tv Ayman MSNBC June 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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ith xfinity. that will that will do it for me. thanks for watching. tune in tomorrow to the sunday show when congressman james clyburn joins us live to look at to a big week in the 2024 race as the biden campaign hits the reset button and the supreme court rules on donald trump's immunity claim on monday. that is tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. easter night here on msnbc. follow us on instagram, tiktok, and threads. catch clips of the show on youtube. you can listen to every episode of our show as a podcast, for free. just scan the qr code on your screen to follow. keep it here. ayman mohyeldin, next. good evening tonight on■ç
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ayman, weathering the storm. democrats convening this saturday to discuss next steps after the presidents poor debate performance. plus, the supreme court ruling that will have massive implications across this country and are republicans playing the long game? and can we change america's gun culture? the surgeon general sure hope so. i am in for ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. there is there is no sugarcoating it. president biden had a bad night thursday. we all know that and his poor debate performance has created a lingering split in the democratic party,■ç with many questioning whether he should remain on the ticket. take note of how many prominent democrats like barack obama, nancy pelosi, hakeem jeffries and james clyburn have been
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willing to admit biden had a rough night. however all of them remained behind biden, insisting he should not drop out. others on the left are more blunt. >> he had one thing he had to accomplish and that is reassure america that he is up to the job at his age and he failed at that. >> i don't believe he is our best choice. >> there will be discussion over whether he should continue. >> there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. >> democratic strategist james ç carville predicted biden won't be on the ticket in november, adding, he never thought biden's campaign was a nifty idea. even biden himself showed self- awareness about his performance yesterday. >> i don't speak as smoothly as i used to. i don't debate as well as i
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used to, but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. >> there is clearly a divide among democrats when it comes to how to proceed. the fact these honest discussions or even happening, a willingness to debate, is crucial to a functioning democracy. the response to thursday's debate, believe it or not, is healthy. contrast that with what we are seeing from the trump camp. the former president gave an abysmal performance, with ■ça l after lie. whether it was refusing to commit to accepting election results, spending falsehoods about immigrants. trump was on full display for the world to see, but no one on the right was willing to call him out. if anything they went overboard trying to praise him with michael watley calling trump's performance, quote, dominant. after all, there is no room in
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the gop for division or debate. you swear fealty to trump or you are considered an enemy in maga world. trump made that crystal clear when he threatened adam kinzinger and liz cheney, two republicans who dared to hold him accountable for the january 6 insurrection. >> the committee, which was basically■ç to horrible republicans that are gone now out of office. they deleted and destroyed all of the information. they should go to jail for that. >> just a reminder, there's no truth to that. however, brian class argues that the biden response from democrats has been a healthy exercise in democracy versus the authoritarian cult of personality of trump. he writes in the atlantic, quote, it is the telltale sign of a broken political party that long ago abandoned principles and values. falling back on an amoral unwavering allegiance by which
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trump can do no wrong. have to tell you we have an all- star panel to break this down. rick wilson, cofounder of the lincoln project and author of running against the devil, a prod ■çto save america from trump. and democratic strategist and former campaign advisor for obama. rick, let's start with you. what you make of the divide among democrats? you agree this is a sign of a healthy democracy versus an authoritarian fealty to trump? >> i will say this, donald trump, the fealty of the republican party is not a surprise now. they are a full on colt and democrats debating this, they had 24 hours to talk about this. they ought to be back on the job right now. job one, job two, job three, job for, and job five is to go out every day and be donald
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trump. stop trying to the cool cynical kids. get back to work. get on the attack. this is a party that has always had a certain navelgazing. this is a fight to the death. this is a battle where the voters want to see a dog fight and joe biden had a terrible, horrible, no good night. he went out and knocked it out of the park on friday and now the job of everybody in the pro- democracy movement is to get up, stop whining, throw off the comfy blanket and get back to work. >> the dnc convened a call today and wanted to know exactly where you go next. talk to us about it, what can we expect? what is the pathway for the party right now? >> the democratic bedwe(a%9 has the wind. the rubber meets the road. we have to be out in the battleground states. there is a ground game that has
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to be lodged and especially in states where we know trump and biden have been running neck and neck for a while. i think that this was quite frankly a horrible debate performance, but at the end of the day the good thing is that that is june. the actual election is in november. we will not be talking about this in november. what we will be talking about is if black voters, younger voters, if they are engaged in this election cycle. i think his campaign needs to reset to be able to meet the moment and that is irrespective of his debate performance. he has to strategize and ensure he is meeting those people where they are, specifically younger voters, black voters, specifically black men, making the case of ■çwhy they should show up in november and being on the stump, insuring he is meeting them where they are. insuring his policies are the policies that change their lives. talking about the things in the white house. he has done a great disservice by the media for quite some time and joe biden has to be in
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the space. he has to acknowledge the mistakes that were made. the campaign has to acknowledge the mistakes that were made, but they also have to have a complete reset because the way the campaign was strategizing simply did not work and they have to be ready for the next chapter. if not this will be a very long road to november. >> both biden and trump held rallies yesterday. biden, to his credit, was more animated and warned about threats to democracy. trump meanwhile gave whatever this was. take a listen. >> he has become a palestinian. he is ■ça palestinian and i sai you've got to pay and they said what would happen if we don't? then we won't offend you against russia. they are taking the black jobs. global warming is fine. in fact i heard it was going to be very warm today. should be immediately released. immediately, the hostages. and i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.
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>> rick, i don't even know where to start, but we are so focused on biden's performance that we have yet to ask ourselves, who did trump win over? donald trump has one election with 46% of the electoral vote. mitt romney lost with 47% by comparison. he was a senator, vice ■ç president, president. based on focus groups, with the latino community, he beat trump with over 3 million votes. who did he win over on thursday night? >> donald trump did fan service. all he was doing was throwing out the greatest hits that the maga base wants to hear. it was about this dark, pessimistic vision of america. it was all about this doom and gloom. all about the immigrants are coming to turn your country into a mad max health skate.
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he did not make a single appeal to a moderate voter, independent voter, centrist voter or even the millions and millions of republican voters who voted for nikki haley this year or ron desantis even. he made a very ■çnarrow appeal the online twitter audience. the online fox audience and look, none of this changes the fact that donald trump stood on that stage and pulled 30 or 40 lies in a row and every word out of his mouth was a slurry of this bizarre, fictional version of america. there is no optimism, no uplift. it is all doom and gloom stuff. biden had a bad night, but donald trump needs to have a bad night in november. because if we accept the fact that donald trump will keep his promises and implement project 2025 and go through this laundry list of authoritarian garbage, then it is incumbent upon all of us■ç to call it out
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i want to say this, trump on the debate. okay, he is still a felon, still a liar, still a fraud, still a creep, still a pedophile adjacent with his relationship with jeffrey epstein. he is still a foul, low creature that america deserves much better than. it is important to get out of this ditch, because nothing changed about trump and nothing ever will change about trump. >> what is your take, because i think we keep talking about what biden did not deliver, but again, how does trump win if he is not winning over young voters and literally not growing his base? >> he needs to talk about what trump delivered, which is lies, embellishments, basically trying to recast history, but it is something his base doesn't care about. they know trump ■çlies. the republican party does not care. trump did exactly what he has been doing on truth social, exactly what he did on his last
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campaign. trump has been the same man for decades and i think the realization has to be that biden is held to a different standard than donald trump and with that said the biden camp and democrats have to work harder and that is not only to expand their base. democrats always have a larger base. they have women, younger voters, diverse voters. the majority of republican voters are older white males. they pulled on unfortunately a handful of latino voters because of direct appeals to them but at the end of the day the measures to rollback civil rights, the measures that we have seen in state after state when it comes to eradication of roe v. wade, which we know that the tip came from donald trump who instigated and appointed supreme court ■çjustices whose main goal was to get rid of roe v. wade, to ensure women did not have reproductive rights including abortion and also ivf and basic birth-control rights. these are things that matter to the american public. the biden campaign has to hone in harder. they have to show the contrast
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and not personality, policy. these are two very different people. >> let me jump in here because i think one of the things i heard from folks again, talking about the debate. some people were saying i watched it, i had to turn it off. i know who i am voting for. i will vote for biden. they understand the stakes of this election. they understand democracy is on the line, but then you have the young voters that overwhelmingly went in and made sure biden had the house, the white house, the senate and they are kind ■çof wavering. the silver lining is that we are expecting 12 million more new voters than four years ago. four times the margin biden one by, but they are disillusioned rightfully so. they are not reaping the benefits from the headlines. what do you give them? what hope do you give them? what is the strategy democrats need to bring these young
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voters back to the party? >> i give them infrastructure jobs. i give them jobs they will be able to go into without having to go into debt, which we know has been a shackle on the ankles of many people who have degrees. i give them opportunity. i talked to them about the ways this administration has made their lives better and looking at the news the ad]i has made in terms of housing affordability. we have a long way to go, but this administration has invested in and stood firmly on things like childcare. ensuring that our environment is protected. we recognize what is happening out here and young people are more prescient than the older generation. this is also a generation that pushed for the george floyd justice and policing act. we tell them what republicans did and we ensure that they walk with us to the future because the democrats have a vision for the future. they are talking about things
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young people care about. republicans are reactionary and revisionist. they want to go back to policies of the 50s, of the 60s, even of the reconstruction era. they are not the party moving america forward and young people after recognize. >> ■çrick wilson, we have to ge you in the conversation later, but i am there with you. thank you so much for dreading me. next, supreme court conservatives do it again, ignoring decades of precedent with activism from the bench. we will be right back. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages.
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this week just how willing it is to put off delivering its most consequential rulings until the very end of the term. among them a major decision on january 6 charges. the court ruled in favor of a january 6 rioter, a former police officer, seeking to throughout the obstruction charges for joining the attack. in a 6-3 vote í%ss' nonideologi lines the court concluded the prosecutors overstepped the law which they say was only intended to apply to more limited circumstances involving evidence tampering rather than the broad array of circumstances prosecutors claimed it covered. the decision isn't a one off when. it is also a victory for hundreds of january 6 defendants charged with obstructing an official proceeding when they tried to upend the will of the voters and prevent biden selection certification in 2021. the biggest unknown is the fate
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of the 52 people convicted exclusively under the obstruction law. with no other charges 27 of them are serving sentences in federal prison. also how does this decision, if at all, have an ■çimpact on the most notorious january 6 defendant, donald trump himself? joining me now, former watergate assistant special prosecutor, former general counsel at the army and cohost of the sisters-in-law podcast and mark joseph stern, senior writer for slate. jill, i want to start with you. how do you think it will affect the defendants charged with obstruction and how will it impact donald trump himself? >> so let's start with the good news first, which is i believe both the majority and the dissent made it clear that the destruction of documents is the same of the creation of false documents and donald trump is charged with, for example, the
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slate of ■çfake electors. that is the creation of a false document, so he will not be exonerated and he will be able to be tried under this section of the code, which carries the heaviest penalty of all the things he is charged with in the january 6 federal case. so there is no effect on him, i believe. and may cause further delay because he will no doubt raise this as an issue and take it to an appeal, so it could delay the case further, although i do not believe there is much chance it will go to trial before the election anyway, so they may as well appeal it. hey could delete those counts and go to trial on the other counts that■ç do not raise this issue. unless it goes to trial before the election, he may as well have all of the charges that he
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can in the case. >> so what are the consequences of the court narrowing this federal obstruction statute? >> it clearly undermines the convictions of several dozen defendants, who as you noted are serving prison time exclusively on this charge and it also potentially destabilizes the convictions of many more january 6 defendants who either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of this particular crime. prosecutors have seen this decision coming and they have started to change their approach to this particular charge. the majority said thisúçis really about documents, physical objects, evidence. so prosecutors have started for instance showing juries security at the capitol on january 6 taking physical copies of electoral votes and rushing them out of the chamber to
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ensure the rioters could not get to them. prosecutors have started explaining to juries, look, the ultimate goal of these rioters wasn't just to interrupt the proceeding, but to obstruct the counting of these physical votes and slate of electors certificates sent in by the states. i don't know exactly how that will fair. i think as justice ketanji brown jackson wrote it should be acceptable, but in regards to donald trump it does give an opportunity for an appeal, creates uncertainty and leaves federal prosecutors not quite sure whether this tool is as potent as they hoped it ■çwould be when going after january 6 from top to bottom. >> i want to pivot to another huge supreme court decision. the overruling of chevron deference. you wrote that it wipes out 40 years of precedent. that require federal courts defer to expert opinions. how far-reaching is this ruling and what do you expect it will impact on the way our
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government functions? >> it is a shock to the system for sure. it wipes out 40 years of precedent and about 18,000 lower court decisions had been based on chevron, because this is our government works. congress rights laws, delegates powers to federal agencies and agencies implement those laws based on what they develop on the çground. the supreme court said judges no better than the experts at those agencies. judges who are unelected and unaccountable no better than scientists at the epa or labor experts. and judges can second-guess and veto every single way these agencies try to implement and enforce federal law and i think that will be a jolt. i think it will paralyze a lot of enforcement of important regulations that protect food, drugs, air, water, energy, everything you can think of and i also think it will chill
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congress writing new legislation because congress will not feel empowered to write broad laws that give agencies sweeping authority to adjust new problems. congress will feel it needs to be very specific. it will write ■çnarrow statutes and that will lead to a less effective and less functioning government overall. >> i want to build off of that, because what mark is able to highlight is by looking at this decision from the supreme court for the past two years combined, it diminished the power of the environmental protection agency and the overturning of the document pushes that even further, weakening the ability of federal agencies to regulate, as mark pointed out. christine todd whitman who served as the head of the epa in the bush administration told the new york times that the decisions set a dangerous precedent. that this activist conservative court is trying to implement a political agenda. for someone that likes to
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believe themselves to be originalist, this is so far from being originalists. what do you sa]ú■to this. >> first of all, originalist is in the mind of the beholder and it only applies when it serves the political agenda of that particular justice. the same is true for the textual lists. they follow the text when it serves their decision. this is horrible for two reasons. one is the substance and there is no change, but we are going to change it. also as mark said, this is terrible because the court does not have the expertise and in order to have the expertise they would have to hire the people to give them the expertise and the same is the same for the lower ■çcourts and the same is true everywhere if we don't have the
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administrative agencies. this project 2025 and the desire to eliminate civil servants and get rid of what donald trump calls the secret state and the deep state, that isn't what this is about. this is how the government functions. it also hurts congress. congress not only can't do much of anything anymore, but they certainly can't pass regulations. they, too, would have to have expertise to do this, so it is an unworkable solution and i don't know how to undo it. the supreme court is the last word on this, but in this case they are so wrong from a standpoint where it helps us to function and know what we can expect■ç to do, because we know what the past has been, but also in terms of this particular case is really terrible. i don't think that i answered your last question fully -- >> gel, i do think that in many
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ways you did. in many ways you did, because what you confirmed is that the court tries to be apolitical, that is what they claim, but what they are doing is using the bench for their activism. you are sticking around. we will be right back, because next we examine the high court ruling on abortion and what it truly means for access to care in idaho and beyond. we will be right back. ♪ (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and skyrizi is proven to help deliver long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. in january in january something alarming started happening in idaho. suddenly the state's largest provider of emergency service had to airlift pregnant women out of the state for emergency care roughly every other week. compare that to just wants■ç in the entire year previously. the astronomical surge coincides with the supreme court allowing idaho to enforce a near total abortion ban. elena kagan cites that statistic in her concurring
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opinion on a highly anticipated abortion decision and the court opted to allow emergency abortions in idaho, dismissing an appeal brought by idaho officials. a lower court ruling remains in effect for now. that's right, the decision is a temporary victory for abortion rights activists. while it immediately ensures life-saving care, the future of medical access is uncertain. not just in idaho, but other states with gop abortion bands. the court sidestepped the legal question on whether the abortion law goes directly against■ç a federal law that requires stabilizing care for emergency room patients. it does not answer key questions about whether doctors can provide abortions in other states with abortion restrictions and whether the federal law trumps state abortion bands. in a scathing dissent justice brown jackson said that it is not a victory. quote, it is a delay. while this court bottles and
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the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency conditions remain in precarious conditions as their doctors deal with what the law requires. jill wine-banks and mark joseph stern are back with me. what do you think of this ruling? what are the implications? >> you summarized it very ■çwel this is just a delay. it will eventually get back to the supreme court. this was decided on a procedural standing issue, that the doctors did not have grounds for proceeding. so it will eventually get back to them. it is off now, but it will get back up and people will continue to die and there is no other way of putting it. people are dying because of this and doctors are fleeing the
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state because they don't want to try to practice medicine in a place that doesn't allow them to use their medical judgment to take care of people under emergency treatment and labor act, which says you have to stabilize■ç someone so you don' die and that is what is happening here. this is all predictable in the same way that challenges to, for example, contraception and marriage will go away if the court continues on its current path. >> you wrote how the supreme court decision reeks of cynical compromise secured by the more tactical judges to push the explosive issue past this fall's election. i want you to elaborate because what jill said is because they're using this as a potential political football, there are real women out there that will die because of the lack of seriousness.
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>> there are at least half a dozen state that have a law like idaho that ■çprohibits abortions, even in the case of medical emergency, until a woman is literally dying. this decision does nothing to keep those laws on hold, which means in places like texas women will continue to be brought to the brink of death because of draconian abortion bands. the court kicks the can down the road and does so for reasons that i find very unconvinced. justice amy coney barrett wrote a concurrent saying we aren't really sure how much these laws clash. we need to let facts develop on the ground before we make a decision. that is not really right. as jill said this law is quite clear. it said if there is a conflict between city and federal law, federal law requires stabilizing care. sometimes an abortion means stabilizing care. that is how you protect a person's life. ■ç in doing so it leaves millions
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of women in limbo and leaves doctors in limbo. in texas about who is accused of violating the abortion ban faces 99 years in prison. the supreme court gives no guidance there. i guess i want to tie this back to the conversation about chevron, because this is a federal legislation and conservative justices continue to advance this skepticism towards experts implementing this federal law that congress enacted to protect people's lives. conservative justices keep second guessing decisions by congress and by experts here to say that women should not be killed because of a medical condition that can be treated. so this is important as it is once again supplanting the will of the people and ■çdecisions o the democratic ranches, doing so in a highly cynical way that seems timed to push a politically toxic, very bad decision beyond the november election.
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>> mark, i want to actually move a little bit to what we also saw. what is your take on the purdue pharma ruling? they found it inappropriately contained legal protections for the secular family and that their members cannot evade future lawsuits. what is the significance of this decision not just for purdue, but other folks that might cross the law? >> there are other cases that depend on this. a settlement with catholic church abuse victims. a settlement with boy scouts also by abuse victims, now ■ç thrown into uncertainty. i think this is a really difficult case and arguments on both sides for fairness are white strong. -- are quite strong. they say that they were not a party to this settlement. if someone says i was a victim, too, the settlement would prevent them from getting
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justice. the majority says that is not fair and it is not in the bankruptcy code. the dissent by brett kavanaugh says look, we already have a great settlement. billions of dollars paid out to victims. we should let that move forward and not stand in the way. i think this divided the court between formalists and pragmatists on this issue. the formalists which included the more conservative justices and congee brown jackson said -- and ketanji brwg jackson said we are blocking this. the pragmatists said this court should not stand in the way of justice. all we have to do is greenlight this and that is what we should do. i think it shows when politics are deeply infused in an issue, the court can decide questions of law in a way that is not so cynical and partisan. >> i want to give you the last word quickly. what's your take?
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>> i agree with mark. this is a tough decision because you have people suffering who thought they were at the end of the road and had money coming to them to take care of damages they suffered. on the other hand the bankruptcy law does prohibit giving a free ride to some people who don't go through ■ç bankruptcy and the sackler family members did not go through the actual bankruptcy proceedings, so they should not get out of this. they have a lot more money than the $6 billion offered and the company was going to help with the suppression. there are good things in the settlement, but it did go against the law, so i have mixed feelings. too bad that we got to this. >> jill wine-banks and mark joseph stern, i appreciate the debate. thank you for joining me. next, gun violence is declared a public health crisis
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this week this week the biden administration added a new front to its effort to combat the nonviolence epidemic. the u.s. surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis and issued a 40 page report with a game plan to do with it. this is■ç a landmark announceme from america's top doctor, because for years officials including four of his predecessors have called for gun violence to be treated as a public health issue rather than a political one. for years the national rifle association has fanatically opposed to this, while promoting legislation to shut down federal funding to even research gun violence. while not new, it should still anger anyone who reads it. firearms are the leading cause of death for children and
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adolescents in the united states over the last 10 years. more than car accidents, drowning, suffocation, heart disease and cancer. it shows the perversity of america's gun culture. there is a certain pessimism when it comes to efforts to stop the spread of gun violence in america. the courts ■çand nra and washington seem so entrenched that it is easy to get cynical about change. it is notable that this new approach treating the habit and attitude that is so ingrained in the culture as a public health emergency had success in the past. do you believe in 1964 the u.s. surgeon general published a landmark study that concluded cigarette smoking was causing lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. this may seem obvious now, but back then it was groundbreaking. this went down at a time when more than 40% of american adults were smoking.
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today thanks to the changes in society that this surgeon general warning helped spark, that is now closer ■çto 10%. there is something else happening that should frighten the gun lobby and give the rest of us some hope. the generations most adversely affected by guns, gen z and the generation after, jin alpha, are finding their voices and starting to speak out, especially girls. a new survey found that gun violence and school safety is among the top concerns and just as important, a study found both generations recognize the importance. 87% of gen z women plan to vote in the election and 88% of alpha girls plan to vote when they become eligible. when we come back, the ceo of alpha girls joins me to discuss this.
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now i'm now i'm sure you are not just tuning in because you know before the break we broke down the surgeon general's new q:"ti a public health crisis. one group of americans we don't usually hear from on this issue are the ones being raised on active shooter drills. the groups, rebel girls, and her campus are looking to change that and have a new survey asking girls what they think about all of this. joining me now is s wolfe ceo of rebel girls. i want to talk about what inspired you to conduct a survey like this, because we never hear -- >> that's right. this is a huge generation. there are almost 50 million gen alpha kids out there. they are ■çcivically minded and they care. these are future voters.
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we know the girls think we don't listen to them. that adults don't listen to them and politicians don't reflect the things that matter most to them. so we wanted to do this survey to give them a voice, to have their voices be heard and to have the issues that most impact them on the table in this election cycle so that adults can actually listen to them and address some of these pressing issues for these future photos. >> for gen alpha, the issue that topped the priority list was school safety at 69% and gun control at 38%. what type of responses did you get directly from the kids when you were asking these questions? >> these kids overwhelmingly have anxiety about going to school. ■ç we asked them to tell us about their most depressing issues and also asked why are the most depressing issues there? i want to read a few responses
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from these girls. once at school safety is important because it is dangerous for kids and teachers because of school shootings. many kids and teachers get hurt or worse. another set i go to school and i don't want to be afraid of guns. a third replied, so we can go to school and not have to worry about mass shootings and another said, i want to be safe in school. this is what they care about, this is what they think about, this is anxiety that every day they have to face drills. they worry about shootings. they have to go through metal detectors. this is part of this next generation that we didn't have growing up. ■ç >> this makes me recall. i was with the vice president in flagstaff, at the university of flagstaff back in october. it was so notable. i was interviewing her and at one point she asked the audience of college students if they have ever gone through a drill talking about guns and it was really interesting because the front row were all adults
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in their 40s and 50s and the rest of the audience were all young people and what was so amazing was when she asked that question, all of their hands raised up and the adults in the room gasped. i want to ask you, did you have notable signs of what can come out of this? this is impacting not democrats, not republicans, not i u$is is impacting every american child regardless of state or the political stripe of their parents. >> 100%. our survey of gin alpha girls spanned 47 states, so it was really representative. the vast majority of girls are undecided. they are not affiliated with one party or another party and they all care about this issue, regardless of which party they said they affiliated with. it was school, safety, and guns
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that were the thing that was top of mind for them that they wanted us to focus on as adults. >> we have time for one more question. we mentioned the surgeon general declaration of gun violence as a public health emergency. are you hopeful this could have an impact by changing the course of thsáhcountry when it comes to gun violence and gun control? >> 100%. i think it is a great first step. i think it gives us a reason to talk about this very important issue. i think it also acknowledges to the millions and millions of kids out there that are affected by this issue that we are listening, that we hear them. that this is a reality for them and the great hope is that we come together across the country, across all the aisles, across all the states and we put tougher legislation in their so kids and girls can grow up safe, strong, and we can foster an environment for them to become their most awesome selves. >> we will hear from the cynics thing it is great that you did
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a survey for seven and 10 and 12-year-olds. i say at the same time that they clearly don't have kids at home, because they have enormous, enormous influence onç their parents. on what they bring to the household. what they purchase. you think this is going to have an effect on people and influencing how their planes vote in november? >> 100%. families discuss this. we hear from gen alpha girls that their families influence them. they talk about this at the dinner table. it is important to note that we did the survey with campus media and surveyed gen z women who are first-time voters. there are 41 million gen z years who are eligible in the selection, 70% of eligible voters right now and we should be talking about the issues they care about as well and gun control is one of those issues. >> jes wolfe, thank you for always breaking barriers. thanks for joining ■çme. a new hour of ayman after
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