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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  June 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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handle -- and catch clips of the show on youtube. you can also listen to every episode of our show as a podcast for free. just scan the qr code on your screen right there. right now. to follow. don't go anywhere. good evening, tonight, an nbc news exclusive. donald trump just hours away if the presentencing probation interview and there's something inusual about it. plus financial disclosures from the supreme court justices revealing a notable update about justice clarence thomas. and posing a larger question about court ethics. and i will speak to a former u.s. army major joining a string of resignations over the biden administration's gaza war policy. i'm amonomoe ha dean. let's do it.
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begin this sunday with some breaking news overseas. israeli minister benny gantz has resigned leaving the israeli war cabinet without a singling centrist. he accused prime minister benjamin netanyahu of standing in the way of real victory and called for new election in israel this fall. last month, gantz publicly demanded that netanyahu lay out a plan for gaza's future after the war or else he and the opposition party would pull out of the coalition. yet that hue hasn't yet announce a plan after the war against hamas ends. this is the most significant act of protest within the israeli government since october 7th when the leaders of all the top political parties united to form an emergency government to prosecute the war in gaza. now without gantz a man many western and arab leaders considered a pragmatic and centrist influence, the question now becomes who will steer this ship?
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already one of israel's most reactionary figures is demanding a seat at the table. the minister of national security celebrated gantz's resignation today saying it is time to make brave decisions. the ceasefire and hostage deal currently in limbo and yet that hue preparing to address the united states congress, the direction of israel's war in gaza and beyond remains open question. later tonight we will take a deeper look at today's resignation and what lies ahead for israel and gaza. with israeli diplomat and former ambassador alan pinkus and senior fellow ethic council steven cook but back here to the united states. because tomorrow is going to be a big day for donald trump. first step to sentencing after being convicted of 34 felonies in his new york hush money cover-up trial. nbc news can exclusively report that trump is scheduled to sit for a virtual interview monday with a new new york city
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probation officer and he will do it from mar-a-lago we're told along with his tomorrow todd blanche. we are told the interviewer will be a woman. after finishing the interview, we're told the probation officer will prepare a report for presiding judge juan merchan and trump's sentencing is now scheduled as we know for july 11th. anywhere from probation to up to four years behind bars. the question tonight, how high are the stakes of trump's responses tomorrow? my colleague ari melber spoke with the former new york city commissioner of the department of corrections and probation. here's what he told him. >> can that report impact the sentence and can it potentially along with other factors, lead to a more serious sentence? >> it can. certainly it can. of course, you know, in new york city, 95% of the -- convictions are as a result of plea negotiations so the
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sentencing in most cases has been agreed upon but that's not the case here. >> all right, with us now former federal prosecutor and political legal affairs columnist and tara setmeyer senior advisor for the lincoln project and former gop communications director. great to have you both bus. nice to see you on set and usually speak to each other remotely. we love people in the studio. let's talk about tomorrow and what's at stake for donald trump and what you heard from the commissioner there about how if at all, it might actually impact one way or the other how this sentencing goes on july 11th. >> the judge really looks to that report to get unbiased information. in the sentencing, of course, you are going to have information that's presented by todd blanche and his team on behalf of trump. and you are also going get a lot of information presented by the district attorney's office. obviously in an adversarial system they're each going to be presenting their side of that but the judge is really going to be leaning on the probation officer to provide a neutral
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unbalanced perspective on donald trump. his history. his characteristics and all the factors the judge needs to consider when imposing sentence and of course the stakes are high because ultimately, donald trump doesn't want a sentence of incarceration and he doesn't want a sentence that's going to impede his you know, race for the white house which might be the only thing that stands between him and three more criminal trials. >> safe to say that donald trump has been given favorable measures throughout this proceeding. patience regarding the gag order violations and what he has done and how he's -- what he has said. there have been legal expert who say that having a probation interview remotely is highly unusual. yet one more example of the privilege that has been afforded to donald trump. that he do it out of state from his resort compound in florida that most people like me and you, probably wouldn't be afforded. what do you make of that? >> i agree with that. and i think it's an effort to try to not to interfere with his campaign i suppose. i actually think it's a mistake
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from his part from a purely legal perspective. i want my client to have a rapport with a probation officer. that slants one way or the other on the report and i think that's a mistake. not the first one that trump and his team have made. during the course of all of this but ultimately, yes, the junction mentioned for example when he was talking about the gag order, he was reluctant to jail trump because of its -- broader impact on the nation. so i think we're going to see a lot more of that from the judge in the weeks to come. >> look, you give some legal advice to todd blanche. >> tara, let me get your thoughts on this. you know trump frequently turned the trial into a circus with his antics both inside and outside the courtroom. do you think a virtual interview will actually prevent trump from acting out and do you think he may have any charm whatsoever virtually on the probation officer tomorrow? the person conducting the
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interview? >> well, maybe his lawyer can have the buzzer underneath to tell him you know, stop it when he starts to go off the rails. you know that's the benefit i guess and everybody knows that donald trump really cannot control himself. so his lawyers i mean, no disrespect to him about that. but it would have been a disaster. it's a woman probation officer presides. given donald trump's history, particularly with his terrible behavior toward women, the fact that he is -- has been civilly found liable for sexually assaulting e. jean carroll and contempt and then of course the long list of things that donald trump has done and said against women, it probably is not a good idea to be in-person with a woman probation officer. i don't think he's going to charm his way out of that. and you know, the idea though that we're even talking about this, i think is something that -- we have to start like -- take a step back. we're actually talking about a former president of the united
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states, going through the probation period, the presentencing period that like -- regular average everyday criminals go through. and that's what donald trump is now. except he's not average. he's unfortunately the republican nominee to be president and has a lead in some polling. and everyone is just supposed to be like oh, this is not a big deal. it's routine. not really. this is actually awful for the country. in that there are so many people that are still making excuses for donald trump's behavior. the fact that they haven't abandoned him because of the fact he's now a convicted felon. they're trying to understood mine the system as a result of that. i don't think all the bravado and the rhetoric he's been using at the rallies since the conviction, i don't think he's going to come into the probation interview with that. but if he does, well, i hope that the judge will finally make him be held accountable for his behavior because going after the judge the judge's family.
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the system, the jury, not showing any remorse or respect for the jury's ruling. we need to -- these are all aggravating factors and he knows that. that -- you or me, we'd be in jail by now. we'll see what happens but i don't see how this helps him in any way but it's donald trump. he thinks he's his own best advocate. >> it's hard to imagine trump being charming let alone virtually. let me ask you about this conspiracy theory and we certainly know that trump and his accolytes love a conspiracy theory. on judge merchan on friday, i believe flagged this to the prosecution and defense about a comment that was made on facebook by someone who was claiming to be a cousin to one of the jurors. saying that trump was going to be convicted ahead of the verdict. of course, the claim has since been debunked. it came from a facebook troll. but that's not going to stop trump and as i said his accolytes from running with this to attack the judge in the
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process. take a listen to this. >> was the mix in from the beginning? is this cause for a mistrial? uh-oh, cause for mistrial. if that's not cause a mistrial, i don't know what is. >> i don't know what it is either but here we are. what do you think of how sean hannity's running with this and just lay it down for us, lay the law for us. >> i mean, it's not serious. right? when you look at the facebook account that made that post, in the bio for that account it says it's crap poster. i don't know. a nonoffensive way the say that. but essentially the person is -- come forward and admitted that's just a trolling. realistically, is that something the judge should have brought to the party's attention? of course. sit something that people should have taken a look at? of course. but now that it's debunked, promoting that and trying to mislead people -- >> waited a little bit and should the judge have said let's look at whether this is real before coming out publicly with it? >> i think what the judge is trying to do is get out ahead
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of things and basically show he is not putting a thumb in the scale one way or the other. >> tara, i'm sure you are shocked because i'm sure it will be featured very prominently in many of his campaign stops for the next several months. it doesn't matter that it's been debunked and how many times we're going to play any clips that show it's not true. it's true in their world now. >> they live in an alternative universe. so as the universe we don't live in and it's a truth and fact free universe. maga world. you know, but -- he has not already started doing this at rallies just doing that. it started on the sunday shows today. his -- his surrogates were out there repeating this nonsense about how oh there's probably going to be a mistrial now. because of misconduct by this judge. and blah, blah ambulance, they continue to repeat this over and over and over again. but the only people who buy this are the 90% who already believe donald trump and think they're going to vote for him. it's the so 10% of republicans
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and the others are they really looking at this case and saying yeah, no, it's not a big deal. i don't think so. so trump and his accolytes can continue is this but the average american independent modern voters are sick of it and not comfortable with voting for a convicted felon. >> i was going to sayed if you do,ed if you don't. comes out and says something about it. they use it and say look the judge is even saying now that there's something shady about here otherwise the judge wouldn't have said it. so. as i said here we are. tara, thank you so much. and please stick around, we have more to talk to you about next up. luxury trips exclusive clubs and a brewing storm about ethics at the nation's highest court. [introspective music]
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all right, once again our country's highest court is proving it has the lowest ethical standards on friday financial disclosures for eight of the supreme court's nine justices went public. of note, a new disclosure form from justice clarence thomas for the first time acknowledging he accepted luxury travel from crow and amending his 2019 filing. how convenient. in july of that year, thomas and his wife accompanied the crows to bali, end these yea then just days later, the justice reclined with crow yet again this time at the private exclusive all male club
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bohemian grove in california. the disclosure indicates the two trips were quote inadvertently omitted. in his disclosure propublica's bombshell reporting on the pair's relationship last year chronicled a far more extensive trip one that included island hopping a superyacht. as for the trip to the grove, while thomas reported lodging expenses in that disclosure, he didn't include any of the travel costs. propublica's report indicated thomas had traveled on crow's private jet to the club. these new trips make up just a small part of the millions of dollars worth of gifts accepted by thomas during his time on the bench. according to a new report from a judicial watchdog group thomas raked in more than an estimated $4 million a staggering total, that dwarfs all of the colleagues combined. and this is hardly the only scandal gripping the supreme court these days. as you know we've been
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reporting on this program justice alito still refuses to recuse himself from cases involving donald trump after reports surfaced he flew flags at his residence that are commonly associated with the ex- president's supporters. just as thomas as refuses to step down from the cases despite his wife's involvement in the january 6th attempt to overthrow the elections. for any lower court judge, this kind of behavior would be up excusable but since the new code of conduct last year lacks any enforcement mechanism. the justices can simply carry on as they choose without any consequence. the dismal state of the nation's highest court sparked outrage among other members of the judiciary including former federal judge david tatal who revealed stepped down from the u.s. court of appeals for the d.c. circuit back in january. he did so in part because he was tired of having his work reviewed quote, by supreme court that seemed to hold in
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such low regard the principles to which i have dedicated many life. he added quote it was one thing to follow rulings i believed were wrong when they resulted from a judicial process i respected and it was quite another to be bound by the decisions of an institution i barely recognize. renato mariotti is back with me and is joseph sterns. renato, i'll start with you. to kind of put this in perspective for the viewers and in context thomas' goes pay over the last 20 years was just slightly more than what he raked in from the billionaire buddies. what's your reaction to that latest disclosure? >> that's lot of gifts. no one has given me $4 million worth of gifts. on its face. >> do you have hat of billionaire friends? >> owe. certainly not going to give me $4 million. that's for sure. they expect lot of legal
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services in exchange. but in all seriousness, you know, it raises serious questions about the court and you started this segment by talking about how the supreme court really is in many ways the lowest ethical standards. the point you are making by standards about standards is in terms of rules and enforcement mechanisms. this is what the point you are trying to make. i think that's right on target. and i think the biggest issue is that word that you and i have used enforcement. you know, is that old -- romans saying who watches the watchers? and i think for the supreme court justices, they're the ones who make those decisions for themselves. alito decides whether or not he refuses. justice thomas decide what do report or not to report on the disclosure forms. and if there's an inadventn't mistake there's no real consequence for that and really it puts osteology in the position where -- there's nothing to that really can be
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done easily about it. and impeachment and removal is not possible given the state of the united states' senate. this is something that needs and deserves more attention but doesn't have an easy solution; >> yeah, you know, mark, to renato's point. you have the other disclosessiers including justice ketanji brown jackson's nearly $4,000 concert tickets from beyonce and book advances for several justices, are those disclosures for those justices pretty normal? i mean explain it to us because for me at least, that could be wrong, there's two components to this. one is the receiving of gifts like concert tickets, certainly debatable whether that's appropriate or not. but the other thing is who's giving you the ticket and for what advantage right? like in this case, with the vacations, clarence thomas is receiving vacations from a guy who has an interest in the cases that are appearing before the supreme court. very clearly ideological cases.
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not the same for beyonce. >> yeah, so first you know, there can not be a different standard for the conservative justice and the liberal justices. if the conservative justices can accept these extraordinary and lavish gifts from mega donors, we really cannot tell the liberal justices you can't receive beyonce tickets. or a bouquet from oprah as justice jackson reported last year or relatively small ball thing that is the liberal justices occasionally report. i think that in a perfect world, you know, judges would say no gifts period. but i want to clarify, this is really important, that the laws here and there's both a federal statute and the supreme court's own sort of fake ethics guidelines. but the federal statute only requires disclosures. it says the justices can accept gifts but they have to disclose them and what was so profoundly troubling with justice thomas is that he for years, for decades, in fact, was accepting these gifts from harlan crow
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and other billionaires in absolute secrecy. he flouted the law and he refused to report them and he defied congress' mandate. and that goes straight to your point about how the public has a right to know who is giving these gifts to the justices. because you know what? when justice jackson was subpoenaed want the beyonce tickets she issued a statement straight away. she said she was crazy in love with beyonce and then asked who isn't? she had a good sense of humor about it. and i guarantee you if there's ever some supreme court case involving beyonce. copyright dispute or something like that. justice jackson will recuse and she has shown the public why and i bet she'll explain herself then. z whereas justice thomas did all this in secret and didn't recuse from cases in which he had financial implications and even still will not disclose the full extent of his gifts. you noted earlier, you know, the disclosures that we got the amendments, the corrections, they don't line up with the propublica reporting which i
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think we have every reason to trust. he is still refusing to disclose trips on private jets and still refusing to disclose stays at harlan crow's private residences and all of that especially under the current somewhat tightened guidelines. all of that has to be disclosed. i feel like this is just a huge issue of secrecy here. that is denying the public an ability to judge the court's own uprightness and principledness and justice jackson and the liberals are playing fully by the rules isothere set out and even as justice thomas throws up crumbs, he's not really giving us the full story. >> yeah, in fact, one -- said the disclosures and it's clear justice thomas prefers the finest things in life. island hopping in bali and retreats at one of the world's most exclusive clubs but i want to play for you and the viewers how he described his ideal travel plans back in 2020. watch. >> i don't have any problem with going to europe. but i prefer the united states.
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and i prefer seeing the -- regular parts of the united states. i prefer going across the rural areas. i prefer the rv parks. i prefer the wal-mart parking lots to -- the beaches and things like that. there's something normal to me about it. i have come from regular stock. and i prefer that. >> so -- [ laughter ] thomas has been reluctant to acknowledge these trips because they stand in contrast with this everyman image he is trying to push to the public. but there's something also troubling here. the fact that, you know, he -- one could argue is lying to the public about what he prefers and what he's actually doing in private. and that and in of itself is also a cause of concern. >> yeah. i certainly agree.
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i think that -- the dissonance between justice thomas' public face and how he's acting behind the scenes is especially notable. only one of the versions of justice thomas lines up with his jurisprudence right? justice thomas' jurisprudence is extraordinarily favorable to the wealthy and consistently rule against campaign finance disclosures. campaign financial restrictions. against taxes on the wealthy. against social welfare programs, regulations on industry. his decisions almost across the board are in favor of the billionaires whom he hangs out with. but when he has to put forth a public face, he pretends to be a man of the people. to be hanging out with the common folk in wal-mart parking lots so i do think it's all part of what you might describe as essentially a scam. it's this scam of the clarence thomas persona. that he hopes will help to cover up the reality of who he is. not just as a judge, but also as a man in -- real life whether he's on the bench or off the bench. he prefers the company of billionaires and he prefers vindicating the rights and
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privileges of billionaires over the rights and freedoms of everybody else. >> i got to ask you finally. we've got about a supreme court we're waiting to hear regardingthe immunity claims by the president. what does it -- say that you have two potential justices who may side with the president but also have these glaring conflicts of interest? you don't have to be a lawyer to see clarence thomas and samuel alito have a conflict of interest with the two -- very important case the immunity case that involves the president. but potentially other ones. >> it says something we're here on national television talking about it and it really is a problem for the supreme court. and it's something that the chief justice has not grappled with. realistically -- the actual grappling here needs to be done by the chief justice and ultimately the court needs to police itself and decide that a as an institution it's important to be above this sort of questioning. i mean ultimately they're making a decision that's going
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to impact the presidential race this year. much the way that they did in bush versus gore. the -- i think the really thefirst time recently where you had the supreme court called into question and now it's been a path since that time. >> yeah. it's -- just one more reminder of what's at stake come november as well. the next president may very well be making some important decisions about the supreme court. renato and mark joseph stern. thank you so much always a pleasure to speak to both of you. next up florida's governor will ensure a former president convicted of felonies can vote in his state while simultaneousmaking it harder for floridians to even register. that's next.
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violating the voting rights of felons in florida. while desan sis is working hard to make sure he has a right to vote, tamest making it harder for every floridian to even register. recently signed a law that imposes a laundry list of new requirements and restrictions for third party voter registration organizations. so now simple mistake on a form could result in hefty fines and the hundreds of thousands of dollars. and if it's not a cash fine, it's possible jail time. it's hampering efforts to get out the vote for the grassroots organizations like the league of women voters florida. the volunteer run organization had to abandon its paper form voter registration drives this year. the same year an abortion rights amendment is set to appear on florida's ballot. the group's co-president spoon tells the new republic that her organization simply cannot afford their usual program while staying in compliance with the law. explaining a violation could
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bankrupt the league. spoon joins me now. it's great to have you on the show. as we just mentioned, your organization had to shut down its traditional paper voter registration drive efforts and how is this making registering voters harder and especially in such an important election year? >> it's much harder on us. and all of the -- citizens that have been relying upon us over the years. not everybody has a digital device to register online. and so people are not being registered because the league and other organizations are -- cannot follow all the guidelines and try to avoid the penalties yeted by the new law. >> when you kind of look back over the last few years you know, you have seen these fines grow exponentially in 2022 state legislators upped the maximum fine from $1,000 to $50,000. it has now reached $250,000.
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that's almost your organization's entire annual budget. what do you believe is the intention behind even the threat of such massive fines? >> it clearly seems to be intended to limit and stop third party voter registrant voter organizations in doing the volunteer work we love so much. our league members just want every citizen regardless how they vote to have the opportunity to select the representative of their choice. so that their needs can be met. >> of course, this law does not impact every community equally. black and latino voters are far more likely to depend on initiatives like voter registration drives compared to white voters. a., why do you think that is and b., what will those communities do without the support and help offered by organizations like the league? >> well, i like to -- refer to
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a comment in an order made by judge mark walker. he said after looking at the laws in the last 20 years dealing with anything with voting, he said that the legislators had targeted with almost -- the word he used laser precision, black communities. because the different ways that black people vote, black and brown people primarily african americans, those methodologies have been targeted for penalties and increased penalties and more limitations and all of that. he believes is targeting that. and he said he found in that order, which was appealed but he said in that order, he found this was intentional discrimination. >> let me ask you about the -- options going forward. obviously before election day, you, the league of women voters, along with other voting organizations, suing the state over this law. first of all, what is the status of that lawsuit and in
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the end, if a judge does rule in your favor, do you believe that your organization can make up the ground that it has already lost before this critical election? >> the status of the case is -- the closing arguments were submitted in writing to the judge. i think within the last six weeks. and we're -- very -- excited. waiting for a ruling so we can see what we can do. anything -- any relief that we're granted, we will take action. we will look at whatever relief the judge is able to offer. and modify our voter registration procedures immediately. and if that allows us to do paper voter registration, i will see tremendous events across the state and our members are rearing and ready to go. >> all right. secile spoon. follow the story and keep an
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eye on it and hopefully when that decision comes out we can have you back on the show to talk about it. hopefully before election day. thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. all right, next up republicans claim that access to birth control is protected and not under attack. but their actions speak louder than words. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush,
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on wednesday, senate republicans blocked a democratic effort to protect access to birth control. shooting down the bill as unnecessary. citing the precedents set by the 1965 supreme court decision griswold versus connecticut. after the measure failed the senator remarked bluntly quote nobody is going to overturn griswold. no way. now the senator might have -- might have wanted to touch base with his fellow republicans because that's exactly what the party seems to be doing. that includes in holly's home
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state of missouri where republican lawmakers blocked a bill last month the widen access to birth control pills by falsely claiming they induce abortions. louisiana an anti-abortion group helped block legislation to enshine a right to birth control. and they did it by inaccurately equating emergency contraception with abortion drugs. idaho a think tank focused on quote biblical activism is currently pushing the state to ban access to emergency contraception and iuds by falsely claiming they can cause abortion. in total since 2022 republicans in at least 17 states have blocked largely democratic led attempts to pass laws assuring the right to birth control according to a "washington post" examination. and in order to fuel this nationwide attack on birth control, conservatives are spreading dangerous disinformation about contraception as you may have noticed, all of the examples i just listed have something in common. they falsely link birth control to abortion.
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but the truth of the matter is, whether it be emergency contraception like plan b. or hormonal iuds or even birth control pills, none of these methods. none, are used to end an existing pregnancy. despite that, according to poll from last year, nearly three quarters of americans incorrectly think that emergencycontraceptive pills can end a pregnancy in its early stages. anti-abortion groups are seizing on this false belief. stepping into fill that knowledge gap with disinformation and attempting to redefine contraception as abortion. that kind of disinformation campaign could be why only one in five americans believe access to birth control is under threat. according to one poll. don't let republicans like hawley fool you. the state level attacks, well, they are just the beginning. and his concurring opinion in the dobbs decision justice
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clarence thomas wrote that striking down roe versus wade should open up the court to review oppress dents that may be deemed quote, demonstrably erroneous are thomas calling out griswold, yes the very same decision. by name. look, it took republicans nearly five decades to achieve their goal of overturning roe versus wade. and right now, we are witnessing them apply that very same playbook to contraception. now, despite -- dissent keeps growing against the biden administration's war policy in gaza. now a voice from the military is speaking out his name is harrison man and he joins us next. etwork and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up!
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israel invading the southern gaza city of rafah. but dissent from the biden administration's unqualified support for israel is not just on display outside the white house. we have spoken to a number of former officials from the state and education departments among others who couldn't take it anymore and resigned in protest. now a voice from the military is speaking out. major harrison man a 13 year u.s. army veteran resigned from the army's defense intelligence agency in november. and it became official earlier this month. man is also the second known jewish american official to resign joining lily greenberg call from resigned from the interior department back in may. harrison man joins me now. harrison, great to have you on this show. first of all, what was your breaking point with this administration and its handling of this war? >> thank you for having me. i think very early on, even in
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the first month after october 7th as we saw the -- the israeli air campaign before even the ground incursion. it was really clear that, you know, they had a immense appetite or tolerance for civilian casualties. that they were going to be huge blowback against both israel and u.s. forces in the region. because of how they were conducting the campaign. and that despite that, really u.s. support was going to be unqualified and unlimited. and from inside where i worked the defense intelligence agency you know it was very clear that it was going to be all hands on- deck in terms of supporting israel regardless of how they conducted the war. and early on, you may recall the hospital explosion in mid- october. it was the one time that i saw the intel community really dig deep to try and figure out what happened when something blew up at a hospital. and that instance it turned out to not be israel. but i also realized after that
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that we were now looking into any of the other hospital attacks that israel definitely did in the surrounding period and i kind of understood that it was not going to be an issue from u.s. coming going forward. >> i wanted to talk to you about you know, what the u.s. can do here and start maybe by getting your thoughts on this. the united nations food agency putting out the alarming report this week saying that over 1 million people that's half the population of gaza, are expected to face death and starvation by mid-july. if this war continues as is. of course the biden administration's answer to the humanitarian crisis was to have the u.s. military build a pier off the coast of gaza. what did you think when the pier plan was announced and in your view, was it a performative gesture or do you think the u.s. really has good intentions in wanting to help the people of gaza with humanitarian aid? >> i think -- we've seen them try everything. except the one really obvious and really effective solution,
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which is going to be credibly threatening to curtail military support and military aid. and really any -- any plan to help feed the people of gaza or achieve a ceasefire, or a hostage deal, that is not backed by that credible threat that does not have enforcementmechanism is not going to succeed and to date we have not seen a real willingness to condition any kind of aid, be it diplomatic, intelligence, or military. >> yes, so just to be clear, i mean, do you believe and because people have argued this both bays but do you believe the united states actually has more leverage on israel. it is choosing not to exercise at this moment or do you think america has lost its leverage and certainly power in -- countries in the middle east but also specifically israel? >> no, the united states has -- has probably more leverage over the state of israel than any
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country in the world that i can imagine. israel is engaged in one war and it's at -- risk of opening a second war with hezbollah in the north and entirely dependent on the u.s. to supply its munitions and provide a lot of maintenance and support for the u.s. aircraft that it uses. and we are also -- i don't want to forget -- you know, we have u.s. forces deployed in the region at risk who are essentially tasked with defending israel against regional adversaries including the houthis, we have ships deployed in the red sea that are fighting a small proxy war especially on behalf out of israel. and who are defending they want against that threat. so they don't have to devote their own resources to that. >> i wanted to ask you maybe a few personal questions about what this has been like for you. because -- you know, you writing your resignation letter which i thought was very thoughtful that you posted on your linkedin page. i wanted to read a portion of
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ate. as the descendant of european jews when it came to the topic of bearing responsibility for ethic cleansing. my grandfather refused to even purchase products manufactured in germany where the paramount importance of never again and the inadequacy of just following orders were often repeated. how -- how has your resignation been received among your immediate inner circle, your family, perhaps your friends the broader jewish community that you are a part of? >> um -- you know, my -- my family. i think -- before october 7th, had a kind of broader range of views about what the state of israel meant to them and some that are close to it now and some that are closer to i think what -- many jews in the states are brought up with, which is that it's this really important refuge for the jewish people. and over the past eight months,
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the -- the folks in my family who are a little further away from how i saw things have come -- come much closer based o off of talking to me and based on seeing how israel conducted this war, i consulted my family before deciding to publicize my resignation because i was worried about how it might impact them. but ultimately, everyone has been very supportive. both in my family and the jewish friends that i have. >> i wanted to ask you and i know again this is an intensely private question, so please feel free to ignore it. and say no. but there's obviously an election in november and you have now resigned from your post and are freely talking about politics and you don't have to tell us who you will vote for but do you know who you will be voting for and do you have any reason that will make it difficult for you to choose one way or the other, morally speaking given that you just resigned from the current president's administration? >> you know, i'm here in the hope of -- of ending the war in
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gaza. in its current form. and that means ending the support that this country has chosen to give basically unconditionally. to israel. and i -- that is sort of the most important thing to me right now. because i was somebody who was asked to help implement that support. and i was part of that policy. and that -- that is -- it weighs on me to say the least. so -- i'm -- looking forward to seeing anybody actually, you know, exercise a little more proactivity with regards to this war instead of reacting and kind of going along with whatever they decide to do. >> let me ask you finally and we're almost out of time. but what do you think of the israeli prime minister being invited to speak to congress? >> again, i just -- i think it demonstrates a lack of
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seriousness with regards to ending the war and establishing a ceasefire and getting a real hostage deal that leases all the israeli hostages. because none of these are things that the current israeli cabinet appears to really be interested in. and so if -- you are inviting him it looks like you are -- you are happy with how he's managed this war. >> former u.s. army major harrison mann thank you so much for your time. i greatly appreciate you joining us this evening. best of luck to you going forward. >> thank you. and new hour of "ayman mohyeldin reports" starts after a quick break. d by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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