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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  June 10, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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it is good to be back with you on this second hour of "chris jansing reports." at this hour, is it suspicious or is it conjecture? the defense, honing in on a key piece of evidence as abbe lowell delivers the closing argument right now at hunter biden's trial. will his decision not to testify pay off in a case that is laid
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bare his dark history of drug abuse. we're live at the courthouse. plus, a new look at the raid that freed four hostages in gaza, the blistering cross fire and mishap with the get away car before a final dramatic escape by helicopter. we'll have those details. and when a former president meets his probation officer, donald trump faces questions on everything from his mental health to his living situation. what we know about his presentencing interview today. plus, what you haven't seen from the day of the insurrection. the new video obtained by msnbc of the chaos and confusion on january 6th, including the questions congressional leaders were asking in realtime about why the national guard hadn't shown up. our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments. but we begin with nbc's mike memoli outside the courthouse in wilmington. mike, the defense has argued that hunter biden's state of
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mind is critical when considering the charges against him. what are they saying right now? >>. >> we are minutes away from this case going to the jury. abbe lowell was making his argument. the defense rested its case with only calling three witnesses. there was some suspense about whether hunter biden would be one of them. that was not the case. the prosecution brought back one of its witnesses to bring back more evidence in text messages, that hunter biden was using drugs at the time of the purchase of the gun. they have introduced evidence that was personal, ugly, overwhelming but necessary. they called hunter biden a user of drugs from 2015 to 2019, and they believe that they have a rock solid case. then defense attorney abbe
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lowell called it an accordion defense. he said that while the prosecution certainly can introduce evidence over a long period of time, they need to really shrink it down to that specific series of weeks around the gun purchase which he said they did not do beyond a reasonable doubt. it's also worth noting, chris, that we have talked about the presence of the first lady. we talk about president biden who's in wilmington today. they have largely been out of the jury, the trial at this point, until the closing arguments. we saw the lead prosecutor in this case, leah wise, he said all of this was not evidence. people sitting in the gallery is not evidence. remember how he began his opening statements by talking about hunter biden and his famous last name. that was something abbe lowell took issue with in his closing argument, suggesting that the prosecution maybe was out of bounds in invoking the first family in this case. the most important part of this is what abbe lowell is trying to demonstrate right now, in hunter
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biden's mind, he did not knowingly consider himself an addict at the time he purchased the gun. that's going to be up to the jury to decide that. >> mike memoli, thank you. we're learning new details about the harrowing moments when israeli troops charged in to rescue four hostages in gaza. nbc's matt bradley is reporting from jerusalem for us, this was absolutely the most complex rescue operation from the war so far. what are we learning about how it unfolded? >> reporter: >> complex. it took weeks of preparation. they made mock models of buildings in order to practice the raid. this was conduct bid a special counter terrorism, it was across different branches of the civil defense in israel. so this was a very complicated operation. use mentioned earlier, this killed more than 270 palestinians, this according to the gazan ministry of health
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officials. of those dead, dozens were children. it's being celebrated in israel as a huge victory. this could create problems for antony blinken, the secretary of state who is once again in the region trying to shore up support for a hostage negotiation deal, in something that would resemble a temporary cease fire. those goals have evaded him up until now, and it doesn't look like the two sides are any closer. this incident, this rescue is probably going to make things more difficult because now hamas, and other people in gaza are outraged by the loss of life that came and went into this. but at the same time, we're seeing from the israeli side that finally benjamin netanyahu has something he can point to as evidence that he can pursue his two sort of competing goals in his war. we're seeing one of those goals defeating hamas, the other freeing the hostages and among the israelis, the intelligence and defense establishment, those
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two goals aren't seen very much add odds, even though netanyahu and his government have said they will be able to achieve both. now he can say he can achieve both. he has evidence to say that, even though the intelligence and defense committee here is not a practical operation to apply to the 80-some hostages thought to be live in the gaza strip. as for the reasons i just mentioned, the complications, the death toll, the amount of energy it took to free the four hostages so really, when we're talking about how this is going to affect politics, it looks as though both sides, hamas, and israeli are as far as apart as they have been. >> thank you. now to the latest chapter in donald trump's life as a convicted felon. nbc's vaughn hillyard is following his meeting today with a probation officer. what's involved in the meeting, vaughn? >> right, chris, this is a significant meeting. it's standard protocol here ahead of a sentencing in new york. and this is the opportunity for donald trump, who will be appearing virtually for this, an
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interview from mar-a-lago in florida, with this new york probation officer who is going to be interviewing the former president to prepare a report that he will deliver to judge merchan ahead of his july 11th sentencing. and it's part of this interview and the eventual report, the probation officer will detail not only donald trump's financial background, what he perceives his mental state to be, but also the extent to which donald trump's not only lack of criminal history but going through what is in his record, and when he prepares this report, it will be a recommendation of what he believes may be the best suited sentence for donald trump here, and so, again, appearing virtually, donald trump, we could expect to show little remorse for his actions, part of the standard interview to get the extent to which there is contrition shown by the defendant who is found guilty, and donald trump who's on the campaign trail in las vegas has shown no regret for the actions
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he took that led to his guilty verdicts, and yet, at the same time, donald trump, who will be attending this interview alongside his attorney todd blanche could, if he so chooses to, at least have an understanding or acknowledge what actions that the jury found him to have taken that violated the law. all of this could be consequential. we expect on thursday, the defense for donald trump to submit their own sentencing memo about what they believe the recommendation should be for his sentence. come june 27th, two weeks from now, that is when the district attorney's office will present their own sentencing memo to judge merchan about what they believe the sentence should look like that comes from judge merchan on july 11th. chris. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you. new video obtained by msnbc shows the dramatic behind the scenes effort by top democratic lawmakers to track down the national guard on january 6th. nbc's julia jester is following
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this story for us. what did we learn from this footage? >> the new footage obtained from congressional sources, underscores the frustration of chuck schumer and speaker pelosi as they watched the chaos unfold. house republicans are acting online, taking responsibility for the federal government who should have been better prepared. the former speaker was visibly angry, and here's what she and schumer said to members of the trump administration's response during these heated moments. >> going to ask me in the middle of the thing when they've already breached the inaugural stuff that should we call the capitol police? i mean, the national guard? why weren't the national guard there to begin with? >> secretary mccarthy and senator schumer, to know what's going on.
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okay. d.c. has requested the national guard and it's been denied by d.o.d., i'd like to know a good reason why it's been denied. we need them fast. i've never seen anything like this. we're like a third-world country here. we had to run and evacuate the capitol. i spoke to the secretary of the army. he's given the full okay to the national. he said it was not denied. i'm going to call up the ef f'ing secretary of d.o.d. >> these tense exchanges reveal the confusion surrounding the slow response to the violent scene by the national guard, which took more than three hours to arrive. you can hear the anger in pelosi and schumer's voice, frustration with the trump administration there. now, the january 6th house select committee investigated the insurrection in a detailed report. since then, house republicans have made an effort to re-examine the bipartisan committee's report to undermine its finding. and the new video revisits this panic as former president trump
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commented this weekend, calling insurrectionists warriors. a stark contrast to what congressional leaders and the country experienced that day, chris. >> julia jester, thank you. and still ahead, donald trump's post conviction rally sees him riffing on broken teleprompters, batteries and sharks. everything but his guilty verdict. is that a winning strategy? we'll discuss next. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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meeting his probation officer isn't donald trump's only virtual appearance, he's addressing the danbury group, a far right christian group who called abortion child sacrifice and is against exceptions for even rape or incest. it's in conflict with trump's efforts to moderate the gop's position on abortion. a spokesperson says his decision reflects the commitment to speak to groups with diverse opinions. it follows a las vegas rally in 110 degree heat that went off script when the teleprompter stopped working. >> do you feel the breeze? because i don't want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don't care about you, i just want your vote. i don't care. if you start going down, we have people that will pick you up right away. are the teleprompters not
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working, not even a little bit. great job. and then i don't pay the company that does it. i don't pay contractors that do a [ bleep ] job, and that's a [ bleep ] job. >> brendan buck is the former press secretary to john boehner and msnbc political analyst. and here in studio, nbc's dasha burns who has been covering the trump campaign. look, 110 degrees. thousands of people came out, right. it is a critical battleground state. >> it is. >> i know you talked to voters. what do they tell you? >> it's a critical battleground state and one that the former president is bullish on winning. a republican hasn't won in quite some time, not since 2004. he talked about the issue of immigration, important to a lot of folks, oil and gas. also talked about kind of a much more local issue about taxing workers tips. he wants to eliminate tips, taxes on worker tips, which of course for the service industry is a pretty big deal, and the
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supporters that did stand through that sweltering heat, they came early. they stayed all day, and here's some of what they had to say. >> he's going to win, and he's going to bring our country back. he's going to save us. that's how i feel. >> reporter: he was asked this week about retribution, what does that look like to you? >> he's not going to get angry. he's got too much to fix. he's not a vengeful person. >> you think about jesus christ, everyone went against him because he was preaching love. trump's doing what's right for this nation. because he's doing that, everybody is against him. >> it's voters like that that give the trump team some confidence in what they can do in a state like nevada. the democratic party chair of nevada did come back on trump saying that he is out of touch with nevada workers, criticized his appearance there. but he's trying to win this state. >>. >> dasha burns, thank you for
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that. that leads me to you, brendan. there was a moment when donald trump was talking about a conversation he had at a south carolina boat company about sharks and boats with electric batteries. here's a little part of what he said. >> if the boat is sinking, do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or jump by the shark and not get electrocuted. he didn't though the answer. nobody has asked me that question. i said i think it's a good question. >> look, rally goers may not pay attention to these tangents. they may think that the comparisons to jesus are apt, but at some point, do folks who say that they're worried about biden's age start asking these questions about trump? do people who are truly undecided start looking at this stuff and wondering? >> i think they start wondering
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whether or not he's a serious person, and i think that's something the biden team has been trying to do. obviously with the d-day events last week, elevating the moment that we are in. this is a time for serious people. you need serious leaders, and if he continues to demonstrate himself to be unserious, i think there's a potential opportunity. is that particular riff or like it, going to change people's perceptions? i don't know. i think people understand that donald trump has always been weird like this. it underscores, though, that he is more of an entertainer. people in the heat shows you as much as this feels tired and people are checked out of this election. at this moment, energy with the republican voters, they will put up with anything because they think this is a person who's going to fix all of their problems and biden hasn't really been able to figure out how to get the same energy with democratic voters. >> i think to that point, while
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trump avoided referencing his conviction in las vegas, democrats didn't. the dnc installed a billboard near the rally location that said trump was a disaster for nevada's economy. now he's back. they called him a convicted white collar crook who was unfit to serve. simultaneously, nevada's governor has an op-ed saying the reason trump is winning voters in his state is because they can't afford gas and groceries, purchase a home or plan for retirement. is the challenge for team biden, how effective is it to point the finger at trump if voters are hurting now? >> yeah, i mean, when you do a billboard, that's not actually trying to win an argument. that's trying to get a little attention. they have dipped their toe into the criminal conviction here and there. they realize it's not going to be a big winner for them. that's not what people are voting on. until the white house or the biden campaign can figure out
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what an economic message is that not only advances what they're trying to do, but sinks in that what donald trump is trying to do could be worse, they're not going to make headway. this is an election that's going to be about the economy, immigration, and inflation. they're playing defense. i don't know that dipping your toe into the criminal conviction is going to change a whole lot. look, it's not an easy thing to do to talk about how well the economy is doing when a lot of people are feeling not well about it. you have to drive to the core issue against your opponent about the things that people are actually worried about. >> let me switch gears just a little bit, but still on donald trump. you can tell the race to be his running mate is heating up by the sheer volume, right, of contenders who are making the rounds on tv. south dakota's governor, kristi noem, her prospects, as you know, were considered gone after acknowledging shooting her own puppy. she says he should still pick a
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woman to be his running mate! having a woman helping him campaign makes a difference. i could be home at bed or feeding my horses or rocking my grand babies but i'm in wisconsin because i believe president trump needs to win. his policies are right for america, and perfect for south dakota. i want him to women and the polling tells me he needs women on the campaign trail carrying his message. >> she and others may fit into what has been conventional wisdom, that a woman would balance the ticket, a person of color would help balance the ticket. does conventional wisdom mean anything when it comes to republican voters now for president? >> i don't know that that conventional wisdom held. i don't know that anybody votes based on your vp. you could pick a vp for one reason and one reason only. is this a person that could be president? >> he said that in an interview, i think it was with a local newspaper i was reading this morning. that was going to be his criteria. could somebody be president.
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>> yeah, and beyond that, you know, as somebody who you feel like is a good partner is going to advance your agenda. this is a unique situation. donald trump is going to put whomp is his vp into very uncomfortable situations, and anybody lining up to do this job needs to know that. i think it is overlooked how loyal mike pence was to donald trump throughout all kinds of crazy stuff that happened. and even behind closed doors. mike pence never broke character. there was never a story about mike pence thinking donald trump was a bad person behind closed doors. they need to know this is an unchecked administration. if he's looking for somebody who's going to carry his water every step of the way, and it's probably going to be tougher things to swallow than mike pence had to do. >> yeah, kristi noem was part of this blitz, right, of vp candidates who were on various sunday shows, and all of them were asked about the vetting
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process. take a listen. >> can you confirm whether or not you're being vetted formally? >> well, shannon, as i've said, i think only one person knows who's on the short list. >> i have not spoke about the vice presidential thing to the president directly. >> i would defer any questions back to the trump campaign team. >> so they're not saying anything except praising donald trump, the main criteria now. maybe both of those things, right, don't give anything away, that's for me to talk about, meaning donald trump, and say nice things about me, meaning donald trump. >> yeah, of course. the funny thing is, like, any vice president should be able to back up the person at the top of the ticket. it's unremarkable that you have to go to such lengths to stick out. i have talked to a number of trump folks who believe that donald trump doesn't want anybody who looks too desperate for the job. that was one of the appeals with mike pence, he could take a pass
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on it if it came to that. you have to walk the line of being a staunch promoter and defender without looking desperate. that's why i think some of the folks have fallen off the short list. >> dark horse names have been floated, nikki haley, texas governor greg abbott. do you think that he might pick someone who's really not high up on the radar? >> i would hate to get into donald trump's head. i can't imagine he's going to pick a nikki haley. i can't imagine he's going to pick anything that tries to do anything that moderates his views. i don't doubt he might want to check a demographic box. this is not a campaign built on per situating the middle or trying to win over independents. this is going to be all about turnout. who does he think can excite people, travel around to battleground states, hold rallies, amplify the message and not be a distraction. i don't know that any of those people, other than nikki haley have the sort of wattage that he's going to be looking for, and i don't know that he's
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looking for anybody to moderate his positions. >> brendan buck, always good to talk to you, thanks, brendan r appreciate it. the star witness who admits to bribing senator bob menendez, what he revealed about trying to buy off the lawmaker by going through his wife, next. h his wit . but if it's another hat he wants, get one that truly fits. order until june 16th for up to 30% off personalized gear, kitchen tools, travel accessories, and other things dads dig. when you want a one-of-a-kind gift to show him he's #1. etsy has it. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so i wear a lot of hats. my restaurants, my tattoo shop... and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast
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he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. today a new jersey businessman who testified about a scheme to bribe senator bob
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menendez returned to the stand. jose aribe told the jury that he, senator me mendez and his wife nadine spoke about menendez's help stopping an insurance fraud investigation during a dinner, and testified that it was nadine menendez who promised to secure that help in exchange for a $60,000 mercedes-benz convertible. joining me now, former federal prosecutor, host of the justice matters podcast and msnbc legal analyst, glenn kirschner, nbc's tom winter is in studio. what's the latest from court, tom? >> we're hearing from jonathan, his testimony started on friday. one of the people initially charged with the senator and then pleaded guilty. he's offering his testimony today about his part, his alleged part in this scheme involving the senator and his wife, nadine menendez,
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specifically the idea that state investigators wanted to interview his daughter, that that investigation could be stopped with the influence of senator bob menendez, and obviously his heavy influence in the state of new jersey. one of the things he testified to was that he specifically spoke to the senator and his wife at a dinner in new jersey. he testified, he said, i asked him, please find out whether there was an investigation into his daughter specifically, and he says, quote, i asked him, please use his power, don't let these people hurt my daughter. he then testified that the senator answered, quote, he would look into. uribe said i asked him to help me get peace for me and my family. he says he did not discuss the mercedes car payments specifically with the senator. he said he had no reason to doubt that menendez knew i was making payments on the car. the payment to the mercedes-benz was included in the original
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indictment. he was asked, why did you stop making payments on the car to nadine menendez. it was after two fbi agents showed up at his house, asking questions. the testimony helpful to the prosecution today. menendez for his part and his wife have pleaded not guilty as we said before. >> fbi agents showing up at your house could have a chilling effect. glenn, i'm curious about this because being a member of the senate, the house, and people coming to you, and you saying i'll look into it, as far as i know, is not a criminal offense, but put it in the overall case that we're seeing here, and including the fact that it was nadine menendez who he says got the car. >> yeah, you know, seeking help, seeking assistance from elected officials, there's nothing wrong with that. it goes on every day. but senator menendez and his wife are indicted for conspiracy
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to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit extortion and other offenses because when you perform or promise to perform an official act in exchange for something of value to you personally, you know, that sort of crosses the line, and to just representing your constituents. and, you know, there is definitely quite a bit of evidence coming in during the course of the trial that involves nadine menendez, the senator's wife, sort of taking point on communicating with mr. uribe, and i think the jury will understand that she was perhaps acting as the go-between or the buffer. and, you know, she was having the lion's shares of the conversations but there's a lot of really damming evidence, even if it's only, and he sent a
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text, i need peace, and the next morning, there was evidence that senator menendez called the then attorney general for new jersey, and according to the testimony of mr. greenwall, he tried to quash the investigation into mr. uribe's associates. that may not be direct evidence of guilt but circumstantial evidence that this was a robust conspiracy at play. >> one of the things we have been talking about a lot recently is circumstantial evidence but also common sense. and jurors using common sense. so on one hand, for example, you might say, well, it was nadine menendez who talked about this, who got the car, who drove the car. on the other hand, the common sense part of it could be -- where did the senator think this car came from, a $60,000 car.
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right? again, help us to understand as they build a case and they build a defense how those things circumstantial evidence, common sense, play into this case? >> yeah, so circumstantial evidence and common sense certainly play in. i always argued to my juries, do not check your common sense at the door, bring it to the jury box with you, bring it into deliberations. the other thing that would help significantly in the prosecution's case are the rules of evidence when it comes to coconspirator statements. provided the government meets an evidentiary threshold that there was a conspiracy involved here, including the senator and his wich, then every statement made by every member of the conspiracy is admissible against every other member of the conspiracy, provided that it was made during the course of and in furtherance of the conspiracy. those are the magic evidentiary
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words. even the words coming out of nadine menendez's mouth can be attributed as incriminating evidence from the senator. the flip side of the coin is there's no doubt that senator menendez, the defendant on trial presentlily will take full advantage of the empty chair defense. his wife was severed out. she'll be tried separately. the defense attorneys will be arguing if anybody did anything wrong it was nadine menendez, and it was without the knowledge of her husband, the senator, but as we've discussed some. -- some of the evidence is undercutting that defense. >> glenn kirschner, tom winter, thank you both. how one of our closest allies is trying to fend off a far right surge and what it would mean for the u.s. if he doesn't. and later, trash talk on the
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korean peninsula. the bizarre balloons fueling tensions between the north and south. that's coming up as well. t, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. ♪♪ ♪♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe.
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today the government of one of the most valuable u.s. allies is in uncharted territory, "the washington post" describing france as an epic battle ground in the west between the political center and the far right. on the heels of the weekend spent with president biden,
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president emanuel macron's party suffered a humiliating defeat, he's made a major gamble, calling for snap elections with the future of his second term hanging in the balance. nbc's danielle is reporting on this. obviously a huge risk for macron. tell us what's going on. >> reporter: it was a humiliating night, catastrophic nights more emmanuel macron. his party coming in with 15% of the vote, less than half of what was received by all the far right parties combined, 40%. that's 4 in 10 people in france voting for a far right party. what you have now is frankly the reality on the ground not reflecting the makeup of the parliament, and so emmanuel macron shocked the country. he left analysts and experts, and frankly those closest to him
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bewildered when calling the snap elections that will be held on the 30th of june and july 7th. and some are calling it political suicide, that he is playing a dangerous game. what he's essentially saying here to the french voters, i dare you to let this happen at home, and so it is a massive gamble, and when you think about it, in just a few weeks time, he'll be opening the paris olympics, and he could quite possibly have a prime minister by his side that stands against everything he stands for, antiimmigration, anti-eu, a far right lawmaker that would be a first, not the first time they would be from two different parties, but that far right, it would be the first time. domestically, he would be weakened, not so much on foreign policy but domestically certainly. the other part of the gamble is should the far right succeed and
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do well in the snap elections, the gamble is that in the next presidential elections, president macron will remain president until 2027, but the gamble is if the far right does well, that by 2027, french voters will have enough of them and turn their backs on the far right. i also want to give you a snapshot of the whole night, in germany, he received 13.9% of the vote. that is far less than -- coming not just in second, but in third far better, the far right better than the polls predicted. an interesting thing, this is the first time 17-year-olds were allowed to vote. it shows they are leaning to the right. big picture, the european parliament firmly in the hands of centrist parties. but with more support for the
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far left and far right. >> thank you. now the to korean peninsula, and what may sound like a prank except it's got much bigger implications. north korea has sent another wave of trash filled balloons into south korea, leading to a rise in tensions along the most militarized border in the world. now, south korea is responding. nbc's george solis has the latest. >> reporter: trash talk at the highest levels. north korea launching thousands of timer controlled trash-filled balloons like these toward south korea. south korean authorities say the balloons have been filled with cigarette butts, paper scraps, and compost, but nothing hazardous. >> how tense are things between north and south korea. >> at first glance, the balloons
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seem harmless. >> reporter: in response, south korea has set up high powered loud speakers to blast the north with korean pop music, and messages. >> the north koreans are more afraid of bts than they are of u.s. nuclear weapons. it is disturbing for the north korean regime when the soldiers are listening to the music, and then they start humming the tunes. this is considered mind pollution. >> reporter: the tit for tat propaganda battle between the two countries dates back to the cold war. both sides agreeing to stop for a while, but over the last few years, north korea's ballistic missile tests sparking the south to respond to the escalation in tensions. in the last few weeks, activists have resumed sending balloons with antinorth korean propaganda across the border. experts don't expect the psychological warfare to end anytime soon. >> we have been distracted by the war in ukraine, the war in
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gaza as well as taiwan, and china's efforts in taiwan, yet the situation on the peninsula is growing. our thanks to george solis for that report. coming up, the catastrophic highway collapse that is causing major problems in wyoming, what it means for tourists set to flood into yellow stone and other poplar destinations. plus caitlin clark reacting to being left off the olympic team. what she's saying, and how she hopes it will motivate her in the future. her in the future i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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in wyoming, there is a state of emergency near some of the country's most popular summer tourist spots. here's a look at the reason why. a landslide wiping out a critical road creating monumental headaches for visitors and workers in jackson hole, yellow stone, and grand ty tan national park. dana griffin joins us. you have heard from people in the area. what's going on, and what are they telling you? >> officials describe this as a catastrophic failure of the roadway. for many families, this is a catastrophic blow to their livelihood. you've got thousands of people who live in east idaho and beyond. they commute some two hours each way just so they can make double earnings in wyoming. day service that tourist industry there. and now that this road is
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compromised and there's no time line on when it will be fixed, it's impacting so many people, including one worker i spoke with. he told me he already had to sit down his 7-year-old daughter to explain why she won't see him as often. listen to what he told me. >> i'm anticipating that my two-hour commute just turned into a six-hour commute. i'm not going to see my family until on the weekends. it makes me feel terrible. i'm going to have to leave at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning to battle the commute because now the infrastructure of the roads around here are not built for this amount of traffic. >> reporter: so i spoke to a wyoming department of transportation engineer. he says that the hope is to have a temporary fix within weeks, but they have obviously got to get in there, assess the structure there. they're going to have to fill it with some sort of silt that can shore up another roadway, a permanent roadway, and hopefully this catastrophic failure does not happen again. i also want to mention, this is the last week of school. they've got today, tomorrow and
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a half day on wednesday. i spoke with the school district, they are allowing some workers to work remotely. they have opened the district office parking lot, so people can park the rvs and campers so they can make it to work and not have to sit in the hours long traffic jam, which is likely going to happen. >> what a nightmare. thank you. caitlin clark is breaking her silence after being left off team usa's roster for the olympic games in paris. some analysts saw her omission as a snub, clarke said she's not disappointed. she's motivated. the first thing i thought of, they don't want anyone to watch the games. she is the draw, not to mention the best player women have. >> okay. but here's the thing. that's where there's disagreement on whether or not she's the best player. she was the best player in the ncaa, broke lots of records. came into the wnba, she has played well for a rookie, but she's not the best player in the
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league. ask anyone, there are people who are better. there are players who are better, and for those who support this decision, they say she is not one of the top 12 in the wnba, as a result. she's not going to paris. there are some veterans on the team that have played many many olympics. they haven't lost a single olympic game since 1992, that team. diana tarossi could win her sixth gold medal in paris. people are saying, this is a missed opportunity, you have incredible excitement around caitlin clark, the ticket sales, the viewership numbers are through the roof. why not take some of that excitement and bring it to paris. that remains a question mark, chris. >> this caused a lot of debate. but it's done, right? this is it. it's done. >> not necessarily. so there is a guard on the roster, chelsea gray who plays for the las vegas aces.
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she has not played this year because of a foot injury. the theory is that she is going to be better for paris and she will travel on the roster. if for some reason she's not better, that opens up a spot. and that spot could very well be caitlin clark's. so for those who want to hold on to that hope, hold on to it. but for caitlin clark, she says she's moving on. it motivates her. she's looking forward to the next olympics. >> all right. and i have no doubt. stephanie gosk. >> there will be many in her future. >> she's going to work her tail off. the white house is kicking off juneteenth commemorations with an amazing concert on the south lawn. the white house describing it as a celebration of community, culture, and music. among the legendary performers, the god mother of soul, patti labelle, the empress of soul, and uncle charlie. the event will be live streamed. juneteenth was established as a
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federal holiday back in 2021, to commemorate the day slavery ended in the u.s. that's going to do it for us this hour. join us for "chris jansing reports" every weekday fl 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. our coverage continues with "katy tur reports" next. r repor. t for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? 3:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. our coverage continues with "katy tur reports" next. 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. our coverage continues with "katy tur reports" next. tinues "katy tur reports" next. early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up.
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