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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  August 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. before we go, a grand finale of the summer 2024
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olympics. the games came to a close in paris with plenty of french fanfare. the united states leads the medal count with 126. tied with china for the most gold medals. as the games came to a close, the olympic flag was passed to karen bass whose city will host the next summer games in 2028. the first black woman mayor to ever receive the flag at the a closing ceremony. that'll do it for me. thanks for watching. i'll be back next saturday and sunday. follow us on x, instagram. and catch clips of the show on youtube. hello, i'm craig melvin and this is date line. >> this is an insane world that
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i was living in. >> what if you were ripped away from your family? >> you live in fear. it changes you. >> kidnapped by a killer. >> i came out just really messed up. >> held for years as a prisoner. what if prosecutors never believed you? >> she was not the woman she was portraying herself? >> absolutely not. it's a mystery with a bind boggling twist. this wife and mom taken hostage. was she really a hostage at all? >> their relationship was not one of kidnapper and victim, but one of husband and wife. >> his prisoner or lover? >> i really do love you sounds like a heartfelt love letter. >> in this hour, she shares her side of the story, will you believe her? bobbi parker was a prison official's wife-- a teacher
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leading a quiet life with her beautiful family in granite, oklahoma, until the day she went missing. hello and welcome hoto dateline i'm craig melvin. bob biparker was a teacher living a quiet life. bobbi parker said she was forced. but it left her wondering, was bobbi parker a woman held captive or was she a woman in love? >> reporter: on april 4, 2005, the sheriff near the louisiana border heard there might be a fugitive in their area.
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>> i received a telephone call that led them 65 miles from the nearest big city to a run down mom farm, calling themselves richard and is a man that deal. if you wanted to hide, is this a good place to do it? until the law descended on his home. >> i knew you were coming, i just didn't know when. >> agents found mrs. dial working on the farm down the road. >> they were placed in handcuffs, a routine arrest. but it turns out it was anything but. that's because richard and samantha dial were not husband and wife at all, but instead the oddest of odd couples. his real name was randolph
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dial. an escaped convict and self- processed hitman that had rob connections, and who also happened to be a talented artist and a relentless schemer. >> the whole idea is one way or another, do your very best to get out. >> the woman? her real name was bobbi parker, a schoolteacher. the wife of the deputy warden from the prison where dial had escaped more than ten years earlier. bobbi's friend, brenda hickerson. >> she was just an amazing person. she had her life with her family. she volunteered everywhere and at school. >> reporter: what brought these two together and kept together for more than a decade was a sensational thing. >> a far twist and an 11-year- old story. >> a woman missing for more than a decade discovered live and well. >> was it a prison break and kidnapping?
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>> there is no doubt in my mind that she was kidnapped by this man. >> or partner in crime and maybe much more than that? >> i said are you all right? she said yes, i'm fine, i'm happy. nothing made sense. >> if you had to pick a woman to star in this true crime story. >> i grew up on a farm in north central kansas with a good childhood. >> reporter: bobbi went to college over the border in oklahoma. that's where she caught the eye of randy parker. >> the way she talked and laughed. there was just something special about her. >> he had a balance in his life. he was good for me. he gave me confidence. >> reporter: they married in 1982. within four years, had two little girls. bobbi was a teacher and randy worked in corrections. at one point they both worked
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at the same prison. randy in administration and bobbi teaching inmates with special needs. >> began the day we walked into together and at the end of the day we walked out together. >> reporter: bobbi was named teacher of the year and randy moved up the ranks quickly. in 1992 he was named the warden in a tiny town called granite. thaw lived on prison grounds just outside the wall. what was life like? >> it slowed down for me and my family. it was good. >> reporter: if there wasn't much happening, it was the opposite and a new warden determined to shake things up. >> i didn't sit behind my desk a lot. i was out in the yard with the guys. >> reporter: and one inmate that got his attention, randolph dial.
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>> he was an unforgettable character. intelligence, manipulative, a quick study, meaning i wasn't going to have any trouble with him, so we hit it off. >> reporter: he was one of the infamous inmates in oklahoma back then, a murder who confessed to culling a karate instructor for money. >> and i pulled a piece out and fired once. >> reporter: he was an accomplished artist. one featured on the set of the old tv series, dallas. >> he had all these plans doing something with his art. >> the warden decided to start an art program. he would run it from the parker's garage. >> in order to do this, he was going to have to be allowed outside the wall? >> and in order to do that, he would need to have his security clearance lowered to minimum
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security status? >> right. >> what did you know about him? >> he was a murderer. >> he was said to be very charming. >> i'm not sure who put that out. >> no. >> with time on her hand, she offered to help sell the pottery. >> and he started in the garage and i preferred it out front. >> why did you not want to learn it in the garage? >> i wasn't comfortable. it's never good to be one on one with an inmate, it never is. >> and she once drove him into pown by herself. >> did it strike you as odd? >> yes. >> not long after that, bobbi parker's wife turned upside
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down. >> i remember not feeling good, thinking i was going to be sick. then shortly later when dial was in front of me. >> dial, the convicted murderer was in her home. >> and i remember thinking what are you doing in here? and then it happened so quickly and my legs went out from under me. >> the next thing she remembers is waking up, but somehow driving in texas that he was pointing a knife at her. >> i had blood on my arm and leg. >> and they began to realize bobbi was missing. >> what did you imagine had happened? >> everything from her being kidnapped to her being killed.
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everything that was bad. >> bobbi parker been kidnapped? she takes us inside her decade's long drama. >> it messes with you mentally. >> when dateline continues. improve your vision. more people on eylea hd had no fluid in the retina, compared to those on eylea at 4 months. eylea hd is the only wet amd therapy that helped 8 out of 10 people go up to 4 months between injections, after 3 initial monthly treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eylea hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most commons side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury and eye floaters.
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fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. getting older is part of the journey, even with worsening heart failure. so when i had carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, and shortness of breath, i thought that's what getting older felt like. thank goodness... ...i called my cardiologist. i have attr-cm, a rare but serious disease... ...and getting diagnosed early... ...made a difference. if you have any of these warning signs, don't wait, ask your cardiologist about attr-cm today. (♪♪) nothing made sense in the environment ask your cardiologist about attr-cm today. that i lived in in the world i lived in. it was insanity. reporter: on august 30th, 1994, bobbi parker, wife of the deputy warden at a prison in oklahoma, nothing made unsense in the
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environment that i lived in, it was insanity. >> reporter: bobbi parker, wife of the deputy warden said she found herself in texas with a convicted killer, had broken out of prison and escaped in the parker van and he took bobbi with him. she says she is not sure how it happened that he may have drugged her and she had a knife. >> i remember at some point there was blood on my and on my arm and leg and dial wanted to get those covered. he took me to a store, bought a few items, and i was able to make a phone call. >> someone found it odd that bobbi called her mother, not her husband at the prison. she said she was happy to be calling anyone. >> making a phone all to me was a good thing because i was
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hoping it could be traced. >> coming to terms about the fact his wife was missing. >> it is just mind numbing to get through the day and make sure the girls were okay. >> i just told them the truth, she's missing. they were devastated. >> yellow ribbons. meanwhile bobbi said she was in the texas motel at the mercy of randall dial. >> he beat me with his belt. it was a very severe beating, very severe. but i remember him saying this is nothing compared to what the people i know can and will do to you. >> what did he say he would do
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if you tried to get away? >> he would find me or my family and harm them, kill them. >> by this time they ditched her van. he claimed to have mob connections managed to get a hold of some cash and a gun. >> he put it to my head and he said it this is what happens if you don't cooperate and i nodded, i wanted to get home where he locked her in an aban doned apartment. >> he's feeding you? >> yes. >> bathing you? >> yes. >> having his way? >> by instrumentation, yes.
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>> meaning? center by objects, rain by instrumentation. it is a violent act. it degrades you, embarrasses you. humiliates you. it messes with you mentally. >> reporter: days passed, then weeks, then months. >> time just ran together and i didn't know always with a day of the week it was. it didn't matter. >> reporter: eight months after the disappearance in april of 1995, the federal building in oklahoma city was bombed. the fbi focused its resources on that case. the hunt for randall dial was back burnerred. >> every time i would hear of a body being found, i would wait. i wouldn't accept she was dead.
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>> reporter: by now bobby and dial were working on a small farm calling himself richard dial and introducing bobbi as his wife. >> to survive, i became samantha. >> who was samantha dial? >> she was lonely. hurt and trying to make it day- to-day. >> when you would approach another human being, did you want to shout out? get me out of here? >> i became fearful if i did something that was not approved that the revenge of dial was great. >> in 1997 after three years on the lamb, he started a pottery company called terra cotta gardens. >> he did an interview on the radio. >> the attention led to an
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invitation for the fugitive killer to speak at a women's luncheon at a local country club. >> where were you while he was out front entertaining the lunch? >> i was back at the trailer tied up. >> reporter: from there they went to work on an trail chicken farm. she never doubted they were married, but could see dial was abusive. >> he was like i could beat her, she's my wife. i said no, not on my farm you're not. i tried to talk her into my house and she kept saying no, no, no, he wouldn't like that. >> reporter: in 2000 they moved again to another bigger farm. and she missed five anniversaries with randy. >> there are times where my
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body would physically ache. >> reporter: she said dial never ceased his campaign of terrors killing two of her dogs to punish her. one right before her eyes. >> he shot the dog and then he blamed me for it. >> only once said bobbi did she openly defy him. dial, artist turned killer turned fugitive had already been the subject of a true crime book. and one night he decided to phone the author, an ex-cop named charles sasser. >> he said making an honest living, we are living a happy country life. but he wanted proof that she was still alive. >> he said of course she is still alive. >> i was in bed sleeping and he told me he was going to put me on the phone and i said i'm
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really tired. and i put my hand up and he told me just stick to the questions. >> even with dial right next to her, bobbi said she dared to go off script. he was a former detective where this might be your chance. >> i said have you seen my children? and i knew i would probably be beat for it. and sometimes it is worth it. i thought he would say would you like me to make a phone call to them and he didn't. >> i thought the fbi will be here and they will be there. >> and he did not know where they were.
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no one can. she was broken, resigned to her fate and it dragged on when her life took another wild turn. a rescue in the works or was it a rescue at all? >> valentine's? >> yes. you! that is true.. get your head out of the sand trap, switch to t-mobile and get four iphone 15's on them and four lines for just $25 a line. and you can save on every plan versus the other big guys. [glass shattering] swing big at t-mobile. get four iphone 15's on us. and four lines for $25 a line. fore!!! ♪♪ hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free
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mr. dial had had a violent past. try charmin ultra soft smooth tear. best opportunities of success is to hit hard and fast. reporter: it was april 4th, 2005. he had bobbi parker and randolph dial had been missing for ten years, seven months, five days. bobbi was just finishing up work at a chicken farm near her home. she had no idea that the place was surrounded by cops. >> i was greeted with three law
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enforcement officers. >> what's the first time you told them? >> my name. i actually said my name for the first time in so long. it was a good feeling, but it was the oddest feeling because i had not used it. >> reporter: after seeing the long cold case on america's most wanted. and just like that, bobbi parker was free. >> it was a wonderful feeling. it was this is over. this is over. >> reporter: randy parker still working for oklahoma was home that night when he got a frantic call from his boss. >> he said bobbi has been found. all i could think about was getting to texas as quickly as
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i could. >> and while bobbi spent a night in the hotel with donna clayton. >> it was a mixture of so many different emotions and the fear and the anticipation. yet being afraid to get excited, you know, about seeing her husband and family and what if they didn't want her anymore? >> and the moment arrived. they were reunited in a hotel lobby. >> it was natural to see him, to talk to him. to hug him. >> did you see any doubt in his eyes? >> none, none. >> you took her back no questions asked? >> it was to get her and bring her back home. >> taking her back? you don't like those words? >> no.
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>> why not? >> and when the fact is she's my wife who has been missing and found finally. >> reporter: the following day bobbi and randy returned to oklahoma. she saw her daughters, the little girls when she had last seen them and now young women almost 19 and 22. randy says they lowered the shades to keep the world out to try to heal. >> did you ask her anything about what she had been through? >> no, no. i told her we will start today and move forward. >> reporter: but he could see bobbi was different. >> she would say can i have a coke? i'm going to go to the bathroom. i said okay. >> she was still acting like a prisoner? >> yes, she was.
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>> survival and love and except for something the sheriff remembered. >> the only thing that i heard her say to mr. dial was i'm not cooperating. >> not cooperating with the authorities. why would she say that? >> and tell i'm i'm not cooperating, what does that mean? >> if it came out in the paper, i feel like my family would be in harm. >> and maybe she was still afraid of dial or maybe she had other reasons for saying she was not cooperating with law enforcement along with her another statement. deputies were founding odd things in that trailer. >> a lot of cards like valentine's day cards and letters.
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>> valentine's? >> yes. >> which fueled the suspicions that a lot of people had harbored all along. >> and a whole new ordeal was about to begin. was the victim now a suspect? >> and this cannot be happening. >> when dateline continues. to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: generating offer... carvana can pick it up tomorrow!
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i'm jessica layton with our top stories. the summer olympics came to a spectacular close on sunday, including a handoff to actor tom cruise who brought it to los angeles ahead of the 2028 games. after two weeks, the u.s. stood alone with 40 golds. the u.s. women's basketball team won a record nail biter against france and now back to dateline.
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welcome back to dateline, i'm craig melvin. randy parker had reason to celebrate. his wife, bobbi was finally back home. she claimed she was kidnapped by randolph dial. new details were beginning to emerge. had she been a prisoner as she told police or did she willingly go on the run? >> reporter: randolph dial, the convicted killer who busted out of prison was back behind bars. as dial's captive. and it seemed like a happy ending to an incredible story. some people had doubts about what really happened to her. one of them was her husband's former boss, warden jack cowley. did you suspect bobbi parker
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had a hand in it right away? >> i was drawn to that conclusion. >> reporter: it was cowley, remember, who picked dial to run the pottery program. and then one day, he now says he was driving by the parker home. >> i saw them out on the front porch drinking coffee or team or something? >> right. >> and the phone calls from bobbi. she called her mother and made two more calls after that to a friend and sister-in-law, but none to her husband. >> what did you think about that? >> first of all i thought it was good that she was automobile to make a phone call. i just didn't figure dial would let her. >> reporter: maybe randy wasn't suspicious, but plenty others
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were. >> dial started out attending the warden's garden and tended the ceramic shop and then ended up tending the warden's wife. >> reporter: and they recalled that night seven years when he called him and offered to put bobbi on the telephone. >> i said are you all right? >> did she sound like she was saying she was happy because the kidnapper was standing there? >> she did not sound stressed to me at all. >> and that conversation hit a pattern. >> and there were multiple opportunities that she would have to make some effort to contact the authorities or to tell somebody that she needed help. >> and now as they search the trailer where bobbi and dial had lived, they found evidence suggesting maybe it took so
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long to find bobbi because she didn't want to be found. >> and there were cards, valentine's day cards, things like that, that she had given him. >> reporter: they also developed a roll of film showing bobbi smiling. hardly the picture of an abused woman being held against her will. and they found this letter to dial in bobbi's handwriting. >> she talked about her love for randolph dial and how much they enjoyed being together. it spoke volumes about the relationship they would have at that point. >> it wasn't just the letter. she wrote it after dial was hospitalized in 2004. he had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital and she stayed by his side. >> there was a ton of evidence to show that their relationship
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was more than someone living in fear every day of her life. it was a loving relationship and one of husband and wife and that is basically how they were living down there. >> or so it seemed. >> only one of the bedrooms was obviously being used. >> there were condoms found in one of her drawers. >> and this was not the first time she had been involved with an inmate. he had an affair with bobbi at the same prison where she was named teacher of the year. >> and at other institutions, she was closer to many of the prisoners than she should have been. >> and remember how she couldn't recall how she and dial left the prison that day? an inmate came forward to say
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he did remember and bobby was driving. >> and he didn't see anything in randolph dial's hand, he saw bobbi driving. he saw her look over at him. >> and some funny look in her eye? >> yeah, like she looked at him for several seconds and then drove off. >> reporter: why was she in the van at all? dial didn't need her. >> he had the freedom to roam the grounds without anyone checking on him. all he had to do was walk away. >> reporter: if he didn't need bobbi, maybe it was the reverse. >> your feeling was she's not the woman she was portraying herself? >> absolutely not. >> on the third anniversary of bobbi parker's liberation from the texas chicken farm, filing felony charges against her for
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assisting randolph dial's awe cyst from prison. >> what was your reaction? >> oh my gosh. this cannot be happening. coming up from abducted to accused. >> did you fall in love with randolph dial? >> when dateline continues. i. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy.
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chantel: whatcha doing? arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. alice: just buying a car on carvana. i already got pre-qualified in two minutes. chantel: say what? alice: i can customize my terms. chantel: say whaaat?! alice: yep. my car is getting delivered in a couple days. chantel: delivered? alice: mm-hmm. chantel: where we live? alice + chantel: say whaaaaaaat?!?! anncr: finance and buy your car with carvana today. (marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood.
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(luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. reporter: in 2008, three years after being reunited with her family, bobbi parker went from helpless hostage to alleged accomplice. in rd2008, three years afte being reunited with her family, bobbi parker went from helpless hostage to alleged accomplice. she was charged with helping convicted murderer randolph dial break out of prison. >> i didn't know they were still investigating. and so the day they brought charges, it was a shock. >> reporter: she faced up to
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ten years in prison and talk of a plea deal. >> i said no plea because i would have to plead guilty to something i didn't do. >> and the state argued she had plenty of chances to leave dial, but didn't because she didn't want to. >> i think she had not a perfect marriage and she was susceptible to a nice looking, smooth talking con man. >> the state called former detective and author who told jurors his take on the phone call with bobbi and dial. >> that they were living this happy country life and they're happy together. >> reporter: that former inmate testified about his affair with
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bobbi. the other said he had seen her driving during the escape. and his former boss testified about his observations that they seemed too cozy. >> you took the stand for the prosecution, why? >> because i thought she was guilty. >> reporter: bobbi's attorney put on a defense. >> i took this case because she's an innocent woman who was accused of a crime she didn't commit. >> and the case was built on faulty speculation. the suspicious testimony of convicted felons. for instance that inmate claimed he had seen bobbi drive dial off the prison grounds, the defense showed he changed his story multiple times. the inmate who claimed he had an affair with bobbi? the defense proved he was mentally ill.
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his story, a complete fantasy. >> this is the most outrageous case that i have ever been involved in and a great miscarriage of justice. >> reporter: the defense couldn't call randolph dial to the stand. he died behind bars. the attorney said he said or written about 100 times that he kidnapped bobbi parker. >> she did not go with you willing? >> no. i was the hostage taker and i probably live to regret it. >> reporter: the defense tried to put someone else on trial. >> he is an incompetent warden. >> reporter: they showed a report written about dial three years before the escape. it described him as dangerous with an extreme talent for manipulation. the report warned against
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letting him do his art around women as he would begin to scheme. >> the head of security told jack you need to read the psychological report and he said to him, you mind your business, i'm running this show. >> reporter: they never saw the report. you didn't have anything about him? >> not one whatsoever. >> and in the years after the escape, he got two tips about where they were, but never told the fbi. >> and he's not doing anything wrong in terms of committing other crimes, so they are live their lives. >> you were okay with that? >> i was content with it. >> reporter: even though he's a convicted murderer and you're a warden, and you get a call and he is out on the streets.
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bobbi would say he could have helped me? >> well, i suppose. >> he could have told this to someone and maybe i could have been found two years in instead of ten years in. >> maybe it is my fault. i mean is that where we are going? >> reporter: that may have been where his lawyer wanted to be and she chose not to testify. >> she was not ready. she is better every day. >> reporter: so when we interviewed bobbi parker, we asked questions if they wondered if she was an accomplice. did you fall in love with randolph dial? >> no, no. >> did you help him plan and escape to get out of prison? >> no. >> did you live with him as his
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lover? >> no. coming up, bobby explained it all. >> the man is having a heart attack and even then you don't leave. >> when dateline continues. to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. this is carvana. and this is how you can sell us your car. visit carvana, answer a few questions... we'll give you a real offer. then set a time for us to pick it up and pay you on the spot. sell your car the easy way with carvana. (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible.
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and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. bobbi parker was on trial, charged with aiding the escape of oklahoma prisoner, randolph dial. prosecutors argued she'd fallen for dial, and they'd run off to be together. welcome back. bobbi parker was on trial for aiding in the escape of oklahoma prisoner, randy dial.
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prosecutors argued she had fallen for dial and they ran off to be with each other. saying bobbi was dial's victim, blaming the warden. her fate was in the hands of a jury, but she sat down with us to confront the lingering suspicion about her story. the conclusion of the devil and bobbi parker. >> reporter: bobbi parker, the deputy warden's wife. she said she he been kidnapped, held hostage for more than ten years by an escaped convict. now she was on trial for helping him break out of prison. bobbi did not take the stand, but did take our questions. why didn't you just take off? you could have gotten off. you could have gotten help. you felt there was no law enforcement agent who would be able to help you out? >> no, i didn't feel that way. i knew the consequences of what would happen to me and my family. i just knew it. >> you're certain about what
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would have happened? >> no doubt and that is why people don't understand. i couldn't get past the fear within me, the voice within me. >> couldn't you dash off a letter, just letting your family know you were alive? >> but i didn't have permission. i had to have permission to do everything. >> at one point he had a heart attack? >> yes. >> i mean you understand how that looks, right? the man is having a heart attack in a hospital and even then you don't leave. >> she was still alive. i just couldn't take that chance. i just couldn't do it. >> one of the things they found where you were living was a letter that you wrote after his heart attack. we've had a great ride, let us enjoy life and celebrate living for it is so short. god placed me in your path for a reason.
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it sounds like a heartfelt love letter. >> i was fighting for my life. >> you could understand how people would look at that? >> completely. >> i really do love you? >> and this is an insane world i was living in. nothing made sense in the environment that i lived in and the world that i lived in. nothing. but i did what i had to do. >> reporter: bobbi says emphatically despite how officers thought it looked in that trailer, she and dial were never a couple. they never slept in the same bed. the vibrator was a gag gift never used. and the condoms? she says a part of the rapes. did you ever stop to consider maybe all of his threats were empty threats? >> i think my intuition was pretty right. he was a very dangerous man. i think he would retaliate? >> yes, and he has spoken half
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truths. >> reporter: the jurors did not hear bobbi speak of these things. after 11 weeks of testimony and 13 hours of deliberation, they did arrive at a verdict. as the jury filed back into the courtroom, she was hopeful. >> there was actually no credible evidence. >> but that hope quickly evaporated, finding her brake light. >> were you shocked? >> yes. yes. i think everybody in the courtroom was shocked. >> you had 38 defense witnesses and the jurors didn't believe them? >> no, they didn't believe any of them, i guess. >> reporter: the district attorney thought justice was done. >> it was a sense of relief that we had prevailed on it. >> and those that should have had the warden on trial as well? >> yeah, i don't doubt that. personally i think he is to blame to some extent for
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allowing an environment within the prison as far as security is concerned that would allow something like this to happen. i don't think he's personally responsible for it. bobbi parker is the one that made the decision to go with him. >> reporter: the warden says his policies were not the problem that it was bobbi who ran off with an inmate. >> am i going to sit here and say bobbi parker is a victim? no. never in a million years. and maybe that is just because i want to justify my decision. who knows why. i don't think so. i think i'm a pretty good judge of character. no, she's not a victim and we have a jury that agrees with me. >> reporter: immediately after the verdict, she was sentenced to one year in prison. the judge sent her to jail declaring her a flight risk. >> family members said please don't take her.
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and i said to them, i know this sounds odd, but i'll be just fine. i've lived in captivity for so long. i'll be fine. >> reporter: bobbi has now served her time and is trying to clear her name. despite the guilty verdict, randy believes his wife is innocent. and he is angered by those who don't. >> it is easy to sit back in a normal safe environment when nobody is threatening you and you're not having any problems at all and to be tough. it's a situation where you fear for your life or you believe whether it is true or not. it doesn't matter to her. it was real. i believe that to her it was real. >> what do you personally make of the fact that this woman, who you absolutely believe fell in love with a prisoner, helped
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him bust out of jail. lived with him in a loving relationship for ten years on the lamb. was reunited immediately with her husband. >> i can't explain it. i mean it makes no sense. >> i love my husband then, i love my husband now. we had a good marriage. we still have a good marriage. >> you think your marriage will survive this? >> oh yeah. no doubt that will. and it survived ten and a half years of separation. it survived prison, a trial. i don't know what else there could be. >> that's all for this edition of dateline. i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. this is dateline. >> he said


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