tv Politics Nation MSNBC August 10, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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few hours, this morning the vice president posted that the campaign's rally last night may have been the largest political event in arizona history. here she is talking about the border in phoenix. >>g i was attorney general of a border state. i went after the transnational games, the drug cartels, and human traffickers. i prosecuted them in case after case. and i won. we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it. comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. >> senator, the vp has been generating a lot of excitement. "the new york times" sienna poll has harris four points ahead of
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trump among likely voters in three key states, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. those leads still within the margin of error. your thoughts on the vice president's week, senator? >> well, thank you, reverend sharpton. it's just great to be with you this week, and of course, it is great to see the strong poll numbers, but what i am really paying attention to are the thousands and thousands and thousands of voters that are signing up to volunteer. we are seeing incredible grassroots enthusiasm for the harris/walz ticket. of course, as a minnesotan, i'm tremendously excited about the direction that this is going, and i think that we are -- we have a lot of work ahead of us, but you can just feel the enthusiasm all over the country. i mean, the big rally tonight in lase vegas is going to be incredible. i'm sure that my colleague jacky rosen, who's running for re-election, will be therese to. and whatn, we saw in arizona was really remarkable. as you say, probably the --
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potentially the largest political rally that the state has ever seen. and i just think that it is a sign of what is not a sugar high but is real enthusiasm for the harris/walz ticket. >> now, let's talk about yourbo governor, tim walz. vice president harris' running mate. take a listen to some of his speech last night in phoenix. >> this incredible leader, this incredible woman has brought to this fight, she has brought back compassion and decency and humor and joy to our politics. >> walz has drawn praise for the enthusiasm he brings to the ticket, but former president trump has tried to label him as freakish. he's attacked governor walz for his response to the protests in 2020 after the murder of george floyd, even though trump praised
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him at the time. i've worked closely with the governor walz, both during the floyd protests and after the police killing of dante wright, and i've had a very good impression of the man. and yesterday's -- george floyd's brother endorsed the harris/walz ticket, citing the governor's response to his brother's murder. and it was his decision to attend dante wright's funeral. i gave the eulogy at dante wright's funeral and at george floyd's, and the governor came to dante wright's funeral. i believe you were there. >> yes, i was. i remember both of those horribly sad funerals so well. i remember the governor being there, and i remember the dante wright funeral which happened i think jus a few days after the conviction of derek chauvin for the murder of george floyd. you called out that it was
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governor walz who asked our attorney general, the amazing keith ellison, to step in and lead that prosecution. and that's what happened. and we had, if not justice, we had accountability for the murder of george floyd. and that was, i think, an example of the leadership of governor walz. you know, while donald trump and his lieutenant, his vice presidential nominee, are out there attacking and dividing and spreading just doom and gloom, you have governor walz and vice president harris talking about, with hope and optimism, where this country can go and wherean this country should be -- what it should be. and think of the tragedy of the murder of george floyd, i also want to note that governor walz signed into law legislation in minnesota banning chokeholds. this is something, of course, that vice president harris has strongly supported at the federal level and republicans blocked. so again, a great demonstration of the difference and the
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contrast between donald trump and vice president harris and tim walz. >> you know, that contrast is real because i remember, as you stated, i called the governor when i got to minneapolis for george floyd, and i urged him -- and i think a couple of others did -- to move the minneapolis d.a. he is the one that got the minneapolis d.a. to step aside so keith ellison, the state attorney general of minnesota, who will be on this show tomorrow night, by the way, could lead those prosecutions. and he did so successfully. i don't believe thathe we may he even gotten the prosecutions, let alone the conviction, without keith ellison. but let's turn to trump. at a press conference this week, the former president seemed to signal he'd be opening to banning a widely used abortion pill nationwide. something he claimed he would not do at the first presidential debate. trump's campaign has since tried to downplay his remarks, but
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given his past track record, shouldn't americans be very concerned about reproductive rights should trump win another term in office? >> well, of course, also this week, as you know, reverend sharpton, donald trump said that he didn't think abortion was a big issue for people in this campaign. and i can tell you that he is flat out wrong about that. people have not forgotten that it is donald trump that nominated the supreme court justices that overturned roeha versus wade where they've put us in this situation where one of three american women live in states where they do not have access to abortion care. and look at the contrast. tim walz has signed into state law one of the most strong abortion protection laws in the country, and of course, vice president harris has said that she will sign a law to restore the protections of roe if congress passes it. but it's important to know what donald trump is talking about
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here. he is talking about using this old zombie law called the comstock act to deny access to medication abortion without a single act of congress. and that's what's in project 2025. he is basically saying that's probably what he's going to do, and that is why american women can't trust him, and it's another great example of the contrast between donald trump and vice president harris and tim walz. >> now, before you go, trump has committed to debate the vice president one month from today on the abc network after he appeared last week to be backing out. "the new york times" reporting today that many in trump world have observed the former president to be angry and disoriented. some advisors are concerned he will continue to press attacks on vice president harris' race and gender rather than her policies. what are you expecting when these two stand across from each
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other for the first time on a debate stage? >> well, i think that donald trump is afraid of kamala harris. i think he is intimidated by her. you see him hurling these disgusting, insulting, racist insults her way, and how does she respond? she responds with dignity and grace and strength, and she's not going to put up with it. i believe that he just doesn't know what to do when he is confronted with strong women, and vice president harris is definitely a strong leader. >> all right, thank you senator tina smith of minnesota. let's bring in our political panel. juanita tolliver is a msnbc political analyst and author of new book a more perfect party. susan del percio is a republican and an msnbc political analyst. juanita, let's start with the big "new york times" sienna poll
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out today. shows vice president harris ahead in three battleground t states, though within the margin of error. diving deeper into the numbers, harris approval rating among independents is 44% and she has 8% of support from republicans. however, voters still trust donald trump on some issues they care about the most, like the economy and immigration. what's your take on this polling? do you think there's still more room for harris support to grow? >> 100%, rev. this race with vice president harris at the top of the ticket is only three weeks old, even though it feels like a year. she has absolutely more room to grow, especially as her platform rolls out around the democratic national convention in the coming week. i also think that it's a promising reflection of the energy that has already been built around this campaign. you referenced that arizona
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might be the biggest political rally ever held in that state, and i only expect to see that many and are more across the country. but one thing that the senator called out that i appreciate very much is that while we're talking about rally size, while we're talking about historic fundraising number, the number to pay attention to is theis hundreds of thousands of voters who have now signed up to volunteer for the harris campaign. because rev, we all know elections are won based upon who up at the polls in november. that is critical here, and to have 200,000 people sign up to dedicate their time, their energy todi knocking on doors ad make phone calls to voter, i think that is the only way that you're going to realize some of the positive things that this poll is reflecting in november. because polls are merely a snapshot. they are not predictive, and there's a lot of work to do. >> now, susan, you write in a new op-ed in about vp harris' choice of governor tim walz saying, she opted for
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compatibility and a more left-leaning policy agenda. and you know for a fact that a lot of moderate republicans and right-leaning independents are less than thrilled about it. how do you think her choice is playing out so far? >> well, as i wrote, i think it's disappointing to those center right independents and moderate republican who is wanted to see someone who's more of a consensus builder, like governor shapiro or senator mark kelly. but to me it's a strategic campaign decision as well. it is saying that she wants to, you know, the campaign believes that independents and moderate republicans rather stay home than vote for donald trump. so she can increase her numbers with democrats. that's where she's looking to grow, and that's, i think, why she picked someone with a more progressive agenda. and i'm -- for your viewer,
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that's great. i understand that, rev, and it's just that there is another point of view, and it was those who wanted to see to the center. and frankly, it was what joe biden has been governing on. so i want harris to win. i will vote for vice president harris. i will encourage everyone i know to vote for vice president harris. it doesn't mean that i have to be happy with her choice. >> susan, sticking with you, earlier today, donald trump attended a private fundraiser in aspen, colorado. during his mar-a-lago presser thursday that he wouldn't be a lot of events during the democratic convention next week, he said. however, in 2016 and 2020, trump tried to upstage democrats during their convention by scheduling campaign stops in c swing states and launching an ad blitz. meanwhile, trump's supporters have been calling for him to
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drop his campaign managers and even attacking podcaster joe rogan for suggesting he might support robert f. kennedy jr. rogan had to walk back his comments. what's coming -- what's going on in maga world right now, susan? >> well, there's the campaign which are filled with professionals who are probably encouraging the former president to make certain decisions. and they are adapting to the new candidate they are running against. it's the former president himself who cannot adjust. he has just not been able to find his momentum when it comes to talking about her, and plus, it's so important to keep in mind, rev, the number one reason donald trump is running for election is to stay out of jail. soou there's nothing sincere abt when he talks about even tax policy or immigration. it is not about them. that's why he keeps going back
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to himself, because every day he wakes up he say, i've got to win this to stay out of jail. >> and let's not forget he has a sentencing date, september 18th here in new york. many of us wonder will he show up for debate? he has to show up in court, and he may leave on probation having to get clearance from a parole officer to show up at any debate if he's not detained. but juanita, let's turn this story -- let's turn to this story where trump recounted a near death experience, according to him, in a helicopter with who he claims was former san francisco mayor willie brown. he raised this story to falsely suggest willie brown had negative thoughts about vp harris and who had a past relationship with the former mayor. 90-year-old willie brown has come out and refuted the story and the black man who says he
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did have a near encounter with donald trump was former california state senator nate holden. what do you make of this? it's unclear whether trump was being forgetful or racist or trying to use this to smear vp harris or all three, but -- >> right. >> -- should he now be held more accountable for his misstatements as the oldest presidential nominee? >> oh, 100%, he should be held accountable for everything he forgets, every line he flub, every time he pauses and stutters, that should absolutely be a part of the conversation around trump's campaign as the oldest person to run for the presidency. i think that also feeds into some of the friction that you and susan were just discussing within maga world, right? people are starting to have their questions, but let's be real, one thing we should not question is donald trump's ability to confuse black people because he doesn't respect black people and has never respectedas black people. we can look all the way back to the '80s when he called for the
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death penalty for five black teenagers. we can look to theto discriminatory file -- claims filed against him for discriminatory housing practices. we can also look to the most recent reports, rev, of trump allegedly calling vice president harris out of her name. and so it all just points to this reality where donald trump does not respect black people. he definitely doesn't respect strong women. and all of this rage and frustration that is oozing through his pores is just the latest reflection of that reality. and that's also what i expect to see on the debate stage on september 10th. >> juanita tolliver and susan del percio, thank you for being with us. up next in this week's got ya, why america cannot and will not fall for the trump/vance ticket's played out ploys for votes. and later on "politicsnation," wrestling legend turned politician jesse ventura puts the smackdown on jd
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this week vice president kamala harris selected minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate, and republicans began looking for ways to undermine the new ticket. so far their attacks tell us more about the weirdness of maga world than about the democratic candidates. former president donald trump has questioned the vice president's african american roots, an insult he first tested out at a gathering of black journalists for some reason. apparently, trump is unfamiliar with the concept of biracial identity, even though his own running mate has three children who are indian and white. speaking of senator jd vance,
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he's called vp harris a childless cat lady, dismissing the experiences of millions of stepparent, as well as people who for their own personal reasons do not have children. republicans have tried to ridicule governor walz as tampon tim for making sure public school students have access to menstrual products. apparently the gop only cares about reproductive health when they're forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies. and the ridiculous insults go on from there. republicans falsely claim harris and walz support abortions after nine months, completely open eborders, and near total defunding of police. they even say vice president harris hates jews, when she's married to one. none of this is true, but all of these lies are part of a nightmarish world view that trump, vance, and their maga allies are trying to use to
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scare the country into submission. they claim america is crisis ridden, hellscape, on the verge of complete collapse unless they're given complete control to turn the clock back to some moment of mythical greatness. i travel this country all the time, and nothing about the world trump has described matches my experience. there are problems for sure and conflicting ideas about how to solve them, but i firmly believe that most americans and most of us are deeply proud of this nation and want to move it forward toward a more perfect union. there's something unsettling and strange about a candidate for president who claims america is a third world country and who fixates on past grievances rather than hope for the future. trump seems to view fear as the ultimate motivator, but i'm
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welcome back to "politicsnation." when vice president kamala harris picked governor tim walz to be her running mate this week, he joined a long line of minnesota politicians to achieve national fame, including vice presidents and presidential nominees. hubert humphrey and water mondell. another was jesse ventura, a former professional wrestler and navy veteran who ran successfully for governor in 1998 on the reform party ticket. former governor ventura joins us now. he is currently the spokesman for jesse ventura farms. thank you for coming on today, governor. let's start with this.
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you once held the same job as governor walz, and you followed his career, what are your impressions of him? >> well, first and foremost, let me say reverend sharpton, it must have taken you and jesus to get me back on msnbc, because i never thought i'd be on this network ever again. and it took two people like you two i think to achieve that. but having said that, i'll tell you about governor walz, what i see about him. i'm a complete independent, and when he won his first election as governor, within 24 hours he called me and set up a meeting with me to pick my brain. no other governor has ever done that, republican or democrat, but tim walz did. and what that showed me, tim walz is the kind of guy who's out for success, and he will reach across the aisle because he came to me, the ultra
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independent in minnesota, to seek me out to give him information that would help him govern. and i happily did so. i'll tell you what else he did. 20 or so years ago i tried to legalize marijuana. the match simmered for 20 years and finally became a flame, and governor walz called me, and he said governor ventura, you need to be in my office monday at 11:00. i'm going to sign into law ending the prohibition of marijuana in minnesota. it was your idea, you're still alive, you should be there to take -- to take credit for this, because you're the one that done it. that's the kind of person tim walz is. >> wow. well, formerer president trump's vice presidential pick jd vance, who is a former marine, has led the republican charge attacking governor walz over his 24 years of military service. vance has accused walz of stolen
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valor for leaving the national guard in 2005 to run for congress. just a few months before his unit was deployed to iraq. as someone who understands how military service works, you definitely do, what's your response to this? >> my response is this. first and foremost, any point after 20 years you can retire when you want to. second, vance is missing the point. what he ought to be asking is this -- why is the national guard being shipped out and fighting in foreign wars in other lands? that isn't their role. their role is to be here in our nation protecting us inside our own country. that's why they're called the national guard. what happened was this. george bush and dick cheney, when they started their folly with the iraq war, they couldn't bring -- they needed bodies. they couldn't bring back a draft. it would be political suicide. so what did they do?
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bush signed an executive order now sending our national guard over in the world combat zones. that is ridiculous. that is for the regular military to be doing that. the army, navy, air force, marines. not the national guard. and besides that, governor walz already had 24 years in. he's an e9. an e9 doesn't go out on patrol. an e9 doesn't lead a demolition raid. e9s are the highest enlisted belonging to that particular unit. they come out with the commanding officer, and they have a rapport with the co and the head enlisted. it's a relatively honor position more than it is any else. so walz deploying and vance is worried about that, i think vance is doing a disservice to the united states marine corps, because i know a lot of great marine, and marines show respect.
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that's the one thing you get out of a marine is respect. and vance ought to look in the mirror and behave like a marine. >> well, let me go here, then a former wrestling rival of your, hulk hogan, delivered quite a performance at the republican national convention last month when he ripped off his shirt and called trump a hero. i wonder what you made of his appearance warming up the crowd for the former president, and is there any chance we might see you make a cameo at the democratic convention? i know you're an independent, but is there any chance? >> i -- well, reverend, i wouldn't hold my breath that i'll be there, but as far as hogan goes, it doesn't surprise me. because when i was in wrestling in the '80s, i tried to unionize wrestling, and it was hulk hogan who cut my legs out from under me. hulling hogan went to vince mcmahon, ratted me out, and subsequently later on cost me my
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job. so it doesn't surprise me to see hogan with the republicans, because hogan's as anti-union as you can get. there still is not a union in professional wrestling. the reason i tried to do it, i was on an elevator and ran into gene up-shaw, the great tackle guard from the oakland raider, and big gene raised his finger up and looked at me and said, you boys need to form a union. i tried to do it, and it was hulk hogan who ratted me out to vince mcmahon, and i was fired and lost my job. >> now, before i let you go, all of us have some history with trump. you recruited trump to run for the reform party ticket in 2000, which he did briefly before you both left the party. and trump has borrowed heavily from your strategic playbook, leaning into his celebrity name
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recognition and focussing on issues that appeal to working class people, especially young men. so i have to ask you, is the trump of today the same man you once befriended, and how do you think this election will play out? >> i will answer that with no, he is not the guy that i -- that came to me back in '98 after i won. back then, he was much more liberal, but you need to understand, donald trump is for donald trump. and donald trump is going to do whatever it is that supports donald trump. so he looked the situation over. he obviously saw that he could take over the republican party, so he changed his views. you know, he went from pro-choice now to no rights for women's reproductive. he's gone far right. he's trying to say he's now a religious person. well, to me, if you're going to be a religious person, you have
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to live it. and donald trump hardly lives it. i mean, he's had multiple wives. i often laugh and think, what would the republicans have said if barack obama would have had multiple wives and multiple children and ran for president like donald trump, what would the republican response be to that? it would have been horrifying to see what republicans would have said if that would have been barack obama. and yet, they'll embrace a donald trump who, you know, he's -- reverend, i'm an agnostic atheist, and i think that i'm more religious than he is. >> wow, that's quite a statement. well, i'm honored to have you on, and even though you're an agnostic atheist, you said jesus and i, i think more jesus, i would say, got you to come on the show tonight. former minnesota governor jesse ventura, thank you for coming on. honestly, thank you.
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>> thank you, reverend, always a pleasure. >> all right, we'll talk with the new democratic candidate for missouri's fourth district right after the break. missouri's fourth district right after the break. with up to zero wet feel and odor. so i'm not just dry, i'm jump squats level dry. we've got you, always. always discreet.
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i'm trevor and i lost 132 pounds on golo. we've got you, always. at 26 years old my doctor wanted to put me on medication and i wasn't having that. i tried other diets and they just didn't work didn't last. release worked fast. after a week i had more energy, mental clarity, and my cravings were gone. i've lost 132 pounds and i will never, ever, gain that weight back. thanks to golo. welcome back to "politicsnation." yesterday the ten-year anniversary of the fatal police shooting of michael brown jr. in ferguson, missouri. the unarmed teenager, his killing rocked the saint louis area and gave rise to a new
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generation of black politicians there, including cori bush and prosecutor wesley bell, who this week defeated bush in the democratic primary for her house seat. join me now is wesley bell, now democratic congressional candidate from missouri's first district. mr. bell, thank you for joining us. congratulations on your primary win. you know i was in ferguson when this happened. i did the eulogy at michael brown's funeral, and i've had congresswoman bush on this show several times. but you ran on criminal justice reform, on voting rights, and protecting abortion rights. would you call those the most pressing issues for black voters in your district? >> well, first, thanks for having me on. it is great to see you again. i think those are some of the pressing issues but also public
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safety. the number one killer of young black boys in my district is gun violence, and that's not okay with me. it's not okay with the folks in this district. this region has been dying a slow death. we need to attract jobs and industry so we can keep our best and brightest but also attract families to move back here. so those are the issues. we have food deserts and healthcare deserts in this region. those are the issues that matter to folks right here in this district. >> now, your primary race against cori bush was one of the most expensive races in the country this election cycle. you got a lot of support from aipac. why do you think this pac put so much money into this race? >> well, first and foremost, we know that this pac supports the entire democratic house leadership team, including the president and vice president.
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even the late, great john lewis, and their issue is the american/israeli relationship. and i believe that it's important that we support our democratic partners around the world, including ukraine, including israel. we have a large bosnian population in this region, and we're going to stand with our bosnian brothers and sisters as well. and so yeah, that is an important issue. the world is a dangerous place, and we have to be reliable partners to our reliable partners, but more so we got to stand against terrorism. and hamas is a terror organization. >> the police shooting of michael brown jr. ten years ago yesterday has had an outsized impact on your career. you servede of brown's killing before becoming county prosecutor in 2018 and investigating it. announcing in 2020 that there not enough evidence to indict the former ferguson
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police officer who shot and killed brown. as you -- as i said, i was involved in a lot of this with his parents, marking this anniversary in the same week as your primary win, what goes through your mind? i mean, the whole movement around what happened to michael brown is something that still many of us around the country are not settled on, feeling that that family got justice. and many right from in your district don't feel that. >> you know, and the investigative body with the most resources in the world is the department of justice. and they were on the ground a few days after the shooting. and they did a thorough investigation. and they concluded that charges couldn't be dropped. so i don't know what folks were expecting six years later. although we did re-open and did a thorough investigation ourself, but without any new evidence, you know, unfortunately, there's nothing that we can do.
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and i'll say this as a prosecutor or d.a., when you can bring justice to a family, this is the best job in the world. and when you can't, this is the toughest job in the world. and so, you know, we wrap our arms around the family because, you know, man, i can only imagine what they're struggling with when they lose their child. that's just terrible. but as the prosecutor, we have to follow the law, and unfortunately, in this case there wasn't evidence to prosecute. every investigative body that looked at this case concluded the same thing. but our hearts go to the family members and the memory of michael brown. but that said, there's still a lot of -- that we've been able to do. we've been able to bring community police and court reforms, body cameras for every single officer in the ferguson department. as county prosecutor we've
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expanded treatment programs for people struggling with mental health and substance abuse disorder. over 3,000 low level nonviolent offenders who would have seen the inside of a jail were diverted to treatment programs with a 96% success rate. so yeah, there's more to do, but i'm proud of what we've been able to do thus far. but i want to emphasize, we know there's still a lot more work to do. >> talking about a lot more work to do, and talking about being a prosecutor, another former prosecutor is now the democratic nominee for president. vice president kamala harris. she was one of the co-authors of the george floyd justice in policing act that the republicans and two democrats blocked in the u.s. senate. is it your hope if you win in november as the democratic nominee now in that district that the george floyd bill or bill similar that changes the law in ways that would make
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police being held more accountable would happen, is this a reason people should vote in november, because we continue to see police killings like happened to michael brown. but we need to deal with laws that protect situations that just, as you say, the law has to be followed. maybe the law needs to be challenged and changed as was suggested by cory booker and kamala harris in the u.s. senate. >> yeah. i'm just now speaking into existence president harris, let's just say it, i'm really excited about that and having someone in the white house who understands the nuances of this job and what justice actually looks like. because a lot of folks, you know, we lead with our hearts, and when something happens we want justice, but we're not recognizing and understanding the law behind what we have to
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follow. here locally if you assault a police officer, a police officer can chase you and a police officer can use whatever force is necessary. that's the law. so even if you question an officer's judgement, you have to follow that law, and those are things that some of those, you know, some of those laws that you talk about take, you know, can take into consideration to make certain that we're being fair. because at the end of the day, just like anyone else, if you did something wrong, you should be held accountable. and i think we can get that whether you're a plumber or an officer. >> and we need not anyone being immunized from not doing, which is why these laws need to be dealt with. wesley bell, thank you for coming on tonight. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us.
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introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. before we go tonight a fact check. i don't comment on every lie trump tell, because there would be no time for anything else, but i could not ignore his claim this week that he drew a bigger crowd on january 6th than dr. martin luther king did for his march on washington in 1963. in my capacity as head of national action network, i've helped organize many commemorations of that defining event in civil rights history with martin luther king iii and
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andrea king. and there is simply no comparison. 50,000 people showed up at trump's january 6th rally while king's speech drew a quarter of a million. dr. king urged his audience to pursue a dream of justice and equality, even if we won't all live to see the vision become a reality. trump told his followers to march on the capitol and fight like hell. he even promised he would join them then went back to the white house and watched the riot on tv. it's easy to be overwhelmed by trump's many falsehoods, but sometimes his biggest lies can reveal the hardest truths about the former president. that does it for me, thanks for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow for another live hour of "politicsnation." we have a great lineup.
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this summer in paris, that's it. we're seeing hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of... [“joy (unspeakable)” by voices of fire ft. pharrell williams begins to play] anastasia pagonis still feeling the joy. grant holloway how about that! keep the flair, keep the emotion, keep the showman, the sport needs it. ♪ ♪ dynamic duo, kamala harris and tim walz
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