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tv   Morning Joe Weekend  MSNBC  June 15, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT

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much about who is got more money, wescott cars, and who can do this and who can do that. >> there is an internal truth to an ancient myth about flying too close to the sun, whether once celebrated footballer, or shining star of the london olympics, who flew on his flashing blades and felt so fast, but so far. that's all for this edition of "dateline," i'm craig melvin, thanks for watching. watching. happy weekend. >> good morning and welcome to the saturday edition of morning joe weekend. let's get to the conversations you may have missed. >> these are good ones?
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>> colic invited today to become the first congress in the history of united states to hold someone in contempt for complying with our demands and their target is the attorney general of the united states. attorney general garland gave us the special counsel report on president biden in full. he made the special counsel available to us in committee for hours of testimony where he answered all her questions and provided the full transcript of the president's voluntary five hour interview with the special counsel, all 250 pages of it. the whole world can read president biden's interview and his answers on edited but that's apparently not enough. now they want to hold the attorney general and content are not turning over the audiotape of the interview that we have the verbatim transcript of. and why is that important? in case you lost the thread of this madcap, wild goose chase, america. remember this is an impeachment investigation. do they think the holy grail of
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the 118th congress and evidence of a presidential high crime and misdemeanor is lurking in the pauses or the background clearings and sneezes on the audiotape? of course not. they know there is no high crime or misdemeanor to be found because they have spent the last 17 months and millions of taxpayer dollars looking for it and it simply does not exist. they literally don't even know what they are looking for anymore so why do they want it? well, they are hoping in the five hours of president biden's testimony they can find a mispronounced word or phrase or a brief stammer which they can then turn into an embarrassing political tv attack ad. get it, america? that's what this is about. and holding the attorney general of the united states in contempt is one more useful distraction from the complete and devastating implosion of the biden impeachment probe, which of course, was the number one priority of these talented leaders. >> congressman jamie raskin on the floor of the house yesterday after that contemptible. i went to read
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briefly from attorney general garland statement. he said it is deeply disappointing that this house of representatives had turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon. today's vote disregards the constitutional separation of powers, the justice department need to protect its investigations, and a substantial amount of information we have provided to the committee. this committee has the transcripts you know what's in here. chapter and verse. obviously they want the audio so they can cut it up and use of her partisan means in an election year. >> or johnson was asked about this yesterday and said this is a very serious matter and in the same breath calling into question the january 6 committee investigations and that's the group that needs to be investigated. there you have it. is this going anywhere? >> no. it doesn't appear to be but i think the important thing for people to pay attention to is this is a preview of what is to come if republicans maintain control of the house of representatives. none of this, to paraphrase
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jamie raskin and attorney general garland, is on the level. requesting the transcript that's already out public a. it was five hours of testimony pick remember he gave a message machine gift and some of the lines included in his announces of the report where he suggested joe biden wasn't with it and he was old and that's what the jury would think. they got that gift from him. this is about politics. but it's also a preview of what will happen if they republicans control the house because this is not tradition. this is not how it's supposed to go. is not justification for this but it doesn't matter to them. what they are doing to alvin bragg. they are trying to make it sound like they will subpoena him to get him to testify before the house which is just not traditionally through democrats and republicans how
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it's ever happened. they don't care about that or the separation of power or the justice department's independence. >> in playbook this wording has reporting about how the hours after trump was convicted in new york you call speaker mike johnson and said we have to overturn this. do what you can. johnson said he would try. he has talked about even the supreme court this is part of a larger piece. this is the house of republicans and republicans in the senate to a lesser degree but largely still there doing donald trump's bidding and symbolically trump is going to the hill today to meet with a lot of them. they are it seems like the newest arm of the trump campaign. >> yeah. and i'm glad you brought that up. we've seen the house of representatives controlled by republicans acting like an unofficial campaign on for donald trump since he announced his re-election. they are grasping at straws to help this man get re-elected. and if they had more things to proactively put out there that they like about donald trump,
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it would not have to be scraping the barrel to find things about president biden they can weapon is against him to try to convince voters that trump is better pickup but they don't have a proactive agenda a forward-looking plan for people to share, because they are too busy focused on biden. i also think what jen said is an important reminder. this is a preview of what will happen every day and it will be times 12 is donald trump is re- elected and republicans maintain control the house and take control of the senate. we are annoyed by the pettiness and the congressional tools weapon i that we haven't seen in years with contempt of congress and other things. this will be a daily, multiple times a day situation if trump is re-elected and republicans maintain control of the house. >> senator, tell me. why in the world would republicans vote against a bill that most republicans, especially republican women and young families who are republicans who are conservatives, for a procedure that provides life,
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provides, you know, hope for parents across america? why would republicans oppose that? >> i think it's a supersmart question because we now know this is not about protecting life. this is about controlling females. this is about controlling bodies . this is about controlling the extent to which people can make their own choices about their own families and when in the circumstances under which they will start a family. this is a bill that enshrines an statute the right to ivf. 85,000 babies were born using this miraculous procedure a couple of years ago. i can't imagine if you consider yourself pro-life to be anti- this but that's what they mean by pro-life. what they mean by pro-life is we want to control and legislate what happens inside the body of half of all americans. >> senator. i wanted to ask you about the
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republican bill. i think what they are trying to do here is muddy the waters a bit. they're trying to protect ivf too but there are specifics and that will, if i read it correctly, that is usually lamented. in vitro fertilization is only protected if you have medicaid funding, many states don't have this peer what are the other things people should understand about what was so problematic about the bill? >> it's super narrow, is the first thing. and a lot of states that have declined medicaid expansion are already those conservative state so it lines up with their ability to block ivf in the states and we think this should be a federal right and it goes to essentially the theme of democrats over the next five or six months, which is we were protected fundamental rights and freedoms pick your freedom to control your own body, your freedom to vote, and your freedom to move around and freedom of economic mobility. it's clear to me republicans are terrified about ivf and
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contraception , which is why they're trying to create cover. everybody understands that right now republicans are about to vote no on this because the susan b anthony list told them to do so. >> democratic senator brian schatz of hawaii. keep us posted. thank you. >> i want to get your take on this, church, is this in the bible or scripture? where is this coming from that is related to the actual religion evolved? >> i talked about this before. i mean, from the birth of christ through 1980, southern baptist church was pro-choice. i mean, there was nothing revealed over those almost 2000 years that made southern baptist church and other mainline protestant church go pro-life.
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they did for political reasons. again, if you are actually interested in history and actually interested in the facts, you can trace it back, as i said, to richard vickery and jerry falwell and conservative activists deciding they needed to be to jimmy carter, who was a southern baptist democrat, and they were going to use abortion to separate democrats from the southern baptist democrat, and so they did. paul wyrick, also. this was planned. they said were not only going to make it a political issue, we are going to make it a religious issue. and so, they started a process that, now, get to say, it makes life much harsher and more
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frightening for 10-year-old victims of incest and victims of rape. >> families are desperate to have babies. >> families desperate and we know about this. my family knows about this personally. families desperate to have babies. this was -- i grew up in the southern baptist church. i think this is an extreme view for the convention to take on the whole. i will just say, if there is such value for life then, i think, the southern baptist church should have a very, very harsh, direct statement on the death penalty. on war. again, they can do that. i know there are other people of faith who are pacifists who value life to such a degree
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that they believe that even more is a sin. and i would just say again, as i said here before, the bible, the new testament, the gospels, the teaching of jesus christ should instruct christians to do what they believe. should instruct in areas where jesus was silent and areas where jesus didn't talk about, for instance, abortion. this is the lie the hard right will tell you. this is a lie. the heart rate will tell you this is a contemporary issue. it's not a contemporary issue. it was an issue in ancient rome. it wasn't issue even aristotle talked about. hundreds of years before the birth of jesus christ. so this was an issue that jesus did not talk about. even the catholic church, not to get too deep into this, but this is important for the catholic church over the centuries. went back and forth over saying abortion was okay through the
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quickening. it was back and forth and back and forth when humans decided how they wanted to interpret the gospel of jesus christ. but to claim jesus is against this and jesus is against ivf , that's just -- there is no scriptural basis for it. again, people can use the scriptures to instruct, but please, please your -- leave your self-righteousness at home and get out of my face with it. because if the southern baptist church was passing resolutions in the 1970s that they were pro- choice, are you telling me that my grandmother is in hell now? my mom and dad are in hell because they were practicing members and went to church four times a week and brought us to church four times a week because everybody before 1980 when richard vickery and paul wyrick and jerry falwell
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cynically decided to use this as a political issue? that somehow though southern baptists are lost? it's a lie. morning joe: weekend will be right back. detect this: living with hiv, robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines.
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in an interview last week before hunter biden was found guilty on three hetero gun charges, president biden said that he would not pardon his son if hunter were convicted. yesterday the white house press secretary was asked by reporters at the president plans to consider commuting the sentence. >> i have not spoken to the president about this. and what i'm saying is he was asked about a pardon. he was asked about, he was asked about the trial specifically, and he answered it very clearly, very forthright
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. as we know, the sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet. i don't have anything beyond what the president said. he's been very clear about this. it's been a white house official added to nbc news that any conversation about hunter biden sentence would be premature since there is no sentencing date yet. official pointed to president biden statement released after the verdict in which he said he would respect the judicial process as it moves forward. you write in your recent piece for the washington post titled how much should hunter biden's conviction matter? what is your view of this? are we playing word games with committing a sentence versus letting him go entirely? what's going to happen here? >> as president biden has been clear, he's not considering a pardon, he says, at this point. that would be a political bomb to throw into the 2024 election and would change things if you were to announce that now. the commutation is different. it will reduce the number of years he would be sentence but would not overturn the convictions that the conviction was staying intact.
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but i don't think the american people have time or interest in nuance. either situation will be politically urbanized by the right. what is interesting is whether and how the hunter biden trial can bring an opportunity for character to come into the presidential contest. for presidents to look at the candidates and consider policies or politics but who they are as men and people in fathers and family man. this is something that gives president biden an opportunity to empathize with americans who have loved ones who are addicted to drugs or have been addicted and remind people he has the capacity to consult someone in a moment of need, unlike what we've seen from former president trump. >> some people close to donald trump have told me there was disappointment in his camp that hunter biden was convicted, thinking and not guilty verdict would've been a huge fundraising opportunity and what are played more into his two tiers of justice argument, although he is trying to do that somewhat awkwardly. hunter biden and his conviction
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, fair or not, and donald trump's conviction, are going to be part of the presidential debate which is two weeks from tonight. if you were in your old job in counseling president biden how to approach that moment, what would you tell him to do in terms of the trump guilty verdict in his own son? >> i would say interims guilty verdict he can't hold back in that sense. the key for him is going to be how does he talk about -- he can use convicted felon or calling whatever he wants the key is you're trying to appeal to the base of the party that is unhappy and not energized yet. what you need to engage them. they probably want president biden to wear a t-shirt with donald trump behind bars. he won't do that. and you have to appeal to independents and some who have indicated in recent polls they may be willing to come to the fight inside. you have to think about how you will talk about in a way that
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appeals to both. part of that is connecting this to donald trump being about himself. running to keep himself out of jail and beau biden is fighting for the people who are watching as part of the message. in terms of hunter, i was feeling for the press secretary because i'm sure they'd told you you can't answer this question and that's where she was. he will have to answer that question when he's in a press conference today. part of this is there is a human side of what hunter biden has gone through. millions of families in this country deal with drug addiction or are impacted by drug addiction. president biden, remember that leaked text message about him texting his son in 2019 before he ran for president basically saying i love you and i'm thinking about you. that is a dad. that's a human response. that is who joe biden is. his character is a think about his son and love his son, while at the same time respecting the rule of law. that is the opposite of what trump does pick the character piece could be a big part of
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this and it's why in reporting it has been suggested that trump doesn't even want to necessarily talk about this and a number of republicans have been quiet. we will see if that changes in the debate. >> there is not a good comparison here. one you look at donald trump and you look at hunter and you look at the charges against the two. one is running for president of the united states and the other is a recovering crack addict, i mean, again, there is no comparison. and as we talked about, joe saying i won't pardon my son. what about commuting the sentence? it's crazy that were having this conversation when you look at the fact that donald trump is promising to pardon people that were, i think, convicted of crimes a january 6. talk to the police officer families responsible for the death of
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four officers. >> he calls them hostages until republicans and frothing fox news host want to talk about that and actually be shocked and consider it a problem that he wants to pardon those who rioted and defecated on the capital and tried to kill people at the capitol. until you can take a second to talk about that in a real, honest, factual weight -- and by the way. add in a sprinkling of the billions he got from saudi arabia. unless you want to talk about that, really, stay off of hunter and whatever else joe biden decides to do him if he decides to do it. it's really not yours to judge given the stupid party that you're having with donald trump and his family and all the things that they do that you never talk about. >> i think you could also go back to donald trump when he was president of the united states and the money does how
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obvious can you be. bought a hotel in washington, d.c. he had people from across the world coming into go to that hotel to make him money. he gets out of the white house and he sells the hotel. we all knew what was going on while he was president of the united states. and we all saw what was going on while he was president of the united states and, again, i just don't think any of this is something they want to bring up in debates. >> not a good area for him. the american public is it not terribly interested. ask about hunter biden they go i know he's had trouble and he is the president's on but this will be a decisive voting issue, i think, for most people as they go forward, despite republican efforts to make it so. coming up donald trump's meandering speech at his las vegas rally left the washington post wondering, is he okay? >> sharks. electric boats.
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it's really weird. >> it's hard to understand. the focus is on joe biden. is he okay? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪♪ for the love of moving our clients forward.
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a column in the washington post by eugene robinson asked the question, is donald trump okay? he focuses on what we heard from trump in his las vegas campaign rally on sunday writing in part, we in the media have failed by becoming in order to trump's verbal incontinence -- not just a rapid-fire lies and revenge- seeking threats, but also the frightening glimpses into a mine that is, evidently, unwell. the white house press corps would be in wolfpack motive biden were in the middle of the speech and suddenly veered into gibberish about boats and sharks.
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there would be front page stories questioning whether the president, at 81, was suffering from dementia and the op-ed pages would be filled with him- suckers about whether vice president harris and the cabinet should invoke the 25th amendment. house republicans would already have scheduled hearings on biden's mental condition and demanded that he take a cognitive test. the tendency with trump, at 77, is to say he's just being trump. but he's like this all the time. as a reminder just some of trump's rally in las vegas on sunday. >> i went to a boats company in south carolina. the boat, i said, how was it? he said at the problem, sir. they want us to make all electric boats. so i said, let me ask you a question. and he said nobody ever asked this question and it's because of m.i.t. my relationship to m.i.t. very smart. he goes, i say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and are in the boat
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and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there is a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there. by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. did you notice that? i watched some guys justifying it today. but they weren't really that angry picked up built off the young lady's like because of the fact they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was pick up these people are -- he said there's no problem with sharks. they just really did not understand a young woman swimming. really got decimated and other people to shark attacks. so i said, there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat. 10 yards. do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking and water because of the battery. the boat is sinking. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? he did not know the answer. he said, you know, nobody is ever asked me that question.
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i said, i think it's a good question. i think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water but you know what i would do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? i will take electrocution every single time pickle i'm not getting near the shark. so we will end it for boats. >> you know, one of the tells, one of the tells and just how crazy he was was looking at the people that had driven hours to be there put on their trump hats, and through the whole time the going like this -- looking at each other in the background going, what? what is going on here? turning around and whispering. what is he talking about? he's talking about what he always talks about. we have trump and he's been doing this, and this is why the biden campaign, and john is been reporting on this, this is why the biden campaign has been desperate to get donald trump out of a courtroom where he has to be quiet and on the campaign trail where they can hear him. trump spews an hour of bizarre
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non sequiturs and he's been doing it for the past year or two, about sharks, electric boats, hannibal lector and what a great guy he is, about executing the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff -- >> not paying the teleprompter company. >> not paying the teleprompter company. mosquitoes. world war ii. the gathering storm of world war ii that's coming. president obama still being president of the united states, which he continues to do eight years after president obama went home. and i do think gene makes a great point pick up joe biden be one of the speeches he would on the front page of the wall street journal and the washington post and everybody would be doing exactly what they were saying. but for biden, biden goes to the day, and we will talk about this in a bit.
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the washington post posted a story this morning. he does a fantastic job and they actually use cheap thanks where they are trying to make it -- he's trying to sit down. looking for a chair that's not there. everything on the stage was because lloyd austin wasn't done with his speech at. there were three or four different things where the republican party is lying so they have to make that up, which is a lot like the wall street journal story where they knew they were lying to their readers. they knew that kevin mccarthy, what he was telling the wall street journal, was a lie. they knew. because kevin mccarthy, it said before, what a great negotiator biden had been at the very meeting with the try to get kevin mccarthy to say, well, he was out of it for it's also a big tell they talk to senators and nancy pelosi and others who said, no. let me explain what happened at that meeting and they went into great detail about how biden
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was pulling people together. i remember this same meeting. it was biden and everybody else trying to move mike johnson along pickle we reported on at the time. the wall street journal runs a front-page story, and lead story they know is a lie. the trump, he does it every day he's out on the campaign trail and people just laugh. well, yeah, he's crazy. look at that. can you believe you so stupid that he's talking about this and he melts down with us teleprompter goes down? that's funny. that's the political world we're living in in 2024. >> it is. that moment is one example in a larger point pick we could talk about all the lies. he does enough and he doesn't for so long and so consistently that people sort of get numb to it. there he goes again. we say all the time on the show, for example when the wall street journal piece came out -- you could take anyone rally, and this is maybe the best example of a pick as you say, 102 degrees and this people are
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standing in the heat pick up he said by the way we will get to this quote -- i don't care about you. literally talking to his supporters and voters. i just want your vote suggesting it's hot out here but i'm the one who's suffering. more on that in a moment. he goes on this story about batteries and sharks and he makes that tie, because of my tie to m.i.t. his uncle worked at m.i.t. in the 1940s and he just can't -- something about m.i.t. he knows that is prestigious and you know it sounds like he's smart. it was his uncle 80 years ago. all that. >> what a loon! >> that was just the latest and perhaps one of the most extreme examples of something that happened -- we say it all the time here. you can watch or not. maybe don't want to. watch israelis are not.
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it happens every time he steps on a stage. so, if you really think joe biden is the one losing it, pour yourself a drink, sit back, and watch that performance in las vegas over the weekend. that's it. that's the argument. next we talked to a louisiana mom who was turned away by multiple hospitals when she suffered a miscarriage because of the state abortion laws. by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis.
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abortion entirely. the presumptive republican presidential nominee addressed members of the dan barry institute. the group website refers to abortion as, quote, the greatest atrocity basing our generation today. they also call it child sacrifice. it also oppose the so-called on biblical ideologies that are attacking america's children, including lgbt you emphasis and rampant efforts to trends our youngest generation. in virtual remarks, trump has referred to those beliefs as our values and effusively praised the dan barry institute for its work. they make i want to thank each and everyone of you for your tremendous devotion to god and country and your tremendous support of me. your work is so important pick
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we can afford to have anyone sit on the sidelines now. now is the time for us to all pull together and stand up for our values and freedoms and i hope we will be defending them side by side for your next four years. these will be your years because you will make a comeback like just about no other group. i know what's happening and a note where you're coming from and what you are going and i will be with you side-by-side. >> anyone who still thinks he won't go further after what he's done to abortion, just look at that and listen and believe him. meanwhile, our next guest knows firsthand how scary a pregnancy emergency can be in a state with strict abortion laws thanks to donald trump. kaitlyn joshua, a lifelong resident of louisiana found out she was pregnant with her second child shortly after the supreme court struck down roe v. wade. she miscarried after 11 weeks and the pain of that loss was multiplied by what she says was
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incomplete healthcare service. she says she visited multiple emergency rooms and was denied treatment because of the state abortion ban, and was left to handle the painful miscarriage at home. despite severe blood loss. nearly two years later, she is traveling across the country for the biden campaign to share her story and advocate for reproductive rights. and she joins us now. first, i'm so sorry for what you had to go through. it was completely unnecessary and your experience is a near- perfect example as to why abortion is healthcare. we are seeing this over and over again , where women suffer, as you did, rather than get the health care that they need. i'm curious, where are you traveling around the country to tell your story and how is it
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being received? >> thank you so much for having me this morning. we are traveling to the battleground states within the u.s. and having an opportunity to speak with so many women who have similar stories, which of course is harrowing and horrifying, and it's unnecessary that so many women are dealing with abortion ban. the domino effect of abortion bands across this country. i always like to say that i mobilized by those conversations because i know if donald trump is re-elected to the white house and we don't do everything we can to make sure that women are aware of the domino effect of the overturn of roe v. wade and how that's playing a role in maternal health care across this country, then we would be in a lot of trouble. amanda and r are committed to make sure we get joe biden and kamala harris in office to restore roe and our respective freedoms. >> and in your specific story , when he went to multiple emergency rooms, there might be those who are determined to be
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against abortion and not see it is healthcare, there might be some that say, of course a doctor will treat a miscarriage. she was having a miscarriage. of course they would take care of that for what did you see in the e.r. that prevented them? what did they say to you, or what did you hear what they were talking about your case with others in the room that made it very clear that this strict abortion law is what led to you not getting the healthcare you need when you were in an emergency situation that requires an emergency room? >> yes. my conversations with multiple providers that i saw, and mind you this is the summer of 2022. right after the overturn of roe v. wade and went louisiana and acted our trigger laws for the abortion ban. and in that moment in september of 2022 my husband and i at
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this time are excited and wanted to bring home a second baby picked my daughter at the time was almost four and we thought it was the perfect time to add another baby. we are a family that wanted to expand. i want to make that clear. abortion bans impact those who do want to have children in the conversations i had with my providers in that moment were cut and dry. we cannot help you in this moment. we are sending you home with thoughts and prayers. while we understand you're in a lot of pain, you have to fight this at home and we will not be able to administer any type of medication abortion or care in this moment and this was that 11 weeks pregnant. my husband and i have experienced miscarriages before so i was well-versed in the treatment, especially this far on lung and knew what the standard protocol was for a medical provider. when you're talking with the provider who will not look you in the eye and refer you to another provider that can provide the medication you need to pass a pregnancy with dignity, then you talking about a direct impact of what an abortion ban can do in a state
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like louisiana. should a federal abortion ban be enacted across this country, stories like mine will come from all 50 states. next, minnie driver will be here to tell us about playing queen elizabeth in season two of this series, the serpent queen. morning joe: weekend will be right back. i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. we're talking about cashbackin.
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the country is divided. >> the growing discontent have whetted the appetite of our enemies. >> what a lovely home. >> we will soon be at war. >> you will have to take a side experiment more with the protestants or war with the catholics. >> unless there is another way. >> shall we? >> after you, your majesty. >> that was minnie driver and a
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look at the second season of the serpent queen. if all is a 16th-century showdown between the queen mother of france and england's queen elizabeth the first come at the two most powerful women enter battle over control of the country, their families and legacies. joining us now is one of the costars, minnie driver. hello. >> hello. >> that is a thriller of a series. in season two you enter the fray as queen elizabeth the first. so where do we find ourselves? i think, obviously, queen elizabeth ii, the entire modern world is family with patel is a bit about queen elizabeth the first in the 16th century. >> first of all, and that period, being a woman was tough. it's still tough. she and catherine domenici, the serpent queen, were the most powerful women in europe and there is always, as there still is today, the political and religious jockeying for power
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and position and alliances that need to be formed. of course elizabeth, we note never married anybody but everyone was always trying to marry her and catherine domenici very much wanted her to marry one of her sons. she had three children who were at the kings of france, respectively, and it would've been a good alliance between the protestant when elizabeth and the catholic french court, and of course elizabeth goes to really put the cat amongst the pigeons because she has no intention of marrying anybody. but she goes to case the joint and see what's happening in france and this delicious, amazing powerful women meeting their match ensues, and there's so much political skulduggery and sexual impropriety happening in the french court anyway. but it's a rocking show. funny and clever and savage and beautiful. >> and when you watch it,, can you speak to the style of it
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because it feels in its music and pace, it's in your face a bit and it feels like modern times with costumes almost. >> i think it's because justin haith is an extraordinary writer. he is a novelist. he is a screenwriter. he wrote the movie, revolutionary road. he created the serpent queen. his prose is maybe the best i've ever spoken. i don't know how he manages to make things poetic and and historically brilliant, but also available to people. it's tricky now. we've all experienced a modern take on historical stories from movies like the favorite and queens -- shows like the great. they want to be in the vernacular of today, but also reference the history and justin is a master at creating that so it was so beautiful to speak these words and she is a
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riot, elizabeth. she is a woman of appetites. using justin's words and i love her, i love and revere her? >> can we speak about the look when you come on the screen. i mean, it's the costume, of course, the wardrobe and the hair and makeup. what was it like to step into that role physically? >> agony physically. really. your body takes a hit. the costume was about 80 pounds and then the lake and the headpieces on top of that. it was a lot. but it was also 99% of my performance is that makeup and hair and costume. i don't know. i don't really have much of a process as an actor. you just find your way and my weight was looking in the mirror once i was done and i was like, i am the queen. there she is. don't go anywhere.
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we have a second hour of morning joe: weekend . another whole hour. >> the so exciting. i can't wait to see what we have next. >> we will be back after the break. detect this: living with hiv, craig learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: leo learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato
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hello and welcome back to morning joe: weekend. we have more of the top stories we covered the past week so let's get started this hour. donald trump is trying to clean up and attacking me yesterday on the city posting
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next month's republican national -- are you feeling -- >> i love milwaukee. >> i know you do. while speaking to house republicans, trump called milwaukee a horrible city. the comment was reported by punch bowl news, jake sherman, and confirmed by an nbc news source inside the room. instead of being the site of the rnc, milwaukee is also -- in addition to being the site of the rnc, milwaukee is also the largest city in the key battleground state of wisconsin. >> so, you actually have republicans saying he never said this about milwaukee. he never said this about milwaukee. but he later admitted he said it about milwaukee, right? can i just say something. to milwaukee. >> so good. >> so they start, willie, were not saying this about milwaukee. right?
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and then they come out and find out that trump has admitted that he said all these horrible things about milwaukee and the go, well, he was just talking about, you know, crime. another guy said he was talking about the brewers bullpen. really. help me out here. i don't understand. why would you do that? . >> i don't understand either. so good. >> to keep making it up. milwaukee is wonderful. just drink it down, my friend. your thoughts, willie? >> opening the show with a pair of tall boys of the beast is one of the great moves in the history of morning joe. i feel a little left out. i have a lame cup of coffee sitting over here. that looks delicious. >> it is delicious. drink it up, friends. drink up milwaukee. it's like alice cooper said, this is a special place, right? i don't understand. let's bring in a guy that knows
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something about milwaukee. about old milwaukee. that is wisconsin's own willie sykes. they can try to spin it. first they lied because they are trump republicans. he never said that. in the spokesperson said that is bs. trump never said that. and then of course we find out later -- mika , you hate beer. you don't have to pretend anymore. -- and then later they admitted he set it. and we are spending the rest of the day. the fact is, let's just say what it is. donald trump trashed the most important city in the upcoming 2024 election. and you know why? because he is donald trump. >> yeah. and then, by the way, joe and mika , you're making me thirsty this morning. it's a little early.
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this thing is a farce inside of a fiasco an interesting watching local republican struggling to get their stories straight after donald trump thompson milwaukee. but again, thank you for the montage at the beginning. look. i am from milwaukee and have been here a long time and we have our struggles. there are messes. there are challenges. this is a great city on a great lake and a beautiful region. the box and the brewers, harley davidson. we have a fantastic lakefront art museum. symphony and ballet. wait'll people see the range of restaurants we have here. and then donald trump comes in and dumps on all of this. by the way, the idea of having this convention in milwaukee -- with this was the brainchild of reince priebus who's apparently learned nothing of the last eight years. i regret not giving him a copy of the book, everything trump touches dies. here we are with donald trump trashing milwaukee and of course you can imagine how that is playing here. so you are seeing republicans
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denying it or coming up with various spins. i guess the unfortunate thing is you know that given the trump ian media, this will be a talking point that goes from trump did not say it or trump met this to, you know what? trump was absolutely right. milwaukee is trash but i think you made a key point here. milwaukee can't take it too personally. i think milwaukee will look gorgeous over the summer for we have these fantastic lakefront festivals. but trump says this about every major city. if you notice this turkey has trashed new york and washington, d.c. he trashed baltimore for donald trump hates urban america echo and come again, this is not a news story or breaking story. he wants to be president of the united states, but only the real united states, apparently not great cities like milwaukee. but what a blunder for what a way to kick all this off for
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and if mika doesn't want that beer, i am down for it later this afternoon. >> we will fedex it to your peer mika , it's interesting. a couple years ago i was having a conversation with mark halperin who has traveled all over the country and it said, what is your favorite city in america? he said, that's easy. it's milwaukee. he was like, he said, you absolutely love it. it's called the city of festivals were region is always something going on. they have great sports teams. but they've got this great urban downtown. they got an incredible art museum. georgia o'keefe is a milwaukee native. and they have the largest collection of georgia o'keefe artwork in milwaukee there. it's a really vibrant, wonderful city. and so, again, it just goes to show you how clueless this guy is who lives in this palm beach country club and he lives in a skyscraper in
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manhattan. so, outside of palm beach and manhattan, he hates the rest of america. >> fun fact about milwaukee it has a large polish population. >> huge polish population. >> and what is nice about milwaukee is you could've chosen for any number of beers for your tallboy this morning. you went with milwaukee's best. i respect the choice pick you could've done pbr or miller high life, the champagne of beers. the list goes on and on. and of course yana slips there. which is a closing argument. to inject fact into this conversation but when they pivoted that he was talking to crime, the murder rate is down 39% in the first quarter of this year in the city of milwaukee following a national trend of violent crime dipping this year. to milwaukee. the biden campaign jumped the liver trump's comment posting a
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photo on social media at the present hosting the milwaukee bucks at the white house in 2021, along with the caption, i happen to love milwaukee. the campaign also is now selling t-shirts that read, quote, not a horrible city, over a map of wisconsin and milwaukee there with a star. the democratic mayor of milwaukee had this to say about trump's attack. >> donald trump wants to talk about things he thinks a horrible. all of us lived there his presidency so, right back at you, buddy. i'd say that. look. obviously donald trump is wrong about something, yet again. i find it perplexing, i find it kind of strange that he would consult the largest city in wisconsin. to insult the state that is hosting your convention, i think, is kind of bizarre, actually. it's kind of unhinged. morning joe: weekend will be right back. otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks?
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welcome back to morning joe: weekend. let's pick back up on the conversation we were having before the break . >> a couple weeks ago i said, we are not sure if this trump trial is going to penetrate voters. swing voters. and whether they will notice. let me tell you who did notice what happened yesterday. milwaukee's most important newspaper, wisconsin's most important newspaper. they wrote it up on the front page that donald trump trashed the city and said it was a horrible city. >> the milwaukee journal sentinel lead with that, as you might expect. i will note, no drink service here at 30 rock this morning. unfortunately. we need to work on that. this is an unorthodox campaign strategy, to say the least. to attack the biggest city and with the biggest battleground
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states in this election i can only imagine what donald trump has in store for philadelphia or atlanta or phoenix or detroit . just go after all of them. and to charlie's point, this is an us versus them rhetoric he's used quite a bit for painting cities, which are more liberal, progressive and diverse, as less american than the real red states and rural parts of this country. that's nothing new. we should also note in 2016 the rnc when trump was nominated was in cleveland. he trashed cleveland too. and then there wasn't an rnc in 2020. they had it at the white house because of the pandemic. this is something that is breaking through. we seen the polls move a point or two in the wake of the trial and democrats are struggling to keep that in the news, although will be forefront of the debate in two weeks. but this is what the biden campaign has been looking for. trump out of the courtroom. back on the trail. making news. and making news that hurts him. and this was such a goal
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yesterday in d.c. >> and this is why, of course, the trump campaign wanted donald trump to stay in the courthouse. they did not want him on the campaign trail. they don't want him on capitol hill because he says really stupid things. he is a cumin gas machine, eugene robinson, and here he did it with milwaukee yesterday practicing he doesn't understand about these midwest cities, especially when we were in cleveland a couple years ago for the convention -- how long ago? '16? decades ago. when we were in cleveland, the thing i noted about cleveland was, first of all, great city, but also the immense pride people took. we would go round and say, where are you from? we've been all over the place. they're like, cleveland.
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been here my whole life. i love it. i found the same thing with milwaukee. people in milwaukee -- it's not democrats in milwaukee. it's not republicans in milwaukee. it's everybody in milwaukee outside of the republican politicians love trashing it. they take great pride in their city for a great reason. it's a great town. >> absolutely cities like cleveland and milwaukee that donald trump hates have had such a rebound over the past couple of decades and there downtown's are sparkling and active and so much fun. that art museum that charlie was talking about, designed by a famous architect is gorgeous. absolutely gorgeous there on the lakefront. it's a great city. but, you know, that's a crazy thing for donald trump to say, right? but, you know, it just reminds
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me that he says crazy, irrational, weird, and unhinged things all the time. he doesn't make sense. there is something seriously wrong inside ed. and he had another manifestation. we will see it again and again and again because that is the way he is. and so, the biden campaign is really happy that he's out there just, sort of, spewing it out. >> i agree it seems counterintuitive for trump to have done this. maybe he is playing chess and we are playing checkers. it doesn't seem remarkable that it is more politically damaging for him to have said that milwaukee is a horrible city then for him to be on trial for 34 felony counts and then convicted because this is a clear political shot in some way that i have to admit don't fully understand. >> yeah. it is counterintuitive. you
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would think that being on trial and being convicted on 34 felony counts would certainly be more damaging to the campaign than an offhand remark . it just says something. let's face it, donald trump is a unique figure in our politics and i hope will always be a unique figure because i hope there's never anybody like him again. but that is where we are. his loyal base, the people who have drunk his kool-aid, will stick with him, kind of, no matter what. but you go into the city -- you talk about the city where you had your convention, in the state that you have to win if you have any chance of winning the presidency, and attack it in that way. that's just nuts. you will take a hit. >> yeah. he will take a sit. the sun is starting to rise. as
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we look at the beautiful skyline of a city you know and love so much. we hear gene talking personally about how moved he is by the art museum there . just the life there. it's an absolutely great city. i want to give your final thoughts on this as a pertains not only to milwaukee -- and i will tell you these wisconsin voters, which strangely enough i would never have predicted this four years ago, but it looks like over the past year when biden has had trouble, wisconsin has been sort of a firewall because older voters, especially older, white voters are surprisingly moving to joe biden. and a lot of it just has to do with the fact, it's that midwestern, common sense and midwestern values, where there are a lot of people there who say, i might like some of his
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policies, but he's just not fit to be president of the united states. >> yeah. that's true. and by the way it's great to see a picture of milwaukee city hall where i work for many years. of all the crazy things that donald trump is said in the last week, this is probably not the craziest. with everything that happened yesterday. the drunken uncle going back and having republicans kiss his ring. this was probably not the most significant thing but this will stick for it will stick around here and you know it will be mentioned every day, if not every hour during the rnc convention here in milwaukee. i will tell you one caveat and one of the things that the trump republicans will try to do is they are going to try to divide the rest of wisconsin from milwaukee and say, you know, milwaukee is this terrible thing, and have other people in wisconsin go along with that kind of you. i don't think that will work because i think you touched on it.
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cities like milwaukee have a great deal of pride, but they also have a chip on their shoulder. they had sensitivity to this sort of thing. back in the 1950s when the milwaukee braves defeated the new york yankees in the 1957 world series, remember there was a lot of sneering about milwaukee being a small town and that was resentful. donald trump has messed with a city -- we may, here in wisconsin, be willing to criticize ourselves and talk about the problems they have, but we don't need donald trump coming in and dumping on a city that we love and that i think is going to really shine next month extract coming up. former trump attorney ty cobb warns of donald trump's coming retribution tour. we will show you what he said. you are watching morning joe:
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where you belong. former trump white house attorney sounding the alarm on what donald trump has planned for his political opponents if he wins the election and returns to the white house for a second term. an interview with nbc news earlier this week, attorney ty cobb, who served in the first trump administration, warned that former president, the former president's focus on the topic of revenge and interviews following his conviction and the new york criminal hush money case is a big red flag. cobb said, i think there should be concern. adding, from a 30,000-foot view, what i see is trump angrier now than he was before because he is now convicted. >> and that matches reporting
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from john albert and others that trump is just beyond angry and listening to nobody and it's just obsessed on revenge. >> and multiple interviews and the days after his conviction, on 34 felony counts by a jury, trump has pushed the idea of revenge and retribution in his second term. take a listen. >> people are claiming you want retribution. people are claiming you want what has happened to you done to democrats. would you do that ever? >> look. what has happened to me has never happened in this country before. and it has to stop --'s payment wait a minute. i want to hear that again. it has to stop. >> does have to stop because one of the country -- spin if you are elected. what does that mean? define that. >> look. what i've gone through. nobody has ever gone through. i'm a very legitimate person. i built a great business. based on what they have done, i would have every right to go
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after them. i have a lot of lawyers that are friends and this and that. i had probably 25 guys over the course of a couple of months say, whatever you do, don't testify because you will say something just a little bit off and you will be indicted for lying, for perjury. these are evil people. these are sick, evil people. >> i think you have so much to do, you don't have time to get even. you only have time to get right. >> well revenge does take time. i will say that. and sometimes revenge can be justified, though i have to be honest. sometimes it can. >> wouldn't it be terrible to throw the president's wife and the former secretary of state -- think of it, the former secretary, but the president -- the president's wife, into jail. wouldn't that be a terrible thing? but they want to do it. so, you know, it's a terrible, terrible path they are leading us to. and it's very possible that
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it's going to have to happen to them. >> let's bring in the editor-in- chief of the atlantic and a former u.s. attorney. she is the author of a book that becomes more relevant by the day. you look at the washington post article yesterday and are reporting on sinclair today. attack from within: how disinformation is sabotaging america for mike barnicle and jonathan are still with us. jonathan, i should go to your first to get a follow-up on my reporting, and yours too, from inside the trunk campaign is he's angrier than ever. he's not listening to anybody when it comes to pushing back on revenge. we see time and time again hannity say, trying to move him to think he's not going to take revenge. we did not show the clip where trump says, i know you want me to say something nice. but i have every right to go
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after them. and then you have dr. phil trying to say, you're not going to take revenge, are you? and he said these are sick, evil people and revenge will be justified. and then of course nobody pushing back on the hillary clinton park where he talks about very possible he will seek revenge. he is fired up and ready to go when it comes to seeking revenge on anyone who has opposed him in the past. >> i'm told there's a similar dynamic behind closed doors when he meets with advisers or other republicans where he will talk about revenge. sometimes you look like, do you really mean that and he makes it clear that he does. this is retribution. that's the word that's been in the center of this trunk campaign for a year now. good morning. i'm alecia menendez and welcome to special coverage on msnbc. this is a live look from london where princess kate is making her first public appearance since announcing she has undergone cancer treatment. this is the trooping of the color. part of the birthday
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celebrations for king charles. earlier this morning, we got a glimpse of princess kate in a horse-drawn carriage with her three children. yesterday, the princess gave an update on her health saying she was, quote, not out of the woods yet but was making good progress adding come her treatment would continue for a few more months. nbc news correspondent megan fitzgerald joins me now from buckingham palace. a much anticipated return to the public stage. >> you're absolutely right. and listen, rain or shine the show goes on. as you can see. no one doesn't like the brits. this is one of the most highly anticipated events of the royal calendar, of the year. thousands of people lining the streets. excited is an understatement because as soon as they heard the news that princess kate was going to be here, you can't quantify how excited people really are. in the last couple of seconds, we saw the horse-drawn carriage carrying the king and queen.
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we saw the princess of wales, alongside her three children, in their carriage rolling past us as the troops were leaving from the horse guards parade. i will bring you back to the beginning. just about an hour and a half ago, we saw the princess of wales leaving buckingham palace and making her way down the mall and the crowds erupted. keep in mind this is the first time we got a glimpse of her in person for the first time since she released that video message about three months ago in march saying that she is going through preventative chemotherapy treatments. she did release a picture yesterday. the palace released a picture of her along with a written statement that the princess of wales herself wrote. i went to read for you part of it. she says, i am making good progress, but is anyone going through chemotherapy well know, there are good days and there are bad days. my treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months.
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in her message, the princess also says she knows she's not out of the woods yet. she goes on to talk about how she hopes to attend other events this summer. but the palace was very clear to say this is day today, to not take this as she is returning to public duty. she is not out of the woods yet, as she said. so this is really her doing her best. again, the excitement today because we saw her for the very first time in a long time. she looked stunning in this white dress with his hat with blue trim. now, it's not over yet. in a couple of minutes, we are anticipating seeing the royal family alongside the princess of wales and her three adorable children on the balcony of buckingham palace where there will be a fly past. that's when you see the aircraft fly over. a spectacular scene out here today. again, despite the weather and the rain, crowd showed up. they rallied around the king for his official birthday celebration. >> as you said, locked here in
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an expectation management, the palace wanting everyone to understand that while people are excited about her return, this is, of course, not a clear indication of what is to come. tell me more as you have been there in the rain reporting for us what you have heard from those who have gathered to catch a glimpse of the princess. >> you know, this is a nation that has rallied behind the royal family who are incredibly popular right now. there is a lot of understanding and compassion because were talking about two senior members of the royal family that are struck with this tragedy of cancer. you know, what really sticks out in that message that the princess of wales wrote is when she said, anybody who is experienced cancer. so relatable. if you not had cancer yourself or know someone who has had cancer, you understand that there are good days.
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and she said in her message that she relishes in the good days. and then there are bad days where she has to surrender to her body. a medical team along with the princess of wales understands the importance of trying to get back to normal life. and the richness that comes from that. and again, bravely, courageously making her way down the mall, where we saw her for the first time. she looks stunning. certainly understanding all that she has been going through for the last several months, it really can't be overstated how courageous and incredible this moment is. >> indeed. megan fitzgerald live for us outside of buckingham palace. we will see you a little bit later this morning. joining us now is msnbc legal analyst and new york university law professor and avid royals watcher, melissa murray. msnbc medical contributor dr. patel. chief content officer for the daily beast, joanna coles, and msnbc will contributor, katie nichols also the royal correspondent for vanity fair. talk to us about the
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significance of this event and kate's participation today. >> joanna, the significance of this event and have kate's participation today? >> yes. it's a hugely significant event. this is the royal family signaling that two of the most popular members, king charles and princess kate, both of whom have got cancer, are doing their best. they are troopers, right, for trooping the color. in this been anxiety about the health of both of them. as megan was saying earlier, princess kate has not been seen since december. we have been chronicling this regularly in the daily beast where we have buried senior sources, some of whom are
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saying they were very concerned that princess kate will not be seen for the rest of the year night you have her statement yesterday saying she's not out of the woods. and this is very much a signal to the public that both of them are still here and the royal family continues. you will remember it's not even two years ago since the queen died. she died in september 2022 and the conversation around that was does the royal family continue? how does it continue? and this is very much saying it's business as usual and kate is turning up. the other thing i would say is that king charles and princess kate now have a very different relationship. they are both in the unfortunate cancer club together. it was a wonderful moment that we reported earlier this year where, in fact, they were both in london hospital having treatment together and that king went into princess
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kate's room. do we know that king charles doesn't, for the most part, like to share the stage. he had to do that for all his life with his mom him and then of course with princess diana. but this is very much a moment where cates will probably upstage him, and i wish i were on the mall to hear the roar that goes up when she stands onto the balcony. it's quite moving. >> and that crowd on this type of rainy day says a lot. katie, pick up where joanna picked off. the importance of the royal family and the stakes in this moment of saying we are still here. >> yeah. i think it's incredibly important because this is a moment where, i think, not just britain but the world tunes in to see the british royal family. there were very few occasions during the year when you get to have a balcony appearance like this and i think it was on that balcony is incredibly important. we already see some of them gather up there now. we see the duke of kent, who was very elderly and still in member of the royal family, and
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will be reserved for those working members. we were hoping we would see the children today. it's been a real, unexpected surprise, bonus and a happy surprised to know that we will have the princess of wales up there as well. but for the king, who's obviously gone through his own cancer treatment, still going through cancer treatment, to be able to be here for his second trooping as king, is a really important moment. this is been a rocky year. that balcony appearance we are about to see is very important. >> and that's why we have all eyes on the balcony. as soon as they stepped out we will bring you those images. dr. patel, and march the princess should she's undergoing a course of preventative chemotherapy. i want you to remind us what that indicates what that course of treatment might look like. >> we see preventative chemotherapy when were trying to, basically, prevent either a recurrence of the cancer are trying to minimize the spread
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of a cancer. as we heard from her reporting, she had surgery earlier in the year. they thought that was not cancer and then subsequently found it was cancer. so undergoing this type of preventative chemotherapy, and it can also be adjective chemotherapy if people are fiddling with those terms. the same directory as a treatment of active cancer as well. and i think it was very wise that the princess made a statement because she did look regal. truly royal today. but i think she wanted to remind people that that is not what she is probably like a 24/7. i think it's a humble reminder that this is a waxing and waning and day-to-day situation and it's incredibly brave of her to put the announcement out and put herself out there today. >> as she said. good days and bad days. melissa, you know what you are
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with us to share insights on institutions like the supreme court. this morning, the royal family. what do you see as the connective tissue? >> both institutions build an enormous influence, and they also suffer from a startling lack of transparency. one of the things that has made this balcony appearance so fraught, so exciting for the public is that we haven't seen much of the princess of wales for the last few months, and there's been startlingly little transparency from both palaces. kensington palace in buckingham palace -- buckingham palace on the question. in the space of social media, rumors have flourished and have not been quashed. so this is a really important outing. also, i think, is something of an important moment for the royal family as a whole. one of prince charles's signature elements as prince of wales is he would slim down this monarchy when he became king and the fact the two senior royals have been sidelined because of cancer in the first year of his reign has really called into question the wisdom of that slim monarchy. we will see what the balcony looks like. >> to that question about transparency. is it your sense that this is something of a
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reset? >> i think the royal family is just trying to indicate that they very much want to be significant in british life. and the mystery over the kind of cancer they have has led to crazy speculation. you will remember earlier this year when kate just disappeared from public life and it took enormous amounts of activity on social media to get her to address the fact that actually she was ill. so i think this is the palace, both palaces, kensington palace and buckingham palace, trying to wrestle back control. but there is still a lot of speculation of what kind of cancer do they have and are they both going to, frankly, survive. and in that case, does the monarchy survive? there will be questions over this and it's incredibly
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encouraging to see kate on the balcony. and one can only imagine that she probably gets home and takes off her dress and says, thank goodness i've done that for a bit. taking my shoes off. i never want to wear heels for the next few months. >> a feeling entirely familiar. i want you to help me understand some of the details of the ceremony. the princess, of course, colonel of the irish guards the significance of the decision to have lieutenant general james but now take the salute on her behalf. what does that indicate to you? >> quite simply that she wasn't well enough to do it herself. we know there was a rehearsal last week that she was unable to attend and shred to the irish guards. she wants to be in that position as on the irish guards and she takes that seriously and she would've been disappointed to not be there and not to have taken the salute. but in the same way we see the king adjust his schedule as he undergoes treatment, she cannot do everything.
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and i think this is a real reminder of the fragility of the monarchy and the fact that these are humans. she may be the princess of wales but she's not immune to anything, not even cancer. the fact that she is here today is incredible. she is remarkable. she is incredibly brave. but she is doing what she is able to do. and i hope that today's appearance does not throw up the inevitable question, although it will, when will we see her again? when will she do the next thing? the palace are trying to manage those expectations because she has good and bad days. i would imagine a huge amount of effort has had to go into her being here today. she did not take the salute but she is here and she's here to support her father-in-law, the king because she is here to project a positive image for the royal family. at a time when i think they desperately need it. >> dr. patel, talk to us about those good days and bad days, as referenced in her public note pickle also talking about the progress while undergoing chemotherapy and understanding
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all patients are different in all patients respond to chemotherapy different. what do this good days and those bad days look like? >> yeah. and depending on the type of chemotherapy, you can see different side effects. but in general people to experience everything from daily fatigue, all the way to severe g.i. symptoms. you can have nausea and vomiting and some days where you literally cannot get up out of bed. there is also the mental health symptoms that come along with this. i don't think people talk about that. literally wondering what is going to happen? when will somebody else happened? and as a mother to three children with so many responsibilities, a working mother, all of that can have a factor in whether you have a good day or bad day. the fact that it took not just an incredible amount of teamwork and energy to get her there, but just her own mental health to be able to do exactly what she is doing today, and be able to put up a very important base for not only a country, but the world. she is literally giving, i
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think, hope to not just millions but billions of people could easily be in her place. all of us could be in her place. but that doesn't dose of those consequences and that's what chemotherapy patients see day- to-day. >> and that was on full display on her social media. both her thanking people for their outpouring of support for sharing their own journeys through cancer with her, and then if you looked at the responses to the post she's put out in the last few days, again come of people sharing not only their well wishes, but also their own stories. i am struck, melissa. we talk a lot about her as a mother and she references her children and all of her public statements, but to see her with her children for such a powerful reminder of all she is juggling in this moment? >> that's exactly right. and it also is, i think, something of a missed opportunity. this is a very private struggle, as many people know him up but as a publix figure,
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as the second most senior female member of the royal family, there is an opportunity here, as the king has done, to talk about this treatment, to bring awareness to the kind of cancer she has, the kinds of struggles that cancer patients face what it's like to survive cancer. that is the role of the royal family. to lead in society. to provide a forum to talk about things that are difficult, including illnesses of this kind. and the fact that she has been out of commission, but actually sidelined from public life has meant that instead of those productive conversations, we've had a lot of social media discussion and rumormongering, and that hasn't been nearly as productive. >> since we are all watching and waiting for the family to enter on the balcony, can you talk us through the choreography of what it is we are watching and waiting for? >> this is one of those pivotal moments that we wait for during
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the year. this dates back centuries. disappearance by the monarch to his or her people to commemorate, celebrate their official birthday. ironically it happens in june because the weather is meant to be better and today is the anomaly to that. but you will see all working members of the royal family up on the balcony. and it's interesting to reflect on perhaps it will not be there. of course the sussex's will not be there but they're no longer working members of the royal family & will not be there. summit was talking about the slimmed-down version of the monarchy and whether this whole issue we've had to go through is causing something of a rethink or reset. i think behind the scenes, people are wondering if the monarchy is looking a bit thin on the ground at the moment. it certainly felt that way and i think that's why today's appearance, led by the king and supported by the queen. queen camilla has also played such an important role in recent months, really propping
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everything up and keeping the royal show on the road. when you consider camilla's history and past, that's quite remarkable. you look at those key players. the edinburgh's are up there and the wales are there. i think this has highlighted how fragile and thin on the ground the monarchy has looked. this is all about presenting a positive picture of a working royal family and that word family is important because they are going through the same struggles as many families not just in britain, but around the world. >> katie joining us live from a very rainy london. thank you for being with us. joanna, we went to pick up on what melissa was talking about. the possibility there was a missed opportunity here to share more details, to turn this into a moment of greater public understanding and public awareness. >> yeah. it's a great question. i think what both kate and charles's illnesses have shown
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people is that they are a family, like everybody else they have illnesses. they have members of the family they no longer speak to. they have members of the family who get into trouble. katie was referencing prince andrew. is it a missed opportunity? i think kate has handled it very well, actually. they are now embracing social media in a way they never used to pick you have to remember that this is a family who never used to say anything. remember the queen used to say, never complained. never explained for and this is a family who are halfway there. the problem is the public is constantly demanding questions. we are all in social media. we at the beast have a weekly newsletter called the royalist, where we pass every sort of raised eyebrow of the royal family. i actually think kate is handling it pretty well. i thought the picture she put out last night, which was not
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doctor. remember earlier this year when she put out the doctored photo, the heavily edited photo for mother's day. they have learned from that mistake and it was very moving, the picture of her under a weeping willow looking slightly isolated and looking as it she was leaning into nature for comfort and healing. i think they are learning to use social media and a much more sophisticated way. and there were two moments this week i wanted to point out. one was an amusing moment where king charles -- i still find it difficult to remember him as king because he had 74 years as an apprentice -- the new portrait of king charles actually does the was a process over it and someone put a sticker of wallace and gromit, his favorite claymation cartoon over the top of it to make a protest. and also the detail does do you remember the video earlier this year of the horses that escaped and went chaotically galloping
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through london? three of them are actually in the parade today . tennyson, trojan and vanquish. i remember that video and thinking, goodness. i am very pleased that they managed to survive and are in the parade. the other thing to mention is that britain is going through a snap election. the prime minister, rishi sunak , called one last week, shocking everyone, including some of his own members of parliament. so i cannot reinforce how incredibly encouraging it is that kate is well enough today to appear on the balcony because it really will be an enormous boost for britain, even as it suffers under a day of terrible rain. spivak as we try, dr. patel, to read the subtext and princess kate's note. she writes, my treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months. what does that timeline tell you?
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>> yeah. it's hard. i know a lot of people are trying to discern could it be a certain type of cancer? all we know is she had some sort of abdominal birds -- abdominal surgery and had the diagnosis that led to monthly preventative chemotherapy. preventative chemotherapy can last anywhere from three to six months depending on the type and stage of cancer and we know that she has already had at least three months, based on the timing of her public self reporting. that doesn't, unfortunately, give us a lot of inclination to a type of cancer. but i do think it leads to the fact that she is human. and like the rest of us, she is being treated with the best science and best evidence and there's really nothing different. when you are wearing that patient down and you're sitting there and receiving those exams and being told here's our best recommendation, she is just like one of us and i think that is incredibly humanizing for a royal, as others have already
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mentioned. i do think it's critical to remind people that to come and look the way she did today and all the power it takes. it doesn't mean that she has been beaten in any way by chemotherapy or cancer, but i think those words, good days and bad days, i think, emphasizing that nevermore words have been true than what we are seeing here. a week ago people do not think she would show up when they had the rehearsal. and then he or she is. and just like that, i think we can't expect what could come from the future. i think that's what we can read into based on her own words come and the decades of experience we have with patients with cancer, and any kind of chemotherapy whether it's oral or intravenous. we don't know any of those details. but we know it can have an impact? payment for those watching along with us, we had some images of the gun salute. we now have our cameras trained on the balcony at buckingham palace, where we are expecting
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to catch a glimpse of the royal family any moment now. melissa, the palace is undoubtedly in a sort of push and pull. wanting, of course, princess kate to be visible. also understanding they have to manage expectations about what this means for her future schedule. >> that's been the eternal problem of the monarchy. i mean, you cannot let too much daylight in on the magic, but yet the public, which funds this institution come at the man's to see the royal family on occasion. and sometimes more than on justifications. this is the eternal conundrum. how to sate the public appetite for the royal family, while allowing its members some measure of privacy. and we've had a lot of discussions over the last five years about what level of privacy members of the working royal family are entitled to. this was famously a point of contention with the duke and duchess of sussex, who believe they needed to have some
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measure of privacy for themselves and their children, who were not yet working members. and i think we see that play out here. perhaps with a little more understanding and accommodation for what the princess of whale is going through, then what we saw in the context of the suffixes. >> as your reference that beautiful photo of kate under the weeping willow. as you said, looking rather isolated. i'm curious about the decision in these posts to continue sharing video of her alone, photos of her loan. striking there to see her with her entire family because that is not how we have been seeing her the past few months. joanna? >> yes. absolutely. i think the signaling of that is very much that she is going through this alone. there's only so far people can come with you on the journey of recovering from cancer. the other extraordinary thing that you get here when you see these pictures of buckingham palace is all the memories that the
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world has. this is the most famous balcony in the world. all the moments that have happened at buckingham palace. you see them all and you remember those devastating moments of both william and harry following the casket of princess diana as she was pulled through london. you remember the famous kiss of prince charles then, and diana, on the balcony just after they got married, and all the unraveling that happened after that. you remember the queen standing outside buckingham palace and kurtz again to the casket as princess diana went past. so, this is a family that really is living so much of its drama in public. and that push/pull, as you referenced earlier as to how much you should let the public in on is really extraordinary. one also thinks of all the moments when princess diana was probably the best manipulator of media, possibly ever, would
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talk relentlessly and share relentlessly her details with tabloids journalists, famously, andrew morton, who wrote the book, and the daily mail. and then would come out the next day and completely diet and say this is complete nonsense. i wish people would leave me alone. i need my privacy. so there is that sense of push and pull. they want the public very much to stay engaged with the day to day of the royal family, but they also claim they want their privacy while giving up secrets. so it's a very complicated relationship. our reporter, tom sykes, who writes a lot about the real family, has very senior sources in both royal households and the waleses households and there's been a lot of concern about both king charles health and princess kate's health . so this is a real moment of hope and optimism that she has managed to have a good day that coincides with king charles's official birthday.
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>> melissa, have to say for those who have been with us for the past 30 minutes when we came on air at 7:30 eastern, the skies were gray. there were torrential downpours. our correspondent was standing under an umbrella. and now as we train our eyes at buckingham palace, you see the clouds are shifting away. that sky is the brightest blue. it's almost a little too on the nose. >> i mean, by god and by my rights, that is the motto of the royal family and it seems to be playing out here today. that will be a beautiful tableau for the royal family to come out on the balcony and will get a sense of what that family looks like and whether there is strength in numbers as they face these challenges. >> strength in numbers. a reminder as we have heard from so many of our guests. the importance to that family as stating they are still here. that they are not going anywhere. dr. patel, joanna coles, as always, thank you for your time
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and your expertise. melissa, my friends, you will stay with us that does it for msnbc's special extended coverage of the trooping of the color. please do not go anywhere. our coverage continues on the weekend right now. and good morning to you, simone. >> good morning. i've been watching it from the green room and good morning to all of you out there. welcome to the weekend. i'm symone sanders-townsend along with my friends symone sanders-townsend and alicia mendendez. we have a full show ahead including the follow from this week supreme court major decisions and congressman jamie raskin will join us on set here at the table to discuss donald trump's first visit to capitol hill since the insurrection. but we began in london as princess kate makes her first official public appearance since revealing her cancer diagnosis. as you see right now we see princess kate along with prince charles, queen camilla the


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