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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  August 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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ly xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. that does it for us tonight. i'm in for stephanie ruhle. you can catch me saturday and sunday mornings on my new show the weekend. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i'll see you this weekend. check out the crowds for vice president harris and her new running mate minnesota governor tim walz this afternoon in wisconsin.
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the harris campaign said 12,000 people came out to this rally. that would be impressive on its own. but this is the size of the crowd of harris' rally tonight in detroit. the harris campaign says 15,000 people are in attendance at that. today, the harris campaign revealed that since announcing minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate, the campaign has raised a whopping $36 million. the democratic fund raising site act blue says the peak of the fund raising came in at $4 million in a single hour. that was the hour that harris and walz spoke together yesterday evening in philadelphia. the excitement around the harris walz ticket is palpable and it has donald trump and jd vance coming up with new ways to counter attack. as far as trump attacking kamala harris. it hasn't gone that well actually. earlier this week, donald trump started referring to vice
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president harris as kamabla. as the daily beast put it, trump's new attack is literally gibberish. or more directly in the new republic, trump's new nickname for kamala knows how desperate he is. when it comes to trying to attack harris' new running mate tim walz, it seems both jd vance and donald trump have pound potentially potent lines of attack. the issue with those lines of attack is that they are entirely false. >> what bothers me about tim walz, it is not even the positions he has taken. though certainly he has been a far left radical. what bothers me about tim walz as a marine that served this country in uniform, when the united states marine corp., the united states of america asked me to go to iraq to serve my country. i did it. i did when they asked me to do it. when tim walz was asked to go to iraq, you know what he did? he dropped out of the army and
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allowed his unit to go without me. what bothers me is the stolen valor garbage. >> do not pretend to be something that you are not. we are just going to put that aside as it relates to jd vance for a little while. i want to talk about this particular issue. on its face, with no context or fact checking, that line of attack, the idea that governor tim walz is a lying about his military service is potent. we saw an incredibly similar fabricated line of attack back in 2004 against the democratic nominee for president john kerry. those completely made up attacks led to 20% of voters saying they didn't think that kerry deserved his war medals. i should note that the one person who orchestrated that line of attack against john kerry was chris lacivida, trump's chief campaign strategist. but like in kerry's case back in 2004, this allegation of stolen valor against walz is
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just wrong. tim walz served in the national guard for 24 years. he responded to floods and tornadoes and he spent months on active duty overseas doing things like training our nato allies in italy. now, walz has never claimed he had a combat role in the military. he never had one. but that's not the point because there is an understanding among people who serve this country in the military that you have answered a sacred call. no matter what you are. whether you are in reserve or active duty. no matter whether you are a cook or a mechanic or a fighter pilot. no matter whether you serve at home or abroad or see combat or not. tim walz never saw combat. but you know who else didn't see combat? jd vance. vance was a civil affairs marine who took photos, wrote stories and escorted journalists around iraq. but that doesn't matter because neither of these two men have pretended they had combat roles. they have had incredibly important non-combat roles and they are both veterans and we should be grateful to both of
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them for their service to this nation. the only reason walz ultimately left the national guard was to run for congress. you go back and listen to how he presented himself. in that very first run for office. doesn't sound like stolen valor to me. >> i'm a retired command sergeant major in the minnesota national guard. after years of firing artillery, i sustained severe inner ear damage. because i have good health insurance provided by my employer, i was able to have surgery on my ear. as my ear healed my hearing was gradually restored. i spoke to a sound i couldn't identify after the surgery. i asked my wife what i was hearing and she said that is your four-year-old daughter hope. hope wakes up every day singing. i had never heard that until today. i believe we have a moral obligation to ensure that every
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father can hear his daughter sing. i am tim walz and i approve this message because i have heard how important health care is to everyone. tim walz went from public service in the military to public service in congress. minnesota public radio tracked down some of the members of the walz unit who deployed to iraq. the main thing they want to stress they have dealt with severe mental health issues upon their return and walz worked to connect struggling guard members with help. he sought to cut the red tape. governor walz is not stealing any valor. he served the country more than two decades unlike say donald trump who reportedly avoided the draft for vietnam by claiming he had bone spurs. that is just one of the potential potent lies trump and vance are pushing about tim walz. here is lie number two. >> every voter in minnesota needs to know that when the violent mobs of anarchists and
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looters and monsters came to burn down minneapolis four years ago, remember me? i couldn't get your governor to act. he is supposed to call in the national guard or the army. and he didn't do it. i couldn't get your governor. so i sent in the national guard. to save minneapolis. >> trump claims that in the civil unrest that came in the wake of the police killing of george floyd, trump claims that governor walz refused to send in the national guard and that trump himself had to do it. again, that strikes me as the kind of attack that could be incredibly potent with a lot of americans. if only it were true. but again, it's not true. abc news released audio of trump himself four days after walz called in the national guard. >> i know governor walz is on
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the phone. i agree with the way he handled it the last couple of days. with him it showed the incredible difference between your great state. yesterday. and the day before compared to the first few days. i blame the mayor. i have never seen anything like it where the police were told to abandon the police house. and it was ransacked and really destroyed. millions and millions of dollars will have to go back to fix it. i don't know. >> if i'm still on the one thing, i did 24 years on the guard. the one thing i would say you could do is a lot of people don't understand who the national guard is and you need to get out there and make sure it is not seen as an occupies force but their neighbors. that is really effective. >> okay, good. i think that's a good idea. >> okay, good. i think that's a good idea.
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now i should note that nbc news has not independently verified that audio and a spokesperson for the trump campaign said trump only lauded walz after the governor heeded his advice to enlist support from the national guard. end quote. but again, even that is provably false. trump didn't start saying that he would call in the national guard himself until the day after the national guard had already been activated by governor walz. so those are the lies that trump and jd vance are pushing about vice president harris' new running mate. tim walz. when your trumpy uncle tries to tell you those lies, debunk them. or better yet, debunk them and tell him about who governor tim walz really is. because there has been a lot of ink spilled the last 24 hours trying to explain why the vice president chose governor walz over all of the other incredibly qualified candidates. lots of different democratic elected officials reportedly worked behind the scenes to encourage harris to pick walz. and among that list of officials, one that struck out
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to me was the leader of the house progressive caucus, congresswoman pramila jayapal of washington. congratulations on winning your primary last night. tell me why you wanted governor walz as kamala harris' running mate. >> i have gotten to know the governor a little bit. i have been so impressed on a number of levels. balancing out the ticket with somebody from the midwest who came from a rural red district and has been the governor of a state that has implemented incredibly powerful economic programs that have lifted minnesota up in red districts and blue districts across the state. like paid leave. like making sure we have gun
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safety regulation. these are things that are very popular. governor walz is a great communicator. he is your everyday guy that people can relate to. and i think that people really feel differently when they talk to him. i have heard that from so many people. i have heard him operate just out there in the crowds and the way he takes on issues. even with his popularizing the word weird. what he is saying is listen. what they are trying to talk about out there, jd vance and donald trump, is just weird. trying to deport mass deportations of immigrants. talking about people in ways
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that are so demeaning, childless cat ladies, things that undermine who people are as human beings, that's weird. and we are not that way. these are all great reasons. i think the third reason, he is behind the biden harris agenda. now the harris walz agenda. an economic popular agenda that will bring freedom and opportunity to people across the country. >> there was a childless cat ladies zoom call. you heard jd vance calling him a far left radical. he is for higher minimum wages. he is for greater medical coverage. unionization. it is kind of weird calling
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these things, far left radical stuff. that is 15,000 dollars a year if you earn it. this is not radical. it is not far left. it is not even mostly left. >> that's exactly right. we have talked about this so many times. what people call far left ideals or progressive ideas, far left ideas, these are things the vast majority of americans want. when you pull, you see this. people want a federal living wage where they can take care of their families. universal health care, that is something that people want and need. paid family leave. these are things that most countries of our stature around the world have. and the united states does not. and americans across the board, republicans as well.
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certainly independents and democrats, support these ideas and i think what tim walz is able to do is talk about them in a way that really connects to regular folks who are just wanting to take care of their families. just want a decent government that takes care of them. and i will also say that governor walz's bio is sort of like a poster child for why government matters so much. his family made it because of social security benefits. he was able to be a public schoolteacher for so many years in our public education system which is funded by the government. these are all things that allowed him to be who he is today. and that is the opportunity we want to provide for everyone. that is why it is powerful.
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he and kamala harris have real stories of being working class folks who were able to get to where they are today. it has been so interesting to see across the democratic caucus. progressives, moderates. new dems. joe manchin. across are the democratic caucus. we have seen a real rallying together for tim walz and the excitement you are seeing, first for the vice president herself who is such an incredible force out there when i was in georgia as one of her first surrogates out just a few days after she got in the race. to see the black brown young people across georgia coming out. now you are seeing it with i heard there were 47,000
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requests for tickets to that rally in detroit which i think has about 20,000 people there. and they had to move locations. the energy from the midwest, from the south. i think as they continue, you will continue to see this is just phenomenal. they represent all the different parts of america. coming together around a working class economic agenda that is going to lift everyone up. everyone should have a chance at a decent life. these are two decent people fighting for american to have that chance. >> so good to talk to you. congresswoman pramila jiyapal, we appreciate your time. coming up, donald trump says he doesn't know project 2025 but a photo shows him on a jet with his leader.
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and tim walz continues to bring energy and joy to the democratic ticket. but will he bring votes? jonathan martin joins me to discuss that next. to discuss that next. was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn't know who i would be. but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider.
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this election will be a fight. we like a good fight. when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. we know what we stand for. >> donald trump, he sees the world differently than we see it. he has no understanding of service. because he is too busy servicing himself. again. and again and again. >> vice president kamala harris in detroit tonight and her new running mate tim walz at a rally in wisconsin earlier today. both rallies packed to the rafters with supporters.
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the rally in wisconsin featured a performance by the indy folk band vani. you can see he is sporting a camouflaged trucker hat. that is part of the harris campaign's new merch. it was inspired by the hat tim walz was wearing when he got the call asking him to serve on the ticket. the hat bears some resemblance to this midwest princess hat sold by the iconic pop singer chapel rowan. apparently they did not miss a second snatching them up. they raised nearly a million dollars for the campaign. if you are like me and none of this makes any sense to you, that's okay. it's okay. i didn't know either of those two names six minutes ago. but who are is a handy guy.
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kamala harris is brat and that apparently is a good thing unlike when i was a child. tim walz is midwest princess. and that is also a good thing. it appears harris' choice of running mate has added to the viral internet advantage. the question is does that energy translate to votes in the critical swing states needed to win this election? joining us now is political senior political columnist jonathan martin. there are all sorts of words used to describe tim walz. young receivers call him the comfort food pick. what do you mean by that? >> well thanks for having me. i think for kamala harris, this was not about his liberal accomplishments as the governor of minnesota. i don't think being concerned
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about gaza and josh shapiro. it had everything do with her comfort level with tim walz and they hit it off. he is like an upper midwest generational peer. he is like meat loaf and mac and cheese and put your feet up at home. she had an easy vibe with him and that is so essential. having that essential chemistry. that's the gut issue i think when you are running for president. we want to be about trust. she hit it off with walz and you saw last night, asking why it works. there is a sort of compliment thing going on with the two of them. this has much more to do with her personal feelings than it does with any ideological project. don't forget, she had a turbulent first couple of years in the white house. she knows what it is like to be
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a vp and she knows the importance of forging a good partnership and a healthy one and i think she wants to avoid some of the challenges she had her first year plus in the white house. >> all of these expressions i can't repeat from the top of my head because i have never heard them before. the brat and the princess. it is something. it is very effective. trump is calling her kamabla now. explain to me what all this viral young cool stuff translates into where it matters which is votes in swing states. >> i'm doing the macarena here, so i'm a little bit out dated. there you go man. we will bring it back to
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chicago. >> just like 1996. maybe by fall, i will know it. one of the huge problems president biden had, there was no affirmative energy for his campaign. yes, progressives and democrats were uneasy about trump and were going to vote for him against trump. but there was no positive energy for biden. he was a vehicle against trump. and what you see now with folks under 40, under 30 even, these pop culture memes, reflects an energy that is affirmative for kamala harris. there is an excitement about her. there is a cathartic moment here on the left given the last month. there is a feeling of joy that the dark month is over. there is now relief. there is now sun. >> talk about that joy for a
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second. it is different from the approach i take. there is something neat about the chemistry between first of all, kamala harris' own ability to react to criticism with a smile and a laugh and it feels like trump can't land something. and then this idea that these two feel like they have energy that is reminiscent of clinton and gore. >> yeah look. obviously, they have a natural connection and you can see that with them out there on the campaign trail. what i'm interested in is how does she handle the first day or the first week where things don't go so well? she obviously had a nice start. democrats are so thrilled to have a new lease on political life. she is obviously riding that
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wave. but what happens when things are not going so well and she has a campaign structure that is something that was a joe biden campaign that became a kamala harris campaign and they added a handful of senior folks on top of the campaign from the obama crowd. what happening when those folks start to clash and things are not going well? how does she respond then? that will be the test of kamala harris' candidacy. yes, things are going well now. she is enjoying a honeymoon. but can she keep it together for 90 days? >> good to see you as always. thank you for joining us tonight. senior political columnist for politico. still ahead, donald trump continues to try to distance himself from project 2025. tonight new reporting from the washington post about a 45- minute flight on a private jet with the guy in charge of project 2025 cuts against trump's efforts. that's next. cuts against trump's efforts. that's next. ♪ “billathi askara” by björn jason lindh ♪ [metal creaking] [camera zooming] ♪
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it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today. for weeks donald trump has tried to distance himself from project 2025, an ultraconservative policy blueprint written by the heritage foundation. he has said he has no idea who is in charge of project 2025 and he didn't even know what it was. duh project 2025 and donald trump are inseparable. at least 140 president trump administration alumni helped
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create this document. trump's running mate jd vance wrote the forward of an upcoming book. authored by the architect of project 2025. its new leader kevin roberts. today we learned publication of that book has been conveniently delayed until a week after the election. and tonight, the washington post reports that in april of 2022, donald trump shared a 45 minute private flight with roberts en route to a heritage foundation conference where he said the group's policy proposals are going to lay the ground work and detailed plans for what our movement will do. end quote. our movement. joining me now, the president and ceo of media matters for america. a non-profit group that has been doing extensive research on project 2025 and combating misinformation around it. good to see you again. my mind went to you because you have really studied this thing. there are sections and chapters on literally every part of
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government. but fundamentally, if you have gone through this document, what you understand is the most important part of it are not necessarily the specific very right wing policies there in. but the idea that it restructures the entire federal government in a way that the next president could not easily fix. >> that is exactly right. it is designed to be not an aspirational set of ideas or just proposals or value structures. it's an actual plan. and you know that because the one document that is not public, is not the policy that 900 page policy document that everyone is talking about, but rather the 180 day agenda document which is the step by step instruction manual for what the first 180 days in the administration are going to look like. what every single office and department and every key entity is supposed to do. and underneath that is a identifying thousands of key federal government positions that need to be terminated
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immediately. already they have a data base of 4,000 people they have prevetted that would be immediately slotted into the roles. a plan baked into one. the design is to restructure government and also do it in such a way that it can't really be unwound. but rather worse turn it into an instrument of donald trump's revenge. >> the most boring thing i have ever heard in terms of a name. meant to not make you think of anything. what we don't think about. whether you are from the united states or canada or the u.k. or germany or france or any of these places is you don't know the names of the people in the civil service bedesign. other than the top person, the minister of something, you know no one else's names because they are either career people or experts. and project 2025 changes that. >> the idea here is that peas theme are doing public service. they are not doing it for the
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money. >> it reclassifies what would be civil service positions and orients them as political appointees. >> we are not talking about 50 jobs or 500 jobs or 5,000 jobs. we are talking 50,000 positions in the american government that you and i would think of as civil service jobs. occupied by people whose names we don't know and will never know. reclassified as political jobs. that sounds like countries that we talk about that have unstable governments. >> that's right. and you know, if you think about this in the context of what the right wing has railed against. not just their ideas, but one of the things we heard over and over and over again was that there was the deep state that was stopping donald trump from implementing a lot of the policies that the rest of the right wing really wanted and this is really a way to sort of go with what the right wing has identified as the deep state. the civil servants. that is why they see this as a
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mechanism. it is not just what is being proposed. it is that they actually unlike last time around when trump got into office and after he lost the last election, this time they have a resource, plan, and the personnel to implement it. what you are seeing here is this backsliding around project 2025 and attempts to do that, they are not really rejecting the notions around it. even the way they are doing it is kind of lying. they know it is not popular, but they are bent on sort of implementing it. and we should all be deeply concerned about it. >> kevin roberts, the guy in charge of the heritage foundation has come out and said of course they will come and disavow it. they should disavow it. once they come into government, this is the plan. these are people in trump's inner circle. not people with minor jobs in
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the trump administration. >> now that the media is paying attention to it and looking into this. i know why. they would look into the book. we have a copy of it. one of the things kevin roberts writes about, he describes that having a child should not be considered an individual choice. and there is an entire argument in the book about how you should, it is something society should impose on people. which is why they are opposed to contraception and why that need to be banned. part of what that book is to marshal a narrative around the very policy that would ultimately be implemented as a result of project 2025. >> you should get a free copy of the hand maid's tale when you get kevin robert's book. read them next to each other and it makes a lot of sense. thanks for joining us. the president and ceo of media
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matters for america. still to come, new actions taken by georgia this week may make it easier for trump ally election officials in that state to refuse to certify the election. we'll explain next. certify the election. we'll explain next. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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three people are all pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory. they are fighting. >> donald trump last weekend in atlanta name checking three members of georgia state board of elections. all republicans, and all of whom have questioned the results of the 2020 election. just yesterday, three months before the next presidential election, in a 3-2 vote, those three pit bulls that donald trump talked about approved a rule that threatened to up end how elections are certified in georgia. and this is really important. the new rule empowers county election board members to conduct a quote reasonable inquiry end quote into whether election results are complete and accurate before they officially certify them. however, the new rule doesn't define what a reasonable inquiry entails which means officials in georgia's 159 counties can decide for themselves, each of them, what
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they consider reasonable. and there in lies the problem. democratic elections attorney mark elias called this new rule another powerful tool in donald trump's subversion arsenal. he wants to pick and choose which election results are accepted based solely on the outcome. this rule is a step in that direction. and that was yesterday. today the state board of elections met again and this time, those three pit bulls took another eyebrow raising action. voting to ask the state attorney general to reopen an investigation into how fulton county handled the 2020 election. joining me now, is sole democratic member of the georgia board of elections. thank you for being here. this is mind boggling. i want to start with the second part first. the looking into how fulton county handled the 2020 elections. not like this hasn't been litigated before. the entire country knows where
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fulton county is and what happened in the elections there. what are the folks on this board talking about? >> we looked into fulton county half a dozen times. the latest complaint was related to a batch of ballots, 3,000 ballots or so that was double scanned which fulton county admitted to. ironically, the actual votes on those ballots were disproportionately in favor of the former president trump. so it did not affect the outcome. there was a mistake made and they were double scanned and there were some tabulator tapes missing from some of the scanners that were used in
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early voting. this was investigated exhaustively and we disposed with the case with a letter of reprimand and a gentleman's agreement to try to come up with a monitoring team who would be in place to monitor the 2024 elections to make sure that the mistakes we saw in 2020 don't recur in 2024. but this case was disposed of in may. and that is the end of the story under georgia law, under georgia supreme court precedent. we can't reopen a case that has been closed because that opens a whole can of worms. that means that nothing is ever truly adjudicated. >> and this other issue. reasonable inquiry. i understand wanting to be as good as you can about this whole thing. but reasonable inquiry is not
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defined. someone just reasonably doesn't think that is the thing to do? >> well, that's exactly the question. ali. what does reasonable inquiry mean? it would mean something different to you. something different to me. regulations are supposed to provide more clarity. not less. here, georgia's statutory law provides very explicit definition of exactly the steps county superintendent is supposed to take to make sure they are counting for every vote that is cast. that is what certification is. adding this rule makes it appear that what is very clearly under the state statute and under 100 years of precedent is what is called a ministerial duty. a mandatory act. this makes it appear that there is some discretion that the counties are able to exercise and that is simply not the case under georgia law. >> the best i can say on that
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one is sigh. we are not looking for more problems but fewer problems. sarah, thank you for your time. still ahead, tensions continue to rise across the middle east in the aftermath of the hamas leader's assassination last week. i'll talk to ben rhodes about the risk of a broader regional conflict breaking out next. giol conflict breaking out next.
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tensions in the middle east are on a knife's edge as they scramble to prevent all out war in the region. ever since the hamas leader was assassinated in teheran last week. iran has threatened broad retaliation against israel which has not taken responsibility for the killing but is largely considered the perpetrator. president biden has sent strong messages of deterrent to both
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of them. according to david ignatious of the washington post, iran may be heeding those calls. hezbollah is still a wild card, officials said. joining me now is ben rhodes. ben, important to talk to you about this because there's a lot going on and it is a very dangerous situation. if the wrong thing happens, if it's a miscalculation, we could explode into a regional war and perhaps something bigger. as of now, what we have seen is israel does stuff to another country and other country does something fairly targeted back to israel. everyone avoids a major war. why is everyone so worried about this one becoming bigger? >> i think you have to consider this being a regional war since october 7th. a full blown war in gaza. fairly active war with the houthis in yemen.
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and with some iranian proxies across the regional and hezbollah in a regular exchange of fire with israel, and then, a couple of incidents that have struck into iran. notably the one where the iranians launched a number of cruise missiles at israel. i say all that because they have been able to manage the escalation. that is something the administration has tried to do since october 7th. i think the killing in teheran after the inauguration and the killing of a senior hezbollah commander kind of raised the stakes for hezbollah and iran. the ball is in the court of hezbollah and iran to respond. if they respond themselves, we
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could see that kind of spiral into a broader regional war. >> in addition to joe biden trying to get everyone to bring the temperature down, you have jordan sending an envoy to iran. qatar in egypt. even the saudis while sympathizing with iran for wanting to retaliate for something that happened inside their country, is calling for deescalation. benjamin netanyahu has for many years hoped the united states would get into a confrontation with them. the danger here, when iran sent those projectiles into israel, it was the u.s. and other countries involved in shooting them down. the u.s. is trying not to be directly involved in this. >> yeah. he keeps poking further and further in terms of provocative
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actions toward hezbollah and iran. he knew if you assassinate the leader of hamas in teheran right after the inauguration of the president, you kind of know you are rolling the dice on some escalation. you are risking that escalation. now the danger to that is do you get dragged into some kind of war that just so we name the stakes, this could destroy lebanon. it could light iraq on fire. they could target u.s. forces and diplomatic personnel. we have already seen an attack on the u.s. personnel facility in iraq. and worst case scenario, it blows up, major disruption. this is what the u.s. does not want. the decision maker is continuing to press to see how far he can go in terms of
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provoking iran and hezbollah and there are people to his right and government who have wanted an all out conflict with iran. net, biden is trying to pull netanyahu back to the center of israeli policy here to deescalate things. right now, the decision making is in teheran, with hezbollah. that is why you have to work with qatar. you have to work with other countries that have more connections into those places than we do. >> i assume we will see something happen. the issue is how serious it is. ben, god to see you as always. ben rhodes. that's our shore. time for the final word with lawrence o'donnell. lawrence, the news has been at a velocity that not only is it not normal for it to be but for it to be in august. >>


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