tv Deadline White House MSNBC September 12, 2024 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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which willst cost the average family nearly $4,000 more a year. and the top economists previewed our plans, they have reviewed them. goldman sachs says my plan would grow our economy and his plan would shrink it. 16 nobel prize-winning economists say he would reignite inflation and moody's says he would ignite a recession by the middle of next year. you know, he talks a big talk, but when folks review the numbers, highly respected folks,
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that's what you learn about him. that's what you learn. and north carolina, on top of all this, donald trump intends to end the affordable care act. as stacey mentioned, you heard what he said in the debate. he has no plan to replace it. he said concepts of a plan. you all watched the debate? no actual plan, concepts. and understand what's at stake on that. 45 million americans are ensured through the affordable care act. he's going to end it based on a
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concept. and take us back to when insurance companies had the power to deny people with preexisting conditions. well, we are not going back. we're not going back. we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom. like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do.
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and we know how we got to this issue because donald trump hand picked three members of the united states supreme court with the intention that they would undo the protections of roe vs. wade, and they did as he intended, and now in over 20 states in our nation, they have what i call trump abortion bans, including north carolina and every single state in the south except virginia. think about that. now 1 in 3 women in america lives under a trump abortion ban. many with no it's immoral. and i know we all here understand and agree one does not have to abandon their faith
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or deeply held believes to agree. the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. and what we know is that the impact of this has been over two years since the decision came down. the impact of this is so real. it's affecting people every day just based on the stories we know and there are so many stories we don't know. think about it. because of trump's abortion bans, women are being refused care during miscarriages. some are only being treated if they develop accept us is.
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and on tuesday night, donald trump refused to say that he would veto a national abortion ban. he refused to answer that question. refsed to answer that question. i'm going to tell you when congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom as be the president of the united states, i will proudly, proudly sign it into law. proudly. and across our nation, across our nation, we are witnessing a full-on assault on other hard-fought freedoms and rights, like the freedom to vote, the freedom to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water and the freedom to love who you
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love openly and with pride. and north carolina has a history of the point i'm about to make. generations of americans before us led the fight for freedom. and now the baton is in our hands. so we who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will finally pass the john lewis voting rights act and the freedom to vote act. we believe in the freedom to live safe from gun violence will pass an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and red flag laws.
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so much is at stake in this election. so much is at stake in this election. and understand this is not 2016 or 2020. for a number of reasons, including why the stakes are higher because two months ago the united states supreme court told the former president he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house. think about that. think about that. just imagine donald trump with no guardrails. he who has vowed that if reelected he will be a dictator on day one. that he will weaponize the department of justice against his political enemies and has called for the, quote, termination of the constitution
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of the united states of america. think about that. let us be very clear. somebody who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the united states should never again stand behind the seal of the president of the united states. never again. never again. never again. and you know one of the points that i mentioned on tuesday, so the people who served under him at the white house who saw him every day, his national security adviser, his defense secretary, his chief of staff and his vice president, all have warned -- all who worked with him every day in the white house, sat with him in the oval office, have
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warned america donald trump is not fit to be president of the united states. and should never again occupy our nation's highest office. so it comes out to this. it comes down to this. we are here together because we love our country. we love our country. and we understand the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on earth. the privilege and pride of being an american.
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and so, i believe it is the highest form then of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country and to fight to realize the promise of america. so north carolina, we have 54 days until election day. 54 days. just 35 days until early voting begins. and it's not only the presidency that's on the ballot. there are many important races, including josh stein running for
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ed by donald trump and wants a ban, a total ban on abortion in this state. so these are the stakes in this election. up and down the ballot, but we know the power is with the people. the power is with the people. and your voice is your vote, north carolina. your vote is your voice. and we know, here's the thing also, we're all we've got. we are loving our campaign, aren't we? we are loving this campaign. we are having a good time. we're having a good time. i know that. but here's also the thing. ours will be a very tight race until the end, okay?
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it's going to be a tight race until the end, and we are the underdog. understand that. we are the underdog. there are powerful forces trying to convince people that their vote doesn't matter. there are powerful forces, but i say all that to say we have some hard work ahead of us. here's the thing i love about everybody here. we love hard work. hard work is good work. hard work is good work. hard work is good work. and with your help, we will win in november. we will win. we will win. so today i'm going to ask you, are you ready to make your voices heard? do we believe in freedom? do we believe in opportunity?
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do we believe in the promise of america? and are we ready to fight for it? and when we fight, we win. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. >> hi, everyone. it's about 12 minutes past 4:00 in new york. you have been listening to vice president kamala harris indisputably fired up in north carolina. that big rally there kicking off a blitz across the battle. ground states with her running mate governor tim walz in michigan today. watching with us is april ryan, author of black women will save the world and washington bureau chief and white house
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correspondent, also joining us is msnbc columnist and contributor charlie sykess. with me at the table for the hour, former state department official during the obama administration rick substantiation the is here. we'll get into north carolina and other political developments, but this speech is the first speech sips the debate. you heard her continuing to needle donald trump and repeating some of the biggest -- i don't know if you call them gaffes, but the most detrimental things trump said, and realizing almost in realtime, oh, you all watched the debate. >> yeah, everyone who i've talked to who watched the debate, and i was in the spin room on tuesday night. they cannot believe how poorly donald trump showed and the things that he said to include the issue of springfield, ohio,
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and this dog and cat issue. but also how he performed the things he said on immigration, on abortion, et cetera. particularly in this moment on this day, when donald trump is talking about he is now a champion on ivf, when he was along with other republicans talking about what happens to the egg. they were thinking about criminalizing the issue people killed the egg or they didn't want the egg anymore. so donald trump is flip-flopping because he lost that debate. and kamala harris is in her element. she is more herself in these moments, particularly after what is considered a win for her tuesday night. she gave it to him. she rattled his cage from the beginning until the end. and tonight in north carolina, this afternoon, she feels it in her converse. she's walking in that victory. >> there she is in her converse.
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charlie sykes, there's a lot about her campaign that doesn't have a parallel. it's brevity at which she arrived at the nomination, the organic nature of the enthusiasm, but there's something so familiar to anyone who has worked on campaigns about momentum. this is what momentum looks like. to come out and really be in a call of response with the crowd. that is sort of what we see in the polls under the question about enthusiasm. this is where the enthusiasm numbers have totally flipped. they advantage democrats, they advantage kamala harris in a way they haven't advantaged the republican candidate since 2008. just talk about this moment for her campaign. she made very clear. she doesn't want to ride that momentum. she doesn't want to be on that stage as a winner of anything yet. we are the underdogs.
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we love hard work and hard work is good work. with your help, we will win. >> yeah, i think she's right to say that she's the underdog, but she has the wind at her back. when you watch that performance and the debate, you realize why donald trump is running away from another debate. there are a lot of things that are somewhat puzzling and mysterious about american politic, but donald trump's reluctant to every get on the debate stage with her again is not a mystery. and so this week is really -- it's fascinating that the kind of pivot that we have. the week started with "the new york times" poll that suggested maybe her support is stalling and the honeymoon is over. it's pretty obvious that the momentum is still alive and well. and donald trump is still flailing. he's trying to figure out how to run against this woman. i thought it was very interesting listening to her speech how she's emphasizing her support for small businesses and what she will do for small
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businesses and families. there's donald trump out there trying to cast her as this dangerous communist marxist radical, and it's just not hitting. so i do think that at least for the next week or two weeks in this incredibly short abbreviated campaign, she's going to continue to have that kind of momentum. and again, the kind of enthusiasm you're seeing is not the kind of enthusiasm that can be manufactured. there's no amount of money that's going to get you the kind of reaction that she's getting right now. and i have to say that that is really -- that really has to worry the republicans, who understand this is on a knife's edge, but also understand how enthusiasm can translate into turnout. >> the expectations were almost ridiculous. she had to be joy us, she had to be tough, it had to become a referendum on trump.
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she did all those things. and the polls that have been in the field the two days since the debate reflect that whether causally or just because of the way this is turning and people are paying attention, the more people see her and like her and see donald trump, the less comfortable and excited they are about him. one of the polls is in north carolina, where she is today, where cook has moved it from leaning republican to a toss up. speak about the fight that she talked about there, the hard work that's required and her underdog status. >> i want to pick up on what charlie said because enthusiasm is great, but if it doesn't translate into turnout, it doesn't matter. that's why we talk about enthusiasm all the time. there was a dearth of it. that was the problem. they were afraid people wouldn't turn out. if you look at north carolina, donald trump won north carolina twice. 2016, 2020. barack obama won in 2008, the first democrat since jimmy
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carter to do so. it's so tight now. trump has to win north carolina. he has to win pennsylvania. he has to win georgia. the whole 270 ballot goes through pennsylvania and georgia. and so she's going to be spending a lot of time in north carolina. the fact that she's putting it in play means he has to spend there. she's way, way outspending him in the battleground states, except for two. except for pennsylvania and georgia. they are their equal. >> i want to bring in congressman jim clyburn of south carolina. when we last spoke, it was the afternoon before president biden's address to the nation where he sort of talked about his thinking and through tloou his weight behind kamala harris. it feels like 11 years ago but before we dive sba the headlines and the speech, just tell me how you feel about the last six
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weeks. >> very good. we had a great convention. we came out of there with much more momentum than we ever dreamed of, and we have had two real solid weeks. i have traveled quite a bit. georgia last weekend, national democratic baptist convention earlier. the weekend before i was in upstate new york. i have been to indiana. people are really, really hopeful about our future and they are engaged in this process. i do believe that they are going to turn out in great numbers and make kamala harris the next president of the united states. >> she is to the people who know
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her well, like yourself, she's showing everyone who you know. to the people who underestimate the her in both parties, she is a pleasant surprise. if you're in that coalition, to donald trump she's a conundrum wrapped in a black woman's body. what do you make about how stumped he is by her? >> he is stumped by her. and i could never quite understand why people seem to feel that she was not ready for this. the district attorney general, a united states senator, vice president and what more do you need to do to demonstrate that you are prepared to be president of the united states? that's a resume that very few people in recent years have been
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able to take into the presidency. so i have been telling people that when i saw her on the spur of the moment, she ran down to nashville, tennessee, to standby those three people, a white woman and two young black men who have been unfairly kicked out of the legislature. she stood -- she didn't have any notes that night. she didn't have a teleprompter. people who were disenfranchised and discriminated against in a way that said to me, she is ready. when she went out around the country to lay out her plan for reproductive freedoms, i said through a friend of mine, this lady is cooking with gas. and i just knew.
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that she was ready for this task. so i have heard all this talk prior to the convention that joe biden were to discontinue his candidacy, we need to find a new clean slate. i made it very clear what we needed to do was turn to a proven leader who has demonstrated by her resume, tha she is ready. so she's demonstrating that. anybody who had any doubt, if you missed the debate two nights ago, google it. >> 67 million people tuned in and watched it. i think we're in football game
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territory, super bowl numbers with that audience. when people see here and hear her, liz cheney said this was a speech that george w. bush could have given. we compare her to president obama, whose campaign is similar in terms of the enthusiasm, but ideologically, she's already rallied a much wider coalition. her enthusiast supporters, i wonder if you can speak to the broadness, the broad base of support, the broad base of people saying if you love this country, there's only one candidate in november and it's kamala harris. >> that's absolutely correct. it's kind of interesting if you go back and look at her candidacy back in 2019 before she dropped out of that race, everybody was saying a the time
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that she was too far to the right of center. this time around, in anticipation, she's too far to the left of center. where is she? she's right where the vast majority of the american people are. you may remember this on your show that i once said my dad was a very conservative guy who taught us to conserve energy, to save money, but he never asked his congregation for a conservative offering. he always asked for a liberal offering. so i just believe there are times to be conservative, there are times to be liberal. there are times to be progressive. we have got to continue to a more per spect union. if it means to conserve or to
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preor to liberalize your efforts, let's do what needs to be done given the time and circumstances in which we find ourselves. so i see she's doing that. that's why you see such a broad base of support for her. progressives love her, conservatives respect her, she is the american. >> progressives love her. and what is interesting to me, even the ones who will admit to being skeptical come on my show, go on other networks and say, you know, i'm pleasantly surprised. anyone that has watched her in the senate sort of dismantling, respectfully, some of the key figures of the trump era, they
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are not surprised. but that's a perfect way to put it. that her coalition ranges from widely enthusiastic to deeply respectful. and that is a great way to talk about her coalition. it's always great to talk to you, congressman. please come back. >> thank you very much for having me. rick, i'm going to borrow that. it's the perfect way to describe her coalition. you have people that's a perfect way to describe the campaign she's presenting to the people. she's talking about small businesses. she's talking about commanding the most lethal military in the world. she's talking about generals that are called donald trump a disgrace, and she's talking about lifting up the middle class. this is not an ideological platform she's presenting to the country. >> we just heard her say we lo our country. that's not a conservative idea. that's not a -- >> it's not a maga line anymore. >> it's kind of amazing. and this is the idea. i have written a little about
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how she's taken back the word freedom and taken back the idea of american exceptionalism. she has brought it back and turned it around to say it's the imgrant experience, it's the fact that we are a culture of opportunity. shep wants to create an opportunity economy. that is what american exceptionalism is about. and remember, donald trump was the first declinist to ever win the presidency. the first person to say america is a failing state. it's coming home to roost because people do not want to elect someone who says america is a failing state. >> stay away from the dogs. is the campaign operative, i was not always influential the and i was not always right, but i warned everyone to never invoke or attack pets. and you have trump going to places and breaking both of
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those rules. what do you make of how alienating his last 48 hours have been? >> it's someone being tone deaf to his staffers and to republican party. he is now on his own ropes. he knows he dp not handle that last debate well. and that showed by him coming into the spin room. i'm here just a block away from the d.c. convention center, where the annual legislative black caucus for the cdc is happening. and there is more of an enthusiasm here for her. people are watching how donald trump is troubling in the midst of this moment. this moment where kamala harris the has risen to the top. she's been authentically herself. he's trying to find himself. he's throwing himself out into areas he once said no to.
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for him, but donald trump is going into areas like abortion. he was saying abortion and talking in terms that are not true about people having abortions after the ninth month. things that are not true. now he's trying to put into the conversation the issue about being and he's not that champion. just the beginning of this year, donald trump has said that he stood by republicans who did not feel that that was a good issue. now he's saying as a champion, because he wants -- he says in nice terms, for people to have babies. we need to have more babies. who is the we? that goes into another thing.
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the devil is in the details. who is the we to have babies? is this about the browning of america that he does not like? in subtle the terms, saying white people need to have more babies. this is a lot of code for a lot of people. and he's falling down a rabbit hole that he's creating for himself. >> charlie, journalists like april can follow all those twists and turns, and the problem with the pets is that you don't have to have eight years of trump history down the way. april ryan and a small and accomplished group of journalists understand and can decode all that. the problem for trump eating the dogs, everyone knows that's crazy. everybody. >> a lot of this is familiar to those of us that have lived through the trump years. i wonder whether or not this is a revelation for the tens of millions of people who turned into this debate and said, what
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is he talking about? what is this that he's doing? he has followed jd vance and others down some of these dark rabbit holes. he's done it willingly, playing the race card more aggressively and with uglier tones than anyone in american politics has done in more than half a century. so what you're seeing is not really that he's weird and extreme, but he's reminding people of how ugly his message is. that's part of the contrast that you're seeing here. the kamala harris, i will confess, doing much better than i expected. really exceeding my expectation donald trump is liing up to the darkest expectations of him. we're 54 days away from the election. he's flying around with one of the mosts notorious raist
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conspiracy theorists, who is a 9/11 denialist, and he has surrounded himself with people who are encouraging his worst and darkest impulses. he's hoping to play on the worst and darkest impulses of the american people. this is what he thinks works. if he can convince america to fear immigrants, that he will protect americans from these angry black people who are going to eat your pets. unfortunately for him, it comes off as crazy and ludicrous. but what's very interesting is that neither he or jd vance are back off from it. even though it's been exposed as a lie, because they have decided they want that narrative. they want the narrative of racial fear. they are going to play with that memes. the story out of springfield
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maybe fake, but they are saying this is a larger truth that we need to be terrified. he thinks this has worked for him in the past, butt contrast right now where you have somebody talking about an optimistic future versus a declinist who is constantly running down the country saing that we are a country in decline, that contrast is very, very powerful. but again, we are seeing donald trump at his ugliest and that's saying a lot after the last nine years. >> just listening to you, the why it matters is abundantly clear. why it matters that she stand on a debate stage with 70 million people watching and say, but i saw it on tv. you're not running to have a show on the internet. you're running to be the president of the united states, to look at the best information and decipher that which you
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learn and that which you saw on tv. i have a twooen who says i saw that on tv. it's so disqualifying. what kamala harris's greatest political success, i think to date, and wasn't one who underestimated her because i was desperate to see men held to account. she was singular in her ability to do it on live tv without a lot of notes in realtime. but what she's been able to do to our politics is if you view trump as a cancer to the body politic, she's decided to shrink the tumor before she eliminates it. it's been delightful to watch her shrink him and make him look petty and small and uninformed and irrelevant. and that, to me, is what the dog -- the eating the dogs opportunity that he has given all the of us, and to your point, he's sticking with it. we'll the have much more on that story.
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thank you, april, for that great reporting with the sirens blaring. we appreciate you. charlie and rick, stick around. we'll the have much more on what the data says about the harris campaign's momentum since we last saw the vice president on the debate stage. she's gotten the backing of the number one singer star in the world. another former bush republican, high-profile one has backed her as well. we'll have a chance to talk to the senior adviser about how you turn all this enthusiasm into votes in november. plus as charlie has been talking, donald trump more and more these days is surrounding himself not with campaign staff, not even with strategists, good, bad, or otherwise, but with internet influencers and extreme ones trying to push the racism and their conspiracy theories and their hatred into the mainstream of american politics.
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we'll talk more about the far right fringe takeover of the republican nominee for president. and later in the broadcast, the united states attorney general today pledging that guardrails are in place at the department of justice. should donald trump find himself back in the white house and able to implement his plans. all those stories and more when "deadline: white house" continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere. ter a quick b. don't go anywhere. things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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and i believe we owe it to the voters to have a another debate. because this election and what is at stake could not be more important. on tuesday night, talked about issues that i know matter to families across america. like bringing down the cost of living, investing in america's small businesses, protecting reproductive freedom, and keeping our nation safe and secure. but that's not what we heard from donald trump. instead, it was the same old
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show. that same tired playbook that we heard for years. with no plans for how he would address the needs of the american people because it's all about him. it's not about you. well, folks, i said it then. i say it now. it's time to turn the page. turn that page. >> that was vice president kamala harris in charlotte, north carolina, wrapped up about 40 minutes ago saying, quote, we owe it to the voters to have another debate. we should share with you that while she was saying that in north carolina, donald trump took to truth social to say, no, no, not again. and does not intend to debate her again. this is just in. the harris campaign raised $47 million in the 24 hours following the debate. joining us to talk about it all,
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senior adviser and spokesperson for the harris/walz campaign is here. "the new york times" has that reporting. $47 million flowed into the harris campaign in the 24 hours after the debate. it maybe obvious, but there's something if you believe in the old laws of politics, which i don't know they apply to anything anymore, but trump should want another chance. it's clear he was so outmatched that he said uncle. what do you make? is there any way to try to keep this on the table as another opportunity for her to reach that size audience again? >> thank you for having me. i think the word out of trump campaign has been all over the place. jason miller yesterday saying that they would do one. president trump today saying there will not be one. so who knows where they are going to go. the vice president said that the
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the american people deserve a second chance to hear from them. you mentioned the large grass roots enthusiasm we go the in 24 hours. it's from 600,000 individual people in 24 hours. it speaks to the energy and enthusiasm that exists out there in the country for the vice president rightnow. it's so important we have that because trump and trump's campaign and the maga world are billionaire superpac funded. they have a lot of resources to come at the vice president over the next 50 days with the attacks and smeers. we have to have the resources to fight back and harness this energy that we're seeing in the debate and even before in order to get her message out and talk about the issues that matter to people like you just played in that clip. >> the debate shows really good movement for you, but i wonder where is your head on polls?
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do you wish they all had you tide? with yo how do you guys internally deal with polls? what do you want people to take from them? >> we see this as a margin of error race. we're a divided country. the vice president is working hard to change that dynamic. you talked about the broad coalition that she's building. hundreds of bush, romney, mccain alumni were coming out putting country over party. the former attorney general for president bush out this morning saying donald trump represents a real threat to the rule of law in this country. vice president harris has spent her career defending it. there's momentum building right now for a broad coalition of people who are ready to turn the page on trump and chart a new way forward with the vice
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president. i think polls will go up and down, but at the end of the day it's a 50/50 race. that's why it's so important democrats who are enthusiastic about the debate on tuesday night understand that we have a lot of hard work to do. we need people to sign up to volunteer. we need people to go to and chip in a few more bucks so we can fight back. so that's what we'll be doing in the come days, even as polls may fluctuate up and down. >> what are the best and most tangible things you hope that the taylor swift endorsement and message brings to the campaign? >> it's interesting. we talk about former republican luminaries, including a former republican vice president, former congresswoman liz cheney. it spans from them all the way to taylor swift. taylor swift represents something meaningful for so many people across this country. especially women, who really identify with her and we are so
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proud to have her support. it takes courage to speak out. it takes courage when you're someone with her stature and audience to step out and say this election means something really significant for the country. and we can't stay quiet and people need to go vote. i think it's part of the example of the counted of future that the vice president is wanting to build. one where we are more united than we are today. more than we were under former president trump not going back to that kind of chaos and division. that's one of her top priorities as president to bring us together as a people again. i think that when you see this ground swell of support, the age spectrum, where people are from, she's building a coalition to win this race. we're going to be working really hard to grow that in the coming days and weeks. >> so much going on.
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thank you for taking some time to talk to us today. we're grateful. >> thank you. up next for us, how that conspiracy theory and lie about haitian immigrants in one small town in ohio has put an entire community on edge and left them very afraid. we'll talk about that, next. and ry afraid. we'll talk about that, next. ♪& doug.♪ and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪ ♪how doug and limu roll, yeah!♪ ♪♪ ♪you know you got to live it,♪ ♪♪ ♪if you want to win...♪ [bump] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ if you have this... and you get this... you could end up with this... unexpected out-of-pocket costs. which for those on medicare, or soon to be,
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>> it's very shocking. the higherness of it. the words. the concerns and the lives of the kids. the recklessness with which he smears people, rick, in communities is a tragic pattern. immigrants are poisoning the blood of america. it's nazi adjacent tactics and there's a market, calling it kung flu, covid. there's no group he won't smear. there is something so specific and dangerous about this one. >> yeah.
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the you said it. it's racist, this view that somehow people of color are poisoning america. it's just hard to even say. you know, it's funny. we have such a difficult history in haiti. haiti was a slave state. was a french slave state. they revolted and got their independence. no one wanted to recognize them and then we occupied haiti for 27 years. we have a special obligation to haiti. you know living in new york city, i mean, haitians, there are lots of haitians. super hard working. super patriotic. it's just -- you know, it's like what he did to the central park 5 and everything else. it fits a really ugly pattern. >> charlie, i believe you gave us a haiti-specific reference point in just the trump story. it is one of the nations that i believe it leaked out that he described as shit hole countries. is that right?
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was haiti one of them? >> yeah. he singled it out before. to rich's point about the pattern, you go back to the central park 5, his obsession with birtherism when barack obama was running for president. 2015 he called for a ban on muslims, then later it was the caravans, then it was the tiki torch nazis in charlottesville who were good people on both sides and here we are. here we are with the meme that he's advancing about haitians eating cats. i'm glad governor dewine who is a republican, republican governor of ohio is calling this out as fake but -- but i have to push back a little bit. he said this is an internet meme. what's happening now is not because it's a fake internet meme. what's happening now is because j.d. vance and donald trump have decided to amplify and exploit this. the reason that we are talking about this, the reason why
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haitians in this town are living in fear, are looking over their shoulder, why there are bomb threats is because donald trump has decided to weaponize this issue because he thinks he will get a political advantage in making people fear these immigrants. this is something he has been doing now for decades and, again, 54 days before the election there's a spotlight on it. pt this is what he is he doing. he is turning people against one another and i guess the question is is this what we want? is this who we are as a country? is this what we want america to be? >> it's -- you know, you're right. we're at the point where it's up to us. if you don't like it,ing do something. charlie sykes, rick stengel, thank you. thanks so much for spending the hour with us. just ahead for us, the far right takeover of donald trump. we'll have much more on the story and we'll talk about the something you can do. you can vote. you can take your friends to vote. 54 days, guys. we'll be right back.
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this one at least, you're the expert here, he decisively lost. might have made some great reasons where the economy was, but it was all over the map. this is the first occasion where it wasn't just a close call, of it a lopsided one? wasn't even a close call. hi again, everybody. your eyes do not deceive you. it's 5:00 in new york and those are words the ex-president cannot handle. quote, he decisively lost. donald trump hated hearing that from neil kabuto over at fox so much he attacksed the fox news anchor in a social media post last night calling him one of the worst on television. neil is not alone in that assessment of trump's debate performance even at fox, even a among places typically solidly friendly to the ex-president.
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"new york times" reports this, quote, several trump allies and advise joers who spoke to the "new york times" anonymously saw it as a could he lows sal missed opportunity. he had one overriding goal to force ms. harris to own her left wing policy and to attach to the biden/harris record. he found himself defending many of his decisions and past positions while spreading unfounded claims about immigrants eating pets. indeed, it appeared as "the new york times" reports that, quote, mr. trump snagged himself on every trap miss harris laid out for him and he showcased how he's becoming more and more completely beholden to fringy far right influences and conspiracy theorists. new reporting in "the atlantic" explores how trump has, quote, exhibited himself as someone who is not simply on the internet but someone who is of the internet.
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in real life he speaks in posts emblematic of the terminally online. orban is a figure who is much part of the far right. but who is likely not a well-known figure to most voters. transgender operations for illegal aliens in prison is a phrase chatgpt would spit out if you fed it right wing posts and asked it to parody them. haitian immigrants eating people's pets in ohio is a hallucination that was born on the right wing internet as well. that last claim is one spread on line by prominent far right conspiracy theorist laura loomer who we know traveled with donald trump on the plane to his debate. she accompanied him yesterday to an event at a new york city fire station commemorating the anniversary of the september 11th terrorist attack. one problem, last year laura
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loomer called 9/11 an inside job. she is a 9/11 truther. on sunday she posted a racist tirade against vice president kamala harris. it was so racist and offensive that we made the decision not to platform it and show it to you. even staunch trump ally and far right extremist herself, marjorie taylor greene called loomer out for it. we only tell you that to answer the question how bad was it. it was so bad marjorie taylor greene was offended. now with just two months left to go before election day, it is people like laura loomer who are driving the trump train and it's where we start the hour with some of our favorite reporters and friends. nbc news correspondent vonn hilliard is in tucson, arizona for us where trump is holding a rally. it's supposed to be about the economy. plus david jolly is here. democratic strategist and
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professor at columbus university, basil michaels is back. the host of the podcast "the amendment," erin hayes is back. vonn hilliard, i start with you. i wonder who thinks this is working. >> reporter: that's a good question, nicole. i think for donald trump, he thinks it's working. i think that is how this campaign is operated. when we're looking at how his co-campaign managers and senior advisers have postured themselves towards donald trump, it has been through ensuring that they are not acting as gate capers to him. we have seen it past, administration officials come and go. he fires them. that hasn't been the case this go around. that is because they have not obstructed them. if donald trump says he wants laura loomer on his plane, laura
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loomer is on his plane. and i think that this is a moment where you kind of see the nexus of even 12 years of conspiracy theories that donald trump is flirting with them and outright embrace of them coming to a head. mere weeks before early ballots go out.arizona, you could say it's quite fitting to be here. right as you're coming to air, folks were giving a round of applause to kari lake. joe arpaio is here. he said his posse members from the maricopa county sheriff's office to investigate the birtherism claims surrounding barack obama's birth. at the same time donald trump was calling attention to that issue. 12 years later the two men are here on the cusp of potentially winning the white house here yet again and for what consequence? well, donald trump lost in 2020
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but for both of those men, they are still greeted by rounds of applause, standing ovations. there is a base of support that has been propagated by right wing media, from charlie kirk, jack basobit who perpetuated and elevated the conversation around, quote, pet eating and laura loomer, hundreds of thousands, billions of followers who are all but legitimized by the former president of the united states, donald trump, who talks about them. he's praised them from the stage. and i think that the question here is at this point in time just how many people in this country follow the propagation of these types of conspiracy theorists. we saw them rejected in 2020. we saw them rejected in 2022. the question here is in the weeks ahead as the mail-in ballots come out, will crowds, independent voters, will they reject those types of things that are coming out of the words of the republican nominee,
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nicole. >> to surround yourself with someone so crazy that marjorie taylor green is so mad and attacking you, tell me if their campaign is about getting more votes than kamala harris or if this is a different project. >> reporter: well, i think that this is -- i think there's two things happening. there's a campaign happening and then there is another power dynamic which is simply a movement. and those who are seeking power within it, right? marjorie tailor green speaking out against laura loomer who has plane access, flying around with him to a debate, 9/11 ceremonies. the only two people who have spoken out against laura loomer associating with donald trump are marjorie taylor greene hao over the course of 24 hours led loomer to go on a mass posting on social media attacking marjorie taylor greene as anti-semetic, the other person was a republican member of congress who came out and said that she was trouble and donald trump shouldn't associate with
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her and in turn laura loomer just this afternoon openly to her massive followers suggested that this member of congress is gay, suggesting that he needs to come out of the closet and that is why people are fearful of laura loomer. and donald trump and his campaign, despite a flurry of officials from nbc reaching out asking if there was any effort to disassociate the two or to push her away or make sure she was not on the plane, there has been silence. and that is why laura loomer continues to see an ally in donald trump and, frankly, until we hear otherwise from the republican nominee, i think that we are watching unfold in real time a power dynamic that has taken over republican party, elections aside. even if he loses, this is a conversation that is going to be taking place about hundreds of million dollar organization that happens to be a political party. >> it's really, really dramatic and really nuanced around really
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important. vonn hilliard i know is really close to starting. we're going to let you go and cover that. do come back. wave your arms at the camera and come back if you have anything before the end of the hour for us. thank you so much for starting us off, my friend. david jolly, there's something so weird and extreme that i -- my first instinct is like nervous laughter, but there's something so deadly serious about this and we should not zoom ahead. let's just stay right where vonn brought us. the trump campaign has been hijacked by laura loomer, and laura loomer is someone who is so radical that marjorie taylor greene, a sort of radical right wing fame, doesn't like her. i keep saying that just to orient you on an ideological spectrum. we're no longer talking about
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right and left. if you go all the way to the right, you go off the ledge and you're on the ground and you're sort of feeling around, you've got to go under the ground to find laura loomer. talk about the ramifications of this moment in this party, in this campaign? >> yeah, so many elements, nicole. first, let's agree, this is a campaign way off message. way off message. perfect question for vonn. is this a movement trying to win a presidency or is there something else going on? in terms of being a candidate, donald trump is a historically terrible can date right now. that's not a pe juror ra tiff. you can go back and try to examine the fail points of major party presidential nominees. donald trump is one of the worst we've seen in decades as the 2024 nominee. then you go to the dangerous and unsettling part, which is certainly the influences and the voices like loomer and others. but the most dangerous is that donald trump as a former president, who probably should know better though it's clear he doesn't, but now trying to be
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president again, seeks counsel from the dark shadows of right wing social media accounts. and believes in conspiracy theories and main streams them within his own party like he did on the debate stage. that is somebody who is unwell and is not fit to be president of the united states. in had some ways, though it is so dangerous, perhaps this is the most important thing the american people can see is that when he arrived at the debate stage, he was accompanied by laura loomer and matt gaetz, not by jared and ivanka, not by a sitting member of congress who is held in higher regard. for those who came out of tuesday night, if you are a harris supporter and democrat, you felt the adrenaline of my candidate won, that's a fair emotion, but i think there's a much more impactful, more dispassionate take away from tuesday night which is i truly believe for the first time in a
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very long time, the american voters, 60 million or so who watched this, were presented with the most accurate depiction of the political choice that is sitting in front of us, the most accurate depiction of the candidates. vice president harris for all of her strengths and weaknesses was presented very fairly to the american people. donald trump for what consumes him and how he behaves, from his embrace of putin to the j6 rioters, for his inability to answer questions on reproductive freedom to his own culpability criminally, you go down the list of items that donald trump was unable to answer and look at what he did answer. the laura loomer conspiracy theories. the misogyny, the xenophobia,s the racism, the real dark themes of a man who clearly is spiraling within his own self. the american people saw that in a purely almost academic way, and i think that's why you're seeing the numbers come in saying not only did vice president harris win this race, but there's no way that donald
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trump will ever get a majority of votes in this country. >> what is he doing, david jolly? what are we covering? >> part of him being a terrible candidate, he is consumed by his own vanities and narcissism. the reason he won't debate her again is the head trauma is too great for him. he is untethered from reality. i'll leave that to clinicians to diagnose him. it's clear to any observer, this is someone untethered from the truth. what it has always been about is his own success and his own vanities and his own thirst for power. when he has been abandoned by everybody, this is not a swipe at the man's personal life, but his wife was not with him. the daughter that he cherishes most was not with him. the counsel of jared kushner was not with him. they've abandoned him because in some ways we could take from that that they know he should not be making this run again for the white house, either because it is about saving himself there
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federal prison or because he's incapable of leading the country or he's trying to satisfy his own crave for power. the danger is can he pull this off? the platform of the laura loomers and matt gaetz's is a danger to the country. >> basil, this reached the podium of the white house press secretary. here's korean jeanpierre today. >> it is unamerican to say these types of things, exactly the kind of hateful and divisive rhetoric that we should denounce and we should not -- should not be part of the fabric of this country. it doesn't matter what your political views are. you should stand and condemn, and condemn these types of just repugnant, repugnant words. no leader should ever associate with someone who spreads this
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kind of ugliness, beings this kind of racist poison. that's what this is. and who continues to fan these types of dangerous and insulting conspiracy theories, like the false notion, like the false notion that the tragic 9/11 attacks were an inside job. >> we're so far beyond examining trump through any rational lens so it's easy to see how this didn't lead every newscast all day long. he went to a 9/11 event with a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. laura loomer has posted she believes and associates that people who believe 9/11 was an inside job. that's who trump had with him yesterday at 9/11events. >> you're absolutely right. just a note about my good friend
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korean jean pierre, she is haitian american but she spoke for the country there. what is concerning to me from the point of view of race, is that i had so many of my haitian american friends asking me to amplify their messages of anger, frustration and disgust really with what donald trump has said, these lies that are being spread. you know -- and i'm seeing some clips today of conservative outlets talking about or using clips of people from illinois and from ohio talking about these haitian immigrants. one woman went on to say that she's concerned about her daughters. one man said he's concerned about the women in the neighborhood. these extraordinarily horrid racial tropes are as old as this country. it reminds me of a nation at risk in m the early 1900s that portrayed african americans as brutes and the heroes of that movie were members of the ku
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klux klan. if you think about where donald trump's mind is today, that's where it is. it is that these -- you know, these nazi aligned, these klan aligned individuals are the only ones that are going to move our country forward and save this country from these bruts, from these animals. that's where his mind is. i've always said that campaigns are additive, meaning that the goal is to take your base and expand beyond that base. we see kamala harris doing that with all of the support that she's getting from independents, from republicans, former republicans coming to join this campaign. what are we seeing with donald trump? he's always had a ceiling so knowing that he's had this ceiling, what he's doing is trying to rip up the floor. he's found the darkest hole he can find and digging deeper into it. that's why i'm so glad to use sort of a pop culture reference. i was so glad to see kamala
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harris at the debate yesterday because she had that sort of captain america and avengers invin knit at this moment. she got thors hammer and started going wild with it sort of in defense of justice and in defense of just rational thinking people in this country and finally, you know, on the debate stage as david said earlier, it was the greatest contrast that you could ever see in a presidential campaign. and it was one of the best opportunities to see at how brittle donald trump's ego is, how fake his stature is, how a non-intellect that he is and that he only wants to win by going deeper into these darker holes. to bring laura loomer to -- to ground zero when a lot of people who not only are not from this country but of all races and ethnicities died that day, to bring someone who repeats these
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kinds of tropes that we saw when haitians were at the -- the migrants across the southern border, pictures of people chasing them. people were making money off of coins. this is not about politics, this is about making money, it's about creating an enterprise around this horrid racism. and i'm so glad that we at least had an opportunity to see that contrast the other night. >> but we'll never see it again, erin haynes, because he's afraid to ever debate her again. she said, let's go. let's do it. he said, no, ma'am. >> tbd. he said he's not going to debate her today. we don't know if that will change. the spin he has, he's telling people it's the best debate
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ever. people like neil kaputo don't tell the truth. if he thinks he has the best debate ever, why go on stage with her again? he doesn't need to, right? i guess listening to all of this, my take away is, what else is new, right? this is who he is. he's going to spin. he's going to lie. he's going to repeat the lies. the he's going to try to sew chaos. as sure as there is an election, donald trump is going to be fear-mongering around immigrants. before it was the migrant caravan hoards. this time it's haitians who are legal migrants who he is demonizing. to basil's point korean is having to address this at a white house press conference. this is why it matters of his rhetoric and actions having real world consequences for real people. we're hearing about the haitians
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in fear in this community. you know, even though donald trump's horrible performance did not win him the debate, perhaps he is still convinced that somehow this is going to help him win an election, the idea of letting trump be trump and the idea that the candidate and his campaign are at odds in terms of what strategy is going to get him elected in november. i mean, i think that is why we're seeing what we're seeing,
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him continuing to lean into the playbook that he feels has worked for him in the past but, again, i think that seeing him on the debate stage on tuesday night just reinforced what a tired playbook that has become for so many americans and it was a playbook that was rejected in 2020 and may very well be rejected in november. >> no one's going anywhere. we have much more to tell you about. much more reporting to share with everybody as donald trump tries to pick up the pieces after his bruising and humiliating defeat on the debate stage against vice president kamala harris. he's on stage right now in tucson, arizona, relitigating the debate as we speak. we're monitoring that for you. also ahead, how attorney general merrick garland is working to trump proof the department of justice just in case the disgraced ex-president prevails and finds his way back to the white house. it comes amid new warnings about what could be a lower profile
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so-called slow burn kind of authoritarianism and a potential second trump term. the steps merrick garland is taking. "deadline white house" continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere. eak. don't go anywhere. recipes that are more than their ingredients. ♪ [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones. ♪ i'm not old enough to vote yet, but i learned how one out of six of us and helping to write new ones. will someday be raped. so please think about me when you vote. i learned how our freedom to have an abortion was taken away... even in cases of rape or incest, even to travel to get an abortion.
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please think about me. you know who got rid of roe v wade. now women are being refused lifesaving care at hospitals, and politicians are trying to ban birth control. please think about me. my parents call me their miracle daughter because i was born with ivf. but ivf could be banned, too. do they think we're less than human? do they think we can't make decisions? about our own bodies? about our own lives? when you vote, please think about me. and me. -and me. because the politician who got rid of roe v wade, he couldn't care less.
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experience how great splenda stevia can be. grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) if they lie about her, and they will, we've got to do something. if we see a bad poll, and we will, we've got to put down that poll and do something. if we start feeling tired, if we start feeling that dpraed creeping back in, we've got to pick ourselves up, throw water on our face and do what? >> do something!
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>> so i thought about that speech last hour in reporting the fear that the haitian community feels. i imagine beyond the borders of this one ohio town. because the dread and the darkness is the tactic. the fear is the point. and pompeo was the first pardon recipient. i'll fact check myself. the intimidation. the shame, the tactics, intimidation. members of the republican party.
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the racist smear. he smears and belittles them personally and their network. this idea that you can appease someone like trump feels like it's coming home to someone on the right. >> nicole, this is a heartbreaking chapter for the country. certainly this week i see a nominee say that haitian immigrants are eating pets just to fear monger and scare people. that's a heartbreaking moment. it's a heartbreaking moment for what it reflects on the values for a lot of americans across the country, but i think we sell ourselves short pending just on donald trump. sure, he may have given it a platform and a permission structure when he came here. when i see events of this week,
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the rhetoric of donald trump, laura loomer, the attack on haitian immigrants, i tie a thread back to a similar message. katie britt's response to the state of the union. eight or nine months ago. what do we remember today about it? she was telling america that black and brown immigrants are coming into white gentrified communities and you should be scared. that wasn't donald trump, that was a sitting alabama senator reflecting where this dark pathos of today's republican party is. we can blame trump for giving it the permission structure and for amplifying it, but the truth is that has been embraced as a campaign strategy and it seems to be an ideology. this notion that the immigrant community, black and brown immigrants, commit crimes at some rate that white americans should be scared. it appears likely that donald trump has committed more crimes than 99% of immigrants across this country. they overlook as republicans the deep contributions that the
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immigrant country has made here and i think you're hearing voices from springfield, ohio, saying, look, the haitian community here has been part of our economy and the fabric of this community. how dare donald trump tear that apart? >> in terms of how we got here, basil, this is in "the atlantic." right wing cable news channels used to play a significant role in setting the right's agenda, but now they follow the lead of the oddest online. tucker carlson and parenting the online right is now becoming the standard operating procedure of the right wing media at large. these lines have been further blurred by those posed by adin ross and logan paul, both of which trump has recently appeared on. i guess and but. one of those influencers was just named a useful idiot in an
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indictment of a russian disinformation sting. it is now inextricably linked to foreign adversaries and foreign grads. >> let me go back and make a point about haiti. they're fighting their ind dependence before anybody else. the ties that they have made with countries in the diaspora, in the caribbean, across the globe and the power of that is what you're hearing from donald trump and his supporters right now. it's the fear of that. it's the fear that me being a garveyite and what it means to be a garveyite, to ignite this worldwide diaspora, you saw that
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in the fight against apartheid, to have this diaspora united and to see a country becoming more diverse, more acceptable of people all around the world which is more of what we were built on. it's not just donald trump, it is just so many people that he has recruited but also have recruited him to carry on that message of hate and anger and to align with this kind of nativism and nationalism. you know, it's a sad chapter but unfortunately it's a chapter that we have seen before time and time and time again in this country. the concern that i have going forward is not that good people don't recognize it for what it is, it's that good people won't act and mobilize against it. and so the point that you were making earlier, nicole, about fear, that is -- that is the
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strategy. it is to continue to be the purveyor of fear and intimidation and this sort of little whitewashing of america and this singular narrative of america. i've got to say, you know, it's good to see kamala harris be such a strong sort of defendant against that. >> not for nothing. donald trump is doing it right now. we wrestle with whether we should show it to folks because fox news isn't showing it to anyone because it is so obviously politically detrimental to donald trump, but it is so racist and so ugly we want you to know what's happening, we're not going to play it here. david jolly, basil and erin, thank you for spending time with us. when we come back, attorney general merrick garland stepping up his defense for the department of defense. we'll bring you that story next. .
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and our norms are a promise that we will not allow this nation to become a country where law enforcement is treated as an apparatus of politics. >> the prospect of a wholesale unprecedented dismantling of the rule of law. the department of justice is today taking steps to ensure its own independence to preserve it self-and its integrity to trump proof itself basically. in addition to condemning dangerous and outrageous attacks from the department, merrick garland made his mission for these last few months. in the interest of this, ag garland shared steps already taken.
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the communications between doj employees and people in congress and the white house. enhanced protections in the shadow. electoral votes. there's a, quote, national special security event. getting security on par with the state of the union address and the super bowl. joining our coverage, former top official at the department of justice, and the president and ceo of democracy forward, skye perryman is here. andrew weissman, your thoughts on the steps the attorney general is taking? >> well, nicole, i have a lot of thoughts. first, the only way to trump
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proof the department of justice to have it not be a political arm of the white house is at the ballot box. the president of the united states has the power to make the department of justice be just like any other agency and to be politicized. the department of justice is independent and makes independent decisions. that comes from a norm. having trump proof that has depot lit sized a department of justice, it is at the ballot box. that is the only way. everything else that the attorney general in all good faith can try and put in place, those are all good measures that
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are into the department of justice and they can be gone with the wind. they're gone with the next presidential election if donald trump were to win. i commend the attorney general for making these statements. i think it's a little late. the we've known that this has been a dangerous process for a long time and i think it's incumbent on the department to in the face of all of the people who have been subject to the kind of harassment and threats that he has spoken about quite eloquently today, those people can be the subject of criminal investigations of prosecutions and there needs to be a concerted effort are to make sure there are no ruby freemen, and shay mosses, the two women who were famously and regrettably targeted by the
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former president and his allies. so that really has to be a priority so that there is a deterrent effect and we're not left with just words. >> andrew weissman, lots of times you're on this show explaining things to us. i think today you're sort of leveling with us that this is window dressing. i know you don't ever intend to be harsh about attorney general merrick garland, but the assessment in its bluntness is, and i want to press a little bit more. there are, to your point, prosecutions that can be made or cases that can be brought where laws have been broken, and there's a real sense that the effort -- i mean, swatting. swatting is rampant. the people in the public eye, take out democratic politicians, responsibilities to protect and safeguard our election are the targets of ongoing harassment and criminal activity
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potentially. why not target that? >> that is something that there should have been a group of people tasked with doing that, a task force created solely created on that and an announcement and publicizing of those prosecutions. swatting, just to take that example, nicole, is illegal. you cannot call and say something false to law enforcement at the state, local or federal level. those are crimes that can be investigated and they can be prosecuted, and that's how you deter things in the same way that the department has done an admiral job with respect to the january 6th cases, at least with respect to those people who were entering and trying to enter the capitol, maybe not so much with respect to people above that.
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the attorney general is facing criticism in terms of whether he's done enough. >> i have to sneak in a quick break but we'll all be right back on the other side. right back on the other side so come in now for a chance to win four years of free* red lobster. because one bite can unite all parties, at least for dinner. as americans, there's one thing we can all agree on. the promise of our constitution and the hope that liberty and justice is for all people. but here's the truth. attacks on our constitutional rights, yours and mine are greater than they've ever been. the right for all to vote. reproductive rights. the rights of immigrant families. the right to equal justice for black, brown and lgbtq+ folks. the time to act to protect our rights is now. that's why i'm hoping you'll join me today in supporting the american civil liberties union. it's easy to make a difference.
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>> sounds like politics to me. >> sounds like politics to me, skye. that was the speaker of the house. his spokesperson has clarified they were not aware of the dhs january 6th designation for 2025 when he said it sounds like politics saying he's been working on government funding or some gobbledygook. to the point that january 6th isn't to the far right fringe what it was to anyone with eyes and ears to see it, talk about how central that's turned out to be to donald trump's sort of final 60 days of campaigning. >> we unfortunately just continue to see rampant election denialism. frankly, election denialism that began in 2017 when the former president lost the popular vote and started seeking to intimidate voters through the voters commission which we had to sue to shut down. now, of course, we saw that on display january 6th and we continue to see the former president and his allies
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campaigning around really lies and misinformation about our election system and election denialism. the republicans are following. it is such a threat to our freedoms. what they deserve. >> it's all falling into place. dick cheney is enthusiastic and persistent. what do you make in reaction to that, trump instead of fighting for the center right is attaching himself to the likes of laura loomer? >> i think it just shows you how high the stakes are and what this election is really about. the this is far beyond politics. it is about our democracy.
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we know that in project 2025 there are efforts to weaponize the department of justice, to turn it into an institution. we see those policies in so many different states already taking place with raids in texas which of course we've seen the attorney general, you know, warn about. and so i really think that this just showcases the stakes of this election and this is an election that is not about politics, it is about freedom and democracy. >> andrew, we've spent so many hours now covering failed efforts really to hold donald trump accountable or to hold him to any standard that any of us would be held to if we committed any of the crimes he's alleged to have committed or in new york case found to have committed by a jury of his own peers. what are the stakes as we sort of come into these last 54 days to you personally?
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>> stakes are incredibly high. >> skye, let me bring andrew in. we'll give you last word. >> sure. i was going to say skye has said it completely right. for me personally, you know, i worked at the department of justice, but i also worked as a defense lawyer. i am now a professor at nyu and all of those roles i care about the rule of law and institutionalists. i think that is why liz cheney is where she is because she is an institutionalist. it tells you that there is such a strength of misinformation. it is to latch on to and use to get people to not see what they're seeing with their own eyes. it is so important for people to realize and i know everyone here
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says this is an election that is truly about the fate of our country. >> there's so much more to go about with you. i want you to come back on live tv. thank you for having this conversation. another break for us. we'll be right back. right back. tow! drop, and haul, all in a single day, then you just have to get in the seat of the new john deere gator™ xuv. learn more at your john deere dealer. i used to leak urine when i coughed, laughed or exercised. i couldn't even enjoy playing with my kids. i leaked too. i just assumed it was normal. then we learned about bulkamid. an fda approved non-drug solution for our condition. it really works, and it lasts for years. it's been the best thing we've done for our families. call 800-983-0000 to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if bulkamid is right for you.
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if you are over 18, police register to vote. >> she's a super hero to so many people, women, men, young, old. i was fact checked myself for suggesting all of her fans are young. that is not the case. that was the one and only taylor swift last night, one day after endorsing vice president harris again using her platform for good to encourage her fans to register to vote ahead of this presidential election while taking home video of the year for fort night at last night's g gm -- cmas. we have some updated numbers from tuesday's endorsement post on the taylor swift effect. more than 400,000 people used her link to visit in the day that the post was live.
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