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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  August 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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. thank . thank you for watching, before we go, time is running out to grab tickets to msnbc live democracy 2024. join the whole prime time team in person on september 7th in brooklyn, new york. tickets are almost sold out. scan the code on the screen to get yours now. remember, catch me at that event but also saturday and sunday mornings on our show "the weekend" from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you very much for staying up late and i will see you this weekend. will see you this weekend.
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. donald . donald trump at arlington national cemetery this week was a very transparent attempt for him to reclaim the spotlight he has been missing now that kamala harris moved to the top of the democratic ticket. this is what trump wanted you to see. and to talk about. an image of him at the tomb of the unknown soldier trying to look presidential as he allegedly paid his respects to the 13 service members who died three years ago in the bombing of abby gate with the drawl at afghanistan. but trump and his campaign used this occasion and this hallowed space to make a dig at the administration one image. that is what donald trump wanted his trip to arlington to
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be about. but over the last couple of days he lost control of that narrative. and now what everyone is talking about is this. how donald trump and members of his campaign staff ended up in section 60 of arlington national cemetery. the final resting place of service members who died in iraq and afghanistan. and in violation of the cemetery's rules. he used video of that hallowed space as part of a partisan photo op. and how his team physically pushed a cemetery staff member who tried to stop them after warning them that they were prohibited from taking pictures and recording video at that part of the burial ground. for days the trump campaign denied that a scuffle even happened and went so far as to disparage that employee. saying that she was quote suffering from a mental health
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episode. and also calling her despicable. trump's campaign promised to release video that would corroborate their side of the story. video that has yet to materialize. today the u.s. army confirmed that a trump aide, did indeed, push an arlington national cemetery employee as she tried to enforce the rules. making it the latest in the long and horrific record of disrespect towards u.s. troops and veterans. that includes, saying that john mccain who spent five years in captivity as a p.o.w. was no war hero because he was captured. calling americans who died in wars suckers and losers, minimizing the traumatic brain injuries that troops suffered in a missile strike as headaches, and saying that the medal of freedom, a civilian award is much better than the medal of honor because service members who receive the top military honor are often wounded or dead. today, when asked about his
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role in this week's incident at arlington national cemetery and his campaign capitalizing on section 60. trump tried to reclaim the narrative yet again. it did not go so well. >> should your campaign have put out the video and photos? >> we have a lot of people. tiktok people, we are leading the internet, that was the other thing. we are so far above her -- but on that hallowed ground. >> i don't know what the rules and it could have been them, the parents. >> it was your campaign's tiktok. >> i don't know anything about it. all i do is i stood there and i said if you would like to have a picture we can have a picture. this was a set up by the people in the administration that oh, trump is coming to arlington that looks so bad. >> wait, wait, wait. trump is now saying that his campaign's photo op was a set
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up? joining me now is msnbc pentagon correspondent. thank you for getting us started, you obtained the rules and the regulations that they put forth to be able to be present there and specifically dealing with section 60. i mean, it seems pretty clear that there was a violation of those rules. >> reporter: yeah, i mean the rules are simple. it is number one, no allowance, you are never allowed to have a campaign event or any kind of campaign partisan event that happens on arlington national cemetery grounds. it is simply not allowed. there is where it got gray, the fact that former president trump was invited to this wreath laying event by the families of several of the service members killed at abby gate three years ago. he there was in the capacity of the former president of the united states. now, for that reason, he was
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allowed to be there to participate with the families in the memorial event. he was allowed to have official photographers and videographies at the tomb of the unknown soldier, that is pretty common. frequent media coverage, you see video and photos of that. that part was not at issue here. after that event, though, they moved on to section 60. the motorcade and several of the family members of those fallen service members. that is where this incident occurred. the rules are clear. you are not allowed to have videographies or photographers at section 60 collecting any kind of images. not just that, you can not, anything that you do there, if it is the staff or former president trump, none of the video or content that they collect is allowed to then be used in the capacity of his campaign. that is also very clearly
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written into the rules. but, the issue here, though, it is very difficult to enforce at the time. so, what we learned in the last 48 hours or so. that is where this incident occurred. when some of the staff from the trump got out of the motorcade to take photos and videos, one of the staff members when he was confronted by the national cemetery employee telling them they can not take photos and videos the staff member pulled that employee. now, the army put out a statement today that is frankly more forceful than we tend to hear from them. it was clearly in defense of this arlington cemetery staff member saying she acted professionally. defending her actions here and saying what she did was to maintain the dignity and the respect of those hallowed grounds. >> there is something specific about section 60, can you describe why this particular area of arlington is actually of note and why there really is
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a focus of the physical altercation that happened there? >> reporter: yes, so, section 60 is, it is i don't mean to imply that any part of arlington cemetery is not considered hallowed ground, it is a place where many of the service members who died or killed in recent conflicts are buried. that is why they are standing at is one of the service members who was killed in afghanistan in 2021. so, it has taken on even more of a -- there are even stricter rules there for taking photos and videos. just so our audience understands why that is. the staff at arlington cemetery and the department of army in general they want to make sure that people are not there taking photos of mourners, they want to protect the dignity and the privacy of people who might be there who are still in a very real mourning situation. may of lost loved ones in recent years and they don't want, they want to make sure
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they are not exploited. it is not just campaigns or anything it is media media restrictions on if you can or can not take photos in section 60 are strict and they are strongly enforced and they have been for some time. that is one effort reasons that this really has had so much outcry because of the fact that they were standing on the graves of individuals who been killed or died and people are actively mourning the service members there and then some of the photos released on social media. as you mentioned there was video used in a tiktok video for the campaign, katie. >> before i got to let you go, we have not received any reporting that trump himself or the trump campaign has reprimanded or said anything about that trump aide who physically assaulted an arlington cemetery employee, correct? >> reporter: correct.
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we do know that the military police were called right soon after that incident, the pushing occurred. they came to the scene. they did take statements from at least one or more likely several of the arlington cemetery staffers who were there that saw what happened including the individual involved. they did approach some of the trump staff member bus there was no formal statement given. in the statement that we got from the department of the army today they said that the staff member has decided not to press charges and they consider this matter closed, katie? >> i really appreciate the time to explain everything about what happened at arlington with donald trump and your time tonight, thank you for being here. >> reporter: thank you. joining me now is patrick murphy, former congressman for pennsylvania. former acting secretary of the army. any veteran of the iraq war, congressman i want to start by thanking you for your service to you and all veterans and i
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have to ask you, how offensive is it not just because you are a veteran and former acting secretary of the navy but to have witnessed and to hear what donald trump did at arlington national cemetery. >> reporter: with donald trump had complete disregard for our brother and sister veterans. i think you know i served with iraq. 82nd airborne division. and, our brothers and sisters are in buried in section 60. it is a solemn ground. president trump, former president trump and his aides knew better. they did not just disregard the rules, regulations on the law they pushed aside a woman who was doing her job, part of our army team for a campaign commercial, for a tiktok campaign commercial. i mean, how low can it get?
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katie, i mean after the ultimate sacrifice in vietnam and it just not just breaks my heart it makes my blood boil. we have someone who does not care about our veterans. when it was his chance to serve during vietnam he got five deferments for bone fragments, he calls my brothers and sisters, losers. he disparages them and general kelly, he lost his son in combat. he dishonors gold star families. he attacks people. that is why this army civilian, this woman, just doing her job, who was pushed aside does not want to give a statement because she is worried about retaliation.
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let me tell you something, there are 900,000 veterans in the state of my pennsylvania, there are about 20 million across america whose voices will be heard on november 5th who say, no one is above the law in our country especially a 34 time convicted time felon, donald j. trump. >> you know, congressman you talk a lot about how donald trump puts himself first and how he wants to make sure that he is going to get that photo opno matter what it takes to get that. a fellow veteran that is currently out doing and stumping to be able to right the wrongs from a trump administration includes your former roommates, governor tim walz. a lot of hay that has been made from the republicans including j.d. vance, who is also a veteran by the way, that never saw combat. but there has been a lot of hay made about walz service in the
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military. you not only was a roommate of his but, you guys were fellow veterans that shared time together behind the prying eyes of the public when you were in congress together, right? you got to know him really well, share with our viewers kind of if there is any type of falsity in the way that tim walz views his time in his many years of a member of the military here in the united states. >> reporter: as veterans are, we honor our brother and sister veterans, when j.d. vance was nominated i am a democrat, proud democrat, i did not attack service, god bless him. i am glad a marine is on the ticket. when tim walz was nominated to be the vice president, it is a different standard. the republicans attacked, attacked, attacked. he did the -- they did that 20 years ago and now they are
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doing it again. we asked less than 1% of our nation to serve the longest wars in american history, after 20 years, tim walz could of gotten out of the military. he did two decades but he realized he deploys with his unit after september 11, his artillery unit, overseas, leaves his wife, leaves his kids, leaves his job, goes over there as a citizen soldier, serves honorably, comes home, retires after 24 years, and what did the jokers on the other side do? attack his service. they try to be cute. we are not attacking the service. tim walz is a great american. i was proud to be a member of congress. when i was going through orientation and i met him, we are both army brothers, we got a cheap apartment within walking distance. his family is back in minnesota, mine was in pennsylvania, for these jokers to attack, when they live by
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donald trump who got five deferments, did not have the guts to serve the country when his country asked him to do it to attack someone like tim walz. just like this week, just like his whole life, selfish, shallow, gutless. >> congressman, i want to thank you for your time tonight, again, i want to thank you and your fellow veterans for your service to this great country. thank you very much. >> thank you, god bless america. coming up this hour. donald trump shared a sex attack to his millions of social media followers, it left many wondering how low is he willing to go. first, the surge in enthusiasm for kamala harris you have been hearing about, it was on full display as she capped her two day bus tour through southeast georgia with a packed rally you are seeing on your screen in savannah. more on that right after the break re on that right after the break
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. you . you sent me and president biden to the white house. you showed up, you knocked on doors, you registered folks to vote, and you made it happen. you did that. you did that. and so now, we are asking you to do it again. >> vice president kamala harris wrapping up a two-day bus tour through southeast georgia today. with a huge and enthusiastic rally in savannah. a city of georgia's political divide. the city itself is a democratic strong hold, the harris-walz. reaching voters beyond blue metro atlanta. to win georgia, harris must
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bridge the divide between democratic urban centers and republican leaning rural areas. a challenge that also extending to nearby north carolina. while harris'runningmate tim walz joins harris for the first leg of the georgia tour. today he traveled to the tar hill state since harris replaced joe biden. north carolina mind you is a state democrats have not won since 2008. so what is the strategy at play here? i got the perfect people to ask. joining me now is former democratic congressman of louisiana. now co-chair of the harris-walz campaign. and joined by atlanta journal of the constitution, i want to thank you both for being here tonight. good to see you tonight. let's start with you, boots on the ground in georgia as
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always. how significant is it that we are seeing harris and tim walz in that battleground state 67 days away from election day. and talk briefly about how it looks different than other democratic tours you have seen. >> katie, not so long ago, democrats did not bother campaigning in georgia period, such a republican lock that started to change four years ago. president biden, now, president biden focused on metro atlanta. good reason for that. half of the state's population. vice president harris is sending a signal she tends to compete throughout the state. a lot of votes beyond metro atlanta particularly in smaller communities and cities like savannah. also in rural areas around there. this bus tour went to liberty county, a democratic-leaning county. a lot of people there that have not been energized, stayed home for elections and she is trying to kind of wipe out the apathy.
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people lining up for hours before the event. people who stayed outside, got throughout the campaign rally in savannah. people were excited about the fact that no democratic presidential nominee has been to savannah for a campaign rally in decades. >> you know, this bus tour with harris and walz is compared to the '92 for bill bus tour that bill clinton did. and, we talked about the fact that we have neighboring rural areas that are republican- leaning. how persuasive is that energy? you can actually see it, feel it through these tv screens. how is it in terms of getting the foot in the door to have a conversation and get that messaging across to some republicans that might be rethinking donald trump? >> i think it is critical. and i think it shows what type of president that harris wants to be. she said that there is room in
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this democratic party for republicans, for independents, and she is going to court their votes. so, i think that her being in savannah, the tour of albany. fayiet counties. the message is clear in georgia we are going to go to every community. we are going to ask you for your vote and tell you what is in it for you and talk to you about kamala harris new way forward and what it means for you. so, i believe that it is not just georgia we will do that in. we will do it in all of the battleground states, sun belt states, but, it is what her big message is to everyone in the country. that is, we can all rise together, we don't have to pit urban and rural against each other, suburban, urban. does not matter where you are from. rise together and i think that is the overwhelming message
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that this bus tour sent and we are not going to leave any neighborhood out, we will not concede any vote. we will go into any community to talk about how the policy she advocates for will help the people that live in that community. >> greg, you and i spent a lot of time together covering trump. i feel like i am an honorary georgian the amount of time i spent there. i do have to ask you, governor kemp he is the outliar for me. i have seen other georgia officials, sterling as well, kind of standing their ground saying i am not going to take a knee, take the knee to donald trump, kemp just got excoriated. trump will be after him. there will be an event kemp will be honored? is this kind of why we are seeing governor kemp not really kind of stopping the state georgia election board that is doing these crazy rules about
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election certification like voter surpress moves. >> yes, katie, you are right. governor kemp is trying to navigate this tricky balance, right? one hand he is, his voice is very influential to moderate some of the far right efforts for overturn georgia's election, on the other hand even after trump demigrated him and his wife that we have not heard him call kemp for years the governor saying i am going to back him. literally just wrapped up appearing at a trump fundraiser. the former president was not there but allies in georgia were there along with former senator leffler. >> we have to talk about north carolina we mentioned it at the beginning of the block. we have tim walz spending time there as well. he shared at dnc and other
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moments that north carolina can be carried and be blue for purposes of this election, how liable is north carolina for the harris-walz campaign? >> i think it is very viable. to win the state. we are taking on messages there. look, you just referred to it. trump is a fundamentally flawed candidate. fundamentally flawed person. i think people are starting to see that. if you look at north carolina the gubernatorial nominee on the republican side is someone that is unpopular, that people see unfit to be the governor of the tar heel state. all of those things are starting to come into play. i think as we get closer and closer to election day people have a close to make it and it will be crystal clear. donald trump on one hand waking up every day only thinking of himself and then you have harris-walz ticket that will keep articulating how they want
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to help you. people are gravitating towards the positive energy and the joy of the campaign as we go like the vice president said in a new direction. a lot of people, i am shocked to some extent about the importance of joy and happiness in the fact that people are looking forward to better days ahead. and of course that means tackling the challenges that the vice president articulated. start tackling from day one. the economy, and inflation and health care costs and all of those things. but, i don't think that we should under estimate the positive nature of her campaign in contrast to the revenge and retribution that is coming from donald trump and his republican allies. >> thank you both for making the time to spend it with us
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tonight, appreciate you both. still ahead tonight, what were you doing wednesday morning between 8:02 and 8:32 a.m.? heading into work? getting your kids ready for school? trump was on truth social reposting 30 posts in 30 minutes. one of those posts about vice president harris was so crude that it rivals the most sexist moments of his 2016 campaign. that is next his 2016 campaign that is next you've got a pepto predicament, ace. you overdid it on the loaded fries and now your gut is in the gutter. undo it with pepto fast melts. so you can keep on rolling. [bowling pins knocked down] when you overdo it, undo it with pepto bismol. when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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. . just one month before election day 2016. the infamous access hollywood tape was leaked. shocking and despicable 70 second video that will have its own wing in the future donald j. trump museum of sexism. in the wake of that offensive hot mike audio, panicked talks ensued to replace trump at the top of the republican ticket. at that moment, the gop had the chance to do the right thing. replace trump as the nominee. but, of course, that did not happen and he eventually became the president of the united states. this turn of events sent a depressing reminder to women across america. even someone as lewd as trump can rise to the highest office
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in our country. in other words, sexism is acceptable. now, in 2024, donald trump is, once again, running for president. his opponent, is, once again, a woman. his gross sexism is, once again, an overdrive and on full display. on wednesday, trump went on a truth social rampage, reposting slogans, altered images and calls to jail his political rivals, in a period of 30 minutes he reposted 30 times. and women are the emotional ones? and in the midst of this social media spew, trump retweeted this photo of arguably the two most accomplished female politicians in america. one that is currently his opponent. the caption was vile suggesting the vice president of the united states slept her way to the top. a trump campaign senior
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advisory laughably tried to defend the former president earlier today by suggesting trump had not read the caption. that is just the latest example of trump, they have been making gender comments on harris for weeks now. >> how would they consider a harris precedency? >> walk all over her. >> how so? >> they will look at her. i think they will walk all over for her. she will be ease are for them. she will be like a play toy. we can not believe we got so lucky. they are going to walk all over her. i don't want to say as to why but a lot of people understand it. >> when world leaders sit across the poker table from harris they smell fear. they know her tells, are you going to gamble our country away on a frightened woman. >> people are going to say shaming, i don't care. show leapt her way to the top.
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>> she will get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her >> take it back. we don't like that >> control her. not in a sexual way. >> and all of that -- about harris'mixed race identity including calling her a dei hire. trump's peers found him liable for the sexual abuse of colnift carroll. we have a -- columnist carroll. >> we have a chance to reverse it. now in 2024 we have the chance to show that in america sexism will not be tolerated. we are better than that. we are better than trump. we will talk more about this
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to the top. and and today this video from a teen usa pageant. i gotten hold of the full cnn interview. the racist sexist attacks reposting this photo that has kamala harris and harris and a lewd caption not suitable for this show. >> i am so glad to have you here. we talk about sexism all of the time. we talk about it in the context of donald trump. let's be frank when it comes to welcome of color there is particular vitrial for women of color by people like trump and j.d. vance and other republicans >> it is not even restricted to party, katie, i think you as a
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woman of color, you as an attorney of color, you certainly have seen it, you know, it does not matter. we don't have to say, both sides, it is a non-partisan issue. coining the term intersexuality and it be resinate. people create terms out of diversity, equity and inclusion and change it to did not earn it despite many of them did not earn it either. they earn today on our backs and trust funds and legacy admissions and all of the things that help to level a playing field on a field they never should have been able to play on themselves. what we always know about kamala harris in particular is that she is by far the most qualified person to ever run for president. if folks have some facts that they would like to hand to us to show us why what i am saying is not true i would love to see
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them. this is someone who won her district attorney's race, this is someone who won her state, attorney general race in the state of california. this is someone who ran statewide as the united states senator of california. she won that and she did not win her 2020 election bid but she was so great of a candidate that joe biden could not find a better runningmate. what we have to come to terms with is the fact that in this country demographics will continue to change and there are people who have had to fight for everything that they ever obtained in this life. and because they had to fight in that way, they are formidable opponents the only thing that trump and vance can attack is harris' appearance, questioning how she got to the top. it was by winning and fighting, right. it is everything about her is questioned because they can not go for qualifications. so, instead they go to character, they go to
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appearance, they go to sexism. >> now, to talk about this compare and contrast n2016 donald trump when he was busted for that access hollywood video, oh, that is just locker room talk, there is how people talk in the locker room. we have a coach, a former football coach who spent years in a locker room in tim walz and he is not talking about women, not talking about women like that at all. this has to resinate, doesn't it not just for the women of the united states but the men who are allies and advocates and that speak for us in rooms we are not in. this has to resinate to see there is an option available to americans in november where we don't have to have the disgusting pig of donald trump back in oval office >> yeah, i think what is most important is for people to have those opportunities to check themselves, check their language, check how they are thinking even if they don't say
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the thing outloud. so, if we are talking about a coach, tim walz, now vp candidate tim walz or talking about folks that know, again, potty mouths are not a partisan issue, you know, can not lie to the american people about that. we have people probably in our respective friend groups who might not want to say that. i have to say angela you might not want to say that, right? there are those moments, you got to be clear about is there is no place for the types of language for the types of imagery, for the times of charicature in our political process. too much is on the line. we can not let trump and j.d vance to trivialize this. if you have a daughter, sister, moms we all got moms, if you have a queen in your life, make
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sure they are talking about queens f we are standing together there should be certain ways we treat women in our lives and not in the way that donald trump has spoken about women. this is not new. doing this long before he ran for office in 2016. it was not hillary clinton that brought it out in him. this is how he has been treating women his entire adult life. like property. and that is something that he learned from, i believe, his elders and the folks, his ancestors this is what they believe. women are cattle. so, this is what he is doing. >> angela, my friend, always good to see you. i thank you very much for having this honest conversation with me about this really important issue. not as you say, limited to just kamala harris and other women of color it is a bigger problem and it is a symptom of a bigger problem. thank you for being with us and having this conversation. >> thank you.
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they have they have been sending the of inflation isn't there met ball is bending program, it is corporate greed and price gouging. this is preposterous rhetoric. >> folks, this inflation crisis is the frankenstein monster of biden and harris. that is not a scouting. >> biden's lehman corporation for inflation is like looking into a mirror on a bad hair day and screaming at the mirror. it's not the mirrors fault, it is a reflection of you. >> if you watch fox news or foxbusiness or you read rupert murdoch's "wall street journal" you've likely heard this familiar refrain, "don't blame corporate greed for inflation, blame the democrats." meanwhile, the reality is the biden/harris administration has been working overtime on behalf of all americans, regardless of
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political party to curb inflation, in part by taking direct aim at corporate price gouging. even just yesterday, the biden/harris administration was in court trying to block a merger between two major grocery store chains, kroger and albertsons. to get ministries and argued this merger would mean less competition between grocery stores, which in turn would mean less competition for consumers or customers. allowing a new make a grocery store to set eyes prices as high as it once. the senior director repricing admitted when it came to products like milk and eggs, kroger raised prices more than they needed to. also known as price gouging. yes, corporations really are raising prices on consumers more than they have to and the only reason we would know about it is because that biden harris administration is working to hold them to account. joining us now, founder and executive director of a more perfect union and former campaign manager for bernie sanders in 2020 presidential
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campaign. explained to the viewers wine this biden/harris administration moved to block this merger is so important for all americans, regardless of their political party. >> we know competition is the lifeblood of the economy, katie. when we have competition, it tends to create small businesses, it means you have better quality product. if you don't have that competition, what happens? you have a bunch of autocratic corporate leaders who will just try to be greedy and take as much as they can get. that is what you have with the
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kroger and albertsons merger. they want to drive out competition in so many cities and towns, jack up the price for basic items. the testimony provided by their own director of pricing reveals that. that is their strategy. they want to crush all the competition. most people sitting at home say what do you do about it? thankfully, we do have a biden/harris administration that is going aggressively at price-fixing bike corporate monopolies trying to break up not only kroger and albertsons but ticketmaster, apple, google, amazon, large conglomerates, so that small businesses can thrive. as a result, if we stay on this track, harris has pledged in her presidency, she will continue on the price gouging. there's so much more to investigate and go after. >> i'm glad you brought it up again, there is this email that we saw during the hearing, the head of pricing at kroger said, "on milk and eggs, retail inflation has been significantly higher than cost inflation." translation, we raised prices more than we needed to. then a kroger spokesperson told bloomberg, "this cherry picked email covers a specific time and does not reflect kroger's decades long business model to lower prices for customers by reducing its margins." it is no secret, corporations
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took advantage of the pandemic and created greed inflation. this is one of the smoking gun memoranda that we sometimes don't get to see unless pressed, corporations are pressed by things like the biden administration to show their hands. >> they have to testify in court that it is not just kroger. in the last few months alone, the doj has brought a suit against a company called real page that sets algorithmic pricing for corporate landlords so they profit maximize. through that case, we found the landlords loved the product because "it allows us to do price-fixing." that is what we find through the doj antitrust case. through another ftc investigation, they went after a big oil company, pioneer, whose ceo scott sheffield was colluding overseas to set the price of oil high during the
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pandemic so that people would pay more in gas. how did we find it odd? because the ftc and the doj are on the case. you need cops on the beat and we are learning more about the price-fixing that is going on. in just the past two years, we learned chicken producers, from the washington attorney general bob ferguson, were conspiring to raise the prices of chicken. we learned one of the major producers of eggs was found guilty by a jury for eyes fixing. it is rampant in our economy. the only way to take it on and make sure their competition in the economy and you have cops on the beat in government who do something about it. >> let's disabuse people that are freaking out, especially republicans, about some type of marxism or communism by having kamala harris suggest that she's going to combat and to get rid of price gouging. let's be clear, kamala harris is not saying she's going to pick prices for your chickens and for your eggs and whatever. which is going to do is make sure that there's administrative agency, we could have a conversation about chevron and how it destroys
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that but administrative agencies are going to be checking this and making sure and gatekeeping so that corporations aren't allowed to set the prices whatever they want to and that american consumers are protected, right? >> yes, all correct. i would add the government has always played a role in price negotiation so you can't just get away with exorbitant price abuse. we see this in electric markets, and water markets. how do you think those things are set? those rates are set? the government plays a role in them. how does the department of defense purchase things? they negotiated prices. medicare is now negotiating prices with big pharma. this is how we prevent us from being couched. >> faiz shakir, good to see you and i appreciate you taking the time to clarify and analyze this because this impacts everybody and we thought it was really important to have this conversation tonight. i thank you for your time. that is our show for tonight. you can get me back here on saturdays at noon eastern for the katie phang show. now it is time for the last
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