tv The Reid Out MSNBC August 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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this is a big issue for a lot of people. especially as people wonder whether the inflation and other issues that america had started to get over will bring us to a soft landing or not and you can bet it's going to be a big political talker as well. now, tomorrow, vice president harris will be announcing her running mate according to all projections we've heard including campaign indications and harris and the new pick are scheduled to appear together at a rally in philadelphia. that's going to be another big day in these busy political times. also firm up the pick long before the convention. we will be covering that big in a moment and broadcasting the speech which is expected to be the announcement and first appearance of her and her running mate. it will be here whenever it happens. definitely stay near your televisions tomorrow. the reid out starts now.
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tonight on the reidout. >> listen, this guy is nervous as hell to face kamala harris. he's already trying to back out of the debate. did you notice that? part of that is because he knows she's going to whoop him in the debate. >> look, they've got their vision of what a family looks like and i'll defend them to have that. just don't tell me what my family looks like. i keep talking about the golden rule of small towns is mind your own damn business. >> decision time. josh shapiro, tim walz, the astronaut or someone else? just hours to go before kamala harris announces her running mate. also, tonight, the incredibly weird story of rfk junior and the dead bear he dumped in central park. that's not even the weirdest thing he's ever done. we begin with fear. not just fear of bears or weird
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anti-vaxxer candidates. fear is part of our evolutionary biological heritage as high-end member of the animal kingdom. it can be productive or destructive depending on the situation. the fear of danger can save you from say walking into traffic or staying in a haunted house when the ghost says get out. it can also make your paranoid and angry about demographic or political change. fear can keep you from trying new foods or traveling to new places or reveling in the advancements we've made. it can make you lash out at immigrants or political opponents in politics. it can also define your candidacy. the most successful campaigns combine a healthy fear of the other side with a positive message of hope. donald trump selected his running mate at a moment of supreme confidence and zero fear. he just knew he was going to finally defeat joe biden no matter who he selected or did or
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said or rambled on at the republican convention. it just didn't matter because the race was in the bag. but now that the race has shifted and he's facing a young female opponent and a woman of color no less, trump is very publicly exhibiting what sure reads like fear. i mean, he must be afraid of going to prison. wouldn't you be? and this weekend, judge tanya chutkan likely added to that fear by tossing out two of his lawyers to vacate the charges that jack smith brought against him for trying to overturn the 2020 election. chutkan denied his motions to dismiss the indictment based on statutory grounds and selective and vindictive prosecution. for the latter, she found there was no evidence that prosecutors abused their authority or behaved vindictively when pursuing the case against trump. reminder that the one way that trump can ensure that he stays out of prison is to become president again so he can take
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advantage of chief justice john roberts and his fellow supreme court conservatives conferral of near absolute immunity. a ruling they seemed to design just for him. but now, what's standing in his way is kamala harris. former prosecutors and sitting vice president. whose list of grass roots supporters continues to grow. tonight, two of those groups progressives will be holding zoom calls and a group that includes the former lieutenant governor of georgia and former members of the trump administration. it's reminiscent of the 1964 nelson rockefeller attempt to derail barry goldwater who in 1964 became the farthest right republican nominee for president prior to trump. goldwater will pose the civil rights act, passed that summer and signed by lyndon johnson who
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inherited the presidency after president kennedy's assassination was nearly as radical as donald trump but much younger and more eloquent. >> i would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no bias. and let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. >> goldwater went on to be thoroughly thumped in the november election which lyndon johnson won in a landslide. and trump, like joe biden, is old enough to have lived through that history is clearly so afraid of joe biden's vice president and successor that he is now officially backed out of the previously scheduled september 10th debate citing he only agreed to it against biden. when he agreed, it never
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specifically mentioned trump or biden's names but only candidates that appeared on enough state ballots to obtain 270 electoral votes and reach 15% support in four separate national polls and to the ongoing legal conflict, trump agreed to the debate two months after his filing. his filing his suit against abc and anchor george stephanopoulos. it is an act of obvious, raw fear. including a fear of abc after the network's correspondent, a black woman like kamala harris, panted the elderly mr. trump during the rather embarrassing forum that also featured an anchor from the network trump prefers to host a debate. the one that paid a $787 million settlement by lying to its own audience. he would very much like that network to host a debate instead with a nice, big, fox audience
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who can cheer for him and make him feel less old and weird standing next to the pretty prosecutor lady that will remind him of his crimes. please and thank you. donald trump is afraid. again, you can see why given the stakes of this election for him personally. not to mention for the rest of us and our freedom and democracy. it's either he gets back into the white house and gets to do the bidding of the oil billionaire or he doesn't get back in. and faces jack smith and fanny willis and maybe face a prison sentence. and since joe biden left the race and vp harris entered it and became this super phenomenon among all sorts of voters from black women and men and cat ladies and south asian voters and lgbtq voters and now republicans for harris. and with polls showing harris erasing the leads he held over
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president biden in the polls, fear is clearly taking over. here's trump this weekend. >> kamala, you know, there's about 19 different ways of saying it. she only likes three. she wants the government to stop people from eating red meat. she wants to get rid of you cows. she doesn't want anybody saying merry christmas. if you go to the store, i want to buy a loaf of bread, darling. you come back, ma'am, i'm sorry, your husband's been killed. if kamala wins, it will be crime, chaos and death. >> doesn't want anybody saying merry christmas. joining us now, democratic strategist and author of the hope chronicles. david jolly, msnbc political analyst. and juanita toliver. co-host of the what a day podcast and what a day, indeed. donald trump is currently freaking out. you can see he's kind of melting
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down. but here is the, there's a reason why. let's look at these polls. he was consistent beating joe biden across these important swing states. that has now changed. michigan tied. pennsylvania tied. he's only up one and that's within the margin of error in wisconsin. arizona tied. georgia, he's up three. also margin of error. nevada. north carolina, up three. that's before then convention. talk about these polls and how they're looking? >> we've had a remarkable couple of weeks. this has been an historic election. just using the 538 average, we've seen a five-point shift in the election. trump was up 3.2% before biden dropped out and now the vice president is up by about two points. there's been a huge shift. some of the national tracking polls have seen five, six-point shifts towards her. she's now very competitive in the battlegrounds and i think where the race is today is that we have momentum as you pointed out. we haven't had a vp pick.
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the convention. we haven't had our what is going to be an unprecedented grass roots campaign kicking in the fall. i think there's more upside for us. i think that's why trump is melting down. he had one of the worst weeks on the national stage since he's been in business since he got into this game and i think part of what happened is when she went ahead in the polling, it removed the central rationale of his campaign. which is that he's strong. he's leading. she's weak. it's no longer true and i think they're really struggling now. >> yeah. david, you know, saying i don't want to do this debate. i'm canceling. he pulled out of the debate then saying no, i want a fox debate. that's running to a safe space. that's what they used to say about you know, liberals wanting to be in a safe space. he feels the only place he would be comfortable debating is on the network that lied for him about the big lie. meanwhile on the other side, you've got jimmy carter saying i'm literally just trying to
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stay alive to vote for vice president harris. there is not a living former president, former presidential candidate, the only one out of all the living former either presidents or presidential candidates supporting trump is sarah palin. not a single other one. jimmy carter, i will just stay on this earth alive just for her. >> look, i agree with simon. i take it further. donald trump has had one of the worst chapters for a presidential candidate in modern political history. ever since vice president harris got in. you could argue starting the night of his rnc speech. he's done everything wrong and his team has failed to prosecute the case against harris and he has reminded the american people why they're tired of donald trump. why they don't like him. look, he is scared to debate the vice president, but i would also say a lot of people who read that tweet from donald trump saying the debate is no longer with abc, it's fox. something that screamed off their screen was a power
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dynamic. somewhere between misogynist, childish and boorish, that he was telling the sitting vice president i'll tell you where to show up because i'm making the call. unless donald trump forgot, his address is now mar-a-lago and kamala harris' is the naval observatory. she's the sitting vice president. so look, i think she is right to say i will debate you at abc and if you want to have a second one, perhaps we could is a second one. donald trump's doing everything wrong right now. his campaign is in free fall. it is spiraling and he has no additional ceiling even if he corrects where as the vice president has an enormous ceiling that we continue to see her push through. >> yeah. i want to come back in a little bit and talk about that because when i look at the polls, i just look at them as an average. we need to talk about whether he has a ceiling because he's consistent at a certain number but i want to talk about the wider. it's not just him. his surrogates can't figure out what to do. let me give you one of his least
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dignified surrogates. byron donald for whatever reason has signed up to take the least dignified possible role that tim scott won't do in this campaign. he's just like put me in, coach. here he is attempting to battle george stephanopoulos about an issue that is a closed issue whether or not vice president harris is black. >> and you just repeated the slur again. if it doesn't matter, why do you keep questioning her identity? she is biracial. jamaican father, indian mother. why are you questioning that? >> well, george, first of all, this is something that's actually a conversation throughout social media right now. there are a lot of people who are trying to figure this out. but again, that's a side issue. not the main issue. the main issue -- >> sir, one second. you just did it again. >> of the united states. >> why do you insist on questioning her racial identity?
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>> you want me to talk? >> i want you to answer my question. >> george, george, now that you're done yelling at me, let me answer. >> um. >> embarrassment, joy. i don't know even know. >> but, here's why it's so wild. as i pointed out when i interviewed him, mr. donalds is married to a white lady. his kids are biracial. let's make it more serious. he's jamaican american. his mom is jamaican. so kamala harris' mom, dad, is jamaican. so he knows from his own family personal experience and from looking in the mirror that jamaicans are black. his first wife said he used to speak with a fake jamaican accent when he first met her. he tried to get with her by using a fake accept.
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so it's like, what do his fellow republicans think his his kids ? at least three of the republican members of congress are married to white women so their kids are biracial so they understand what it is. it's in their families. >> their ability to reject it is based on the degree of self-loathing that he probably feels for himself every time he looks in the mirror, too, joy. i think we've got to factor that in paired with how much he's willing to do donald trump's bidding. and right beside them is jd vance married to a south asian woman who refuses to defend his own wife and biracial children in this entire scenario. it's a reality of how far these republican men in interracial relationships are willing to reject their own realities for the sake of donald trump and it's quite sickening when the reality that we can all plainly see is that nothing scares donald trump more than a strong
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woman in this scenario. a strong black and south asian woman in vice president harris. i want to rewind further, joy, because i think back to the way donald trump blew his fuse when then senator kamala harris questioned kavanaugh to the point he was bumbling and stumbling, i don't know how to react to a strong black and south asian woman asking me all these questions. donald trump went to the person, oh, she's an extraordinarily nasty woman. the reality is exactly what the harris campaign has been saying. this is an old man who is afraid of standing next to an intelligent woman who is power. and there's no other way about this. >> by the way, he couldn't handle rachel scott. >> couldn't handle it. >> and he couldn't handle. he started to meltdown. david, you used to be a republican. maybe in the '80s, you could say that people would think it was u tray to be in an interracial
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relationship. it is not now. i think among conservatives. clarence thomas is in an interracial relationship. there are so many conservatives who are raising black children, mixed race children, adopted children of color married to non-white people. this is no common among republicans now. it's so non odd that it is strange to me that they think this won't turn off white voters who are going to look in their own families and say wait a minute, my grand kids are biracial. they look like barack obama. why are you questioning the race of these people? they're going to look at their own grand kids and go what? >> yeah. look. the words of donald trump are racist and disgusting and they need to be called out for being that. whether you're a republican, democrat, or independent. it's shameful to see him hem and hawe over it. donald trump believes the culture war in the united states, over the status and placement and prestige of white america is enough to get him
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back to the white house and it matches perfectly apparently with donald trump's own ethos and i think we have to talk about it for the racest undertones that it is messaging across the country. i think the good news is not only is this not 20 or 30 years ago, this isn't 2008. 2016. >> right. >> this is a tired stick that donald trump is selling and there are enough americans, even republicans, who say i don't want that. i liken donald trump republicans to the romantic couple that's now been dating for eight years and the spark was there in 2016 and both couples saw it and now they're just tired of each other. this is a tired story and it's not going to work for trump. >> yeah. i'm just going to remind donald trump and his friend that is the last time y'all tried to birtherism type attack, you wound up with a two-term obama presidency and he got the highest percentage of white voters since jimmy carter so
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attacking him made a lot of white voters go that ain't my crowd. so it doesn't help. it hurts. don't go anywhere. we'll be discussing all the veepstakes situation with kamala harris going to announce her running mate tomorrow. we'll be right back. o announce r running mate tomorrow. we'll be right back. if you have heart failure, farxiga can help you keep living life with the ones you love. ask your doctor about farxiga today. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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whole lot more chaos when donald trump was in charge. and listen. kamala harris, what she proposes to do for this nation is uplifting. it is empowering. >> kamala harris about solving problems. donald trump wants to take us, drag us back a decade. >> we have 97 days to change the darkness in this country and we have seen our light on that stage in kamala harris. >> the top names under consideration to be vice president harris' running mate have been making their case in public. by this time tomorrow, we will know her choice. she is expected to reveal the ticket tomorrow ahead of the first rally for the pair tuesday in philadelphia. vice president harris met face-to-face with three top contenders over the weekend. arizona senator mark kelly. pennsylvania governor, josh shapiro, and minnesota governor, tim walz all sat down for interviews at her home in washington. back with me, simon, i want to go to you first.
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does a vp pick make an actual statistical difference or is this really just vibes and who vibes best with the vp or presidential nominee? >> i think we just saw just in the last few weeks that donald trump made a disastrous pick with jd vance. these things can really matter. if somebody said the other day, sarah palin and dan quyale weren't available so he picked vance. so i think it really matters and i think for a candidate who has got a very short amount of time to introduce herself in a broader way to the american people, this pick is going to signal a lot about her and what she wants to do. what's great is that she's got a great set of picks. i don't have a preference. i think we will be happy with whoever she picks and i think shs going to be a really energizing week for the campaign. the campaign was very smart to schedule this seven-state swing. you noticed donald trump's response to their big week. he's doing one single event all week. the guy's disappearing from the
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campaign trail again. he did this a few weeks ago. wasn't seen in public for a week. he is doing fewer public events and doing fewer campaign events than any presidential campaign in modern history and it is shocking. and so i think we could have yet another really important uplifting week in what has been an uplifting campaign. >> yeah. there's two ways to read that, of course. one is that he's just lazy. and the second is that he's overconfident because he's not planning on winning the election through votes. he did say i don't need your votes and he's just thinking my plants are just going to refuse to certify the election. we're going to do that story this week. he just doesn't think democracy is going to happen, it's a whole other thing. the way you counteract that is voting and voting and voting and having as big a win as possible for them to make it harder for them to driver this election into congress. i want to play the veepstakes game a little bit.
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i want you weigh in, but i want to start with you, david. this is her first big decision. who you're going to pick to be the next person in line. the internet kids love walz. as somebody pointed out earlier, it would allow you to say from the window to the walz. which is hilarious. he did come up with idea of weird and now that has stuck and he is a progressive. he has huge policy accomplishments. he's an army national guard veteran. the downside, it's not a swing state. minnesota. he has a low national profile. there were some questions about his handling of the 2020 protest after george floyd's murder and the prosecution of a state trooper who shot a young man. that's him. let's go to kelly. kelly is an astronaut. it's cool. he's got a twin. he can make a case on border. help her with that issue. his wife obviously gabby
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giffords is a former congresswoman who is a gun safety advocate. victim of a shooting. it would create a vacancy. that's the con. there is concern from organized labor then the last one. josh shapiro. really very good campaigner. excellent speaker. lots of charisma. very popular in the state. 57% approval rating. 19 electoral college votes. the other issue is that maybe go against him. his support for school vouchers, handling of a sexual harassment claim. he was a sharp critic over the protests over the war in gaza and his comments about the middle east and two-state solution and volunteering for an ivf thing in israel. who helps the most? who hurts the most? >> i think it's going to tell us a lot about the vice president in terms of her, the direction she wants to go. it will also tell us about her campaign's strategy and tim walz, you kind of have america's
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dad and shapiro, you have a straight delegate play to win pennsylvania and in mark kelly, tough national security chops. the astronaut who also can talk about immigration a bit. and in those areas, that's a very diverse field among those three and where i'm fascinated about her decision making is that they're all qualified. particularly standing up against vance. all qualified to be president just as the vice president is. but the world is changing by the day. just today, we are looking at a fragile economy and an attack on u.s. interests in iraq and the middle east. between now and november, the next 95 days, we could see a teetering economy or a teetering military conflict in the middle east. what does vice president harris want to communicate with the american people about her leadership, the direction she wants to go? that will be reflected in this pick. i have thought a straight play was going to be the strategy
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would be pennsylvania but the ground has shifted since she got in. this is a different race. the economic and national security dynamics are now also different. >> yeah. and let me go to my democratic strategist. is there a way to sort of make this decision based on something other than just saying let me go for this delegate? shapiro's advantage is the delegates. 19. or is there something else that you would put first? >> well, the first thing that comes to my mind is what you mentioned, joy, about vibes. the vibe check is important here and i think about the way vice president harris has been deployed by biden even as it relates to the detainees who were recently release nd the negotiation with russia and the range of countries. she had a one-on-one behind closed doors at a security conference so who would she trust to deliver her message? who would she trust that she can deploy in a type of relationship
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that she would have with this individual as her vice president. when they're thinking about what it takes to win, i go back to the polls that have moved heavily in vice president harris' favor and since she's neck and neck in these battleground states, after barack obama, we know a strong orator turns out and mobilizes and energizing voters. i'm looking at a pete buttigieg, a governor walz. there's also andy bashir, who was not in your lineup but i'm keeping him in there. he would appeal to those never trump republicans. he could be their guy. i think there are so many other angles here that go beyond the electoral map. but of course the strategist in me comes back to you got to win first so protecting the blue wall is of course a top priority. >> simon, there's also you know this would be, she needs her joe biden. what joe biden did for anyone who was nervous, white voters in the suburbs, whoever who said
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barack hussein obama. he was like the comfort food. like, no, no, he picked this guy. you can trust him. so if she's looking for her joe biden who by the way, biden performs, he overperforms with white seniors. with white working class folks. walz does, too. steve kornacki was pointing ut this morning he polls almost identical to biden. or someone like kelly, they both have military backgrounds. like that kind of thing is like comfort to voters who might have a question, right? she needs her joe biden, yeah? >> yeah. i mean, i guess listen to be all this, great commentary tonight by the way, i learned a lot. i think there are two things that stick out to me. one is that in this period that, she has such a short period time. this compressed election. she can only do or say so many things and communicate so many messages. of the group there, the one who sort of tells the simplest story is mark kelly.
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astronaut, navy fighter pilot, hero. it's kind of very easy to communicate solid and steady. you can kind of get your arms around him really quickly and get an assessment of him. but the advantage of josh shapiro, a very powerful communicator, it makes a campaign a lot louder. in a campaign where trump is only campaigning a few days a week and vance is being ignored, if we have two sort of very red hot candidates traveling around the country, the amount of noise and social media and press that we can get, it's going to be very powerful. she's got a range of really great options in front of her and i'm really excited to see what happens. part of this is what we don't all see is they have data. they have to make certain assumptions. they may just play to pennsylvania because if we win pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan, we win. and so there is this electoral college play that's very much in front of us right now. >> yeah. we will see what she does and again, she has to work with this
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person if she wins for four years, at least. so it has to be somebody that you have that relationship you think clinton gore, obama biden. like, she needs that kind of thing. thank you all very much. what a great panel. coming up, you know the state of american politics is weird. real weird when a candidate for president has to admit that ten years ago, he dumped a dead bear cub in central park. really truly cannot make it up. . really truly cannot make it up getting screened ♪ cr ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution,
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front page of every paper and i turn on the tv and there was like mile of yellow tape and there were 20 cop cars. helicopters flying over. i was like, oh, my god. what did i do? i was worried because my prints were all over that. >> that's robert f. kennedy jr. explaining an incident that "the new yorker" unearthed into the the candidate's troubled past. it details his belief that his father's death was part of a cia conspiracy. his history of drug use and fighting for sobriety and an extremely weird incident he tried to get ahead of by relouising a video with roseanne
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barr after he confirms what happened he put the carcass of a bear cub into his car. >> thought this was a good idea. and i said i had an old bike in my car somebody asked me to get rid of. let's put the bear in central park and it will look like he had fun. so everybody thought that's a great idea. >> joining me now is jonathan allen, nbc news senior national politics reporter. jonathan, let me show a picture of rfk jr. posing with the bear cub which apparently he was going to eat later as bear road kill and that's why he put anytime the back of his truck but then i guess he decided to just leave it in the park. jonathan, why is robert f. kennedy jr.? just why? >> that's the best thing you've
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ever asked me, joy. this is a grizzly story. pun intended. he has a ton of wild, crazy ideas, conspiracy theories. thinks the cia assassinated his uncle, president kennedy. thinks vaccines cause autism and do more harm than good. wild theories. in this case though, i did get a sense of him that may not be apparent to everybody at all times, which is what a different life he lives than the average american. he's on this trip to go falconing i guess in upstate new york. comes across a dead bear cub in the road. sees a van hit it or something and decides, hey, i'm going to pick up this bear cub. not call the authorities. i'm going to skin it and eat it. and then he gets distracted, goes to a dinner party, hey, let's stick the bear cub in central park. so aside from whatever laws may
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have been broken of both man and god in him leaving that bear in central park, i think this really points to the degree he is just a little bit different. in a lot of ways. >> to put it mildly. also, it is rich privilege bored behavior. that had a worm in his brain such that there was not enough nutrition in his brain to keep it alive and he admits to this. but he's so rich and bored with nothing else to do, he's decided too take his views on vaccines which he can afford to have because he's rich enough to do something about it. but he wants to impose his weird views on the country by running for president because he's not nothing better to do. i can't think of anything more rich and privileged besides donald trump. >> it's clear, right? that this guy, think about the privilege of thinking like, hey, i'm going to leave a dead bear in central park and i won't get
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caught. by the way, i'm going to take pictures of it and i'll talk about it later. here's a guy who believes the cia killed his uncle and has kept it secret for all of these years and also believed that he could leave a bear cub in central park and not get arrested for it. he said his fingerprints were all over the bike. his theories of how the government operates are not consistent with reality. >> yeah. and who is his constituency? from what i can tell, it's an off chute of trump's maga constituency. it's anti-vaxxers. he used to be popular with liberal environmentalists. much like elon musk from tesla, they've gone off, these people. who's his base? >> he's lost the animal rights segment of the environmental community in the last 24 hours. >> yeah, for sure. >> you know, there's obviously overlap between his constituency
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and trump voters. you see that in the polling. i think the phenomenon of robert f kennedy jr. is mostly dissatisfaction with the two candidates. trump is not appealing to a lot of these people. i think the democratic leaning folks in that set are going to move quickly to kamala harris. i suspect to see that in the polling. then your question of why robert f. kennedy jr. will become all the more poignant. >> and hopefully he'll become a distant memory sometime soon. thank you very much. up next, the world is on edge with the middle east possibly on the brink of war. with the secretary of state telling america's allies that an attack on israel by iran and hezbollah could be imminent. hezbollah could be imminent. if you're living with hiv,
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tensions have soared following nearly ten months of war in gaza and killing of leaders in separate strikes in lebanon and iran last week. those killings have brought threats of revenge from iran and its allies raising fears of an even more destructive war. secretary blinken spoke today with the g7 foreign ministers. for axios, he told leaders that the attack could happen in the next 24 hours. the pentagon has also dispatched additional u.s. forces to the
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middle east to support israel's security and defense. late today, president biden tweeted this photo of him, vice president kamala harris and ati convening in the situation room. biden said quote we receive updates on iran and its proxies and preparations to support israel should it be attacked again. we also discussed the steps we are taking to defend our forces. joining me now is john brennan, msnbc senior national security and intelligence analyst and former cia director. director brennan, this is kind of my worst nightmare. i think a lot of americans' worst israel, that we are funding, we didn't, the united states didn't authorize any attack on any leader or assassination and our troops are now in danger,
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your thoughts? >> joy, we may be on the cusp of a major middle east conflict involving israel, iran, hezbollah, that could embroil the united states directly in the conflict. a lot depends on how iran decides to respond to the killing of the political leader in tehran, who was there as a guest of the government and their to attend the inauguration of the new iranian president. and so therefore, you know, we saw this exchange between israel and iran a couple of months ago but it seemed at that time that both sides were interested in having it contained and not to roll up into a big conflict. less conflict now, and either side is reading technically to have it be more limited so therefore, if it is going to be a major iranian response, as they have promised, publicly,
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then israel has said and is prepared for a counterstrike that it will undertake. and if iran and hezbollah, and hezbollah is the best armed militia in the world as we know, they can rain down a lot of damage and harm onto israel. that's why the united states right now is repositioning its courses, bringing in additional naval craft into the region to be prepared, and also that warnings to american citizens to depart the area as well as the suspension of flights going in. it really does seem as though people are anticipating that this is not going to go away. it'll get worse before it gets better. >> the thing is if you look back to benjamin netanyahu, who's been in power a long time in israel, it seems to be number 1, he's not so much in favor of joe biden, he wants donald trump back in. i don't think he cares about the united states opinion on what he does.
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that he has been a belligerent force in many ways due to his far right-wing government. and i'm not sure, you know that the american people are prepared to pay the price for that. egypt has said they would not be involved and they don't want any part in defending israel. and they obviously, have great opposition to what israel is doing in gaza. jordan has been approached as well, but what are their incentives to be helpful? the jordanian population is 40% palestinian. it's like, i'm not sure what the incentives are in the region to be helpful and i think the american people have a right to say when our forces have to pay the price. >> i think we saw the foreign minister who went to tehran to deliver a message to to see if they could convince the iranians to stand down. benjamin netanyahu, and his far right-wing war cabinet has taken these provocative actions, the killing of the leader outside of beirut, they probably had pre-existing intelligence on him and this
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was a way to take away someone who was involved in military activities but the strike against ismail haniyeh, whose been involved in the hostage release, that seems like a needless provocation in the benjamin netanyahu government and what i can only determine is that benjamin netanyahu knows that if the region blows up in a war, he has confidence the united states is going to come in to try and protect israel, so i think he's being more provocative than he needs to be. we need to bring the light shed in gaza to an end, but these actions particularly the killing of ismail haniyeh seem to be a needless setback to try to bring down the lever -- level of bloodshed in the region. >> the question is whether he is motivated to bring it down, because the things that he's doing seem to be antithetical to that. what leverage does the biden administration have to try and bring both sides to calm it down and avoid war, what
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leverage do we have? >> in terms of our military presence, helping if there will be some type of strike that iran will undertake, that israel will be able to prevent the death and destruction that could in fact, reach that sharp escalation but also it'll be up to president biden and vice president harris and tony blinken to prevail upon the israelis not to do something that really is going to be best part desk spark that would set the place ablaze, so i think we are in a very difficult position, right now, it's the middle of the night there. i hope nothing happens overnight, it could but i think the next 24 to 48 hours, is really going to be determinative as to whether or not we will see the middle east once again, go up in flames. >> unfortunately, you are always the person we have to turn to in times of these that we are so grateful we have access h to you. much appreciated. we will be right back. right ba. that our family business was founded,
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be sure to join us tomorrow night for special coverage on what will be a very big day in politics and vice president harris expected to announce her running mate ahead of the first rally together in philadelphia. and that is tonight's readout, you can follow me on tiktok and on instagram and do follow our show accounts on instagram and tiktok. inside with jen psaki starts now. >>
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