor mark hasse. >> it is another strange attack on law enforcement in a small town .nv >> the suspected murderer ending up in texas was especially intriguing to investigators. >> it made people wonder if perhaps there could be some connection with the hasse murder. >> they did tests on suspect evan ebel's weapon. his bullets were identical to
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those that killed the prison chief back in colorado, but then the texas task force found out his gun was not the weapon that killed mark hasse and what's more -- >> ebel was deemed not to of been in kaufman at the time hasse was killed. >> so eight weeks in, the hasse case was going nowhere. >> fewer and fewer leads were coming in. >> the command post was shut down, leaving just a small group to work full time on the case. >> slowly, you know, we trickled back to our daily duties. >> the passage of time was allowing shannon to finally get her equilibrium back. >> i just wasn't checking out my windows constantly are worrying about when i pull out of my garage if someone would be waiting there. i think you just start letting your guard down again and life just kind of took over. >> same thing for hard-nosed d.a. mike mcclelland. the things just naturally kind of start getting back to normal? >> yes, i think more of a sense of normal. it was still kind of at the forefront of we haven't found anything or solve this yet but you know, life moves on.
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>> for bill mcclellan's, moving on meant spending time with family. it is something mike enjoyed since christina was just 10 years old. >> he would give great big bear hugs and he would wrap me and pick me up and like, god, i'm 22. >> did you feel lucky you got mike as a stepdad? >> i do. our personalities are just quite similar. our filters are quite off sometimes. >> mike relied on the support of his wife, cynthia, who is always doing what she loved, quilting, entertaining, and cooking. >> either she is the old school cook who did is packages, she bakes everything from scratch. >> was he happy she was a baker? >> clearly he enjoyed the food very much. >> what made them a good match? >> it's funny, she supported him greatly and what he was doing but please the
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conservative and she is very liberal so i think it was just a lot of balance. i think they balanced each other really nicely. >> and the also wanted her daughter to find love. she was not shy about playing matchmaker with a guy she thought was a good fit. >> she looked at him and said do you believe in arranged marriages, which i had to later apologize for because you know, that's a weird thing to say. that's embarrassing. it's very weird. >> at the end of march, easter weekend, the mcclellan's were looking forward to a big sunday dinner cynthia was making for friends, the perfect time to relax and not dwell on the tragedy of mark hasse's murder for a little while. >> was there any fear that we need to be on high alert? >> i don't think so. >> christina spoke to her mom and stepdad on that friday night. >> mom was making easter baskets and mike was griping
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her about what she was doing trying to put the little peeps on sticks and she was making a big mess and just the normal you know, cynthia, you need to sit down to take a break and you know, kids are getting tired just give it a minute and no, i'm fine. >> the next morning, saturday, the sun rose over the mcclellan house. >> she had sent me a text about the menu we were going to have for easter. >> leah phillips and her husband, close friends of the mclellands , were excited about joining them for dinner. >> she was making her family all easter baskets then she would make claims and hide the easter baskets. >> wow, that's elaborate. >> leah, who is supposed to drop off some vegetables for cynthia, texted her. >> she never answered me back.
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>> did you think that was odd? >> the only thing i can think of is maybe she did go into work where she could not answer the phone or text me back. >> leah called mike's phone and the house phone. no response and she was not the only one. christina was also trying to call her mom and stepdad. i tried mom and she didn't answer so i called mike and he didn't answer. >> by now it was late afternoon so leah took things into her own hands. >> i said okay, i'll go on over there. >> she did go over and nothing would ever be the same again. coming up. >> the door just creaked open like in slow motion. >> inside the mcclellan house, a heart stopping discovery. >> i screamed and then my knees buckled and i hit the ground and started crying. >> when dateline continues.
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if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd
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today, for the potential for fewer injections. sup? -who are you? ask your retina specialist about eylea hd i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. [crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, ♪♪ but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪
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shell. powering progress. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. on the saturday before easter, leah phillips hadn't been able to reach her good friends, cynthia and mike mcclelland. leah had some groceries to drop off for cynthia so she decided to drive over. she thought something was odd when she pulled into the driveway. leah phillips: the newspaper was still in the yard. and cynthia's car was there. on the saturday before easter, leah phillips had not been able to reach her good
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friends, cynthia and mike mcclellan. leah had some groceries to drop off so she decided to drive over. she thought something was odd when she pulled into the driveway. >> the newspaper was still in the yard and cynthia's car was there. subtle clues but i'm still thinking maybe they went to the movie with someone. >> leah called her son, tj tomlinson, and told him what she had seen. >> i said you just stay where you're at and don't go inside that house. >> it was his cup since kicking in. he was a dallas police officer. >> the feeling was, something is not right, just not right. >> a few minutes later, cj drove up along with his dad. >> we went to the door and cj knocked on the door and yelled for mike three or four times, and there was no answer. >> they were messing with the key and they were all standing behind me and i just reach down to see if the door was open, and yeah, it was unlocked and i will never forget how that door opened up. >> the door just opened like in
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slow motion. >> i took a couple steps in and then that is when mom hit the ground and started crying. >> and i screamed. i saw the shell casings in my knees buckled and i hit the ground and start crying because there's not supposed to be shell casings inside somebody's doorway. >> i looked down and sure enough, there are two shell casings. right inside that front door. at that point, something is really wrong now, something bad so i take a couple more steps inside and i see cynthia laying there. >> cynthia mcclellan was dead, her body was lying in a pool of blood on the living room floor. cj turned his mom away from the scene and took her back to the car. meanwhile, cj's dad had gone farther into the house and
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found the bullet-riddled body of mike mcclelland. >> when your husband and son come back out of the house -- >> there's no blood left in their face. they are white. >> kaufman district attorney mike mcclelland and his wife, cynthia, had been shot to death. >> you never expect to have to see somebody like that that you know that you loved that was so close and i think that was the most and still is, obviously. it is so difficult. >> because she had not been able to reach her parents, christina decided to drive to the house, as well. her mom's friend, leah, met her with the news she was dreading. >> i just had the feeling that they were done and i said both of them? and she said yes, then it occurred to me that oh my god, this is going to hit the news and my grandmother watches the news everyday when somebody needs to stop her before she turns on the tv. >> mike is hope right file.
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>> he was, and i didn't want someone else to tell her this had happened. >> looking at the scene, cj tomlinsons police training told him the killer or killers were long gone. he knew what he had to do. >> there was no reason to go back in that house. we closed the door. we did not call 911. there was no need for paramedics to go in there. the things that were in the house were very important and needed to be preserved until the right people showed up, and they did. they did, they showed up. >> i was at my house and we had just finished an easter egg hunt with about 30 kids in the back yard. >> 8:00 p.m., prosecutor toby shook got a call from his associate, bill wirskye.
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>> it scared me to death. bill came and picked me up and my wife had two guns out and i said unless you know it's me coming through the door, be ready to use them. >> prosecutors raced to the scene. >> it was surreal. the front yard was lit up and it had the yellow crime scene tape and there were lots of sheriff's office and texas rangers and fbi there. >> shook southend sheriff david burns standing on the lawn. >> pretty legendary guy, former texas ranger, captain. he was visibly shaken up and if sheriff burns is shaken up, that scared me and all law enforcement out there was quiet. it was eerily quiet amongst them because they were dealing
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with something i don't think any of them had ever seen before. >> aside from the obvious, two people are dead, what was shaking them up so badly? >> i think the big question was who was next because everyone's assumption standing outside the yellow crime scene tape was, it could've been one of us. >> cynthia's murder escalated the danger not just for law enforcement but now, for their families. >> this man had crossed the line and gone into murdering family members. i know my thoughts and prayers were with my wife and children back in dallas. >> it sure seemed like the hasse and mcclelland murders were connected and everyone was terrified the killings might not be over. >> did you start to think there was a list? >> oh sure, there was going to be another victim . >> saturday night, shannon was shopping for he easter dinner when she was surprised by a phone call from her office. >> i thought my goodness, his up there on saturday easter weekend? i'm not going to answer right now. >> but, her phone kept ringing. it was another prosecutor from her office. >> i knew that at that point, something's going on and i answered and she proceeded to tell me the mcclellan's were found in the house shot. it's so hard to imagine anyone
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you know being killed. i was frantic. it was terrifying. >> her colleague told her to watch her back. >> we don't know who is next. we don't know if there are more attacks tonight, just get home and be safe, you know, watch out. >> we all felt that. >> including the people she loved most in the world. >> i think that is what was so scary is that it was just me anymore. i have young kids and a husband, my family, and i mean, i can't keep putting them at risk. we were all in danger. >> as local deputies began around the clock watch over shannon's house, something kept nagging her about the mcclellan murders. >> my thoughts were it was someone we know or a police
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officer. >> that someone could be dressed in a fake police uniform? >> right. >> investigators also wonder how a killer could've gotten inside the mcclellan chicks front door. mike, like his staff, was still vigilant after his chief prosecutor was gunned down. the way d.a. kept his own guns on the table near the front door, but never got the chance to use them. >> is it just like all bets are off? >> even though you don't condone it, you almost understand someone going after a prosecutor for what they do to for a living, but to go after a prosecutor's family was a line we did not think we would ever see crossed. >> coming up, who would pick off law enforcement like this? >> it was a straight up whodunit. >> we are hoping against hope there will be a magic clue in that house to answer this little for us. >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues.
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(vo) red hot deal days are here. try dietary supplements from voltaren, only until may 29th. get a bundle of your choice on us. so you'll get a free phone and a smartwatch and a tablet. yep, all 3 on us only at verizon. these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that's why america's best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. host: the murders in kaufman, texas, were bold. first, prosecutor mark hasse gunned down in the murders in kaufman
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texas, were pulled. first, prosecutor mark hasse gunned down in a public square in broad daylight. two months later, district attorney mike mclelland and his wife cynthia gill before dawn in their home. investigators hope the latest ramsey will provide more leads than the hasse killing did. they knew they had shell casings. with the very other clues inside the house to help catch the killer? >> it was a straight up whodunit. >> the ranger was part of the team that entered the home. >> the front door was not kicked in. there were shell casings approximately four foot in. >> told on the killer used an ar 15 or m4 mac semiotic web -- semiautomatic weapon like this one. >> they were retreating and trying to get away. >> cynthia's body was in the middle of the living room and she clearly was not expecting
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anyone. >> she's not dressed for company. she is trying to get dressed and mr. mclelland the same way. >> there were shell casings next to mike's body indicating the killer at finished him off at close range. >> the suspect was standing right on top of him, over him, shooting him. >> to investigators like the lieutenant of the shares department, look like a carefully planned operation, an ambush like the murder. >> i felt whoever went in there had a mission and they did it quickly and did it efficiently. they were out. >> later, records from the alarm company would confirm her observation. the killer into the house at 6:40 a.m. and was gone two minutes later. 20 shots fired and 120 seconds. >> that was a pretty brutal way
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to go. >> lieutenant stuart couldn't help be affected by the sight of cynthia shot in the head at close range. >> just looking at her, they are on the scene, she was targeted. you know? i mean, she did not have a dog in this fight. >> investigators talk to neighbors. shirley summitt had heard the shots. assault rifles are not quiet. >> the weapons, you should've been able to use it outside. >> no one heard or saw anything . by the end of easter weekend, special prosecutor wirskye said they had nothing. >> we are trying to figure out what to do next and we are hoping there's a magic clue in the crime scene or the house to will answer this riddle for us. >> they were looking for that clue and all of a sudden, it drove by. >> coming up. a mysterious tip arrives, but
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after so many false leads, is this one legit? with anyone other than the killer known that? >> no. this person knew more than anybody would have. >> the fact this came in and name specific judges and told us it was somebody local. >> when dateline continues. hen but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing,
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don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision,
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cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. i think it's a grwhat should have been a slow easter news day in dallas now had a lead story that didn't involve chocolate
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bunnies or egg hunts. reporter: we're following some breaking news right now what should've been a slow easter newsday in dallas now ik had a lead store that didn't involve chocolate bunnies or egg hunts. >> we are following breaking news in kaufman county where county district attorney mike mclelland and his wife cynthia have been for shot to death. >> the news touched off a firestorm of public concern. tips started flooding into the reopen command post. some tips still cite the aryan brotherhood of texas. special prosecutor bill wirskye. >> after the mcclellan's were murder, we got hundreds of tips a day. >> it was like drinking out of a fire hose. >> lieutenant stuart of the shares department was in the middle of it. hundreds of investigators from multiple agencies had swooped in. this was all hands on deck. >> it became the number 1 case in the borough at that time. >> fbi special agents who have since retired were coordinating
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teams from the task force, each team looking into different aspects of the case. >> you have to look at everything. >> so you divvied it up and everyone can focus on their individual tass. >> summit teams at 25 or 30 people on them and there was a team that looked at all the victims and what they may have in common. >> they believe the killing of mike mclelland might've done with the shooting of mark hasse but it was all one big collective hunch until they got a certain tip. >> the crimestoppers web-based tip line we get a tip that claims credit for the mark hasse murder. >> it came in sunday night, the day after the mclellands were murdered. it began, do we have your full attention now? we suggest more than one person? did you think maybe it is a group? >> i thought how big is the group and what is this group? some anti-government militia group? white supremacist?
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>> law-enforcement wrote back. you have our attention. >> we wanted him to tell us. >> while they waited for an answer, computer experts tried to trace the tip back to the source. no look because the system is set up to protect the anonymity of all tipsters. the sender is identified only by a unique number. after 12 hours of nailbiting, there was finally a response the told investigators this person was the real deal. mark hasse was killed with 38 caliber ammunition fired from a .357 five shot revolver. would anyone other than the killer had known that? >> no. this person knew more than anybody would have. >> the killer also wrote, your act of good faith will result in no other attacks this week and return for that pledge, the killer made a demand. >> they wanted one of the judge is to step down at the end of the week with the killings would resume.
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the fact it name the specific judges told us it was someone local. >> that ruled at the aryan brotherhood, drug cartels, handled cases from dallas. the language in the tip referring to a tax plural convince prosecutors the killer or killers were responsible for the hasse and mclelland murders. the message ended this way. we are not unreasonable, but we will not be stopped. >> it's almost sounding like a game. >> i think it was just for fun to see if he could exert complete and total control over the criminal justice system in kaufman county. >> the story was topping the national news by monday. perhaps that is what the killer wanted. >> gabe gutierrez is in kaufman, texas, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. there will be stepped up security at the county courthouse today. the district attorney's office will be closed to the public.
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this community is on high alert. >> that morning when shannon came to her office, she had an armed escort. there is no leader in your office anymore. >> no one. >> how do you go forward? >> we could not let them win. we had to fight for the honor of mike and marc. >> everyone was on edge. >> my husband stayed up with a gun in his hand. >> i started carrying a gun and sleep with a gun under my pillow. >> even shannon who would not carry a gun before now slept with protection nearby. >> we had a big shotgun sitting on the dresser ready to go in case. >> the threat to unleash more violence in kaufman county kept the task force working around the clock. a special team scoured the surveillance video collected near the mclelland crime scene
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hoping for a new lead. >> so many people of surveillance cameras on their house so we are trained to collect that evidence. >> finally, there painstaking search seem to pay off. they found images of a car that did not belong. a white ford crown victoria, cruising near the mclelland home about the time of the murders. no one in the neighborhood owned a car like that, but the model is popular with law enforcement. the fbi jumped on that angle. was there ever a thought that maybe this is one of our own? maybe it is a police officer? >> that was not out of the realm of possibility. >> investigators recheck the cases handled by mark hasse. this time to see which one mike mclelland also worked on. >> there was only one common denominator. >> which was?
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody.
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shell. powering progress. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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four days after the murders of mike and cynthia mclelland, hundreds of mourners packed this church for their memorial. the flag-draped casket contained four days after the murders four days after the murders of mike and cynthia mclelland, hundreds of mourners packed the church for their memorial . the flag may draped casket contain mike's body and cynthia's ashes , together for eternity. their extended family united in grief bid them an emotional farewell. >> i carry a lot of things from them with me. they taught me very well. >> they helped a lot of people before they left the world. >> they made a large impact on a lot of people. >> a task force now to catch whoever killed the mclellands and mark hasse.
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investigators had seen the ford crown victoria on video roaming near the mclelland home and thought it might be a police car. the terrible possibility it might be one of their own had to be ruled in or out immediately. >> we checked with every law enforcement agency in the area and identified for every police car was in the area, and none were even close to where the image was captured. >> they look for anyone who for any reason had issues or disputes involving both prosecutors. >> there did not seem to be anybody in that group of people that were upset enough that they would want to commit homicide. >> there was one defendant involved in a felony they could not ignore. >> there was only one common denominator. eric williams. >> eric williams? who was eric williams? he was a former deputy sheriff and longtime attorney with an
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office across the street from the courthouse. in 2010, he was elected by the people of kaufman to be justice of the peace. shannon worked with a man said he had a sharp legal mind. in fact, he was a member of mensa, the organization for people was super high iq. >> he was a great judge. i liked having him. i thought he was fair. >> williams married for 15 years with no kids of his own was a strong advocate for children and specialized in child abuse cases. lieutenant stewart often worked with him on those cases. how do you think he was perceived amongst his fellow colleagues, their attorneys? >> i think he had a lot of respect with his peers. he was the go to guy for family law. >> i know he had a love for children. >> terra is a better than anyone.
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she is his sister. >> he was a good uncle to my kids. never missed their birthdays or had to remind him. >> she said growing up, her big brother was her inspiration. he made eagle scout. went to college, law school, and became a successful attorney and served as a captain in the texas state guard. >> he was driven. he was ambitious. he wanted to make us feel proud of him. >> so terra in the legal community were stunned when her brother, the newly elected justice of the peace got into trouble with the law. williams was accused of stealing three computer monitors for his personal use from the county i.t. department. surveillance video showing him carrying boxes of computer equipment. it seems odd that someone like that would bother to steal a few computer monitors. >> exactly. it was shocking someone would do that. >> williams found himself on
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the wrong side of this police interrogation. >> before we get started, i'm going to reach her miranda rights. you're an attorney. a judge. >> williams try to explain he took the monitors because he claimed he needed no equipment for his office, but never got it. >> it's been and gone going thing. i need to keep improving things. >> i understand. you hadn't put any written request? >> nothing like that. >> mark hasse and mike mclelland knew him as a colleague in the small legal community. as boss of the das office, mike really tried cases but because williams was a co-elected public official, he made an exception and teamed up with mark to prosecute the case. kristina said her stepdad believed williams had violated the public trust. >> i think it did offend mike on a basic level.
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these people elected you when you should be doing good thing and not stealing from it. >> a jury found williams guilty of theft and got probation but lost his job and licensed to practice law. now, one year later, both men who prosecuted him were dead and williams was under suspicion. >> did you bear -- >> the media got wind of the interest in williams and days after the mclellands murders, he was interviewed by kp rc. he strangely swept in on his segway. >> has anyone connected with the investigation suggested you are a person of interest? >> no. >> his sympathies. >> my heartfelt condolences go out to both the mclellands family and hasse family because they were in public office doing the right thing. for some reason, we are not aware of it, they paid the
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ultimate price. >> williams was known to be a bit of an odd duct but a murder suspect? it seems so far-fetched that a man who had served his county not only as a judge and attorney and also as a deputy sheriff with then turn into the serial killer? >> no one wants to think a lawyer would do that. a person who was a public servant. >> he was among the many investigators had looked at after the hasse murder. what was his alibi? >> he said he was at home caring for his wife or in-laws down the street. >> he also had his arm in a sling and his excuse was he had frozen shoulder and was not able to use his right arm. >> even took a gunshot residue test in his house and passed. after the murders, they checked if he owned a ford crown victoria, the car captured lurking near the murder scene. record show he did not.
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the case was still stalled. soon, the task force would get one of those lucky breaks they had hoped for. it came out of the blue and gave the investigation some much-needed juice. >> coming up. 's special prosecutor goes on high alert. >> i get on the phone with my wife and tell her to make sure she knew where the kids were and get inside and don't answer the door for anyone. up to and including a police officer. >> a stranger calls with a stunning revelation. >> when i listen to his voice, this was the real thing. ing. ♪♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it!
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i'm richard lui. it to is from the united states his release from jail in turks and caicos friday. they returned home to pittsburgh after a judge decided against him giving him an automatic 12 year sentence for bringing ammunition into
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the island country. he is one of five u.s. citizens recently arrested for that same reason. rapper nicki minaj was arrested then released in the netherlands over an incident involving her luggage. they said it was, quote, soft drugs. she is on tour and traveling from amsterdam to manchester, england. i certainly wish them the best in bringing i cooperated with law enforcement. i wish them the best in bringing justice for this incredibly egregious act. >> eric williams was making the tv interview rounds but had not sat down for a formal interview with investigators. because of his connection to both mark hasse and mike mclelland, investigators had to take a serious look at him.
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>> it may seem implausible because he's a lawyer and judge and successful. the more we learn the more viable he became as a suspect. >> the year before, williams had been prosecuted for theft by hasse and mclelland. you must be chomping at the bit to talk to eric williams. >> the problem is he was represented by lawyers. >> lawyers who kept williams from talking. then, two weeks after the mclellands were killed in their home, the special prosecutors got a big opening they had not seen coming. >> we get an email back saying we no longer represent eric williams. >> they figured this was there one window to talk to him and they knew they had to get it right the first time before he lawyered up again. fbi profilers came up with a strategy. send over a top level texas rangers so williams would be more likely to let him in. the idea was it would fit with
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this ego? >> he would feel some unequal on his intellect that perhaps he would talk to. if you sent someone of lawyer or cash lower rank, they would dismiss him. >> the ranger and a local cop familiar with williams went to his house carrying a hidden tape recorder. >> didn't work? williams let the men without a search warrant. the subject quickly got around to guns. williams said he had been forced to sell his weapons to raise money since he could no longer practice law. >> i been in your house. you have lots of guns. >> yeah. how do you think i've been living? >> selling guns? >> yeah, for two years. i have one gone and trying to sell. >> he said i don't have any guns except for one gun. he let them look around and they began finding gun parts. >> gun parts? very specific gun parts that appear to match the type of
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automatic weapon used in the mclelland killings. at the same time, the fbi discovered williams had done computer searches on hasse and mclelland before the murders. >> he told them he had not ever searched the two victims before the murders. >> now you have him lying. that lie in the gun parts were not to get a warrant for a more thorough search of his house. investigators including a crack fbi evidence steamer back the next day. they went room to room into the garage and bingo. >> a filing cabinet in the garage, there was a manual for a ford crown victoria and a title to a crown victoria. >> the task force have been looking for crown victoria. this one was registered under a false name. that must've been a big moment finding that registration. >> that was huge. >> outside the special prosecutor was on hand to give legal advice.
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>> one of the computer techs came out and said i don't mean to alarm you but eric williams has been searching you and mr. shuck on the computer. >> what was the first thing you did? >> i get on the phone to my wife and said make sure you know where the kids are and get inside and keep the doors locked and do not answer the door for anyone up to and including a police officer. >> what did she say? >> i could hear the fear in her voice and i knew we had to put him in jail for something. it became a matter of life and death for us. >> inside, searchers found something interesting. a scrap of paper with two handwritten numbers. >> they collected it because it was near the computer and thought it might be important. >> a shares deputy recognize the user i.d. for the crimestoppers anonymous tip line. one of the numbers corresponded to a tip from early in the hasse case with the tipster claimed over here two men in a bar saying they had killed mark
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hasse. the other number on the scrap paper was even more important because it matched back to the computer message that gave details about the hasse murder weapon and also threaten more killings. >> we knew right then that the tip they had come in was sent by eric williams, and we knew we were going to be able to put eric williams in jail. >> he was arrested, not for murder before making a terrorist threat about killing a judge. >> we didn't know if we had enough evidence to convict him. >> they had to figure out where the evidence might be. did you think eric williams had a hiding place? >> we began to suspect early on if it was eric williams and we know what cars were used, there may be a storage unit or secret place he may have access to we have not found. >> at least now, 10 weeks after hasse's murder, the investigation was on a roll. >> we go home to get a good night sleep and i wanted for the first time in weeks to see
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my son play a little league game. >> the next morning his plans were dashed by work. his phone rang. it was a friend of eric williams who heard about his arrest. >> he said i have something to tell you about eric williams. i think i may have rented him a storage unit. we had been looking for storage unit and when i listen to his voice, this is a. >> little league was out? >> unfortunately, it was. my son went 3-3. >> but you was headed to a storage unit. >> i got on the phone with the texas rangers and said i think we found it. >> coming up. found what exactly? even seasoned investigators would be blown away. >> it's one of those moments i will never forget because it was wild. was wild.
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if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections.
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the hot spot in clarithe investigationtant. was now a run of the mill storage unit, number 18 to be precise, in seagoville, texas, the hotspot in the investigation was a run-of-the- mill storage unit number 18 to be precise. 14 miles from the mclelland house. eric of the texas rangers was part of the task force caravan racing to unit 18. >> everybody is running in and wants to be there. >> we were filled with expectations. we were making bets. the crown victoria will be there, no it will not. >> the ranger did the honors lifting the heavy steel door. >> it's one of those moments i will never bearcat because it was like wow. >> what did you see? >> we saw the crown victoria.
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there it was and we knew finally we had eric williams. >> there was so much more. police uniforms and bulletproof vests. more than half a dozen police badges. thousands of rounds of ammunition and enough guns to supply a small army. >> he has six or seven weapons of the right caliber the could have been the mclelland will murders. and we had some the could have been the hasse weapon. >> did you thing one had to be the murder weapon? >> i felt our chances were pretty good because there were so many. >> they were sent to the lab for testing. inside this treasure trove of bad intentions, there were also pickle jars filled with liquid. later identified as homemade napalm. >> it was like a tactical operator's closet. >> they would be dealt a serious blow.
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the lab results came back on all the weapons, none of the forensics matched. the murder weapons were still missing. that's got to be extremely frustrating when you feel like, one of these guns has got to be the murder weapon? >> we were positive one would be the murder weapon. >> even without the guns, they believe there was enough evidence to finally go forward. on april 18, 2013, 11 weeks after mark hasse was gunned down in three weeks since the mclellands were killed, eric williams was charged with three counts of capitol murder. prosecutors said the motive was revenge. >> one thing i found out about eric williams, the first big thing that went wrong in his life, this was how he was going to react. rage in homicide and violence. >> is seems so senseless to the mclellands daughter. this started over three computer monitors and now we are talking three murders.
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>> yeah. normal people do not do that. >> eric williams went to trial for murder in december 2014. >> the state of texas versus eric williams. >> he wasn't on trial for the murder of mark hasse or mike mclelland. in a surprise tactic, the trial was only for the murder of cynthia mclelland. why not try the murders at the same time? >> what if something went wrong in the first trial. we wanted to be able to try him twice to make sure he got justice. >> kristina sat in court and had to relive the deaths of her parents. what gave you the strength to go to court every day? >> you show up for the three people who gave their lives for something good. they did what they were supposed to and they died for it. >> this is my chance to tell you the story the murders of mike and cynthia mclelland. >> the prosecutor bill wirskye
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thought of he proved eric williams had killed cynthia, that would show he killed mike. >> the story of a massive law enforcement investigation. federal agencies working together to build an airtight case. >> one of the first witnesses? tomlinson, dallas police officer and friend of the mclellands. cj told the jury how he and his parents found the mclellands. >> i took a couple more steps inside the residence. i was hollering for mike. mike? mike? >> for three days, prosecutors brought a blizzard of witnesses. they told the jury that williams had been linked to the temp that came in after the mclelland murders. >> claiming credit for the murders thinking law enforcement would never figure it out. he was wrong. >> they did not have the murder weapon but they had something else. a bullet they found inside a bag taken from williams'
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storage unit. >> you know this is what the team recovered? >> yes. >> they compared that to the shell casings found at the murder scene and came up with a match. >> that live round was ejected from the same weapon that killed the mclellands. that was a big moment. >> prosecutors thought the security video outside the storage unit nailed the case down. they said to trace the movements of eric williams and the crown victoria on the morning of the murders. >> 6:00 a.m. realtime. >> that is when williams in his black suv pulled up to the entrance of the storage unit, according to the prosecution. 6:12 a.m., the white crown victoria pulled out. 6:42, investigators knew the mclellands were dead or dying on the floor based on the motion detectors in the home security system. at 7:00, here is the white
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crown victoria coming back through the entrance. 17 minutes later, the black suv pulled out. >> he committed this crime. >> it condemns him to be found guilty of capitol murder. >> they said they had a lot of circumstantial evidence including the crown vic and the matching bullet. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> the defense was about to tell the jury what the prosecution did that have. >> eric williams did not commit these murders. >> the defense lawyer lead into one of the star witnesses. the ballistics expert. he reminded the jury that investigators never found the murder weapon. >> you didn't have access to the firearm? >> correct. >> he tried to poke holes in the matching bullet theory. >> -- >> potentially that is true.
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>> if i could break the chain from the live round recovered from the storage unit and the mclelland shooting scene then i might stand a chance. >> the defense didn't need to call any witnesses. >> our position was the state did not fulfill their obligation to prove the elements of the indictment. it was that simple. >> there is no known murder weapon in this case. there is no one who can place eric williams in that scene at the mclelland home. >> this case that had rocked the justice system was about to be decided by the jurors. they needed only 90 minutes to reach a verdict. >> we unanimously find the defendant guilty of capitol murder as charged in the indictment. >> guilty of capitol murder in the death of cynthia mclelland. >> it was a gift for us. probably good for everyone is
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because we don't believe it would've stopped at the end of these killings. >> there is a sad postscript that raises a painful question. could williams have been stopped after the hasse murder and before the mclellands? did they have to die? >> we will find you. >> mike mclelland always thought williams was likely the killer. >> he suspected eric williams after mark hasse was shot and he made no secret of what his opinion was. i had numerous conversations were he said bill, it is eric williams. >> he was one of a handful of possible suspects early on in the hasse case but there was no evidence linking him to the murder, and even with his conviction for theft, he had a good reputation. >> we had several discussions. his name came up but it doesn't matter what you think if you can approve it. >> this former justice of the peace was a convicted murderer. how? why? was a living a double life? >> i think he was.
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most were fooled by his exterior. he looked normal. he looked average and he had the trappings of a successful lawyer but there was a homicidal psychopath. >> angry at the world? >> i think he had a dark and cold hard. >> the case was far from over. prosecutors won but they were saving the best witness for last. investigator suspected eric williams did not act alone. he did not. you are about to hear from his accomplice, someone with a first-hand account of the murders. you can't make this stuff up. you would think it was a hollywood movie. >> an account of applied more chilling than anyone realized. c screwed up marriage. i think lets you know what type of darkness >> is a toxic, screwed up marriage. it let you know what darkness was going on inside their
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hearts. hearts. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection,
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separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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jury foreman: we the jury unanimously find the defendant eric lyle williams guilty of-- host: they'd won a guilty verdict we the jury find the defendant eric williams guilty of capitol murder. >> a won a guilty verdict the prosecutors did not have time to celebrate. the jury would now decide whether he should get the death penalty.
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in a rare legal move, prosecutors saved some blockbuster evidence and a star witness her just this moment. as investigators figured all along, williams had not acted alone. he had an accomplice. it was this woman. his wife, kim. they had been married for 15 years but now she was about to testify against her husband. >> it was a cold day. there was excitement in the air. >> witnesses to the hasse murder said the shooter jumped into the passenger side of the getaway car. police always suspected williams had helped. soon after he was arrested, kim williams was brought in for questioning. >> investigator spent hours talking to her. >> wirskye was watching. >> she was not going to give up any information.
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she talked about her husband and how great he was and would not hurt anyone. >> an fbi interrogator growing impatient got tougher. >> he raised his voice with her and was telling her that she knew the people had been killed. >> then she broke and what she told them a startling. she said not only did she know something about the murders but she helped her husband carry them out. now, during the penalty phase, prosecutors planned to use her testimony to make sure the jury would give him a death sentence. >> she let us do a lot of evidence. it was important for the jury to see and have their questions answered. >> he came up with a plan to dress like law enforcement. >> they were a husband-and-wife murder team and went through a dress rehearsal the night before the mclelland murders. >> he was modeling of for me. >> describe what he was modeling the night before? >> he looked he was in the army or s.w.a.t. he had a bulletproof vest that
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had sheriff on the side that more than likely mrs. wow answer the door and he would introduce himself as a police man. >> the next morning she said she acted as lookout in the crown victoria as her husband went inside to murder the mclellands. >> was their plan for what you were supposed to do? >> he told me to honk the horn. >> if they had been revenge killings, why did cynthia mclelland have to die? >> because she would be a witness. he described it as collateral damage. >> prosecutors one of the jury to know how eric and kim williams spent the day after killing two people in cold blood. >> we had steaks on the grill intercut those. at my parents house. >> you were celebrating? >> that is correct. >> prosecutors did not tell jurors during the cynthia
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mclelland trial but now they were ready to use mark's murder to cement their argument for the death penalty. >> we had a airtight case on the hasse murder. >> she said that morning she drove the getaway car. >> as you are driving away from the scene of the hasse murder, what was his mood like? >> happy. >> what was your mood like? >> happy. i believed in eric and his anger was my anger. >> who was he mad at? >> he was mad at mark hasse. he was mad at mr. mcclelland. he was angry because he thought they were trying to set him up. >> what did they tell you about this incredibly bizarre relationship that they were in cahoots to each other? >> eric williams was a psychopath and it was a screwed up marriage. it let you know what type of darkness was going on inside the house and their hearts.
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>> kim williams said she helped her husband dispose of key evidence in the case. she recalled driving to this bridge one night and watching eric toss a black bag into the lake. >> do you know what was in the bag? >> i knew it was guns. >> it took seven months before divers found the bag. the fbi agent gibbs was there. >> open it and there's two guns. this is it. >> inside were two revolvers. forensics would show one of those guns killed mark hasse. one more thing. that bag the guns were in? it was not a bag at all but really a terrifying halloween mask. >> grim reaper type mask. >> kim said her husband were to conceal himself when he shot mark. >> you can imagine the terror going through mark hasse when he heard the voice . >> she told jurors that her husband had more mayhem in
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mind. he wanted to kill a judge in a special way with a special weapon. >> crossbow. >> that is correct. >> she said he brewed up a concoction just for the judge. you may remember there was homemade napalm and pickle jars inside the storage unit. >> what was the napalm in? >> to drive in an extra [ bleep ] it will bore a hole in his stomach and pour it in. >> it's one thing to say eric williams did this. but his wife was along for the ride? >> you can't make this up. these people are living every day together and talking about murdering people. >> my name is kristina. >> kristina and her victim impact statement what finally got her chance to vent her feelings as she turned to her parents killer. >> pretty much the only thing i have to say is [ bleep ] you,
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eric williams. >> that was pretty much the only thing i could say to him. >> did it feel-good? >> it did feel good but a sock in the face would've felt better. >> they called dozens of character witnesses from his scoutmaster to his high school friends. the jurors were not swayed. >> to carry out the sentence of death. >> he was sentenced to die by lethal injection but appealing. given the death penalty decision, prosecutors decided not to try him for the murders of mark hasse or mike mclelland. williams pleaded not guilty to both. mark hasse's longtime friend believes williams will still be dangerous, even on death row. >> eric williams is a master manipulator. he is an intelligent human being and a proficient killer.
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i think he will be a threat to the prison guards and a threat to anybody else in prison. >> you are making him sound like hannibal lector. >> he killed three people in cold blood simply because they prosecuted him for stealing computer monitors. >> kim williams pleaded guilty to the murder of mark hasse and sentenced to 40 years in prison, voiding the death penalty. >> i will never forget mike or cynthia are marked. i am not over at. i know i never will be. i don't think any of us ever will be. >> as tragic as this was, believe it or not, something good came out of it. during the long ordeal, christine and the cop from dallas, cj, fell in love. their families have been great friends for a long time. cynthia had always tried to play matchmaker. >> cynthia told me that was
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going to happen. she was right. she got me. >> i can only imagine how happy your mom would be if she is looking down that you two are together. >> i can't even imagine. she would be doing some weird dance, i told you so. i am sure she is thrilled and we got married on her birthday. that would've made her ecstatic. this is dateline. she was stunning. 1 million or's wave raising a family and the warmth and wealth of palm beach. >> she was an outstanding mother. she was into her children. >> soon she was in danger. someone wanted to kill. his job was to save her. undercover agent


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