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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  August 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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we should be very frank about that. america has a lot of leverage certainly with israel and it has with a lot of the mediators both egypt and qatar. at this moment in time the united states is unable to bring israel to the table and put an end to this war and it's important to remind our viewers the largest amount of hostages that had been released by hamas were released back in november through negotiations. exactly. during the temporary cease-fire that lasted for almost 11 days. they were not through the war that is claimed 40,000 people. as you mentioned, 6.6 million americans but to put in really quick context it is 130 palestinian killed every single day for 10 months straight. that is beyond our comprehension. >> ayman mohyeldin, thank you for joining me tonight. you can catch him right back here at 7 p.m.
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eastern. for now, that is all. alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening. thank you for that segment. always thanks to amon for his tenacious reporting on all of this. since jd vance became donald trump's running mate he has said a lot of truly unbelievable things. this one might take the cake. >> one thing i think marines do well is we have the best motto. i have a favorite motto of the u.s. military. always faithful. you hear marines say all the time. semper fi. i do think donald trump exemplifies that motto. his record and his vision is a vision of always been faithful to those who put on the uniform. >> almost everywhere giant events goes has been talking about military service and elevating service to a central part of the trump vance ticket.
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first vance tried unsuccessfully to attack vice president harris's running mate governor tim walz on his military service despite the fact walls served 24 years in the national guard. now vance is trying to use his own military bona fides which he fully deserves but now vance is trying to use his credentials to boost his running mate donald trump as always faithful to those in uniform. the main problem with that is, well, donald trump. as president trump was commander in chief of the armed forces but was also publicly disrespectful to members of the armed forces. for example anytime a u.s. service member dies while serving our country abroad there given what is known as a dignified transfer. the remains are brought back to the u.s. through dover air force base and they are carried by a team of military personnel off the airplane and onto the
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vehicle that will ultimately take the remains to the families. presidents frequently attend dignified transfers as an active respect for those who have given their lives to the united states. when he was president trump told the press he went to tons of them. his words to be precise or that he had attended many many dignified transfers. for the record, in september of 2020 there had been 96 dignified transfers since donald trump took office. president trump attended four of them. is that what jd vance means when he says trump is always faithful? there was also the incident in 2018 when trump reportedly said nearly 2000 american marines were suckers and losers because they died. trump reportedly put it why should i go to that cemetery? it's filled with losers. the trump white house denied that story when it came out and
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of course they did. it would be obviously terrible to call american servicemembers suckers and losers and also to be caught doing so. the problem with the white house denial even then was that trump had already been talking about american servicemembers like that for literally decades. here's how trump spoke about former u.s. senator john mccain, a navy captain who served for more than 20 years and spent 5 1/2 of those years as a prisoner of war in vietnam. >> the way trump looks at it he's at least better than everyone else in the race beginning with john mccain. >> he was captured. doesn't make you a hero, i don't know. >> i don't like losers. let me get to it. he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. i hate to tell you.
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>> trumps like people that weren't captured and weren't killed and not those suckers and losers who died for the country. when it comes to trump's own military service there isn't any. trump got four deferments to avoid being drafted in the vietnam war. one of them was for bone spurs in his feet. back in 2018 the daughters of the now deceased queens podiatrist who gave trump that bone spurs diagnosis said their father gave that diagnosis to trump as a favor to trump's father. trump's father was the podiatrist landlord and in exchange for that get out of draft free card the family said the podiatrist got better treatment as one of trump's father's tenants. the family says they don't know if trump was ever examined for his alleged bone spurs. that doesn't mean donald trump believes he hasn't served. in a strange twisted version of reality.
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at this point i will say if you have children in the room you may want to mute the television because what trump is about to say here is lewd. >> it is a dangerous world out there. vietnam, >> it's your personal vietnam. >> a very brave soldier. >> they say that more people were killed by women in the sack then killed in vietnam. you get criticized for that statement that that statement is -- >> you are braver than any vietnam vet because you're out there securing a lot of women. >> i should get the congressional medal of honor in actuality. >> donald trump considers avoiding stds, sexually- transmitted diseases, his own personal vietnam. while trump thinks john mccain is a loser for actually serving in vietnam trump thinks he should get the congressional medal of honor for his service and his personal vietnam of
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avoiding stds. that is who jd vance thinks is always been faithful to those who put on the uniform. you don't actually even have to reach into the distant past to see just how much respect or disrespect donald trump has for the military. here was trump roughly 24 hours ago explaining why he thinks the medal he gave a billionaire conservative donor , why he thinks that medal is actually better than the highest military award in the country. >> we gave miriam the presidential medal of freedom. that's the highest award you can get. it's the equivalent of the congressional medal of honor, but the civilian version. it's much better because everyone gets the congressional medal of honor. soldiers are either in very bad shape because they been hit so many times by bullets or they are dead. she gets it and she's a healthy
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beautiful woman. >> joining me now come in your congressman presented to pat ryan who served two combat tours in iraq and earned two bronze stars and his army intelligence officer and with me is newark times opinion columnist. thank you so much for being here. let me start with you, congressman ryan. let's get your reaction to trump's comments last night about soldiers who have been killed or maimed in battle. >> i was already high and then i watched that segment and i am just outraged and disgusted. not personally but just on behalf of those i served with those i lost under my command, my fellow west point cadets. i was just at a west point graduation just a few months ago. you think about the potential that that person, who so
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degrades and denigrates the honor and selfless service could somehow be the commander in chief this isn't just a race for president, it's a race to be the commander in chief. he just completely fails to understand what serving something bigger than oneself is. he cannot go anywhere near the white house again and i hope every single american sees this. as you outlined, it's another in a long almost never ending set of insulting those that have served. it is so deeply on patriotic and un-american and it has to be soundly rejected. i think it will be as long as we make people aware. >> it really feels like -- it just feels like an of session on trump's part. he's been denigrating servicemembers, he's been talking about people who get killed in battle are suckers and losers.
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what do you attribute that to? i'm not asking you to be the psychiatrist but it seems like in trump world every accusation is a confession of a sort and the fact he didn't serve i wonder if you think there's a link between those two things. >> i think the congressman gets it pretty well. trump is incapable of seeing beyond himself or understanding why someone would do something that doesn't directly their benefit. sprint -- money or what have you or satisfy their appetites. he looks at people who served first and foremost and is like i don't understand it's stupid. he looks at people who died in the course of serving their country and he's more bewildered and baffled. why would you voluntarily put yourself in that situation when you can not do that and also satisfy your appetite? that statement when he was giving out the civilian award
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with the medal and was like she's still alive and beautiful , that, timmy, is the key. why would you sacrifice yourself for anything when you can satisfy your appetite and ego? >> you know, to what you and jamal are both saying the notion that elected office is a service, emphasis on the serve part of it seems completely lost on trump. i am recalling the time he asked his chief of staff john kelly to organize a military parade for him when he was president but the reporting said he did not want any quote wounded guys in the parade because this doesn't look good for me. talk to me if you will about being in combat and having a commander in chief. he was commander in chief at the time. believe something like that, that people deserving of valor
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were the ones who had either hurt or given the ultimate sacrifice, their lives in battle? >> alex, i cannot find the words. it is so beyond disgraceful. i think for most people it's actually incomprehensible. i agree the point is that he is so selfish, he is truly incapable of understanding the heroism and there's only about 60 living medal of honor recipients in the entirety of the united states of america. think about that. it is the most, held in the highest esteem and it's not anyone would ever see to have a medal of honor because of the means you have been through incredible fire and risk and danger and violence and often death. what we need to move to in my opinion is from the outrage and fear he that i feel to finally say is that the gop going to
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continue to stand behind this guy who now, year after year after year, has disgraced veterans. remember the family who spoke about this, who has disgraced so many that we hold up as the model of what our country is about, what selfless service and patriotism is about, we need to call on everybody. they need to denounce this statement and be clear that they don't stand with trump on this issue and i would say everything else but at least this issue. >> is worth noting that the generals who served with trump, at least four of them do not support donald trump anymore. that's a statement right there in and of itself. jamelle, katie vance brought military service in recent weeks was asked about trump's comments this is what he had to
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say. >> this is a guy who loves our veterans and honors our veterans. i don't think him complementing and saying a nice word about a person who received the presidential medal of freedom is in any way denigrating those who receive military honors. they are two different awards and i think the president was saying nice things about a person he liked and that's a reasonable thing to do. >> i just -- jd vance things literally denigrating the medal of honor is not integrating the medal of honor. the gas lighting is almost chef's case. i've never seen anything like it, have you? >> you got to remember vance is someone relatively recently was describing to his friends donald trump as america's hitler. today he's donald trump's running mate for the white house. this is a guy who doesn't really have any particular core, doesn't really seem to believe anything other than what he needs to say to get to the next
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rung to advance and get more power. of course he's going to ignore the plain reading of what the former president said. the most plain understanding of what he said and try to spin it as actually he was just complimenting both recipients. i will say something really quick. in addition to everything so far i think it is really key that trump does not understand what it means to be a citizen in a democratic society or what it means to have commitments to things like virtue, service, our fellow citizens. it's something that completely escapes him and i think helps explain so much of his attitudes towards our rituals. >> i totally agree with that assessment. congressman, when you have
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someone who is going for the highest office in the land who doesn't understand basic citizenship or civics, running on a ticket of being law and order when he is a felon under criminal indictment and is someone who actively and historically has denigrated the armed services none of it makes any sense. one would think the comments from yesterday would be catastrophic for trump standing among veterans but they voted to support trump overbite and i believe in 2020. what will it take to convince that section of the american truck -- public that trump is not there guy? >> this is where i think there is not only a tremendous opportunity but in my view an obligation for my party, the democratic party to continue to lean into being the party of patriots. being the party of the true values that undergird our flag. liberty and justice for all these ideas that were foundational to our country and
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helping remind people that the initial formation of the country was in response to really a trump ask authoritarian figure in the king. we have an existential moment to come together to see in him for who he is and now with vice president harris leading the ticket, she's the top of the ticket in my race as well, people are saying that. she has taken command of the race. she is anchoring her framing of being the party of freedom, reproductive freedom, economic freedom, freedom from gun violence. that is a winning, unified american message and this is just trump's actions again make that contrast even more clearer and more stark. it's why felt compelled to wear my army shirt tonight and defend my fellow veterans.
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it's time for all of us to speak out and call this out. >> you are out here and we appreciate it. congressman pat ryan and jamelle bouie with the new york times, thank you for your time and thoughts tonight. we have a lot more to get to this evening. kamala harris goes toe to toe over who actually cares about the working and middle class. even if there is no trial for trump before the election some experts truly believe there could be some serious courtroom fireworks in the not- too-distant future. the great and or wiseman joins me to explain all that coming up next. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me."
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they want to put me in prison so you understand they tell me i should be nice, they want to put me in prison. it's never happened before in the history of our country i did nothing wrong. i have crooked judges, i have crooked prosecutors they are all democrats. >> donald trump appeared to have prison on his mind yesterday as he talked to reporters at his new jersey golf club. the juxtaposition of electoral politics and criminal court is not ideal for him. not only is trump awaiting sentencing on his conviction in new york on 34 felony counts set to happen in a matter of weeks but special counsel jack smith's federal criminal case against trump for his attempt to overturn the 2020 election is back in the hands of d.c. judge tonya chicken and it will
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be back in headlines starting in september. while there is no chance he will be tried before november there is a very real possibility there could be action in the judge's courtroom between now and election day. in a new piece today former federal prosecutor allie holden writes if you been hoping that trump faces accountability for trying to steal the 2020 election before voters head to the polls for the next one don't despair. not fully anyway. judge chutkan still can and i believe will order an evidentiary hearing to enable smith to air some of his most explosive evidence before voters head to the polls. if that happens, brace for a series of dramatic in court encounters. joining me now is the great andrew reisman, former fbi general counsel and host of the indispensable msnbc broadcast prosecuting donald trump. it's been far too long since
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i've spoken with you and i'm eager to get your thoughts. i know you had an op-ed this summer suggesting much the same as allie holdings piece in the new york magazine today which is that these evidentiary hearings could be a real thing this fall. can you talk about your level of bullishness and is there anything that would serve as a model for something like this? >> sure. it's really nice to be back talking with you. i think people who want to see accountability in terms of a trial this is a federal case. if donald trump is elected this case will go away because he will tell his department of justice to get rid of it and this case will be dismissed as the florida case to the extent that is still kicking around because the government appeal and dismissal in that case will all go away if donald trump is elected. the only chance of these cases
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having full-blown trials, not just the many trial is if kamala harris were to be elected. between now and the election in the d.c. case you can be sure that donald trump is going to be fighting like crazy to do what he's done very very well which is to delay everything. i think a real black mark on the system of justice and being able to hold people to the new york state court looks frankly so much better than the federal courts. starting on september 5th we will have a status conference before judge chutkan where she will decide whether there is this so-called many trial where she has been told by the supreme court certain of the issues in the case to have a hearing to sort of flesh out factually what has really been
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charged and whether this is official conduct that the former president engaged in in which it could be immune from prosecution or whether it is conduct he took as a candidate running for office. you can be the president but taking actions as a candidate. i think the model for this to answer your last question is georgia. georgia had essentially a mini trial in connection if you remember with mark meadows, the chief of staff trying to remove his case from state court to federal court and he testified that many trial hearing. i think that is the closest model to what judge chutkan could do. i agree that if there is a hearing which donald trump will be fighting like crazy to not have it go forward, if that were to go forward we would likely get new evidence we are not aware of from the january
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6th hearings. >> it feels like the biggest dispute or questions that judge chutkan has to resolve probably surround trumps conversations with state electors -- elected officials relating to his fake electors plot and the comments he made. just to talk about the first one, if that is something he has an evidentiary hearing on her would you expect to be brought in to justify on something like this? so many conversations he has in the oval office with administration officials are now off-limits. >> i think you would have two sides to that. you would have people at the stateside, and the people who made the recording to talk about what was said, to give some color to the context in which there is conversations occurred. you could also have people from
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within the white house. just because they are in the white house doesn't mean all of their testimony will be something that can't be heard, especially if you can share that in the white house they were acting on behalf of candidate trump. i will say it's a good argument for that because if you are saying find me a certain number of votes that's not something he was doing as president. that was something he wanted because he wanted to come as a candidate, to win. i do think you can end up with very interesting testament from both sides of that telephone call. it's worth noting while we do know a lot from the january 6th committee hearings remember there are a lot of people who, within the white house, called to testify that claimed privileges and did it testify about direct conversations with the former president.
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as well, mike pence, by all accounts, did it testify in the january 6th committee hearings, but he has been in the grand jury in the d.c. case. those are always in which we could be getting new information at a time that is obviously quite explosive in terms of the election coming up. >> that's a great point. do you think there's any concern around the policy, the 60 day rule that the doj doesn't take any prosecutorial steps that could influence an election? we know vice president harris is sort of discouraging people when they start chanting lock him up. she doesn't want to be seen as being involved in this in any way. how much sensitivity do you think there is in terms of timing? >> i think kamala harris is being incredibly careful because she is the sitting vice president. she, like president biden, have a view which is for pending
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criminal matters that is something that is left to the department of justice and they don't want to weigh in. that is a distinct contrast to former president trumps the view of the relationship of the president to the white house and one that he exemplified he was in office. i do think it'll be raised by donald trump that there should be these kinds of things happening before the election but i don't think as someone who has been at the department of justice for over 20 years, it does not raise a concern about the so-called 60 day or 90 day rule because that is about not making a covert case overt during that period of time. here, this is an indicted case so i don't think that policy applies. i do think we are running out of time in the sense that judge chutkan may not be able to schedule this even the briefing
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and legal issues that are going to be thrown her way. to say they will be sand in the gears by donald trump's legal team is an understatement. it's more like boulders will be thrown in her way to slow this down. >> an entire beach imported from mar-a-lago. andrew weissmann, a pleasure to see you. thank you for your expertise on this. spending a little friday with me. still ahead, this week we heard a tale of two economies. one that would reward union busters and give tax cuts to the rich and another that would aid working people and bolster the middle class. figure out who's is who's coming up next. the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask
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because your all people that have a lot of money. i know 20 any of you and you are rich as . we are going to give you tax cuts. organa pay off our debt. >> that was donald trump at a fundraiser last year. it's hard to hear but trump told that room full of donors they are rich and then promised to cut their taxes. it is not the only time donald trump has done something like this. in april, trump attended a fundraiser hosted by a wealthy hedge fund manager. the minimum price of admission was $250,000 which by the way is more than three times the median annual household income in this country.
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trump promised the crowd of billionaires at that fundraiser that if they voted for him he would work to keep their taxes low. a month later, in may, trump invited america's top oil executives to mar-a-lago and did his best dr. evil impression asking them for $1 billion. he told the wealthy execs that giving him $1 billion would be a deal because of all the taxes and regulations he would help them avoid as president. this week he praised one of the world's richest men for firing union workers. during a live event on an actual microphone. yet donald trump continues to adopt a working mensch take and continues to be written about alongside his running mate jd vance as an avatar of a new kind of economic populism in the republican party even though trump and vance have almost no policy to that end. at the same time there's been a lot of speculation that kamala harris must start to get
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specific about her own policy vision. today vice president harris did just that. she announced a set of clear populist policies designed specifically to help working- class americans. this was part of the new proposal to attack one of the key drivers of inflation, the rising cost of housing. >> we will and america's housing shortage by building 3 million new homes and rentals that are affordable to the middle class. my administration will provide first-time homebuyers with $25,000 to help with the down payment on a new home. here's what donald trump would do. if his project 2025 agenda is put into effect it will add around $1200 a year to the typical american mortgage. >> here was harris talking
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about how she would help families deal with the high cost of raising children. >> we will provide $6000 in tax relief to families during the first year of a child's life. compare my plan with what donald trump intends to do. he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts year after year . he plans to cut corporate taxes by over $1 trillion even as they pull in record profits. >> we will talk about what all of this could mean on both the left and right this november with former housing secretary julian castro coming up next. to get you ready for college, even if they're not. get furnishings fit for the dorm. original decor no roommate could argue with, and vintage finds to set your vibe. when you want items under $50
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directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. as president i will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability and dignity. together we will build what i call an opportunity economy. because i strongly believe when the middle class is strong america is strong. >> today vice president kamala harris unveiled a series of specific economic proposals targeted towards the middle class. at the heart of her plan are three core priorities. driving down healthcare expenses, cracking down on price gouging and making homeownership more affordable.
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joining me now to dive into the details of the harris plan is holy and castro, former secretary of housing and urban development. thank you for being here tonight. it's great to see you and to get some expert perspective on this. i want to start with the housing piece. vice president harris is suggesting a $25,000 subsidy for her first-time homebuyers. just to put into perspective how bonkers the housing market has gotten i think the median average price home in america right now is 495 $750,000. the climb to that price, 54% surge since 2019. what do you make of this proposal? >> yeah, this is very smart policy and very smart politics. it's no secret to anybody that has tried to buy a home lately that we have a housing affordability crisis for a long time.
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most people think new york, boston, chicago, l.a., seattle, big cities that have spiking rates of rent and cost of housing, it's everywhere now. it's i cities, smaller towns. this is a policy that's going to benefit the cross-section of americans to make homeownership more affordable for her pledge to invest in incentives to create 3 million new housing units over the next four years. that can make a tremendous difference, that kind of supply and helping to bring the cost of housing down. that resonates with especially the middle class in america. it's very smart policy and very smart politics. i will say briefly on this millennial's last year in 2023 according to the national association of realtors became the largest of locke of homebuyers. 38%. this is going to be something that resonates with that younger voter from 25 years old to 43 years old.
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>> it feels like when you talk about the inflationary problems that have bedeviled the biden harris administration the housing crisis is chief among them. people being able to afford a helmet is the core of the american dream. the other piece is being able to afford to put food on the table. here vice president harris is attacking price gouging as it stands. basically putting a federal ban on companies that seek to inflate the price of basic food items. we know trump tried his hands at addressing that concern yesterday by standing next to a table full of room temperature perishable's and didn't spend much time actually talking about why he was standing next to the perishables. i wonder what you think about this plan, the trump-vance campaign is calling this a soviet style price control scheme that has been tried and failed by communist regimes
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throughout history. what do you make of it, both in terms of the policy and politics of it? >> this is a desperate attempt to try to smear this policy, to misrepresent it. let's talk about what it is and isn't. it's not telling grocery stores you can only charge xyz for this product. that's not what this is. what she has said is she will give authority to the ftc to go after grocery chains. these are a lot of huge conglomerates that price gouge, that have exorbitant profits. that's something very different from saying you can only charge this much on this item, this item but it will be an effective policy in sending a strong signal that price gouging is not going to be tolerated. we are going to make sure that inflation is not worsened because of massive corporate greed. that's what this harris policy is about.
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that's one of the reasons that the polling shows it's actually very popular. this measure is popular with the middle class in this country because they recognize corporate greed has laid a role in boosting inflation. we need to get that under control. >> i will say the biden harris administration has really tried to unring the economy in many ways they don't get credit for and hopefully having perhaps a more effective for this in terms of both the proposals and policies of the past and those in the future will help the democratic ticket. julian castro , wait to have you on the program, thanks for making the time. still to come, donald trump and jd vance worship of a fictionalized past when america was great and women knew their place. leading them right smack into a brick wall with women voters. our very own simone sanders townsend joins me for lady talk
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this friday evening coming up next.
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for republicans vice presidential candidate j.d. vance is linked in large part to his so-called traditional family values. since he joined the ticket those values have started to come into focus. like when he said he agreed that the whole per this for postmenopausal women is to raise grandchildren. those kind of values. new poll and shows that americans both with and without children are not super fans of his running may. any washington post abc news poll today shows that his net favorability is -10 among both parents and those without children at home. his favorability among women is -8, and that drops even lower among men to -12. joining me now is the cohost of
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the weekend and former chief spokesperson to vice president kamala harris. let's talk about the gender divide a little bit. does it surprise you that j.d. vance is actually doing worse among men than women and what you make of that? >> i think that is much more of a function of the weird moniker being something that even men and even republican men are receptive to. i was reading the reports because i have nothing better to do. i am a nerd. earlier this week a boston fundraiser governor walz explained weird was not a name- calling thing, but an observation. i think the numbers that j.d. vance specifically has with men in this country and again polling is not predictive. it is indicative of where
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people are at any given time and is just a snapshot, but i think that is what it is responsive to. nobody likes to be weird. >> i hear that. if you look more broadly at how drop at the top of the ticket is doing in terms of the gender divide it is women who are fleeing on that. the key battleground state of pennsylvania, which is where the trump campaign thinks it will be won are lost. women are backing him 54 to trump's 41 while the men it is the inverse. can you talk a little bit more about what the secret sauce may be for kamala harris among women? because we know that white women went for trump in previous election cycles. given those numbers i am assuming a lot of the female supporters among women of color. >> yeah. i think if you look at the numbers and track them from the last two presidential elections. 2020 and 2016. you will see that the numbers for women of color particularly black women and latina women.
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the numbers have shrunk just a little bit on the margins. slightly after they drop off democratic candidates for the presidential candidates. ever one of the selections. for vice president kamala harris the number foreman of color and across the board is going to be very important. the margins are absolutely going to matter in the selection. when they think about pennsylvania in the suburbs i think base think specifically about vitamin in the suburbs. across the country especially in pennsylvania outside of philadelphia for example have become more diverse. his speech about commemorating or marking january 6th is a more diverse suburb. it is
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black women and pacific islander women. it is latina women in. we went to the suburbs to talk to them with the last month, and they are paying attention to the selection. they specifically cited the issue of democracy saying they like vice president kamala harris. this was before she was officially on the ticket as the top of the ticket, and they did not have good things to say about donald trump's policies. i think these numbers are indicative of what people are responding to and seeing themselves. i will also note a point of caution. while these numbers do look good i think back to 2016 where there were a lot of folks were not willing to tell the pollster will they really wanted to do when it came to election day. we saw large numbers of women who ended up casting bells for donald trump, but it was not showing up in the polling. i think you have to talk to people and also what is happening on the ground.
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when donald trump says he's going out to give a speech about the economy and gets up and says they won't even let me give a speech about the economy and i do not know why it is kind of dismissive to what people are really feeling across this country and women especially are paying attention and are very receptive to those messages whether they be positive or negative and affects what they will do. >> what you think about here melia harris leading into trump's attempt to diminish her by calling her that? is that a pro move? >> i think vice president kamala harris in my expense with her people have called her that he/she has expressed people not understanding how to say her name right. in this country we have figured out how to say all of the cities and provinces within ukraine, and yet we cannot get kamala harris right. there is something there. i think it is something she has experienced before. the best tech for the vice president will be to not lean
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