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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  July 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. "today." >> targeted. >> if you want to see something this sad. take a look at what happened -- >> a roof top gunman takes aim at donald trump moments into his saturday night rally in pennsylvania. chaos and terror as a bullet grazes the former president's ear, leaving him stunned and bloody. >> are they still here? am i going to get shot? >> the former president defiant as the secret service rushes him out. one spectator killed in the cross fire. two others injured. >> the man beside me suffered a gunshot wound to the head. >> just ahead, what we know about the 20-year-old shooter killed within moments after the secret service returned fire. >> he had a rifle. you can clearly see him with a rifle. >> and president biden coming to the camera to condemn the attack. >> there is no please for
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violence. it's sick. it's sick. >> first images of trump released after the shooting. what it means to the campaign and the president national convention this week. and a serious looming question. how did a gunman get this close and how with we here? >> why is this happening in our country. >> a special coverage today of sunday, july 14th, 2024. >> from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with savannah guthrie and willie geist, live from studio 1a in rockefeller center. >> hi, everybody. 8:00 on a sunday morning. this is a special edition hello everybody, 8:00 on a sunday morning pick this is a special edition of today as we cover something rather unthinkable, the attempted assassination of former
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president trump. >> just hearing those words, attended assassination, the former president injured but safe. campaign releasing this video of him walking off his plane over night. >> he has been speaking out on his campaign already. he said i knew immediately that something was wrong and i heard a whizzing sounds, shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through my skin. this morning authorities have identified the gunman, 20-year- old thomas matthew cook's of bethel park, pennsylvania his motive is unknown. nbc news has obtained voting records showing he is a registered republican. finance records reveal he made a $15 donation in 2021 to actively which is a nonprofit that raises funds for democrats. >> the fbi has been at the gunman's home all night trying to learn everything it can about him and a possible motive. what spectator was killed in the shooting and to others were critically injured.
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>> we have our team in place to cover the story's many. we are going to start retirement in pennsylvania the rally site really building where the shooter was found. good morning. >> good morning to you guys, just behind these is were former president trump was speaking at the american flag when the alleged assassin opened fire. next to that you can see a red card with a door open. that is where law enforcement snipers were positioned when they returned fire. we have some new reporting this morning coming in from the secret service. there has been a lot of misinformation out there and apparently there was an on that claim to the truck campaign had asked for additional security before the rally and was denied by the secret service. the secret service is saying that report is completely false. they have add additional resources to the truck campaign he started to campaign hard. our own reporting a month ago also showed that as well. the big question still lingers that you ask at the top of the broadcast how to that 20-year-
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old man get so close to the president, 150 yards, about 440 feet with a large weapon and get onto a roof, bear crawl and get to a sniper stance and start firing at the former president? >> overnight, president trump walking off his plane hours after surviving assassination attempt. shots ringing out as president trump docs down. secret service agents rushed to his side forming a protective shield. other officers in tactical gear armed with long guns post up at the front of the stage. trumps security detail lifting him up from the ground as he raises his fist, his ear and face bloodied gesturing to the crowd.
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secret service moving him to a waiting suv, another angle showing secret service agents reacting to the shots per the former president posting on his truth social account that he was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong and that i heard a whizzing sound, shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. this stunning photo from the new york times capturing what appears to be a bullet on the right-hand side of the image whizzing by the former president's ear. >> a man beside me suffered a gunshot wound to the head. he was instantly killed. >> president biden he learned about the tragic events condemned the shooting. >> there is no place in america for this kind of violence, it's sick. it's one of the reasons we have to unite this country. >> house speaker mike johnson reacting earlier this morning on today. >> this is a horrific act of
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political violence and should be roundly condemned. we cannot go on like this as a society. >> this video shows the body of the alleged assassin on the roof of a building. his spot roughly 150 yards from where mr. trump was speaking. one witness telling bbc news that he saw the shooter. >> we noticed a guy crawling, bear crawling up on the roof of the building beside us. we were like hey man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle and they were like what what's going on? >> the fbi identified the alleged gunman as thomas matthew brooks, 20 years old of bethel park pennsylvania. why he allegedly wanted to kill former president trump is still unclear. the fbi leading an investigation involving the secret service, atf and state and local law enforcement on the ground in butler pennsylvania. the alleged gunman killing one
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spectator greatly injuring two others. >> former president trump has released a couple statements offering his condolences to the rally goer who passed away along with the two other victims who were gravely injured. that is all we know about those two other victims. officials have not released any other information. rally goers came to their aid while the dangerousness unclear if they're going to shop but we know they were gravely injured in this morning they are being injured. >> whispering and donna, an eyewitness to the shooting. she was at the rally with her son. you went to a rally last night to see a political candidate you believed in and you witnessed something so awful. i'm so sorry you went through that. i want to know how you're doing and if you're comfortable sharing what you saw at the rally last night. >> good morning. thank you. i'm doing all right. i was up bright and early because you just wake up
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thinking it was a nightmare what i just lived through. it is still a shock factor. we happen to be seated in the section were the two people got shot. the man and the woman. it was terrible. we were watching the president and next thing you hear, i heard three shots, boom boom boom intimate satellite cap gun shots. you're not thinking this could really happen and as you can imagine, in seconds everything is going on my son says get down it's a god and people were getting down. as we were getting down because i'm in the bleachers where that person was shot you could look up from laying on the ground and see them both, the man and the woman were laying on the bleachers and they fell down in
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front of them. one gentleman put a towel on the man's head. they were yelling for the medics . it took a little while but they got them over there and they carried them out. we knew at that point the man probably did not make it. them he found out he did. we are doing all right, it's something you never want to witness. there was a lot of things running through our heads, a lot of scenarios, we are grateful were here and so sorry to family. >> what you witnessed was horrific, could you see the president during this time? did you have a sense of whether he was okay? what was going to your mind? >> i had a since he was okay, the fences had flags so i can pick up the flag see, they had him down, the cameras are lying. i see him get up and people were saying there was blood
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around his ear, i didn't see it, it took me another second until you turned. we were very close to all of that. it was a close quarter. >> a handful of witnesses we've heard from the last 12 hours or so say they did in fact see the shooter on the roof about 150 yards from where the president was making his speech. did you hear any of that talk or see someone on the roof? >> we did not see anybody on the roof but we heard somebody was possibly climbing up our bleachers in the back. when i got home and looked at the graph that the fbi showing him where the shooter was, that building goes straight to trump, we were up a little because there has to be another shooter have these people get shot he would've had to go out into the crowd in back to trump.
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i do not think the pictures can be wrought further offset her off on measurement because we are over here and he's over there and how do two people in my section die? somebody said that somebody was climbing up the back of our bleachers, i don't know, i did not see any shooters. adjusting the people down. >> we're so glad that you and your son are okay. so much to process, what you witnessed and experienced. you for sharing your time and perspective this morning. investigators have been working around the clock to learn as much as they can but very little is known right now. >> tom winter is back with more of what we are learning about the shooter and where the investigation is understands this morning. good morning. >> what law enforcement is really trying to figure out is what could've motivated this
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individual. there was no sign of a manifesto. you might normally see that in a situation like this. of course he's been shot deceased so that's not an option. they are at the home where they believe he lived so anything they can find there, hard drives, computers, any sort of journals or anything he may have had, as we've been discussing there is almost no social media presence for this 20 year old kid. >> is kind of shocking. >> that has come to law enforcement. who are their friends, what do we know about them what do they say on social media. no apparent lawsuits or criminal record. they are wearing a demolition ranch t-shirt which is pro- second amendment website with a
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show different types of weapons and things they have. there is nothing here that jumps out and says either this person has been looking at imagery and is vehemently against trump because they come from a certain political background or perhaps trump is not conservative enough for the pic you have to keep your mind open to all of these possibilities. >> is being referred to as political violence which on its face it is but you never know the motives of these shooters. steve scalise shot at the congressional baseball game was politically motivated president reagan, john hinckley did it because he was trying to impress an actress and had no political motivation. we don't know what the cause is. >> said. is very unclear what the motive is here.
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this individual might have been approaching this in a way we don't understand because of the catastrophic mental health breakdown. we have to keep all of the different possibilities open and that is what law enforcement is doing right now. >> thank you very much. let's bring in clint watts, a former fbi special agent and a national security analyst. good morning. we will put you the question we've been asking all morning which is how on earth could this have happened? elevated position 150 yards from where the former president of the united states is speaking, when you look at that map, what do you see? >> is pretty remarkable looking at that space, it's not an extreme distance for somebody with a long rifle. when you're in an elevated position like that, it gives you an extreme advantage, we see that for many attacks over the years. in this case i came in just as
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the former agent that you have on, there's always questions of resources and allocations. there are only so many secret service agents and they have to work with state and local law enforcement officers. this is an open space, these rallies and political events, you just mentioned congress and gifford got another open venue, the candidate is always extremely vulnerable in these situations because they arch out there trying to be in the public and engage with constituents and voters. this is a perfect storm of dangerous scenarios all converging. there's going to be a lot of questions why that space was open or did not have some law- enforcement presence. i'm sure there will be a lot of questions about that. >> we all watched the aftermath and saw the shots happen live in a secret service to send on
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the former president, hold him down and wait to clear him into the motorcade. what was your take on those seconds that unfolded. >> it was remarkable to see a textbook way the secret service executed this. everyone jumped right there on the president. you see them hold in place and it was also fascinating that we could hear the commands. you could hear them through the tv audio and when they say shooter is down, that is when they went to make the move to get the president off of that stage. it's pretty textbook in terms of how they would operate in everything from there went according to plan on how they would respond to an incident like this. the big question will be why did this incident happen at all. i would just like to remind everybody that over the last few years, there has been talk of secret service details and expansion to congressmen and congressional candidates and top leaders.
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the answer always comes back to resources, how would we functionally do this to so many candidates around the united states at 70 open event every single day? >> the fbi has been very clear, unprecedented threats to lawmakers republican and democrat. just to go back to the position from which the shooter took a shot, we heard from a couple gas, that would be up to local law enforcement because it was outside of the secret service perimeter. i don't think that will satisfy a lot of people. how could a man with a long gun make it to the roof of a building so close to the former president of the united states if there were local police outside. >> i am sure there's going to be discussion of what is a coronation like between secret service and state resources and local. events outside the perimeter you are looking at those buildings, just from the above
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view. it is a number of buildings, how was that secured and how with the local law enforcement indicate was fretful communicate with federal. there were witnesses trying to notify law enforcement about an individual on the roof. how do they do this coronation at each of these locales keep it consistent? is it a problem for the secret service. >> thank you very much. our coverage continues in a few moments on the special sunday morning addition of today. that is right after these messages. messages. detect this: living with hiv, robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this:
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still to comen a special sunday edition of "today," we will go back live to butler, pennsylvania, with more still to come, will go back live to butler, pennsylvania with more on the investigation into the shooting and the shooter and the attempted assassination of former president trump. >> the latest in a long line of political tax in this country's history.
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will take a look back at that and lessons learned and not learned after these messages. t [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! at the ups store, we offer a lot. because running a small business takes a lot. that's why we're the "think outside the box" store. the "help protect your privacy" store. and the "give your business a real street address" store. so while you're juggling everything else like the boss you are, we're the "extra pair of hands" store. you can count on us as the "shredding and mailboxing, anything and everything to keep you going" store. come into the ups store today. and be unstoppable.
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>> take a look at what happened -- >> duck, duck!
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we are back on a sunday morning and that is a shocking moment the first shots rang out at former president trump rally in western pennsylvania on saturday evening. a terrifying, chaotic scene leaving the former president shot in the air. one spectator dead into our critically injured. >> a dark day in american history. we are going back to tom who is in pennsylvania one more time. good morning. >> reporter: good morning again, we have new video and new reporting we want to share with our viewers. first that new video was shot a couple hours ago, this is investigators on the roof of the building where the alleged assassin opened fire.
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they were bringing down some equipment, this is what we call this an active crime scene, there are still a lot of investigators all over the rally site. the fbi has taken the lead and they are looking for ballistics evidence and trying to figure out how this lone gunman got up on the roof. a lot of evidence still being collected. we also got an update on the two victims that were gravely injured. one was killed behind former president trump into the side and then to others were gravely injured. we just got an update from the medical center in pittsburgh they are still in critical condition this morning. the former president has put out a statement asking for prayers and condolences for the rally goer that passed away. we just obtained a memo from one of our trump campaign reporters and it was advice to staffers tomorrow. you can clearly understand they are shaken up and want to know
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what to do on the eve of the convention. in response to this violence we encourage those of you who remain in dc west palm beach to day away from the office tomorrow as we assess both locations. we are enhancing the armed security presence with 24/7 officers on site. additional security assessments will be in place. our highest priorities to keep all of you on the staff save. back out here live at the rally site that is where former president trump was speaking, the american flag. this entire area was blocked off of this is the closest you can get right now. there collecting evidence and talking to witnesses and the fbi is asking for the public's help, if you have videos and photos and you know anything about the shooter. that's the big question, why he wanted to kill former president trump. >> the president speaking out justice when he got a new post thanking everyone for their thoughts and prayers yesterday and that it was god alone who prevents the unthinkable happening.
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he said he will or not as he moves forward pledging to be at the republican national convention this week in milwaukee. we will have much more head on a special sunday morning of addition today right after these messages. these messages. unlimited with no annual fee. sup? -who are you? unlimited with no annual fee. i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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we are back on a sunday morning with a look at violence we're back on a sunday morning with a look on the history of violence in american politics that stretches back more than 100 years. >> it is a long history but it's been decades that there has been an assassination attempt anywhere near the scale. and it comes during this heated election cycle. liz has been looking into this for us. >> good morning to both of you. it's been more than 40 years that there has been an attempted assassination like this on the u.s. president or presidential candidate. we still don't know the motive here. it comes amid a recent rise in threats amongst elected officials and support growing further political violence.
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political violence strikes yet again in america with an assassination attempt on former president trump, other public and presidential candidate nearly avoiding serious injury at that rally on saturday in pennsylvania. while it's not the first time a president or presidential candidate has been the target of political violence it's been decades since a high-profile attempt. in 1963, president john f. kennedy was shot and killed in dallas while riding in a motorcade. >> to priests who were with president kennedy said he is dead. >> his brother shot and killed five years later in 1968 while campaigning for president. then 13 years after that 1981, or with the attempted assassination on president ronald reagan. in recent years politicians on both sides of the aisle have also been the target of attacks. like democratic congressman
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gifford who was shot and then steve scalise who was shot at a baseball practice. since in a divisive political climate has escalated even more leading to the 20/20 plot to kill michigan governor gretchen whitmer, the 2022 attack on house speaker nancy pelosi's husband and the rest of a man who was allegedly attempting to kill supreme court justice brett cavanaugh that same year. both republicans and democrats are condemning the attack on mr. trump but the incident only punctuates concerns about a growing support for political violence. a recent pbs poll found one in five americans think violence might be necessary to get the country back on track. last summer tucker carlson asked for me to whether he was concerned about violence against him. >> are you worried they would try to kill you? >> their savage animals, they
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are people that are sick, really sick but see what they do and the length to go to. >> hollowing saturdays assess nation attempt, well-known political scientist ian brimmer expressing concern about what happened in pennsylvania could lead to more violence. >> this is a very grave turn of events in a country that is very deeply polarized. i deeply worry it causes much more political violence and social instability. >> a dangerous reckoning in america now reaching a boiling point. in recent years extremism experts have been warning that the countries increasing polarization will lead to more political violence. according to the combating terrorism network a review of cases of the luster shows a number of federal charges related to threatening public officials has jumped sharply and is on track to hit new record highs.
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>> the fbi has been saying that again and again. thank you so much. >> we're going to turn to kristin and hallie, good morning again. into this charged atmosphere we now have the republican national convention this week. how are republicans handling this and how is the trump campaign handling this? >> great question. based on the campaign memo, it will continue as planned. the convention will go on essentially but it's hard to imagine how there is not some impact after this attempted assassination on former president trump. by that i mean the speakers, messaging, how does this come up and what do we hear from the former president himself and the events that always surround the image and likeness. you know having covered these, there is an element of a good time, the party faithful gathering to celebrate the presumptive and soon-to-be official nominee for the white
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house with the ticket. we know one event has been canceled. we are watching these pieces at play keeping in mind about 16 hours ago, the biggest story was who will he select as his vice president pick. that is still an element we will see at the republican convention. i spoke with my member of congress who is planning to be there and he said it's difficult for him to see how the former president doesn't, give a forceful indication of where he is and where the party is and how he's doing moving forward. >> the president made a statement last night in which he said there's no place in america for this kind of violence, talking about the attempted assassination. how is the white house approaching this in the campaign oppressing this in the early hours? >> you are hearing president,
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cabinet members, vice president all echo that message that this type of political violence cannot be tolerated ever. that is the messaging we are hearing. we will undoubtedly hear that on the campaign trail from president biden. he has taken down his ads for now response to this. there has been some finger- pointing back and forth but that takes us to the broader question, how does this country move forward and have the electorate leaders move forward in a way that helps prevent another act of political violence. there is also a practical aspect to this, the president getting regular briefings and trying to get to the bottom of how this could've happened, how this breach of security could've happened and how to prevent it from happening again. there will be hearings on capitol hill as well as speaker johnson indicated today. >> needless to say, prior to this the president was facing his own x essential crisis, calls from within the
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democratic party for him to step down and have someone else brother torch for the democrats, is that all essentially on hold now? >> i think you put it really well, it's basically on hold, it's come to a standstill, at least for now. we cannot predict the coming days but those calls for him to step down were growing by the day. donors, allies, privately conveying that message to president biden, right now time is standing still. the focus is on this horrific act of political violence what will it mean for the campaign cycle i do think from that perspective it says everything, everything has changed. >> indeed has. thank you so much. will have more on meet the press. bernie sanders, lindsey graham,
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chris and dan user. >> much more ahead on a special sunday morning edition of today. we'll head to milwaukee. we are back right after these messages. messages.
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(music playing)
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we are back sunday morning,
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just one day away from the start of the republican national convention where former president trump will officially we are back just one day away from the start of the republican national convention were former president trump were will officially become the party's nominee. we are in milwaukee where the rnc will take place. also joining us burns. both of them have been covering the president this eccentric obviously everything has changed in the last 14 hours or so. >> this is not the normal or around a convention. typically is a celebratory event and i can tell you the thousand and the delegates that will go inside the serena to formally make donald trump the nominee of the republican party this week, they are already here in milwaukee and i can tell you there was a reception last night that was canceled for all of those delegates. it was being hosted by the
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former rnc chair, he is the host of this convention in milwaukee and coming into this area in the heart of downtown milwaukee, the security presence was very clear. not only other blocks of fencing around the area we were here in the late hours of off- site outside of the serena where the convention will take place. the secret service was already here beginning its intense security sweep and inspection of the surrounding blocks. effectively creating a lockdown situation that began here at sunrise this morning pick tomorrow and in just over 24 hours from now is when donald trump will be formally nominated through the roll call vote on the convention floor. his movements on when he will be arriving are unclear but we still anticipate his family members including former first lady and his sons and daughter to be on site for this convention. i was talking with a few delegates last night and they
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told me they believe this will only increase the energy of this convention. much like the rest of the american public were up the hotels watching the news of this unfold as they waited for the former president to get here. tomorrow the primetime speeches will begin but we do not anticipate donald trump taking the stage to give his nomination acceptance speech until primetime thursday night. >> you are at the rally yesterday but this is the week we expect him to name his vice presidential candidate, what is he thinking on that now? >> the anticipation had been building to this rally, he had been teasing on social media and on campaign fundraising emails asking voters, shy announced today or tomorrow. he did the same thing on tuesday in south florida and now what we understand from sources on the campaign, they say it
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hasn't changed, the thinking around the vice presidential pick but has changed the mood completely. i've covered dozens of trump rallies, there are typical features, first of all a significant security presence. everyone that goes in is heavily screened. now we know the shooter was outside of the permit that was screened by secret service but they are also a celebratory event if it is like a concert or festival, people sell merchandise and food trucks, music blaring. people coming together to see a man they've been anticipating seeing. a lot of people you meet there have been to multiple trump rallies. many people i talked to it was the fifth or six. summit was the first. they were excited to get to see the former president in person. one thing struck me that was a little bit different than usual.
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he started his speech and just a few minutes in he asked to go off the teleprompter and he asked his team to put a chart up on the screen, to the left and right of him, it was a chart of immigration and he was starting to talk about immigration policy which is also not typical, he usually takes a while to get into the nitty-gritty of policy. he even said i'm going off prompter look how quickly they got the charts up and he turned two point at the chart of the shots rang out. i interviewed a woman yesterday who was seated right in front of the former president who said that she watched him turn in, his head to the side right as the first shots rang out and it pierced his ear. if he had not moved his head in that way in that moment that perhaps that shot would have landed somewhere much more dangerous and potentially much
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more lethal. everyone that i've been talking to is still really in shock and devastated about what this means for the future of the nation. >> we've been hearing that here this morning as well. thank you both. we will be back with some final thoughts on a special sunday morning edition of today. >> we're back after these messages. messages. ents. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults.
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. >> we are back on a historic and dark sunday morning, one day of the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. he is injured by safe this morning. one person was killed. two people were we are back on ca historic and dark sunday morning when they after the attempted assassination of former president trump work is injured but save this money. one person was killed and two people were critically injured. >> the former president is speaking out this morning on
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his truth social platform. he is thinking people for thoughts and prayers and he wrote that it's more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as americans remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win. as for the suspect, more questions and answers. we have his name but no word on his motive and a very scant social media presence. investigators have their work cut out for them. >> is remarkable for anyone to have no real notable social media presence. we spoke to speaker mike johnson this morning acknowledging the rhetoric in our politics is way too heated right now and making a call to turn it down on both sides. that will do it for us this sunday morning pick there will be much more coming up on meet the press and throughout the day on and tonight on nbc nightly news. >> nice to have you along with us on this sunday morning edition of today. have a great day. day.
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