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tv   Republican National Convention  MSNBC  July 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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small business owners. black supporters, white supporters, asian supporters, supporters. republicans. independence and yes, even democrats. at a trump rally you are not viewed as your profession, your religion or the color of your skin. you are viewed as one thing and -- and american. last saturday was a jarring reminder that we, as americans, must always remember there is more that unites us than divides us. >> lara trump is the daughter- in-law of republican presidential nominee donald trump. she is number two in charge of the republican national
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convention. our coverage of the rnc continues now with the 11th hour. good evening once again. i am stephanie ruhle and we are continuing msnbc's live coverage of night two of the 2024 republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin. tonight's theme, make america safe again. the focus is on donald trump's plan for crime and immigration, which would include unprecedented mass deportations. rnc cochair lara trump is speaking now. earlier speakers included primary rivals nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy, and ron desantis, as well as high- profile congressional republicans like mike johnson, elise stefanik, and ted cruz. >> look at the border. it is the single biggest threat
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americans face. under joe biden, migrants are coming into our country by the thousands every day. >> we, in the republican party, are the law and order team. we always have been and we always will be the advocates for the rule of law and we all know that that principal as well as many others is in serious jeopardy today. >> let's make the 45th president of the united states the 47th president of the united states. let's elect republicans up and down the ballot and let's heed the call of our party's nominee to fight, fight, fight, for these united states. >> here is more of lara trump speaking right now. >> the largest tax cuts in american history. our energy independence.
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massive amounts of red tape cut and no new wars when donald j. trump was president. maybe most importantly though, you can actually feel it in your everyday life. you didn't have to love everything that he tweeted, but you cannot deny you were better off when donald trump was in office. americans were finally able to start saving money. home prices were affordable and gas hit a low of $1.87 a gallon. as i speak here tonight, many of our fellow americans don't know how they will pay for their next trip to the grocery store.
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new clothes for their children -- many of our fellow americans worry that we are on the verge of a major terror attack here on american soil. many of our fellow americans don't think their own children will be able to establish a better life than they themselves currently have. many of our fellow americans are right now sitting and wondering how on earth this country could have moved in the wrong direction and soak weekly. -- and so quickly. the democrats and the media know that they cannot convince you, the american people, that your life is better off now, because it's not. so what will they do? they will try to sell you on some outrageous narrative about the terrible things donald trump will do if he becomes president. but you don't have to imagine what it would be like. all you have to do is remember what it was like.
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i know -- oh yeah. i know what you hear out there about donald trump. i know what you read. what the media tells you and what out of touch celebrities on the left say about this man. but when i look at donald trump, i see a wonderful father, father-in-law, and of course, grandfather to my two young children, luke and carolina. i know that i am lucky enough to get the call him my father- in-law and see him a little differently than all of you. but it is through that lens
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that i sometimes wish more people could see him. this was a man that has sacrificed for his family and man that has truly sacrificed for his country. donald trump did not need to run for president for fame or money. trust me, we all know he already had plenty of that. i will tell you why he did it and why he continues on, even in the face of the unthinkable. because he loves this country. >> all right, quick fact check for you. lara trump saying under donald trump americans were better off across the board. according to a report from yesterday, whether it is work, wealth or wages, americans are
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better off today under joe biden then they were donald trump. she said donald trump will promise oil independence. important to note that under president biden we are producing more oil than ever before and a third thing she pointed out to get excited about is the pending largest corporate tax cut ever. yes there is a chance they would extend or make permanent the corporate tax cuts and maybe even lower them to 15%, but here is the problem, they have yet to articulate how they will pay for it and if they extend those corporate tax cuts or lower them, it will balloon the deficit. so there you have it. with that let's bring in nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard. both are in milwaukee tonight. and joining us from d.c. some up for us what tonight has been like in the arena, make america safe again? >> reporter: right, on that point, just to jump off of
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that, one of the biggest criticisms of nikki haley when she was running against donald trump is that she would consistently come back to the fact that donald trump, under his administration, the u.s. deficit ballooned more than any other administration ever. that was one of the biggest criticisms and yet tonight we found her on the stage, followed by ron desantis. it was made clear by both of these former republican presidential rivals to donald trump that the american people should make the decision that they have, despite any idea of disagreements, that they should come around and rally for donald trump because this is a choice between him and joe biden and i can tell you nikki haley, i was sitting next to the south carolina delegation that included governor mcmaster. take them as a microcosm. south carolina, essentially all of their elected officials endorsed donald trump over nikki haley in the primary. talking about voters in south
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carolina and election results in the south airliner primary was decisive for donald trump, which led to nikki haley being pushed out of the race. today there was tepid applause when she took the stage, but the way she changed the dynamic of this arena in the first five minutes by explicitly saying she strongly supports and endorses donald trump and made this a contrast between the two, it pushed aside all of the verbiage she used to describe donald trump a couple months ago when she described him as toxic. he ballooned the deficit more than any other administration. when she said the only thing he has sacrificed his hitting golf balls, so this is a different nikki haley then we heard a couple months ago, but it is not dissimilar from eight years ago when she implied he was a kindergartner and then a few months later endorsed him and ended up serving in his cabinet as the u.n. ambassador and frankly it is what the convention wanted and what the convention got.
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>> i'm going to let you go because i know you have something coming up. >> michael, you cover congress. who stuck out to you and why? >> there were a number of congressional lawmakers. one who struck me as particularly interesting was congressman tom emmer. he is the whip of the republican conference and has found himself in the crosshairs of former president trump, to put it lightly. someone who sparred with former president trump in the past. most notably tom emmer was running for speaker in october following the ouster of former speaker mccarthy, before donald trump tank to that effort by tom emmer. we have seen this minnesota republican try to find himself back in former president trump circle and that culminated tonight with him giving a speech on the rnc floor in support of donald trump. i think tom emmer's sort of evolution with his relationship
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with trump world is an encapsulation of a lot of other republicans. people including ron desantis and nikki haley. people who have at times sparred with the former president. found themselves at opposite ends of policy and political debates, but at the end of the day have careened back into the former presidents corner because at the end of the day this is donald trump's party. he showed that during the primary. he showed that tonight with having a wide variety of republicans stump in his favor. we saw lawmakers bury the hatchet and find themselves aligned with former president trump tonight. >> bury the hatchet. i did not see that from kevin mccarthy tonight. he was having a tough night standing next to matt gaetz. what stood out to you? i know you are not in milwaukee, but i know you are watching every speech, covering every headline. >> right, so let's just see how extemporaneous i can be here. look, this is not that important tonight in the overall scope of what we have
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seen the last four or five nights. you know it is important for the party if they want to convince skeptical voters to reach out and acknowledge that skepticism, which is what nikki haley did and then try to turn it around and channel it to donald trump, but the bigger image will be what happened on saturday and i guess monday night, too, when trump actually entered the arena. in four years and eight years no one will remember what ron desantis said. people might remember vivek ramaswamy's energy, but the details tonight don't really matter, the tone and the direction do and they are trying to signify this is a united republican party. >> let's go back to nikki haley and you could call it a boomerang speech. her strong endorsement and with her strong endorsement tonight we should remind our audience of all the things she has said about donald trump just this year when she was his opponent. watch this. >> of course many of the same
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politicians who now publicly embrace trump privately dread him. they know what a disaster he has been and will continue to be for our party. donald trump can't win a general election. donald trump was totally unhinged. unhinged. no matter what donald trump thinks, he can't bully his way to the white house. it is not going to work. >> only someone in the room can tell us. nikki haley, we know, is hugely popular with some republican voters but tonight and this week is obviously all about trump. how was she received in that room? >> that video right there, stephanie, political whiplash hearing that and putting it side-by-side with the speech nikki haley ultimately delivered tonight. when she came on stage there was some applause, but at the end of the stage -- speech when
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she left the stage, it was all applause. she mentioned very early in that speech that she strongly endorses former president trump. she said some people don't fully agree with donald trump. i can understand that. her being somebody who obviously does not fully agree with donald trump, but said at the end of the day donald trump is better than the democratic opponent, is better than president biden. this message was so key for donald trump and the republican party because you will remember in some of those late state primaries, nikki haley, even weeks after she dropped out of the race, was still pulling a significant number of voters. 20% of the republican electorate, which is so significant when you talk about this closely watched election between donald trump and nikki haley. as you mentioned, political boomerang, this change by nikki haley was significant for her, but even more for donald trump and was really necessary as he looks to unite this party and at the end of the day get a leg up on president biden when it
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comes to voting in november. >> hans, donald trump and his party keep saying that america is in the midst of a migrant crime wave, but the brennan center for justice has actually done the work and they say there is zero data that shows any kind of surgeon crime caused by immigrants and there is absolutely no evidence that immigrants commit crime more than nativeborn americans. we do absolutely need to talk about immigration in this country. we need comprehensive immigration reform, but don't we need to start getting honest before anything can happen? there is no massive migrant crime wave and it is a big theme tonight. >> the biden white house and biden campaign and democrats in general find themselves on the wrong side of antic notes. -- of anecdotes. they might be on the right side of data, but anecdotes are powerful. we saw them try to draw attention to that with a family member of someone murdered, i
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don't have all the details, but i believe by a migrant who crossed illegally. the data in this is not entirely clean. there is no national registry that entirely keeps track of everything in a way that would be easy to compare apples to apples, oranges to oranges. on the anecdotal side there is a powerful moment and there have been horrific stories that have drawn a lot of attention. they don't always get national attention, but they get local attention and that is driving a lot of the conversation. republicans want to talk about this. they think it is an issue that cuts in their favor. they think it is a policy issue that needs to be addressed. i don't have all the facts and figures in front of me on various crime data and what direction things are going in, but it is clear anecdotally republicans think they have a powerful message that will resonate and that is something
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they want to continue to tackle. >> hans, thank you for being here. great to have you on tonight. i appreciate it. when we come back, democratic senator bob menendez, found guilty in his corruption trial. our next guest will break down why this verdict shows the doj axon facts, not politics, when our special coverage continues. i'm 65. and really smart later i'm 70-ish. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. with this type of plan, you'll know upfront about how much your care costs. which makes planning your financial future easier. so call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. with an aarp my life partner connie and i were in really rough shape regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight.
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democratic new jersey senator bob menendez was found guilty on all 16 counts against him and his federal corruption trial today including bribery, fraud, and extortion. following the conviction, chuck schumer quickly called for him to resign. earlier this evening on our air, fellow new jersey senator cory booker said he would lead the effort to expel menendez if he refuses to resign. >> reporter: senator bob menendez left court today a convicted criminal. >> i am deeply disappointed by the jury decision. >> reporter: that jury finding him guilty of 16 counts including bribery, extortion, and acting as a foreign agent. >> i have never violated my oath. i've never been anything but a patriot of my country. >> reporter: now chuck schumer is joining a group of more than 30 democrats calling for the senator's resignation. prosecutor spent nine weeks
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proving menendez accepted thousands of dollars in cash, gold bars, and a new mercedes in exchange for actions. all part of what the fbi says was a wide-ranging bribery scheme. >> this was politics for profit. his years of selling his office to the highest bidder have finally come to an end. >> reporter: prosecutors accuse the new jersey democrat of using his office and his power to help to new jersey businessman secure lucrative overseas business deals. they were also found guilty today. a third businessman he helped flipped after pleading guilty to buying menendez a mercedes. he testified against the senator during the trial. photos showed cash shift in jackets, shoes and bags, which last fall menendez tried to explain. >> i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account, which i have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my
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family facing confiscation in cuba. >> reporter: the defense said there were no bribes and some of that money belonged to his wife, who they said took hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gold as gifts from friends. she pleaded not guilty, but her trial is delayed due to her breast cancer. after today's verdict, senator menendez remained defiant. >> i have every faith that the law and the facts do not sustain that decision and we will be successful upon appeal. >> barbara mcquade, veteran prosecutor and former attorney for the eastern district of michigan joins us now. what should we know about the charges he was convicted of? they are pretty big so we want to know about the sentencing as well. >> they are. as we heard, bribery, extortion, fraud, and even acting as a foreign agent.
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those are very serious charges. the obstruction of justice charge alone has a 20 year sentencing maximum. sentencing guidelines determine what an actual sentence will be. most defendants do not get the statutory maximum, but i imagine this will be a sizable custodial sentence. this will not be a sentence of probation. this will not be a matter of months. this will likely be a sentence that will be a matter of years. >> you argue that this conviction debunks the republican talking point about the political weaponization of the doj. you make a great argument in the rational world, but do you think this argument is actually going to see its way through? >> probably not to some people. it has been interesting, hasn't it, that we have not really heard a lot of conversation about this case from republicans? i think because the reason is that it does not fit the narrative that joe biden has
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somehow weaponize the department of justice and is going after it to interfere with the election. that is something donald trump has claimed and something that marco rubio and j.d. vance and others seeking to curry favor from donald trump have repeated and i think this case has not received a lot of attention from the gop because it does not fit that narrative. in fact what it shows is that the justice department decides cases based on facts and law. to not show any favor or disfavor based on political association, political beliefs or political activity. one of the great hazards i think and great losses we have suffered in the age of trump among so many things is the idea that the justice department is a partisan weapon. i know that the officials who work there are completely nonpartisan and go after the cases based on facts and law
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and that is what happened in the conviction of robert menendez. >> that is a great point, though. one would think republicans would be all over this thing. you call us corrupt, look at him. they can't possibly do that and at the same time claim that the doj has been weaponized. he has said he avowed to appeal these charges. what does that look like? >> sure, he has every right to appeal. first there will be the sentencing, which the judge set for october 29. a sentence will be imposed and within 10 days the defendant must file their notice of appeal, but it typically takes many months. usually what happens is a different attorney pours over the record in the case and looks for errors. was there any evidence admitted that should not of been? was there any testimony that violated the rules of evidence? was this against the great weight of the evidence? those are all questions that
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will be submitted and if there is an error and he is entitled to a new trial than an appellate court will take appropriate action. i will tell you that in something like 85% of federal convictions, cases are affirmed and upheld. i don't know that we have any reason from what we have seen in public reporting to suggest that this case will be any different and will be overturned. >> all right, barb, thank you for joining us tonight. great to see you. when we return, a conversation i definitely want to have. this year's rnc, it is anything but normal. how the party of reagan is heading full steam ahead on the trump train when our special coverage continues. tinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq...
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the bottom line to every single thing that is going on in this great country today is one thing. we become totally unhinged if donald trump is not elected in november. >> there you go, jim justice. the second night of the republican national convention has wrapped up and from the outside it looks like a normal rnc, but it is not at all. take trump's vp pick, senator j.d. vance of ohio. former gop congresswoman liz cheney has called out his positions on election results,
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the rule of law and how to handle russia's war in ukraine, adding that the trump gop is no longer the party of lincoln, reagan, or the constitution. you are in luck because i have old-school republicans standing by. not old men, old school. >> we are getting older every day. >> a contracting writer at the atlantic and former congressman of florida. george, your take on the rnc because people are watching and looking at delegates and thinking hey, it is like another convention. >> we were just talking about that in the green room and i said orwell could not have scripted this better. basically everything standing on its head. somebody was saying we are the party of the rule of law. i was think of johnson and we are nominating a 34 time convicted felon and we are the party of the religious stuff. god save donald trump. let's not worry about the kids
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that do school shootings or whatever. this is a man of god. what are we even talking about here? this is a man who sacrificed everything for his country. what are we even talking about? he is not capable of sacrifice. he's not capable and then treating him like he has done everything for us. >> -- little bo peep. >> what? nikki haley, what was she doing ? explain to me. she goes to the first five, six, seven months of her campaign and will not criticize donald trump and raises her hand when they ask are you going to support a convicted felon? then she goes out and spends three or four weeks questioning his mental capacity and everything about him. then making points about the budget deficit that skyrocketed
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during his administration. >> and it will balloon even more if they extend the corporate tax cut. >> and she makes good points about national security and we want to turn russia over and turn europe over to the russians. that is trump and vance. what are we talking about? it is all bizarre and it is stuff that does not fit with each other. other than we would follow donald trump over any cliff and take the country with us. >> david, your take on this. >> it is performative and i'm not sure it is impactful with any persuadable voters. part of it is there are very few persuadable voters out there, arguably. with all the chaos and confusion i now i do think voters have distilled this down to a simple contrast that has not fundamentally changed over joe biden's age were the
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assassination attempt in pennsylvania. what i mean by that is in its simplicity you have a criminal nominee in donald trump who incited violence to try to disrupt democracy. that is not on toward language after butler. those are facts. he is a criminal nominee and on january 6, 2021, he incited violence to try to disrupt our democracy. you can talk policy as well and to different visions for the country and joe biden's vision lands better with most american voters. on the other side you have an aging president and i think many americans, this choice has not become harder as much as it has become clearer, because they see the candidates in such a singular fashion. the singular fashion of donald trump is a criminal related to the acts of january 6 and joe biden is an aging president that you wonder about his fitness for office, but which do you think is more dangerous?
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i think there is clarity in that. then let's talk about reproductive freedom and income inequality and access to healthcare. defending the free world from aggressors like mayor putin. let's have discussion on policy as well, but that gets in the weeds compared to the most defining aspects of the candidates. i don't think the fundamentals of this race have changed the way experts think they have. >> president biden, you just found a convention speaker. >> what am i, chopped liver? >> just kidding. >> no, you are the expert. >> you are headed to milwaukee tomorrow, but you've been watching all day, you watched yesterday. many of the people attending, many of the speakers are some of your oldest friends. what is it like for you? you know all these guys. fine, you never liked them. you did. you were in congress with a lot of them. >> blame him. >> stick with the theme of
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nominating a criminal. that is the dystopian part of nikki haley, marco rubio and ron desantis tonight. how do you define this convention? you define it by what has been left out, but what has not said. to truly ignore the reality in which we are living and the danger of the politics that were reflected this past weekend and on january 6, the republicans in milwaukee right now are truly living or promoting an alternate reality that is not land with the facts. >> george, liz cheney said the gop is no longer the party of the constitution. i guess you agree with that. while the constitution is hugely important, it is not a key issue for voters. it is not something they think about. it is not something they value in their day-to-day lives, but it is essential for our democracy to function.
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>> exactly and they don't appreciate how this ticket represents a direct threat. when you have donald trump who lied about the election, has been lying about the election for four years and tried to overturn it using physical means and fraud and vance, one of the things that bound him to trump was that he swears, he told donald trump he would turn down, he would have disapproved the electoral votes from the states that trump lost, which is insane. they prepare to be the party of the rule of law, but basically they forsake it. they forsake it for a man who continually violates the law. there is no defense of the classified documents case. there is just none. it is just insane. as i said it is orwellian. >> i feel like what are we even talking about? that is my question of the night. >> it was odd considering the
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events of january 6. >> they are turning their back -- >> feeding on those tourists. >> they were actually saying back to blue. >> january 6 hostages, that is something different. >> donald trump and j.d. vance agree on many issues. business is not one of them. and the republican party about free markets, deregulation. anti-mergers and acquisitions. anti-big business. he worked with elizabeth warren on regulation to clawback -- how do you see this getting squared? >> i think donald trump understands -- >> but the josh hawley wing likes the donald trump wing. >> donald trump is
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ideologically agnostic. it doesn't matter to him. if it gets him where he needs to get, that's fine. he will promote a 10% tariff or whatever he is suggesting until wall street comes and says you really can't do that and then he says i won't do it, what will we do next? i think j.d. vance fits into that portfolio of tools, but conflict doesn't matter when it comes to ideology. this is an area where joe biden still has 100 days to run this race. you hit issues of tariffs and taxes and the economy and what that vision is of j.d. vance and donald trump versus joe biden, that contrast is real. before we go, obviously you are a conservative lawyer. i want to get your reaction to reports that president biden is considering supreme court term limits. >> i think that it is a good idea to try to do something like that. i think it would be best, we
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could take some pressure off the nomination hearings if you could figure out a way to allow each president as they are elected to pick someone new every two years and i think there is a path to doing that constitutionally but i think it is tricky. i think that you are going to have to do something that makes the supreme court like the court of appeals and basically you don't have the court sitting on the entire case on every case and it will be tricky to implement. everything for the supreme court at this point i think is a good idea. >> excellent. when we return, calls from democrats for president biden to drop out of the race. how he is trying to rally the democratic party when the 11th hour continues. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service.
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nominee, and has not calm the anxiety of the state of the race. the new york times is reporting in a private meeting with donors, congressman adam schiff warned every democratic wipeout if president biden continues his campaign. i want to bring in former senator doug jones of alabama and simone townsend -- symone sanders-townsend, former chief spokesperson for vice president harris. it is coming. the dnc is moving to nominate president biden next week. what will this look like? >> it will look like a nominating process and that is what it is going to be. the fact of the matter is the president said he is running. we may as well move forward with this. any naysayers will have to depend on the dnc. they are going to do this. it seems pretty clear that this is going to happen. i understand that there is still anxiety, but you know what? two weeks ago all of the folks
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in the house and the senate, everyone was telling the president you've got to get out, you've got to give more speeches, you've got to give more interviews. he has been doing exactly that and he has been knocking it out of the park. he might need to make a few more phone calls with these folks. he might need to meet in person, but he's been out there and folks are responding. at this point it looks like the dnc is going to move forward. >> what do you think? he said the president is listening. he is now doing interview after interview, speech after speech with the goal of regaining confidence of some in his party. is it working? >> there is a difference obviously between the donors and the members of congress and the voters and the people. peo. >> it seemed similar to that very raucous crowd in michigan just last weekend that the president addressed. but, to hear that members of
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congress are like we still need to hear more, i'm so concerned please don't nominate the president yet, send in the letter, it does fly in the face of the process. i will note, because jimmy harrison was going back and forth with nate silver on x today on this one. and i will note that the membership voted for this in the spring. 300 d&c members voted to go to a virtual nominating process in the spring. so this idea that this is a last-minute scramble, it is not a last-minute scramble, because they voted for this in the spring. i think that point is important. >> i want to play for you what pollster larry sabado of uv said yesterday about the biden campaign. >> biden is going to have to revive his candidacy, and i don't know that you can do it when you have already picked a vp, and your conviction is at the end of august, when lots and lots of people are on
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vacation. this is not ideal for biden, but he is going to have to make the best of it. >> he is talking about mojo at the convention. what do you think? >> i think the conventions are an opportunity to really energize people. remember, last go-round democrats did not have an in person convention. it was kind of a meta-verse situation. i think this will be energizing. i have been watching clips of the rnc convention. the delegates at the convention are fired up. they are fired up behind some stuff the democrats are not fired up about, but that is what conventions are for. it is an injection of energy into a party base, and i think mcgrath need that. also, i don't know how that is going to go if members of congress keep undercutting the president, their nominee, on background or on the record. at some point folks have to make a decision that they are either going to ride with biden or just get off the train. otherwise they risk truly damaging him beyond repair. the people who are bold, they
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watch television, they read the news. and members of congress currently saying we are going to lose, the people are going to say yeah, we are going to lose. it's a self fulfilling prophecy. come on. >> president biden, we talked about in the last segment, is excited to announce support for major supreme court reforms, that includes term limits and an ethics bill. really good headline, but do you think, george conway just said this thing is really tricky, very difficult to get done. do you think there's a chance to get done, b, is it too late and could have an impact on the campaign trail? >> it is too late to get it done, b, it will never get done in our lifetimes given the polarization that we have got in congress right now. the only way could ever get done is if all of a sudden it looks like to republicans that they are going to lose the supreme court. then they may all of a sudden want to do this. the fact of the matter is, it
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is a message. and people are fed up with the way the court has been going in the last few years. so they want to do something, they want to see the president do something. i think it's an energizing thing. and i want to go back, i appreciate the question, but i want to go back to what simone said. because i think is really important to remember this. and that is, the poles that all these people are whining and crying about now are not based on that debate performance. it is based on all the crap you hear behind-the-scenes. people talking and moaning and groaning, and the media, for two weeks, was talking about item heading out, and biden is a disaster. this is based on three weeks of bad media. not a debate performance. the president has been out there busting it and doing one heck of a job in doing what he is supposed to do, and in the middle of that, had that nato leaders into washington, d.c., to shore up democracy and to shore up the alliances that are so important. when the opposite in the republican party is you are putting the head of the putin
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wing of the republican party, jd vance, as the number two on this ticket. the contrast continues to grow, and that is also going to be something that president biden can latch onto and build an enthusiasm going into the convention. >> we ran out of time, simone is lucky, i was about to put you on the spot to talk about bad media and how we need to take a close look at what we are doing. but we lucked out. i am only going to talk about it during commercial with simone. great to see you, thank you for joining us, we will be right back. back. when i think about purpose, i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. their donations are funding the research. the research is allowing for the treatments to happen.
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thank you for watching, and make sure to mark your calendars for saturday, september 7th. you can join me at msnbc live democracy 2024, not just me, but all my colleagues here at the network. it is a special event in brooklyn. we will be talking about the most pressing issues of our time. you can scan the qr code on your screen for tickets right now. now let's take a deep breath, because we have a lot of news to get through. on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks and nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i will see you at the end of tomorrow.


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