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tv   Prime Weekend  MSNBC  July 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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good to be with you. i'm trying to continuing our nbc news special coverage of the assassination attempt on donald j. trump. the breaking news in the last hour, fbi officials say that the shooter was identified as 20-year-old thomas matthew crookes who acted alone. they have no indication of the motive for the shooting. pennsylvania state police have identified three people shot during the rally in poplar butler pennsylvania. 50-year-old corey comperatore of sarver, pennsylvania was killed. 57-year-old david dutch and 74- year-old james r both in stable
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condition. trump is set to depart for the national convention in milwaukee saying that a shooter will not delay his plans. tonight at 8:00 eastern, president biden says that he will address the nation once again and this time from the oval office. joining me from the scene of last nights rally in butler, pennsylvania, nbc news correspondent adrienne broaddus and ken delaney and and nbc national and former sbi fbi special agent clint watts. give us the latest. >> reporter: it is still an active crime scene. if you look behind me, the road is closed and police are here as the fbi leads the investigation. witnesses that have been returning to the scene who are here yesterday tell us where you see the cranes in the distance that the building that is directly next to the crane is where the 20-year-old shooter acted alone elevating
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himself firing those shots. as you mentioned, we have learned the names of the two people injured, as well as a 50-year- old father of two whose life ended. his family says -- also, the governor of pennsylvania says that he died trying to protect his family by shielding them from bullets. moments ago, i spoke with a woman by the name of renee who was directly behind the former president and couldn't believe what she was seeing. she has been to more than 30 rallies. she had a bad feeling that something was going to happen, but she didn't imagine that there would be an attempted assassination on the former president. listen to my conversation with her. >> reporter: i'm happy that you are okay and i hate that we get to have this conversation. what is on your heart less than 24 hours later after what you witnessed? >> he started with a tough one right away.
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i can't believe somebody did this. i can't believe somebody would try to take out a former president of the united states. whether it is joe biden or trump, i don't think it's right. >> reporter: there is still a lot of shock. she said that she slept in her car last night, because she and her friend were unable to leave the area. one thing i want to underscore is in history, school and high school going up you learn about attempted assassinations and it's something you read about in history books. last night, some people witnessed this for the first time, including children. that is where her heart was today. wondering how the parents will talk to the children about what they saw and also wondering about what happens as we move forward here today. other trump supporters have shown up and we heard people blowing their horns in the states governor
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has asked that flags across the area be lowered to half staff. one thing that is a staple whenever you attend a trump rally, you always see the american flag. on a day like today, that flag has so much more meaning especially for the people who were here yesterday. >> a number of people in this country who have seen in assassination or attempt is very small dead or alive and you can now add these rally goers to that number. thank you very much. the shooter, we learned a little bit more about what he used and more about what law enforcement is trying to do to get more information about what could possibly be his motive. >> they are exploiting his devices, which the fbi always does. there are two distinct lines of investigation. there is a massive fbi investigation into how the shooter was able to do what he did and where he got the gun, motives and it's clear that they still don't know or have a
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handle on what his motives were . he didn't have much of a public social media profile and it's not clear if the fbi has learned much about what they have been able to exploit from his devices, but there is the other line of inquiry. how could this happen? the security failure. how is this 20-year-old with no training able to get on a rooftop and have a clear line of fire to the former president of the united states under secret service protection. president biden announced in the last hour, independent inquiry into that question that the secret service is already examining it and it isn't just the secret service. there were local law enforcement officials that were involved in the entire protective mosaic, but ultimately it stops with the secret service and it is their scene and they are protecting the president, so they have the questions to answer. in terms of the fbi investigation, that will go on for some time and we are not 24 hours into this thing. e not 24 we have learned a lot from the suspect. apparently, he was bullied in school and we are reporting
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that the gun may have been purchased legally by his father , but there are so many unanswered questions particularly about what the suspect was thinking and why he did this. >> the fbi's and investigators are talking to the family of the shooter. what questions will they ask them? >> i'm sure that they will figure out the motive for why they did this and indications of it. access to the weapon and if the father did purchase the weapon, i'm sure they will be focused on trying to determine how this individual got a hold of the weapon and was using it. was it something he had done often? how well-trained was he with the weapon in terms of what we know so far with the shooter is doing. it seems like he had a deliberate plan and everything from his clothing to how he crawled up onto the roof and
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how he shot the weapon. they will be looking and exploring all of those things. they just rolled out that there were any sort of accomplices or other connections, which is always a concern in these investigations. are there other shooters or people who might spring up and commit violence? what is remarkable so far with this investigation is that there is little to nothing on social media or online presence that is different from many other shooters that we have seen over the last 4 to 5 years and there doesn't seem to be much discussion of a motive. as we had heard a few hours ago when i was on air, he was bullied at school and seen as a loner. he may not have medication with others, which suggested that it may be difficult to get to the bottom of what the motive is, so just trying to figure this out, investigators have a lot that they need to do and i think getting into electronic devices like his phone will be key to solving these questions. >> you were talking about how
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deliberate he appeared to have been. we showed some videos shot by somebody in attendance at the outer events surrounding the trump rally. the reason you can't see anything is because the shooter is blurred. it is a very blurry area right above the tmz. the clothing he is wearing matches the color of the roof. he is in 10 and gray. when we are talking about how deliberate this person was, it appears quite deliberate. he came with a gun and he got to a point that was higher and in direct line of trump. he was not carrying any i.d., according to officials. i wonder sort of planning and whether he might have gone there earlier to stage it out himself and how he knew where donald trump would be standing
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and how he knew where he would have a good vantage point. >> yes, katie. if you look back at the last terror attacks, one of the first things they look for is reconnaissance. was he familiar with the location or did he scout the location? there are a lot of questions. how did he know to get on the roof? how did he know to get on the roof and move into that position? i can tell exactly from the picture, but it looks like a visibility line, which means that he could be somewhat behind the peak of the roof and really hard to see from the vantage point, but also have a straight-line upshot athe was up on the podium. the clothing. some people have seen him crawling onto the roof and try to alert local law enforcement. there is questions about suspicious activity on part of the perimeter. at the same point, he had a
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weapon that could reach from the building to the stage and i would imagine that some sort of reconnaissance online or possibly in person had to have occurred at some point with this individual if he was going to undertake an attack. >> how are they able to identify where he was located? secret service was able to return fire and would neutralize him very fast. >> yeah, it's hard to say 100%, but just looking at the video of the secret service snipers. when they were pivoting and looking around, one question is, where they communicating about suspicious activity? was somebody on the roof? as soon as the shots go off, not only do you have the noise, which are the best trained secret service in the world, but muzzle flashes. usually there is a muzzle flash that you would see or recognize. third, why was this elevated position? there is the only elevated
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position. just looking at the snipers, they were also in elevated position and able to span out and look and identify the individual much better than anybody else inside of that area or particularly the perimeter. i would imagine that most people on the perimeter could not see up on top of the roof at the way the ground was laid out. they were definitely looking for something and looking further -- doing their job. they are always panning and they have drills they do to learn how to pan and look for suspicious activity and targets. i imagine that once it started, they zeroed in on where that was coming from. >> clint watts, ken dilanian, thank you very much. >> we will talk to a woman who is was on the front row of donald trump's rally. what she saw and what she heard. we are back in 90 seconds.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. the answer is "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. we will speak with a witness who was at the trump rally. she was in the front row and here is a photo that she took of
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donald trump right before the shooting. joining us is aaron. thank you for being here. you were in the front row right beneath donald trump. tell us what happened as you experienced it. >> president trump entered from the left side, got to the podium and started to speak and everyone was standing and cheering and he immediately spoke a couple of words and put up the graphic. people were looking towards the graphic about the border wall, then he stopped talking and looked directly at him and he crouched and the four secret service came up and pushed him down. over to the right was all of the photographers and there were five of them in a big heap laying motionless. the guys with the black suits -- not the suits, but the long guns entered the stage and i heard
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them say clear right, clear and get them up. they lifted president trump and i saw the red blood on his cheek. trump said, get me my shoes, so they must have fallen off during the scuffle. he turned to the right to exit on the opposite side of the stage and i could see from the top down was blood, but at that point i didn't think there was a shooting -- i heard the four pops. it was like a firecracker. when he got up, i saw his face and he looked good, but they must have just hurt his ear on the podium when they pushed him down . i didn't think anybody was shot at this point. they rushed him off the stage and little by little all of the photographers are starting to get up and had no idea that there was a shooting until people started leaving and who
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was running for senate was right behind me and he started walking. the guy next to him was mr. elmore from beaver and his shirt was red with blood. he was walking fine, but i knew he was in shock and someone must have been shot. that's when we thought there was a shooting. a guy behind me two seats to the right had view of the sharpshooters that were behind trump on a roof. he said that they saw the sharpshooters shoot somebody, but the interesting thing was that nobody left and nobody ran. nobody moved. everybody stayed in their position and a lot of people asked me, didn't you fear for your life? i said, no. we just wanted to protect the president. it was like the whole first row line, not a single person moved and i don't think many people left that area until we were
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actually escorted out by the secret service. it was kind of a strange situation. >> yeah, the way you are able to recall it in vivid detail is amazing. why don't think you are worried for your own safety? >> this was my sixth rally. the third time i had been a volunteer. last time i was in the fourth row and determined to go up. i kind of knew what was going on -- not new, but i saw how they normally operate. when the sharpshooters got on the roof, i knew that the motor came was on their way. they are not up there not longer than 15 or 20 minutes before, but people he is coming. the sharpshooters were in position. they are normally not there. trump did put his hand up and we all saw it, then he started saying the words fight, fight, fight. i think all of us were very relieved that he was alive and
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well enough. he walked down the steps and they pushed him. i don't think he wanted to leave the stage. they really pushed him down the steps and they were kind of pushing him. i could not see what was happening to the left on the elevated step until i saw the gentleman with blood, because people just carry people out or try to help them, but i didn't hear sirens or ambulance or any medical people. i didn't see that. there were a lot of people, but you couldn't see everything. i saw trump. that's all i was interested in. i guess when you asked me why i wasn't afraid, i thought, whatever happened, he was the target. it was the four tops and nothing after that, so it wasn't like you heard a bunch
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of gunfire. you didn't print pop, pop, pop, pop that's what it sounds like. i could hear it to the left. i guess there was a muzzle, which made that sound. fourth of july was only a week ago, so we heard a lot of that a week ago and i thought it must be a neighbor that had left over fireworks and is having a party. >> what did it mean to you when he said fight fight fight? >> and they get a short everybody that he was still strong. when he was down like that, i didn't know if he was ever going to get up. i didn't think any of the photographers were going to get up either. they were in such a still position and they held him down for a long time. they didn't escort him fast off
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the stage. i guess they waited for to clear the area before they would lift him up. i think that was reassuring. i guess the fight, fight, fight -- i don't know if it was a battle cry. i just took it as a big sigh of relief. he's bleeding, but i thought maybe it was -- and that it was a nick. i didn't know where the blood came , but i guess it must have been running down. he is closer to the steps and there is more blood than when they first lifted him up and he didn't have that much blood on his ear or when i first saw him. >> thank you for joining us. the way you are able to recall that in such detail is impressive and a searing moment. >> it was very memorable and am
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comparing it now where i was in second grade where president kennedy was shot in a catholic school in pittsburgh and we had to get on our knees and pray for the president. it was a little bit reminiscent. you know, i saw his blood. i didn't see a picture. i saw president trump's blood on his face and ear. >> now you are an adult. >> probably so still a little bit of shock, but getting to better and better. >> we live in a scary moment. thank you very much for joining us and i do hope that you are okay. after the break, by next guest serves 10 years with the secret service. we will go to her and we are also waiting on a secret service briefing, which is supposed to begin at 4:30.
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law enforcement officials investigating the attempted assassination of former president trump found suspicious containers in the shooting suspect's car. investigators have yet to establish a motive for the shooting. last hour, president biden ordered a national security review and directed the secret service to review security arrangements for the republican national convention, which starts tomorrow in milwaukee. joining us's former chief research psychologist for the secret service and executive director for raptor technologies. good to have you. i've got to start with the secret service and how something like this can happen and how a rope could have been left unattended and how a person with a gun could get on the roof and get in close and direct arrange of a former president and protect the.
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>> this is going to be part of a detailed and extensive investigation that goes on by the fbi and congressional committees. we don't know. obviously, secret service has a zero fail and they make that clear and having been part of that for 10 years, it is something you live in day in and day out. to plan, prepare and practice again and again. we don't know why this was able to happen. this will be part of what we all are in the weeks and months. >> will this be considered a failure? donald trump was next in the ear and he got out safely. they were able to neutralize the suspect very quickly. will this be a failure or success? >> anytime someone gets to a point where they can actually do harm is considered security failure, but we don't know where the responsibility lies and we don't know how that will be carried out.
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what i will tell you is that from having been within the secret service for having worked alongside secret service after being there a decade, this is some and that they will be keen to figuring out what happened and what can be done differently going forward. it's important to understand that security for these events is held up by multiple agencies, so secret service takes the lead, but it is a joint effort with state and local law enforcement and joint effort with volunteers, so this will be part of the analysis to learn what happened here and make sure it doesn't happen in the future. >> the rnc starts tomorrow and there will be a secret service briefing any moment. what is your expectation for how the security profile of the event might change? >> i'm sure that plans are already underway within the secret service and state and local law enforcement, homeland security et cetera. plans for the rnc and dnc have been going on for months. they take a very long time and
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very detailed plans for security, but part of what will be happening now before the actual rnc starts tomorrow will be taking a look very closely at any online threats or online discussions that are going on and any previous that cases that the secret service or fbi or others may have in looking at to see if there are anyone else out there who is talking about want to engage in talking about wanting to carry out a big event and wanting a suicide by cop scenario, which often times they want, so they will be looking at, what have we seen in previous investigations that we need to reinvestigate and see if there are any indications out there of someone else wanting to try something similar in the coming days, weeks and months. >> we have a new report of information from a former secret service source familiar with the trump rally site and the protocols surrounding it.
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the roof or the shooter was located, according to the source, a well-known high- priority vulnerability for the secret service and it was known from prior protection at rallies at the site and identified the day before during a walk-through. if they knew about it, how could there have been a lapse? >> again, multiple investigations are going to be looking at this. one thing that is important to understand is that there is an unseen component to security for these events within the secret service and also within the fbi and some state and local law enforcement call protective intelligence investigations. not only of what can be done at the site to prevent harm from occurring, but looking investigative at who might want to be doing the harm. who is talking in online forums? who is sharing information and posting things on social media?
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one of the things that will come out of the investigation about the attacker here is that we will find out eventually that he is sharing ideas and plans and we don't know who at this point. if you don't have social media presence, we will be looking to see, was he telling other people around them? was he family, friends, neighbors or anyone in the community about wanting to do something like this? what is important to think about here is that this event itself will actually like we spark copycat threats and possibly attempts. efforts to engage in these investigations will be absolutely critical over the next several months for protecting our candidates and protecting state and local politicians, as well. they may be a subject of similar threats or attempts. >> for more reporting, on what was available to the secret service yesterday, there were
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two counter snipers on site and they did not need approval to shoot, obviously. that is how that one sniper was able to take up the suspect so quickly. there are also conversations about how the secret service partners with local law enforcement and we have been talking about this. they might have authority about the outer perimeter as the secret service focuses on the interior perimeter. there is coordination between the local law enforcement and secret service. could this be a scenario where local law enforcement did not follow through? there was a lapse somewhere down the line. >> we don't know at this point. the secret service relies heavily on state and local law enforcement for the security measures they put into place and they simply could not do their job of having to protect candidates and elected officials throughout the country with just the personnel they have within the agency, so they
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will stick with law enforcement , which is absolutely vital. they work successfully and invisibly 99.9% uptime. we don't know what happened here, but these partnerships are vital to protective success and the security of these events and if it were not for state or local law enforcement, they would not be able to fill the entirety of their mission with personnel and budget. >> marisa randazzo, thank you for joining us and helping us understand the inner workings of the secret service and processes. we will wait to find out the results of the investigation as to what exactly went wrong on saturday. thank you, again. donald trump's motorcade, is that newark international airport and donald trump will be porting his plane, then heading to milwaukee for the republican national convention.
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he posted a little bit earlier that he was considering delaying a couple of days because of the events, but ultimately did not want a shooter to change his schedule. we are also waiting for a secret service briefing. that is the podium ahead of the national public convention. we will bring you that news conference once it begins, but don't go anywhere. we will be right back. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis.
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to begin a security briefing any moment now ahead of the republican national convention in milwaukee. he will go there once it begins for joining us for milwaukee at the site of the convention is nbc news correspondent. you are actually within the briefing. what are we expecting? >> reporter: this is supposed to start any moment now. this is going to be notably the u.s. secret service's first time speaking publicly and not in the form of a statement or on social media about the events that took place about midnight last night but local law enforcement in pennsylvania helped the press conference that the secret service was not part of and we are told that the secret service will be on hand for the press conference with the milwaukee police department among other law enforcement agencies to talk about the republican national convention security. of course, donald trump to milwaukee and more than 2000 delegates, as well. there is a perimeter being built out. called for an expanded perimeter to bar open carry state and bar
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firearms head of the larger radius around the arena and convention site in the heart of downtown. listen to the republican senator from wisconsin talk about security concerns. >> they already did respond to the concern we had with the gathering area. i know there is a lot of manpower and that is the first step. you have to have people on law enforcement present to determine any kind of violence. minnesota knights, we are nice people and i'm not concerned about wisconsin's citizens, but outside agitators. it will heighten security and it needs to be heightened. part >> reporter: of course, there
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are questions coming into this about what transpired yesterday and why donald trump, his family and others attending the convention should have faith in the u.s. secret service is community -- security perimeter. there is still outstanding questions as to why the gunman was able to get on the roof and to what extent are they working with local law enforcement? was there any drawdown of staff? there is a lot of outstanding questions for the u.s. secret service and the director of u.s. secret services are being called to testify here later this month in front of the u.s. house, so there are serious questions. we will see whether they are able to engage on any of those questions or whether the focus will be here solely on the following days of the convention as donald trump just about 24 hours after the attempted assassination makes his way here to downtown milwaukee. >> we always pay attention when the secret service gets the news conference. they rarely do. thank you very much. we will go there once it begins. joining me is special assistant to biden and planning megan hayes.
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megan, the biden campaign has suspended all of its ads and emails in light of what happened to donald trump and suspended a good portion of the campaigning . it has altered president biden's schedule. how is the team going about the presidential race now with this having happened? >> they need to take ownership and tone down some of the rhetoric. they need to be cognizant of what is going on in the world and in our country with politics. they moved the trip to texas and they are postponing it and actually going to nevada. there is just one stop that was an official stop that they are no longer doing. i think they are just recalibrating their methods to move forward. they're going into the rnc. they will take up most of the oxygen with the media and
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hopefully president trump will be announcing his candidate soon, so we can get back into the normal things that i don't think we can underscore the importance of what happened and that the political violence isn't acceptable in our democracy. >> there has been a call to tone down the rhetoric and maybe not use violent imagery while campaigning to not describe an election of the apartment opponent is the end of the world or democracy. how does a campaign go about that? how do they go about that when they have pointed out that donald trump's second term could be very different from his first just based on the things he said about it? >> this is what democracy looks like. there needs to be a vigorous debate and criticisms about the threats to democracy. you don't need to have hitler imagery, but we don't know that in connection to what happened yesterday. we need to understand how
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volatile the situation is and how dangerous it is. one of the ways to respond is to be as honest, truthful and forthright as you can without crossing the line. we would be remiss if we didn't point out the number of times that donald trump and his supporters have done that. if there is going to be a cooling of the temperature, i think we will have to hear from some of the figures that have done the most to actually applaud violence to tolerate violence and use the most violent imagery about their opponents. >> do you see this as a turning point one way or another in this country? >> it certainly did feel that way. i remember the assassination of john f. kennedy and shootings of ronald reagan. this feels potentially more dangerous. one of the things to watch for at the convention is, how do
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they respond? is there going to be a moment of lowering the temperature of unity and stepping back into a more sober political world? is it going to accelerate the kind of rhetoric of vengeance and finger-pointing? we have gotten some signals over the last 24 hours. i suppose there was a time in american history where a shocking act of violence would shock us into severity. >> i'm so sorry, but the secret service news conference has begun and i want to dive into it. >> on the changing security landscape and most up-to-date intelligence from our partners. we have been working on the rnc security plan for more than a year and have been in custer coronation with our partners at republican national committee. during our extensive planning efforts, we have accounted for various security scenarios that may arise and were confident in the plan that we have implement
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for the republic national convention this week. that's a great plan will remain in place. while we cannot discuss specific means and methods for our protective operations, are protected methodology based on a layered approach that includes support from federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners. we will continue to assess the environment as appropriate. the secret service is working diligently with the milwaukee police department, as all of our federal, state and local partners to ensure a safe and secure convention for attendees, volunteers and city of milwaukee. i will now introduce the mayor of milwaukee, johnson. >> several months ago, folks in this room may recall with a bipartisan group of individuals, republicans and democrats with one goal in mind. we have a safe convention for everybody. these national and special security, especially as they
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relate to the republican national convention and democratic national convention have been stuck at $50 million since 2004. obviously, things cost more than they did in 2004, both sides of the aisle and we were able to get a $25 million increase to our security. i say that to say that we take this matter very serious and we take public safety very seriously. i have been so pleased -- public safety on the ground here. this is an ss national special security event. it is the highest designation that you can get for a security event of its size and magnitude. we have that designation and we will continue to make sure that public safety is in this
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community. with that in mind, i will pass it over to the chief of milwaukee police department. >> thank you. 18 months. 18 months that these plans have been put into place for what we will have for this event. this is a collaboration between federal, state, local and this is a collaboration between our elected leaders from both local, state and also national, but also engaged community. we have workings with our community members in regards to ensuring the safety of this event. while we cannot talk about operational plans, from the ceo of the milwaukee police department, i am very comfortable in regards to the plans that we have made together . not in silos and where we just
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go over peru's per actual planning together. as you can see in regards to my fireside and from the county side in regards to the type of collaboration, the collaboration israel. as the mayor said, this is a national special security event and it can't get any higher than that in regards to particular designation. i want to reassure that not only our community, but those involved at the convention and also in our city, we got this. we got this. thank you. >> with that, we will move into a brief q&a period. please raise your hand and we will call on you. we will start right here down at the left. >> i don't understand why it is
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that you have one of the most significant events in secret service since history occur and no one from the secret service is publicly deciding to take questions of what happened. the fbi gave an on the record briefing and their investigation, but still not hearing from anyone from the secret service about security. i just don't understand. >> my role in secret service is the rnc coordinator, so that is my purview. any questions regarding that could be directed to the public affairs office. >> anyone in secret service that we have spoken to since this happened and a press conference that. about why the
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secret service is not answering questions. >> again, secret service is rnc coordinator and i would prefer any questions regarding yesterday's incident. >> obviously, you don't want to talk about what happened in pennsylvania. have you had to change your security here? looking over everything once again and a follow-up question would be in terms of resources and 18 months have been going into this and you have all of the resources needed to get into this today? >> that designation is the highest level of security designation that the federal government can determine, so we are confident that the security plans in place for this event and are ready to go. it has been an 18 month process
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and we have worked together over that 18 months to develop security plans for any and all aspects of security when looking into this event. >> have any changes been made? >> we are not doing any changes to our operational security plans. >> wisconsin governor told us a little bit ago. >> we are having trouble with the video and sometimes the audio. secret service saying that they are not there to answer questions about what happened on saturday and trying to focus on what's happening this week. joining me is former deputy assistant director and counterintelligence agent for the fbi. i want to follow up with something that cnn was asking. why has the secret service not come out and answered questions about what happened on saturday? >> i think that's a great question. there are concerns when you have a shooter that got within 150 meters with a long gun ammo
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which is a very close range. it is reasonable to ask what happened. there are reasonable questions and i fully expect that the secret service is looking into that right now and i'm sure that congress and others will follow up. i think it is eminently logical that when you have an event like the rnc coming up next week that these would be the type of questions asked. i'm not sure what the secret service's reasoning was. i think they absolutely need to demonstrate to the american public that they have a very good security plan in place in milwaukee. the impacted deterrence in preventing violence or potential violence is very important and i think that's what they are trying to do here . that is why they have not answered questions about pennsylvania. i can only speculate. >> the security failure, can we call it a failure? at such close range and pointed at the former president of the
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united states and fire off a round. one that got so close that it it took off, he says, part of his ear. we have the image for the new york times of what appears to be the bullet flying right by his head. how does that happen? >> that's a great question. i have worked for the secret service for more than 20 years and i have worked on states of the union they worked and they are extraordinarily professional. they know what they are doing and have a tried-and-true methodology about how they go with securing protecting these and it should not happen, and eventually have somebody with a long gun well under 200 meters or 150 meters away who is able to get off several shots, including one by all accounts nicked the former president's ear. these are real questions and questions that absolutely need to be solved. important not only for former president trump, but all of the protectives that the secret service is responsible for pretty >> i have to go back to the
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briefing. we fixed our video and audio. let's listen. >> we have to respect the second amendment right to carry your firearms, in regards to open carry or carry and conceal if you are licensed. again, that is an issue that we have to navigate and i have said this many times, as that is your right, please exercise your right in a responsible manner. please ensure that the behaviors that we would like to see those with that responsibility align with that. the police department will not tolerate any particular behaviors of what is legally allowed in regards to that >> thank you, chief. just to reiterate what the chief said, local ordinances in wisconsin. wisconsin is an open carry state, therefore the city of milwaukee and no other
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jurisdiction in the state supersede that state law. folks should be aware that proactively before the convention gets started, we did take action to ban items that we could ban, so we used our authority at the municipal level to take that security precaution then we were able to do. in terms of banning weapons in the outer perimeter, that is not within our purview. >> have there been changes to overall security plan? are there changes to the protection plan for the former president, his family and others? >> and the coordinator, so i can only speak to the special security event and plans that we have in place to continue as is and we are.
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>> are there any new for the rnc to come? >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. i am the special agent in charge of the fbi for the state of wisconsin. the men and women for the fbi in wisconsin who worked in our offices and 56 offices across the u.s. and domestic and international federal partners have worked over the last 18 months to take information in for intelligence and evaluate information. state and local partners to address any threats. no articulated threats against rnc or visiting the rnc. that is important, because we need the help of the public. if they see something during this time or feel uncomfortable, let
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us know. >> just to be clear, do you or do you not make changes to the security plan based on events? >> there are no changes to our current security plans for this event. >> wynot? in the event of the assassination.'s this is an 18 month process and it involves all levels of government contributing to the operational security plans. we have and operational security plan for every area of responsibility related to any and all aspects of the securityr related incident. >> [ inaudible question ]


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