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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  August 4, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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a tribute to steven. >> and his friends? >> steven was part of the family. a family you get to pick. i can open a bottle of wine and think about steven. the memories are sustained and that's the part that i will keep with me forever. >> the only way i can deal with it is i knew he was eventually going to get on a boat and sail around the world. i think of him out there. he is out there somewhere. ther. the man they called stephen b. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. inc. you igfor watching. hello, i am craig melvin, and this is dateline. m
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>> we were going to set a trap for 3 people, and i wasn't sure if it was going to work or not. it had to be perfect. >> he was a family man who didn't seem to have an enemy in the world -- right up until the night he was murdered. >> there was evidence of a violent struggle between jack and his killer. >> someone was keeping secrets, and police thought they knew who. >> her tone was scary. >> the they thought they knew the motive, to until someone found the perfect date. >> call me asap. >> they set the perfect trap? >> these people might literally get away with murder. doting grd and the patriarch of a large blended and, by >> hello, and welcome to dateline.
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jack jesse was a doting granddad and the patriarch of a large, blended, and by all appearances -- loving family. but when he was stabbed to death in his southern california home, police wondered if the jesse's weren't quite as happy as they seemed. the case went unsolved for years, but those who loved jack never gave up hope. neither did the relentless detective who was determined to catch jack's killer. here is keith morrison with deadly conspiracy. >> the game is called mouse trap. the little ball on its track, the tiny talking mice, and unless every lever works in unison, will not be caught. and how often things go wrong to allow the mice to get away. what really happened could soak you really mimic a children's game. these are the people it
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happened two. the jesse clan of orange county, california. they vacationed together. shared birthdays. even got together for a monthly game of tent pins. but what these grainy home videos don't show is what is yet to come -- which is murder, conspiracy, one branch of the family against the other. a game so twisted that catching a trap to catch them might just be impossible. to begin with, it was 1998. shakespeare in love won the oscar. monica lewinsky was firstly famous. it was a sweltering august night, hottest of the year, when cheryl got a strange call from her dad, jack jesse.
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>> i was getting ready for bed and my phone rings and it's my dad on the phone. >> what time is this? >> 9:20. >> he was worried about his wife, sandra. she was missing. >> he thought she may have gotten in an accident or something. >> would cheryl please find her, asked her dad. >> the burger king, which was close to the walmart. >> when she went back into her dad's house, she found -- >> one of the worst sites i've ever seen in my life. he was laying face down on the floor in a pool of blood. it was horrible. >> what did you think happened? >> i thought he had fallen because he had a big gash on the back of his head. i went to the kitchen phone and called 911. >> when she rolled him over, she could see wounds all across his chest. he had been stabbed many times. >> every time i breathed into
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him, i could hear bubbling and air escaping. feeling it on his chest. >> it's not often little placentia california has a murder. at the time, diren wyatt was the town's sole homicide detective. >> what did the crime scene itself look like? >> there was evidence of violent struggle between jack and his killer. >> the kind of thing that might happen if it was a home invasion, robbery ? >> or an assault between two people who know each other. >> protocol was to talk to the person reported the crime, which was his daughter, cheryl. >> we had to look at her as a potential suspect. >> wyatt interviewed all of jack's relatives, including cheryl and jack's wife, sandra, who hadn't been missing at all, just on a shopping trip.
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>> misses jesse said she would cooperate and wanted us to help solve the murder of her husband. >> and she told him about life with jack. married 14 years, blended family, four kids between them. jack was a patriarch in the jesse clan, she said. a teddy bear of a man. well-liked, well-to-do. >> jack was a very loving person who doted on his children, doted on his stepchildren, doted on his grandchildren. >> what he was ill, housebound after colon cancer surgery. she had been running a bit of a mercy region for jack and dawdled too long at the mall. >> she was very, very specific about where she had gone nytimes. >> as for cheryl, she told detectives she would find out what happened to her dad in those 15 minutes she was away from the house. >> her actions were very, very can distant with someone that
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understands the police are looking at me right now, i'm going to do everything i can to get full disclosure. >> the day after the jack jesse murder, a guy walked into the bar, sat down on the bar stool, and told the bartender a story about how the murder happened. about who did it. about what the motive was. the whole story. of course, that was just a story in a bar. detective wyatt didn't hear anything about it. as he continued to dig for cruise, he had an unexpected wall. sandra announced she had no help as much as she could. she was done. >> she refused to meet with us again. >> the same thing happened with sandra's kids, jack's stepchildren. while jack's blood relations practically begged to absorb the case. what happened to that big happy family in the video? a mirage, perhaps? in fact, living with jack's
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daughters was like a fairytale. the kind written by a brothers grimm. >> she was just mean to me. she wanted me gone and did everything she could to try to get rid of me. >> when it come to her own children, sandra was indulgent. nearly so his son tom. >> to the point it was strange. very weird. >> weird thing to watch. >> they're always walking into the other room and closing the door. >> jack seemed quite happy with sandra -- until the spring of '98, that is. just a few months before the murder, when jack was diagnosed with colon cancer. a shock, of course, one of two shocks for sandra. and to those around her, the second seemed somehow worse. her beloved son, tom, up and moved to arizona. >> she was flipping out about it. >> she had to go there.
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>> she demanded jack moved to arizona, too. >> she was off her rocker. it was just scary. it was like someone else's voice coming out of her. >> but surely that wasn't motive enough for murder. and with plenty of suspicion, but little else to go on. wyatt spent months poring over sandra and jack's phone records, bank statements, credit card bills, searching for -- he didn't know exactly what he was searching for, what he was getting basically nowhere. >> we couldn't establish a pattern that was suspicious. >> and then wyatt's investigation sputtered. wyatt left. sold jack's house in california and moved to arizona to be near her son, tom. and soon her daughter followed, too. they all lived within a couple of blocks of each other with homes purchased by jack's insurance money and savings. >> when everything was said and done, she got close to $700,000. >> leads failed to connect and
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the investigation had one dead- end after another. and why it was promoted out of homicide. where before long, it became a case to avoid. toxic. an unsolvable career killer. until five years after his brother's murder, when david jesse and a detective named tom doug had said he picked up the case. >> i said, really? that is great. let me ask you a question. what are you going to do to get my case for three, four, five months a year, move up, become a sergeant or something, and move on? and tom says to me, listen, buddy. nobody likes me in my department. he says, i am not going nowhere. he says, i've got five years to put in your brother's case. he says, i retire, and i'm out of here. but i will give it my all. i
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will give everything to this case that i have. i looked over to him and i said, you are the man. >> with david didn't know but clearly sensed was that detective tom dov was a real deal. he seemed to have stepped out of his own prime time drama. >> there wasn't a whole lot to go on. there wasn't a lot of physical evidence. there weren't any eyewitnesses. >> in other words, the perfect challenge. >> perhaps. >> coming up. the bartender with the customer like to talk. now he is talking, too. >> not only that, he is naming names. when dateline continues. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. we now return to our interview with the insurance whistleblower. ask your eczema specialist [ distorted ] i just think everyone should know there's an insurance company out there exposing other companies' rates so you can compare them and save. hmm. sounds like trouble. it's great, actually! it's called autoquote explorer from progressive. here, look! see, we show you our direct rates and their rates, even if we're not the lowest. so, whistleblower usually means you're exposing something bad. i thought it meant calling attention to something helpful. you know, like, toot toot, check it out! this thing's the best! no? ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off.
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wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk.
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keith morrison (voiceover): after five years and a string of homicide detectives, the jack jessee murder case had become a game to avoid. and then one day the whole impossible business >> after five years and a string of homicide detectives, the jack jesse murder case become a game to avoid. and then one day, the whole and possible business was handed off to tom dov. >> i can't tell you how many times that i thought, just move on. give up. move on. >> there was no hope of any new evidence, of course, like a prince or dna. there was just the infuriating puzzle that had just become more difficult with each passing year. >> i had no feeling for the
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family, no feeling for jack jesse. >> to to get his head in the game, he met with the people closest to jack, like his brother david. >> when i met with david, he inspired me. his determination, not to let the love for his brother go, >> with david also had some provocative information. the jack told him about arguing with sandra about moving to arizona. it's not the only time jack says such a thing, it turned out. >> he actually told me, i wouldn't be surprised if she killed me. he said that. >> dov went to all the original files hoping to come across something he might have overlooked. buried inside, he found this. a simple two-page report, apparently unread by any detective. a member the guy who walked into the bar -- the one who told the story about the jesse murder? years later, when the case had
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gone cold, the bartender decided to call the placentia cops. an officer took the call, typed up the report, and stuck it away in the file, where it sat unseen until tom dov came along. >> two things caught my mind when i read it. one, whoever the caller was, he knew how many stab wounds were involved. and 2, the caller stated that the person had used a backdoor window to enter the residence that night. that was significant in that this person had specific details unknown to the general public about the murder of jack jesse. >> most of the tipsters information was frustratingly vague, like a riddle. another game to be played. there were two killers. one had a knife, the other had the getaway car. both worked at a big box department store. the man who told the story in the bar that
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they had been the driver of the car. with the blood money, he had bought a truck and a sea-doo. but when the question is who was behind the plot, that is when the story named names. two of them. they were sandra's son, tom. the mama's boy jack raised as his own under the direction of the mastermind herself, jack's wife, sandra. with that new perspective on the case, doug revisited the old interviews. the hours of mostly useless chatter. >> how many times did you listen to that? >> at least 10 times. >> then i jumped out of him. sandra is going through snips of paper in her day planner. she looks at one and says -- listen to it again. >> this is my son's friend. >> this is my son's friend. one phrase and hours of material, but it got dov's mind racing.
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if the killers were friends of sandra's son, could that slip of paper hold the key to the case? dov tore through bags of evidence, and there it was -- the day planner, seized five years earlier, just after the murder. >> i want to that day planner for more than a day or more. went through every notation. there was a small piece of notepaper with the name which appear to me at that time to say schreiber, with no telephone number or no significance. i thought schreiber, yes. >> where we find the schreiber? i went back to sandra's interview and found one more clue. when asked by detective wyatt about tom's friend, sandra said the boys were once work buddies. so detective doug crisscrossed southern california, searching through the employment records of every target store for a guy name schreiber. but nobody had ever heard of him.
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>> we were starting to come to the end of our rope. we were getting to a dead-end. >> that was about the time jackstadt is sheree began donning strange packages in the mail from sandra. she said they were keepsakes jack wanted his girls to have. >> little boxes like ashtrays. his bowling ball bag. a bunch of junk. weird stuff that just kept coming. >> is designed to provoke the same reaction the sisters felt. >> hatred. >> sandra seemed to be telling them that she had beaten them, got away with it, won the game. >> is or something with this case that is just not going to be solved? >> it is frustrating for him, doing all this work and to think these people might literally get away with murder. >> patty is tom's wife. been together since high school, knows him better than anyone. she was used to his compulsive perfectionism. >> it is comforting to me to know where things are.
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>> is nothing out of place sense of order. >> is a very stubborn man. for him to take a case, he is going to do it and solve it. >> and so detective dov decided to start over. take a different approach this time. he immersed himself in sandra's own phone bills, seized by detective wyatt years before. >> what i did is i went through every telephone call on those phone records looking for somebody related to this case. there had to be some communication. >> it anywhere? >> yeah. >> what had been overlooked was a number of calls all made before the murder. one of those calls was to a target store, one was to a pager, and one was to a boarding house. so he called that last number and asked if anybody there a guy name schreiber. and the lady said, no.
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but there was once a tenant name schwab and. could that have been the man he was looking for? >> he tracked him down to a distant suburb in the mojave desert. and right there, parked in the driveway, was a 1999 pickup truck and a sea-doo, just with the anonymous bartender said. >> this is a huge break for us. we now have a name of someone who is involved in jack jesse's murder. >> coming up. >> often people throw a valuable evidence. >> detective dov finds treasure in trash. when dateline continues.
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the jack jessee investigation had been six years of dead ends, bad breaks, blind alleys. now on the trail of a suspect, tom dove >> the jack jesse investigation had been six eryears of dead ends, bad brakes, blind eyes. now, the trail of the suspect was to begin again, one where he could write the rulebook. it would be very complicated, because dove wanted more than just a getaway driver. he wanted everyone connected to jack jesse's murder. >> the only way we could tie them together in this conspiracy was to do a wiretap. >> but wiretaps are notoriously
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difficult to get. dove needed permission from a judge, and to get that, he needed to prove shrobin was still in contact with tom and tom's mother, sandra. it was a catch 22. so, time to get creative. >> it had been my experience in the aquatics division of the police, that people often throw a evidence. >> he had decided to search shrobin's garbage. >> what did they tell you when they came up with that idea? >> i think the first idea was, i'm really starting to lose it now. i'm digging through somebody's trash. >> faithfully, once a day it pickup day, maybe our long journey to shrobin's neighborhood, where a trash truck used just for shrobin's garbage, brought it to a parking lot. >> we had him dump the trash in a pile here, regardless of the size. right on the tarmac.
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scattered everything out, opened every bag. got down on her hands and knees and slowly sifted through every single piece of paper that looked like it might be a document of some kind. >> and that is how dove's team found this coffee stained phone bill showing call after call from shrobin to sandra's son tom, and arizona. >> how often with that pop up? >> i think the average we figured out was about 24 times in a billing cycle. about a month. >> almost every day. >> it was almost like going to a crime scene and fighting pieces of evidence. it's an excitement as you realize, this is going to work. we are going to find what we are looking or. >> but there was yet again a problem. shrobin's phone was in someone else's name . to get a wiretap, dove would have to prove that shrobin was a primary user. how would he do that? what we had to do was literally
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follow brett shrobin around until we saw him on his telephone. we later took that even further, and that i went into the target store he was working in one day. i noticed he was stocking shelves and once action of the store, i began picking up random items and looking like and i said, put a call in now to the phone. and i heard him answer the phone. so i was able to say, that is his phone. we have put the phone in his hand. >> but as they continue to sift through trash week after week, they found something even more important than the phone bill -- something quite unexpected. this day planner. >> from the years '96, '97, '98. >> what were the odds of that? the year planner from 1998, the year of jack's murder, tossed
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in shrobin's garbage. >> what that day planner did was connect all the people back in 1998 that were associated with brett shrobin. >> what did you think? >> i thought, this is too good to be true. somebody is back on our side again. >> dove was able to get a judge to approve a wiretap on brett shrobin's phone. then, as dove waited for his wiretap to go into effect, he continued to go through shrobin's trash. he had gotten lucky so far, and maybe he would find something more. indeed, he did, and it turned the case upside down. he found rental listings in arizona. brett shrobin was moving out of the state and would be gone before the wiretap ruling took effect. and in arizona, california warrants are worthless. >> this completely took all that work. we are talking probably six months before, and just threw it out the window. >> the killers slipped the trap. game over.
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>> but the detective is not giving up. his team builds a new and better mouse trap, and guess who takes the bait? >> coming up. >> call me asap. >> when dateline continues. oka. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision,
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with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> i am richard louis with a news update. a major weather system is strengthened to tropical storm debbie. forecasters say it may turn into a hurricane before making landfall monday. it is the fourth named storm of the season. the judge in donald trump selection interference case set an august 16th hearing date to determine a schedule for pretrial hearings. the judge also denied trump's motion to dismiss the indictment. for now, back to dateline. crai. detective tom dove had just secured a warrant to put a wiretap on a murder
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suspect brett schrauben's phone. >> welcome back to dateline. i am scraig melvin. detective tom dove had just secured a warrant to put a murder wiretap on the murder suspect, brett shrobin's phone. but shrobin was moving to arizona, so the detective hatched yet another plan. an elaborate trap using anonymous letters as the bait. could he his targets, spurring them to talk about jack jesse's slaying, or would his prey slipped through the snare yet again? here again is keith morrison with deadly conspiracy. >> after two years appellate relentless police work, his investigation had generated enough evidence to fill this mail cart. all apparently for not. the suspect and his key to cracking the case had skipped the state, and detective doves jurisdiction. >> we were so close. >> the jesse family felt that
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sandra jesse had won and gotten away with murder. >> it is tough, because he was so fantastic. >> you put his pictures away? >> i had to. i couldn't look at them. >> at the dove home, tom's wife, patty, started to worry about his health. >> you can't hold in that kind of frustration and emotion without it starting to affect you. with that kind of stress, it takes a toll on them physically and mentally. >> that's what you worry about? >> that's exactly what i worried about. >> she knew if he didn't solve the jesse case, he might die trying. >> is like a dog with a bone. his want to do it until he gets done. >> there was a prosecutor who shared his dogged conviction. a man named michael murray who wanted sandra jesse and her group just as badly as dove.
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>> this case seemed to be full of obstacles. >> it would've probably been forgivable to just let it go at that stage? >> me to to some people. >> some people called it a legal longshot. they presented their evidence to the state attorney general, pleading for an arizona wiretap warrant. and they got it. the game was back on -- if they could make it work. >> we were going to try to set a trap for 3 people and keep track of those three people, and i wasn't sure if it was going to work or not. >> if it didn't? >> in the back of my mind, i gave it probably a 30% chance of success. >> we were giving yourself a 70% chance of being a goat at the end of the day. >> it had to be perfect. >> tom began to compile a team of investigators, even calling diren wyatt, the first detective on the case, to see if the placentia department
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wanted in. >> i felt like -- look, this is going to be good. >> the phoenix pd also provided scores of officers. by game day, dove had close to 100 cops working the case. >> i reminded them of that mouse trap game we played when we were kids. and that this huge ball bearing was going to have to go through a tremendous amount of obstacles that were kind of thrown together. in order to lower the trap that catches the mouse. and anywhere along the line, there could be a snag. it could be something that we hadn't planned for that could throw this ball completely off the board. >> what was the plan? what was the nature of your trap? >> we believed that if we did something to get these people uptight, if we were able to rattle the tree, if we were able to put some fear into
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them, that maybe the police were on to them, they would talk about the murder of jack jesse. >> what was a little piece of trees you put in that trap ? >> we mailed a simple copy of the newspaper article that jack jesse was murdered anonymously to sandra jesse, tom, and brett shrobin. the significance of that was, they didn't know we knew about brett shrobin. they are going to know something is up. >> sure enough, as soon as tom heard he had gotten an anonymous letter, he called his mom, sandra. next, dove started poking brett's friends in california who, of course, called brett. >> next, dove started talking to brett's friends from california, who, of course, called brett.
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brett, in turn, called tom. brett, in turn, called tom. to that little mouse trap ball was making its way through the maze. but after a few days of the game, >> that little gmouse trap vau was making its way through the maze. but after a few days of the game, sandra and tom and brett began to wonder if they were getting played, suspected their phones were tapped, maybe even their houses bugged.
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and so they started meeting in shopping centers. tom dove: we decided to put surveillance teams on each of the individuals-- >> and so they started meeting and shopping centers. >> we decided to put surveillance teams on each of the individuals. sandra, jesse, tom, brett shrobin. to capture some things they may do that may not be normal while the wiretap was in place. >> they stand shoulder to shoulder in a parking lot, watching out the parking lot and not looking at each other. >> it was like a scene from some mafia movie. the suspect out of range deep in conversation as they peered out into the parking lot. >> i think the photographs of tom mailer and sandra jesse was worth 1 million words as to the
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depth of their involvement and how far they would go to can feel what they had done. in their minds, they had thought they had gotten away with the perfect crime. >> meanwhile, dove would pressure shrobin's friends for information. he was, of course, relentless. chased down anybody who knew the man, followed one tip to another. until dove finally encountered the man he had been hunting for years -- the bartender who called in the anonymous tip years earlier. >> the first words out of my mouth were, hi, mike. i'm here about brett. his face went completely flesh, and he said i knew you were going to find tune. >> what story did he tell you? >> that shrobin had confided in him for whatever reason and had told him to civic details including his huge leap to us and putting this case to rest.
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>> brett schwab and was arrested, and soon thereafter, sandra jesse herself was in handcuffs. finally to be held accountable for jack jesse's murder. >> best three day weekend i had. that was a pretty good day. >> didn't last. for one thing, tom was not arrested. insufficient evidence, said the prosecutor. as he rolled out the case about the others, that little ball came off the track again. this time, it happened at sandra's preliminary hearing. the judge ruled there wasn't enough evidence to hold her. she was free to go. >> i sobbed all the way home. >> only brett shrobin was defacing murder trial. it was the summer of 2006, eight years after jack jesse's murder. and justice would not yet, if ever, be served. >> coming up. the brake detectives had been
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waiting for. >> the information that he provided -- >> until something slammed it shut again. when dateline continues. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see.
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i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we.
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♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. keith morrison (voiceover): sitting in a cell month after month can do a lot to alter a person's take on the world, even more so if the inmate is looking >> sitting in a cell month after month is enough to alter a person's take on the world. even more so if the inmate is looking at a possible life sentence, and that is one brett
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shrobin had an epiphany. just days before his murder trial was about to begin, he said he was finally willing to testify against tom and sandra, but he wanted out now. the deal had to be for time served, or nothing at all. >> what did you think when you heard what he wanted? >> i thought it was outrageous. but it's not a perfect world, and the people who are likely to have some of the best most detailed information about what takes place inside a conspiracy is a co-conspirator. we needed brett shrobin. the story was a pretty detailed and amazing story. >> shrobin described the whole affair, laid it out in all its chilling detail. the anatomy of a murder. the conspiracy was launched, he said, with a phone call from tom. shrobin said he met with sandra in a parking lot. she gave him a $5000 deposit. .
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and on the afternoon of august 13, 1998, while sandra was out having her nails done, schrauben claimed he and his friend drove to the jessee >> shrobin said he hired his tom local friend to be the getaway driver, and while sandra was out having her nails done, shrobin claimed he and his friend drove to the jesse house to murder jack. >> i was already having cold feet on the way there. i got in the house, and i put on a rubber glove, and i reached inside and locked the door. i chickened out. i couldn't do it. i called tom, and -- and i told tom that the door was locked. and he said that he would call his mom and get back to me. >> according to shrobin, tom called back within minutes with a backup plan.
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>> he told me that his mom was going to go out again tonight, and the needed to happen tonight. if we don't do it tonight, his mom was going to do it. >> shrobin's story was that he dropped his friend off at the house and then drove around the neighborhood while his friend was stuck inside and stabbed jack jesse to death. >> we had walkie-talkies, and afterwards, he called on the walkie. he has blood on his legs. looking for a place to clean himself up. we were looking for an outside place for him to clean himself up. >> the information that he provided, if we can corroborate what he said, it would blow the case wide open. >> police question shrobin's friend. he denied everything. he didn't kill jack jesse. and there was no evidence to indicate he was involved at all. please let him go, and
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investigators focused on opening the case against tom and sandra by documenting money transfers. >> i thought we were starting to put together a pretty good case. >> good enough, but murray had tom and sandra rested. in the summer of 2009, 11 years after the murder, the mother and son team went on murder trial for the murder of jack jesse. >> going to court was i going to my dads funeral every day. >> being around people you know kill your dad was ridiculous. you can't even put into words. just soul wrenching. >> shrobin testified against them. in court, it was argued sandra had a variety of motives for killing jack. she wanted his money before medical bills eight up their savings, and she couldn't hair being away from her son, tom. >> i thought the case had gone extremely well. >> accept, once again, that
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little ball came off the track. >> what happened? >> dateline returns after the break. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler,
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and her son, tom, orchestrated a murder for hire to kill jack jesse and how he and his friend carried out the plan. now, the case was in the hands of the jury, and their works till a couple of big surprises in store. with the conclusion of deadly conspiracy, here's keith morrison. >> when the jury went into seclusion to deliberate, the jesse family thought justice was just hours away. but as a sunset on the courthouse, nothing. same thing again next day and the day after that. the problem? there was a holdout. these members of the jury, 11 voted for an diction. but there was one level of juror that felt compassion for sandra. >> she related to sandra jesse's concern that his illness would eat up their nest
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egg. >> it was almost like she was enjoying the control she had. >> there is nothing we could do or say. >> there was so much anger, she started to shut down even more. >> that scene played out for 3 1/2 days until the judge said, enough, and declared a mistrial. >> i was in tears. >> i was, too. >> thinking of the family and what they had gone through -- that was heart ache. just heart ache. >> i thought i was going to pass out. >> it was horrible. >> it was just -- >> it's like the whole night it happened all over again. >> that one juror, i saw her and wanted to talk to her. i said she was an idiot. >> it was certainly difficult for me. it was far more difficult than the family. >> murray promised the family justice and spent two years putting a new case together.
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just weeks before trial, he got a call. it was from tom's attorney saying his client was ready to cut the apron strings and testify against his mom. >> there is no way that we ever suspected that tom may turn on his mother. he was known to be a mama's boy. >> but a mama's boy who decided he didn't want to die in prison. tom pleaded guilty to second- degree murder and got 15 to life. besides helping connect the crime to his mother, tom had something else he wanted to give up. that friend of brett shrobin. when he claimed road with him in the car and kill jack jesse. despite there was no other forensic evidence to indicate he was involved, his case went to trial. in february 2013, a jury found him not guilty. his defense attorney believes you have been set up to take the fall as part of the conspiracy. that friend is now a free man. as for sandra, her case went to court one month.
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the question was, what a jury believed tom's story ? and is a jury deliberated and the family waited, there is no euphoria. they knew from bitter experience that anything could happen. >> it's a lot harder this time, just not knowing what's going to happen. >> on the second day they got word the jury had the verdict. >> my stomach is in knots. >> i am shaking. >> just very nervous at this moment. >> 13 years after jack jesse's murder, sandra jesse was found guilty. finally -- that little ball stayed on its track. the key mouse was caught. >> i hope that she rots. i just really do. i'm glad it wasn't the death penalty. i want her to stay there and suffer with all the other people in prison. >> it feels good, but not
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complete. lost a guy. the nicest guy i've ever met. >> and for tom dove, he is now retired from the sheriff's department and at his going away party, his fellow detectives gave him this -- it honors his commitment to the jesse case. >> it means more to me than any plaque or award i have received ever in my life. >> in retirement, tom's plans to set up a shelter for stray dogs. the urge to rescue runs deep. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. hank you for watching. watchin. >> i am craig melvin. >> and i am natalie morales. >> and this is dateline.
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>> she was


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