tv MSNBC Breaking News MSNBC July 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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it is the top of the hour. 6:00 pm eastern. it is an extraordinary political history . joe biden, announcing he will no longer be the democratic presidential nominee and he strongly endorsed , the woman you see on the left, his vice president, kamala harris to be his successor. saying in a statement, my very first decision as the party nominee was to pick kamala harris as my vice president. it has been the best decision i have made here today i want to offer my full support for
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kamala harris to be the nominee. late this afternoon, kamala harris released a statement thanking president biden and notably saying, i am honored to have the endorsement and my intention is to earn and win the nomination. vice president harris followed up with fundraising appeals stating, i will do everything in my power to unite the party and the nation to defeat donald trump and his extreme project 2025 agenda. if you are with me, and a donation now. two people familiar tell nbc that biden asked to see poling on how harris would fare. the polling was solicited by the biden campaign and was tightly held. let's bring in reporters to make sense of this moment. we have mike memoli and al sharpton. it is great to have you there.
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mike, what is the latest you are hearing from the biden campaign came in >> as i continue to speak with close advisors and others close to the campaign, it is striking how across the board, even though the decision was speculated as soon as this weekend, it had been the source of disarray within the party and handwringing. even as the decision was expected to be what it is, people were stunned and surprised to hear it. i am told by someone close to the president and his team that as of friday night, they were told he was still 100% in the race. it was a small circle of the risers that were with the president as he gave those directions to begin preparing for an announcement that he would drop out. that decision was only communicated to the most even senior members of the team in eight broad sense.
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just before it was tweeted that he was doing this. i want to share new reporting about a call that took place, involving the campaign chairwoman as well as the campaign manager in which they address the staff who were themselves only learning that it was public that he would be stepping aside. they spoke to the fact that this campaign is now a harris campaign. anyone on the staff will continue to be part of that campaign if they choose. the organization that they built to be donald trump is one may intend to go forward and execute. it is reiterated that the team going forward and everyone has a job that still wants to and they also talked about the coalition to lead them to the three is one may believe is intact. we are already hearing about ways in which that could shift
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in focus. the team -- in the last 48 hours that the most likely path to succeed was the blue wall state. michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. this could shift with vice president harris leading the ticket. the first black woman to ever lead a major party ticket. you can see an emphasis should into the sunbelt. north carolina and georgia are so significantly -- significant. you are also hearing that in terms of speculation, who he might choose as a running mate, among those names that have been floated already. governor cooper was finishing that second term and served for 16 years, including with vice president harris when she was
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the california attorney general. another name is mark kelly, from arizona. someone who is a veteran and new but brings a lot of qualities as well. the country is taking stock of this decision. it is one that was very difficult for the president to make. he decided in order to win, he could not continue to fight on two fronts. one on trump and the other against his party. he is putting interest first and foremost by making the decision. >> the phones have been burning up the lines. groups are organizing. >> i am told by a source familiar the president has been working the phones over the last couple of hours.
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there are countless people that want to speak to him. it is speaking about that decision and getting to the potential conclusion. pull back the curtain on how he got to this consequential moment. it was more seriously about exiting the race. was the close family and jill biden. they finalize notes details about what would go into that letter that we saw around 1:46 today. one minute prior, they called the senior campaign and white house leadership involved in these decisions to inform them it was about to post.
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before that he had separate conversations with vice president harris. they had talked a couple of times today. and the campaign cochair in separate calls to talk to this before the world was made aware of this significant decision. that leads to a series of many other calls. the chief of staff then had a call to talk about the decision and the senior leadership have their own calls and with key white house staff. something that is notable is the amount of young people or rank-and-file staffers that are working on the campaigns trying to focus on their job and plan for the week ahead. it was that tightly held. as you heard there, a key priority is to try and ensure
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those hundreds of staffers and others in battleground states that for now, the appear to still have a job that they will transfer over to the kamala harris campaign apparatus once it is formalized. as we know, jennifer o'malley dillon said they have already tried to build the campaign and reelect effort to beat donald trump. that doesn't change with vice president harris leading the way. >> i am told she said it was okay to feel sad. you can feel onshore and the path ahead. so many have been told, just last night that the president was plowing ahead. he was going to have on the trail this week, fundraisers were had been sent out just
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yesterday to donors in california and illinois that are going to change with the big news. she did want to emphasize with staffers that it was okay to feel those things but also she wanted them to feel out to mystic about the path ahead. now there are so many larger questions about how the president communicates the message to the people in a soaring speech, we expect. we don't know when that is going to happen. he is still in delaware and technically testing positive for covid. it will be his doctors that have to clear him to return and resume his schedule and meet with benjamin netanyahu which is also gonna happen in the next couple of days and then at some point, give the address about probably the largest decision of his political career to date.
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>> reverend sharpton, we were talking about how quickly things seem to be moving. congresswoman williams is also chair of the democratic party in georgia. among other things after thanking joe biden or his decades of service, she said president biden said georgia made him president and he is right. there is more to be done and eyes are on the prize. we stand firmly behind pratt vice president harris to make it happen, whether it is a democratic party chair, activist groups, what are you hearing, what you expect to see in the hours and days, in terms of coalescing behind kamala harris. >> i am hearing a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of energy. people are saying this is the kind of race that we need to have. it is correct that the geopolitical landscape changes. now georgia and north carolina
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and other states would be more in play. with congresswoman williams that shares the democratic party, think the party is endorsing. let's not forget this party elected a black and jewish u.s. senator last time. they know how to bring the turnout. this is the state where stacey abrams proved you can turn it around. i would say that kamala harris is the perfect candidate. when you look at the republican candidate in the extreme things, i think you will see a more energetic race and the map has changed. donald trump may see a redo. if they go out and understand those issues.
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let me go to our chief correspondent, andrea mitchell. for such a long time has come covered foreign affairs. i am looking out a statement that was already put out by president zelinski expressing how grateful they are. there is absolutely no doubt what the stakes are for ukraine and the war with russia. whether it is joe biden or kamala harris versus donald trump. talk about the importance of the statement and anything else you have heard. leaders will be very reassured that biden will be succeeded by another democrat. they are less familiar with kamala harris although -- is.
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i traveled with him last year and saw her and covered her both times with volodymyr zelenskyy. they have a very warm relationship. her speech last year was frankly, she was getting used to the material. she is much more familiar with foreign policy now. especially all of the were issues. she is focused more on domestic issues. since then, in the last couple of months, she has been focused primarily on abortion and women issues. she is not joe biden but who is. anybody who would rip place by then would -- . kamala harris is someone they would have confidence in if polling in the organization behind her shows
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they can defeat donald trump. and because of what he said. about being able to negotiate this. for all of those reasons, we are very concerned and foreign leaders have been talking during the summit and sent. certainly in europe about trying to -- ukraine and the funding. some of them not public. to make sure the funding would continue. the parliament voted and that is a contentious and not at all homogeneous organization. they voted to support ukraine very vigorously. only america can provide certain weapons.
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they can piece things together and they have been collecting patriot missiles and other defense from other countries. we just don't have enough. they don't have the weaponry that we need. if it is president trump they are anticipating increased pressure to negotiate. right now he is in a week position. putin just wants to hold out because then he believes he could grab more territory and eventually achieve the goals of taking all of ukraine by 2035. there is a lot to happen between now and eight successful election. the first step would be the fact of getting behind harris. certainly according to the president.
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we have yet to hear from nancy pelosi. she and harris have not had the warmest personal relationships. and the endorsement by adam schiff is -- legally, it is the easiest way to have the campaign structure. she would inherit all of those people will would keep their jobs. there would be some layering with staff but you would have a campaign in place. volunteers as well as the money that would automatically be available because she was on the ticket. some of the big donors might move their money to down ballot races. she would have more than $100 million in the bank. they have to do something. there has been talk about a many primary. trying to make her compete. a lot of people argued that
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would be messy. there is talk of coupling her with someone that is a centrist governor. or like roy cooper or andy bashir. governor whitman from michigan said she out salute does not want to. you can't have two californians. so that would not work. the possibilities are there but not that the. certainly the running mate would be very important. joining me now, the democratic congressman from the critical swing state of wisconsin. what should happen next, should vice president harris be the nominee. >> i can't wait to have her come to wisconsin. she actually grew up in madison.
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she has been here during the campaign. this is the energy we have been looking for. we have a senate seat up and competitive house seat. having her on the ticket will be the energy we need. >> i am here with reverend sharp and. >> 21,000. that is how many tipped the state of wisconsin to the democrats in 2020 and in 2016, donald trump defeated hillary clinton by just over 22,000 votes. what impact will this have on wisconsin and ken vice president harris win, given the history of the last two election cycles? >> we heard from a lot of people . people didn't like the choice of two older white men.
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now there is one left. the republican party is going to have to assess whether they will keep him on the ticket. he has the felonies and the liabilities. we have someone with energy and a connection. someone that can talk about the accomplishments. it is the biden and harris at the administration that got us out of covid. now she can be an aggressive campaign or. i am looking forward to having her talk about freedom to make decisions about your body. and thanks to donald trump and his picks, they overturned roe versus wade. now we live a lot when it comes to abortion in wisconsin. this is my having the vice president on the ticket will be crucial and helpful. joining me now is amy klobuchar thinnest soda.
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you served with kamala harris. you know her from the campaign trail. you support her? >> yes i do. i did want to say something about president biden. he took an honorable path. he has already led always lead with conviction and integrity. it is not an easy thing. he did the right thing. i am very excited about kamala harris as a candidate. >> it was the debate that began these calls for biden to step aside. and a big moment if indeed kamala harris is the nominee will be at an upcoming debate if it holds against donald trump. you debated against her. you were on the stage. preview what you think a kamala harris and trump debate would look like. >> i think it is good. she is a fierce competitor but most importantly she knows the work and comes to this as a strong
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leader. i want to say one thing, we started as friends and and it is better friends. i got to know her family and doug. my husband and doug became friends. this is something people will get to see her in a different light. being vice president is not always easy. here she is now going to be the leader. you will see on the debate stage, someone that will make the case of the differences. you have donald trump on video saying he is probably the person that overturned roe v wade and you will have kamala harris as the one to cross- examine the justices and took them on. the justices that made the decision in the dobbs case. you will have donald trump with his felony indictments and convictions and kamala harris as the former prosecutor that follows rule of law.
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i don't know what bigger contrast you need. >> i cannot imagine a state where the race appeared closer than it was between joe biden and donald trump. it was neck and neck. well within the margin of error . how does it change the equation? >> minnesota is a grassroots state. there is a lot of interest in politics. we have tended to go with interesting characters. governor ventura for example. we are ready for last-minute changes. i know this will be a strong year with this ticket and the new energy, including a lot of anticipation of the vice presidential candidate. it will be shorter, kind of like speed dating. kamala harris knows the people in the leaders. you will have that coming up and
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grassroots it knighted like we like to have in minnesota and in wisconsin. we like a lot of grassroots politics. and then more volunteers coming in and a lot of energy. >> let me ask you, we have porting that she called in another state where there is an infrastructure. she stressed the campaign was built to beat donald trump. that is still the plan with kamala harris. she indicated that jobs were safe. they would basically transfer the operation to kamala harris assuming that is what it ends up being. what could you tell us about that infrastructure.
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>> our state has dozens of field offices so then. i have also campaigned for the ticket in other states. wisconsin, michigan and new hampshire. what you see after a lot of angst and difficult times, what you will see is an energized campaign office. people showing up to volunteer like never before. the time is short. we don't have time to go back and look at who said what and who was calling for this. there is no time for bitterness. we have to unite behind this ticket and move forward. that is what joe biden believes because he cares deep we about what happens next. also not just about his legacy but what happens next.
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>> we will have a lot to talk about. there is never any shortage of things to talk about. i have to tell you about the statement that we just got. >> he spoke to president biden and then subsequently to vice president harris. when the founders came together in the commonwealth of pennsylvania to declare independence and establish democracy, they did so with a clear understanding that we would only succeed if united. our country and people have been tested. the american spirit has always triumphed, despite individual differences in safety was threatened in values and freedoms were threatened. americans found ways to come together and unite. that is the lesson of our
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founders that gathered 2.5 centuries ago and the lesson the party must learn from now. i have known her for two decades. we have both been prosecutors and both stood up for the rule of law and fought for the people will. kamala harris is a patriot worthy of some port and she will continue the work of americans that came before us to perfect the union, protect democracy and advance real freedom. she has served honorably as vice president and she is ready to be president. the best path forward is to quickly unite behind vice president harris and focus on winning the presidency. the contrast could not be clearer and the road to victory runs through pennsylvania where the collective work began. i will do everything i can to
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help elect kamala harris is the 47th president of the united states. reverend sharpton, that is an impressive statement. he has spoken to the president and vice president harris. he is supporting her. and talking about that open process, it is clear that he is not looking for the job. how does he strike you as a running mate. >> that is going to be up to the candidate. there are several that would be credible. even in the first hour, we heard the name mentioned in a possible open convention. you also have noun theme the georgia party come out. we heard that randi weingarten come out. as you start seeing people with major constituencies and governors of a critical state
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come out, it is in many ways the momentum you would need for a campaign like this. unites the party. it is an important statement. it was well written and a short time. >> governor schapiro mentioned as someone in the step down that could replace him saying he calls on the party to unite. how are americans digesting the news of this shift in the campaign. campaign. on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments.
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person of the communications director for the jill biden. she said this. down to the last hours, she coming in the first lady, was the word of of whatever road he chose. she is the biggest lever, champion who was always on his side. >> is hearing about how he has been. the president has spoken to congress and speaking to governors. he was -- tonight and tomorrow. for the first time, i saw what was the campaign but from now, joe biden, repeating his statement about his decision but also giving full endorsement to kamala harris
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and asking to sit port the campaign. again repeating statements that he put out. olive list to the people that really count. they have all been on their phones and talking with folks. let me bring in george the lease. he is in butler, pennsylvania. a heavily republican area. and a location where the former president was the target of an attempted assassination. >> reporter: the voters, it is a stretch to say that in butler, many are experiencing breaking news with last. it was just a bit more than a week ago that the eyes of the world were here in that failed attempt.
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today we broke the news to many that joe biden was not going to seek reelection and in fact endorsed kamala harris saying that is what they expected. it is fair to say we are also here in the heart of trump country. many of them are excited. they believe it secures the presidency for donald trump. some saying it is time others say they are sad to some degree. some are now questioning the validity of whether or not he can actually serve the remainder of the president the. those are just some of the dialogues. >> reporter: where do we go? >> i don't know. that is the scary part. we just don't know what's going to happen. where it is going to go. and it shows that people's vote does not matter.
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doesn't even count? >> i am looking forward to the future and what will happen. >> reporter: does it make it interesting? >> it is very interesting. >> reporter: on the subject of josh shapiro, i spoke with brandon boyle who represents the second congressional district. i asked what he thought if vice president harris selected him as a running mate should she get the nomination. he said i am always in favor of pennsylvanians doing well and i love the fact that the person in the white house now was born and raised in pennsylvania. going on to say i am always in favor of his many getting as many jobs as possible. you can kind of read between the lines. we will be gathering reaction here.
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>> let me bring in tim miller and daniel moody. great to have you both here. tim collett start with the voters. the polls said they thought both of these guys were too old. there wasn't a tremendous amount of broad enthusiasm for either. now there is a younger candidate. a lot of people seem to coalesce around her. what does that mean for voters in the middle who truly hadn't made up their mind? what does it mean for never trump republicans? >> there is a big category of voters and for him it is a huge relief. there has been discussion about this. there's a huge swath of americans that did not want this rematch and were begging for anyone else.
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now the democrats get to give those orders. i think you will see some coalescing around the vice president or if it ends up someone else, among these better democratic leaning voters that were unhappy with the choice. then, when you talk about the other categories, among never trump republicans, it will be her vp pick that will matter. she has a huge opportunity to go back to her roots as a prosecutor and a law and order candidate running against a criminal. if she demonstrates, which she will, she has performed policy chops, she is going to stand with ukraine and allies, i think she will be able to bring in a lot of the never trump republican types that had been skittish.
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>> let's hear more from voters across the country. >> i am not upset. i was voting for him because i don't want to vote for donald trump. voting for biden, not that he is bad but the lesser of the bad choices. >> kind of surprised. i had a feeling it might happen. i thought he would hold out a little more. i feel sorry for him and all the work that he has put in. i think he was getting a lot of pressure to say no more i'm done. >> very happy. i think a lot of people are happy. we don't need someone as old as he is as president. i think trump will win. i think he will make america great again.
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>> there is a cross-section. what are you looking for in the coming days and weeks from voters and polls that will show you how much the race has shifted. >> mike scott is democrats need to circle the wagon and build the barricade around kamala harris. she is the.. right now we are seeing endorsements rolling in. if you are looking on social media and seeing the excitement people have, they are energized. now is our moment. it is either continue with democracy or we live under project 2025. now we can focus attention back to where it needed to be which is the exit stencil threat that donald trump and the party have over the country and democracy are kamala harris is a brilliant prosecutor who can prosecute this case to the people.
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it is going to be between her and a felon. i think that conversation is the one the american people are ready to have. i look forward to us going into a united convention. >> donald trump reacted to joe biden dropping out by telling nbc he thinks biden is the worst president in the history of the united states by far. a senior advisor told nbc before the announcement that the campaign preferred biden stay in the race because it had been planning for that matchup. joining me now is vaughn hillyard. they were also gearing up for kamala harris. tell us more about what you are hearing from inside the campaign? >> i was in grand rapids yesterday for donald trump's first joint campaign appearance.
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more than 13,000 people. a senior official told me they were planning for potential other options. not only internal polling but also assessments. they had been running against joe biden. with three months left they will have to change course. not only the messaging but in terms of where they may have to best put resources. you are looking at seven battleground states. i will tell you that conversation, with a different candidate there could be different dynamics. does it make a state like north carolina or georgia or wisconsin a focused point. deselect roy cooper, does that change resources or if she chooses mark kelly, does that
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force the hand to put more investment there despite having felt confident about that current situation. donald trump, on social media admitted that they have already put resources toward damaging the messaging and credibility of joe biden and in the words of donald trump they are going to have to start over. and also the question about the september debate that was agreed to with the biden campaign. in another post, donald trump opening up saying he doesn't want it to be with abc. instead he said it should be on fox. there is suddenly that dynamic. we are four weeks away from the dnc and whomever it is becoming the formal nominee. this leaves open a whole month for the campaign to hit the
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campaign trail. also, it is going to be an opportunity for the senate race is too to take shape. there is a lot of play for the party as well. here we are on this monumental day. >> you predicted it. you have just heard that there is a lot at play. what do you see as the state of the race? >> first, let's see if harasses the candidate.
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we know she is the candidate but is she the nominee? will others get in the race? it doesn't appear so but there has been a lot of speculation that other people are thinking about it. i don't know if that will happen. this has come very late obviously. the issue, if it is kamala harris, what is the convention look like. are they unified. are they able to define her in a positive way so the people can look and say, i can see that maybe she can do it. most people will not make up their mind about this until around labor day. you will see if she is the person that gets that unanimous support, duke they have a convention that allows her to project themselves in such a way that people see her as president and can they be positive enough to have her viewed in a short period of as
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someone that could beat trump and run the united states. it will depend on who she picks as vice president. people don't care very much about who except in this case it can add to the excitement that the democrats need with republicans coming out of their convention being so unified and excited. >> president biden announced the decision days after the rnc wrapped up and officially nominated donald trump and jd vance as their ticket. what have been your reflections on what you saw? >> they had a good convention. they were unified. we didn't see the january 6
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people parading. the only thing missing is donald trump in the first 30 minutes. he did an outstanding job but then went backward. i think he missed the opportunity to put the exclamation point on that. it would give democrats an opportunity to feel hope. now with him dropping out, there is no way he could win. it doesn't make me happy that he aged and was not going to be able to do his job but he is now left. good for him to put the country first. but now it is late. it takes a long time to rev up a campaign. they are where they are. they are going to have to work like crazy. >> it is always great to see you. i want to bring in iona presley
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of massachusetts. i want to read something that another member told one of our reporters. everyone i talk to is feeling focused. you will find a lot of energy when members come back. what are you hearing. first, i want to thank president biden. he has dedicated to her than 50 years to service to the nation as senator and vice president. and then president of the united states. the biden/harris white house have been engaged partners that have made real progress. i am deep the grateful for the service. i know it's not a decision that he arrived at lightly. i respect the decision to pass the torch. i vigorously endorse kamala harris.
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she is amoral and empathetic leader. she is poised and prepared and qualified. i am the chair of the abortion rights and access task force in the house. she has been the most effect to voice, when it comes to abortion justice and healthcare justice. i am confident that she can unite the party. and then build the coalition necessary to win. >> let's talk about constituencies. we saw and a statement from the leader, congresswoman williams. there is going to be a call with a number of women in black organizations that she said she expects could number 20,000 or 30,000. what is the coalition that you
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think she can build that makes her a fierce competitor. >> obviously, black women have been the back bone of the party. kamala harris being at the top of the ticket is significant and meaningful. two black women. i know that kamala harris will be in effect even at the attic and leader. she is clear about what the stakes are. she brings her experience to the job. she knows that republicans will criminalize immigrants and will ban bodies and books. we need look no further than project 2025 to know that. this far right-wing manifesto is a bloop rent for what would
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happen under a chump administration. she understands the stakes of the supreme court being recognized to obstruct the will of the majority of the people. i have great confidence in the ability to unite the party and to appeal to a diversity of constituencies and to unite the party for victory. >> it is good to talk to you. >> randi weingarten is on the rules committee of the dnc. you are just the person that i've been wanting to talk to. john kasich just asked the question, what will this look like. there were questions about how this could work.
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>> we are living in unprecedented times. we are just starting the convention. the convention starts tomorrow. our council convened tonight and we unanimously endorsed vice president harris. subject to our convention ratification. there is real excitement. let me say, we honor president biden. we respect president biden and his decision. he has been transformative. he is a patriot. the fact that he decided to withdraw and to endorse vice president harris sends a message to the party that we need to unite together and that is what the phone calls i've had all afternoon have said.
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you are seeing lots of different elements of the party and constituents of the party. labor and black women and latinos and others coming together think they are you 19 for vice president harris to be president. >> it is her one she is fighter against gun violence and the fact that she has been 20 states and to expand reproductive health, she can prosecute the case. she can make the case for working people and for families. that is why you are seeing sadness. i am heartbroken at what has happened. also a lot of excitement that we can unify behind kamala
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harris. >> you talked about the soup court of the aft. talk to us about the power of unions and the impact they have. president biden was the first sitting president that went on a picket line. how much will labor be a key factor and can kamala harris be an energizing force? >> what president biden did initially, vice president harris and the secretary of labor did a huge empowerment rep court. to figure out believers. it is how we expand the rights and the power of the working people. how you really create an economy from the bottom up and
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middle out so that workers have their fair share of. you are growing the economy but you make sure you make it more worker friendly so that families have their fair share. she has been part of that work. we see it over and over again. she understands labor and has worked with labor for the entire time she has been up public official. >> what you are saying is we met and -- is meeting. she stands for workers. our job is to get out not only to members but to communities and speak that message. by vice president harris being
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in the race it takes the issue of age off the agenda. the only old person running for president now is donald trump. >> both looking forward to the convention but also as a labor leader that announced the endorsement. the first labor union to do that for kamala harris. that will do it for us. it is an extraordinary moment in history. special coverage will continue next. we have rachel maddow, joy reed and jen saki bringing all the latest. after the decision to withdraw from the race. keep it on msnbc. a lot more coverage after this. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog.
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