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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  June 22, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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one less thing before we go, i have this new podcast called rachel maddow presents ultra. it is season two. episode two of that is out today . it starts with a really cheery little episode, i guess. a really cheery little thumbnail sketch of a doomsday weapon designed to kill everyone on earth. you know, how is that for a tease? episode two of alter is out today wherever you get your podcast. i hope you take a listen. thank you.
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we start by taking you back to november third, 2020. that is election night . donald trump wasn't enjoying a leaf in the swing states against joe biden the mood was triumphant both at the white house and at the fox headquarters in new york. but then at 11:20 p.m. all -- broke loose. >> what is this happening here? why is arizona blue? did we just call it? did we make a call in arizona? there is a check mark. did our decision does make it? arizona, 11 a pictorial vote. >> the case was a fox accurately calling arizona for joe biden that changed everything. when the network called the entire election for biden angry viewers a flock to to hear
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election is's theories. it was significant enough to cause a brief ratings drop for the empire. fox adapted by questioning the election results and then spreading conspiracy theories over 700 times in just a span of two weeks after biden won. but including dropping a fury against a little-known electronic voting company in this country. watch. >> the selection, a lot of strange things happened and many of them highly suspicious. for example dominion software. >> they have business in venezuela and businesses in cuba. there are also links to china. >> a company called dominion, which they say started in venezuela with cuban money and the assistance of smart maddock software, a backdoor is capable of flipping vote. these are serious allegations. >> that pivot actually works. fox got there viewers back from newsmax and the country was
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rocked by some citizens banding together and storming the u.s. capital on january 6th. by that point dominion had enough of fox's lies that they took them to court to defamation and eventually settled for $780 million after it was revealed that fox executives and host were knowingly spewing trump's election lies in exchange for higher ratings. it takes us to where we are today we are months before the 2024 election polls showing trump and biden in a razor close race. trump is breathing down fox's neck but you know why? just this week he demanded fox corporation seo locklin murdoch fire paul ryan from the fox board after he dared to criticize him on air. what is the network doing to offset the pressure? they are suggesting the election results will be rigged, yet again
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>> if you somehow pull this out was some kind of shenanigans. i hate to use the word lightly. but shenanigans, you will deal with the public who does not buy the election. let us get rid of dropbox altogether. they are ripe for fraud. >> how would you accept the results in this landscape. they will game the system and even sheets. >> it is clear that fox learned one thing from the dominion fallout, not the obvious one to stop spreading lies that actually threaten and undermine our democracy. but rather to be vague and careful to avoid pitting a potential unfavorable result on one specific company that has a lot of money they can sue you. ever since that arizona call on election night 2020, fox has been all in a supporting trump's assault against our democracy. like many other republican allies a flip-flop from initially condemning the january 6th insurrection to downplay it and casting the writers as some, quote, political prisoners. trump has teased the specter of
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political violence if he loses again with his right-wing propagandist will be here every step of the way by spreading these lies all for the sake of ratings and dollars. we haven't all-star panel to break it downward msc -- msc host of the show on series xm and a source jason, comedic and one half of the good. great to have all three of you. this is a very rare occasion to have so many people on the set. good to have all of you. it is deja vu all over again but this time fox is not waiting until the election to spread the big lie. they are preparing the big lie for election day. it is insane. they are saying the only way donald trump loses is if it is rigged. >> which is what donald trump is saying. we are watching those clips and you have lou dobbs who got fired
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because of the lawsuit or the dominion lawsuit, $780 million for the that maddox lawsuit is not done. they are just trying to stay relevant. i thought it was interesting watching greg, who was actually smart and knows better and is completely craven versus -- i mean, the whole crew is just trying to stay alive. they are trying to get these voters. they are locked in propaganda spiral with american news and all of these other supercharged maga networks. >> my motivation is there ratings. tucker carlson basically lost his job because at the time, him, lauren ingram, they do not believe the election was storm but they were going out there talking about it and after dominion but it cost him his job. these hoes seem to have
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learned, we can still talk about the big lie and push the big lie. let us not name companies i have the resources to sue ours. >> joe biden is bringing the election. they paid $780 million for the fox, last year had $14 billion in earnings. they can spend many to get their audience back. they can have ad sales. what is concerning is they talk to the trump support all-time at rallies. >> that is the question. >> for the trump supporters already with donald trump if he loses, they are losers. it reminds me of the confederacy with a lost cause myth. they cannot you lose legitimate. it was stolen from us. that is what you have got here. the maga in the future, the civil war re-enactors. maybe they will re-enact the 2024 election . we will do fake rallies, we lost. >> the re-enactment of january
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6th 50 years from now. >> [ laughter ] >> you actually speak to trump voters. these fox hosts do not believe what they are spewing on fox. there viewers do. these fox viewers who are trump voters, they believe these lies. we go out there and you hear them repeat the lies to you, even if sometimes when you talk to them, it does not make sense. >> yes. i do want to say something truly shocking this week at a trump rally in wisconsin. we have heard a lot out there conspiracy theories over the years. this kind of knocked me over. i was shocked. i talked to a trump supporter and i said, who won the 2020 election? bay said, joe biden won it fair and square. i kid you not that was the first time i have ever heard that a trump rally. that is how ingrained the big lie is with trump supporters. the trump supporters, they are the fox audience. whatever trump says goes.
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of course, this is a business decision. they have to save the big lie is true. they have to say whatever trump says is true because that is what the viewers want to hear. >> to that point, it is not only fox that, you know, knows that trump lost. he has admitted it on tape. variety -- relation with the former fox host, geraldo. listen to the slipup. >> it was good. he did a good job. he was smart. cunning he did a good job >> are used to close? >> no, i don't think so. he is -- after i lost the election, i won the election but when they said that we lost, he called me up three or four times.
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>> quite the freudian slip there. after i lost the election, actually i won election but after they set i lost the election. >> the thing that is and should i talked to him about his book. he said when he was interviewing trump he had a bunch of interviews where one interview where he did not remember having the interview before it. he said he was not sharp at all. he was really surprised. and that he spent almost all of his time telling me how much he loved being a host of the apprentice and very little time talking at how much he liked being president. he really liked doing apprentice more than being the president. the guy is an actor. >> will someone call mark and renew the show indefinitely and let him go do it. who cares? >> i do think a lot of this production that he has about joe biden, you have to wonder how much of this is actual projection. >> the problem with the big lie is that we joke around that it is something he says to his voters. it actually resulted in the insurrection on january 6th.
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what you have is not just the recasting of the election but the recasting of the results. and now the recasting of january 6th as being political prisoners and patriots and people who felt that their vote were stolen. >> donald trump called them warriors. waiters who not people that walk through a couple peacefully. they fight the battle. they beat up police officers. the most alarming thing is that he talks about parting them and the crowd cheers. that is not just to free the people in jail or the record. it is to incentivize future violence because he can tell, they know it is close to the election. trump wins, he will have my back. but is what he will do is part of me is for future crimes on his behalf. he wants maga to be his brownshirts. he wants him to be his violent militia. >> deeply based on what you been saying to this people they are just as animated this time around than they were four years ago? if there is a call to action of
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any kind by trump or his supporters, it could result in another january 6th? >> i think it would with the election. what you have seen the courthouse people because they believe the conspiracy theory that the fbi was behind january 6th, they are worried to come here. they think that the fbi is going to set them up. donald trump is telling them to go there and he won't do it. the supporters won't do it. i think definitely with the election, people are saying that they are ready to do anything for donald trump. >> that is three-dimensional chess. we have a lot more to discuss. we need to talk about some new audio of roger stone revealing what trump has up his sleeve this november. this november. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue!
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i thought i leave this time when we do it there is a lawyer and judge standing by so you can stop him. >> met with donald trump al a longtime republican operative roger stone talking about his allies and their plans to overturn the presidential election again. the leaked audio was called on tap by a liberal reporter lauren windsor who posed as trump and a place for trump and event back in mar-a-lago. we all know stone was a critical figure in the stop the steal movement during the last presidential election that led to an attempted insurrection at the capital on january 6th . now he is saying they are better prepared this time around. trump has instructed the republican national committee now led by his daughter in law and close highly -- building
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out a team of poll watchers and lawyers to monitor the vote and mitigate potential postelection challenges. my panel is back with me. we know the playbook. we do not have to -- if donald trump begins to lose in some of these states, you are going tuesday a flood of lawsuits to try to overwhelm the system. when you see how it is working with some of these trials down in florida with the documents case, eileen cannon, how things are being so what by the supreme court. it does not take a lot of imagination to imagine if they do it in a few jurisdictions where there are judges that are favorable to trump, this could get bogged down and lead to a constitutional crisis. >> even the supreme court. they took up this crazy case, the immunity case. trump lawyers were like if they take it, we win. even if they just look at it and sit on it. you they won >> i mean, i think for sure we could see more of that.
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i am totally terrified of the supreme court that has the super majority that seems interested in putting his finger on the scale to help donald trump. i think that this is really scary. >> lead us to a constitutional crisis that is the public and playbook. get decisions enough to cover the process. where are democrats and all this? the republicans are out here hammering this home every day and rounding up the base and democrats are saying, we have to vote. but not doing anything else. >> i don't know what the dnc is doing behind the scenes. i know in 2020 they have the lawyers ready. they would be foolish not to have the lawyers ready they know exactly what the playbook will be. i will say trump was going to overturn the election being in the white house and is being outside of the white house. >> he cannot physically go into the white house. >> now you have to remove biden as opposed to trump saying, i will not go anywhere. second, during the four years biden has confirmed over 200 judges.
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the judiciary is slightly different than it was in 2020. i am concerned because all you need is one decision in one state my federal judge going, the election was illegal. and even if it gets reversed, that might spark another january 6th attack. i am worried about the real world reaction, which is another attack on our capital and various capitals around this country. >> to go back to the point we are discussing before the commercial break because you do talk to trump supporters. the amount of belief the have the only way donald trump loses is through the system being rigged. on a scale of 1 to 10, how high is that? are these people amenable to any fax or result in went donald trump does not win? >> on a scale of one to 10,
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probably 15,000. most of the people, we said this before. a lot of these people get their news from true social they get their news from donald trump they are believing what donald trump tells them to believe. the reality is what donald trump says it is. it is not just that donald trump says it to his supporters. there will be lawyers and people in congress who are going to be acting out to make donald trump's reality a reality. if he believes he won, he wants to win. he wants to win. it is really, really scary seeing these people and listening to them. and hearing them say that there is a deep state attack on donald trump and they are doing everything they can to stop him because he is fighting for me they really believe that. he is fighting for me not that he is just having a bruised ego from losing and does not want to be considered a loser. >> we look at january 6th and learned a lot since january
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6th. i think a lot of people thought this was an impromptu reactionary moment in which they went to hear donald trump. as we have learned through the convictions of so many protesters, earning names of organizations like the proud boys and the three presenters and the oath keepers, a lot of organization and prep work for the attack on january the 6. i'm not trying to diminish men and being saying they are the kaddish ones you get a sense there is an organization behind them that is the one that we should be concerned about more so than what we see. i don't think a lot of people in the run up to january 6th knew as much about the oath keepers, probably and the three presenters. >> on january 5th in d.c. walking around there were malicious and proud boys. they were on every street corner . they basically created a perimeter bear. i knew about them then. you still see 3% or shirts. you see them at the rally.
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and maybe it makes up about 1% of the people. do the math. i hope everyone realizes that. the rallies are huge. >> let us talk about roger stone he is saying getting caught on on a mic. does not know he is being recorded. you can only imagine what they are plotting as so explicitly part of this plan. this is one incident. the reporters may have gotten lucky and he may have had an off-the-cuff comment and was not thinking about it. you have to wonder when him and the senators that what accept the results of an election. you think about what is taking place behind the scenes. it is a scary thought. >> met of this is normal. trump is running because he has all this criminal exposure and he figured he could get donors to pay his legal bills and it might stop him from getting
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these trials -- from these trials happening. this is not a normal republican president. he is running as an autocrat. people are either afraid of him have made the catalyst that they don't want democracy anymore. they want this this autocracy. so, it is really scary. i do think, roger stone is a recipient. and part of the part -- part of the point when autocrats parted people like this is because they want them to do more crime or violence on their behalf. >> please dig around. do not go anywhere. coming up, what trump things about mandating vaccines in schools. his rhetoric bears the slogan make america sick again. americ. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using.
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time. >> i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. >> that was trump in wisconsin, michigan, florida and texas and now he does not specifically mention covid when he is talking about this years after the start of the pandemic his anti-science, anti-vaxxer bush has become a cornerstone of his platform but if trump makes good on his process, he will make america sick again in 2024. dean, jason and molly are all back with me. your reaction to this new tagline we are hearing from donald trump. not a penny to schools that require vaccines. i am not sure if he knows that vaccines are not just been tainted for covid they are mandated for polio, measles and life-threatening diseases that we no longer have because of vaccine mandates. >> it is part of him making polio great again. he is bringing polio back. there are mandates in 50 states.
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i don't know what his goal is. it is part of it with antiscience his supporters don't want to be told what to do. the cdc has set over the last 20 years about 1 million children's' lives are safe romance -- vaccines. are you sacrifice 1 million to the next two years to make donald trump and his base happy? that would be horrific. if any parent were to say, no more vaccines for my children. i don't mean covid i mean the ones been mandated now. he is playing to his base. he sometimes he leads his base and sometimes his base let him. >> to that point, he appeals to the dumbest common denominator. you are at these rallies. it is an anti-vax/antiscience crap. >> it is interesting to watch over the last couple years because in 2021, we went on the
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road and some of the more moderate people we talked to would become operation warp speed was such an amazing accomplishment. the whole country is open. look at what donald trump did. now you don't hear back from anyone, anyone. of course is the the people who thinks jfk and all the conspiracy theories with bill gates will make you love taylor swift or whatever it is. the moderate people don't think that is an accomplishment anymore. that is telling. it is going really far in this anti-vax direction. it is not just the covid vaccine. that is scary when you take that out of there. maybe it is going after the rfk jr. vote. >> rfk is, obviously, more anti- vax than trump is. i guess he knows that people have calculated that rfk takes away more of that extreme crazy antiscience wing of trump's
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voter base. he has to find a way to bring it back into the fold. instead of running on operation warp speed, which may have been the single only highlight of his presidency, he, instead, is running to being the crazy voters back into the fold. >> i definitely think he is worried about the rfk thread. we have seen polling that shows rfk does -- again, we do not know because all of these polls are -- he pulls from latino voters. some trump voters we don't know what the map is. i think, one of trump's biggest donors, a guy called timothy mellon, who just gave him $50 million happened to, coincidentally, be one of rfk jr.'s biggest donors. there was a play here that rfk jr. would take from biden. i think he is pack four. >> instead of trying to bring some independence, he did actually do something good.
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he is going for the crazies. the scary thing is what this means if he comes back into office because they have set their sights on a lot of federal agencies, the department education. some have said they want to have that abolished. the cdc want to have that abolished. when you take a big step back, you see project 25 and the remaking of the federal government. it is not hyperbolic to think that it is a punchline in a rally but it could result in a serious damaging policy down the road. >> what is important is he says we will do fund schools. they are going to use appropriations as a way to make states do what they want. one would be abortion. i think they will defund blue states or any state that allow abortions. it is hard to have a federal law and you cannot have an abortion attorney in your state. the same way we raise the rates for drunk driving. you had to be 21 to drive. they
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did it by if you want funding for your state to deal with the highway, you had to do 21. that was years ago. they still do this for everything. no funds for any blue state that allows abortion or birth control or transgender teens to get the care they need. i hope you won't say it. they will control all of our lives through appropriations and they will try to squeeze the money out of the blue states. ironically, it is the blue states that are funding the federal government and don't get the money back. >> do you worry that it is not just trump but the people he will bring into these positions? best time you have an urgent as housing and urban development. these times you have a possible secretary of state. we are going down a dangerous road with qualifications are no longer necessary for the job. just trump loyalty. >> used to be you have people that were totally inappropriate but they were wacky.
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now they are professionalized. when you look at the heritage foundation 2025 project, you cannot believe the plans they have. they want to regulate ivf they don't want to regulate oil companies. they want to get rid of the epa. they want to make sure you have your cycle every month. this is insane stuff. the guy from heritage was on the weekend this morning. they did a fantastic job. you cannot believe this stuff. they will do this to blue states just like they do it to red states. >> i need to watch that energy because it exposed the dangers behind this project and what it will do to our country. we have our favorite segment of the week, worst of the week of biblical proportions. that is up next. is up next. the totally torqued-out crossover. known as a loving parent. known for lessons that matter.
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it is time for our worst of the week. at this time it is no contest, the undisputed winners are louisiana republicans who passed a law requiring the 10 commandments to be displayed in public schools. of course trump and the right- wing media machine are on board. here's what the ex-president said about it earlier today at the faith and freedom coalition. we went to write the 10 commandments going up in the schools? they think it is such a bad thing. has anyone read it that thou shalt not steal? has anybody read this ?
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>> let me finish offered that is rich coming from someone who is charged with 91 felonies across four cases including his efforts to overturn the 2020 election which one could argue amounts to stealing. we will not talk about his personal life. we don't want to go down the road. you can certainly do that but i do want to start by asking, do you see this -- it happen in louisiana. i feel like this is the beginning of a national movement of the religious right. they are seeing blood in the water. they are salivating over the idea that they can now take not only religion but their version of christianity and just ram it down everybody's throat in the country. >> may know they own the cords. they know there is a machine for majority of very religious people, two of whom, alito and thomas are mega trumper's. any of their supreme court,
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this would never fly. no way. they know they have this court. maybe this does not work but it will work next time. they are laying the groundwork. i think that we will see more of this. this is just trump for the base. the base loves this. it has no, you know, it is just a rallying cry. it is that kind of thing. >> it is definitely ironic that the party that is always crying foul of indoctrination and say our children are being indoctrinated not -- now wants to indoctrinate our children at school with religion. >> trump talks about loving the 10 commandments. i don't think he knows what he is talking about. to him, it is like a bucket list. i did one, five and nine. i have two more to get through. i think what molly says, 100%. in 1980, stone versus graham said you cannot do this.
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the underpinning of that case was overturned in 2022 by this right-wing court . a famous case. it is distracting from the abortion case because abortion is getting people out. there are people on the right who want to turn america into a christian version of saudi arabia. right-wing christian version. turn america into a bible theme park. they don't care what polling says. my biggest concern is that if you are public and have no problem forcing a woman to carry the fetus of a tragedy went to term. you have that a crime against humanity. it is about controlling women and controlling all of us. that is what the goal is. >> there is an issuing post from grace methodist church. is that if your version christianity wants to put the 10 commandments in schools but take free lunches out of them,
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you are worshiping something other than jesus. i want to ask you about when you go to these rallies, how much is religion and animating factor in their worldview and ideology? i would think that some people who are devout christians would say, putting the 10 commandments in the school is, as this are set on their post, is not the way of jesus. >> a lot of the people that we talked to consider themselves to be christian. they are not practicing. they are not going to church but they have this instilled in them at a very early age. today, i was able to go down to philadelphia, go to a trump rally today. after this was announced in louisiana. i asked people about the 10 commandments in school if they would like to see them in public schools across the country. every people person said, yes. should the bible be taught in public schools? the response i got in wisconsin, yes, of course. it is a history book. it should
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be taught in the history class. >> [ laughter ] >> i followed up with that saying, we need a couple bible stories that were not very appropriate for children. she said those stories, that book should not be taught. >> [ laughter ] >> let me play really quickly josh hawley and i will get your thoughts on the other side. >> we have to take the private flag out of schools and put the bible back in. we ought to take the trancelike down from all of our federal buildings and over every federal building in america write the words in god we trust. in god we trust. amen. >> amen. final thoughts to you. >> you know, they get so high on their own supply here. i think it is just appalling.
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they do want to turn the country into a religious theme park. >> i liked him better when he was running for his life on january 6th. >> that was not good acting on stage. >> [ laughter ] >> you are banned from the show. get out. >> i am leaving. that is it. >> thank you all so much. we are sorry for the insult, jason. next up, hate on the rise during pride and how to fight back. stay with us. ck . stay with us see the ence.
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the nights of riots that followed gave birth to the modern gay movement in america. sacrifices of those remaining equal rights and acceptance were not in vain. now more than a half a century later polling from glaad shows 91% of heterosexual americans agree that lgbtq+ people should live free of discrimination. any 4% of non-lgbtq americans support equal rights. with clear super majorities like that, why are we still seeing rising cases of hate? a new report this week revealed an uptick in cases of france or vandalism target against the
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lgbtq community sense pride month began. in one case a library in alaska received a bomb threat in retaliation for upland drag story our event. a brewery in austin, texas, was hit with bomb threats that forced to cancel a drag brand and prime market. an art center also tarred with bomb threats during its drag story hour. the first bomb threat the facility received in its 47 year history. why is this happening and what can we do about it? let us asked samantha reidel, contributing writer for them. it is great to have you on the show. we saw the acceptance of the lgbtq+ americans in the glaad survey. how do you make sense of these attacks? even though the super majority of american support rights for everyone , you are still seeing the minority percentage increasing in hate crime or vandalism against the community? >> reporter: thank you so much for having me.
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if nobody has said it to yet, happy pride. i think that a lot of it comes down to some of the smaller details in the polling that you are mentioning. it is really great to see that there has been such a huge uptick in support for the lgbtqia community in general, especially over the last few years as we have seen legislative attacks, clinical propaganda on the rise. a lot of recent polling over the last couple years and months has also indicated that some of that support gets a little more dicey more divisive when it comes to transgender americans in particular. i think that what we are seeing is that part of of a pretty successful propaganda campaign from the republican party, a lot of propagandists on the political rights, who after the
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successful legalization of same- sex marriage in the u.s. pivoted to transgender identities and trans rights as a way to hold onto political power. unfortunately, as we have seen, a lot of people have not been so successful. ron desantis was not able to put that into his presidential bid. we have seen so many people making their political identities and careers based on lgbtq hate, which is particularly directed at trans people, at drag queens, as you mentioned at the top. all of those bomb threats were directed at drag events of one kind or another. that is what we are saying. >> there is a scary aspect and other side of the coin is that on the legislative front. they are currently tracking 523 pieces of anti-lgbtq legislation around the country. that is one more than we showed
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on this map just last week. this number could keep rising. do you think there is a correlation between the anti- lgbtq legislation coming from government officials and the threats and vandalism that are coming from the people. >> absolutely. i completely agree as a journalist. it is really hard for even people like myself, who make this our beat to keep up with the flood of these kinds of bills that are coming out of state governments and also in washington. you played the clip in your last segment of josh hawley. i think there has been a real big push to make these sorts of things, again, into political identities in order to shore up support. we can absolutely draw a correlation between the proliferation of this kind of thing. the idea that it is politically desirable to be anti-tran18 and anti-trans.
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and these sorts of threats and sorts of vandalism and damaging incidents. just at the beginning of the month, i did not get into this in my article. of the colorado gop openly endorsed burning prime flags. i think that is about as queer as you can get to linking the political rights and the 2020s to exactly this kind of behavior. it is just the mainstream now. >> you think -- this is something that relates to how we as a country push back against the violence -- do you think we should look at this type of vandalism and hated, not as isolated incidents but part of a culture of political violence that is emerging in this country? >> i think that is absolutely right. the biggest thing to do is to really not treat this as isolated incidents. these sorts of things have been a growing for years, especially
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in the last five years that i can remember. we have seen far right militia groups like the proud boys that have been mobilizing in greater numbers at pride events. we have seen that again this year. we have also been seeing, you know, of the of younger people who have been successfully propagandized and are also in acting violence against their peers, against other young people. that really breaks my heart. i think that -- the problem is far-reaching. it goes back to a lot of things with christian nationalism, has you have mentioned on the show. it runs very, very deeply and i think we are seeing the ugly side of it come out more and more often. >> unfortunately. samantha reidel, thank you so much. happy pride to you as well.
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really appreciate you joining us this evening for this conversation. thank you for being with us tonight. come back tomorrow at 7:00 eastern on msnbc. we will talk about the most expensive congressional race in u.s. history and efforts to come back project 2025. ayanna pressley is with us and much more starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern only on msnbc. until then, i am ayman mohyeldin in new york. have a good night. you go, . thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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