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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  June 12, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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graduation, we have mixed emotions. those who are not able to share it with us who should have been able to share it with us. >> we should note that eight years ago today, we experienced the deadliest attack on the lgbtq community in our nation's history. the pulse nightclub massacre in orlando left 49 dead and 53 wounded. despite the frequency of these horrific events, we have to remember that we cannot let these attacks become normal. but tonight, our hearts are with the victims of both tragedies. and our very best wishes despite all of this, to the extraordinary class of 2024. we are so proud of you. and i hope each and every one of those students knows that they are so loved. and on that note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow.
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so, i want to start with a story that in any other universe would have absolutely nothing to do with politics or anything even approximating controversy. the kind of news we used to read and hear and accept. but post trump, this has become a sort of conservative litmus test with potentially disastrous consequences for the health and the well being of thousands and thousands of americans. i'm talking bird flu. i know. stay with me. you may have seen the u.s. is dealing with an outbreak of bird flu. bird flu has spread to at least 80 cattle herds over five states. because of that outbreak, the fda, the food and drug
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administration has issued guidance for how to stay safe and avoid exposure including warning americans against drinking raw milk. that is because raw milk has the potential to spread animal born diseases from one to another. don't drink raw milk. this is not controversial unless you are a conservative who follows the influential pro trump youth organization turning points usa. >> milk is good for you. but here is what the american dairy farmer association or whatever is going to tell you is that pasteurized milk crap, you might as well be drinking water. it is not even healthy. ideally, you need to drink raw milk. >> that was alex clark. a turning point usa host and one of the chief proponents of drinking raw milk. miss clark even tells her followers to drink raw milk
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while pregnant. something that you absolutely should not do under any circumstances. and in response to the fda's warning about drinking raw milk during a bird flu outbreak, alex clark told her nearly 200,000 followers on social media, f the fda. legalize raw milk. this issue so animates conservatives that turning point usa is telling $35 tee shirts on their website promoting raw milk. now if this seems like an echo of the anti-vax, anti-fauci movement embraced by a ton of conservatives and put a lot of this country at risk, well, that is because it is. it is precisely the kind of extreme own the libs reality be position of turning point usa.
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in recent years, kirk and his organization have become more outspoken about their most extreme beliefs including kirk's full throated embrace of christian nationalism. in addition to running what appears to be raw milk propaganda outfit, charlie kirk is a supporter of something known as the seven mountains mandate. a philosophy that calling for conservative christians to take over the government and kirk has started speaking openly about how he wants donald trump to be the champion of this cause. >> finally, we have a president that understands the seven mountains of cultural influence. finally we have a president that understands the significance of standing, yes in solidarity with the grass roots activists of our country. >> across the republican party, christian conservatives are becoming more and more emboldened about making america a christian nation under trump
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even as trump himself continues to exhibit some very un- christian behavior on a near daily basis. this was donald trump a week ago at a campaign event inside a phoenix megachurch. >> so, they come up with this order. i won't say it because i don't like using the word [bleep] in front of these beautiful children. so i won't say it. i will not say it. but this thing allows millions of people. >> [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> donald trump swearing in a house of god and then getting the crowd to swear with him in front of children. we have seen the same thing from trump's allies. here is rudy giuliani speaking at the pro trump christian reawaken tour just last week.
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>> i have two prosecutors, fani the hoe i'm sorry. fani. now, fani is not forni and i'm not calling her forni. i could drop the hoe part if she would just quit and go away. >> classy. all of this is part of trump's unspoken agreement with the christian far right. they let trump and his allies break the rules and be vulgar with the expectation that donald trump and his allies will carry out their agenda to refashion american life according to their christian values. may not be a bad bet either. here was trump just this week speaking to a conservative christian organization that believes all abortion is quote
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child sacrifice. >> you will make a comeback like no other group. i know what's happening. i'll be with you side by side. >> you're going to make a comeback and i'll be with you side by side. even as donald trump refuses to give straight answers and where he stands on a national abortion ban, christian conservative groups understand what trump will do for them. it is not that much of a mystery. part of their confidence is because these groups don't have to rely on just trump alone. they can count on trump's most powerful ally. the conservative majority on the united states supreme court. we heard supreme court justice samuel alito tell a progressive activist he beliefs we need to
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return america to a place of godliness. in a new analysis for the new york times they write while justice writes justice alito is pushing back against the declining power of christianity in america. the movement's rise has been evident across the country since mr. trump lost reelection in 2020. justice alito and his justices have delivered for the christian right with their dobbs decision striking down roe v. wade and they will have a chance to do so again. the supreme court is about to rule on two major cases of considerable significance to the christian right. one will determine whether access to the most common form of abortion in this country is significantly restricted or not. another will determine whether doctors in emergency rooms can deny pregnant women medically necessary abortions. how the court rules on these
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issues could tell us just how much power the christian nationalist movement has gained in this country and how close they are to victory. joining me now are lisa lara with the new york times and author of the new book, the fall of roe, the rise of new america. and with me is mark joseph stern. senior writer who covers the courts and law at slate magazine. thank you both for joining me. let me start with a piece you have out today in the times. you know an array of conservatives has openly embraced the idea that american democracy has to be guarded guest the rise of secular culture. i don't think it is an exaggeration to suggest that strain of conservatism now seems to dominate the supreme court as well. do you think that is far off? >> part of what we document in our book is that latter part of
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the title. the rise of a new america. and what that really is about is the radicalization of conservative christians and we have seen some of that coming out of these tapes from the court. but i wanted to draw your viewer's attention to another story today which was that the southern baptist convention which represents the largest protestant denomination in the country. 13million church goers came out and said they oppose ivf. so this is a fairly radical statement for that group. and we are seeing this kind of return to these christian conservative cultural values from the churches all the way up to alito's statements in the court so i do think what we are watching is this shift in american power. we don't know where it is going to go. but we have a bit of a template for success for this movement. and that of course is the fall of roe. and how that network of conservative christian activists and lawyers were able to take down that legal precedent. maybe a way they can then move onto tackle these other things that they are opposed to like
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as we learned today, ivf. >> i do. when we talk about shifting the overton window and moving the goal post. it feels like the activist on the outside and the fringes of the far right are signaling to the alitos of the world. this is where we are at. see if you can get here. and mark i wonder if you can talk a little bit about alito's evolution here. because he wasn't always this either explicit or in some ways radicalized when he joined the court. can you talk a little bit about his progression to where he is now? >> i think a crude but accurate turn to describe him is maga pilled. he really let his christian nationalist flag fly. and, began to embrace not only the rhetoric but also the substance of this far right christian supremacy and this idea that christianity is rooted in the constitution. that we are a christian nation
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and courts have some kind of obligation to protect and indeed elevate christianity above not just other religions but secular society. and he went on a little bit of a talking tour earlier this decade where he decried the new moral code of secularism. that promoted reproductive freedom and lgbtq equality. they said it presented an existential threat to christianity. he tried to let pharmacists deny plan b to patients to whom it was prescribed. not any kind of actual abortion drug. but just plan b. in decisions like hobby lobby where he has allowed corporations to restrict employees access to birth control. and more recently, and of course, these abortion cases most notably dobbs as lisa documented. sam alito was always going to be the man to write that opinion. but in the coming days and weeks we will get these
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decisions on abortion involving the abortion pill and i think alito is quite likely to stick his neck out in that decision and write about how he believes medication abortion is unlawful under existing federal law. this is a radicalized justice staking out the positions activists in the grass roots want him to take. legitimizing them and shifting the window and eventually he hopes transforming them into the law of the land. >> i mean, it is quite obvious that the dna of the christian conservative warrior class has imprinted itself upon the supreme court. when we talk about the relationship and politics on donald trump and the christian warrior class, i wonder if trumpism hasn't imprinted itself on them. donald trump is in a church.
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a big church. and the call and response is the word bs. and rudy giuliani is calling fani willis one of the most vulgar things you can call someone with racist undertones. >> look, the church has changed politics but politics has changed the church, too. and churches, especially conservative evangelical and catholic churches have grown so much more political. they made this deal with donald trump. he promised them in 2016 in iowa, christianity will have power. and conservative christians jumped on the trump train and ended up being a bullet train for them. they got these three justices on the supreme court. and the deal was set. now they have been eight years. conservative christians are with him.
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he can moderate his tone on abortion. and they are still probably going to stick with him. they are fully bought in and part of this maga movement. now donald trump is in a different position. you have seen him come out and say it should be returned to the states. he supports exceptions to the ban for rape, insist, and life of the mother. so that dance has gotten a little more complicated for him politically. but there is not a sense he is worried about losing this group. >> one wonders where the guardrails are in any event. the republican party has effectively pledged fealty. how much of a counterweight is someone like chief justice john roberts or bret kavanaugh?
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does even the attempt at counterweighing happen on the supreme court? >> they are a very feeble counterweight when they choose to be one at all. all three of trump's appointees vote in lock step with what the republican party wants. trump has taken over the party so it is very much his core. and i think it is really disturbing especially to look at these decisions that do involve extreme circumstances of tragic medical mishaps where women are in dire need of abortion. this is one of the big cases this term. states are saying these women cannot get abortions. that they have to get sepsis, they have to be dying before they can get abortions. well, republican politicians lined up to agree with those laws and to support those laws at the supreme court. you had a ton of republican state attorneys general and republican governors lining up to say we do think women should be forced to the brink of death before they can get emergency abortions. the supreme court will likely agree with them and continue to
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force these women into these horrible circumstances and trump is savvy enough to not say anything about it because he knows he has his foot soldiers in the judiciary doing the work for him. he has his guys on the bench who are ready to uphold the most draconian abortion bans imaginable and he doesn't have to say anything. by remaining silent, and not speaking out in condemning these bans, he knows he can keep the christian right very much on his side. and that is the whole genius of the strategy behind capturing the courts. you get these justices and judges on the bench for decades. they will do your bidding. they will uphold your extreme laws. they will impose your draconian policies and most people unfortunately, most voters don't draw those lines between the judges and the presidents who appointed them and the parties those presidents belong to so they keep getting away with this stuff and that is very much the story of trumpism in the judiciary. >> yeah. a story where there is no accountability. thank you both for your time
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tonight. coming up, the gaslighting continues as republicans vote to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. but first, new secret recordings have given us insight into the real thoughts of samuel alito and his wife martha anne. i will speak to the neighbor who is at the center of a verbal altercation with the alitos and made the story about her flags a national scandal. that's next. flags a national s that's next. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach,
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after the new york times reported that two flags associated with the january 6th insurrection had flown at the homes of supreme court justice samuel alito, the justice defended himself last month in a letter by putting the blame squarely on his wife. martha anne alito. i was not familiar with the appeal to heaven flag when my wife flew it.
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it was not aware of the connection between the historic flag and the stop the steal movement and neither was my wife. she did not fly it to associate herself with that or any other group. but audio of martha anne alito released this week by undercover progressive activist lauren windsor paints a decidedly different picture of ms. alito's flag collection and why she flew them. >> you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. >> exactly. >> and he's like oh please don't put up a flag. i said i won't do it because i'm deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense i'm putting it up and i'm going to send them a message every day. maybe every week i'll be changing the flags. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it's white and it is yellow and orange flames around it and the middle is the word vergogna.
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that in italian means shame. >> joining me now is emily baden, the former neighbor of samuel alito. thank you for joining us tonight. i'm eager to hear your reaction to this audio. we played that specific clip there because it really sounds like mrs. alito is intentional when she flies the flags and there is absolutely a political point of view she is trying to communicate. what did you make of that audio? >> absolutely. well first of all, thank you so much for having me tonight. it is a pleasure to be here. to hear her talk about the flags in that way solidities what we all know is that they are meant to display a particular message. she mentions being upset by the pride flag and wanting to fly a sacred heart of jesus flag. that flag specifically means
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anti-lgbtq. anti-pride. so it is very clear what she is doing with the flag and that proves us all right when he said in his statement he is lying. he said we don't know what it means. et cetera. >> that she wasn't trying to be a part of a movement or a group. that is definitely questionable given the fact she is absolutely flying the flags in response to certain groups. emily, i have to ask you, because she is so animated when she talks about this flag she would like to make that says vergogna which means shame in italian. it brought back to mind part of your account with the alitos where this is according to the new york times, when mrs. alito confronted you, you said something to her like how dare you behave this way. you have been harassing us over signs. you represent the highest court in the land, shame on you. the concept of shame really seem to animate her. i wonder if you could talk more about your interaction with her when the word shame and the
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concept of shame was discussed. >> yes, so that interaction, the one that happened february 15th is the one they are using as an excuse for flying the upside down american flag which does not make sense. because it was up weeks before that. what do i make of it? it was such an intention interaction and it was about the third time this has happened. each time escalating more and more. and yeah. i meant it. shame on you for behaving this way. because you represent the highest court in the land. and that was more intended toward him as well. >> can you talk about the relationship between the alitos as you saw it? he was present for some of these interactions and i was, there's part of the undercover interview, the audio where she
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talks about her plan on seeking justice for all that has befallen her. let's take a listen to that sound. >> i will be liberated. there's a five year defamation statute of limitations. >> i don't know who you mean by they. >> the media. >> so, martha anne alito has mapped it out. the question is, is that justice alito's plan. that begs the question, what is the relationship between these two people? do you think what she says is endorsed by him or is that overestimating her import in terms of a family strategy? >> you know. i don't think it is for me or anybody else to say that. or to pass any judgment on their relationship. all i witnessed was her behaving in that way.
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and him not stepping in. and what i want to point out is there is no way that he didn't know those flags were flying at his house. in the same recordings, in his own words he is unable to be impartial. he says there are two sides and one side must win and he is basically saying that he sits on one side. and says he can't negotiate with the other side. he can't split the difference. and that is a giant red flag. at this point, we moved past the idea of him just refusing and we reached the point in the general consensus that it must be removal at this point. >> i think we are a ways from that. but i have to ask you, this is a woman who there were verbal confrontations. i believe she spat at your car at one point. there is a point in this audio where she says look at me i'm
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german, from germany. you come after me, i'm going to give it back to you. in the context of these interactions with her, how did you hear that part of the audio? >> as with most people who heard it, it was absolutely chilling. and terrifying that people in such a high position of power are saying such threatening scary things. i can't presume to know what she meant by that. but i think a lot of people are assuming the same things. and, none of it is good. and we really need to do something to hold this court accountable this is about his inability to be impartial. that is his bare minimum job description and he said on tape he can't do that. >> emily at the center of a national controversy. i appreciate you taking the time to join us tonight.
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thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you. still to come, a response to the story we did last night about an apparently coordinated effort to spin a negative story about president biden across a vast network of local tv stations. stick around to hear what the network has to say for itself on that. former obama adviser dan pfeifer has ideas on how to take on republicans like house speaker mike johnson when they try to rewrite reality. that's next. try to rewrite reality. that's next. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. what if we don't get down in time to get a birthday gift for zoe? (♪♪) don't panic. with etsy we can find the perfect gift, and send her a preview right away. thanks guys. [ surprised scream ] don't panic. gift easy with etsy. with cascade platinum plus,
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it's a weird week for republicans to claim that the justice system has been weaponnized against them given the fact that president biden's own son was convicted yesterday of three gun felony charges brought by the federal government in a case that was heard by a trump appointed judge and decided upon by a jury of biden's peers but that didn't stop them. this afternoon, house republicans fan the flame of a weaponnized government conspiracy by voting to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. the alleged reason for the contempt vote was the justice department's refusal to comply with the congressional subpoena to hand over audio tapes of an interview president biden did with special counsel robert herr. officials argue that releasing the audio could endanger future
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investigations. but refusing to comply with the congressional subpoena. republicans managed to be outraged about that despite the fact that multiple republicans including congressman jim jordan who is leading the fight here against merrick garland, multiple republicans have literally defied congressional subpoenas themselves. and speaker of the house mike johnson was asked about that hypocrisy today, this was his response. >> you talk about apples to oranges. there couldn't be a more clear contrast between that and what we are talking about here. >> joining me now is dan pfeifer. cohost of pod save america. is it an apples to orange comparison or is it an apples to apples comparison when you talk about defying congressional subpoenas? >> seems pretty apples to apples to me. someone refusing to comply with a subpoena from congress? so yeah.
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it is apples to apples. >> the reality is that the headline merrick garland held in contempt of congress is a big juicy headline for republicans to make hay over. and i wonder how you think democrats and people interested in preserving some shred of democracy can answer that with a fairly nuanced discussion about congressional subpoenas and why the herr audio would not make sense for future prosecutions. >> i don't think we have to even get into the details with that. that's the conversation they want us to have. the conversation they have is about why republican plans would do nothing to lower prices or raise wages. how the first priority, when donald trump goes to capitol hill tomorrow, what they are planning on doing is how they can save a tax cut. they are trying to distract from the things that matter to people. and we don't have to play that game as democrats. >> well, let me just follow up on that. because that gets to this sort of central conceit or concession of this entire campaign as it concerns joe
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biden which is how much should he be talking about the sort of institutional threats posed by donald trump. institutional threats to our system of justice, to our democracy and the voting system and the bread and butter issues and you seem to be landing quite clearly in camp b which is don't focus so much on the institutional threats. >> there is no such thing as a single issue campaign. there's a lot. most voters by a large margin say the economy and inflation are the single most important issue that will decide their vote. it is also true that three quarters of voters say that they are unhappy with the economy and donald trump has a big advantage on that so we have to narrow the gap. but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about the threat to freedom donald trump has. he wants to cut medicare, repeal the affordable care act. cut taxes for the wealthy.
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repeal abortion. is a level of maga extremism. that is the thread that connects all of it. >> i wonder where you think the most movable voters are. the economic stuff is plain to see. it is not a mystery right? inflation is.coming down. whereas i'm not arguing for this, but the polling we got, it was this week. approval of donald trump's conviction nationwide. 15% of republicans approve of his conviction. those seem like the ghost of nikki haley's supporters and i wonder if you think given the freshness of this story, and the fact people are responding to it. >> for sure. look. this is the anti-donald trump
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coalition. it is very diversion. you have voters who are upset about the economy. biden voters upset about what is happening in gaza. so you will have a lot of messages to a lot of people. but what we know is that there is a sufficient group of people who are deeply concerned about the idea. of having a convicted felon of the united states. we have to make a full throated unafraid case against donald trump. that will be talking about how he is going to raise prices. and cut taxes for rich people. and the way in which he wants to govern, he poses a threat to our freedoms. what he did to try to pull the wool over voters' eyes in 2016, in which he got caught for, tells a story about the kind of
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president donald trump should be. >> this is an opportunity for biden to show his empathy and connect with people who have faced hardship in their own lives and in their own families. what do you think about that? >> this is a deeply personal and deeply painful situation for the president. right? it is obvious every time he has been forced to talk about it. all of the reporting you read, this is, he had the son. all the tragedy in his family. dealing with addiction. having to witness that. but there is no question now trump will bring it up in the debate. because he did it in 2020 to try to rattle biden's cage and be ready for it. if he can talk about this from the perspective of a father who loves his son, much like the statement he and the first lady put out after the conviction,
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that hug he gave his son afterwards that he returned home to give to show that side of joe biden. that is powerful. because, the essential truth of joe biden is he is a deeply empathetic person who is running for president because he cares about everyone else. and he can show that in that moment. that's the way he would do it. >> his empathy distinguishes him from the other person across the stage from him. dan, my friend, thank you for making the time tonight buddy. >> thank you. coming up, some really good news this week. violent crime is way, way down across the country. but you couldn't be faulted for believing the very opposite especially if you like watching certain local news stations. we'll have more on this right after the break. s right after the break.
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this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness.
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so the president wraps his remarks on crime without a single mention of the growing immigrant crime crisis happening in this country right now. >> you are seeing since joe biden took office, crime skyrocket. >> wouldn't we love to have a statistic where crime is down 67%? ours is only going in one direction. >> if you listen to donald trump or conservative politicians and conservative media like fox news you probably think we are in the middle of a massive crime wave. we are not. this week, we got new fbi crime statistics showing in the first quarter of this year, crime is
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yet again down across the board. overall violent crime down 15% from last year. murders, down 26%. by every national metric, crime is down. regardless of the facts here, fox is still going big on crime. the organization media matters covered 403 reports about fox in the first two months of this year alone. the last time the fbi released crime data back in march, crime data that again showed another drop in crime across the board, fox gave that data approximately two minutes of air time in the first two weeks after the data came out. fox only mentioned the declining crime rate seven times in those two weeks and one of those mentions was this one. >> new data from the fbi claim that's the u.s. crime rate is dropping. let's look at this graph while i stab you. >> given how much elected
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republicans and national conservative media are pushing the narrative of a staggering crime wave despite the facts, it makes sense that republicans believe there is a rise in crime when there isn't but it is not just republicans who leave believe that. recent polling shows 77 of all americans believe there is more crime in the u.s. today than there was a year ago. despite, again, the opposite being true. crime went down this year and crime went down the year before. we are in the opposite of a crime wave. so what gives? why do so many americans think that crime is up? well, this are probably a lot of reasons but there is one reason that does not get enough attention. local news. in 2019, one of seattle's local tv news stations, komo news put out this documentary entitled seattle is dying. it depicts seattle as a city in decline because of rampant crime and homelessness.
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the seattle times newspaper was quick to refute the documentary's assertion that seattle was dying. pointing out that both property crime and violent crime had been drops in seattle for decades. and komo news isn't some independent wacky outlet. it is part of the sinclair broadcast network. a network of nearly 200 local tv stations. as the washington post put it. sinclair's recipe for tv news is crime, homelessness, and illegal drugs. journalist anne nelson told the washington post they play up >> that is their model, political tool rather than a journalistic platform but unlike what people hear from foxnews or donald trump, viewers may not necessarily have the raiders open it comes to information they're getting from local news stations that
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give them the weather. last night on this show, we covered if different story about sinclair broadcast group about how dozens of their anchors across the country all read the exact same script and this one is questioning president biden's mental fitness. sinclair has since given us their response. we are going to get to that coming up next. to get to that coming up next. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles]
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children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude
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iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... the power of nature. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment!
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there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. we have some new developments in the story we covered last night. public notice and popular information first brought to attention, anchors and dozens of tv news stations have been reading the same controversial script about president biden based on a widely criticized wall street journal article. >> the wall street journal calling into question the mental fitness of joe biden. [ inaudible ] >> as national correspondent matt tells us, the issue could be an election decider.
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>> the issue could be an election decider. >> these stations all have one big thing in common, they are owned by the conservative- leaning sinclair broadcast group and tonight we have a statement from sinclair denying wrongdoing or bias. the allegation sinclair is deceiving its audience are spreading disinformation is outrageous and offensive. our goal is to write accurate and timely coverage. any insinuation otherwise is unfounded and undermines the integrity and hard work of our dedicated teams. joining me now is the founder and author of the popular information newsletter, one of two reporters that broke the story. judd, thank you for joining me and let me first get your response to sinclair's response. >> i think it was interesting that they ignored really the key issue, which is that they are amplifying and requiring dozens of trusted local news broadcasts to amplify this very shoddy story by the wall street
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journal questioning bidens mental fitness based on really, kevin mccarthy was the only on the record source, so they really didn't address that. i think they are unhappy with the fact that their tactics are being exposed. this is a problem they've had in the past, of sending these very biased scripts to their affiliates and having them read them verbatim. >> can you talk about when you say they were forced to read them? sinclair as part of its defense basically says giving out scripts is common practice and there's basically nothing to see here. from your reporting, what do you understand about the pressure, if any, these local angles -- anchors are being given to read this stuff verbatim? >> this has been well established that sinclair, which has 186 affiliates which it owns or controls, sends must
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type in run segments that are produced out of their national office. actually, after trump was elected in 2016, they hired one of his spokespeople, boris epshteyn, as their national correspondent and then would have him do commentary, which they required all of these stations to run. so, it is true there are affiliates that have relationships with different services. i think cnn operates one. there are a bunch of different ones and they will send along scripts but that is something that's optional for them to do. this is the corporate parent requiring these affiliates, which have all sorts of branding. abc, nbc, everybody. fox, and really pushing very hard right content in a way that is not transparent. >> the owner of sinclair broadcasting is a gentleman named david smith. he also purchased the baltimore sun not that long ago.
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i want to read for reviewers who are unfamiliar what is happened with the sun. the union representing the newspapers journalists said monday that the articles and the sons do not -- articles that do not meet the sun standards have appeared on its website including a one-sided story about immigration policies and an op-ed by the sons co-owner likening the transgender movement to a cancer. in addition, journalists say the stories and their names have been changed without their permission and the sun has been reusing reporting from one of the 185 tv stations owned by the sinclair family broadcast group. this is a feedback loop here it sounds like. >> i think he has established himself as a right-wing operative. he has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to right- wing groups, and famously, he met with donald trump in 2016. jared kushner helped cut a deal where they would get access in
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exchange for not fact checking anything donald trump said. david smith himself said we are here to deliver your message, so it is a very partisan operator, but he is really pulling the strings behind local affiliate networks and unfortunately, viewers may not know what's going on. >> yes, over 185 local tv stations plus the baltimore sun. that is the reach here. thanks for your time. that is our show for tonight. now, it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, alex. we are talking about the supreme court tonight including the alito tapes and i was fascinated to hear your interview with the alito neighbor who was in the street arguments with mrs. alito. especially your point, which i'm going to highlight, too, of


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