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tv   Love the Constitution  MSNBC  July 4, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ jamie raskin: he was, he was something, my son. ♪ >> he was something, my son.
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>> did you think about taking some time off? >> tommy left us a note. the note said, please forgive me. my illness won today. look after each other, the animals, and the global poor for me. all my love, tommy. he didn't have anything in there about take some time off. crowd: usa! usa! usa! usa!
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jamie raskin: why is america such an extraordinary country? we are not unified by virtue of being one ethnicity, >> why is america such an extraordinary country? we are not unified by virtue of being one with ethnicity or one ideology or one religion. we are unified by one constitution and one rule of law. the values under our constitution it is an aspiration. it is a challenge to us. the constitution shouldn't be some kind of fetish document. it should be the living commitment that we all have to make democracy work in service of the common good. that is the constitution that comes out of the civil war and
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reconstruction. that's the constitution we've been fighting for since then and we have to keep fighting for. >> please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i, donald john trump do solemnly swear. >> i, donald john trump do solemnly swear to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states so help me god. ♪ ♪ man: fuck you,
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woman: why don't you stop. president trump: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities. rusted out factories scattered like tombstones >> mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities. rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape. the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. there's american carnage stops right here and stops right now. >> when donald trump talked about american carnage in his first inaugural address it was a pivotal moment. american carnage was not a description of anything. it was really a promise on his
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part. when i saw the violence on january 6 i thought about the american carnage speech. he had foreshadowed the whole thing. american carnage is not what he was running against. it's what he was running for. ♪ ♪ >> we can now officially project that the democrats will take control of the house. >> for the first time donald trump will have an effective opposition party that will be able to thwart his agenda. >> all right. our next speakers are very special people. if you will listen up for a second, just pay attention for one second. i am bringing on two of my three kids who are going to
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introduce me so i can make my speech. please welcome tommy raskin and tabatha raskin. come on up. >> good evening, everybody. i am tommy raskin. >> i am tabatha raskin. so, if the best representative is the one who works the hardest and who is the most committed, then your representative, my dad, is the best. [applause] >> my father first ran for office when i was 10. since then and in former tally of all the questions i got in the campaign trail the one i get the most is, do you think your dad is going to win. i promise my familial hubris is
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showing because i never doubt he's going to win. it's not because of his irrepressible, unbridled weight, charm, and humor. there is that. it's not because of his smashing good looks though he has that to recommend him as well. it's because of his deep and abiding moral convictions and his fighting the trump administration every step along the way to help values remain sacred. >> thank you, son. thank you for the honor of allowing me to represent you for another term. i will give it my all. >> it was an amazing feeling to
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be in the majority. we will have the vans is good chance to investigate a lot of the corruption and malfeasance by the trump administration. of course, right when we got into the majority and the new term started, donald trump shut the government down. >> take the tie off. let's see what it looks like without the tie. that is better. stand up so we can see it. >> that is good. that's fine. >> it attaches at the bottom. >> i think this is too casual. >> you should be casual. >> this is the third government
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shutdown on president trump's watch as lawmakers failed to reach an agreement over porter while funding. the president is demanding it. government employees will still have to report to work but will not be paid. the rest will be furloughed. they will not go to work but they also won't get paid. >> hello. jamie raskin. nice to meet you. >> this is wonderful. >> i love these guys. i will have to make my contribution right now. i'm giving my entire january salary away since the government shutdown. i am giving it to the groups on the front lines. that is you guys. >> we appreciate you being part of that. >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> we are collecting food to help the way to people that are
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affected by the government shutdown. >> i will give you something when i come back. >> do not give him the wall. >> thank you. >> i have not emailed your office yet. i'm sure i will. i don't get angry i just fire something off. >> we have a system of checks and balances. you don't hold the workforce or the people of the country hostage to get your way in a debate. he was not able to get the government to pay for his wall. he was not able to get congress to do it even with control of the house and senate. now he decides to shut the government down. it is an unacceptable way to do business in a democracy.
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♪ ♪ i never thought trump could turn out to be a good guy. i thought maybe all of this right wing authoritarian populist stuff, all the mussolini stuff would fade away quickly when he got into office and cooler heads would prevail. the conservative republican establishment would kind of take over and run things like a standard one of the will right- wing presidency as opposed to an existential threat to constitutional democracy. >> donald trump took to the rose garden to wave the white flag, a grain to reopen the government without funding for the border wall. >> i am proud to announce we
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have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government. >> i think he thought he was going to practice political extortion and we would given. we stood strong. >> now for the first time donald trump will have an effective opposition party to thwart his agenda. they have the power to investigate. they have the power to subpoena. most importantly the end of one- party rule in washington. >> congressional oversight of the president of the united states finally begins in earnest today.
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trump's former personal lawyer michael cohen will give testimony to congress. >> he told us that he is a racist and a liar and a cheat. i said tell me something we don't know. i am looking at him like a refugee from and a -- an organized crime family and he will tell us the internal dynamics of the trump operation. >> we have a president who has turned the united states of america into a moneymaking operation for himself, his family, his business, and his friends. we want the portrait of what is
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taking place within the trump operation. we have to ask the question about whether this is a president that's an actual threat to the character of our republic. (gavel bangs) chairman cummings: mr. cohen, if you would, please rise, and i will begin to swear you in. >> mr. cohen, if you will please rise and i will begin to swear you in. raise your right hand. >> my loyalty to mr. trump has cost me everything. my family's happiness, friendships, my law license, my company, my livelihood, my honor, my reputation and seeing my freedom. i will not sit back and say nothing and allow him to do the
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same to the country. indeed, given my experience working for mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. this is why i agreed to appear before you today. applause -- [applause] >> michael cohen did issue a stark warning to the country that if donald trump lost there would be no peaceful transition and there's no way he would accept it. it's a frightening and startling thing for the president's own lawyer to say about him. it seemed far off at that point to a lot of people. people have said from the beginning there is no way he would do that. there's no way anybody would do that. that. and try new zero sugar gummies.
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introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
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♪ reporter: we've got a big story coming out of washington this morning. today is the public release of the mueller report. reporter: after 23 months of secrecy, this morning, >> we got a big story coming out of washington this morning. today is the public release of the mueller report. >> after 23 months of sequence he -- secrecy, the redacted
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version of the nearly 400 page report was released. >> was there a conspiracy in the election between the russians and americans trying to help donald trump? was there obstruction and other crimes? >> he never concluded either way whether the president obstructed justice. william bar made the determination himself. >> there was an attempt to preempt congress. we are the lawmaking branch of government. we are the primary and dominant branch of government and we are the ones who will decide whether there were high crimes and misdemeanors committed to the president. barr had done a masterful job propagandizing the public about it, basically pulling the wool over everybody's eyes about what was in the report. he took a complicated set of facts which showed lots of wrongdoing and condensed it to no collusion, no obstruction. >> there was no evidence of the trump campaign solution with the russian government hacking.
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>> there was no collusion. there was no obstruction. >> neither of those things was in there but that was what you would hear 500 times a day. it's the classic propaganda tactics of authoritarian regimes. i feel like i pulled an all nighter. i didn't but i think it is just that feeling like being back in college cramming for three hours . >> would you think impeachment is more on the table? >> i do not think it is any more or less than it ever was. my attitude from the beginning has been that impeachment should not be a fetish for anybody, but it should not be a taboo either. it is not a panacea for everything that ails us in america.
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it's not going to get health insurance to people and it's not going to lower prescription drug prices. it is the last line of self- defense against a president who insists upon acting like a king and trampling the law. the great thing about america, what we love about america is it is a constitutional democracy of the people, i the people, for the people. if somebody decides to disrupt the basic fabric of our republic and violate the law we have to take that seriously. >> it is a system of laws and the president is not above the law. the president is bound by the law just like everybody else. >> we are taught in third grade that we have three coequal branches. we are not coequal. we are preeminent. there's a reason we are in our one. all legislative power is vested in the congress of the united states. the constitutional sovereign power of the people to create the country, to write the constitution flowed into
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congress. what is the core job of the president? to take care that the laws are faithfully executed. that is it. if the president doesn't take care that the laws are faithfully executed, get rid of him. >> i overslept. >> can i use your phone to call julie? you found me on the day that i am really angry. my phone isn't working. i'm taking the dogs for a walk. my phone died. >> good morning. there goes the quiet. >> you stop that attitude. i am so upset right now.
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the president was engaged in all kinds of corruption and he just gave the finger to the separation of powers and congress and the oversight role. there was great frustration building up. there was a very strong sense in the country and our caucus that we needed to formalize it into an impeachment inquiry or investigation. i think the democratic leadership was nervous about the politics of it. some of our members started to say he is not worth it. the question is whether the constitution is worth it and whether the country is worth it. but now i have rinvoq. a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema —fast. some taking rinvoq felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days—
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(door closes) (footsteps pattering) jamie raskin: the problem with these tv interviews, i can't get anything done. i have no time to work.
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>> the problem , wowith these t interviews is i cannot get anything done. i have no time to work. hello? let me explain this., is my friend and constituent and he will change my life so the newspapers don't describe me as disheveled anymore. >> which one do you want? >> we have jamie here in our custom pinstripe suit. >> i like it. that is beautiful. >> i am embarrassed to put my old shoes on with my new suit. i did not get into politics to impeach donald trump. i did not think he would be in the white house. iran is a constitutional law
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professor. i know one thing really well which is about the constitution and the rule of law and american democracy. it became clear to me that trump was actually attacking the constitutional underpinnings of american government. >> thank you. ngs, and queens, and dictators, >> for most of the history of humanity people have lived under kings and queens and dictators and despots and bullies an authoritarian system. the whole point of the constitution is to keep people in office from just doing whatever they want. it was the idea of lawless discretion in government officials that
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motivated the american revolutionaries to write a constitution. we have to make democracy work and that is something that we do together. we need everybody organizing to get everybody registered to vote in 2020. and all of these tactics coming from donald trump. as far as trying to stop donald trump from his rampage in america we were also working for a landslide of democrats in 2020. >> you want to spend the rest
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of your lives looking at my four head. >> so much younger. >> really? >> we like it. ♪ ♪ down by the riverside. down by the riverside. ♪ ♪ >> hello democracy summer in
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the house. we brought some organizers to be with you tonight. one of them is sitting behind me. thomas jefferson said we are by blood and by tradition the heirs of rebels and revolutionaries that overthrew kings and tyrants and we must never forget who we are. [applause] >> as i was studying congress in school what i thought a member of congress is like is pretty much exactly jamie raskin. graciously intellectual, principled, compassionate, able to quote jefferson. >> i have always felt that politics at its best is educational.
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when i first ran for office i started democracy summer. it's about teaching people about the process and how it works. about the issues and competing merits for the different kinds of solution and teaching people how you go out and make change. >> mother and son. i need a shot. that is excellent. congratulations about your future. >> thank you so much. ♪ ♪ >> you are in the perfect place
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right now. >> i feel it. it's like everybody knows one thing and my turn came up. they all want to know about the constitution. happy labor day, everybody. nice to see you. >> can we take a few more of those. hello, you guys. happy labor day. nice to see you. do you guys need a constitution? you've got it. it has the impeachment clauses in their. the constitution is a big hit this year. happy labor day. good to see you. happy labor day. that is great. did we get behind here? happy labor day, you guys. have they elongated the parade route this year?
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"all eyes on me" performed by gi-yan ♪ all eyes on me brand new drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ ♪ in my bag like a bunch of groceries ♪ ♪ all this cheese and greens just come to me ♪ ♪ look at me on the go. always hustling. eyes on me ♪ ♪ all eyes on me, brand new drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ freedom you can't take your eyes off. the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator. jeep. there's only one. ♪ reporter: an extraordinary development likely without precedent in u.s. history. a whistleblower complaint by an intelligence official >> an extraordinary development likely without president in u.s. history. whistleblower complaint by an intelligence official about a
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private residential phone call. >> in the july phone call trump repeatedly pressured the president of ukraine to investigate item's son. >> withholding military aid in exchange for investigations that would and if it is reelection. >> there are three crimes. extortion by the president which is using the threat to obtain something of value. conspiracy to engage in indoor -- extortion and violate law. >> the actions of the trump residency revealed betrayal of his oath of office. betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the the integrity of our elections. >> it was our breakthrough day. we've been waiting for for three years. i got the newspapers. i am saving them. >> the whole ukraine shakedown
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seemed like a game changer because they were caught red handed. it unified the people that were very concerned about the political corruption and lawlessness with those who are concerned about what donald trump was doing to america's image and reputation in the world. i think that is why the impeachment pressure built up in such a large way. people understood that he was trying to wage war against not just our political party but the whole constitutional order. it was an extraordinary abuse of power. i forgot to tie my tie. don't look at my collar with a scowl. >> making it quick and easy. no elaborate set up. a crazy couple of days. >> a wonderful couple of days. the times have found us. the moment that the ukraine
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episode came to light, you can tell everything was going to change. at the same time that i was shocked and startled by the radicalism of the new chapter i felt it was completely consistent with everything we knew about donald trump. he has been betraying the office. he's been betraying the constitution. he's been betraying national security from day one. >> thank you so much. >> american elections belonged to the american people. they don't belong to an american president. they don't belong to a president working in league with foreign powers against us. that's what the framers were afraid of. i used to have a bunch of these which is. i'm down to one which. are these guys already trick or treating? will you give me a few minutes? come back because i'm getting my decorations. i have been a little bit busy.
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do you promise to come back? >> we well. we definitely will. >> happy halloween, you guys. this is not even a pumpkin? can you carve a cord? >> how many? >> can you fit three in your hand? there we go. do you like skittles? >> i think i can fit four. >> then you've got it. this is the trump era. it's whatever you can grab. >> dad! >> would you like a baby constitution? >> what is it? >> it has the first amendment and it. >> in a sobering milestone, house democrats turned weeks of testimony, evidence, and
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speeches into actual articles of impeachment against the president. >> the house judiciary decided to try to them with abuse of power and obstruction of congress. >> president trump's the fourth president in u.s. history to have articles of impeachment drawn up against him. >> good morning. it is my solemn responsibility this morning to present for your consideration house resolution 755 concerning the impeachment of donald john trump, president of the united states. investigating committees conducted 100 hours of deposition testimony with 17 sworn witnesses. the judiciary committee is now in possession of overwhelming evidence that the president of the united states has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. impeachment is like an indictment. when the house votes to impeach, it is acting like a grand jury and essentially saying, we believe there have been these crimes. >> president trump has abused
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the powers of the presidency by using his office to corruptly demand that a foreign government interfere in our american presidential election in order to promote his own political campaign in 2020. this scheme subordinated the democratic sovereignty of the people to the private political ambitions of one man, the president himself. >> the way i thought of it was this would be an attempt to state the case against the president before the country because the tv cameras would be there. i was trying to bring it back to the question of elections. >> if we let this misconduct go and authorize and license presidents to coerce, cajole, pressure, and entice foreign powers to enter our election campaigns, we can only ask what the 2020 election will be like or what any future election in america will be like. the president's continuing course of conduct constitutes a clear and present danger to
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democracy in america. we cannot allow this misconduct pass. it would be a sellout of our constitution, our foreign policy, our national security, and our democracy. thank you, mr. chairman. i yield. >> on this vote 229 to 198. article 2 is adopted. >> it is official. president trump impeached putting a bitterly divided america on display. virtually every democrat voting for impeachment and every republican voting against it. >> we took action told president trump accountable for the serious and undisputed risky poses to our free and fair elections and to the separation of powers that safeguard our liberty.
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>> we passed the two articles of impeachment. the president is impeached. >> once the house speaker sends the articles of impeachment to the senate that sets in motion a trial. >> the senate has the sole power to try the case. in other words, to be the court that conducts the trial on those charges. there two thirds is required to convict. a jury in the senate is almost by definition biased. certainly in trump's case because he demanded that kind of personal loyalty. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 45th president of the united states, donald j trump. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> think you. this lawless, partisan impeachment is a political suicide march for the democrat party. they have nothing. they are the ones that should be impeached. every one of them. we have tremendous support in the republican party like we have never had before. nobody has ever had this kind of support. it will come out to a dutiful, great victory for the republican party >> four more years. four more years. four more years. >> stop the lies. demand the truth.
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>> this is not about protecting the country. this is about destroying the president. >> donald trump has got to go. >> the house made a partisan political decision to impeach. i would anticipate we would have a largely partisan outcome in the senate. i'm not impartial about this at all. >> there is no way this can or should be viewed as legitimate. certainly not by republicans whose rights have been trampled every step of the way. >> we were treated unbelievably unfairly. this is what the end result is. >> it didn't surprise me that much that our side was unable to dislodge the monolithic republican support.
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the leadership were all trump accomplices. basically he had all these sycophants in the house and senate who are just going along with whatever he wants. >> you have been so great. thank you very much. much. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world.
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♪ (wings flapping) ♪ ♪ reporter: the cdc is mobilizing teams right now in an urgent effort to head off a newly identified deadly virus from china. president trump: you call it a germ. you can call it a flu. you can call it a virus. you know you can call it many different names. i'm not sure anybody even knows what it is. reporter: the corona virus has now been detected in at least 48 different countries, with case numbers rising rapidly. reporter: the coronavirus has altered daily life across the united states. reporter: record unemployment. 10s of millions of americans out of work- reporter: the death toll in the u.s. rising as new cases appear in more parts of the country. ♪
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♪ ♪ jamie raskin: covid-19 was a catastrophe for our country. the economic consequences of it were calamitous. (papers rattling) we ended up losing 100s of 1,000s of people. we have 82,000 of our fellow citizens who have died already. we have 10s of millions who have been thrown out of work. we have seen massive shutdowns. harvard law school closed physically,
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and tommy came back to live with us. he was on zoom doing his classes. it was a very strange, isolating time. and trump demonstrated how terrible his leadership was. he never had a plan. we really came to the verge of becoming a failed state at that point. and what was happening in terms of police violence and police brutality also reflected the tendency of us to become a failed state, a state that could not deliver the basic goods of existence to its people. one of those goods is public health. another good is equal administration of the laws. crowd: george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! george floyd! jamie raskin: my friends, we've got to organize now the third reconstruction of the united states of america. now is our time. now is our moment to make it happen.
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(crowd applauding) you can't have democracy without participation, without people really getting engaged in it. (crowd cheering) (car honking) we're not unified by being one ethnicity or one religion or one ideology, we're unified by one constitution. it's not that the constitution was somehow perfect when we got started, far from it. i mean, we were not a democracy. we were a slave republic of white male property owners over the age of 21. but it's been through these successive movements for democratic enlargement that the constitution has become better and we've become a more perfect union. a great marylander, frederick douglass said, "if there is no struggle, there is no progress. "power concedes nothing without a demand.
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it never has, and it never will." (crowd cheering) thank you for organizing. black lives matter! man: black lives matter! woman: black lives! crowd: matter! woman: thank you so much. ♪ reporter: not only may this actually be the most important election in our lifetime, it certainly will be the most unusual. ♪ reporter: states across the country are turning to mail-in voting in this election in an effort to allow americans to vote safely during the pandemic. holt: while most americans support the option of mail-in balloting, president trump launched a new attack on it today as he trails joe biden in the polls. president trump: they're gonna be sending out 80 million ballots. where are they going? who are they sending them to? they're trying to rig this election. reporter: the president's failure to address the pandemic continues to hurt him in poll after poll. asked if he would accept the election results, the president said, "i'll have to see." president trump: the only way we're gonna lose this election
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is if the election is rigged. remember that. it's the only way we're gonna lose this election, so we have to be very careful. jamie raskin: my friends, we've got some hard days ahead of us, don't we? we really do. we got some hard days ahead of us, but we are battle tested and we are ready. we are preparing for an epic landslide victory for democracy in 45 days. get ready for it! (crowd applauding) we don't have, believe it or not, a constitutional right to vote in america. it's just the power of state legislatures to appoint electors. and the republican party, which is a minority party, in a shrinking minority party, is using every lever of political power they have to try to thwart the majority. ♪ this is why the struggle for voting rights is so essential. we need everybody's vote, we need everybody's voice to count.
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holt: a historic election night in america. after a year of tragedy and unrest, americans have turned out in force to make their voices heard. reporter: you've got 100 million people who have already voted in this country. we may see turn-out today that smashes records. reporter: for their part in the campaign 'cause we're talking about same three states day, after day, after day. they we're talking about wisconsin, where they are ahead- jamie raskin: oh good, my haiku went out and i got my first compliment, love the haiku. carter: let's hear it. jamie raskin: okay, my haiku is, don't ever again say that it can't happen here, say we won't let it. we were obviously still in covid-19, so there were no election night parties going on. everybody was at home. tommy was with me and we were just watching and waiting. reporter: the early vote totals dallas county here. biden is leading these by thirty three points-
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jamie raskin: wow. biden's taking a big lead in texas? what? tommy raskin: 10% in. jamie raskin: that's awesome! reporter: we are watching those texas results as they come in. but there has been so much hope, the democrats have invested there, especially looking at the high turn out numbers. again, we are still watching the final votes come in in the all important state of georgia, north carolina, virginia- (phone ringing) jamie raskin: tombo? tommy raskin: hey. jamie raskin: are you staying up or are you going to sleep? tommy raskin: i don't know, dad. donald trump is going to win. jamie raskin: i don't think so. i'd be willing to put money on it. tommy raskin: oh really? jamie raskin: yeah. tommy raskin: do you want to bet? jamie raskin: yeah, i'll bet you. tommy raskin: it's a win, win for me, because if trump wins i get money. jamie raskin: (laughs) okay. tommy raskin: if trump loses, i get biden. jamie raskin: all right. love you, kiddo, bye bye. my kids are so freaked out that trump might win. everybody is so freaked out.
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i mean it's gonna be a long night. i mean trump is gonna be suing we're gonna win this narrowly and then trump is gonna be fighting it every step along the way. i mean, buckle up. we'll be fighting about this until we get in to the new congress. we'll be fighting about it until january 6th. maybe beyond. i mean trump will not let go. a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives.
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(audience cheering) president trump: this is a fraud on the american public. this is an embarrassment to our country. we were getting ready to win this election. frankly, we did win this election. we did win this election. (audience cheering) we want all voting to stop. we don't want them to find any ballots at four o'clock in the morning and add them to the list, okay? (crowd cheering) ♪ reporter: millions of votes still being counted, but the legal battle already under way.
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reporter: president trump and other republicans have filed more than thirty election fraud lawsuits, and judges keep throwing them out for lack of evidence. ♪ reporter: the president and his allies are casting doubt on the integrity of the election itself, fueling unfounded conspiracy theories of cheating and fraud- jamie raskin: the president is trying to stop the counting of tens of millions of ballots, and that obviously is an outrageous assault on democracy itself. we must stand by the popular vote and we must stand by the popular vote as it translates through our complicated electoral college system. there were all these overtures to try to overturn popular votes, and he pretty much got rebuffed at every turn. i mean basically all of the courts rejected the claim that there had been any kind of corruption or any kind of fraud in the election. ♪
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reporter: the moment the entire country has been waiting for after a very close race, joe biden has won the keystone state, pennsylvania, and its 20 electoral votes. reporter: and that means that former vice president, joe biden, has been elected president of the united states. ♪ ♪ jamie raskin: it was an emotional thing when biden was declared the winner. there were huge crowds all over the country out celebrating. huge crowds, millions of people took to the streets to celebrate and sing and dance and it was wild, it was just an amazing feeling. ♪ it was the fall of an authoritarian, at least for the time being. and it felt like the redemption of democracy.
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i'm in a great mood. i'm in a great mood. it's all over, you know? (helicopters whirring) crowd: stop the steal. stop the steal. stop the steal. stop the steal. stop the steal. reporter: president trump is still insisting that he won the election, which of course, he did not, and that the election was somehow marred by massive fraud. it was not. reporter: the president suffered the latest in a nearly unbroken string of legal defeats. reporter: president trump's supporters, undeterred with some, including members of the far right extremist group, the proud boys, rallying to support him this weekend in washington. crowd: fuck antifa. man: fuck antifa. crowd: fuck antifa. man: fuck antifa. jamie raskin: there were two million maga marches after the election. crowd: america first. america first. america first. america first. jamie raskin: most members of congress, certainly most democrats, paid no attention at all to them
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because the election was over. (crowd shouting) it turned out that those marches were very important, because trump was able to attract to washington that hard core element that was willing to engage in violence. (crowd shouting) crowd: stop the steal. stop the steal. jamie raskin: we obviously didn't take seriously enough an organized attack on the u.s. government and on our constitution and on our election. man: we love trump. we love trump. crowd: we love trump. we love trump. tommy raskin: dad? jamie raskin: yes? tommy raskin: do you care if i jump off shortly thereafter? jamie raskin: i think that's what everybody's going to do, they're going to ask their questions and then get out of town. yeah, that's cool. aaron: thank you all so much for joining us. now, without further ado, i will give it over to congressman raskin, as i know time is limited.
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jamie raskin: thank you guys all for indulging me my birthday fantasy for this year. we came up with it on thursday. you know how much i love parties and i was missing everybody. and so i thought, okay, we can try to have a little contest here and see if i can answer 58 questions in 58 minutes, one minute per question. and it begins with tommy raskin. tommy raskin: who's your favorite tv villain? jamie raskin: my favorite tv villain, villains, are the joker, the riddler and william barr, the purported attorney general. thank you, love you, tommy raskin. next question comes from mark medish. how would your favorite french philosopher montaigne analyze the vices of donald trump? ah! clearly cruelty is the heart of donald trump's vicious system, and all of the other vices flow right out of cruelty. i don't know if they're ever gonna wake up and accept those election results.
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i hope that it doesn't lead to violence in the country. i really hope that people, that they don't start doing really crazy things. i love the fact that we survived this nightmare. it was really, really hard and difficult, and it continues with covid-19 to be so difficult for our people, but we have survived through it all, through the neo-nazis marching, we have survived through the corruption, we have survived through the ukraine shake-down, we are still here! i'm all out of questions, is that right erin? is that right, paul? you guys raised me more than $10,000! (air kiss) sarah bloom raskin: happy birthday. (both laughing)
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. hey folks, chris counahan here with leaffilter, america's largest gutter and gutter protection company. leaffilter has over 150 locations and has been installed on over a million homes. we've been protecting homes now for over 20 years. our patented technology offers total protection for your home
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9:10 pm
(air whooshing) (phone ringing) (sighs) jamie raskin: hmmm flynn: hi, congressman. jamie raskin: forgive me, i have had an insane day- flynn: no, no worries at all. jamie raskin: i'm sorry.
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flynn: i appreciated that you even found the time to chat, i really do appreciate it. jamie raskin: it's my pleasure. you wanted to talk about tombo, right? about tommy? flynn: really just kind of everything that you've been going through this week. ♪ well, our family suffered a terrible catastrophe on the last day of 2020. ummm, but my dear boy is very, very close to our hearts and on our minds, and we've been deluged with emails and food and love and messages from around the world. and in truth, i haven't been sleeping a lot since since we've been without tommy.
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flynn: yeah. ♪ jamie raskin: tommy had been fighting depression for several years. i mean, normally he was just the happiest, most ebullient energetic person you could ever hope to meet. but he was suffering from depression, and it was serious. the last night i got to spend with him, we had dinner together. we played some boggle, which was his big game and we watched some stuff on tv and we talked about going for a hike the next day. i gave him a hug goodnight, told him i loved him. he told me he loved me. and that was the last time i saw him alive.
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gay stolberg: how are you coping? jamie raskin: well, tommy left us a farewell note where he said, "please forgive me. my illness won today. "look after each other, the animals, and the global poor, all my love tommy." and i'll spend the rest of my life trying to live up to that note. gay stolberg: well, i assume you forgave him. jamie raskin: oh, but of course, i mean, and i don't want to reveal the contents, but i left a note for him too when we buried him. and of course, i mean, what else could i do? he's my son, and he was enduring unimaginable suffering
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and we miss him every minute of every day. and we want him back. but the only thing that enables me to sleep at night is knowing that he is no longer suffering and in pain. so we have the love, we have the hope and the ideas, and we are hanging on real tightly to his spirit and his soul. i mean tommy was a person who loved the world and he loved democracy. and he loved humanity and all living things. and so... i feel like i honor him by doing the work that he'd be proud of.
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(crowd cheering) crowd: usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa. president trump: i want to thank you very much. hello, georgia, by the way, there's no way we lost georgia. there's no way. that was a rigged election. and they're not taking this white house. we're gonna fight like hell, i'll tell you right now. (crowd cheering) we will never give in, we will never give up, we will never back down, we will never, ever surrender. (crowd cheering) crowd: fight for trump. fight for trump. fight for trump. president trump: and i hope mike pence comes through for us, i have to tell ya. he's a great guy. of course if he doesn't come through, i won't like him quite as much. nah, mike is a smart man,
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and you watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. you watch what's going to come out. watch what's going to be revealed. you watch. (crowd cheering) crowd: four more years, four more years, four more years... ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight (crowd cheering) and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine
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9:19 pm
♪ reporter: in just a few hours congress will be convening to certify the results of the electoral college and confirm president-elect joe biden's victory. reporter: crowds are already gathering for a pro-trump rally that the president says he will speak at. as many as 30,000 people expected- reporter: this is a day that happens every 4 years that usually no one pays attention to, but this year all eyes are on capitol hill. reporter: dozens of house and senate republicans are going to object to the certification of millions of legally cast votes. reporter: still the president is ramping up pressure on vice president pence to flip the outcome, even as pence himself reportedly told the president that he does not have that power. trump allies tell nbc news, they believe he will keep disputing the results, what allies say the president is increasingly desperate. ♪
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(gavel bangs) irving: madam speaker! the vice president and the united states senate! (all clapping) jamie raskin: it was the day after we had tommy's funeral, so it was a very tender, raw time, and our youngest daughter, tabitha, said, "daddy, don't go. i want you to stay home." and i said, i have to go in because this is a constitutional responsibility. so i invited tabitha instead to come with me. madam speaker, i wanna thank you first, and all my dear beloved colleagues for your love and tenderness which my family and i will never forget. (all clapping) i felt very disoriented,
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but i was overwhelmed by the love of my colleagues and i entertained this completely fantastical thought that sympathy about tommy would somehow prevent any further division or polarization on that day. and of course, that was just a pipe dream. we are not here, madam speaker, to vote for the candidate we want. we are here to recognize the candidate the people actually voted for in the states. after i spoke, tabitha went to an office nearby. i started getting texts from constituents and people all over the country and family members saying, are you okay? and at that point i thought everything was still outside. (banging) mcgovern: the house will be in order. okay. (men shouting) jamie raskin: we begin to hear a terrible ruckus.
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(doors slamming) speaker pelosi was quickly hustled off the floor. (members chattering) the new chaplain gave a prayer, and then we started hearing people trying to barrel into the door. (doors banging) (members chattering) maybe 30 feet away from where i sat. man: please be advised there are masks under your seats... jamie raskin: we were told to get out our gas masks, which most of us didn't even know existed. everyone was terrified. woman: they broke the glass. every body stay down, get down. (distant people shouting) you could hear people shouting, yelling, "hang mike pence." you could hear people screaming, "where's nancy?" and then capitol police officers came running in with their guns drawn. (distant people shouting) i was very frightened to be away from my tabitha
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and i kept calling my chief of staff, julie, begging them to keep the door locked and barricaded. they ended up hiding under a desk as people pounded on the door. (doors banging) (people chattering) and as we were evacuated out, you could see complete mayhem. ♪ (people chattering) i was really terrified. i just had no idea that the capitol could actually be overrun like that. ♪ man: where the fuck are they? jamie raskin: finally, we were escorted to safety to one of the committee rooms. ♪ every single member that i've spoken to is absolutely determined to have us complete the counting of electoral college votes. the american people have spoken.
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the election is over. american constitutional democracy will prevail. we have no choice. ♪ we were absolutely resolved that we would not allow this to be a permanent break. if we actually let a day go by or two days go by, who knows what could have taken place? the president might have declared martial law. everything could have been lost at that point. woman: get him the fuck out of here before he starts more shit. (crowd yelling indistinctly) jamie raskin: we are gonna go forward. if we've got to stay here all night, we're gonna go forward if we've got to stay here all day tomorrow, we're gonna go forward and the next day. we are going to complete the counting of the electoral college votes, as called for by the constitution of the united states. ♪ most people call leaffilter when their gutters are clogged and they notice one of the many
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(members clapping) jamie raskin: the whole point of trump trying to stop the steal was obstructing the counting of electoral college votes. vice president pence: the joint session of congress
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to count the electoral vote will resume. jamie raskin: in our kind of creaky, antiquated electoral college system, this step is really the essential step. it is what we call the peaceful transfer of power, when congress formally declares who the winner is. vice president pence: the votes for president of the united states are as follows, joseph r. biden jr. of the state of delaware has received 306 votes. donald j. trump of the state of florida has received 232 votes. (members clapping) ♪ (truck beeping) ♪ ♪
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hayes: as the fog of mayhem dissipates, the full picture of the terror, the crisis that took place in the nation's capital on wednesday is coming into focus. there is a death toll, which now stands at five. reporter: the fbi has identified at least 200 suspects and is looking for 100s more. ♪ ♪ reporter: for the second time in 13 months, the house of representatives has voted to impeach president donald trump. reporter: a single article of impeachment accusing the president of incitement of insurrection in his remarks before last week's riots began. reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi has just announced the nine house impeachment managers who will function as the prosecutors of donald trump in that trial. the lead prosecutor will be former constitutional law professor congressman jamie raskin.
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jamie raskin: i was drowning in agony and grief at the time. i did not know whether i would be able to do anything again of meaning or substance in my life after losing tommy. that's why i say that pelosi threw me a lifeline in a way because, i mean, she basically said, we need you. ♪ (truck engines idling) ♪ reporter: washington is ramping up an almost unprecedented security operation
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involving the biggest national guard deployment in the capitol's history. reporter: police and the fbi continue to warn of violent right wing extremist plots. man: there are now three plots that we've been briefed on to attack lawmakers and assassinate them potentially so we are taking those threats extremely seriously. jamie raskin: the threats are crazy now, not just against democrats, but against republicans, especially against republicans who defected from trump. ♪ i wasn't afraid of anything at that point. my state of mind was essentially that the very worst thing that could ever happen had just happened. ♪ announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the president-elect of the united states (crowd cheering) jamie raskin: but tabitha said, "we just lost tommy, "and we can't lose you and it's a dangerous environment out there."
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chief justice roberts: please raise your right hand and repeat after me. jamie raskin: and so, we were actually up in pennsylvania, and we watched the inauguration, of course, and i was so proud. president biden: so help me god. jamie raskin: to me that was just a great moment in our history to see that happen after everything we'd been through. ♪ (tabitha chuckles) jamie raskin: this is so exciting. (crowd clapping) president biden: my distinguished guests, my fellow americans, this is america's day. this is democracy's day. today we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democracy. the will of the people has been heard and the will of the people has been heeded. we've learned again that democracy is precious. democracy is fragile. and at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.
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(crowd cheering) jamie raskin: it's a big deal when you see a peaceful transfer of power. we've come to take it for granted. but if you don't have a peaceful transfer of power, you don't have democracy. president biden: here we stand in the shadow of the capitol dome jamie raskin: who's that from? sarah bloom raskin: tommy's teacher, mrs. webb. jamie raskin: oh, i read that one. president biden: we've endured. we prevailed. here we stand looking out at a great mall, jamie raskin: after we lost tommy, we got thousands and thousands of letters. a lot of them were coming from people who knew tommy or people who were moved by tommy's poetry. it was just an overwhelming and affecting thing. (jamie sighs) president biden: in my first act as president, i'd like to ask you to join me in a moment of silent prayer to remember all those who we lost in this past year to the pandemic.
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we will honor them by becoming the people and the nation we know can and should be. ♪ jamie raskin: we were not the only family in that god awful year to lose a family member. if you add up covid-19, opioid deaths, gun violence, and all of the other normal causes, millions of people lost loved ones. we are indeed surrounded now by american carnage. ♪ ♪♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer,
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and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. the heart of st. jude is to take care of children with catastrophic diseases and to advance their cure rates. but we need to be able to do that for everyone. it's a bold initiative, to try and bump cure rates all around the world. but we should. it is our commitment. [music playing]
9:36 pm
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for the role he has played. clerk: here ye, hear ye, hear ye. all persons are commanded to keep silent on pain of imprisonment, while the house of representatives is exhibiting to the senate of the united states, an article of impeachment against donald john trump, former president of the united states. ♪ hayes: the second impeachment of donald trump is now formally in the hands of the u.s. senate. the first president to be impeached twice also becomes the first ex-president to face an impeachment trial. ♪ reporter: good morning. all eyes on washington today and the start of former president trump's second impeachment trial. ♪
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reporter: the lead impeachment manager, congressman jamie raskin, has been holding daily meetings with the rest of the managers, and they want to incorporate visual elements as much as they can. jamie raskin: thank you very much, thank you. man: thank you for all you do. jamie raskin: thank you so much. have a great day you guys. sarah b? sarah bloom raskin: yeah. jamie raskin: i just thought of something i wanted to say. i just want to make sure that everybody is together when it happens because there is some very disturbing video images that are coming. so i don't want anybody watching alone. carter: oh gosh, that's ominous. jamie raskin: well, america needs to know. (footsteps pattering) i woke up with henry the 5th on my mind.
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all things are ready if our minds be so. we're gonna pass lincoln's cottage on the way down too. carter: jamie, what's the best piece of advice you've been given in the last 24 hours? jamie raskin: a senator sent me a note reminding me that abraham lincoln, who i always quote, is a son of kentucky. and i thought that was a really deep point, you know? (both laughing) so i'm gonna maybe slip that in. you know the difficult part is we have to try to condense this huge volume of facts telling the story of the incitement to the attack, the attack, the harm, the injury, everything that happened.
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they're just gonna get up and say, the senate can't hear the trial. it's a totally phony argument. (car engine revving) ♪ ♪ goodbye, donnie ♪ ♪ well, goodbye, donnie ♪ ♪ it's so nice ♪ ♪ you'll soon be right ♪ ♪ where you belong ♪ ♪ writing memoirs, donnie ♪ ♪ behind bars, donnie ♪ reporter: about the jurisdictional issue about the constitutionality of trying a former president. the house managers are going to argue that yes, there is jurisdiction, and they're going to cite lots of constitutional scholarship, and the president's lawyers are going to say, no, there's no jurisdiction. let's listen. jamie raskin: my name is jamie raskin.
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because i have been a professor of constitutional law for three decades, i know there are a lot of people who are dreading endless lectures about the federalist papers here. please breathe easy, okay. i remember well w.h. auden's line that a professor is someone who speaks while other people are sleeping. you will not be hearing extended lectures from me because our case is based on cold, hard facts. it's all about the facts. woman: oh, here they go with the video. president trump: we will stop the steal. (crowd cheering) we won this election, and we won it by a landslide. this was not a close election. and after this we're gonna walk down, and i'll be there with you, we're going to walk down... (crowd cheering) we're gonna walk down to the capitol. crowd: yeah. let's take the capitol. man: take it. man: take the capitol.
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man: we are going to the capitol, where our problems are. it's that direction. crowd: usa, usa, usa! (crowd shouting indistinctly) president trump: we fight, and we fight like hell, and if you don't fight like hell, you're not gonna have a country anymore. (crowd shouting) crowd: fight for trump! fight for trump! (crowd shouting) (banging) (crowd shouting) crowd: stop the steal! stop the steal!
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stop the steal! man: there's a fucking million of us out there, and we are listening to trump, your boss. crowd: treason! treason! (banging) (crowd shouting) (officer screaming) jamie raskin: remember, the senators and the members of congress didn't see what was happening outside the building. (crowd shouting) i think everybody was walking around with the assumption that if people tried to overpower capitol officers who were protecting the congress of the united states, those people would be shot on sight. (crowd shouting) we didn't realize that there were multiple breaches and a constant stream of people entering the building. man: that's what we fucking need to have 30,000 guns up here. man: next trip.
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crowd: no trump, no peace! no trump, no peace! no trump, no peace! (crowd shouting) crowd: usa, usa, usa! (crowd shouting) jamie raskin: people died that day. officers ended up with head damage and brain damage. people's eyes were gouged. an officer had a heart attack. an officer lost three fingers that day. two officers have taken their own lives. senators, this cannot be our future. this cannot be the future of america. we cannot have presidents inciting and mobilizing mob violence against our government
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jamie raskin: let's see what we're doing in the times today. "raskin tears up as he paints picture of haunting... "the first senate trial seemed abstract. the second is a visceral reckoning." i think people are into it. woman: oh, my god. jamie raskin: i think today is gonna be spellbinding when we start to tell them the story. schiff tweeted out (chuckles) that representative raskin's emotional appeal moved anyone not made of stone.
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so, i probably should have reached at least maybe half the senate, you know. (both laughing) julie: hello? i'm sitting right next to him. biden wants to talk to you. ♪ jamie raskin: hello? oh, mr. president. ♪ voltaire said, "anyone who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." president trump declared his conduct totally appropriate, so if he gets back into office and it happens again, we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.
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(papers rattling) i was glad i was able to get voltaire in there yesterday. you know, anybody who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. tabitha raskin: oh, yeah. jamie raskin: and i believe that. well, if you had to pick one aphorism to characterize the trump administration, it would probably be that one, you know, because it was just inevitable where it was gonna go. tabitha raskin: yeah. jamie raskin: and the guy had his inauguration and started talking about american carnage. it was just a projection of his career, his destiny. it looks good. you want some cinnamon? tabitha raskin: yeah, i need cinnamon. i need- jamie raskin: i'll find you some cinnamon. jamie raskin: when officer hodges was, you know, caught in the door and he was just howling, it was like torture, i did see mitch crying and kind of wiping away tears. tabitha raskin: here's the cinnamon jamie raskin: but the republicans, man, they're a tough nut to crack, let me tell ya. you know, people were saying to me,
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"how are you going to get 67 votes?" i said, i'm not looking for 67 votes, i'm looking for 100 votes. like i'm looking for just like a major breakthrough in public opinion in the senate, where people say this cannot be america, we cannot have a violence-inciting, pro-insurrection demagogue constantly threatening our democracy. i mean, there's 100s of millions of people in the country. anybody could be president. why do we have to go back to him after he's committed high crimes and misdemeanors against the country? so, we'll see. schumer: the senate is now ready to vote on the article of impeachment. clerk: mr. mcconnell? mcconnell: not guilty. clerk: mr. mcconnell, not guilty. ♪ reporter: it's over. twice tried, twice acquitted. reporter: a majority of senators,
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including seven republicans, voted to convict former president trump. but it was not enough. leahy: the senate, having tried donald john trump, former president of the united states, by one article of impeachment... jamie raskin: i've had every possible emotion about it. i think i was crestfallen at the moment i first heard it. leahy: the acting sergeant at arms will escort the house managers out of the senate chamber. jamie raskin: i really thought we might have a 100 to zero verdict. i really thought that we had created such an overwhelming cascade of facts that the wiser republicans might say, this is our chance to save our party, this is our chance to get out from under the thumb of donald trump. and seven of them did the right thing. we needed 10 more. and so we might see a replay in 2024 of the 2020 election. (crowd chattering) i think we convicted him in the court of public opinion, and i think we convicted him in the eyes of history.
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so he's been turned into a pariah, i think, in national politics, and yet trump has tightened his control over the republican party. right now you've got majorities of republicans in both houses who are saying that essentially they're willing to go along with whatever donald trump says. that wouldn't be a problem for us if we just had majority rule in america. but in the gop, they're manipulating every anti-democratic lever of power there is in order to entrench minority rule against the majority. that's the struggle in the country today. ♪ we have our work cut out for us. we have to organize the majority to be politically engaged and active
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and to register to vote and to vote and not to allow republicans to steal elections. ♪ the future of democracy has not been written yet, and it's up to us. ♪ i want to thank all of you for coming and sharing our grief and sharing our joy about the life of tommy bloom raskin. ♪ hi phoebes. hi graeme. women: how are you. jamie raskin: so good to see you guys. ♪ how are you guys. how are you guys. woman: hi. jamie raskin: hi beautiful. ♪ woman: hi (woman moans) ♪ jamie raskin: i have lost my son, i've lost something so fundamental,
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so elemental in my life, i'm not sure at times that i even recognize the world. ♪ (jamie sighs) a little part of each of us died with him that day. in my case it was the belief that everything would have to be all right in the end. that the beautiful and the true would have to triumph over all the evil and the chaos. i've lost that sense of absolute inevitability in happily ever after. ♪ but if part of us died with tommy, a big part and a far more... (sobs) important part of tommy lives on with each of us. it is the sense that what matters is the people in our lives, their feelings and their experiences, and that it is possible, it is advisable,
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it is right to design your life around practicing the love of other people. your love can become the engine of a quest for justice. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody
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10:00 pm
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