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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  September 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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thanks for joining us on "the beat." you can connect with me online at "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. tonight on "the reidout" -- >> you will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared.
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you will no longer be in danger. you're not going to be in danger any longer. you will no longer have anxiety from all of the problems our country has today. you will be protected and i will be your protector. >> trump's extremely weird pitch to win over women voters. the adjudicated rapist will be women's protector, just like he protected e. jean carroll, the three wives he cheated on, and the random women he grabs because when you're a celebrity, they let you do it. also tonight, the middle east is on the brink of a regional war with israel and hezbollah trading attacks. and the timing of this escalation is having an impact on the presidential race here at home. and we begin tonight with a stark historical parallel. the united nations as we know it now began to come together in the summer of 1945, with world
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war ii nearly over and europe in ruins in the wake of adolf hitler's six-year blitzkrieg across the continent that killed tens of millions of people, including the 6 million jewish men, women, and children trapped in concentration camps and shot, gassed, and starved to death in a campaign so barbaric it came to be known simply as the holocaust. but the origins of the united nations began in the weeks after the attack on the u.s. military base at pearl harbor, hawaii. by the empire of japan. it was after that that winston churchill visited the white house on the morning of january 1st, 1942. president roosevelt went to the room churchwill was staying in at the white house to say he wanted to change the name of the allied coalition from the associated powers to the united nations. as the world war ii museum notes, churchill approved of the change, and the name united
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nations stuck. later that very same day, representatives of 26 countries signed the declaration of the united nations and 21 more countries formally joined the alliance prior to the end of the second world war. the u.n. officially began in october 1945. and every american president since then has addressed its general assembly. today, president biden, who has been in politics longer than almost anyone alive, addressed the gathering for the fourth and final time as america's head of state. >> i decided after 50 years of public service it's time for a new generation of leadership to take my nation forward. my fellow leaders, let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power. >> for all his sincerity, everyone listening in that room knew that president biden is a lame duck. he will no longer be president as of noon on january 2025.
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so i would imagine many of those assembled ambassadors had to be wondering who will we be dealing with next year, and what world will we be navigating? will it be a kamala harris world, a world where she's vowing to defend our global alliances and to be the president of all americans? her campaign is out with a new ad today reaching out to republican farmers in pennsylvania. or will it be the world of donald trump? who it's not clear knows the difference between the american state of georgia and the country georgia, given his recent comments at one of his increasingly insane rallies and whose later pronouncements have grown even more bizarre and unhinged, building a dystopian vision of america is is an unmitigated hellscape where you can't walk out of your home without being raped or murders by black and brown immigrants walking through town like the walking dead, raping, killing. donald trump, particularly when surrounded by his maga flash
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mob, and even in friendly right wing media interviews, is officially sounding more and more like the man the united nations was created to respond to. adolf hitler. with his recent comments that the jews will bear a lot of blame if he loses the election and now his comments about how he would conduct his mass deportations of immigrants. >> we're getting the criminals out and we're going to do that fast. we know who they are, the local police know their names and their serial numbers. they know everything about them. we're not a dumping ground. we're going to get all those people out and we're going to get them out fast. >> it's one disgusting thing to say in an interview, you plan to give immigrants serial numbers like in the old nazi concentration camps, but what makes it even more hitlerian is not just how he says it, but how his cult reacts. >> do you think springfield will ever be the same? the fact is, and i'll say it
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now, you have to get them the hell out. you have to get them out. i'm sorry. get them out. can't have it. can't have it. they have destroyed it. >> your periodic reminder that trump and jd vance's claims about springfield originated from literal neonazis. it's al worth noting vance once called trump america's hitler. and as catherine rampell notes in "the washington post," it is donald trump who seems intent on making the hitler comparison happen. quote, in recent weeks the republican presidential nominee and his running mate senator jd vance have ramped up their baseless claims about violent invasions from unpure foreigners echoing blood and soil style
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rhetoric deployed nearly a century ago. he's doing it in the face of a reality in springfield, ohio, where he and vance have caused harm to the whole city at the behest of neonazis who are happily taking credit for the real power donald trump has given them. but here's the reality about trump's dystopian america. it doesn't exist. the fbi showed that violent crime was down 3% nationally last year. murder was down nearly 12%, and rape decreased by 9%. meanwhile, in actual middle america, this is what's actually happening in springfield. >> just wanted to come down and support the haitian restaurant and the haitian people. >> we drove over here again to show our solidarity with the haitian community here. >> people aren't rampaging through the haitian community searching for their stolen pets. they're living their normal lives, and patronizing haitian restaurants to show love and
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solidarity. while donald trump and his beyond weird running mate try to set this country on fire. just so that trump can avoid going to prison. joining me now is former senator al franken of minnesota, host of the al franken podcast. paolo ramos, author of defectors, the rise of the latino far right and what it means for america. and dana milbank, "washington post" columnist and author of fools on the hill, the hooligans, sab atours, conspiracy theorists and dunces who burned down the house. both books were published today. i want to congratulate our authors here. i have my handy dandy copy of fools on the hill. i blurbed it so you know it's good. let me come to you at the table first. this is a man, donald trump, who hosted at his home, his personal home, a nazi sympathizer who was among those who stormed the capitol, those are the people he said he wants to pardon.
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he's called good people. this man's name is timothy hale case anelly. trump appeared on video at this event. that is the kind of people trump is now openly surrounding himself by, and now he's doing hitler talk openly on the campaign trail. >> you're right. and my colleague catherine rampell, what she said is right. he's not shying from these comparisons. he's inviting these comparisons. that was absolutely chilling, the litany that you just went through here. i think it's important to understand and why it should be particularly alarming to the world is donald trump is not happening in a vacuum. the autocrats are on the march. he just happens to be our aspiring autocrat here. whether it's putin in russia or orban in hungary, modi in india, or netanyahu in israel. there is a real struggle emerging here. and it's also somewhat related to what i have been writing about with the fools on the hill, because it's not just
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trump. it's the entire congressional party. the internationalist wing of the republican party, the kind that was interested in the u.n. experiment in the senate, it's on life support. in the house, it is absolutely dead. you're seeing it constantly in the disparaging of foreign aid, of nato, the inexcusable five-month delay of getting military aid to ukraine. which benefitted vladimir putin, of course. you're seeing this over and over again. and i think that's the truly alarming thing, is that if there is a president trump, there's nobody, no internationalist part of the party to push back against it anymore. >> senator franken, i think that is the challenge. it's the metastasis of this. it isn't just trump who is an oddball who thinks georgia -- he's not sure georgia the state and the country aren't the same thing. he's clearly a diminished person
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cognitively, but he's got a whole group of senators and members of congress around him that echo it as well, as the folks gather at the u.n., they have to understand that there's a 50/50 chance they'll be dealing with that cadre starting in january. >> yeah, and it gives nightmares to europe. if trump comes in, by all rights, he'll exit nato. he'll abandon ukraine. i mean, you know, he's putin's dream. and that's why we're getting russian propaganda targeted very finely with ai, this race, and it's very, very scary. >> you know, and paolo, what's even scarier, and another excellent book, i am trying to read all these books at one time. i read a little bit.
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yours is a beryllium tomeb. it gets into something that scares me a lot, which is this kind of open racism, this sort of almost kkk style rallying where people cheer, get them out, and you know, wave signs that say deport them all now, this is being picked up in some cases inside of the latino community. i want to just go here and let me play you what donald trump has said about venezuelans. because they're one of his target groups. let's listen to that. >> aurora, colorado, you saw that, where venezuelan gangs are taking over real estate. they have become real estate developers. how nice. they're taking over real estate, and they have weapons that even our military hasn't seen. who is giving them these weapons? aurora is a mess, the governor is a mess. the governor is a democrat, and he's a radical left democrat, and he's not too popular because they're going to take through a lot more than aurora.
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they're going to take over the whole state by the time they finish, unless i become president. they won't last long. >> despite the fact the way he talks, despite the fact he talks that way, he started with mexicans, he's on to venezuelans, you write and the quest to fit into this country could be increasingly driving some latinos toward extreme nativism because there's nothing more nationalistic than making migrants a sworn enemy of the white people. say more. >> it's alarming that we're staring at a presidential election where someone like donald trump, someone like who we just heard who refers to latinos and immigrants in such a grotesque way that he's polling anywhere close to 35% to 40% with latino voters. the same man that is promising to do mass, huge mass deportations, so i think what's important to understand is trumpism does have the ability to sort of tap into a racial and
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ethnic grievance that is familiar to some latinos. to a small but growing group of latinos. that is because if you look at the iteration of the latino voting bloc today, it's very different from what it was 20 years ago. we're talking about an iteration of the vote that is more americanized, that has assimilated, that is younger, that speaks mostly english. within that reality, there's a small group of people that are very scared that white america, that trumpism, will always see them, see us, as these perpetual foreigners, and to bring it back to what you just played, that fear is grounded in the reality that hate crimes against latinos in this country are steadily rising, and you know when they really, really spike and peak? when mainstream media, and when someone like donald trump says things like there's a caravan happening, and there's an invasion happening. so that turns into a segment of latinos who not only sort of really like the sort of anti-immigrant rhetoric, but in their quest to prove that they
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belong in this country, it turns into latino maga supporters. >> and you know, senator franken, what's really frightening about this is trump is tapping into sort of an i.d., an ugly thing that has always been in the country in some respects, turning that against black immigrants, turning it against brown immigrants. he's tapping into something. then there's the reality, where you have crime way down, where you have immigrants, 60% less likely to be incarcerated. 30% relative to u.s.-born whites. where you actually have numbers and data and real experiences and regular people going into haitian restaurants in springfield and being kind. like, it's so disconnected, the reality that he's created inside of his cult, including with some people of color and the real world. the real america. >> it's such a disgrace, what senator vance's part in this, which is he represents springfield. and the idea of starting to
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spread this about the haitians in springfield who are there, they're completely documented. they're completely there legally. and they lied about it and continue to lie and mislead people. and it's just a disgrace. and you know, i was a senator. this is not how -- this is not your job. your job is the opposite. >> yeah. and your job is the opposite in the house, too. and you write about this in your book. i'm going to read a few quotes. i spent half my day as speaker, the speaker of the house, and the other as a mental health counsellor, says mike johnson. we're a ship that doesn't have a rudder. we're a broken conference. this is the worst team i have ever been on. mike kelly of pennsylvania. clearly, there are people who are serious issues. mike johnson has also raised
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doubts about whether he would certify the election if he has the gavel. the world is watching us and seeing this. >> it is truly astonishing. it's historic even. we use that word loosy. in this case, it is. you look at the numbers. this congress is on course to be the least productive since 1860, when the union was dissolving into civil war. you know, the constant -- the constant turmoil over there, whether it's the botched impeachment, whether it's the 22-day shutdown of the house after they kicked out mccarthy to find a new speaker. they can't seem to get anything done, although they did apparently pass the gas stove protection act and the refrigerator freedom act, and named a couple of post offices. and it would be funny except that the things they have actually -- i mean, thank goodness they're incompetent because they voted to restore confederate generals' names on military bases, abolish the
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education department, most of them are on record supporting a nationwide abortion ban. you know, mike johnson right on down have voiced the racist great replacement theory. and on and on. so it's a blessing that they happen to be historically unproductive. but if there's a president trump and a speaker johnson, that's a different story. >> a different story, and paola, it's a different story particularly for people of color in this country. donald trump has said he can bypass congress and do his 200% tariffs which will double the price of everything and make this country unlivable for most people to afford, but this idea of mass deportation, the idea of rounding people up, this will be random. anyone who looks like you, who has an accent, is on the menu. >> exactly, and i think the problem now is we have normalized it. we have been talking about it for so long. people need to visualize what that means. this person is going to deputize policemen to round people up. to your point, the difference now is that we don't know
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anywhere, anymore, where donald trump is drawing the line. it used to be he just wanted to target undocumented immigrants. what we know now is he also wants to target legal immigrants and he also wants to target people who hold tps. will he also target the children of immigrants who are u.s. citizens? no one is safe under that dystopian story you just said at the intro of donald trump's world. no one is immune to that. >> i wonder if jd vance has thought about that given he's married to someone who is an immigrant whose parents are immigrants. people on the right who have spouses who are formerly undocumented. we could name a few of them. once it starts, it doesn't normally stop, and it doesn't end well. thank you, and congratulations to both of you on your books. coming up, the absolutely inane way republicans are trying and failing to appeal to women. with trump charged with sexual abuse, saying with a straight
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face that he's a protector of women. that's not even the craziest thing the republicans said yesterday. don't go anywhere. including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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i make this statement to the great women of our country. i am your protector. i want to be your protector as president, i have to be your protector. i hope you don't make too much of it. you will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared. you will no longer be thinking
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about abortion. it's all they talk about, abortion, because we have done something that nobody else could have done. it is now where it always had to be, with the states. >> yep, donald trump. the man who infamously said on tape that he doesn't even wait, he just starts kissing beautiful women who he said he can grab between the legs which it turns out is the exact thing he was found liable for doing to e. jean carroll who he raped and defamed, the man accused by more than two dozen women of sexual abuse or harassment and cheated on all three of his wives and mused about dating his own daughter. that man. that old, weird, adjudicated creeper. wants american women to believe he shall be our protector. and we no longer have to worry about being lonely if he becomes president again or even think about abortion because it is safely in the hands of the states. where he put it, and where it therefore belongs.
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i feel i can speak for at least half of the women in this country when i say no thanks, weirdo. his patronizing comments could have very well been pulled out of a scene from the handmaid's tale, but instead it's now becoming the republican party's insane standard pitch to women, just don't worry about it. and it's not just donald trump and cat lady harasser james david vance. listen to sherrod brown in ohio, bernie moreno. >> the left has a lot of single issue voters. sadly, by the way, there's a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women who are like, listen, abortion is it. if i can't have an abortion whenever i want, i will vote for anybody else. especially for women past 50, i think it's like, i don't think it's an issue for you.
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>> joining me now is amy allison, founder and president of she the people, and i am a woman over 50. and it sure matters to me, whether i can get an abortion or not, whether my daughter can get an abortion or not, whether she can get basic health care, whether she can have access to birth control, whether if she gets in a car accident but is pregnant she'll be treated at the e.r. or left to bleed to death, i care, and i think a lot of women over 50 care, too. your thoughts. >> we care. we care because it's health care, it's for the health of women. we also care because we have sons. i mean, this isn't just a women's issue. this is an american issue. and to the extent that health care and abortion plays a role in health care for all women, we care about that. and we want that freedom. and i think this is going to be one of those defining issues. >> we care because we have souls.
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and the reality is that the party that used to be called the party of lincoln which is now the party of trump, it's soul is missing. if you want to be crassly political about it, this is a losing issue in ohio. when they had the referendum to decide whether they wanted to keep abortion, it passed overwhelmingly, in the state of ohio. it was last year, they probably should have left it for november so they could make it help for the election. right now, bernie moreno isn't even beating sherrod brown. i can't imagine how he thinks saying stuff like that will help him do better. but my question is, how is it that we have gotten to the point where the republican party feels free to say that kind of stuff in front of women and what kind of women giggle and laugh about that? are they like fitting themselves for their red habits or do they think they'll be the ladies in the green, the wives of the commanders? is that's why they're laughing? >> what's interesting is that i think at this point, it's about
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control, and it's about the effect that patriarchy has on everyone, all genders, i mean, honestly, right now, we have to look at gender as being one driver for people's political actions, but being a woman doesn't guarantee that someone would fight for the freedom, as your were saying, of all women. i think we're at the point now where we're counting on people who have a value that expands beyond gender, that's around dignity, that's around equality, it's around justice. that leads to us supporting abortion, abortion rights, and who will go to the polls with that. the fact of the matter is that i think right now, we know that this is an issue that draws people together across backgrounds and across party. and the republicans don't -- they painted themselves into a corner. they don't know where to go, so trump with his comments today basically is trying to speak a
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lie into the wilderness and no one is really listening. >> yeah, respond to donald trump. i think one of the most chilling and gross things that i have heard in a long time is donald trump saying he'll be women's protector. this man has been an adjudicated sexual abuser. the judge said it was rape. he grabbed e. jean carroll by exactly what he said you could do when he said it on tape in 2006. this is someone who seems not to be able to sit by women in airplanes without reaching between their legs, that's the protector? the guy who wants to date his daughter. it's gross he still has women saying that's what i want. what is happening? what is wrong? i don't know, you talk. >> it's frustrating. it's frustrating. the thing i will say is that donald trump will not have the last word, not about our bodies and not about the future of the country. he simply will not have the last word. and i suspect the reason for all these years that he attacked the press, that he attacked people
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who were speaking from polls and from information and from fact is so that people question reality itself. i mean, his words themselves really call into question reality. like, am i hearing what i think i'm hearing? and i think we have to take a step back. >> yeah, but i want to play charlie kirk. this is somebody very popular with young men that listen to his podcast. here's charlie kirk talking about what would happen if his own daughter was raped. >> so if you had a daughter and she was 10 and she got raped, and she was going to give birth and she was going to live, would you want her to go through that and carry her rapist's baby? >> it's awfully graphic. >> it's a real life scenario. >> the answer is yes, the baby would be delivered. >> that's reality, too. >> yeah. that's his reality. and i will go back to -- we have
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40 days in this election. we have a lot of people who think like him who are willing to throw their own family on the alter of sacrifice, but we have so many more of us who know that is not the way we want the country to go. so when we're faced with this kind of cruelty, heartlessness, but also willingness, a bald-faced attempt to control women, the task we have is to ground ourselves in the values, american values, but also values as human beings, so we can do the right thing. >> let me really quickly put up the map of where there are abortion referenda in this country. they're all over the country including the state of florida, including missouri. this is something we can vote on, and the woman who is vying to be president of the united states, vice president kamala harris, has said she would support ending the filibuster to reground women's rights to their
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own body in the law. that's stuff to vote on. thank you very much. and coming up, the situation -- as the situation spirals out of control in the middle east, it might also be impacting our elections right here at home, exactly six weeks out from election day. one of the progressives trying to sound the alarm, former congressman andy levin, joins me next. s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪♪
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anyone's interest. even in situations that have escalated it, a diplomatic solution is still possible. in fact, it remains the only path to lasting security to allow the residents from both countries to return to their homes. >> president biden's unchanged views on the middle east are challenged by a dangerous new reality. more u.s. troops are headed to the region as israel dramatically expands its aerial assaults on lebanon with air strikes that killed nearly 500 people and wounded more than 1600 on monday. lebanese citizens are fleeing their homes amid fears their country will become the next ghazi. this while the west bank is exploding as armed right-wing settlers are expelling palestinians from their farms and even killing them while the idf looks on. on live television, heavily armed israeli soldiers raided
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al jazeera's occupied west bank bureau and handed the bureau head a notice to shut it down. a 26-year-old turkish american citizen was shot and killed by the israeli military during a demonstration against the expansion of settlements in the west bank. it should come as no surprise given all of that and on the ongoing hell in the region, that it's impacting american politics, especially with college campuses back in session. which is why former congressman andy levin of michigan is sounding the bull horn that the democrats must change course on mideast policy or risk losing michigan, and with it, the general election. joining me now is former congressman andy levin of michigan. good to see you back. thank you so much. i want to note that hillary clinton won michigan by just 10,704 votes in 2016. joe biden managed to win michigan in 2020 by 154,188
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votes. it's a narrow state because millions and millions of people voted in both of those elections. what are your concerns about how biden's approach to the middle east might be making a hillary clinton scenario more likely than a 2020 biden scenario? >> well, it's great to see you, joy. and actually, you know, as you remember, trump won in 2016 by the 10,000 votes. he won michigan -- >> sorry about that, but yeah, so narrowly, as you said, you had the vote count exactly right there. and then, you know, president biden, thankfully, won in 2020, but look, we're a state of 10 million people. 154,000 is not a huge margin. and so we need all the votes we can get. i, unfortunately, whoever wins the popular vote should be the president, but that's not our system. you have to win the electoral college. and it's just hard to see
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anybody winning the presidency, the electoral college, that is, without winning michigan. so there we are. and kamala harris needs to win michigan. and we are the most densely arab american state, proudly so. along with our jewish and other wonderful sort of tapestry of people here in michigan. and we have a lot of other muslims too. and we have a lot of young people. we have a big african american electorate who go to church, many of them, and their bishops, the ame bishops, you heard what they said about this. thousands of black pastors have written to the president saying, we have to change course. so joy, my point of view is just like, gee, i need kamala harris to win. we must win. but it's a lot harder here in michigan if you don't change course. i think she has a better
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situation than president biden did because people so personally, you know, associate him with this policy of supporting israel's war in gaza sort of full, no matter what, what they're doing, and now as you point out about lebanon. and i think she's spoken, right? at the anniversary of bloody sunday in selma, her emotions broke through. i was there in chicago when she accepted the nomination. and i think, you know, she spoke about how she wants to change things. but there hasn't been any substantive policy change. she hasn't said, well, under my administration, things will be a little different. that would be very helpful for those of us working so hard to get her a victory in michigan, because this is just such a terribly difficult issue. >> we know that the vice president harris' is exceptionally loyal to joe biden. and she's not going to break
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from his sort of policy ideas openly. it's just something that i think is unrealistic. do people -- you have been among the uncommitted folks. i have talked to as well, they're not against vice president harris. they want to support her. is there some middle ground between her suddenly breaking totally from biden, which she's just not going to do, and somehow expressing more revulsion at the deaths or something -- something that's in between that you think might move those folks? >> i absolutely do, joy. i think, so for example, she could say, like when i'm president, we're going to, of course, follow u.s. and international law, not just about the aid to israel, but all of our arms aid. i'm a former prosecutor, i'm a former attorney general, my administration is going to be all about the rule of law. if reporters say you're saying you're going to cut off all the aid to israel. say look, i'm not the president.
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when i'm president, we will review the situation. that would go a long, long way. she could say, look, i'm not an either/or type of person. i'm a both/and person, and we're going to keep israel safe and we're going to realize palestinial political and human rights. i think there's a lot she can do. i still hope she does more. we need to win michigan. >> maybe they'll be listening to your advice. andy levin, thank you so much. much appreciated. and coming up, brand-new reporting from our friend toure on what led to diddy's demise. we'll be right back. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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the arrest on sexual abuse and racketeering charges of sean combs sent shock waves through the hip-hop world and is sparking vigorous debates about who knew what, when, and for how long. combs insists he's innocent, but a judge rejected his bail proposal because he had concerned combs might try to tamper with witnesses. it involved the use of cassie ventura and others. according to friend of the show toure, who has new reporting on what led to the downfall of diddy, combs' descent into darkness was due in part to drug abuse. it's central to why he's now facing a mountain of drug charges. when he was with cassie, he
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dragged cassie down into addiction. after she left him, she went to rehab to get control of her life, which led to a process of healing, not just from the drugs but from the abuse. from there, she found the courage to speak out. joining me is toure who has been reporting about diddy on his substack, and on his toure show podcast. talk about more that you learned about what led to diddy's downfall. >> well, you know, cassie was recording an album for about ten years. she made a ton of songs, she made collabs. she had producers. she thought she was actually working on an album. that was ultimately a giant pacifier to keep her happy while diddy was actually using her for other things.never had a releas date. he was using her for that purpose. that is part of where you get into racketeering, that there are all of these people he is using in a business context to have her at his beck and call
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in this other nighttime context. it is really disgusting and he really robs her of her spirit and her time that she could've used to become a great artist. when can border passes away, and this is from a story i'm working on that will come out later this week, when kim porter passes diddy is so devastated that cassie is able to get away. she gets pregnant, gets married and then is in a supportive environment. her parents are around her. her husband. she has friends and goes to rehab and finds her voice to speak up for the person she used to be when she was under his control. when she gets to that place in her life she starts to speak up because there are so many people wanted to speak out against him and are afraid. when she finds the courage to speak up about her truth, then others are able to come forward and it all falls apart for him. >> racketeering implies more than one person involved.
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that is the question a lot of people are asking, who else is involved in this? >> there are other people within diddy's operation who we could point to is playing a major role as far as security, procuring things, as far as getting people into his orbit. i would imagine that many of those people are currently talking to federal law enforcement, trying to save themselves from going to prison. not everyone is talking, but surely some of them are. there are a lot of people lining up to tell the story, but i think a lot of the evidence will come from what he videotaped. that's going to be the thing. people think that is the thing that will get him out. no, he won't be able to say this famous person came to my party and did something bad. no, that's not how it goes. he's not going to be able to snitch his way out of this.
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>> you uncover the r. kelly situation. you interviewed r. kelly. we've seen the bill cosby situation and harvey weinstein situation and those are situations where you later found out everyone knew about this. it feels like this is another case where everyone knew, but no one said anything. no one stopped him. >> people who have been around him for a while say there was a winnowing of the community around him, where the people who might stand up to him were pushed away. the people who would say hey, that's not a smart idea. that's not in your best interest. they were pushed away. you have some people who will take advice and some people who won't take advice even though they think they are masters of the universe. he was one of those like elon musk, like donald trump, who will not take advice. so while he has going down there are probably yes men and women around him, but anyone who might say this is a bad
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idea, they are out of the circle. >> there you go. toure, great reporting. much appreciated. coming up, heartbreaking breaking news out of missouri where the state has executed merciless williams, who even some prosecutors suggested was wrongly convicted. we will be right back. back. (music playing)
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a bleak update to a story
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we brought you last night. the innocence project has confirmed that in the last hour, marcellus williams was executed by the state of missouri for his conviction in a 1998 murder that he insisted he did not commit. it comes despite strong opposition, including from a top st. louis prosecutor, as well as the family of the woman willis was convicted of killing. as questions surround the case that brought his conviction. williams attorneys claim the prosecution mishandled the murder weapon and had improperly struck prospective jurors because they were black. yesterday the missouri supreme court and governor refused to intervene and tonight the u.s. supreme court rejected two appeals to spare williams is life over the objection of the liberal justices, ketanji brown jackson, elena kagan and sonia sotomayor. this is not uncommon for this court. in the more than 270 emergency
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stay request on the supreme court docket since 2013, the justices have agreed to block an execution only 11 times. attorneys said in a statement earlier today, he has, quote, a kind and thoughtful man who spent his last years supporting those around him. we will remember him for his deeply evocative poetry and his love for and service for his family and community. the world will be a worse place without him. williams is the third inmate executed in missouri and the 15th in this country this year. he was 55 years old. he will never be older, because missouri is a state and we are a country that maintains a system of official killing without mercy, even amidst evidence of innocence. may god have mercy on us all. that is tonight's "reidout". "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in" -- >> te


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