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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  June 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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to date on the latest actions and encourages on the freedom to read and arm them with the tools to stand up for our democracy in the local communities and in november, hopefully. >> i have another hour of questions but i only have 40 seconds left in the show. thank you for the important work you are doing. the executive director of the national coalition against censorship. i want to let everyone know that i will be traveling to canada to talk about my new book, small acts of courage, the legacy of endurance and the fight for democracy. i will be in toronto on the 24th and vancouver on the 27th. tickets are available. follow me on social media for all of the details and i hope to see you there. that does it for me. does it f. i am katie phang.
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live in miami, florida. here is the week that was. newly i'm here to do what republican congress refused to do. taking necessary steps to secure the border. you be bringing migrants across the border illegally when crossings are over 2500 per day. the enshrined right to access contraception. >> i will not wait for the day that the supreme court takes away another one of our rights. >> when this election is over, based on what they have done, i will have every right to go after them. >> here in normandy, once more, god, love you. four hostages rescued alive
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after their capture by hamas. we begin with the breaking news in the israel gaza war with a tearful reunion eight months in the making. according to the idf, for people that were kidnapped from the nova music festival on october 7th were rescued earlier this morning from two separate locations in central gaza and are now in a hospital in israel in good medical condition. meanwhile here at home, protesters are gathering outside of the white house. organizers say that in may, president biden said that he was drawing a redline should israel invade rauf a. despite the recent moves within rafah
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are highlighting the failure to stand by his warning to the israeli government. joining me now is a member of the house oversight committee, congressman, thank you for joining us this morning, the idf announcing the rescue of four israeli hostages inside of gaza with the youngest being 21 years old just a week ago. president biden announced a hostage proposal. let's take a listen to what president biden told abc news earlier this week. >> is benjamin netanyahu listening to you? >> they were going to take the whole city out, full force, they have not done that. they have agreed to a significant agreement and if hamas accepts it. this will be backed by egypt,
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being backed by the whole arab world. we will see, this is a very difficult time. >> a huge relief to have those hostages back home. congressman, do you see any evidence that prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be responding to the pressure of the united states and other countries? >> first of all, it is great news that the hostages are back. noa argamani became famous with the footage of her being abducted in the first place, that is a great breakthrough. of course, there are many hostages that were not liberated yet. we are all rallying behind the push for a cease-fire to get hamas to agree to it. now we are understanding that
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this was a proposal that was put on the table by israel, by the netanyahu government. we are doing everything in our power to stay focused on getting all of the parties to agree with it which would lead to the return of all hostages, the complete finish of military hostilities in the beginning of negotiations to move us beyond these miserable cycles of terror and war. >> netanyahu will address congress and there are several democrats that plan to boycott the speech on the objections to his handling on the war in gaza. will you be in attendance? >> i'm just getting the invitation now. we just heard about july 24th. my main focus has been backing the president in the push for a cease-fire which i hope will
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happen before july 24th. all of us want to see that happen in the month of june. then i will look at all of the pros and cons of the different positions advanced by people. i have not had a chance to think it through yet. >> i want to switch gears a little bit. i read something that was so serendipitous. the co-chair was also a constitutional law professor. he writes today, some republicans including me, acquiesced in joe biden taking office because we thought we had to do that to preserve the facade of democracy. deep down we thought that joe biden's campaign had probably won with dirty tricks. that cannot be proved in a court of law. he says that you will always feel that biden was an illegitimate president. i want to bring this to your
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attention because this is a lawyer teaching lawyers that the 2020 election was stolen. a symptom of the bigger problem that is going on. >> you are totally right. that was a totally irresponsible statement. i was astonished when i saw it. he was someone who was going to rebut the most extreme claims that donald trump was making during the impeachment trial. it looks like they are circling the wagons around donald trump in the wake of his criminal conviction. i do not know what it is about the unanimous jury verdict based on the standard of proof beyond the reasonable doubt. i don't know why he can't understand that 60 federal and state courts reviewed every one of donald trump's claims of electoral fraud and rejected all of them.
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he says, i feel it. i get a spider sense in my bones. it cannot be proven in court criminally or civilly. the cofounder to ingratiate himself with donald trump decides that he is going to say that he feels that there is something wrong with it. that is the kind of feeling that is getting us into terrible trouble in the country. an attack on the rule of law. it is baffling to me. >> the quest to push miss information does not just happen in law schools, it is happening in congress. wanting to stopgap the lies. what happened this week with dr. frau, is there anything to do to make sure that does not happen in the halls of congress?
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>> the party of freedom has to be true. dr. fauci is a scientist and he said that this is nonsense and it is preposterous. i had republican colleagues and commentators out there saying that he created the covid-19 virus in order to make money off of it. they were charging him with profiting somehow off of covid- 19 and he refuted that definitively. and shut them down. i told dr. fauci at the hearing that they were talking to him like a convicted felon. you know, if you look at his record, not just on covid-19,
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hiv, a.i.d.s., a whole bunch of other diseases, he has saved hundreds of thousands of lives through his work as a doctor, scientist, and medical leader. they beat him up and they are running around the country trying to excuse a fraudster and convicted felon that was just found guilty by a jury of 12 peers chosen by both sides in the trial having paid $130,000 in hush money to his mistress and then cooking the books to engage in more financial fraud. that is the person that is defining their party. >> the hypocrisy is strong on the other side. thank you so much for getting us started, it is a pleasure to have you here. thanks for being here. congress has won a doable job, get america's business done, with constant chaos in
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congress, there is an effort to strip us of our rights. joining me now is pennsylvania senator bob casey. before we dive into that critical issue, i want to get your thoughts on the four is really hostages rescued by the idf this morning. >> thanks for having me on. it is great news that we had this release of four hostages. obviously, we want to keep working. bill burns and others are working to bring about the much broader hostage deal to get every hostage home and they have the benefit of an agreement. this is really good news, obviously, for the israeli people and for the families who had a loved one ripped away. >> i do want to ask you about
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the senate bill. the idea of enshrining the right to access to contraceptive, did it die on the floor? because of republicans. a lot of people saying that this is just for show. no threats to contraceptive. they would've said the same thing about abortion. >> it was a rather dramatic moment for the american people. sometimes the votes go by people. this is a right that should be enshrined into law for the whole nation. the right to contraceptive. those were the two parts of the bill. republicans over and over again have promised the american people that they support this right. then when they have the chance to move this bill forward, they
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vote against it and every republican voted no on this. it is a critical moment for the country to examine how extreme this party is. i am running in pennsylvania against someone who when asked in the republic in debate, he said that he supports the abortion ban with no exceptions. what does that mean for the right to contraceptive? and he has not answered these questions. i hope your viewers are concerned about women's right to contraceptive and abortion, they will help our campaign. >> there is an important issue that you have been banging on the job about for a long time. you call an agreed collation.
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that corporations jack up prices for all of us and then rip off shoppers to make sure that they are getting a profit and americans are feeling in their pockets. and then they blame joe biden of all people for this inflation. he even mentioned it in his state of the union. how can you protect the american people that are trying to put dinner on the table. >> families see the cost of food and household items exploding. exploding over the last couple of years in ways that we have not seen in recent history. all the while, corporate profits are going through the roof. if you look at the federal reserve, in that two-year time period profits rose 75% over inflation.
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they got a big tax break in 2017 and exploded their prices in 2020 and that continues into the 2023. keep prosecuting this case as i am. make sure that consumers know. pass a price gouging bill and roll back corporate tax breaks, obviously they did not need them, they are asked loitering prices. it's time to put an end to it. >> bob casey looking out for the americans. i appreciate you being here, thank you so much. retribution and revenge, calls i trump and his allies reaching a fever pitch. they might make for fundraiser cash grabs, experts are saying that we should absolutely believe him when he tells us
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what he is planning to do. there is more to come on the katie phang show. keep it right here. here. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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in the wake of 34 felony convictions, donald trump is set on one thing, revenge. he has suggested that he would be interested in prosecuting his political enemies if he is elected president again. lawmakers are in step with
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their leader, getting alvin bragg to testify about the trial. millions of americans head to the polls, trump, more than ever, will be focused only on his favorite issue, himself. joining me is the political strategist and cohost of the daily beast and the democracy podcast. ladies, always good to have you here. have a great new piece for msnbc online where you say that he is not just saying these things to excite his base and raise money, he believes in retribution and this has become central to his base. talking revenge might work for him, how effective is the message as a platform for attracting other voters? >> it's interesting, thank you
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for highlighting the piece. we are in june right now, it is still early. biden gets his base back and we will continue to see closed poles. this race will come down to suburban women. the one thing that we saw from 2020 is that they don't like a bully. they don't like people who bully other people. that is what donald trump will come across as if he continues, which i think he will. let's face it, the way that he ran for 2024 was because he wanted to stay out of jail and take revenge against younger people. that is the way it is going to go, when it comes to swing voters, it will backfire. >> i did find something interesting in the abc news poll that found that 52% of independents that were polled, double haters, they have the
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unfavorable view of trump and biden, they felt that trump should drop out of the 2024 presidential race and given that is unlikely to happen, what could that mean going into november? >> i'm with you, i do not particularly pay attention to them. you know how to dress. what we understand right now, donald trump and his rhetoric is resonating with his base. resonating with his donors. they have continued to open up their coffers. when it comes to independence and women and people who understand and see what is happening state-by-state with the roll of their rights, they look at the larger picture and say, what does his tribune ocean have to do with me? how to teach my daughter about
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the fact that they have no control over their bodies and their futures. the more that democrats can focus the attention of the electorate on the policies and not just the rhetoric, then we will see that the republican party is that on 19th century america and people need to wake up to that. >> along that vein, we are seeing that he is starting to narrow down your search for a running mate. sources are telling nbc news that the top prospects are the north dakota governor, i have to be reminded of who he is all the time. tim scott of south carolina and i will add my own personal footnote, very notably, none of them are women. so beyond giving loyal to donald trump, do these people bring anything of value that will attract an independent? >> absolutely not.
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they will be turning away potential independence i should say. it is no doubt about it. the only thing he is looking for in a running mate is someone that will fall in line. he thinks by picking an african- american man or hispanic man that might help them with those communities. it will not. they also have a base they can talk to and donald trump doesn't like that. the north dakota governor is someone who no one knows and has no platform and is probably someone that donald trump really likes. the only question is how much money does he have? trump might be envious of that. >> danielle, i want to stay on this topic. it is a really important one. we have seen what donald trump
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does. susan brings up such good points. if these don't bring anything of quality to the table and alienate potential voters, of those four, do you think that any of them have a better chance, doug, i always have to be reminded who he is. >> in all honesty, donald trump does not care about what is best for the country. he cares about having somebody that will be his yes-man. somebody who if in fact, you are put back in the 2020 position, that you are going to look at donald trump and look away from the constitution. he needs people that are 100% drinking the kool-aid and do not take away the shine from him. that is incredibly important. you are not going to see nikki
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haley or any of those people that are there. they have their own shine. for you having to remind yourself, he fits the bill. no one knows him, he looks the part that donald trump really likes. he is rich. that is what donald trump wants in his corner. someone that will say yes. what we look for in a vice president has americans and voters is not what donald trump is looking for. >> i have less than a minute. i did want to stay on this. this is a really important point. people do pay attention to your pick and we have heard how amazing -- what kamala harris brings to the table, her life skills. when you look at the options available to donald trump, we talked about his criminality, it is a buffet of nothingness.
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it is the idea of picking someone that he can mold into someone that he wants them to be. >> absolutely. he does not want a vice president that brings something to the table. he does not want one that has a platform or agenda. when you look at vice president harris, she brought a lot. not because she was a woman or person of color. she balanced out the ticket. it made sense. anyone who has a brain won't agree to be his vp choice. anyone who agrees, it is about a straight ambition. >> it is a buffet of boring. thank you guys. i always appreciate your insight and analysis. still to come on the katie phang show, and absurd facebook post is causing hijinks in the election interference verdict in new york. first, justice denied, and
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that's not just a better deal, it's america's best. book an exam online today at america's ann, you're on mute. you are looking at live pictures of a pro-palestinian protest in washington, d.c. right near the white house. today marks a month to the day of the october 7th attack. this protest is happening after reports this morning that four hostages were rescued by the israeli military. we will continue to monitor these protests as they happen this afternoon. trump appointed judge aileen cannon giving procedural wins to former president donald trump.
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canon will allow nonparties, also called friends of the court to weigh in publicly on if jack smith was lawfully appointed and she chose to delay really important trial related hearings without setting a new date. if canon is not dragging us out for his benefit, it will be hard to imagine a greater show of incompetence. joyce, i have to start with the espionage case as it is known. the idea that judge cannon is allowing lawyers and friends of the court to make oral arguments and a motion in open court is stunning to me. do you share that same sentiment?
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>> it is absolutely stunning. this is used pretty heavily in front of the supreme court and in the courts of appeal. very rarely in district courts. it is unprecedented to give them time to argue in the district court. that usually involves the government coming in with a case between private parties. this is like judge aileen cannon going out on the streets, come on in, tell me what you think about this issue. these are nonparties, they do not have a stake in the outcome of this case. it is unusual. >> something that went below the radar, hearing that will be taking place in a couple of weeks. it deals with the motion to suppress. evidence that was seized as a result of the document sees.mar-
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a-lago. talk about why that motion is just as important to the one where trump is challenging jack smith. >> something that happens in critical cases that include the execution of a search warrant, they challenge the validity of the search. if the judge decides it was a bad search, the government is out of luck. that could be true here in regards to the search warrant. even to a lesser extent, the ability to use the lawyers notes. they are important in establishing his state of mind. this is a judge that showed so much animosity towards the search. she had a very unusual lawsuit that trump had filed the civil case that was an effort to get around the search warrant.
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people will remember that she entertained a series of activities including appointing a special master until the government got the case to the 11th circuit. they told her that she was out of order and that she needed to stop what she was doing and let the government use the fruits of that search for its investigation. well now she is here with a more typical challenge, a motion to suppress. all eyes need to be on this motion to see what she does. one of the most important details are if she will rule on the close of the hearing. if she waits until the jury is in panel, and then tells the government as she is suppressing and cannot use the evidence, that can be fatal to the prosecution. >> that echoes the jury instruction debate that she was inviting bull signs to do the jury instructions and would not
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rule until after the jury had been selected. let's talk about two different states, arizona and wisconsin, mark meadows attending the arraignments pleading not guilty to that bay case. three arraignments that remain, seen in court every day with donald trump during his election interference trial. how important is it for the potential for cooperation from the fake electors in arizona and wisconsin, the latest criminal complaint that was brought and prosecuting these big schemes in all of these different states, joyce. >> right. the prosecution in arizona and the new one in wisconsin will put pressure on a number of different people, katie. the ultimate question is this, will someone flip and will they provide more evidence for jack smith in the federal case? he is not a defendant in
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arizona or wisconsin. plenty of the people who are appear to have access to people who are very close to trump in the wisconsin case, for instance, folks involved that were implicated in the scheme to get the ballots into his hands. the scheme ultimately failed. lots of interest in the prosecution. you want to bring back the graphic that was on a second ago. you have mike roman, he filed a motion to disqualify. a former judge, it does not say that on his label or title, a former judge, trump campaign attorney, and the architect of the fake scheme. the fascinating being that people may not know about, and wisconsin there was a state
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lawsuit brought against the people and during the civil discovery they turned over text messages, emails, and other documents that are a large part of the evidence used in the criminal complaint. you have a former judge and two lawyers, i rail against lawyers. they are the enablers. he has an obligation to cooperate in fulton county. he still got charged. >> that suggests that the quality of his cooperation did not satisfy prosecutors. you make this great point that what wisconsin has is a treasure trove of emails that resulted in the lawsuit you talked about. one of the lawyers involved was a former doj colleague. that evidence will be instrumental in pushing cases forward and no telling how much
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good that will do for prosecutors. none of these cases are going to trial but that is not true. depending on the outcome of the election in november, there is a chance that these cases will go to trial. four of this information will surface and americans will get accountability in the end. >> thank you for joining me, i will take croissants over broccoli, beets, or cucumbers. thanks for being here. coming up next, climate hell. it might just be humans burning fossil fuels. he will tell us if we are past the point of no return. keep it right here. here. er flaky gray patches are all people see.
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the last time that there was this much co2 in the air, the oceans were higher. half the world's population lives within hundred 20 miles of the ocean. on the other, humans cannot breathe underwater. if we face this problem head on and acted decisively, i still don't see any way that we can save this. >> that uplifting clip was from the hbo series, the newsroom. i was a warning about the dire consequences of climate change. that clip aired 10 years ago. that is not far from the truth that we are facing today. antonio gutierrez said that the world needed an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.
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12 straight months of unprecedented heat. according to the climate monitoring service, every month, was the world's hottest month on record. joining me is the professor of earth and environmental science, the director of the center for science sustainability and the author of the grape bowl, or fragile moment. it is always an honor to have you on my show. i have a very simple question that has a complicated answer, why is it so hot? >> thanks, katie, it is great to be with you. the heat that we are seeing and extreme weather events, melting of ice, all of the real-time disasters, weather extremes that we are reading about now, or a concert once of the warming of the planet due to
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the burning of fossil fuels. it really is that simple, we are reaping what we have sown. we have continue down this path of burning of fossil fuels, now we are seeing the consequences. >> what can we as individual human beings do? i know we cannot reverse it, what can we do to slow it down? >> thanks for that question. we understand the urgency of climate action. what is less apparent is the agency that we still have. as bad as things might appear, it is what we predicted we would be seeing at this point using models that we have that can forecast the warming of the planet, giving different scenarios and what the models tell us is that the warming
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will stop when we bring carbon emissions to zero. we need to de-carbonized the global economy rapidly. if we can do that, we can prevent the further warming of the planet. as you allude to, we are stuck with a certain amount of warming and impacts already. there is a certain amount of climate change that is baked in. it is still within the adaptive capacity to deal with those changes if we can prevent further warming by acting now. >> i am loath to bring politics into science or medicine, during donald trump's first term he overturned an estimated 100 environmental regulations and pulled the u.s. out of the paris agreement. how important is it to make sure that whoever ends up in the oval office
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understands this moment and how important it is to protect the globe from climate change. >> it is critical. this is the greatest challenge that we face as a civilization. without american leadership, when america leads on this issue, other countries come to the table, we need all countries on board acting to address this crisis. when donald trump pulled out of the paris accord, that signaled to the rest of the world that we were not serious. china started to go back on their commitments. it's critical that we elect a president and all the way down the ballot, president down to dogcatcher, every choice has to consider the impact that it will have on the planet. we need to vote for climate champions and vote out those that are rubberstamps for
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polluters and the fossil fuel industry. that does fall along partisan lines today. that is the world that we live in. >> i am out of time. i will have you back very soon. this is an important topic we need to highlight. i appreciate your time with us. so we have next, the documentary revealing the dangerous cesspool of hate and conspiracy theories that led to the january 6th attack on our capital. don't go anywhere. t this new ol from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt.
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it's awesome. [music playing] we never wanted things to happen. it's all happening because of the internet. >> the birth of the anonymous keyboard warrior. pulling strings. the newest documentary, the antisocial network deals into the rise of 4chan.
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joining me is giorgio, so good to have you here, your documentary is so fascinating. it is funny and almost nostalgic and chilling and frightening. it draws a straight line from comical mediums to the insurrection. for those who have not watched the documentary, share the top lines with our viewers. it >> we wanted to demystify this bewildering moment where we are living. we often say that americans are living in two different realities. the truth is that there is only one reality. a portion of americans have decided to exist in internet fiction. this film, i love the intro. it is how we got to this
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moment. this obscure website called 4chan that had a profound impact on all of our lives. american loneliness plays into this. all of the conspiracy theories that are propagated on the internet and used by the gop. how did american loneliness play into the development of this? >> a website that started in youth culture. shut-ins and basement kids were able to build a community that they felt safe in where they could share their love of other activities. i was always at its core. as history progressed, and as we entered covid, the crisis of loneliness hit a peak. one of the aspects was that it is a place that produces
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conspiracy theory. sometimes out of pranks and sometimes out of true belief. during covid, i moment when millions of americans are living in the proverbial basement and trying to find a community. conspiracy theory is an effective way to put together people towards a common cause. >> i have less than a minute. you exposed in your documentary how q, the leader of qanon would tweet something and then trump would tweet something after, it was the manipulation of the timestamp. it exposes how much is actually going on, right? >> that is the sad irony in all of this. the first qanon post that existed was a prank. in 2017 when that happened,
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all downstream where a significant portion of americans believe that the 2020 election was real. that is an eerie reality that has been born from this prank. it was a crudely put together story that a lot of people bought into. >> thank you so much for being here. all of our viewers, watch this documentary. thank you for being here. to thank you for joining us here today. msnbc reports is next. and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill.
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