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tv   Morning Joe Weekend  MSNBC  July 28, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT

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more. >> unfortunately the criminal justice system has never doubled as a grief therapist. some wounds are too great to be healed in a courtroom. >> her voice, what she was wearing, i'm getting old and you forget a lot of stuff, but those things. i don't want to forget her image and her voice. it is hard. no matter how many years passed by. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am andrea canning. thank you for watching. for wat >> hello and good sunday morning to you. we are officially 100 days out
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from the presidential election. let's jump in with more from the week five democrats rallied behind a new presidential candidate. >> there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life. there is also a time and place for new voices, fresh voices. yes, younger voices. that time and place is now. in just a few months the american people will choose the course of america's future. i made my choice. i have made my views known. i would like to thank our great vice president kamala harris. she is experienced, tough, capable. she has been an incredible partner simi and a leader for our country. now the choice is up to you, the american people will. i have given my heart and my soul to our nation, like so many others. i have been blessed 1 million
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times in return with the love and support of the american people. i hope that you have some idea how grateful i am to all of you. everything about america is here. the people rule. history is in your hands. the power is in your hands. the idea of america lies in your hands. you just have to keep the faith. remember who we are. we are the united states of america. there is something nothing beyond our capacity. let's act together and preserve our democracy. god bless you all. may god protect our troops. thank you. >> i was struck by the humility of that speech in stark contrast not just to who kamala
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harris will now be running against, but also other politicians of this age where they look at donald trump and think i need to puff my chest out. i need to talk about myself all the time. i need to talk about how powerful i am. i need to insult others. the words are beautiful. i wrote them down here. they struck me last night. i would love to hear this from any politician. i hope you have some idea of how grateful i am for you giving me this opportunity. then he talks about how we are not a nation of kings or dictators. that the power is in america's hands. that history is in american pants. that the idea of america rest
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in the hands of every day working americans. that is the dream of america and not some powerful strong man saying i am alone can fix it. not some powerful strong man saying agree with me or i will try you for treason. to be humble in service. that sort of servant leadership that jesus talked about. again, to project that out as you are giving what in effect is your farewell speech to this campaign and country, i think it is a wonderful example for politicians of all parties. >> i agree. depending on what happens in november -- well, regardless this will go down in history as
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one of those moments that you have just described. i do think a kamala harris victory would help submit this moment as an incredible moment in history. i was fascinated not just by his contrast with the unspoken and the unmentioned donald trump, which is as wide as the grand canyon in terms of the self-sacrifice involves. i was also fascinated by the hints that he is aware he has six months left as president. we can have an extremely interesting dual role between kamala harris as a potential next president and a reinvigorated and in some ways liberated joe biden who no longer needs the campaign. he's got an eighth of his presidency left. that is quite a long time. he mentioned one of those in the address and that is reform the supreme court.
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an incredibly important measure to secure the future of the american constitution and the republic. i sort of noticed a little bit of steel there too as well as nostalgia for an extraordinary story career of service in american politics. >> your thoughts on president biden speech? also, intentionally how it is being heard around the world, given all the work he has done expanding and solidifying made a and trying to solidify our partnerships after some would claim they were perhaps loosened a bit in the presidency before him. i wonder how they are looking at this today? >> there has been a massive amount of attention on what has
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been happening in the united states over the last couple of weeks of america's allies here in europe. some trepidation about the november election and what might happen and what that could mean for america's allies around the world. also kind of a sense of excitement that this race has radically changed and there is now the possibility of a president being elected with more committed to nato, more committed to multilateral alliances then donald trump. people were watching what joe biden was saying from the oval office last night. i think joe is right. there was a story quality in defense of democracy and the idea that this is about american people. you heard it in kamala harris is comments. this is not about autocracy. you compare that to what donald trump said about america being a stupid country. there is a clear contrast coming out about the harris
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campaign and joe biden look into the future and democracy and talking about those issues and donald trump as he said yesterday, they asked me to be good. well that is over, going back to the american carnage type of message he had before. yesterday was a day of distinctions and contrast between the two campaigns. >> i just do not understand. i don't understand what he gets anybody trashing america. i never understood this. america is a stupid country? you know, i'm going to get reporting from jonathan, and sam, and i certainly want to hear eddie and his take, but after the show yesterday i was having breakfast with a top executive and i have known him
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for a very long time. we were sitting there catching up and i asked him, i said -- because i was asking about the economy. i said what do i need to be looking at as we are moving forward? he goes, joe, you need to not listen to what the politicians are saying. you need to listen to what our allies and adversaries are saying and what they are thinking about america outside of washington. it actually sounds a lot like what joe biden said. he said if you had told me 20 years ago we were going to be in such a strong position over china. that we were going to be lapping china economically. that we were going to be lapping china politically, on a.i., that we were going to be lapping china on everything. that they were going to be in the middle of a demographic
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crisis, if you would've told me 10 years ago that america was going to be in the strongest position is ever been economically, militarily, culturally and socially i would have said you were crazy. he said even five years ago. he said since covid america has gone like this and the rest of the world seems to be going like this. he said we are not only the envy of our enemies, we are the envy of our allies. he said that is what you need to look at. by the way, this guy is not political. he was just talking about how he was seeing the world investing and running his corporation over the next 5-10 years. he said we are just in a position nobody would've dreamed getting out of covid.
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>> i think that is right. president biden alluded to that last night. he could've gone on more. america has had by far the strongest rebound from the pandemic. the biden administration really put his shoulder to the wheel. we see that in the numbers. far higher growth, far lower unemployment than other developed countries. inflation is now back under control. i don't know whether you discuss this with your friend over breakfast, but the fed would be in a good position next week to start cutting interest rates and again in september, which i guarantee we'll send donald trump in same. he will alleged bias. it would be objectively a good thing to do and very helpful in helping to persuade americans exactly what your chief executive was telling you. there is a weird session going
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on in this country where people are not acknowledging what you just laid out which are objective facts. i think that is partly to do with the prism of the media. if we keep getting told you are badly off then you start to believe it. the fed could help people to believe it. they are pretty much on the cusp of being able to do so. >> you are watching morning joe weekend. we will be right back. right b. . yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose.
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>> ad said earlier this is one of those historic speeches we will be talking about for a very long time. we look back and we see what lbj said in march 1968. this is one of those beaches as well. i've got to say just beautiful.
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the sort of speech that i would love to hear from a democratic president, a republican president, an independent president talking about the power of america being in the hands of america. >> a powerful speech. a powerful moment in history. we know president biden got to this moment somewhat reluctantly. you could see it in his speech last night. he still believes that he has a chance. he is bowing to reality. in a very selfless act, one that we should not overlook, relinquished little power, saying it is time to bring the party together that the stakes are too high.
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the threat is too great to risk it if people do not believe i can still do it. he hands the torch now to a younger generation and to vice president harris. we have seen what has been a blockbuster rollout of her candidacy in recent days. this president not quite done yet. supreme court reform on the agenda perhaps a code of ethics, perhaps more. we should get details on that in the coming days. the president has a major meeting today with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, trying to get a cease-fire deal done. u.s. officials say it's close but there are some stubborn hurdles to clear. give us your thoughts on what this means for this president both in the present and also his legacy. two one of the things that will determine all of this is if kamala harris can win. his legacy will be directly tied to that. i was struck like all of you by the somberness of the speech. i went back and i looked --
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well the other thing i was struck by was with donald trump. people made this observation. donald trump is one of his last beaches, post-january 6 in which he was talking about his refusal to relinquish power and in which he talked about his belief that he has been cheated of his presidency and he was holding onto power. here was joe biden not 3 and half years later saying i will give up power willingly and explaining why. i thought it was extremely profound. it got me thinking about what it means to be strong. strong can be interpreted in a different way for different people. some people view strength as a projection of power. i think strongest willingly stepping aside, knowing you cannot win and saying i am going to sacrifice my ambition for something larger. i think in this case that is what biden decided to do.
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it needs to be said, he doesn't believe this criticism, but the other contrast is with kamala harris. i thought biden looked frail. i thought he did look old. he is old. as you have seen kamala harris on the trail the past two days you can see that contrast and how profound and what it means to democratic voters who have responded with this incredible enthusiasm in terms of the outpouring of donations and support. it was just an historic moment, seeing this presidency at a crossroads. like you, i am curious about what he does over the next six months. i don't think those items are practical. he can use that office to shine a light on things he probably could not have done had he been a candidate for office. >> i am just so struck by the contrast between what donald
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trump has said, what he has told americans about the state of america and where america really is. we are out of the opinion range. i am just talking about facts. what he ran he said the american dream was dead. just a lie. the american dream has been growing. then he talked about american carnage, remember? when he was saying that let me repeat it, because the lie has been told so often that i need to keep repeating the truth. when donald trump was inaugurated and talked about american carnage and people poring over our borders more than ever before and more violence, violent crime within a 50 year low when he became president. when he became president, when he took the reins from barack obama and joe biden illegal
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border crossings were at a 50 year low. he was talking about american carnage and how only he could fix it. now he is saying america is a stupid country again. america is a stupid country because we are letting all of these people pour in. no, it has been bad. it was bad during donald trump's time and got worse during the first part of joe biden. right now again, you look at the trend lines. illegal border crossings are lower right now then they were when donald trump left office. the contrast between what he says and what is true is striking. the most striking thing is he thinks he can get votes and he obviously can by tearing down america. by saying we are a horrible country. by saying we are a stupid
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country. by attacking us the same way latimer pulled or president xi attacks us. where you heard joe biden last night lifting us up. this campaign should be about that, the greatness of america. >> i think donald trump understands the media ecosystem in which those statements are going to man. he is going to make this claim that america is to be because of them, because of those policies. your life is not what it should be because of them, because of these policies. it is a way of exploiting grievance, a way of exploiting a sense that people can barely keep their noses above water. when you contrast that with what we heard last night, no matter what your position may be, no matter your position on his policy with regards to student loan debt, what we saw
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was a quiet statesmanship. he asked the question do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? that question fundamentally goes directly to what donald trump represents, what he poses as a threat. for me there was this really interesting moment. because he knows that the country is really on the precipice as it were in terms of our divisions, he reaches for lincoln and reese the declaration of independence into the constitution. that is lincoln's move. a government of the people, by the people, of the people. the move is so fundamentally tied to our sense of every human being is equal before god. when we begin to think about that we know that joe biden was reaching for the best of who we are as we are -- he is calling us to take responsibility for
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this country and democracy itself. the contrast could not be starker. north carolina governor rick cooper talks about democratic candidate for president in the possibility he could be on the ticket alongside kamala harris. be on t alongside kamala harris. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression.
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joining us now, another potential talked about running mate with kamala harris north carolina democratic governor roy cooper. thank you very much for coming on the show. we understand you had a conversation with the vice president yesterday. how did that go? >> it went great. we talked about winning this race. if you want a nominee that can put donald trump's destruction of roe versus wade at center stage, a nominee who actually
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prosecuted criminals like donald trump, and nominee who can put trumps age and fitness at the forefront, kamala harris is the person. we talked about north carolina. she is excited to win this thing and i am too. this is a bottom-up kind of thing. i've been here you guys talk about the people at the top who have been endorsing her. we look at the small dollar donations, when you see six states of delegates who have met and endorsed her, to get that many democrats in a room to agree on something, this is a bottom-up and top-down. i think kamala harris will soon be in a position where she can really take off. i am excited and i feel confident she can win because she has two. >> the excitement is certainly showing itself up in dollars and cents. i am getting examples of what the campaign on the fundraising
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side is receiving. messages like what a big day with vpk as the candidate. we would like to contribute $1 million. what is the best way? a republican from texas wants to donate for the first time. as her running mate, that is the big question, if kamala harris officially comes the nominee the big question is who will be her running mate? a lot of people are talking about you, governor. will you accept? >> i appreciate people talking about me, but i think the focus right now needs to be on her this week. she needs to concentrate on making sure she secures the nomination and gets the campaign ready to go. >> governor, good morning. would you be open to the conversation about? would you be open to the conversation of the harris campaign asked? >> i think it is really
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important that we do keep the focus on her this week. the vice presidential conversation needs to occur later. i want to make sure kamala harris winds. i am going to work for her all over this country and do what i can to make sure we stop donald trump. that is what i am concentrating on. >> can we talk about the state of north carolina? there have been concerns that perhaps with joe biden at the top of the ticket north carolina was slipping away. do you think this changes that dynamic inside the state of north carolina? if i most certainly do. i have seen immediate excitement. i need to step back one minute and say that i had a conversation with president biden yesterday afternoon. i told him that he has cemented his legacy among the greatest of president. i think he had two of his
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amazing character traits working side-by-side. they normally do. fighting through adversity and doing the right thing. 99% of the time plus fighting through adversity is doing the right thing. i think just over a period of time he just decided this time doing the right thing means not doing that. that was hard for him. i respect and admire it. now with kamala harris in this race, i have known her a long time. she came to charlotte on the dobbs anniversary and gave a speech to a packed rally regarding women's reproductive freedom. you could tell the excitement in the room. she is going to bring that excitement to the people that we need to bring to the polls. the young people, women, suburban women who can vote either the public -- republican
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or democrat. not only can she win north carolina, she could help us with these other important races in our state like the josh dunne governors race and the jeff jackson attorney general race and mo greene who is running for the superintendent of public schools. we have extreme republican candidates on the other side who fit just with donald trump. they are all maga. north carolina, that is not who we are. i am excited this november we get a chance to prove that. >> you have made it clear that the vice president is your choice to represent democrats of the top of the ticket. how is she uniquely positioned to prosecute a case against donald trump? >> because she is a prosecutor number one. i think when you compare her prosecuted criminals like
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donald trump that is going to be powerful. she is relatively young and strong and vigorous. donald trump is old and forgetful. she is going to be able to make that contrast. she also has credentials serving as attorney general, protecting consumers. she is the protector of consumers while donald trump is the con man. there are so many ways vice president harris can show that she can be president of this country. she has been to 20 countries. she has met with over 150 leaders. she gets credit for the fact that i have been able to go out and talk with people who actually now have high-speed internet and didn't before. she can take credit for the money that is going to replace the bridge in wilmington, north carolina, that is a lifeline to the southeastern part of our
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state. she gets credit for the woman who came up to me in tears so excited they were finally going to get a new water system and she didn't have to fight through so many boil water days. people who have been excited to get medicaid expansion. donald trump was the common take that healthcare card right out of their hands. kamala harris has helped to defend people's right to healthcare. she knows it is important. donald trump was an america where it is easier to get an assault weapon than healthcare. we need to bring all of these issues to the forefront and i believe she is the person to do it. she has really been hitting her stride over the last couple of years and is ready to run this race. >> up next illinois governor j.b. pritzker joins the show to discuss his reaction to joe biden out and what he thinks could come next. d what he thins could come next. getting older s part of the journey, even with worsening heart failure. so when i had carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, and shortness of breath,
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>> let's bring in right now democratic governor j. b. pritzker of illinois. his state is going to be hosting the democratic national convention in chicago next month. governor, as a really successful governor and politician maybe you can answer this question. this isn't a rhetorical question. why does my former party keep doubling down on hate, on
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exclusion instead of trying to add people to their coalitions? >> it is disturbing, there is no doubt. i must say as someone who is jewish and has been the subject of anti-semitism and someone who believes in fighting against racism and homophobia, i wash with the republicans do every day and what they say. i think they think there are enough of their minority in america to overcome democrats and win in the election of democrats are not energized. let me tell you kamala harris is energizing people all across the nation. young people, people of color, all of us who are excited about the idea that we can take this fight to donald trump and his mini me j. d. vance. they are out there lying and offending people. the comments about cat ladies, those are things i do every
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single day. we are doing a job of reaching out to the supporters of some of donald trump's former rivals, you know, making sure we are reaching nikki haley supporters. talking to independents. that is not the playbook for the republicans and hasn't been for many years. they are sort of diminishing in numbers and hoping everyone else will not show up at the polls. that was their whole goal in denigrating president biden. now we got an energized party behind kamala harris and i am excited. we are going to win in november. >> you endorsed vice president harris yesterday. have you received any bedding materials from her campaign about possibly being her running mate? >> no. >> if you do, would you be interested? >> look, i love being the governor of the state of illinois. i have been on the campaign trail fighting hard
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for democrats to win. i was in indiana and ohio last week. i'm going to be in tennessee and arizona. i started an organization fighting for reproductive rights. we did it in ohio. we are doing it in arizona, nevada. it is important that we win across the board and all across the united states. i am going to continue to do that. i am very interested in making sure kamala harris becomes the next president of the united states. two governor pritzker, the convention in chicago, the sleeper issue guns, violence, street violence, young kids being shot and killed at the age of 12, 13, even younger. what role is that going to play according to your estimates? how do you go at it if you are looked at as a progressive democrat? >> remember, the republican party is against law enforcement. they are the ones who want to dismantle every level of federal law enforcement. they are the same ones that
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stand up and be banned when a police officer illegally should somebody with innocent and has no weapon. i am very deeply concerned that people like that are going to end up running this country again. we can't let it happen. here in illinois we have band assault weapons. we have band host guns. we have made sure we are doing everything we can on the subject of gun safety and also making sure that we are providing jobs for young people and organizing our violence intervention programs and dealing with what i think are the underlying causes of crime that exists not just in illinois but across america. >> the convention is obviously going to be in chicago, as mike said. '68 was obviously a tumultuous
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time and hurt the democratic party. i know there were a lot of democrats in the 60s like my parents who saw what happened in 1968 and were absolutely horrified. hubert humphrey's, i think he always blamed the chaos in chicago for his defeat. what steps are being taken right now to make sure democratic delegates like lauren can go to chicago and there can be a peaceful convention and people can protest that are concerned about what is going on in gaza, but there is a time, a place any manner for that peacefully. how do you do that so we do not have a repeat of 1968? >> i want to remind you that is not the last convention that was in chicago. actually the 1996 democratic convention was here. >> that went to smoothly. i did not remember that.
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i apologize. >> that is okay. i understand why the media tends to want to focus on the 1968 convention. i have to say we know how to run conventions here in chicago. we have done it more than any other city throughout the history of the united states. we have every level of law enforcement engaged. i have had a number of meetings to make sure we are doing all the right things. we are getting help from surrounding states, from all level of law enforcement. importantly, we expect that the energized democratic party is going to have an amazing convention. we are going to be collectively nominating the first black woman ever to be president of the united states. she is somebody who represents our values in a way we have not seen for some time, bringing
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energy and young people to the table. i think the convention is going to be amazing. we've been planning about a year and a quarter already. i just met with convention staff yesterday. you are going to see something you really haven't seen before. is probably going to be the best invention ever and i have been to every convention since i was 18. >> coming up actor tony hale talks to us about his offbeat new series. new series. n and great value, especially with the price of everything on the rise. that's why america's best is slashing their prices, with the help of yours truly. during the wise buy sales event, get two pairs of single-vision glasses and a comprehensive eye exam for just $69.95 or two pairs of progressives and an exam for $129.95. the wise buys sales event is happening now for a limited time at america's best. book an exam online today. three signs down, 237 to go.
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that is a look at the new cell premiering tomorrow on netflix entitled the decameron. the limited series is inspired by the 14th-century collection of short stories by the same title. in it a group of wealthy nobles decide to take refuge from the bubonic plague in the italian countryside, coping by engaging in drunken partying, petty infighting, and a penchant for drama. i sense a political joke that i could make right now, but i won't. joining us now is one of the shows costars emmy award- winning actor tony hale. tony, we are going to talk about this incredible series that you costar in.
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i have to ask you about your acting rapport with julia louis- dreyfus. you guys are amazing together. >> that is so nice. i had a hard time keeping it together. she told me once you know you're not watching the show, you are in the show. >> it is so good. my daughters and i still watch right now on repeat, all of it over and over again. tell us about the decameron. this looks really fun . >> kathleen jordan created the show and she wrote it during -- it is inspired by the decameron, but she wrote it during the pandemic as a way to process the fear and the uncertainty we are going through. she made this dark comedy about how these people are dealing with these high stakes. it's these wealthy nobles who tried to escape the high play and chaos ensues.
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i am michael carson, i am the head of downstairs. >> tony, what i be close in my description of the decameron by mimicking what happened to many people in manhattan who went to their place in the hamptons? >> yeah. they probably thought they were escaping it and i am sure there was a lot of chaos over there too. with veep you are dealing with these high stakes and just how everybody reacts. behind the scenes they kind of go crazy. some people handle it well and some people don't. >> my mom was a writer or is a writer. during the pandemic she says this is just like decameron. she said this is the modern version. it is pretty amazing to see this. i am curious, you are a comic
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genius. we were talking about arrested development. >> that comes with so much pain. >> how depressed are you really? [ laughter ] >> i am pretty depressed, but how depressed are you? >> let's just say i've had a lot of therapy. you look at the other show that i did, arrested development, you look at veep, there is a codependency throughout them. there is buster just giving him a massage with a hook. it is kind of cool, the stuff you go through in life and how you can kind of use it in the future for good and art. i do anxiety very well. it is a forte of mine. >> i'm sure you have seen veep viewership skyrocket the last few days because of items in the news. >> what's going on?
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>> people can relate. let's take a look and a clip where your character has the calm down one of the guest staying at the villa where he works. >> are we thinking about a midnight tour through the village? do you know you can't be much in the dark. >> done! with this tiny room for a pitiful, unmarried made. we are going to leonardo. you said he was in a neighboring town getting wine. what town? >> i said he was a town over. gosh, i hope that's true. i say a lot of things. i know it ended with an "o." >> he is in a secret marriage with that much more beautiful woman. i will kill you in your sleep and then myself. >> i swear he is unmarried and knows nothing of your looks. that would sure be in a check in the i should hurry home
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column because, my god, you are beautiful. >> let's talk about the cast. >> i want to talk about the week. >> you look wonderful. >> that is it for this hour. stick around, we have a whole new hour coming up for you right after the break. for you right after the break. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily.
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>> welcome back to morning joe weekend.
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we are 100 days out from the presidential election and already a head spinning new cycle is picking up steam. look at past conversations you may have missed. >> three things we heard here, one is america is a stupid country and if , kamala harris is elected, there would be no more cows. and three, if , kamala harris is elected, there would be no more people. i don't know what else to say. >> joe, i don't know if richard hofstetter had that in mind when he talked about anti- intellectualism in america. no more people? how do you respond to those sorts of claims? how do you explain that kind of political performance? it is speculation and spectacle. you state your position clearly and you state is foolishness
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and you may even call it stupid. at the end of the day, joe, i want to go back to my response to president biden's remarks in the oval office last night. i think about this and donald trump. they are working on a book and the question of the book is, what happens to the american idea where the future is no longer available to it because the past has stolen everything. we are in the stolid strict about what has gone. whatever you think about his policies or disagree with him or not, he gave us the future for a moment. as a gen x, i would never think baby boomers give up anything and they are the greatest generation and that's my opinion. but they won't move out of the way and that's who they are.
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joe biden gave up the most powerful position in the world last night. he will be president for six months but he came into view for moment and you juxtapose that against the stupidity of what we heard and what we are hearing from donald trump, there will be no more people, joe, no more people. >> and no more cows and america is a dumb place. that would be a surprise. i know from people who hate america, you have to get tired of watching this show when i tell you about how strong the economy is compared to the rest of the world and since 1945. we are stupid as a nation and we are so stupid as a nation that 19 of the top 25 colleges and universities on the planet are here in the united states of america. again, we are stronger now than
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ever before. we are stronger now than we ever imagined going into covid. this is all hard data. this is not opinion. opinion is misinformation and garbage that is spewed from russia and spewed from china and spewed from iran. the misinformation and disinformation about america's greatness. it is crazy to me that one party has picked it up and run with it as much as they have. >> joe, i am still stunned by the fact of what was just said. that our democracy might be on the verge of becoming rather quick we a nation without cows. it is a shock to work my system. >> could we pray about this? >> hold hands and pray? [ laughter ].
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>> listen, i am working. i am working on making the transition -- what you call those meatless hamburgers? >> impossible. >> i am trying and doing my best. >> it is beyond burger. >> that's it, beyond burger. sometimes i am a junk food junkie. a stupid nation without cows and one day without people. >> with that said and us lurking in the foreground and not the background, the fact remains that this race will partly come down to the fact that it is a fight between yesterday and tomorrow represented by the vice president of the united states.
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one of the things about yesterday that is shocking and we can only strap ourselves in thinking about it. the republican candidate for president of the united states who was a short time ago the actual president of the united states, how do we deal with that as a nation going forward? >> i think a lot of people have memory of that fact because it is too traumatic. donald trump, with that speech as a reminder is the best campaigner for the democratic party. he opens his mouth and says crazy and insane things. i am traumatized by the electric vote thing. this is the discourse of donald trump. i think in terms of president biden's decision to step aside, the gift he gave the democratic
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party was the gift of being able to talk about the future again. the gift of being the forward- looking party again. vp harris is decades younger than former president trump. she can articulate in a crisp and coherent way. she is able to respond to his inanities in a way to suggest there is a way for america to break out of the doom loop of an octogenarian president. i think she is, again , been given the gift to reset the race right now. i think wielding the future is potent stuff in america elections. it plays to our conception hours of ourselves as a country and our future. nikki haley was right when she said that the likely first party that can figure out how to move on from the past and move on from having an 80-year-old standardbearer, that is the party that will benefit in this
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election year. >> in new york, susan, thank you very much for coming on. her new pieces online, check it out. it's a school for real life, one that values the successes you've already achieved. that's why at umgc, you can earn up to 90 credits toward a bachelor's for prior learning and life and job experience, why we offer scholarships and affordable tuition, and why we have online classes and the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. no application fee if you apply by august 29th at
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former president barack obama and former first lady michelle obama have formally and terrorist , kamala harris for president. the obama's called the vice president to offer their support. >> hi. >> hey there. >> you are both together and it is good to hear you both. >> i cannot have this phone call without saying to my girl, i'm proud of you. this will be historic. >> and we called to say michelle and i cannot be prouder to endorse you and get
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you through this election to the presidential office. >> oh, my gosh, that means so much to me and i am looking forward to doing this with you both. debbie and i both. to getting out there and being on the road. the words you have spoken and the friendship you have given over the years mean more to me than i can express. thanks to you both. we are going to have fun with this too, aren't we? >> no surprise. this is part of a coordinated role of endorsements. it is nonsensical that the obama's were having doubts and that could not be further than the truth. tell us what you think this means. >> what is important about this is that mrs. obama was on the call. politics is her husband's thing and she is a phenomenally
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effective campaigner. it doesn't necessarily look for opportunities for campaigning but for her to be on the call too cells how important it is to her too. they are a force and they are long time friends. president obama had stepped back from endorsing as other party leaders have, to give the room for there to be a process for someone else to be in the race if they want to. also to show this is a legitimate nominating process. now the obama's are able to fully express being on board and to campaign for her and that will be a huge help. >> and the obama's wanted to give room to president biden. they had concerns about his ability to win but after he dropped out, they wanted to
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give space. we should also not lose sight that this is the nation's first black president endorsing the woman who could be second. >> it is dramatic, to put it bluntly with a four-week process . the first nomination of a black female candidate in history and i'm curious about your take on this. the convention in three weeks -- for months and months and months we expected a dreadful affair potentially filled with protests and shades of 1968. it is shaping up to be something quite different. i was in milwaukee and the lineup was interesting. the speakers included hulk hogan and dana white. at the democratic convention, you can consensually see the sitting president of the united states
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helping the vice president take a historic victory lap. how would that convention be like? the star-studded contrast between that and the milwaukee convention for republicans? >> the democratic convention is going to be the party of the year. just imagine that they can do a lot elder that hulk hogan and kid rock. put it that way. i can imagine the stars who will come out. i can imagine the production values. i can just imagine. and the delegates and the general sense there is, as you know and everybody knows, objectively the incredible feeling of energy within the democratic party right now. it certainly was not there a
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week ago. and, it is -- you know, it is on a scale of one him-10, it is like a 12 right now. where it will be when we get to the convention. this will be a dramatic contrast. and as republicans look back on their convention, and you already kind of have the questions about j.d. vance and was he really the right guy. there candidate, donald trump, is clearly in a sour mood and doesn't know exactly where to go and what to say trying to attack all of this . most important of all, the convention, once again, will keep trump out of the headlines.
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he has been doing whatever he could to rick get the spotlight, but it is not on him. it is off of him and on the democrats and , kamala harris. that has to be driving donald trump crazy. >> there've been protests about the situation in gaza based on what we saw this week. in the arena, it's going to be celebratory with the democrats. imagine the thunderous appreciation that biden will get and the remarkable homecoming for him. the race is harris versus trump and harris is closing that gap on former president trump. she leads by two points among registered voters nationwide
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within the poll's margin of error. in a previous survey conducted immediately after last month's debate, trump led president biden by six points and by eight points with registered voters and that was outside the margin of error. and a new poll biaxial dose and generation lab, vp harris has opened a wide lead among young voters. harris leads trump by 20 points, 60% to 44% among 18-40- year-olds nationwide. by comparison, biden led trump by six points when those same voters were asked who they would support if biden were the presumptive nominee. given that apparent momentum, vp harris says she is ready and willing to debate former president trump on september 10th which was the debate date
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previously scheduled for trump and biden. the debate team is not confirming if they will still participate. the trump communications director wrote in part, general election debate details cannot be finalized until democrats formally decide on their nominee and that would likely push back any debate schedule until after the dnc in chicago. trump, of course previously debated biden without either of them being formally nominated. vp harris has secured enough support to become a delegate when it becomes official called trump out yesterday for backpedaling. >> i'm ready to debate donald trump. i have agreed previously to the agreed-upon september debate date. he agreed to that but is now backpedaling. i think voters should see this race on a debate stage and i am
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ready, let's go. >> so, it does feel donald trump has cold feet. he obviously got the best of president biden in the debate a few weeks ago but it seems he is anxious about this time around, the vice presidents. >> he does seem to be waiting with baited breath to debate the vice president. >> and up next, how the democrats new presidential nominee is already changing the race for the white house. se. >> tech: when you have a cracked windshield, safelite makes it easy. just text glass to 45277 to schedule a replacement you can trust. text glass to 45277 to schedule today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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(intercom) t minus 10... ask your provider (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) ...definitely the one! (ethan) but how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (janet) nice! (intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming.
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4:25 am
♪♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> the campaign is breaking records in terms of donations. the biggest hall in political history happened in the past 24 hours. also vice president , mahler harris is bringing in key
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endorsements as the front runner for the nomination. and congressman have backed vice president harris. if you could, tell us what were the important considerations in this endorsement? >> i'm delighted to be on and i am excited that just last week in nevada, we were the first battle grand state and the first early state to officially nominate the vice president to be our nominee. there is so much excitement and energy and enthusiasm behind vice president kamala harris' candidacy. we have seen more than 1 million grassroots supporters.
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more than $100 million raised primarily from first-time donors to the campaign in 2024. we are in a multiracial and a multi generational society. we are not moving back and we are moving forward and kamala harris represents our future. she represents the fact we will address the future of protecting women's reproductive rights. the freedoms to make decisions about their own body as well as economic opportunities. the wealth and wages agenda that the caucus is moving from a consumer driven economy to one around ownership where we all have a stake through homeownership and through entrepreneurship. helping people to thrive and not just survive. that is what kamala harris' campaign represents. let's get out there and do our part.
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>> with some of the slurs lobbied already against vice presidents harris as a jezebel and eei, how would you tackle the racism and misogyny had on? the press has evolved and will call this out? >> we have to take it on head on. when republicans or whether donald trump or a member of congress attacks de&i, we are the generation they are talking about. , kamala harris is the most qualified person to be our nominee and defeat donald trump and guide our country into the future. she is the future and the
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person who can help build our communities. she can keep us safe and not terraced down. donald trump is about division and they want to give ultra wealthy and big corporations tax cuts to do what? to cut health care for seniors on medicare. they want to roll back benefits for veterans. they want to eliminate the department of education so young people do not have the skills and training to compete in the 21st century economy. they want to keep us without the ability to compete because they don't want us to have an ownership stake. guess what. we are the future. i represent a battleground district and it has to compete in all segments.
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my district is 50,000 square miles and so i understand how to reach and talk to and engage voters from every background and that is what it is going to take. it is a team sport and that is what is going to take for all of us to defeat donald trump. >> and the speech to congress coming up. ming up. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible,
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>> benjamin netanyahu vowed total victory against hamas when he addressed a joint session of congress on capitol hill yesterday. his fourth address to congress since 1996. dozens of democrats skip the event including vp , kamala harris and former house speaker nancy pelosi. in his nearly one hour long speech, netanyahu defended the campaign in gaza calling it a battle for the survival of the jewish state. he denounced the criticism he has received in the u.s. and internationally. specifically calling out pro- palestinian protesters. >> we meet today at a crossroads of history. our world. in the middle east, iran's access of terror confronts america, israel in our
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arab friends. this is not a clash of civilizations, it is a clash between barbarism and civilization. [ applause ]. >> with the forces of civilization to triumph, america and israel must stand together. because when we stand together, something simple happens. we win and they lose. >> many anti-israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. they stand with hamas. they stand with and murderers and they refused to make the simple distinction between those who target or terrorists. between israel and the thugs of hamas. >> for all we know, america is
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funding the anti-israel protests going on. they are throughout the city. i have a message for these protesters. when the tyrants of terror who murder women for not covering their hair are praising and promoting you, you have officially become a ron's useful idiots. >> they are iran's useful idiot and terrorism's useful idiot and we will talk more about the speech in a moment. talking about how republicans tear down the united states of america and how donald trump calls america a stupid country and he talks about american carnage and trashes the united states of america. we see the american flag, yesterday, being burned. some of us are kind of old-
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fashioned about the american flag. we do not like seeing it earned . we sure as do not like seeing people stand by while it is taken down and replaced by a palestinian flag. we do not like seeing when in the 1970s, the american flag was used as a weapon to attack black students when they were trying to integrate boston schools. we sure is held don't like seeing the american flag used as a weapon on january the sixth two attack police officers. of course, there is people bragging about how they make their american flag a weapon leading up to the riots. the idea of what we saw on college campuses last year, and
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a lot of people got upset when i said that. it is just college students wandering outside of their classes and decided to protest against israel. when you look at the people who funded those protests and probably funded the protests yesterday. you look at the statements they made celebrating the slaughter and the rates and the killings and the burnings on october the seventh. it tells you all you need to know. we have useful idiots for russia every day doing vladimir putin's bidding. and as benjamin netanyahu said, we have useful idiots for what is happening in tehran and we cannot let them have their way in america and infiltrate our college campuses and burn american flags in the shadow of
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the u.s. capital. just like the american flag can be used as a weapon as it was on january the sixth. a couple of democrats expressing their anger. one congressman posting, i never imagined seeing the flag of a terror group holding eight american hostage for 200 two days in the streets of our nation's capital alongside of a protest waiving the hamas flag. and that you hate and anti- american garbage coming out of college campuses this spring did not end with the last day of school. college presidents, you are on notice. enforce your codes of conduct from day one of the fall semester. and whether
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students go back to class --, and this is me, now. with the flag on their arm and they died for our nation, it is disgusting and disgraceful. that it is. let's bring out the president emeritus of the council, richard haas. let's talk about benjamin netanyahu's speech. we have heard from some time that a peace deal may be near. what was interesting yesterday was the prime minister spoke little about the hostages and hostage families are upset he seems to be ignoring their pleas to bring the hostages home . talk about the speech and talk about what you expect today when benjamin netanyahu meets with the president. what about the deal to bring the hostages home?
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>> with the speech you played at the beginning, it is not a clash between civilizations but between barbarism and civilization, i thought it was a powerful line. i liked when the president had social stand up. one was ethiopian and having it in play that it was a white country colonizing the middle east. i thought it was powerful with what it showed about israel's diversity. son of it, shall we say was not making the return of hostages a priority. it was a broad brush and many protesters doing what he criticized them for.
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you can be critical of how israel has used military force and what israel has not put forward in the way of military initiatives. with israel's long-term self- interest. the biggest part was what it wasn't. there was not a plan moving forward for gaza. there was the radicalization and never mentioning the palestinian authority and never mentioning how you would get troops and money for gaza. no mention of the west bank or the palestinians date pending state. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back...
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claiming that president biden had died from covid-19. the lies were prevalent on elon musk's social media platform, x from sunday to tuesday. the number of false posts about biden's health spike from 29,000 on x to 197 thousand. it is amazing how lies spread with wild abandon. joining us now is a journalist who spent years covering the spread of conspiracy theories and is the author of the new book, the quiet damage, queuing on in the american family. the disinformation. if you google something in politics right now, half of what you read is lies and they go and
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check. where did they begin and tell us about your book. >> thank you so much for having me. conspiracy theories are part of our culture and politics . we see them at the dinner table and on x. four people down the rabbit hall and disillusioned, it can become completely consuming. dealing with this phenomenon, there is a temptation to get caught up in the true and false with so many conspiracy theories. with people from different walks of life, it goes deeper than the information and true versus false. it undermines the information they need.
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>> for so many people who have fallen into the conspiracy theories and we saw people storm the capital on january sixth. and those who engage with covid, talk to us about some of the families. >> the families come from different backgrounds. we have a wealthy white lawyer and an impoverished black mother who grew up and hardship . we think that conspiracy theorists fit a demographic box and that is not the case. people from different political leanings and rich and poor and young and old. the thing they have in common is a sense of powerlessness, perceived or not. minorities can be pulled into this kind of thinking because so often they are feminized by these types of conspiracy theories and it's hard to
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understand how they could be attracted to them. it could be from generations with centuries of oppression and abuse. the result is like hypervigilance. the wealthy white lawyer who i wrote about in my book, it came to her through fox news and instilled a victim mentality where she felt her rights were being trampled and everything she held dear would be taken away from her. when you are conditioned to feel like a victim of the establishment, it is easy to fall for antiestablishment theories. >> and his story and wrote a piece in harpers entitled the paranoid style of american politics. it seems to be something baked into the
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american political culture, but this is different. what is different about this? >> you are absolutely right, this is baked into our dna and we have had powerful people weapon denies conspiracy theories for their gain throughout history. one of the reasons they have built up is the social media factor. we have algorithms pulling us in two different realities. you and i could spend an hour on facebook and come away with different interpretations of what is happening around us. for many people i spoke with, it began on facebook and twitter and x. it is hard when we are all traversing different traditions of reality online. >> the book is called the quiet damage, qanon and the american family. you are watching
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>> anyone would be flattered to be mentioned in that context and i certainly am. there is not much more i can or should say. she will make the decision and knows what she is doing. i am excited, in whatever capacity, to be part of this campaign. i am one of millions of democrats who are energized and fired up. it's a new energy and next extraordinary how quickly she has gathered the party around her with a sense of mission and a clear message in just a matter of days and i am thrilled to be part of that. >> it seems like the enthusiasm has rattled republicans. donald trump and his campaign suggested he may not follow through with the debate in september that had been scheduled against president
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biden which now of course would be the vice president if she wraps up the nomination, as expect did. >> this extraordinary. tough talk is this guy's calling card and now a show of weakness. he said anytime and anyplace and more than that he agreed to a specific time and place on a specific network at a specific date. now he is pulling out and it shows he is afraid if the two of them are on a stage together that it will not end well for him. so, this is a campaign that really has struggled to be anything but donald trump and joe biden. i think that is the bigger pattern you are seeing here in part of why the trump campaign is having a hard time adapting. just in a matter of two or three days, our campaign adapted to literally the biggest possible change which
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is a change in the top of the ticket. and yet, within a couple of days it consolidated the message was clear. they have been flailing and it shows they are unable to adapt. not showing at their strategic apparatus was about tearing down joe biden. shows something deeper. donald trump cannot conceive of a campaign that is not about the candidate. we are excited about our candidate and , kamala harris is a leader everybody is pulling around. also she has articulated a message which is not just about herself, it is about us. that is the kind of campaign that wins. it is the right kind of campaign and also one that literally does not compute for somebody like donald trump. >> you mentioned that huge change at the top of the ticket.
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and for yourself on friday night, you talked about president biden advocating for his candidacy to stay in the race and two days later he announced he is bowing out. what has this been like for you? >> obviously it has been intense and emotional. especially watching president biden's oval office address. it is incredibly rare for a leader with that responsibility and power to lay it aside and relinquish the nomination and focus on leaving the country. the words that most spoke to me when he said it's not about me, it's about you and your families . it reminded me of why am so proud to be part of that team. the other thing i would say as well is that the top of our ticket has changed. of course, the values have not. i'm especially excited to see the
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way she is leaning into freedom. of value and the theme that as you know for years in my own campaign, it frustrated me that conservatives try to monopolize the language around freedom. i think they have lost any claim to talk about freedom when they got into banning books. she spoke powerfully, as she did yesterday, when she was talking to america's teachers. if you believe in protecting our kids, it should not be against toni morrison, it should be against assault weapons. >> that is it for us. see us tomorrow morning for a new morning of the weekend joe. we started after the break. good morning. it is sunday,


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