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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  June 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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that does it for me. we will be back with you next sunday. stay where you are. there is more coming up. congresswoman iona presley on the plan to combat trumps
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blueprint for a second term and why she's getting involved in the most expensive race in history. did louisiana open a door for christian nationalists ischemic we're mandating the 10 commandments in schools. a new documentary using comity to combat misogyny and change opinions about abortion. the heritage foundation's plan to transform the nation into a trump dystopia. it would provide him a blueprint for a potential second term. yesterday, my colleagues have the chance to sit down with kevin roberts, president of the heritage foundation and top architect for project 2025.
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>> you reject it was a plan cook top for the second coming of the administration came >> we couldn't do that. we are nonpartisan. i would have been thrilled if president biden asked for a briefing. >> setting aside the laughable claim that it would've been thrilled to work with biden, throughout the interview, he laid out a series of points that made him sound indistinguishable from donald trump like wanting to remove state department employees. >> we are going to fire someone and that number needs to be more than 50,000. it is time they are put in the driver seat rather than bureaucrats. >> we will clean out all the corrupt actors in national security and intelligence and there are plenty of them. >> there demonization of immigrants. >> we need to have the biggest
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mass deportation system ever. >> on day one, we will begin the largest deportation operation in american history. you're gonna start a new migrant fight week. >> and abortion. >> i want to know -- abortion can happen until three days after. >> some states are passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. it is crazy. >> there is no truth to about what so ever. it is a disgusting lie. both refused to accept the results of the election regardless of who wins >> is your organization going to accept the results, regardless of the outcome? >> yes, if there isn't massive fraud. >> will you commit to accepting results? >> if i think it is honest yes.
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>> the most revealing part of the interview was the long-term plan for trump is him. >> the work of the heritage foundation was to institutionalize it as a new version of conservatism. he is the standard. >> just hours after, trump gave supporters a preview of what he was talking about. >> and four years you don't have to vote. i don't care. we will have it all straightened out. >> in four years, you don't have to vote. that is the institutionalized trumpism, providing the gop a blueprint for ending democracy. the heritage foundation can claim they are not tied to a candidate but they found the avatar for their dark and
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dangerous vision. it is donald j trump. iona presley is a founding member of the task force designed to stop project 2025. thank you for making time. you called project 2025 a far right manifesto. walk us through what you are actively doing. >> it is a frightening blueprint and a policy plan. it is a transition plan. with these extremists, they have proven, they do not make threats, they make promises. we have to do everything to stop it from becoming reality. it will dismantle the federal government as we know it and eliminate department of
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education and continue our march toward a national ban on abortion. a nation of forced birth. banning books and banning language, the word abortion, diversity, equity and inclusion. defunding title i. of course massive firings of dedicated civil servants and replacing them with trompe l'oeil is. this is a transition plan, they already have online portals to test the loyalty of people so they can replace public servants with loyalists. i have to call out the fact that the heritage foundation, they are saying it out loud. they deny that abortion is healthcare. one thing they cannot deny is the harm they intend to cause. they always telegraphed their harm. this task force will be doing the work of spreading awareness
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and posting briefings and hearings. it is critical that we have congressional oversight and accountability. congress is leveraging every tool available. although this extreme blueprint, mostly implicates federal agencies, it also implicates the courts. the supreme court, which is far right imbalanced and engaging in impropriety often and with the same mega-donors that bankrolled the heritage foundation blueprint, it is the same like leonard leo, doing the work of influencing judges like clarence thomas and alito. and they want to grow the bench and seek more justices like them.
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it cannot happen unless donald trump is elected in the supreme court are enlisted to make real this frightening blueprint which is reminiscent of mccarthyism fascism and it is frightening. people should be afraid but they need to baleen and and pay attention. sunlight is the best disinfectant. >> you recently talked about the link between the project 2025 in the scandals we have seen from the justices. i want to get your reaction to lindsey graham, slamming the idea of a code of ethics. >> the worst thing that could happen is for the united states in the house to determine what cases the supreme court hears. it was a constitutional overreach. they are trying to micromanage the court. >> you have talked about the importance of the election but
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we shouldn't lose sight of how orton congresses and control comes this november as well. is it dangerous to lose sight of the battle when you have people like lindsey graham rejecting oversight from congress over the supreme court so it can implement something like project 2025 and trumpism connect >> down ballot races are incredibly important. what we see is a coordinated unrelenting extremist agenda where people have been enlisted from state legislature to congress all the way to the supreme court that has repeatedly ruled against the will of the majority of the people. they have been legislating from the bench. we need a code of ethics and we need term limits. we need to expand the bench and we need to be thorough and
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investigative where there has been impropriety. >> a source said donald trump will likely not attend the classified document hearings. given how much eileen cannon has been stonewalling her slow rolling the case and then you hear someone like roger stone who has insinuated that judge cannon is in trump's pocket, how concerned are you about the rise of people like eileen cannon and other potential judges who trump appointed, doing bidding on his behalf, delaying justice for the sake of political expediency perhaps? >> very concerned. it is simply more of the same. they enlisted the courts to operate with the absence of justice as co-conspirators think accomplices in this far right agenda. >> please stick around. next we're gonna talk about an important house race in new york that is the most expensive in history compaqs to an influx of pro-israel cash.
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extract the most expensive primary race will be decided in the 16th congressional district. groups funded by mega-donors joining forces to unseat jamaal bowman. they are not backing a republican candidate, they are backing a democratic executive named george latimer.
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this headline helps explain it. the american israel public affairs committee unleashes a record $14.5 million to defeat a critic of israel. the ad almost never mentions israel. instead they paid congressman bowman as a disloyal congressman to president biden and accused him of generating controversy, chaos and conspiracy. they called him a progressive pro-israel candidate and said bowman refuses to support israel in a just war. why would a right-wing pro- israel political action committee spent so much money on a race but avoid mentioning israel polling shows a plurality of voters prefer a candidate that supports a cease- fire which is bowman's position.
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it also shows that 50% of voters believe the u.s. is giving too much aid to israel and they believe too little relief to palestinians. the irony is he did not come to congress focusing on support or criticism of israel. in the past he has voted in favor of israel such as the bill for funding the iron dome. it was a trip to israel that opened his eyes to the reality of military occupation. it was a trip called a transformational moment. that has now led to an unprecedented spending barraged by groups and donors. some of whom are backers of donald trump, looking to make an example for simply criticizing israel. it has also led hillary clinton to join forces with donors by
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endorsing george latimer's bid to unseat him. while we worry about the fate of democracy, we also need to be clear about the state of democracy now. what does it say about the political system when mega- donors, a pack, hillary clinton encrypted donors can join forces and cobble together $15 million to houston middle school principal from congress for calling for a cease-fire in gaza. a position that a plurality of constituents agree with and want. back with me again is hannah presley. squad member and supporter of jamaal bowman. we are concerned about the state of democracy. what does the race tell us about the state of democracy now? >> i am just so glad to be here.
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i have been in the 16th all day. i was at festivals and small businesses. i am very encouraged by the number of people that understand what is at stake. he is and that is someone that leads with love and centers the people and recognizes that destinies are tied. then sees every child as his own. and i says one human family. they recognize the leadership as an educator and advocate and an effective legislator. someone that was valued by the caucus and endorsed from everyone from king jeffries to elizabeth warren. the endorsement that matters the most is the people. he has earned their trust and confidence and their partnership.
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he is someone that i have worked with on issues relative to schools and injustice and addressing the baby formula shortage. paid sick leave. jamaal bowman's probe piece, pro-humanity and pro-justice. i am grateful that he is my partner in good. i'm doing everything in my power to ensure that he is returned to congress in the way that he was elected that first time by multiracial movement and delivered with a mandate by the people. >> in the post, there was a piece titled no one should be surprised that a black politician is the canary. in it she writes shut up or else is the message being sent to lawmakers that are critical of what is happening in gaza.
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i want to know, is that a message you are gabbing about the war? >> jamaal bowman, like many progressive lawmakers before him is a target because of the progressive stances he has taken. he is a disrupt or of the status quo. he wants to advance solutions that go as far and as deep. the plot is the people. he leaves with love and centers the people. he is an effective legislator and a loving and dedicated husband and father and an effective advocate. again, this is the candidate that was pro-peace, humanity and justice. i am heartened by the energy in response today. i'm going to continue to be out there making the case and reminding people of the work he
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has done. i want to remind folks, because we have titles, it doesn't change vulnerability. what do you do when your existence is the resistance. you dig deep and put your head down and keep doing the work and you don't lose sight of what matters. that is what he has done. race has played a big role. george latimer seen as using racial dog whistles. he said bowman has an ethnic benefit. he's also accused of representing dearborn michigan. a city with a large arab and muslim population. are you worried if a young black candidate is ousted with this money from congress that it can hurt democrats with constituencies they desperately need to win congress and the presidency in november in a state like michigan?
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>> i am worried about the impact of the absence of the voice of jamaal bowman and his leadership and advocacy. and what that will mean. i don't have time to worry because i need to work. what we have seen over and over is organized people needs organized money. the power of the people has always been greater than the people in power. i believe that jamaal bowman is in the seat he is and because he recognizes where the power lies. >> the slogan is the many versus the money. there is a class element. jamaal bowman was a middle school principal before entering congress. is there room for the working class politicians and politics or even in the democratic party
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if people are squeezed out by big dark money. >> the electorate sent him to congress and i believe they will do it again with a mandate that we need people to bring diversity, perspective and thought and the people closest should be closest to the power, driving and informing policymaking. as a black man in america and as a parent that worries and fights for his children, he has been closest. that is why we need him. he brings that perspective and understanding. and then remains laser focused on advancing solutions that go as broad and deep. at the end of the day, who you vote for the terms who was elected. policies determine everything. who lives, dies, survives and
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thrives. >> always a pleasure. thank you for your time. >> team bowman, vote on june 25. stack the law forcing the 10 commandments into schools. has it opened the door for christian nationalists? annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. ♪♪
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musah cap divided -- captive audience. thank you for joining us. laura ingram recently interviewed the representative that authored the bill and she is one of the prime backers of the bill prohibiting teachers from discussing gender identity or even sexual orientation. >> students will be able to look up and see there is a moral standard that god set for us to live by. one that is grounded in the constitution and foundation of the country. >> your response to that? >> it couldn't be further from the truth. the reason, the foundations of the constitution are actually freedom, equality and the right to be able to choose your faith or no faith at all.
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what gives us the power is the establishment clause. that says the government cannot prefer one religion over another and cannot prefer religion as to non-religion and the government must remain neutral. the thing i find hypocritical about this comment is the very same legislature that seeks to control whether or not children learn american history and the history of oppression, specifically in louisiana is the same hypocritical body that wants to indoctrinate our children and codify christianity and make it so children have no context for the words. text without context is dangerous. >> let's talk about how you fight this. people argue the case has been settled. louisiana is trying to push this through. these posters paid for through donations not taxpayer dollars.
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d see that as a tactic to try and skirt legal challenges that they may have learned from previous attempts? >> absolutely. it comes out of the playbook from 1980 stone versus graham. the government did the exact same thing. to try to mandate the 10 commandments and say that if it were paid for by a private donor or not the state it would somehow skirt the test required. that test with simple. it is called the lemon test. that says look at the intent of that legislation. if the intent is secular or religious you look at that and say, are the religious doctrine something that could be thought of as anything other than religious? in this case, it is scripture. there is no other way to interpret it in no way we
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believe the court would interpret it. there has been no federal court since the 1980s to present day that said putting a version of the 10 commandments in any version in public schools is legal. there is a reason. public school students and families are mandated to attend. that means we can't go and then require a mandate them to follow a certain religion or be indoctrinated to ideology. furthermore, we can't mandate which version of the 10 commandments will be posted and that is exactly what this governor and administration is trying to do. there are various versions and they are mandating a version that is not going to be able to be discussed because you can't discuss sexual education in class or lgbtq+ rights or anything. we are hamstringing the binding teachers into a system that is
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almost impossible to operate in. >> this move comes as we have seen a more conservative movement permeate every aspect. you have lawmakers putting forth hundreds of bills aimed at adding everything from public school chaplains to in god we trust signs. lawmakers in states like texas, oklahoma and utah could now follow the lead. have republicans just opened the door for christian nationalists that are researching politically and now culturally and socially? >> i want to make it clear, the comments are not anti-christian. i don't want people to be confused. i have a faith that is christianity. what i know is louisiana is a diverse state that has christians and catholics and jewish and hindu and lutheran and other christian denominations. those are the folks that will be plaintiffs in this action.
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what we know is the christian right, are not just advocating for the 10 commandments, they are advocating that women that possessed mifepristone for their own health and rights for reproductive liberty, they are criminalizing those individuals and women. we also know these same individuals eliminated parole eligibility. they brought back the death penalty. they are prosecuting 17-year- olds as a dolts. this is hypocrisy. as a person of faith, the kind of jesus that would require the 10 commandments in a classroom but take free lunch out of the classroom is the kind of jesus but i don't think any the believers i know of understand. >> we are going to continue to follow the story and bring any of dates that we can. thank you so much. next, good news for
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undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens. f u.s. citizens. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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setting sites on the executive action that will provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented spouses. donald trump said he would reverse the order. he described it as a ploy from biden to help democrats bring in undocumented voters. first only u.s. citizens can vote and biden's new policy is not going to automatically sign up undocumented people to vote. the policies aimed at allowing some undocumented spouses to apply to the department of homeland security for status on a case-by-case basis. the requirements are narrow. they must have lived in the u.s. for 10 years, be married to an american citizen as of june 17 and cannot have a criminal record. what does the policy have to do
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with undocumented people at polling booths? nothing. republicans are conflating it with a 2021 executive order on voter registration that has nothing to do with undocumented people. this particular order directed agencies to increase access to voter registration services and information about voting which included expanding multilingual registration. almost as if the administration anticipated these attacks, the order specifically said the outreach was for eligible citizens. in other words, there is no truth holding up the claims from republicans can't just fear mongering. joining me now is the president and ceo of global refuge in the former policy director for michelle obama. it is great to have you back. even if before biden unveiled his new order, you have people
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like stephen miller, the architect of the anti- immigration policies calling it amnesty during an invasion in referring to the undocumented by a derogatory term. how do you fight this dangerous disinformation that is so synonymous with the conservative right to? >> there has to be a proactive campaign. the reality, we are in the predicament of the anti- immigration sentiment. we are seeing that xenophobia out of political leaders across the nation. this is where there is a real opportunity to be clear about what the executive order does. it is one of the most significant actions we have seen . it would allow for families to remain united.
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it is the type of bold leadership that aligns with public sentiment overwhelmingly, americans support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants that meet criteria. it is important to highlight the people that it would impact have been here on average for about 23 years. their husbands and wife and sons and daughters and our longtime neighbors who have become contributors to the fabric of the community. >> trump has posted on his failed platform that he is planning to blame a handful of horrific murders by undocumented migrants on biden at the debate. it is absurd and debunked claim. we know that immigrants do not commit crimes at higher rates than native americans. does president biden have a higher moral responsibility to challenge this talking point aside from just his concerns for
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political reasons? >> there is absolutely an opportunity. as he said, the data has been crystal-clear. some have claimed that border communities are less safe than those on the interior. a study has been distinctly clear about the fact that the counties are safer than comparable counties when you look at the top 10 cities that received the highest number of refugees, whether looking at economic crime or violent crime or petty crime, they are actually safer. this is where i hope president biden comes out making the case and explaining that the country faces a democratic cliff. unless we find more immigrants to bolster the economy and take care of children and parents to keep medicare and social security afloat and keep our country safe, this is where there is imperative and a
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responsibility to the public. not fear mongering and not grandstand and do not gape goat and blame immigrants for fentanyl that be clear about the fact it is the smart thing to do. >> you are out the white house when biden announced his new policy on the 12th anniversary of daca. how do you balance by seeing this as a win while also taking into the order that restricts the legal human right to asylum? how do you explain that position? >> that is an important question. in the last few weeks the policy has been a tale of two executive actions that left a few of us with whiplash. the biden administration is trying to walk a tight rope between keeping border secure and humanely risk bonding to people that are fleeing dire
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circumstances. i run an immigration nonprofit. it is reasonable to want robust systems in place and know who is coming to the country but we have a duty to protect people that need our help. that is where we have an opportunity to explain to the public, we want an orderly and structured system. we want to make sure people aren't gaming the system but we want to make sure we are true to the values and legal responsibility and that is codified in u.s. law. also we are building legal pathways that allow for people to not have to come to the border. we need to make the affirmative case. the system has been broken. i appreciate that president biden has taken action. it is important to acknowledge that we have lived in the system for a long while and leaders need to lead us out of
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charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. charmin, enjoy the go. i don't know how long it's been there. long enough to produce eggs, moreit seems.e go. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference.
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that is a clip from a documentary that follows the movement to bust the stigma associated with abortion. liz winstead and her group to abortion clinics throughout the u.s. founder and chief creative officer at abortion access front, cohost of the podcast and cocreator of the daily show. and cohost of the buzz kills podcast.
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that's not approaching through comedy right away. explain why you decided to use comedy this way. >> my history showed me that comedy works. exposing hypocrisy through humor got people to pay attention and listen. one thing that was missing was talking about abortion through that lens. networks didn't really want to do it. i decided that i would form an organization that help do that so we could make the same strides and busts that stigma. it is an important part in this.
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talk to us about the experience and how it relates? >> the whole purpose is to lie to people all and others especially when they are vulnerable. if you have any real privilege you can avoid them. i was just out of college and didn't have much money so i thought okay a free pregnancy test. they were trying to lie to me. after i had the experience the person was trying to stall me so i said i want this one thing and they said come back in a week. i ended up having an abortion in the hospital. that was unfortunate. in the work we do now we work with
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independent providers and the kind of clinics i needed to be at. >> how do you take what you have witnessed and scale it to a larger audience. is there a larger movement of people trying to do what you are trying to do? >> what happens, the film covers the larger picture. our podcast covers in depth, things that sometimes people only hear in a five-minute segment. through doing a comedy and music show, three or 400 people in a room that hear what the community needs. then after the show they can sign up and they are connected to those people. we have a training program where we trained over 10,000 people
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all and connect them to local communities. starting the ballot initiatives and escort programs and help people providing abortion care. we are big connectors. >> when you think of the work, the community is a good scale. it's a scale to support your provider and the community. >> it is very impactful on a grassley roots level. what are you learning from those that you are presenting and what are they telling you about what they are going through? >> people have individual stories. what you learn, when you look at the media they say red states and blue states. every red state you are seeing
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people or individuals trying to organize initiatives. it is easy when you live in new york to write off places that are not new york or california or portland and assume that individuals are not actively working for their rights. then you learn everyone is fighting for their right. >> no matter how blue or red, access hasn't been available. the big message is when we hear the phrase restore row, we need to do better. it really disenfranchised black people and people of color and rural people. we want to get to a place where the stories are told and people understand that if you need abortion care, it is individualized. you can't rubberstamp who should get what. some timeframe or set of obstacles, it doesn't make sense
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. >> what is the call to action before now and november? do you think congress should have or could have done something different other than wait for the election where abortion is on the ballot? since the overturn of roe versus wade it mobilized people in other races. what is the call to action. don't talk to the political class. talk to those that have abortions in the activists on the ground. they know how to communicate. people came out of the woodwork to get these initiatives. >> people that have abortions and said enough. silence is no longer valid or helpful. start having conversations.
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that way you can understand how to craft legislation that includes everybody. >> a final thought, what do you think is needed? >> we have so much work to do. it is exciting to see people mobilizing on the state level. we need federal protections for healthcare and doctors to not be criminalized for providing safe and effective healthcare. like you said, i need for politicians to talk to both on the ground and please talk to doctors. a lot of the bills directly target dr. snell. >> it is dangerous but one of optimism. hopefully we will see the change we deserve. we appreciate you joining us. thank you as well for joining us at home. catches becky on saturdays and sundays and follow us on next and instagram. a quick programming note, tomorrow on the second anniversary of the
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decision to reverse roe versus wade, kamala harris will sit down in an interview joined by hadley do fall on how the kentucky governor win reelection. 6:00 amy stran right here on monday. until we meet again, in new york, have a good night. ood ni. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference.
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