tv Morning Joe Weekend MSNBC September 22, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT
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and i believe that god called them home, and i think dean came to take his mom home. and our children are on loan to us. i just forgot that. josh mankiewicz: dayna says she tries to remember only the happy times. the joy she experienced so briefly of being a grandmother. how they died, she says, was just a moment. how they lived is what she wants to remember. that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. good morning, and welcome
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to the sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving newsweek, and here are some of the conversations you might have missed. >> it's because it hasn't been done in many decades. it hasn't been done for a long time. but we are going to win new york. for every new yorker being terrorized by this wave of migrant crime, november 5th will be your liberation day. it's going to be liberation. you are living a life. vote for donald trump. what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? so i called my wife, and i say, baby, nobody can draw crowds like me. i'm the greatest of all time, may be greater even than eldest, because elvis had a guitar. i don't have a guitar. elvis had a guitar.
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i don't have the privilege of a guitar. but i would say, baby, who can do it like me? how great am i? mark >> yeah. that was a lot. >> he is running for president. and if you can believe it, there are people -- probably at 75 million, 80 million people that are going to vote for him. it's something, america 2024. jonathan, i hate to get into all this is way here and be so meddlesome as to deal with the stubborn facts, but he starts with a migrant crime wave and he says you are living a life like hell. violent crime continues to drop
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as rapidly as has throughout this year, we will have the lowest murder rate since 1950. violent crime and other crimes continue to drop. and this is, i guess, the most troubling thing for elvis. he keeps talking about migrant crime. study after study after study that has shown year after year after year. that migrant crime rate are lower. and crime rates by nativeborn americans. this is like saying the sun rises in the east and set in the west. like, the earth is round. these are data points. undeniable data points. and yet, donald trump just lies.
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i'm not going to say alternative facts. he just lies. we just saw with a reporter from the wall street journal talking about how the cat wanders downstairs into the basement. it's owner calls the cops and says she fears that a haitian kidnapped and ate the cat. right? and then that we find out that miss sassy was downstairs for 5 days. and an entire town shut down because of it. vance has told it's a lie, trump has told it's a lie, that campaign has told it's a lie. the republican governor who used to be a republican senator says it is a lie. says they need to stop it. they continue. there's a campaign of lies, and
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yet, you have people in the mainstream media, and of course, people on the trump right right newsletters, who are flattening this all out. whether you talk about, you know, what he did at arlington, or the debate, or you talk about this catlike, there are now people in mainstream media saying, this is three- dimensional. this is three-dimensional chess. you know, trend lines for the holes don't sit just that any of this is helping donald trump right now. >> miss sassy was downstairs all along like the opening line to this campaign. first, why is trump campaigning in new york city? despite what he is saying, he's not going to win new york state. but there's two reasons. the campaign candidly admit they sometimes give them feel- good events just to pepped him up, and that was a big loud
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crowd last night in suburban long island. he is not going to win the state, but certainly, that was something that made him feel better. secondly, there are some congressional races out there that do matter. we know the battle for the house is really close, and new york state is going to play a decisive role this time around as well. but it points to a little trump frustration here. his campaign is best on inflation and immigration. we see, as you just pointed out, the facts are not with immigration, particularly these claims of minor crime. and also, the border crossings have really come down. it was donald trump that told him to kill the immigration bill so he could keep it as an issue. and with inflation, costs are still hard, but we see every single trend thing they are coming down, the economy is improving.
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we saw the rate cut yesterday. so i think you're saying even a more scattered approach from trump which we see from guys when they are in a brined. >> yeah, this all came after he lost the debate. joining the conversation, we have a host of the podcast -- nbc senior business analyst and host of the 11th hour, stephanie ruhle joins us, and democratic candidate for new york's first u.s. congressional district, john avalon. good to have all of you with us this morning. i just want you to give us your thoughts on these baseless lies that they keep promulgating, i think, at a different time. the lies would be called out, an apology would be issued, and hopefully life would go on and a safer way. no, the doubled down. they continue. what is going on? >> i think history is going to be very focused on the eating of the cats and dogs and pet, because it is one statement
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that encompasses everything that is wrong with donald trump. second, it's racist. third, it's insane. fourth, it's hatemongering. >> donnie, what about your friends? your friends that you talk about all the time, and people -- you know, my friends who see this lie, who know it is a lie, who probably know what the reporter just said, they are going to find out that miss sassy the cat, that started all of this, was not eaten by a haitian in a voodoo ceremony, but in fact, ran downstairs and was in the basement. they are still going to vote for this guy who, again, can't even remember the crowd at his debate? what is the justification for what john meacham would call the vest wearing clubhouse crowd?
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>> what is interesting is it doesn't shut them up. it is one statement where they go -- >> but it doesn't change how they vote. >> it doesn't change how they vote. we have talked about this ad nausea that those of the people that really make my stomach turn. they know better, and it's an extra dollar in their pocket. they hide behind other issues, but there is nothing that is going to turn them, and it is frightening. these are people that i know, that i live amongst, and it has been an issue. >> i'm sure we have the same conversation with similar people. just honestly and good faith, tell me what you think. corporate tax rates went to go down? >> can we just stop with regulation? no, trust me. that's what i hear every day. and guess what? if you run a giant business, you are like, yeah, i don't want the regulators. for the everyday average person, i want no act regulation, we
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don't want cumbersome regulation. but if you are wondering, what is one of the main reasons we were hit with a financial basis and '08? lack of good regulation, lack of smart regulation. smart regulation is what protects us. you want donald trump back? great. were going to bring the predatory lending, which preys upon the most vulnerable people. the other thing that donnie didn't say with the dogs and the cats, it is strategically stupid. immigration to be a winning issue for donald trump if he played it correctly, but he doesn't. we do have a capacity problem. we do have an issue in this country that has to be solved for. he hasn't addressed it one bit. what exactly happened with miss sassy by the way? >> talking about regulation, do you know the stack of papers i get is back up to my goldman sachs statement? >> oh, my goodness.
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how long my cvs receipt is. >> finally relatable. >> you're seeing this in your own campaign. probably saying he was the first purple state district candidate to endorse donald trump. >> what are the conversations like for people who haven't been following your race closely? what's of the center of your campaign right now? >> affordability, abortion rights, border security. you talk to folks and diners that the economy is starting to improve. they understand that a lot of this is still finger mongering over facts. they are offended that someone might donald trump took away a right. and that a guy cheer the overturning of roe v wade, and that wants to repeal new york's own abortion law. that is not common sense, but trump flip-flopped on that in a total pander. because remember, trump and republicans took away that local deduction. that is thousands of dollars in people's pockets every year.
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and stay on prices, that the kitchen table issue, and he just can't do it. >> and you know, donnie, i said it would be easy to run as a democrat. i've got to say, if donald trump were running as a republican -- and i am dead serious. when he goes -- and speaks on this stuff. and if you do, if you talk about the economy, if you talk about where prices were a decade ago, five years ago -- if you talk about how hard it is for young people to get houses, you can't really talk about crime, because it has gone down. i wouldn't talk about immigration but for the fact that donald trump killed the immigration bill and killed the toughest border security bill ever. so, i mean, john, it's seems that, as a former republican, one day, republicans may learn that the best tact is to run as
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republicans instead of trump's . because when you run as a trump republican, well -- you lose. >> he's going to drag them all down. that's why think the larger opportunity in this election is to build a broad pick sure is a coalition and say, let's restore some sanity. more common grounds, less chaos. what trump represents is the opposite of what reagan or bush republicans believe. we have to give people hope we can restore some sanity on the other side of this. >> stephanie, really quickly, out of left field a little bit, what is this obsession with women with no kids? with childless women? from cat ladies to sarah huckabee sanders getting on stage and actually using that in an attack on kamala harris? >> it is absolutely moronic.
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it makes no sense. right now, you have less than 50 days to go before the election. you are donald trump or kamala harris. you need to focus on, how do i currently get people who aren't on board to vote for me ? sarah huckabee sanders on stage with this thinly veiled nonsense going after kamala harris for eating a stepmother, not a mother. we saw second gentleman doug emhoff yesterday, with a fantastic, strong response. how ridiculous. we shouldn't even be talking about this. the majority of people don't actually care about sarah huckabee sanders and even donald trump feels about these issues. most people want to be physically safe, socially free, and financially secure. sarah huckabee sanders wasted a chance on stage to talk about issues. >> let's go after women that don't have children. that's the form. >> what woman out there sees that he wasn't sure who they were going to vote for, and they were inspired and they go,
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you know what? that is my girl, and trump is my guide. what person did they pull in two ago? >> you could do that or expand the child tax credit. take your choice. >> women who can't have children, you women who chose a career, and later may have regretted that. you have women caught in the middle. women who don't want children, women who haven't ever found the right person, and on and on. women know how complicated life is out there. i do want to have you all respond to doug emhoff, who pushed back hard on sarah huckabee sanders. now, i wonder, would you all rather me read it from the daily beast here, or watchdog say it -- go doug? >> women in this country are sick and tired of weak men
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trying to take away their fundamental right, and then -- and then gaslight you about it. we are sick and tired of it. and the women in this country will never humbled themselves before donald trump. >> you know, the latest hit on, let -- did you hear what they said? this one is unbelievable. they said that somehow, she doesn't have anything her life to a humble. as if keeping women humble whether you have children or not is something we should strive for. it is not. but i will tell you what. going
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back to that debate,, love sure kept trump humble at that debate, didn't she? because that is what this is really about. and there is nothing -- there is nothing more important to me, , love, and kirsten than our kids. our big, beautiful, blended family. and we know that all parents, no matter how you become one, make the same sacrifices and revel in the same joys of raising children as any parent anywhere. >> i mean, here you have a blended family that has worked together extraordinarily well to raise their loving children. and you -- you actually have a governor of a state attacking somebody for having stepchildren. >> well, it says more about
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sarah huckabee sanders than it does about kamala harris. that's everything you need to know. >> coming up, our next guest helped a democratic governor win in a red state, and democrats are hoping she can help deliver votes in multiple battlegrounds. we will be joined by hadley duvall , the young woman making a strong case for the harris/walls campaign when it comes to the issue of abortion rights. morning joe weekend will be right back. right back. lth, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily, extended-release td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) aww! hi buddy! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease.
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like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. ♪ the harris/walls campaign is out with a new ad focused on the issue of abortion healthcare and features reproductive rights advocates hadley duvall, who first drew national attention after appearing in an ad for democratic governors re- election campaign in kentucky. let's take a look now at the
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new ad. >> i have never slept a full night in my entire life. i was five years old of my stepfather abused me for the first time. i just felt like i was alone on a planet with a monster. i was 12 when he impregnated me. i just remember thinking, i have to get out of my skin. i can't be knee right now. this can't be it. i didn't know what to do. i was a child. i didn't know what it meant to be pregnant, at all. but i had options. because donald trump overturned roe v wade, girls and women all over the country have lost the right to choose. even for incest. donald trump did this. he took away our freedom. >> i am kamala harris, and i
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approve this message. >> and hadley joins us once again on morning joe. it is good this to you. thank you very much for coming back on the show. >> absolutely. thank you for having me. >> i want to start by asking how it has been going on the campaign trail and what you are hearing from american women, quite frankly, and men. especially when you share your story. i'm curious as to where you have been campaigning and working with the campaign and where you plan to go and the feedback you are getting. >> i have been going to a lot of the battleground states, but right now, i am in pennsylvania on the reproductive freedom bus to work. and we have seen so much energy. we have been to college campuses, we have talked to men, women, republicans, democrats, and it is amazing to see that we are all unified on this decision, in this topic. it is so heartbreaking to see that some people are in denial
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of that, but it has been amazing seeing everybody come together. >> i'm curious. i think pennsylvania, it would be a big controversy over this right to abortion, which, i think you are trying to share in your story and the story of many others across america, is that it is more than the old- fashioned idea of trying to get rid of a pregnancy that you don't want. it is healthcare, and that there are women whose health is in jeopardy now, because of the overturning of roe. are you able to get that across to those who don't agree? what are you hearing when you hear people who don't really understand or agree with what you are fighting for? >> i really like to ask people, could you sit down with me one- on-one and listen to every detail of trauma that i had to ask. for about 10 years?
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and if you can't do that comfortably, which you should not be able to -- you should not feel comfortable walking into a voting booth and voting for a man who has the audacity to tell me what to do with that trauma. and you know, if that doesn't get through to some people, then, you know, look at your daughter's. look at your daughters, your sisters, look at your neighbor. i am a very normal, regular person, and this happened to me and it was happening for so long and it is happening to so many others right now, and, you know, you can't deny that, and it is heartbreaking. that's why we are speaking. we are speaking for those who can't speak for themselves. we are trying to flip votes and change people's minds while we can, we are not going to be able to get through to everybody, and that's okay, but we need to build this pretty clear message. it's not a question on where we stand in our vision about pro- choice. >> the music and hadley's ad,
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by the way, features the song when the party is over by musician billy eyeless, who yesterday took to social media to endorse the harris/walls campaign. take a look. >> we are voting for kamala harris and tim walz because they are fighting to protect our reproductive freedom, our planet, and our democracy. >> we can't let extremists control our lives and future. you'll leave the stock them in the dangerous 2025 agenda is to vote and elect kamala harris. >> vote like your life depends on it, because it does. >> they are endorsing a week after taylor swift did the same. good morning. thanks for being on the show again. i just want to ask you a general question about your courage and stepping out and talking about this so openly, going back to the race in your state. it's not an easy thing to do. i don't need to tell you.
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i don't think most people would be comfortable putting their story in such a way. there's a reason we protect victims. why has it so important to you to step out and eke with such a strong voice on this issue? >> i went through my trauma. i survived it, and i have been healing now for many years. and i just hope that any little girl going through that right now knows that she will, too. and if not me, than who is going to speak up? i remember being that little girl, needing somebody to make me feel safe, needing somebody to save me. and i never want those little girls and women across the country to think that we are not fighting for them, because we always are. >> thank you very much for coming on the show. it is good to see you. so proud of you. i really appreciate what you are doing for women across america. >> thank you. >> thanks so much.
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so jonathan, i've got to say, almost everybody that is followed politics and the politics of abortion for the past generation, i think most of been very surprised by the reaction of voters, the reaction of swing voters, the reaction of independence, the reactions of voters in kansas, the reaction of voters in kentucky, the reaction of voters in wisconsin. everywhere were abortion came up as an issue either directly or indirectly through a statewide judges race, pro- choice has won every single time. pro-life since 2002 has lost every time on these ballot initiatives. it's going to be fantastic. and if i'm wrong there, please correct me. but thus far, that is how it seems to have gone. but you look at this campaign and you look at the senate
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campaigns, and i do wonder how it's going to impact a lot of these close races from arizona to texas and pennsylvania. will look at taxes were you actually -- first of all, the senate, once again killed a bill that would have protected ivf. would have provided ivf protections to families across america. they killed that bill. ted cruz, though, had to go out of his way and put an alternative bill on the floor that got voted down, because he is in a very tight race in taxes. i mean, it's not red versus blue when it comes to abortion. this is an issue in the dallas suburbs, and the houston suburbs -- you know, obviously austin. across the stadium. it is
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making the races. the senate race in the presidential race, tighter than it would be. at least it looks that way right now. >> since the dog decision in '22, abortion rights were largely undefeated on the ballot box. and there is certainly -- right now, it doesn't seem to be at the forefront of this campaign each and every day because there's a chaos of the assassination attempt and with the trump/vance campaign, the lies about springfield, ohio. but it is there. but every time you talk to a staffer on the harris campaign or the senate campaigns or any democratic activist on the field, is a almost to every person the abortion-rights is in the 123 a people's concerns going into this november. it helped the democrats in 2022 and seems poised to do so again. the way she spoke at the convention and just now on air, and it resonated with a lot of people. it will be, without question,
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one of the closing arguments for the harris campaign heading into early november, and early voting starts in a number of states already. the idea that they are trying to take away our freedoms. >> up next, as baseless conspiracy theories continue to be a part of the 2024 campaign, our next guest rights, individuals can become addicted toews conspiracies because they reduce a rush of relief was like a drug. former national institute of health director dr. francis collins joins us next discussed that and his new book, the road to wisdom. to wisdom. ore. we're the "pack it, ship it, guarantee it" store. we know running a small business takes a lot of grit and hustle. so we're the "stress less" store. and the "we've got your back" store. because when you trust us to pack it and ship it, we guarantee, so it'll get into the hands of your customers safely. which is why we're
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in a recent update for healthcare providers, the florida department of health question the safety of mrna covid vaccines for older adults and those with underlying health problems. that guidance stands in opposition to several federal health agencies as an example of mistrust in vaccine science fueled largely by conspiracy theories. those are some of the topics covered in the new book, the road to wisdom: untrue, science, faith, and trust. dr. francis collins joins us now. he served as a director of the national institute of health for president obama, trump, and biden, including during the pandemic. it's great to have you with us.
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you saw a little bit of all of these during your time. true, science, faith, trust, and the erosion of so many of those things. particularly during covid and around the vaccines. so what story did you want to tell with the book? >> i think we are living in a dark time with our society haven't gotten so tied up in divisiveness and polarization and conspiracies that have fed into that. as a society, we ought to try to pull ourselves out of that. if there's a row that's going to take us toward wisdom, we are kind of in the ditch. we can figure out how put ourselves back together again. but it means getting re- anchored. there is such a thing as objective truth. there are facts out there, and they don't care how you feel about them. they are just facts. if we can re-anchor ourselves to be accepting of that, it would be a good start. many of the conspiracies were demonstrably false but spread anyway because they may people fearful or angry or tapped into your favorite emotion, which is
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righteous indignation. we all of that one. and i don't think the politicians are going to help us do that. i don't think the media is necessarily going to be the solution. this is got to come from all of us. the exhausted majority, which is about two thirds of the country. maybe a little blue, little red, some are believers, some are skeptics. but we all have this in common -- we feel something is wrong here. and maybe one at a time, working with each other, building those bridges, we can recover our country. yes, it's a dark time, but martin luther king jr. said darkest cannot dark out. only like to do that. we can be people of light. let's recover that attitude instead of continuing with the animosity and the polarization, being often are separate tribes. >> let's take it case in point, which is the covid vaccine. because the man who has spent his life in public health, we
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saw the miracle of the development at such a speed thanks to president trump's operation warp speed. doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies working together -- we got the vaccine, which for most of us, was a miracle and we are so grateful for. but for a segment of the population, it's not to be trusted and still isn't, by the way. you as a scientist to say, i can't believe we did this with them efficacy greater than we have asked acted -- you were looking at 70 as perhaps the top and and you got 95. what was it like from the inside to see so much doubt cast upon that historic development? >> it was historic. we unblinded the data and can actually see what the results were. i was dumbfounded. i had prayed about this for a whole year. i worked as hard as i ever worked and so did thousands of other people. and we hardly dared hope it would be that good. 90 to 95% effective with no
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apparent side effects and 30,000 volunteers who took part in each of those trials. i thought we were going to be on the straight path now towards giving control of this terrible epidemic. and for a while and early '21, a lot of people rolling up their sleeves. by the time we got to the summer, about 50 million americans made it clear -- we don't trust this. these are good, honorable people, but they've been misled by all kinds of misinformation and intentional disinformation by people making political statements or making money off of those byes. >> still ahead, we take a look at the new show, a very royal scandal, about the infamous 2019 interview with prince andrew he was questioned about his friendship with jeffrey epstein. ruth wilson, along with the journalist she portrays. you are watching morning joe. weekend. weekend. feed, pull, load, tow! drop, and haul, all in a single day,
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we are only hours away from filming. if we don't do this interview now, we will never get it back. >> morning, sorry i'm late. we showed you this picture of prince andrew and epstein. so now they're all going to go off, and once i got off to her, they're going to go off to and sandra. >> it me and him in a room together, and i can do my thing. >> that was a gripping look at the new amazon show titled, a very royal's scandal. the three episode miniseries dramatizes the exclusive 2019 interview with prince andrew to question him about allegations of sexual assault against tim, as well as his ties to jeffrey epstein. the sitdown was as revealing as it was devastating for the duke of york. in the days following the release of the interview,
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prince andrew announced that he was stepping away from his public duties indefinitely. joining us now, the star of a very royal scandal, ruth wilson, and the generalist sheep portrays. she also serves as an executive producer on the series. emily, let's start with you. watching this, a moment you course have relived many moments over. but seeing it come together again in this way, what are your thoughts? >> just watching the clip, i felt the palpitations start again. what you saw at the end of the first episode is the moment that i never knew about in real life, which is when the whole thing had been called off. the whole thing had been canceled. and so there's a moment where we think, this is never going to happen. it was only inputting the drama together that we call all the different voices from the bbc news team and i started piecing together it's of the story that i've never learned.
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i guess the consequences of that one moment were pretty devastating, and we are only now just starting to understand the full effect it has had on this moment of british history, on the shape of the royal family now. we are still learning. >> momentous and a master class in interviewing, being quiet and letting the prince continue to speak. we have all had moments where we try to realize that is the best moment in an interview, but what drew you to this role? what were the pressures or expectations to play a real life person who is there onset right now sitting to your left? >> it's strange talking about emily sitting next to emily. it was amazing. i watch the interview back in 2019 and i was blown away with it. i can write one of the best pieces of drama on tv. i thought, we are not re- creating that interview, we are seeing the lead up of how the team got that interview,
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speculating why andrew took that interview in the first place, and also the consequences of it. this drama asks questions about privilege and power and responsibility that comes with that privilege. >> don't go away. we have a second hour of morning joe weekend on this sunday morning coming up right after the break. ter the break. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! my grandfather's run meyer the hatter for over 75 years now. 99 years old and he'd come five days a week if we let him. shape is great, the color's nice, that's a swell lid for you, baby! finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, really struck a chord with my grandfather. i've never seen this before. look at it - where has this come from? all the stories that's he's been able to hand me throughout the years, for me to hand him that information.. you don't get that moment
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it is 7:00 a.m. on this sunday morning. let's jump in where we dropped off. >> the united states election is the most important election in the history of israel if you think about it. how crazy does that sound? but it's true. with all i have done for israel and i received only 24% of the jewish vote. now think of this. i really haven't been treated very well but that's the story of my life. you have to defeat kamala harris, more than any of people on earth, israel has to defeat her. it hurts me to say you are still going to vote for democrats and it doesn't make sense. i say all the time any jewish person that votes for her, especially now, her or the democrats party should have their head examined. jewish people, people who are supposed to love israel in 2020,
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remember in 24% 25%, i did all of these things, i get 29%. so i wasn't treated right. if i don't win this election in my opinion, the jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss. >> he hasn't been treated right, always the victim, blaming jews if he loses the election. that is about where he is polling among jewish votersish around 28%. trump said he would reinstitute a travel ban to prevent migrants from what he called infested countries from entering the united states. >> we will seal our border and bring back the travel ban. umthe famous travel ban? we didn't take people from certain areas of the world because i didn't have people ripping down and burning our shopping centers and killing
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people. we are flaut taking them from infested countries. >> infested countries, let's see now. let's see now, what are we supposed to do say oh, well infested countries, that sounds like gerald ford? no he didn't used to say that. was it roosevelt? no. this is straight up -- i mean is that not the language of fascist leaders? i'm asking historically, you have that sort of language, infested countries talking about vermin, talking about all of the things that he has togged about. it's -- he and his running mate have doubled down onning ethnonationalism, and not the sort of ethnonationalism that has ever been prevalent in at
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least our lifetimes in the united states. talk about this broad and soil campaign and where it has its origins. >> yeah, when i think you hint very accurately at the fascist origins in the american context, it is america first origins which was explicitly nazi adjacent. let's take the irony of trump speaking at an event last night here in d.c. that is about combatting anti-semitism and using the old antisemitictrope of all at the contrance is that you all jewish americans, you are all loyal to israel, you all have jew loyalty. and because i'm pro-israel, you
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don't understand your interests unless you vote for me. that is the oldestrope in politics, the allegation of jew loyalty and he goes there and links that to what is the root of almost everything trump doesn't say, his own idea of victim hood, his own sense of being the victim of conspiracies carried out by other people. the irony of that is extraordinary. in regards to mark robinson and jd vance, blood and soil nationalism, the kind of conservative movement or republican party we would like to see in america is what jd vance used to be. he was a libitarian and a thoughtful one. we saw that in hill billy elegy. he was open to debate.
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now he has gone to the other end of because that's what trump wants. he was right when he described trump as a potential american hitler a few years ago. now he has signed up to the potential american hitler and we see all of the morbid manifestations of a party that has chosen that route. mark robinson, the self declared black party being one of them. it is what happens when a party chooses the ethnonationalist fascist group and i don't use that word lightly. >> well, you are just paraphrasing what jd vance warned of when donald trump ran for president before and he told christians they should not vote if they were christians, they should not vote for donald trump. we are going to be talking next block or so about how
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republicans are trying to shutdown the government, shut down the government. mitch mcconnell said it would be lunacy because they don't want people from other countries to have an impact on this election. it would be illegal for people -- illegal imgrpts to vote here. they know that. so they will shut down the government to say that shing that is illegal is illegal. but it is fascinating against that backdrop, you have donald trump in a bizarre rambling speech on anti-semitism talking about himself but then this is one of the kickers, israel has to defeat kamala harris. a foreign country has to defeat kamala harris. i don't know where to begin with that. >> there were two things before this week, two external things
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that i was really worried could damage kamala harris' prospkts pects of winning and i think that has been ruled out. the fed has cut interest rates at a half percentage point that will lead to improving consumer senttism. and the other that could wipe out all of the benefits of the cut is a war in the middle east, specifically a war between israel and hezbollah, however that starts, whether it is an israeli ground operation in lebanon, very high risk. that is a real quagmire historically, or hezbollah itself in retaliation for the exploding pagers this week, escalating and provoking a conflict between them. that would lead to rising oil
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prices and hurt consumer sentiment. i have no doubt that netanyahu wants trump to win and netanyahu only does things for his own self preservation. even allies in his own party believes that. you have the israeli defense ministry knows that netanyahu wants to keep the war in gaza going because if it ends, which the rest of the israeli defense establishment wants it to, then netanyahu has no place to hide. it is what is saving his political career. i have no doubt that trump and netanyahu will be on the phone to each other and are acutely aware of what a wider conflict would do to kamala harris' prospects. that's my other concern. and it is getting more intense, that concern with events going on there. >> and again, an event about
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anti-semitism, donald trump not really talking about anti-semitism but in a rambling speech that was just self pit ay. i i don't win this election, in my opinion, the jewish people would have a lot to do with it. financial editor of "the times thank you. still ahead, will join the weekend we'll be right back. the weekend we'll be right back. ♪♪ super helpful. ♪♪ [ cheering ] what are invoices? progressive makes it easy to see if you can save money with a commercial auto quote online so you can get back to all your other to-dos. absolutely not. get a quote at ( ♪♪ ) asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there with fasenra.
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we have more now on the issue of immigration playing out in the election. donald trump is doubling down on his promise to carry out large scale deportations of migrants if he retakes the white house. the former president stated last week he would start the program in springfield, ohio, where he and his running mate jd vance continue to push lies about haitian migrants eating vets. >> unfortunately, donald trump
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while thinking about beautiful bagram, alaska, was confused about talking about the venezuelan immigrants in springfield instead of haitian but you get the idea. >> a social media post by steven miller has resurfaced from last year, he lighting the denaturalization project that began in the trump administration with plans to turbo charge it during a second trump term. joining us now is former ambassador susan rice, former director of the domestic policy council for the biden administration, also former national security advisor and former u.n. ambassador in the obama administration. it is great to have you on the show this morning. we appreciate you coming on. we would love to hear your comments on what trump plans to do in springfield and across the
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board when it comes to denaturalization processes and mass deportations. >> good morning, it is great to be with you both. this is quite terrifying. we have heard for many , many months about his plans for mass deportations of undocumented persons here in the united states. that would be hugely violent and disruptive, separating families, causing millions to be expelled through the use of force. what he is saying now is something quite different and more scary. you recall last wt donald trump said he was going to expel the haitians in this country starting springfield who are here in this country legally, working with authorization and send them to venezuela of all
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places. he has said he will deport immigrants who are here legally. he said something that is more outrageous and that is reflected in steven miller's social media post and that is that he will expel and denaturalize american citizens, american citizens who are not born here. there are over 25 million american citizens who are naturalized, law abiding, who are tax paying, they are mothers, fathers, children, our neighbors. they are american citizens. and back in the trump administration, they set up an office in the justice department to denaturalize american citizens. not just those that were convicted of crimes, those are already subject to denaturalization if they have
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done a violent crime or obtained their citizenship unlawfully. we are talking about a massive inyeas in the number of people that they try to ship out of the complaintry on false pretenses because perhaps they dont like the countries from when they came. can you imagine what that means for the fabric of the country when american citizens who are here lawfully, living their lives with their families can one day wake up and find themselves denaturalized and deported? and now that the supreme court has said that the president of the united states, donald trump, if it were to be him again, can do whatever he wants in the office of the presidency with immunity, this is a recipe for mass expulsions of american citizens. >> ambassador rice, good morning. we should underline the message you highlighted, less than a year ago from steven miller, not a random podcaster, but a guy
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who creates immigration policy, infamously for donald trump as president, and would again for a new trump administration saying again, we started a new denaturalization project and in 2025, expect it to be turbo charged. these haitian immigrants are here legally. they have moved from talking about rounding up people who are here illegally and expelling them to expelling people who live here legally. i'm curious what you make of his running mate, jd vance, who represents the town and people that he is attacking, putting the people at risk and standing by while the guy he is running with says he would run him out of the country? >> i want to underscore people here legally but also american citizens, not just people here on work permits. all of this is outside of the
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bounds of the law and reprehensible. then you have jd vance, senator from ohio, who has no reticence to sic violent actors on his own constituencies. having students unable to go to elementary schools, having local colleges have to shut down, having hospitals face bomb threats, and have to evacuate. these are his constituents. if he is ready and willing to do that to the people of ohio to whom he is accountable, think of what vance and trump will do to the american people. they are clearly signalling every day in every way that they have no intention of serving the american people and governing on behalf of all of us. but they are willing to divide, use fear, sic violence on populations that they don't like
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and pretend to be serving as leaders of this country. it is outrageous and let's see what they are doing and not just what they are saying but what they are doing every day and what they are telling us is that they just don't care about the vast majority of people in the country. >> our next guest, stepping out of hollywood and into politics is dylan douglas, as he seeks to energize young voters next on morning joe. young voters next o morning joe. embarassing, difficult to talk about, and could be peyronie's disease or pd, a real medical condition that urologists can diagnose and have been treating for more than 8 years with xiaflex®, the only fda-approved nonsurgical treatment for appropriate men with pd. along with daily gentle penile stretching and straightening exercises, xiaflex has been proven to help gradually reduce the bend. don't receive if the treatment area involves your urethra; or if you're allergic to any of the ingredients. may cause serious side effects, including:
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you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying... you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it! you did it! with centrum silver. clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so i showed up in a town hall and did something which we call bird dogging in an organizing space. i asked my senator at the time, jeff flake, why he as an older white man was making decisions about me and my body and he gave me his canned political answerer of i asport policies that
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support the american dream like something get him a better speech writer and better talking points, we are begging you. and asked him why he would deny me the american dream and i woke up the next day and millions of people had seen the video. i think it really sparked for me this line of inquiry that i had been following for years and years now which is that i as a girl, 16-year-old girl, who is working at a gas station, experiencing homelessness was suddenly on even footing in the public discourse with a united states senator. >> that's a clip from the new sirius xm political program young american with dylan douglas, featuring d'asia fox. she was the featured guest on the show hosted by dylan douglas. you may recognize his parents, actors michael douglas and katherine zeta-jones. dylan has chosen to work behind
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the scenes in the world of politics, spending much of his life getting involved in political campaigns and grass roots movements. now he is using his show to focus on how gen z voters and politicians can work together to address issues important to young americans. and dylan joins us now. good to have you on the show. congratulations on the first episode. >> thank you. >> the rollout on sirius xm. before we roll into the first issues you talked about there, let's talk big picture about gen z, the group you cover on the show and the energy we have seen around that group of voters among democrats since kamala harris took the baton effectively from joe biden. how have the dynamics of the race changed? >> i think it has changed absolutely 100%. i was a kamala harris fan back in 2020 when she was running.
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the first presidential campaign, i myself donated to. now we have had four years of her as our vice president. the vice presidency can be a complicated role, hard to navigate. i think a lot of people thought she lost her voice. and now we have her as our nominee. she has found her voice and theergy we have seen, i'm a political person and all of us here are political people but i'm seeing people that have never posted online about politics, are not inherently political that are going to her rallies . so the energy i'm seeing not just from gen z but from all democrats is really hopeful and it makes me inspired and excited for november. >> let's talk about gen z, what are some of the issues, abortion rights being one, but what are the issues that are animated for them? >> sure. i think the idea of gen z issues is a misnomer. they are the issues. it is climate change and gun
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control. we were the first generation to live in schools where we were afraid of getting shot. it is so many things and it happens that we are our issues because we were the first generation to not remember anything else. it is housing. we are growing up as a generation where owning our own home for our entire life is not guaranteed. it is not necessarily talking about modern day slavery but it is surfdom, not having control of your own home or property. it is issues thatfect all americans but we are the first generation to grow up not knowing anything else. >> who are the guests that we will hear from on the show over the course of the election season? >> sure. so you heard from d'asia fox, anna bar zonea has been fighting for abortion rights for whole adult life and you will see more from her. on my show specifically, i came back from ukraine, very
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interesting experience. really life changing. we will have a few guests this week from kyiv including the chief of staff to the president of ukraine, considered by many as a real power proeker and right-hand man of president zelenskyy. he will join us this saturday. we will talk about his message to america and get in the nitty-gritty of where ukraine is now in the third year of conflict. coming up, how donald trump squandered his father's forture. we will speak to the author of lucky loser when weekend joe returns after a short break. joe returns after a short break. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. >> university of maryland visit today. global campus isn't just an innovative state school, it's a school for real life, one that values the successes you've already achieved. that's why at umgc, you can earn
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ingame of mupopally could have been invented for donald trump, wheeling and dealing from manhattan, striding through his casino like moses parting the red sea. the banks showered him with money . the press almost defied him. but monopoly is a tricky game. when you borrow as much money as donald trump did, nearly $2 billion and the economy goes into a tail spin and you can't pay the interest on your loans, the bankers move in and they have. >> that is a 1991 report from nbc nightly news with an extended monopoly metaphor there covering one of donald trump's
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public financial failures, the events surrounding trump's first bankruptcy as well as others are covered in lucky loser, how donald trump squandered his father's fortune and created the illution of success. and the authors russ buttener and suzanne craig are joining us now. they won a pulitzer prize for their reporting on donald trump's financing. good to have you back on the show. if we can take a big 30,000 foot view of this. obviously, the idea that donald trump is a genius builder or businessman and foundational not just to his personal story but the reason he was elected president, the guy from the apprentice, everything he touches turns to gold. as harris got to in the debate, donald trump was handed $400 million on a silver platter. what is the truth about the beginning of his rise as a businessman? >> well, he was certainly to start with born lucky. he was born into a very wealthy
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family. he inherited hundreds of billions of dollars. he grew up, fred trump his father was an incredibly successful builder in the outer boroughs and trumping took over the empire. he was born into luck and he used his father's connections and father's money to get his start in manhattan. >> russ, there is so much in this book that gives the reader an insight into how over decades donald trump has woven his way into american culture and american life. some of the tells in the book are so glaringly obvious as to trump's character or lack of character. one of them is he is at the military academy and it is time for the class picture to be taken and donald has earned maybe one or two good conduct medals that would be on his
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uniform when the photo was taken but he has another idea that day. >> he does have another idea. you have a keen eye. that day is going to be for posterity's sake, how you are reflected in the year book forever. donald has some medals, all of the kids there were given medals for good behavior, making their bed in the right way. donald had a friend who had done well under the system and his dress uniform was covered in medals, so donald went t to his room and said hey, can i borrow your formal jacket today and that's what he wore and that's the picture that you still see of him with tons of medals on there but they are not his. >> that metaphor, the medals that weren't his, is that what he did to so many banks in the '80s? how did he do it? how did he have a relationship
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with so many banks when he owed so much money and had already filed for bankruptcy? >> i think there was an incredible willingness to loan to him. >> why? >> because he had his father's backing at the point and they felt he was wealthy. he looked wealthy. i covered wall street for years. the banks will line up to give you money. it all fell down on them but they were taken in. >> i can't get a car loan. >> i hear you on that. >> congrats on the book, guys. talk to us about the trump comeback and the piece of footage we brought in, the segment of the shows with bankruptcy, things took a dire turn for him. how did he pull this off where he was able to set himself back up to being a publicly respected businessman if you will and then reality tv star? >> that happened kind of all at the same time. after the 1990 collapse when the
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banks forced him to sell a lot of his assets and give them back, he was doing small ball stuff for a number of years. he was treeg to get his name on other people's projects, trying to build golf courses, some of which he got hung up on zoning boards on. out of the blue, he gets a call from the hottest name in television at the time, a producer named mark burnett who had just created the survivor which at that point was the biggest show on television. there is another show called eco challenge. this was a new form of game challenge. and he referred the term dramality because it wasn't real. his idea was that the jungle would be the city now. he called the one person he remembered from the art of the deal, donald trump, to see if he would do it. he thought it would take weeks to get an appointment. as soon as he called, trump picked up the phone and said come on over.
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that day they struck a deal and it began the process of remaking donald trump to make him look like the effective billionaire they need him to be, that it was a contest to get on the show to be the apprentice. that concept made him rich and gave him the image that was vital to him running for the white house. still ahead, more than 30 house members inclouding half dozen republicans have signed a bipartisan letter vowing to respect the certified winner of the 2024 election. we will break down why this matters and speak with the democratic congressman who launched this unity commitment. morning joe weekend will be back with that. rning joe weekend wilk with that.
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everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. more than 30 house members have signed onto a commitment to
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uphold the results of the 2024 election, no matter who the winner is. the group vows to certify the election and attend january's inauguration ceremony in person. the lawmakers say they want to be a voice for calm and reconciliation and speak out against those who engage in violence. joining us now are members of the unity commitment republican congressman mike lollar of new york, and josh cotheimer from new jersey. thank you for being on. >> thank you for having us. >> mike, tell us what the reason of this is for. what is the background? why do we need this organization? >> and also, assure americans if you will, because we heard jim masino had some of the same fears that a lot of americans are having, that the election will not be the end, it will
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just be the beginning of another 2020 like battle. i'm so glad you guys are doing this. how can you assure americans that we can move towards a peaceful transition in 2024 that we did not have in 2020? >> well, the peaceful transition of power is the corner stone of our democracy, our constitutional republic. i have been very clear from the very beginning that joe biden won in 2020, that what happened on january 6th, 2021 was wrong and never should have happened. i was the first republican to put out a statement on january 6th condemning it. my commitment to the marn people is clear. i will certify the election on january 6th, 2025, when all of
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the states have certified their election. and we will move forward. it is not congress's job or responsibility to override the will of the american people. it is their job and responsibility to respect it. that is my fundamental belief. and regardless of the outcome, and i think this is critical on both sides. regardless of the outcome, we have to accept the results. the american people will decide who the next president is. and i believe it is paramount that all of us as members of congress accept those results, certify the election on january 6th and show up on january 20th for the inauguration. >> gotheimer, good soohave you
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poeth. it is probably the fringe members that we have to worry about. what would be your message as we move to election today? >> first, to join us. and what mike talked about the, the commitment to respect the outcome of the election and ensure calm. the political violence that t we have seen over the last years, including the insurrection on january 6th and by the way, i was there in the galley and it was an insurrection and attack on our democracy. in the last debate, trump refused to acknowledge the outcome of the election. he has refused to say he will recognize the outcome of 2024. so of course we are deeply concerned. that's why we are saying early that regardless of the outcome of the election, we will recognize the next president of the united states. we will attend the inauguration and we will do everything we can
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to ensure calm. we need to start talk about that now. to your point, we can't wait until the night of the election when i fear that there will be people who won't recognize the outcome and will start ensuing violence, pursuing violence, that's what many of us are concerned about and want to get out ahead of this and make it clear that we recognize the constitution, the democracy. there is nothing partisan about the election process, the outcome of the voting. that is not a partisan issue. voting is not a partisan issue. we will recognize the outcome of the election. >> in a similar vein, a group of bipartisan former governors today on national constitution day pushing current governors to do the same. congressman lawler, my question to you, now the speaker of your party, mike johnson, were he to win again, were the republicans to control the house and he
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remains speaker on january 6th, speaker johnson filed an amicus brief after the election, asking the supreme court to essentially overturn swing state results. do you have faith that the speaker of your party will do his part to certify the results? >> yes, i do. speaker johnson is a constitutional lawyer by trade. he initiated an amicus brief. it is not something that i would have signed had i been there but that is a legal process and certainly the courts are a part of the process. that being said, we all have a responsibility to accept the results. come january 6th, 2025, it is my firm belief that once all options have been exhausted in the courts, which certainly legally available to any candidate, at a federal level, state level, local level, but once the elections are
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certified, it is the responsibility of congress to accept the results, certify the election and move forward with the inauguration of a new president. and i have confidence that speaker johnson will do that. i have had a conversation with him in the past about him and i am confident that he will do that. up next, new york times cooking editor, emily weinstein on the tenth anniversary of the wildly popular how to cook session of the paper. to cook session of the paper not often do you have a childhood dog that, that lives this long so i think it's really unique and special that we've experienced so many, so many things in life together. knowing that he's getting good nutrition and that he has energy is a huge relief for me and my dad. “such a good little bean.” we're so grateful to have had this time with him, so let's keep it going and make every day special. if you're living with hiv,
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yes? >> i take sugar in my tea. >> oh, you did. oh, dear me. one lump or two? >> two. >> tea, sugar coming right your way, dear. >> the water is boiling. >> sorry to frighten you, i must look like a yeti in the get up. this is part of my beauty regiment. it is basically egg whiteses, powdered sugar, and there you go, you have your cream and sugar now in the cup of tea. >> oh, my god, that was a clap
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from the 1993 film, mrs. doubtfire, offering a unique twist to serving hot tea. you will not find that specific recipe in the super popular new york times cooking section, you will find more than 21,000 different recipes in everything from sandwiches to stakes to desserts. and this morning, the times has narrowed that massive list down to their top 50 recipes of alltime. it is part of new york times cooking 10 year anniversary collection with a showcase of the best recipes they have ever published according to readers. which recipes made the list? we will find out. joining us is editor in chief of new york times cooking and food, emily weinstein, octer of cook book, easy week night dinners which goes on sale october 8th. good to have you.
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>> thank you so much. in the words of joe biden, this is a big cooking deal. you have this section -- first we have to talk about this section. "the new york times" is doing really well, despite what donald trump says. and it is doing well on the journalism side of things but people always talk about wordle or the other games that are also helping the business model. the quieter not so quiet star has also been the cooking section, the cooking app, the cooking community, and the firsttime i realized how big this was was a couple of years ago when i saw an instagram site, dedicated specifically to readers comments on your recipes. so talk about how big cooking has become for "the new york
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times" and this universe. >> the business model. >> the business model and also for fans and readers. >> you know, it it really has been a smashing success for "the new york times". you know, the news will always be the sun and "the new york times" solar system. but cooking has emerged as a beloved product, a real fan favorite. that's why we wanted to do this list the way we did it. a key word in the or phrase in the headline is according to you. we really wanted to center that community, that fan account on instagram. they put some of the most outrageous comments on our recipes. that community has its own meta fandom. we love this. and we want to pay tribute to it. >> yeah, we could get it through all of the recipes. i have to tell you the one that
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jumped out at me was the toll house cookie recipe. the salt, the sea salt, not an option to leave it off. it is the highlight of it. walk through -- the recipes are not just the most shared but they are also the most highly rated by readers. talk about how this list was developed, and why you decided to put it together now. >> sure, well, we wanted to do this for that tenth anniversary. we launched cooking ten years ago this week to the public. and in order to make this list, we looked at a bunch of different metrics. we wanted a meaty list, not just the ones that acued the most traffic over the time. we wanted tens of thousands of five star ratings, recipes that have tagen off on social media. and we wanted to look at recipes
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that had inspired some of the best comments, the comments that people love and keep coming back to. so we sort of looked at all of the numbers. we looked at all of the data, all of the posts that people loved. and then we sort of started cureating it. we put it together and that's how we arrived here. we wanted to showcase the recipes that have become iconic for nyt cooking, the plum torte, the recipes when you see the photo and think, i would make that, those are on the list. >> that's it for us this weekend. we are back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern to kick off a brand new weekend of morning joe. you will not want to miss that. until then, enjoy the rest of your sunday. , enjoy the rest o your sunday. good morning, it is sunday,
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