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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  August 30, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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at splenda stevia farms, our plants are sweetened by sunshine. experience how great splenda stevia can be. grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) the the labor day weekend is finally here. the time when americans try to get the most out of their
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summer. maybe squeeze in one last cookout before the weather gets colder and everything starts to taste like pumpkin spice. but labor day weekend also marks the moment when most americans really start to pay attention to the presidential race. for the campaign, this is the moment when every little detail starts to matter. vice president kamala harris and her running mate tim walz are coming off a two-day bus tour through southern georgia. the first democratic campaign in that part of the state since 1992. just last night, the vice president sat down with her first major interview since becoming her party's nominee. she defended the record of the biden harris administration while taking her opponent to task. >> we have had in the former president someone who is really been pushing an agenda and environment that is about diminishing the character and the strength of who we are as
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americans. really dividing our nation. i'm very proud of the work we have done that has brought inflation down to less than 3%. the work we have done to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors. donald trump said he was going to do a number of things like let medicare negotiate. he said kamala harris rambling incoherently which is pretty rich coming from the former president who seems to struggle daily to be coherent. for context, here was donald trump that same night in la crosse, wisconsin. >> some people don't eat bacon anymore. and, we are going to get the energy prices down. when we get energy down, you know, this was caused by their horrible energy wind. they want wind all over the
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place. >> people don't eat bacon anymore. they want wind all over the place. huh? that, that you just heard and saw, that was part of the republican message to wisconsin where a new bloomburg morning poll finds kamala harris leading donald trump by eight points. that same poll shows kamala harris leading trump within the margin of error by four points in nevada and pennsylvania. by three points in michigan, and by two points in georgia and in north carolina. a state that no democratic presidential candidate has won since 2008. the poll also finds trump and harris tied in arizona. that tightening race may be why donald trump is trying to walk away from some of his party's most controversial positions. in just the past 24 hours he has waffled back and forth on whether he will support a ballot measure in his home state of florida that would
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overturn the state's six week abortion ban. more on that personal struggle later in the show. we are also watching for new detail on how the two candidates are preparing for their first debate in 11 days. nbc news reports that kamala harris has been focused on how to needle donald trump, how to rattle him and remind people of what it was like during donald trump's years. by contrast, trump is reportedly not doing anything to level expectations. in fact, a spokesperson for the trump campaign told nbc news president trump has proven to be one of the best debaters in political history as evidenced by his knock out blow to joe biden. he doesn't need traditional debate prep because unlike kamala harris, he has a command of the issues, frequently sits down for interviews and takes
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questions from hostile news media almost every day. okay, so that is a high bar to set for your candidate. especially at this stage when every little thing counts. and the race could hardly be closer. joining us now is the former campaign manager for bernie sanders' 2020 campaign. and rosenburg, a former senior dnc staffer, and mark, staff writer for the atlantic. gentlemen, thanks for getting this 8:00 hour started. simon, i would love to start with you. everybody who knows me knows i'm not a huge fan of polls but i will recognize trends. simon, we have talked about this on my own show. but let's talk about the polls. these are significant numbers and if we look at polls that came out after the announcement of kamala harris going to the top of the democratic ticket, it's the same ticking upwards
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for kamala harris. >> the election is just six to seven points in our direction. she is now consistently leading in the battleground states. the senate polling across the country is very encouraging. the house democrats feel bullish about their chances. all the money and volunteers that have come into our campaigns have made our campaign stronger and more muscular. one of the big stories i think in these final two months is that we will have a much greater capacity to close out this election strong because of all of this money and all these volunteers. we feel very good. i have been talking to people in the party this week and there is clear optimism about our ability to close out. we feel good about where we are. we have a better ability to close. now we just have to win this thing. >> he talked about the bus tour in georgia we have seen the
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harris walz campaign doing. in georgia, the surge of new voter registrations is fascinating. black women led with a 75% jump in registration compared to 2020. simon talks about the vibe but vibes translate to actual vote. >> i want to remain in that positivity. while operating with a sense of caution. because this race is not won. there are 60 plus days left until the election. and i try to think about well, if donald trump were to win, which we want to prevent happening, how does he pull it off? if you go back to 2020, how he pulls it off, you know, it is quite sad to reflect upon that one of the stories of 2020 was how he outperformed. a lot of us thought the chaos of that four years heading into
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election day, he had covid. it was a chaotic scene. on election day, wisconsin, georgia, arizona, nail biters. and if that were to flip the other way around, tens of thousands of votes, donald trump carries this election. that is just to invoke some caution. there is work to do to make sure this enthusiasm gets solidified and the last minute voters who are not following the news as intensely are looking for just the cues of who stands with me. who fights for me. and we have to win those people over and it is very critical. >> so mark, if people are really starting to dial in now, by the way, this is of course in a whole other conversation we could have about whether or not it makes sense to narrow that runway of just 90 days
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ahead of an election, but mark, we have stuff like the interview that kamala harris and tim walz did yesterday. last night. on cnn. when you have these battleground states, entrenched votersover all sides of the aisles. are they tuning in and catching the fact you have somebody like kamala harris deliver messages that include policy that is lacking when you ask donald trump what his policy platform is? >> i think last night, i think it was a pretty workman like effort. didn't have the visceral joy we have had since the middle of the summer. but i think it really did.
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it was a victorious evening. they did get a message out. but i also think to the larger point, i agree with both of these guys. but also i think, the numbers are really encouraging. i think, you know, the way they run the campaign in the last few weeks is encouraging. but you can't get past the fact. people, joe biden won in 2020, but trump seriously overperformed his polls as he did in 2016. it leads you to think you have to take any polls with a grain of salt and trump supporters might be somewhat unpollable. it feels good if you are sitting in this position than trump's position. >> simon, that is really the sobering part of this conversation. the inescapable reality that we
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can't just go. i do believe that the chronicle is appropriately named, the hopium chronicles. but you can't lose sight of the fact if you take your foot off the gas pedal for a hot second, it could be disastrous, another big opportunity that will come up to highlight the differences between these two campaigns will be the debate. the debate occurring on the event horizon. compared to maybe that cnn interview we saw of harris walz when you pit kamala harris versus donald trump. who cares about the muting and the not muting. what about trump says i don't need to prep because i'm so good at what i do? yeah. listen, this will be an important moment. ÷debate in a favorable position. it will be a critical moment.
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i am confident that kamala harris will perform well. she has been an extraordinary political athlete as we say. over the last few months she has performed at the upper end of what's possible. she has a strong message. she is executing at the highest level. the campaign feels like her campaign. i think we go into this feeling good. trump has been struggling. to be fair, since she became the candidate, their campaign has looked confused and they don't really know how to go after her. and he has been really erratic. far more erratic and crazy than he was a few months ago. the trend lines are good for us. i want to say one thing about this idea of underperforming polls. reblicans have been underperforming since dobbs. this is a different election than 2016 and 2020.
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we'll see. mark may be right. but the trend line has been there, underperformance of public polls by republicans and trump. not overperformance since dobbs. >> something that occurred to me, we have normalized, i will say the collective we. there has been a normalization of trump's behavior and conduct. so he will do something crazy. and we will say oh, that's just trump doing something crazy. what has happened now. is when we have, and we witness something like maybe no fireworks interview like the kamala harris tim walz interview, it is not because there weren't fireworks but because it is the normal way to do things. there was no rambling insanity. i always say this. we can walk and chew gum at the same time. kamala harris says i'm not going to respond to the stuff that is coming from trump. because i'm going to stay focused on my mission of making sure that the american public understands there is policy and
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substance. but there could still be the pushback when it comes to the below the belt punches he is trying to do. >> there is sometimes a method to his madness. sometimes he is crazy and not stupid. to drag everybody else down. that's the goal. to bring you down into my sewer. make this an ugly election. the hope, the joy, the positivity is not working to his advantage. he is off kilter. he lives in darkness. he lives in everything is terrible. america is in decline and he needs to drag people there. and fight it out in the mud. and to her credit, she is not going there. kamala harris i think, in my view has two major obstacles. and challenges to get into this debate. one is she has closed the gap with donald trump. and out performs him on the question of strength. who do i believe is a strong leader? on this question, donald trump is generally rock solid with his base a long period of time.
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people perceive him whether you hate him or don't that he is a strong leader. harris is now there and out- performing him which is critical and important. the second, importantly, is on the economy, do you relate to me, do you understand what i am going through, the pains and challenge to my life? tell me an economic story that reflects what i feel. and you can see her working through that. the corporate price gouging and the desire to tackle affordable housing and to contrast that with trump will be the most important piece. he has promised the moon and the stars to you. didn't do any of this. now he wants to give tax cuts to billionaires. i hope that works really well in the economic lens particularly. >> well she does call it the economy and she led with that last night. stay with me. we have so much more to get to, tonight. the harris walz campaign has some big labor day weekend plans that involve something in
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three states who determine who would win in november. but first, of all the campaign issues they could focus on, donald trump seems fixated on one very specific matter. who exactly is weird? that's next. o exactly is weird that's next.
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political purposes. questioning part of your identity. >> same old tired play book. next question, please. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> that's it. kamala harris made it clear last night that she was not going to take the bait. the same could not be said for donald trump. >> minnesota, i mean, they picked this guy. he is weird. i'm not weird. >> that was donald trump at an event in wisconsin last night. you can tell, governor tim walz has gotten under his skin by calling him weird. his campaign has spent the week dealing with the fall-out with altercation with staff at
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arlington cemetery. hallowed ground where america's war heros are laid to rest. it comes weeks after donald trump was caught on camera disrespecting medal of honor recipients. suggesting people who got awards without putting themselves in physical danger are better off. mark, i want to start with you. because i read something you had written about how this arlington cemetery, when i say scandal, i always think that it minimizes almost what happens because it is really egregious what happened at arlington. you wrote something about how trump is testing the patience of some of his most loyal supporters by these. i can't say these are unforced errors though, because i feel like that gives trump an out for conduct that is intentional. and he was the commander-in- chief of our armed forces. he should c8+zhave known better >> to distill the lead in to
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this. i thought kamala harris' answer here was just brilliant. in her not taking the bait. in her convention speech. she said donald trump is an unserious man. and then pivoted to the seriousness of the ramifications and you juxtapose it with donald trump actually taking the bait around the weird thing. but also, the distraction as you mentioned around the arlington matter which you know, is now a three, four day story and can only get bigger. the point i was making that you were referring to is he had some really hard core supporters inside his bait. military families, veteran's families. buts a, pro life, antiabortion voters. in the last few days he has really tested the patience if not the support of both of those groups and this goes to the essence of the defense he is playing and also, the willingness in which he is sort
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of just taking the bait. not even taking the bait. causing the distraction and then sort of falling into the traps that he sets for himself. so yeah. i think maybe there is a method to the madness. but it is kind of certainly, it looks like not a great look for him. >> simon, that is exactly the case, because kamala harris doesn't have to respond. all she has to do is let donald trump be donald trump. he creates the drama. he creates the scandal. he creates the headlines in and of his own actions and so now, mark says, he is on the defense where you don't want to be in the 67 days before the election. >> one of the reasons it will be so hard for donald trump to win this election is he and jd vance are like negative news machines. producing j an industrial scale every week. it's incredible. vance has been an enormous drag
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on the ti it is amazing how much negative press he has gotten. trump because he is in the crazy place. he is not comfortable with where he is. he is lashing out going back ñi■ into qanon. we think about what he did in arlington. o;ypñto get sentenced. he could be put in jail in a few weeks. he is out on bond for federal charges. and he is s7ñnow committed a un set of ok■crimes. what e3■he did in c■arlington w criminal behavior. people that work for the o)unit statesg . . the level of risk he is taking here because of his legal jeopardy he is in, is stunning to me. this campaign is a dystopian nightmare. they cannot get a single day. when you put him out there, it is unbelievable how often what
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he says sounds crazy and wild. even when he made a statement about posing the ballot initiative in florida. the things he said about why were so bananas and wild and they can't get a clean hit. this is a huge problem for them in the closing months of the election. >> mark says something like arlington appropriately so, clocking day three maybe? of headlines. all negative. do the democrats continue to lean into that negativity? i don't mean that as in creating it. if these are negative headline making machines that are jd vance and donald trump, letting them be who they are, you can do two things at the same time. it is not an impossible thing for the harris walz campaign to do. >> totally great. i was reflecting back when donald trump would do a lot of
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the same behaviors. he attacked john mccain for being a pow. we will go after this gold star family. at the time there was a bit of a novelty to it. he is playing politics really differently. at this point, kamala harris said it best. it's tired, it's old. and you can sense that. he doesn't get the same effect from it. the country has moved on from discussing this. the hope i have, dobbs happened, january 6th happened. they all affirm the things that we don't want as a nation. whoever voted for them in 16 and 20, there are more people willing to say i'm done with that. >> two impeachments for donald trump. four indictments convicted for 34 felonies.
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january 6th. the list goes on and on. but regardless of what those points are, the really small spread in the battleground states show i agree. this is an old tired play book we are dealing with. it seems to be the case you have to harp on that and create the juxtaposition of the prosecutor versus the felon, chaos versus the competence. the democracy versus the dystopian reality that a second trump term would be. >> i agree. that will play starkly at the debate. i don't know. i don't think donald trump will be prepared to play defense over. will it be something owned entirely by the republican party or by all of us? as you just mentioned, it is an
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incredibly close race. and we have seen we don't have a handle on this. yeah. indicaters are certainly very bullish on the part of the harris campaign and democrats in general. but in november, we will find out what kind of country we have. and ultimately, we could be very surprised. >> thanks for getting us launched this evening. good to see you guys. thanks for being here. >> thank you. still ahead tonight, polls show donald trump and kamala harris are locked in a dead heat in the battleground states that could determine this election. that is why both campaigns are spending labor day weekend in the rust belt. could their visit change the trajectory of the race come fall? that's next. fall? that's next. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®.
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(♪♪) behind every splenda product is a mission. helping millions of people reduce sugar from their diets.
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now try a sweetener grown by u.s. farmers. introducing zero-calorie splenda stevia. at splenda stevia farms, our plants are sweetened by sunshine. experience how great splenda stevia can be. grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) with with 67 days until election day, and just 11 days until the next presidential debate, the harris walz campaign is turning its attention to key battleground states. and if you look at the recent polling we mentioned earlier this hour, it's no wonder why. the latest bloomberg morning polling shows vice president kamala harris leading donald trump across six of the seven states surveyed.
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all within the margin of error. they are tied in arizona. harris has an eight point lead in wisconsin which appear to be an outperformed lier. but in pennsylvania, she is up four points and in michigan, harris is up by three. there is new polling in the state of michigan that shows harris trailing trump by just one point. that is well within the margin of error. the presidential race is neck in neck and the harris walz campaign is putting in the work to close the gap. tim walz will m@ third trip to wisconsin since joining the harris ticket to speak at milwaukee's labor fest. kamala harris' past labor day schedule includes a campaign event in detroit, michigan and a visit to pittsburgh, pennsylvania with president joe biden. their first joint campaign event since harris accepted the presidential nomination. next thursday, biden is set to make his first solo visit to
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wisconsin since dropping out to campaign for kamala harris. joining me now are three people who hail from the states the campaign will be visiting. state representative michael. and currently running to be pennsylvania's next auditor general. ben wikler, michigan state senator mallory mcmore row. i want to thank all of you for being here. i would say the three musketteers, but you guys are the stars of the dnc last week from what i could see. malcolm, i would love to start with you, kamala harris making her second visit to pittsburgh in two weeks. talk about the energy in your battleground state because you heard from the last two segments i did with the other guests, i believe in the vibe.
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i believe in the energy, i believe it is converting to real votes. >> that is so exciting katie. you have people since kamala harris became our nominee who are embracing the fact that we have a candidate for president who doesn't spend every single day bullying people. who doesn't spend every single day talking about themselves. but who is actually laying out a vision on how we can make life better. we see kamala harris and tim walz doing that every day. that is materializing in terms of volunteers that we are seeing on the ground. just today, the 50th campaign office has been opened for the campaign. i just wrapped up a four-day ten county tour across some of the most rural parts of northeast pennsylvania. and what you see even in rural
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pennsylvania is an excitement and energy that is leading people to get engaged for the first time. for the top of the ticket. every single stop, i was meeting people who were saying kamala harris and tim walz are the first campaign i have ever volunteered for. so they are not just saying i'm going to vote and that's enough. but they recognize the importance of us electing democrats up and down the ballot and recognize their power. there is nothing more powerful. >> you mentioned the 50 offices, campaign offices for harris walz. 16 of them are in rural areas that trump won in 2020. so what is it going to take? the fact that the infrastructure was invested and built while the trump campaign
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wasn't doing it? is the work being done? >> do not sleep on rural pennsylvania. there are so many people who have, i don't know what views they have called outside of kamala. people just say well just write those areas off. they are just going to be for the republicans so why show up? so it is shocking to people that a young black kid from north philly has spent so much time in the most rural parts of pennsylvania. in those communities you have folks who are busting their butts against all odds are engaging. and engaging at some instances. there is no risk when you put up a sign in philadelphia and pittsburgh someone will throw at your house because you put up a sign for a democrat. but depending on where you are, you might have people who
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heckle you or make you uncomfortable because you are actively showing your support for democratic candidates. what you are seeing across rural pennsylvania is they don't care. the excitement and the vision that they are laying out for the future has people so energized they are talking to neighbors who they know are registered republicans. but drawing that contrast. donald trump is old. the idea i have to look over my shoulder. that every person is an enemy. that every person is out to get us. that we shouldn't trust anybody in our community. that's old. it is stressful. people are sick of doing it. not look at our neighbors as you know, constant enemies. we all don't know.
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we are just doing it because donald trump said so. enough of that. we love our neighbor. we are showing up to every single corner talking about kamala harris and tim walz. >> it is not just the fund raising. the thing i have noticed, the substantiative power of that campaign, are the volunteers. 42,000 and counting. why is that notable? the number is spectacular at 42,000. but why does that make such a difference in a battleground state like wisconsin? >> well 42,000 volunteers since harris became our nominee. in wisconsin, is a meaningful number. we have twice as many volunteers sign up in our states. the state along with michigan
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and pennsylvania, over the top nationally. if every one of those volunteers goes out and they knock on 40 doors in the neighborhood for a few weeks between now and the elections, they will rack up multiple times in our state alone i was talking to the dems in western washington. the third congressional district where we can beat the republican congressman. and reelect tammy baldwin. she was telling me about conversations she was having with voters who you might think on paper are absolutely republican voters. her focus on building homeowner ship and helping people get ahead. there's a lot of people who are
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now actually asking maybe this is someone i would look at. this is still a very close election. wisconsin is basically tied. that means if you are thinking about volunteers, now is the time. make it 42,001 volunteers. we are going to need all the help we can get. we need to expect high republican turnout too. but a ton of voters feel like they knew everything they needed to know about biden and trump. now they have clear views about trump but are interested in learning more about harris. that creates an opportunity for us. >> mallory, one of the most powerful images from last week's dnc was the gigantic project 2025 book you put on the podium when you came to speak. but it's the substance of that, project 2025 that really hits hard for all americans. kamala harris clearly sending a message of the importance of a
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battleground state in michigan. do they understand project 2025? is there effective messaging so they understand how a second republican administration is going to impact them in an incredibly negative way? they absolutely do. even weeks before the convention. billboards that said project 2025. google it. and people are googling it. it became one of the top google searches. the more people learn about what it is, the more they hate it. just in the four days, there were two mailers that went out from trump's campaign saying i don't know anything about project 2025. you turn it over and then it lays out the themes he does care about. mass deportation. wildly unpopular in michigan. almost three quarters of
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michiganers do not support mass deportations. they support a clear path to citizenship. as a state that especially in the auto industry, and in places like ours are built on immigrants. and people working hard and geting to know their neighbors and getting ahead. so people do know what project 2025 is and do not like it. they know in every aspect. whether it is taxes for working families. reproductive rights. lgbtq rights, to eliminate any reference of climate or climate change with government documents as if it doesn't exist, that is not going to fly in the great lakes state. so it is resonating. and you can tell trump is very much on his he'lls because he can't stop talking about it. >> please stay with us. i have a lot more to talk to
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you about. including how donald trump's message is landing in must win blue wall states with kamala harris surging in the polls. and next hour, trump's very busy schedule next month in court. we'll be right back. court. we'll be right back. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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i said kamala. they have no idea who the hel she is. but as they find out, you notice her poll numbers are starting to skyrocket. >> it's kamala. that was former president trump today earlier in a rally in johnstown, pennsylvania. he made two very strange claims. one, that no one knows the last name of our sitting vice president. he has made that with increasing regularity in recent weeks, and second, that his own poll numbers are skyrocketing. trump has seen his poll numbers drop. with harris cutting trump's lead in key battleground states. somebody is zooming by. michigan state senator mallory. thanks for all of you for sticking around. then i want to go to you right now. i read this great profile about
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you. and he has talent getting people to show up. he frames every race as the election of a lifetime. but you know, ben, this one is. what has happened along the way, we talked about it last segment. the fact that it really is still democracy versus autocracy. chaos versus competency. now we have this more enthusiastic positive energy that has been enthused. it just seem to be so much more stark. >> that's exactly right. we had to grab branch as we were falling off the clip side and pull ourselves up by our fingernails. now, things could go terribly wrong. we are also on the path to the mountain top. we have a real chance the build
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a brighter future for everyone. i describe to people in wisconsin how we could this spring, be watching as voting rights legislation has passed into law. protecting the right to organize acts so many other critical pieces of legislation can become a reality. there is a source of joy and freedom and opportunity in this election, not just the dread about preventing a disaster. that gives new life on the ground to state legislature that just ended its gerrymander. all the way to the presidential ticket. that joy is why we will win this wall. >> your state next door to jd vance's state. your take on whether this aw shucks normal midwestern guy or whether or not your voters are actually buying that. >> oh my goodness no.
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nothing about jd vance screams authentic midwesterner. every increased isal just screams phony. and cruel. frankly. he is a guy who couldn't even figure out how to pick donuts. that was a very strange thing. i have never seen anyone walk in and say whatever makes sense. you're in a donut shop. have some fun. charlie lanken had an opportunity to ask jd vance what makes you smile. and he couldn't say anything. he just started, he said that's a gotcha question. and then started rattling off all the things that made you angry. he could have said his children, his wife, the country, the opportunity to travel the country. the weather in michigan. he can't even hold a normal conversation. so it is not even a normal human. and certainly not an authentic midwesterner. >> i got less than a minute and ■■with you end malcolm.
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your messaging has always been positive. is it working in your key states that people are tired of the weirdness and the hog tillty, and the hatred and the vitriol. >> in 2015, donald trump l was at least, he was speaking for voters who were frustrated with the system that so often left working people on the back burner. this year, there is no pretense, it is all about him. and i think voters are saying does donald trump really care about rick who is waiting 18 months for routine surgery. does he care about them or the worker i met in sullivan county who has been misclassified on
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the job? does he care about that person? no, he only cares ability himself. most pennsylvanians are law- abiding folks without criminal convictions and they don't say oh yeah, he gets my life. he is in his jet or he is,. >> thanks to all of you for your time this evening. i always appreciate it. coming up next, our donald trump's ever changing stance on abortion changed yet again today. stay with us. gain today. stay with us. he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪
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