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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  August 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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♪♪ a very good day to all of u from nbc news here in los angeles. welcome, everyone, to "alex witt reports". we begin with breaking news as vice president kamala harris gets closer to selecting a running mate. nbc news has confirmed she is meeting with three vp contenders today. minnesota governor thomas, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and arizona senator mark kelly. we have more on that in a moment. the harris campaign says once the process wraps up monday she will hit the road with her new pick tuesday and they will embark on a seven states wing. also new today, new head-to- head cbs poll of likely voters show harris leading donald
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trump by 1 point. a new reaction to the debate with no resolution on if trump and harris will face off on the debate stage before november. >> she does not want to be debating vice president harris because he is scared to be on the same stage and have those different visions, his very dark, backwards vision contrasted with her hopeful, forward-looking one. >> the harris campaign today is also launching republicans for harris to encourage republican voters to cross the aisle. i will ask my guest about that in a few minutes. trump, meanwhile, spoke at a rally in atlanta and reunited an old feud and lost a new attack against georgia's governor and secretary of state. >> reference berger and brian
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count, your governor, who i got elected, by the way, if it wasn't for me he would not be your governor. i think everybody knows that. he is a very disloyal person, very disloyal. with these two are doing, everything possible, plus your attorney general, i would like to see him show up and do something. under these kinds of radical, woke policies, atlanta is like a killing field and your governor ought to get off his [ bleep ] and do something. >> we have several reporters and analysts ready to go on all of the new developments. first, we go to philadelphia where vice president harris will make her first appearance with her running mate on tuesday. welcome. what do we know about where harris ' bp vetting process
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stands at this hour? >> yeah, alex. first of all, the clock really is ticking, she said, harris will be making her first appearance with her running mate here in philadelphia on tuesday. this weekend, she has had no public events schedule, presumably to meet with her top contenders. according to a source familiar with our plans, today she is meeting with three of those people. minnesota governor thomas, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and arizona senator mark kelly. earlier this hour on your show, or earlier on your show, you had representatives speaking about these three men are her topics to be her running mate. this is what he had to say. >> as i said for a while, there is a great, deep democratic bench we haven't seen for a while. now we are seeing three of those members, some of the best members of the bench, on display for the american public. they are all great. i know mark kelly and tim walz very well from service in congress, i have heard wonderful things about governor shapiro. anyone of them would bring strength to this ticket. anyone of them would present a very stall -- stark contrast with jd vance, one of the craziest and oddest rollouts of any politician in history.
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>> reporter: now we have reporters keeping an eye on her residence to see if they can peek over the fence and see you is coming in and going, just about an hour and half ago, it was spotted, there was a two car motorcade with pennsylvania license plates around the naval observatory. we also expect harris, as we said earlier, to be here in philadelphia with her running mate on tuesday, whoever it is that she chooses. after that, she is going on a massive battleground tour. she will be hitting states, including michigan, wisconsin, north carolina, georgia and arizona. she has a historic tight timeline so we expect her to use every minute, every second as we head into tuesday, alex. >> you are 100% right on that. emma barnett, thank you let's bring in olivia joy. part of the newly announced
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republicans for harris group and we have to add, one of our favorites, as well. you are a lifelong republican. you have long distinguished yourself is not part of magma. you say, quote, the states -- stakes are too high to not speak out in this election. talk about republicans for harris and why you are part of it. >> sure, yeah, thanks for having me, alex. it is always good to talk with you and converse with you. so this launch today is an initiative to grow this bipartisan coalition to support kamala harris and get her to victory. i think a lot of us are conservative leaning, as you know and what i think is happening with the republican party, we believe is dangerous and extreme. we need to get back to the values of, you know, of the rule of law, of standing with our international allies in actually providing true leadership to the world, which is something that kamala harris exhibited during the biden administration and we want to stand strong against the possibility of potentially having donald trump back in the
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presidency. our goal is to create this bridge to others and by goal is to get out there and encourage conservative voters, republicans and independents to stand strong against what this movement is right now and all it stands for. >> you think there is safety in numbers? could this group inspire other prominent republicans to come forward and endorse kamala harris? do you think there are a lot of them out there that are afraid of being singled out, targeted, verbally assaulted and bullied by donald trump? they have maybe remained closed mouth or, you know, even said something that may not be in the heart to support him? >> yes, absolutely. again, it is no secret, i am sure they have seen what is happened to people like me, people like, look, look what is happening to governor now by
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donald trump. in true, real time right now, what is happening, the way donald trump is going after him. i think people think about what does that mean about threats for us, so many others of us have, if you consider what it means for your stability, your financial stability, job security, i would say. it impacts all of this. i think, at the end of the day, we need to all take a stand against the potential that this man could come back into office. i think this is extremely dangerous. look, i think the coalition will grow. i am having conversations with republican voters who privately will tell me they are very concerned, horrified, about what is happening in the republican party. they are ashamed of what is happening with all these leaders that could make a difference. i do think a coalition will grow. you may not hear them, you may not hear them publicly but i can tell you behind closed doors, they are there. one thing i tell people, your vote is private. you go into the voting booth and you vote your conscience, your morals and your integrity. we know the difference i can
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make. no one needs to know what happened between you and what your decision is. >> that is a good point. how about, since we are focusing on this, a vp candidate you think would most appeal to republicans and those nikki haley voters that may still be on the fence? >> you know, i think given the variance, i think they are all great candidates. i am, you know, hoping for a wider voice on the ticket. i think we can be in the middle, which is the main vote and we will collect those voters. personally, no, i think highly of all of them. i will tell you, i have seen tumults in meetings against trump, i have been in the room when he was there as governor. i have seen him take him on first and when he was being bullied by donald trump and i was very impressed with his demeanor and the way he handled
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trump. >> duly noted. republicans for harris, we understand, is focusing on battleground nikki haley voters. what needs to be done to win over these specific voters who may be put off by trump but worried about voting for a democrat, despite what you said, they can do when they go into the private polling booth . >> look, i think this is, you know, a critical time for our country. i think we need to step back and say, you know, donald trump does not represent conservative, true republican values. that party right now is nowhere in sight. i would say that to them. i think we need to decide what kind of future do we want for america? that moment is right now. what do you want to see when you are sitting around? do you want more divisiveness and anger, do you want to be arguing with your neighbors and your friends? i think this is a moment to actually unify so that we can get back to doing actual policy and talk about taxes and strong
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foreign policy and the department of defense. international relations and things like that. right now, i would say the last thing i want is a trump presidency because i think all of our international relations plummet under him. so i am asking conservatives to, yes, take a step back from the party identity. i know it is hard. i think we have two chart a better path in a better way for our party. by doing this, i think maybe we stand a chance of getting there someday but right now, the choice is kamala harris. >> okay, the last quick weston, considering you worked closely with former vice president mike pence, who has not endorsed donald trump and has stayed out of the spotlight. what are the choices of pence endorsing harris, what you think? >> i don't know. that would be an amazing dream. you know, if he is listening right now, i encourage you to do the right thing . you have
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shown tremendous courage in the past. you know what is at stake more than anyone here in your voice will make an enormous difference for conservatives across the country. at the end of the day, this is about democracy that the republican party has tried to destroy, individual identities and freedoms. kamala harris will preserve those rights. >> speaking of courage, you have shown a lot of that for us. olivia troye, good to see you. >> let's go to the day's other breaking news. in florida, tornado watches and warnings this hour as tropical storm debby approaches. debby is expected to strengthen to a hurricane before making landfall overnight. tampa international airport has begun grounding flights as the storm moves closer. joining me now from tampa, i
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was can ask you how people are preparing for the storm but i will point out you are still on the dock where you were the last hour. the water has not risen too much? >> reporter: alex, it has not. earlier, when we arrived, the water was about a foot and a half under what we see now. he came up fast, but we are catching a break from the heavy rain. the water is a couple inches from the dock but it has stopped rising, for now. now when we look at the radar, it looks like we are catching a break from the water and wind making its way to us. the eye of the storm is west of tampa, in the gulf of mexico right now, making its way parallel to the west coast of florida. authorities want people to keep in mind they know this was expected to be a rain event. the rain expected throughout the day and overnight, something that people need to keep in mind. for days, a lot of residents here were preparing with sandbags and making other preparations, understanding of the dangers in the amount of rain that was expected to come down.
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we spoke to one of the residents who was picking up sandbags. this is what she had to say. >> i do appreciate the accounting -- the county handing the bags out to the public and, you know, it is a great thing, a great thing. you know, everybody should be showing appreciative and not, you know, sitting back and waiting until the last minute. of course, i did, but anyway, you know, just come and enjoy. keep your house safe. >> reporter: now, this resident doesn't live near the bay. she lives in lynn near one of the rivers. that is something to keep in mind for people who live near creeks and rivers. the authorities expect the water to rise again. this is a rain event. as you mentioned, we are under a tornado watch in much of the region with a lot of warnings are ready issue throughout the day, something for people to keep in mind. people can expect power outages as the storm makes its way
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through the golf and eventually will make landfall somewhere north of us here. alex? >> okay. buckle up, everyone. thank you very much, guad venegas. y donald trump decided to open up an old wound last night at his rally. we are back in 90 seconds. seco. with t-mobile for business. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪
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burger are doing everything possible to may 2024 difficult for republicans to win. what are they doing? i don't know. they've got something in mind. they got a little something in mind. kemp is very bad for the republican party. his state has become a laughing stock over it. you know what? i love this state. i won this state twice, in my opinion. [ applause ] >> i did much better the second time. >> yep, notable in his opinion. anyway, that is donald trump in atlanta last night, reigniting an old feud with brian kemp and brad ruffins burger over his 2020 election laws. joining me now is meredith mcgraw, political correspondent and eugene daniel, political white house correspondent and also an msnbc political contributor . meredith has a brand-new book, by the way, we want to show you. trump in exile comes out on tuesday. i will start with you, meredith. congrats, that is pretty major. >> thank you.
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look, you wrote about republicans scratching their heads over trump's latest broadside in atlanta. what are your concerns? >> well, look, when donald trump went on stage last night in atlanta, his advisers wanted him to focus on two things, of course, kamala harris, the vice president and the administration's policies and what his campaign would want to do in the white house. instead, he was lobbying insults after insults and an attack on the very popular republican governor of georgia. the republicans that i talked to last night were dumbfounded by why trump would do this. trump and kemp, you know, trump and his long feud with kemp over his pushing back over the falsehoods about the 2020 election and for him not trying to get on board to help overturn the results in georgia, but kemp is really popular. he beat stacy abrams in georgia
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in 2022 by 7 1/2 points. he beat donald trump's hand- picked in dorsey in the midterms, by 70% to 20 percent you know, kemp continues to have large support from republicans in georgia. it is simply not seen as a helpful political move at this moment when trump has been saying he wants unity in the party. >> let's take a look together, meridith , at the latest head to head swing polling, nikki harris in -- we have here is leading by a lot, only behind in pennsylvania. what are you hearing from republicans about trump's erosion. is there a concern he might be in freefall? >> well, donald trump is really struggle to figure out his attack lines against harris, now that the race has changed. he has talked about her
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involvement with the border and immigration. he has tried to tie her, of course, to the biden administration policies but nothing has stopped. instead, he has been making racist insults against her, questioning her racial identity and, that, of course, has received a lot of criticism, a lot of pushback from people in his own party who say it is out of line and inappropriate. trump himself and his campaign really haven't settled on exactly how they are planning to go after her. i will be watching to see who she picks as vice president and how that might change things, but for now, you know, trump is talking about her record in san francisco as a prosecutor and immigration, but he continues to also be criticizing her for her own identity. >> i mean, the way she was born, that's just nuts. anyway, eugene, nbc news has
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confirmed vp harris is meeting with three contenders today. what are you hearing from your sources? is there a favor? what is she examining today? >> first, i want to say to look, i have listened on my own in the house this week but on this kind of discourse, on these last couple of days of vice president harris kind of zeroing in on one of these men, it keeps changing. when you talk to people on her team, for a while, kelly seemed like a surefire pick. tim walz is making another reentry. she is meeting with those three men today separately, obviously, but i will say, i have been told over and over vice president harris, people who are familiar with her thinking, those are not the only three people she is talking to at this point, even in these last hours.
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if you think about 2020, president biden met with people in person. the president biden and vice president harris met virtually so she could be having virtual meetings we are not aware of. they are canceling, there were already well held plans. the kind of thing she is looking for his executive experience, obviously something she has told her staff she is interested in. she wants someone she can get along with. she wants someone who she well knows could step into the place of the president, if need be. she is able to do that herself. it is hard to find someone in that someone needs to understand how important this is outside of vice president kamala harris. she knows full well how important this choice actually is. for governor, that is the kind of thing she is thinking about. her team says she will be going
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until she actually feels really good about her choice, right? everyone kind of thinking and trying to timeout their weekend to see when the choice will actually happen. no one knows, you know? even the people i have talked to who are constantly around her and constantly talking to her, they say every day the names that are bouncing around stay the same but the way her staff is talking about them kind of leaning toward changes. >> okay. so, given the addition of a potential dark or says he is suggesting there could be someone she is meeting with virtually, meridith , of the six being considered, which contender is the trump word about and why? >> well, i don't know which when they are most worried about but all eyes will be on pennsylvania in november. that is such a critical state for the harris campaign to win and for the trump campaign to win. if the pick , for example, ends up being shapiro, i think that
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could, you know, change the dynamics there in pennsylvania. we know the trump campaign picked jd vance because they knew he was going to be put out there in these rust belt battleground states and pennsylvania they see as critical to win. if we see someone like a shapiro pick, that could be interesting and maybe change some of the dynamics in the race in these battleground states. >> yeah, actually, shapiro could potentially, trump jd vance, did not mean that facetiously, i just -- eugene, the harris campaign has added a number of people, david plouffe, eric holder, he is the one overseeing the running mate vetting process. what does the campaign signal here and how are you interpreting it? >> yes yesterday we wrote they are obamafying her.
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there is a signal to democrats, right, to tell democrat she wasn't getting come here to flip the table and change the top of the pecking order in the campaign. some of these folks will be, you know, doing different slices of jobs that other heads of the campaign would be doing. this is just bluntly from many of them, many of the women of color i talked to over the years about vice president harris, they say this is a message to donors who tend to be white male saying to them, look, this is a campaign that understands the importance. they're not trying to make a bunch of big changes.
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they are bring in familiar faces, people these donors and democrats already know and trust. that is something that she is clearly signaling here. i will also say, you know, some of her staff, they are paying a lot of attention to influence and power. making sure her inner circle stays intact while also adding these other folks. you look at how the new additions have been talking on social media, much more aggressive than the folks that were on the biden campaign. david plouffe going after donald trump because he was backing out of the debate. that is not something we had seen. you are also watching as they like to tussle on social media, something this campaign has been lacking up until vice president harris was in charge. it is also important because, you look at the staffing of her last campaign. you know, people had issues with the infighting, the way it was structured wasn't the best. this is also a signal to folks saying, this time we get it. we don't need to dustup the table now. >> got it.
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eugene, thank you very much, you, as well, meridith , one more plug for the book, trump in exile, go get it on tuesday. ahead, tears of joy, relief and frustration following the prisoner swap with russia. next, you will hear from the sister of a man who is not included in the deal and what is being done to bring him home, too. home, too. get started today. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. new details on the historic prisoner swap that freed 16 people from detention in russia and belarus. today the three americans included in the deal are undergoing medical examinations at a texas hospital. the biden administration said it is continuing its efforts to release pennsylvania teacher mike vogel, who is not part of the swap. >> the state department, i know, has been in touch with the vogel family in the wake of this deal. i can assure them as we have assured them, we were trying to get marc to be part of this deal. we tried on a few occasions. the russians just weren't biting. it does not mean we are giving
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up. every time you do these deals, you get a little knowledge of the perspective of the other side and we will use that to see if we can get marc home. >> joining us now is marc's sister, anne vogel . her brother was sentenced to a russian penal colony in 2020. i know this is hard for you. i can imagine how hard. you had the families of those celebrating today, those who were released and reunited with their loved ones. your family still waits. first of all, how are you holding up lex have you been able to speak with marc? is he aware of the prisoner exchange? >> yes, marc is aware of the prisoner exchange. thank you for having me, of course. yeah, it has been a very sad, reflective time. so many conflicting feelings because, of course, there was a master diplomacy act and those people are so deserving of coming home and i want to be
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happy. i want to be happy for them, seeing the images of alice hugging her daughters was incredible. i want that for my nephew's. >> yeah. >> it is hard. it is a very hard time. >> i am sure you do feel happy for them, but everybody understands the conflicting emotions you are actually going through. what about what happened thursday with national security adviser jake sullivan, he said the administration was working like hell, his quote, to secure your brother's release from russia. then you just heard john kirby reaching out to your family, what did they tell you lex did you get a reason for why marc was not included in this prisoner swap? >> no. the state department was pretty opaque. we don't get reasons.
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we have never been included in any, you have to be designated as wrongfully detained to be included in the proceedings of how things happen and what they are looking for to happen. so we have almost just been in the dark because marc is not designated, even though -- >> he is not designated, it was medicinal marijuana, right, anne? a small amount he had on him, again, medicinal with a prescription kind of thing, something that is not allowed in russia but have they given you reasons why that would not be the classification? >> i think it is a, i think it's complicated for them. i think they don't want to get into issues surrounding drugs, even though i firmly believe that of all the options of pain release my brother has been
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given and i know he believes this, for his long-term health, he felt that the medical marijuana was the thing that kept him most functional and he thought it was his healthiest choice. and i think we are probably getting into a larger issue of the stigma around medical marijuana. it is heartbreaking. >> it is interesting because we recall that brittney griner was convicted on a similar charge. she got home. there is that to consider. there is that kind of thing you hope? >> well, there is a real contradiction there, isn't there? that is where we get into the whole favoritism of celebrities. it is hard to deny that. it has been, it's been bitter.
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mark is, of course, twice her age and with a whole series of surgeries. the last 10 years he was in moscow, he had three major surgeries. one on his hip, one on his shoulder, two weeks before he left for russia and then the fusion on his back. so those are big, painful things to with -- deal with. >> that's right. anne, you said he knows about the swap. is that because you spoke with him? >> yeah. my sister-in-law and nephew wrote to him. they broke it to him. he called my mother yesterday morning.
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>> what was his reaction? >> he has not been able to get out of bed. he is devastated. he is devastated. we saw trevor rego home, we saw brittney griner go home and now you have seen the historic swap of the last 70 something years happened, of which he was not included. it has been, my brother is such a positive person and his attitude about life is what has driven him and kept him, kept his body together. he is losing that piece. i am worried. i am very, very worried. >> anne fogel, we all share those words, practically after this interview. at the very least, the
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president has said in regard to your brother, he is working very hard, like hell, to get him back on. big hugs to you. i want to give you a big hug and tell you it is going to be okay. we are all pulling for you. thank you so much. >> thank you, it means a lot. >> thank you very much. >> tensions are running higher than ever in israel next. ael n r professional treatment. pilot: prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. ( ♪♪ ) luke's mom: without easterseals, my luke would be a very different luke. look up. where you going? luke's mom: there's an incredible urgency to get your child into services, because the longer you wait, these motor pathways are set in stone. i knew he needed help. he needed these services. i'm almost there. yes, you are. you're so close. you're so strong. i'm gonna say hi. okay! let's say hi. hi! nolan's mom: none of my friends or people in our network
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♪♪ breaking news. more u.s. military assets are headed to the middle east as israel braces for a multi-day attacked by iran and has a lot after about revenge for back- to-back assassinations in tehran and beirut last week. let's go to matt bradley joining us from beirut. matt, welcome. you have israel in hezbollah striking one another over israel's border with lebanon overnight. the expectations are this could get much, much worse. what are you hearing?
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>> reporter: that's right. it is not just about hezbollah in lebanon where im and israel across the border way down south, it is also about iran, which now is very much aligned directly and we heard the iranian president saying he will be retaliating against israel for their killing, the israelis have denied this, a top official while he was the guest of the iranian state a couple days ago. this is a very volatile situation and one that could seek that just hezbollah, not just hamas in the gaza strip but also the houthis in yemen, iran itself and iranian backed groups all becoming engaged in the wider fight that could envelop the entire region. we are talking about an iranian backed so-called axis of resistance. the united states are indeed moving more and more naval and air assets into the region.
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here is what they said about this just today. >> the pentagon is moving significant assets to the region to prepare for what may be another need to defend israel from attack. simultaneously, we are working very hard to de-escalate the situation diplomatically because we do not believe that regional war is in anyone profess interest in the current moment. that is something we have been trying to avoid since october 7. >> alex, i can tell you that a lot of the actors in the situation, including hezbollah, including most of the leadership of the israeli governor, the iranian government, they also don't want to see a regionwide war and they are taking cues from their enemies. this is the situation we are starting to see at an escalation. basically, each side is seeing how the other reacts. right now, though all is very much in iran's corner. the so-called axis of resistance, all these leaders
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in the middle east could combine into a fist and strike israel. that is why the americans are so concerned about the situation, alex. >> the picture you just painted, fingers into a fist, that is frightening. matt bradley, thank you so much. we will see you in the next hour. about to talk about donald trump's latest behavior on the campaign trail him what might explain it. explain it. breakthrough that safely gets your teeth white and keeps them white every day just by brushing your teeth. christine i never thought that whitening my teeth could be so easy. i just put the gel on the brush, the toothpaste on it, brush and i can see my white teeth. announcer simply add smileactives to any toothpaste, and our patented polyclean technology activates into a powerful micro foam that penetrates into the enamel surface to safely lift and remove stains. robert you need a simple way to withen your teeth without strips, without trays,
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♪♪ here's a look at new headlines about donald trump's campaign today. jik9:disaster if trump doesn't abate harris. distraught trump campaign seeks jd vance reset and harris destroying trump's 2024 campaign. some republicans in georgia are scratching their heads. trump escalates race attacks on
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harris, worrying republicans. trump went off script about her race. joining me now is omarosa manigault newman, former director of communications for the office of public liaison in the trump white house and also a long-standing trump associate, going back to appearances on tv preface the apprentice and wrote a book about him called unhinged. omarosa, good to see you, as always, my friend. let's talk about the headlines, the ones you are seeing in the ones i read. you get the sense that trump's campaign is imploding? >> first of all, thank you so much for having me on. it is always good to see you. i talked to a former colleague who still works with the trump camp who told me a really weird theory i want to share with you. that donald trump and his team have come up with this path to 270 that doesn't require him to gain any additional african- american support. what would explain that is why he has gone on this campaign of
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terror, insulting vice president kamala harris , making comments about race and trying to be even more divisive than he has been in the past. i mean, if that is their strategy, it is a losing strategy. going after her race was a big mistake for donald trump. and i just think he will continue to ratchet it up because he just can't help himself, alex. >> omarosa, i mean, you are right . that is a losing strategy. i won't ask you to name names, you may have given names but clearly, that is coming from someone within the campaign. if that is true, what does it tell you about the campaign? >> well, it tells me they know that donald trump is going to be trump. remember in the original campaign in 2016, we used to just say, let trump be trump. this time around, if they let trump be trump, they are certain to lose and in donald
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trump's words, bigly. he will lose in a big way if he continues to go against vice president kamala harris, where she grew up on, on ethnicity. these are losing strategies for him that he does not care nor does he have any control. he is just filled with grievances. it is almost why the apprentice was canceled, the show i was on with donald trump because they were tired of seeing the ratings drop. now americans are tired of seeing donald trump. they are tired of his griping, his grievances, his grumpiness, right, and his grafting. donald trump will be canceled just the same way the apprentice was. this is not the apprentice white house version. americans don't want more of this from donald trump. he has not figured that out yet. >> are you kind of saying he is
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naturally built to be a horrible candidate against someone like vice president kamala harris? isn't it likely his worst instincts kick in and just take over just because of who he is at his core? if so, how do people who work for him try to get him to win reconcile themselves? >> donald trump doesn't want to lose. the report he is losing in terms of fundraising, seeing that vice president kamala harris has raised significantly more money than him in such a short amount of time that he and his campaign are tied to losing tour in key battleground states. losing brings the worst out of donald trump. instead of he being disciplined and staying on message, speaking to the american people about issues important to them, i mean, people are concerned about filling prescriptions and filling their gas tanks and donald trump is trying to set up the scenario where he doesn't have to do pate vice president kamala harris by creating random debates that don't exist in canceling the debates that are on the schedule.
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that is what donald trump is all about. there is no novelty to him, he is just a grumpy old man. >> [ laughter ] the harris campaign today, as you know, launched republicans for harris. what you think about that and do you think it will bring any trump voters across the aisle? do you think it will appeal to those anyone but trump republicans and will they cross the aisle? >> well, there is a group out there, they hated the idea of voting for a and they certainly hated the idea of voting for trump. there is this dynamic candidate, vice president kamala harris. that changes everything. donald trump 's idea he could build out his base, the maga base is not expanding but the fact that the democrats are able to expand their outreach and base is a huge game changer. i was speaking with scaramucci
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about everyone abandoning donald trump, including his vice president. he will no longer get anywhere close to the oval office in the white house. there is a group of people out there, republican voters, who will listen to the message of prosperity vice president kamala harris has and they want that. >> with regard to the debate, you mentioned he is changing things and creating debates that are not there. is that because he is afraid to debate her? >> yeah. since the debate, where we saw president biden have a difficult time that led ultimately to the end and of his candidacy. donald male knows the consequences of a very bad debate performance. now he knows that going up against her, as much as he questions her intelligence and calls her names, he knows that she would actually do quite a
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bit of damage to him when he goes toe to toe with her so he will avoid it. it is my theory he will never, ever step on a debate stage with her because he knows he will lose and he will lose in a big manner. >> we will see if you're right. of course, i have echoed the same sentiment. omarosa, always good to see you. author of the aptly titled book, unhitched. for now we have something to make you smile, highlights from the paris olympic games next. s meet with our experts. get a free tech check. and special offers. don't miss out. get started today. herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant-based ingredients your hair will love. and none of the stuff it won't. our sulfate free collections smell incredible and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. herbal essences.
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♪♪ a momentous day nine for team usa at the olympic games in paris as a domination in the overall medal count i had of china in france. china continues to lead the race for gold with more exciting competitions for the athletes. let's go to keir simmons joining us from paris. mr. olympics, one of the big
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highlights today? >> reporter: it is riveting on the uneven bars earlier. a bronze medal. not just simone biles. tomorrow she will compete on the floor tomorrow, the last individual event for suni lee, we have more gold medals for her and an incredible tennis match between the vectors and mitch and carlos alcaraz. they went to a tiebreak with both sets with novak djokovic ending up with the gold medal which he has not been able to win on till now with these olympics. the finish line for gold in women's cycling, another extraordinary result in one that was unexpected. this is what she had to say at the end of that race. ♪ ♪ >> taking the turn across the river seine, she is the genuine
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article. kristen faulkner in the shadow of the eiffel tower with the landmark u.s. gold medal in the women's road race . ♪ ♪ >> that isn't what she had to say, that was just her finishing the race but what an extraordinary moment that was. and then the new alliance has qualified for the men's 100 with noah lyles. we are now, i think, about an hour away from that pinnacle of the olympics. that race and hoping for a gold medal for noah lyles and team usa. >> okay. we have a date in another


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